Friday Night Lights s02e04 Episode Script


Get in the house right now.
What the hell are you doing? Get out now! I am your mother! Go to hell! I hit Julie last night.
What are you doing? I guess I feel closer to God if I'm with you.
Did you think that line was going to work on me? What if I told you I could make him go away and you could have your job back? I'd say you're crazy.
I wish I was the one who killed him.
Don't Don't say that.
If anything happens to you because of me, I would never forgive myself.
I'm going to Mexico.
I'm gonna have surgery.
I'll probably be walking next time you see me.
Mexico, huh? Can you get my money? Get my money.
All right.
Hello, Mexico! Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold up.
What? We're good.
Clinic's gotta be around here somewhere.
This is it, baby.
This is the place where miracles happen.
You ready for this? I'm ready for this.
I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous.
I mean, you know you know how long it took us to get here? I mean I'm sorry.
Whoever made the appointment made a mistake.
All right.
When's the doctor gonna be here then? Probably some time next week.
"Probably some time next " Probably some time next week? This is insane! What kind of office is this? This Six, relax.
You don't even know, like, really when he's gonna be here? Do you run this office or Look.
The doctor's on vacation with his family.
I don't know for sure.
Here's a card.
Call us in a week and we fit you in.
Westcott's on fire.
Hand off up the middle.
Big hole.
Oh! And another first down.
Pass! Pass! Garcia's back to pass.
He's got a man.
He's got it.
He breaks the tackle.
Oh! Touchdown, and Westcott goes up a bunch.
But did you see what happened? He threw it all the way and the other team made a touchdown.
Our defending champs are getting taken to the woodshed.
Saracen hands the ball to Williams again.
Oh! And again, he is hit by a wall of Westcott defenders.
That play just is not working.
Williams on the draw and he's hippity-hopping Oh! And he gets nailed.
They're keying on Smash.
Every play.
Every darn play.
Not much imagination.
Coach MacGregor might want to think Saracen! about trying something else.
His running attack with Williams is dead in the water and his team looks absolutely frustrated out there.
Huddle up! Let's go! Come on, now! All right.
Hey, listen up.
Pull a left draw to Smash.
This is retarded.
We're running the same play over and over again.
Hey, just run it.
Nobody wanna hear you talk.
Yeah, well, I think they got an idea we're about to run the ball.
You're not doing too well without Riggins here.
Well, this is not your call, is it? Guys! Come on! Clock's running! Let's do this.
Draw to Smash on one.
Ready? Break! Come on! Black 12! Hut! Saracen back to pass.
No, it's another draw to Williams.
And he has got nowhere to go.
Oh! And he is dropped for a loss.
And here come the Boo Birds.
Hey, hey, hey! The Dillon Panther faithful are not happy about this coaching situation tonight, folks.
Rightly so.
The nail that doesn't bend gets hammered.
Coach MacGregor has gotten pounded all night with his ground attack.
Our state champions of Texas have gotten their lunch handed to them on their home field.
This is a sad, sad state of affairs.
What are you thinking about, MacGregor? What a crock.
Pardon me? Don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining.
That's a good one.
We just feel like the team needed to go in a new direction.
After two games? Yes, sir.
After two games? Two games? This is We want to go ahead and pay you for the entire season.
Plus, we're gonna give you a severance package just to show you our good will.
I'll tell you one thing I'm really sorry it worked out this way, sir.
there ain't no good will in this room.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Taylor, you got a phone call.
Hello? Eric, it's Buddy.
How you doing? How am I? I'm in the middle of a damn game.
How'd you get this number? Oh, you know me.
Never mind that.
The eagle has landed.
You what? It's a done deal.
We fired him this morning.
Lyla Garrity.
Okay, guys.
Take it easy.
I apologize for our boys.
They don't get visitors that often.
And so those are just a few examples of why, um, it's helpful to make choices in our lives with Jesus in our lives.
Oh, man.
That's it.
Great, thanks.
Any questions? Yo, I got a question.
What color panties are you wearing? Ooh! That's very funny, Dobbs.
Very funny.
Five points.
There's more for the rest of you if you don't cut it out.
Calm down.
Yo, let me ask you a question.
Let me ask you a question.
I got a question.
If God's so great, then why do we have wars, huh? Did cat catch your tongue? I mean, look at Tony over there, right? I mean, why Why is Tony's parents drunk all the time? Beating on him and his sister? Um, well, uh, that's a good question.
Um I Um I just think that No disrespect, but you people are always coming in here, acting like you care, right? When the truth is, if you seen any one of us on the street, you'd just run the other way.
So who's winning? I don't know.
It's a tie right now.
So, um, I was wondering if you could take me driving.
I can't do it right this second, honey.
I'm sorry.
Mom, I got my permit.
I need to practice.
I'm aware of that.
But it's kind of like homework, you know? Like, you need to practice in order to pass.
I'm not gonna do it right this second.
Gracie is almost asleep.
I'm exhausted.
I'm watching your dad's game.
And I'm not gonna just drop everything every time you want me to go do something.
I'm sorry.
Why is it always about the baby, Mom? Shh.
I'm still here, okay.
You know that, right? You know, I'm still your daughter, too.
Just as much as little blob.
I'm aware of that, but you don't have to act like such a brat about it all the time.
Oh, I'm a brat.
Okay, so you're just gonna keep me locked in the house, not let me drive, not let me date who I want? I don't know what we're talking about.
You know what? I'm gonna go date the Swede just to spite you.
Oh, well, that's really mature.
I hate you.
Come Julie, come back here right now.
What are we watching right now, Six, for the past week? We're watching The $10,000 Pyramid in Spanish.
We have a bag of money.
We're in Mexico for a week now.
A bag of money.
No women.
No stories.
No memories.
Well, guess what, Riggs? You should've thought about all that before you jumped in a truck and came down to Mexico with me.
I'm down here for one reason.
That's to see a doctor.
This bag is not a bag of memories.
It's a bag of $10,000 for said doctor.
Okay? So, until I see said doctor, we're not going anywhere and neither is the money.
Yeah, you are.
I don't even need that.
Let's go.
Riggins, don't touch me.
Riggins, do not touch me.
We're going out! Riggins! Stop! We're going out! No regrets, Six! None.
Stop! Ah! Personal reasons? Yes, sir.
Well, you, uh You knew your wife was pregnant when you took this job, didn't you? Yes, sir.
That's true.
Look, Coach, I I don't want to leave you in the lurch.
I'm gonna be here the Rice game, Oklahoma State game.
I figure in the bye week, we can make the transition.
We take, uh We take Frank, put him up for quarterbacks.
I know it's your decision.
I'm just I was just thinking about it.
I think that might be a smooth transition.
You sure you want to do this? Coach, I have to.
All right.
Then you turn in your ID downstairs and I'll have Human Resources send over a termination package tonight.
Tonight? Yeah, tonight.
This isn't IBM, Coach.
I'm not interested in any exit strategies or transition plans.
If you want to go, go, and I'll deal with the situation right now.
So, good luck.
Hope you know what the hell you're doing.
That damn thing kept scratching up my favorite chair.
And, um, I told Landry, I said, "It's either me or the cat 'cause one of us has to go.
" That's when I initiated the, uh, outplacement procedure.
Yeah, that's what he's calling it.
Technically, Mr.
Puddles, If that's what you wanna call it, then you can call it that, was not all there.
Hello? Because whenever Wait.
Yo, hold up.
Hold on.
His name was Mr.
Puddles? Ironically, he was a she.
Yeah, go ahead.
Of course.
Once again, being a genius and everything, I still hadn't quite figured out the whole helshe You can flesh that whole genius thing out.
His bladder control, which is why Puddles.
Sorry, guys, I have got to go.
Uh, they just pulled a body out of the river.
Sorry, baby.
Save me a plate, okay? Tyra, it's good to see you again.
Landry, I'll talk to you later, bud.
Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty Blessed trinity Today, we're looking at guilt and redemption.
Sin and grace.
Consider the story of King David.
The beautiful Bathsheba catches his eye.
He commits adultery with her and decides he wants her as his wife.
This means getting rid of her husband, so David plans a conspiracy to ensure the husband's murder in battle.
He thinks he gets away with it.
But God sees and God knows.
I'm telling you it It was like everyone in the entire church knew.
You're just You're just being paranoid.
I'm not.
I'm not being paranoid, Tyra.
How would anybody know? This isn't some little thing.
This is ridiculous, me thinking that no one's gonna find out about this.
I know what I've gotta do.
It's just it's stupid for me to keep What are you talking about? I've gotta go turn myself in.
Explain to them this was just This was a huge accident and just hope that they take it easy on me because my dad's a cop.
Landry, that's not gonna happen.
What do you think they're gonna do? Why is that not Slap you on the wrist? I have no idea what else to do.
We're in this together, okay? I can't.
I can't keep doing this.
This is not just you.
We have no choice.
You understand? We have no choice.
We have no choice.
No, you're wrong.
We do have a choice.
I have a choice to turn myself in and that's what I'm gonna do.
You wanna spend the rest of your life in jail? No, I To spend the rest of my life in jail or what? What's the alternative? Spend the rest of my life like this? We're in this together, okay? It's us.
Pass, ma'am.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hey, um, if this is your escape plan, it needs work.
I was just kidding.
I heard you got out.
Yeah, I'm on probation now.
What are you trying to do? I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
Come on.
So what are you gonna do? Do you have any plans or anything? Not really.
All right.
Are you gonna go to school or I guess so.
Got to get a job, too.
I'm sure my probation lady will be all over my ass about it.
What do your parents say? Damn, you ask a lot of questions, huh? Sorry.
I guess I'm just interested.
If I tell you, will you shut up? I promise.
My parents are in Mexico.
They got deported two years ago.
Left me living with my uncle, who has a son, my cousin, my homey.
He was a real inspiration to me and taught me how to kill at selling weed to white people like you.
Well, maybe not you, but, anyway, that's how I got picked up.
Spent two years in juvie, blah, blah, blah.
And now I'm here.
You happy? Look.
Stop here.
I can take you in.
You don't wanna bring this car in here, believe me.
I gotta go.
Okay, well Wait.
Can I Can I get your number? Just so I can keep in touch.
So if this surgery's so great, why can't you just, uh Why isn't it okayed in the States? Because, like I told you, between Washington and the AMA, it's gonna take forever to get it legalized in America and I don't got forever.
All right? I don't even got a month.
I want out of the chair.
Yeah, but you're saying The parallel bars and that guy that could move his toes, you know I mean, that's Hey! Neither I want to know if any of those guys have walked again.
I can't hear you anymore! What are you doing? What are you doing? I was asking if any of these guys have ever actually walked.
Nobody else has walked yet.
It doesn't matter.
I told you, I'm a perfect candidate for this surgery.
I already started regaining feeling in my right hand.
All right? The other people couldn't feel anything.
The guy that's doing the parallel bars had no feeling in any extremity of his body.
Nobody else could even move a muscle In their arm before they saw him.
Now What? ID.
Wallet? Wallet.
Riggins, put those down.
He wants a beer.
Relax, Six.
No, just put them down immediately.
Just don't talk back to me right now, Riggins.
Here you go, sir.
Thank you, Officer.
Six, relax.
Yes, sir.
I've been through this before.
He's not even talking to anybody on the speaker.
He wants memories as well, Six.
He wants a night on the town.
He wants some seƱoritas.
I don't care.
What's it gonna take? What are you doing? What's it gonna take? You want some memories, right? SeƱoritas.
Whoa! Whoa! Cheers.
Go Cowboys.
Sweet, Six.
Took you long enough.
Now those gals are probably gone.
Shut your mouth, Riggins.
I should have left you in there all damn night.
Your sad, sorry ass.
I'm not supposed to be spending my money on your bail.
It's for my surgery.
Yeah, it's my fault we find the only honest cop in Mexico.
Shut your ass, Riggins.
You know this money's for my surgery.
It's not for your damn bail.
What's your problem, Six? You know what? I came down here for a reason, all right? And I know you think it's stupid, but guess what? It's not.
I never said that.
So you go ahead and go out and get loaded tonight and catch syphilis from whatever skanky jailbait random hooker or whore you can find on the street, but I'm going back to the hotel.
Can you at least buy me a couple tacos? Oh, oh, oh, could it be? Could it be? Guess who's home.
Julie! Dad's home! Jules? What's up? Hey, come here.
How are you? I'm good.
I'm good.
I missed you.
Good to see you, kid.
Hi, hon.
Hey, babe.
How you doing? Good.
How's my little one doing? She's good.
Gracie, congratulations.
You're getting bigger there.
Why is Buddy Garrity here? What's wrong, my child? Hey, Buddy.
Hi, Buddy.
Look what I found sitting in the road.
TAMl: Look at you.
Look what I found in the road.
Haven't seen you in a while.
I went and got it, put it in the truck.
Here it is.
Now, that's just a little Go to your mama.
Take ol' Stinky Dirty.
I'll be in for dinner All right.
in a second, babe.
Now, honey, you just got home, so y'all don't stay out here too long now.
I'll be in for dinner in just a second.
He just got home, Buddy.
Take care of the stuff I asked you to take care of.
Nice to see you.
I appreciate that.
Great to see you.
You, too, Tami.
Hey, man.
How you doing? Yeah, yeah.
Y'all don't be long now.
No, no, no.
What are you doing? You got me under surveillance? What, you been waiting at the beginning of the neighborhood or something and following me in here? MacGregor's gonna fight us on this.
Huh? Well, I just got the call and that's why I ran over.
Evidently, he's apparently got some lawyer and he refuses to sign anything.
So there's an emergency board meeting tomorrow.
What the hell you telling me? You telling me I don't have a job? No.
No, it's just, um It's just a little complication, that's all.
You understand I signed a no-compete, don't you? I can't take on any college jobs for two years.
You understand that, don't you? Well, yeah, that's standard.
" That's what you said.
You said, "It's a done deal.
" "It's a done deal, Eric.
That's what it is.
" I know.
I'm sorry.
What the hell happened to the done deal? I'm sorry.
It's just You're sorry? Now, we just got a little It's just a little hitch in our get along.
That's all it is.
Trust me.
I'm gonna do my best.
What about What about painting the garage? Dad's obviously never gonna do that.
The garage is fine.
There's gotta be something, Mom.
If he has a job, it helps him with his probation.
Okay, do you even hear what you're saying? I mean, this boy is an ex-convict.
All right? Mom, he's just a kid.
And you want him hanging around here with your brother and sister? It's not safe.
Oh, my God, Mom.
You don't even know him.
And neither do you.
I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but the answer is no.
I'm sorry.
All right.
Slow down a little bit.
Use your mirrors.
What's over your right-hand shoulder? Did you look? I looked.
Good job.
Thank you.
What's this about you and this Swedish kid? Wow, that was really subtle, Dad.
Did Mom even give you cue cards? No, this doesn't have anything to do with your mom.
She obviously has an opinion, however.
But this is me asking you.
I want to hear it from you.
Mom just doesn't like him because he's older.
How much older? Dad, it doesn't even matter.
How much older is he? It matters to me.
Mom has me on lockdown at our house, Dad.
Don't talk.
Your mother loves you very much.
She's just trying to take care of you.
You have bigger things to worry about, like your job.
Don't bring my job up.
I'll take care of that, all right? That's none of your business, my job.
Oh, your job's none of my business? You worry about the other things.
Don't give me that look.
Watch the road.
What's this about What's this about I hear you and this kid carrying on in the driveway? Oh, we're "carrying on"? Yes, carrying on.
We weren't carrying on.
Don't look at me like that.
I don't like the tone when you do Watch out for the road.
Keep your eye on the road.
Look out up here.
I'm keeping my You got this turn up here.
You need to get in the other lane.
This lane goes on to the highway.
You gotta get over to the right.
Get in the other lane.
Get in the other lane.
Watch out! Watch out! Look out for that! Damn it.
You almost hit this guy! Stop yelling at me! I'm not.
I can't drive when you're yelling at me! Look, just stay right where you are, all right? Just stay right where you are.
This is great.
We can do the operation on Thursday.
Those Texas docs nailed your fusion, so we can skip decompression and go right for the injections.
The stem cells? That's right.
Technically, they're embryonic stem cells, but the sharks don't seem to make the distinction.
Hang on.
Did you just You just said you're gonna give him a shot from a shark, Doc? Yeah, pretty cool stuff.
Sharks have one of the strongest immune systems in nature.
It decreases the risk of rejection and runaway cell growth.
Wouldn't want your friend here going all Jaws on us.
And again, uh, why can't they do this in the States? Because the FDA are a bunch of crybabies.
I don't even want to go out with him, man.
Everyone's just gonna think that I jock Smash as much as Smash jocks Smash, and I don't.
Like, we all know that I don't, so what's the point? He used to be cool and now Would you just go out with Smash's girls? I mean, you need some kind of a rebound to get over Julie 'cause obviously it's affecting you.
I'm telling y'all.
It's a gold mine.
What do you think people would pay? What wouldn't they pay, real question? Right.
Hey, space cadet.
Working on a business venture here.
If that's what you want to call it.
Look, I just don't see anybody paying y'all to walk around their lawns naked.
Half-naked or whatever you want to call it.
We're not walking around their lawns and you're being a snot.
None of it.
None of it.
You've come up with all of this on your own? Smash talking in the locker room.
What's the deal? Eh? One loss, and y'all quit practicing? Oh, man, come on We're just kidding, man.
I mean, we lost What's up, baby? the same game last year, too, and, you know, look, that worked out okay, so You know, we don't want to get too cocky.
All right, y'all be good.
All right.
Y'all enjoy your See you.
Sorry, dude.
It's just bringing me down.
What is the matter with you, man? You okay? What's wrong, man? You look like you're about to throw up.
I'm just Something's wrong with my My burger.
It don't taste I'm fine, though.
No, ma'am.
No, that is incorrect.
On the issue of cause for termination Cause? Wait.
What cause? Nobody ever gave a reason.
Excuse me.
We had a student get injured.
Had to go to the hospital from a practice session that went over time limits.
Oh, come on.
That was against the rules.
Come on.
He got a little overheated.
They gave him some fluids and he was fine.
We're talking about Tim Riggins.
Everybody knows Tim Riggins.
He was probably hungover.
It's an excuse which you all have just dreamed up in order to justify the lynching of my client.
Coach MacGregor was fired because we simply do not like the way he has abandoned our tradition here in Dillon.
He has come in, he has changed practices, closed them down.
He is not attending the Booster Club meetings.
He has changed the pep rally.
And he's managed to destroy our record-setting offense in a very short period of time, which has angered many parents and many fans.
Not to mention the players.
I believe I saw our quarterback and our star running back in a fistfight at the end of the game the other night in the middle of the dadgum football field! It was in a game you won, Buddy.
That's not the point, Barbara.
That's not the point.
You, being from Laribee, wouldn't understand that here in Dillon, we win seasons.
We don't win games.
State championships.
Unfortunately, Coach MacGregor was not getting the job done.
We fired him.
End of story.
And you're speaking for everybody here? You bet your ass I am.
Uh Well, it's undermining me, is what it is.
It's not undermining you.
How am I undermining you? Well, you were coming in here I'm just You don't know how it's been, sweetheart.
She has been horrible.
She has treated me horribly.
I know I haven't been here.
I know I don't know what's going on.
But please, let's start new.
Let's just talk to her.
Come on.
Julie? Jules? Please come in here, please.
Yep? Hey, good morning, kiddo.
Good morning, sunshine.
Good morning.
Your mother has something that she wants to tell you.
Your father and I have been talking and I have We have together very, very, very tentatively decided that you are not going to be grounded.
What's the catch? The catch is no catch other than you need to behave like I know you know how to.
There's four of us in this family and you need to respect that.
Thank you.
Oh! Oh, by the way, congratulations, Dad.
It's all over the paper.
What is? What's in the paper? Bring it in here.
Bring the paper in here.
All right, all right, all right.
Ow, Jesus.
TAMl: See.
Right on that line.
Right there.
No, no, no.
First of all, you have to Remember, you have to go forward to the car and back into it.
Watch it.
There's a car right there.
You just You would have hit that car.
Honey, you need to pull outside the car and then back up.
I'm backing up.
All right.
Now pull forward to the side of the car and then back to the curb.
Side of the car.
Look at me go.
Woo, back to the curb.
Honey, you're not even listening to me.
I am listening.
You're telling me Just turn the car off.
Just turn the car off.
Let's just take a break.
Let's just sit for a minute, all right? Listen.
I need to talk to you about something.
When I was younger, there was a guy.
His name was Doug Odom and he was a lot older than me Mom, don't do this.
Just listen, all right? Please? Thank you.
And I was obsessed with him.
We went to this party once on Fourth of July, and it was him and all his fancy friends and Anyway, I slept with him that night and that was the first time I'd ever slept with anybody.
And I woke up the next morning and I thought maybe we were gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend.
And I saw him that next day and he treated me like I didn't really matter.
Like what happened didn't really matter.
You know, you're spending all this time with this boy who doesn't seem to have a name.
And I know you like him and I know you think he likes you.
His name is Anton.
And he does like me.
Well, he doesn't love you.
And that's the difference.
Bye, y'all.
Bye, Dad.
See you, Dad.
That was fun.
See you next week.
See you, Tab.
Remember what I said, Little Bud.
Did you have fun? Yeah.
How are you? I'll be in in a second, okay? Okay.
I need to talk to you.
Has Lyla talked to you at all about this boy? No.
We, uh We're sort of in a feeling-each-other-out mode right now.
There's not really a whole lot of sharing going on.
Well, let me tell you where she met him.
She met him in prison.
Okay? At some counseling session for Christ Teen Messengers.
Pam, we've had this talk before She wanted me to hire him.
Okay? And when I said no, she called me un-Christian and just walked out.
Can you believe that? Huh.
She's trying to find him a job? Yes.
I mean, can you imagine this ex-convict in our house with the kids and me there all alone? It's not right.
Tell you what, I'll handle it.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Santiago, you ever had any sales experience? Not really, sir.
Oh, well, you ever work on cars? You ever do any mechanic work? I usually take the bus.
Take the bus? Well, he had a job last year, right? Doing dishes? Yeah, I had a job last year.
Doing dishes, like she said.
Well, that's something.
I mean, I know it has nothing to do with cars, but at least it shows he's responsible.
Can Can I talk? Yes, sir.
Please do.
This is an interview.
I'd love for you to talk.
Look, I know I don't have no experience, sir, and I'm guessing she probably told you I've been in juvie.
So I don't mean no disrespect to you or nothing like that or to this place, but I have to get a job, sir.
If I don't get a job, they're gonna send me back to State and I don't wanna go back to State.
So I'll do anything that you ask me to do and I'll try not to mess it up too bad.
I promise.
I promise.
I appreciate that.
And if Lyla vouches for you I do.
I'll go with you.
I'll do it.
I'll give you a job, um, in the parts department.
It's only eight-fifty an hour and you have to work on weekends.
That sounds great, sir.
Thank you.
Oh, sorry.
We're supposed to hang out, right? Uh, yeah.
Come on inside.
Come on.
Your phone was ringing.
My what? Your phone was ringing.
Oh, well, it was probably just Jonesy.
I told him we were going to Dry Creek and he got a little excited.
What's Dry Creek? What's Dry Creek? You know, it's, uh It's got foosball, you know? And And I don't know, two-for-one beer night, and I think Kennedy and Price are gonna join us down there.
So Jonesy called Spike and Spike called Spencer and Is there something wrong? Yeah, um I just, um I'm just feeling really sick and I think I should go home, okay? Yeah.
Um, but, you know what? Have fun and, um, I'II Hey, hey, you need a ride home? It's okay.
I got it.
Hey, babe.
Hey, how was your night? Jules? Jules? What happened? You all right? Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
So this is yours.
All right.
So now you wanna drink a week later Look after I've been boozing all week.
Come on.
They got a picture of John Wayne on the wall.
Let's Let's toast to the Duke.
Here we go.
Here's to J.
Here's to J.
Cheers, my friend.
Let's go.
Round two.
All right.
Round eight soon enough.
Round two, right now.
To walking.
To running.
Is this in English? What do you got, Six? Mexico! Riggins! Clear eyes, Timmy! Tomorrow's a big day for me, folks.
It's a big day.
You know why? I'm gonna walk-a I'm gonna walk-a I'm gonna get out of my chair And I'm a run-a, and I'm a run-a And I'm a get right out of there Because Dillon sucks, folks.
Dillon is an awful place to be and I want to walk away.
And tomorrow, I'm gonna do it.
Listen to me.
No, I'm serious! No, I'm serious.
I'm serious.
Tomorrow, I'm getting a I'm getting shot up I'm getting shot up right in my spine And it's gonna make me walk again, folks! You don't even know what I'm saying, but you believe me.
I believe it, too.
Timmy, you believe it, don't you? Mexico! Yeah! Yeah.
I'm gonna walk, Timmy! Timmy, I'm gonna walk again! It'll be great.
What's up? I just got a call from the Dillon police.
What did they want? Well, why don't you tell me? I really don't know.
But we have to go down there right now, so get dressed.
We pulled a body from the river a few days ago.
Male, Caucasian.
I need to ask you a couple of questions about it if you're ready.
We found this in the wallet.
Do you recognize this person? Yes.
How do you know him? He, um He attacked me.
He tried to He tried to rape me.
What? Honey, what? I'm sorry, I Why didn't you tell me? What? Tyra, stay Stay with me, now.
Is this the man who sexually assaulted you in the parking lot of the Alamo Freeze last November? Yeah.
All right then.
I really want to thank you ladies for coming out like this.
Is that it? Yes, ma'am.
You did a real good job on your description.
We matched it with the sketch this morning.
Here's your sketch.
This boy was wanted for rape in two other states.
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry, Mama.
You can rest easy now.
We're gonna close this case.
There'll be someone to show you out, ladies.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I know it's some kind of experiment where they're injecting him with shark blood and it's supposed to make him walk again.
Tim, are you drunk? No, Lyla.
I'm not drunk.
Maybe I'm not explaining this very well, but I don't know.
All this medical stuff is just over my head.
You know, Jason's parents are worried sick.
Yeah, well, I am, too.
He might actually go through with this.
So what am I supposed to do? Come down here.
Help me.
Help me talk him out of it.
Come to Mexico? Are you out of your mind? Hello? I swear Jay's gonna die if he goes through with this, Lyla.
I haven't asked for anything from you and I'm asking you to come down here and help me help J.
He's not listening to me.
Help me.
Let me tell you one of my favorite things about myself.
But Gracie will start.
Start telling her.
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
'Cause you tell her every five minutes.
You're filling her head full of it.
Yeah? Hey, Coach.
Coach, how you doing? I was filling up the truck, I was rolling out of town, and I just thought I'd come by and, uh, congratulate you because it worked out just the way you wanted.
How's that? How's that? You know, Eric, I've been a coach a long time.
I've been fired before and I'll probably be fired again.
But this is the first time I've been screwed by another coach.
Well, now just wait a second here.
I know you were involved in this thing, okay? I don't appreciate that accusation right there.
It's the truth and you know it.
I don't appreciate that.
You're not gonna lie to me here at your doorstep, are you? I don't think you are.
I know you were involved in this thing and maybe you had your reasons, maybe you didn't.
But I want you to know that I have a family, too, and you just remember that.
I'll be seeing you again.
Listen up.
We got Westerby in two days.
I know y'all don't want another loss pinned on your asses.
Quarterbacks and receivers are gonna be with me today.
Linemen on the boards with Mac.
Any questions? No, sir.
What's that? No, sir.
I didn't hear you.
No, sir! All right.
Let's go.
Let's have some fun today.
Let's get out there! Teens spend a lot of time learning how to drive.
But it is just as important to learn how distractions like using your cell phone or piling all your friends in your car can have serious consequences.
Make sure your trip is no accident.

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