Sky Rojo (2021) s02e04 Episode Script

The Night We Were Dead

I can't go on.
You do it.
No. No, no. No, no, no.
I've already lost a lot of blood.
I'm already dying anyway.
So really, this is just a mercy killing.
What's wrong with you, Coral? Huh?
What's wrong with you two?
We managed to get out
of a trafficking network.
We fired guns.
We managed to bury a guy, too.
Did you even think we'd be able
to do something like that a few days ago?
So I don't wanna hear
about anyone giving up.
Am I clear?
None of us.
Let me out!
- You're not gonna get us out like that.
- We don't know that.
I can't just give up like that.
We can't give up until the end.
Down here!
Can anyone hear me? Please!
Down here
Hey, Moi. Want a hit?
- I did what I had to do and I dumped her.
- The secretary?
Yeah. She was very important to my boss,
and he's basically a brother to me.
And because of that,
I had to dump her, but I'm not at peace.
I'm not at peace.
I'm 10,000 fucking miles away
from being at peace, Iris.
I need you to help me. Help me out here.
You won't get any drugs today.
Your pupils are already enormous.
I need them, Iris.
No, I don't think you do.
Then what should I do?
To know what your anchor is, Moisés.
Only then can you be at peace
and be yourself.
Peace doesn't lie in drugs.
It lies in making the right choice.
And it would seem
whatever you did for your boss wasn't it.
Why don't you go home and get some sleep?
- You'll see things more clearly tomorrow.
- But today?
Take your time with it.
It's a learning process.
Almost anything in life can wait.
Hi, Mama.
- Hello.
- Hi there.
are you a homosexual?
What are you saying, Mom?
That thing with the guy was just a joke.
I just want you to be happy, sweetheart.
I am.
Occasionally, like everyone.
But I'm happy.
But, um,
why don't you ever have a girlfriend?
I don't know.
I guess you come in here when you're 15,
and you fuck one girl,
then you fuck the next.
And you think that you're amazing,
'cause you don't even have to
seduce anyone.
Or bother chatting with them.
You got what you want.
And you know what, Mama?
At a certain point,
you don't see them as people, you know?
I don't know. It must be the pimp's
post-traumatic stress disorder.
And I don't know that there's a cure
for this type of crazy.
But I'll work to do better for you,
all right?
To have a girlfriend.
To move slowly.
Go to the park, take her to dinner
And when I get this crazy out of my head
and I'm cured,
you'll get
to walk me down the aisle, Mama.
Because I wanna live a proper life.
Like God intended.
I swear to you.
I just really wanna go to Paris.
That's gonna be 23.50.
- Papa!
- Papa!
Yeah, Daddy's home.
Well, well, well
Look who's finally here.
Cookie Monster needs some cookies.
Romeo tried to make it
just another ordinary evening.
But the usual Cookie Monster impression
while on drugs, drunk,
after a cardiac arrest,
and erect because of the pills
left an awkward atmosphere.
Go upstairs, girls. It's time for a bath.
Don't worry, girls. Daddy's fine.
- Go upstairs. Go on.
- Daddy's just fucking great.
Sir, are you OK?
I just lost the love of my life.
The second one.
In the space of 48 hours.
Romeo thinks you all died.
He can't find out about this.
No more thefts, no more chases,
no more hunting, all right?
From now on, you guys stay off the radar.
You'll spend the night in a hotel.
Tomorrow at 7:00 a.m.,
you'll take the ferry to Cádiz.
Don't ever come back here.
But why did you rescue us?
My brother.
He's right.
We need to start a new life.
Do things properly, start from zero.
Open the glove box.
Take some tissues and wipe your face.
We need to look like regular people.
Good evening.
I'd like to get a room, please.
- For how many people?
- Four people.
- How many nights?
- One.
For now.
It's my bachelor party, you know.
Pretend to be hookers.
Now that's a sick fucking joke.
There's a 500-euro deposit on it.
- I don't want any damages in the room.
- All right.
I imagine I should probably thank you
for saving my life.
But then again, you also tried to kill me,
so there's that.
- You did it too.
- Not the same.
I only wanted to abduct you
and give you back to Romeo
when we were free and clear.
But burying us in cement. Now that's
So what now, hero? Hmm?
Should I kiss you as our rescuer?
Or hate you for being a killer? Tell me.
Smell me.
Do I smell like a rotting electrician?
I hear the music.
I think they play it
so we can't hear people fucking.
I just love romantic hotels.
I'm leaving with my mother and my brother
for Namibia in the morning.
Why don't you come with me?
Family trip to Namibia
What's in Namibia?
Cheetahs. And a big fucking desert.
Lots of tourists.
We can hire a taxi.
And maybe go surfing.
Oh so tempting.
We can start from zero.
And you could stop living like this,
all junked up and shit.
You say that 'cause of these?
I can give it up whenever I want.
Is the time now?
How much longer
will you let yourself free fall? Huh?
You were with a man who abused you
for 15 years.
And then you spent another year
fucking strangers in a brothel.
How much longer will you hurt yourself?
Until it's irreversible?
You deserve a better life, Coral.
You'll give me it now?
The chivalrous hero who took me
to bachelor parties and went surfing
while four guys fucked me in my asshole?
And then I would call you,
and you would pick me up.
And we would kiss
in the back seat of your car
as if we were
in a beautiful love story together.
The junkie and the pimp.
That's OK for a reality show,
but I don't wanna settle down
and go shopping on Fridays.
Or whenever the fuck people go in Namibia.
Find another hooker to rescue, hon.
This one rescued herself.
I'll go, then.
I have to go cover the hole
and leave it as it was,
in case Romeo wants
to lay flowers on your grave.
I guess I won't be seeing you again.
One can hope.
I won't see you again.
Remember that time ♪
We settled for anything ♪
And we didn't have to go back ♪
We were rebellious ♪
We felt life ♪
Through every pore of our skin ♪
Hands up!
Drink something. Drink one, drink one.
- Make room for me.
- No, no.
You're crazy, Coral.
Every hooker dreams
she could stop being one.
They fantasize about being plucked out
of poverty like in Pretty Woman.
Someone offering you a new life
without drugs, alcohol, or violence.
But who could have an ordinary life
after living like this?
After systematically saying "yes"
to any stranger.
"Yes" to dropping your panties.
"Yes" to being humiliated.
"Yes" to pretending to enjoy
a life you don't.
Who could jump to a new life
and not feel the panic
of never being able to be normal again?
Good evening, ma'am.
We're here to take you out
for dinner tonight.
Beefcake, where are you taking my mom?
Hey! I said where
are you taking my mother?
Get away from me with that hard-on.
The past
is like a fucking boomerang.
Just when you least expect it,
it smashes your face in.
That's why it's not easy
to stop being who you are.
Especially for someone
who has lived in captivity.
Are you joking? These are the clothes
we wear as new women?
Come on. I got it from the club.
I had no time to pick outfits.
What's wrong with them?
I think they're cute. Look. Ooh!
Me too.
We may be dead, but at least we're sexy.
Girls, we've only got 300 euros.
Just enough for the ferry.
What really upsets me
is that we still lost.
We almost make it
and then the Road Runner beats us.
Now we have to live
with our tails between our legs
while Romeo
goes on exploiting girls at his club.
So we almost managed to get things right.
And we failed.
But I won't be failing again.
What are you saying?
Taking down Romeo.
About shattering him by taking away
the only thing he cares about.
His fucking money.
Are you fucking nuts, Coral?
But really, if we manage to stay dead,
it gives us a better shot
of staying alive, don't you think?
Nobody is going back to the club
to steal any money.
We can't risk being seen.
We're not going back to the club.
Because what we're gonna take
is much bigger than a fucking safe.
Each month,
Christian and Moisés
go to each club, one by one,
and pick up Romeo's earnings
from all of them.
Thousands of euros they put in sacks,
which are then put inside a van,
they take it to Madeira
to launder all that dough.
OK, but Moisés can't just run into us,
I mean, right?
- He said we had to get off the island.
- Gina.
Moisés won't be there
'cause he'll be in Africa.
You won't be there
because you're pregnant.
And you won't be there
because you're injured.
So I'll go.
And then you'll both get your share
when you get to the mainland. Easy.
You're not going alone.
This doesn't even fucking hurt anymore.
Either we're all in or no one.
Do you want me to collect today
or wait until tomorrow?
What did you do to my brother?
He called me from the emergency room.
These motherfuckers broke his nose.
Where is my mother?
Calm down, OK?
Your mother's just fine.
I sent her off to a nursing home.
An old ladies' place called The Hit Men.
Come on, Moisés.
I started this journey with you.
When we buried your father,
who you, rightly or not,
I'm not even gonna get into that,
had murdered.
And then I made you my partner.
My friend.
My brother.
I gave you money for you to launder
and to look after it.
I trusted you to bring me those girls,
didn't I?
And now that the shit's hit the fan,
you're telling me you're leaving?
That you want a new life?
What the fuck's wrong
with everyone lately?
Just hating their lives all of a sudden.
Now everyone wants a shake-up but me?
I want my old life back, Moisés.
I want my clubs. I want my bitches.
I want my wife and my friends.
You can't keep us here, Romeo.
My brother and I are not your property.
I know that.
You aren't my property.
You and your brother
are my fucking family. Am I clear?
You are my family.
And family does not walk out
and leave the rest of us with this mess.
That's three missing girls,
a man dissolved in acid,
and a fucking electrician. Got it?
You fucking buried them.
Nobody will ever find them.
Well, just in case
you'll stay here with me, Moisés.
Until those crimes expire.
And you'll do that for the family.
So that we can all be together
and in good health.
And so your mother can sing
Christmas carols for us next holiday.
The road that leads to Bethlehem ♪
Goes down to the valley
That's covered in snow ♪
The little shepherds
Want to see their King ♪
They bring him presents
In their humble pouch ♪
Rum-pum-pum-pum, rum-pum-pum-pum ♪
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