The Gifted (2017) s02e04 Episode Script


Anyone can stand up to an enemy.
I need people who are strong enough to stand up to their friends.
Any of you ever heard the name "Reeva Payge"? She had taken over the Inner Circle.
- So help us stop her.
- There is a mutant.
Goes by Erg.
Nothing happens in town he doesn't know about.
- And he'll help? - He might.
I talked to Erg.
He said that the Frosts were tapping into a data cable under the Health Department.
What's going on? I've been getting the headaches since Andy left.
I don't know what's happening.
When I touch things, they've been crumbling.
You could have come to me.
This is different.
It had to be mutants.
- There's no other explanation.
- Jace, I am begging you.
- You have to move on.
- I made some calls.
Sentinel Services, they gave me the rundown on you.
Frivolous reports about dead They're not dead! I just saw them.
Turner, it's time for you to go home.
It was weird.
Didn't feel like a dream.
You saw Andy? - He looked older, different.
- Lauren! Andy, get back! Mr.
and Mrs.
Strucker, I'm afraid I have some bad news.
The prognosis is worse than we expected.
Okay, so what's the treatment? What are our options? Your liver function is already seriously affected.
And I'm afraid we don't have many options besides termination.
Oh, God.
But she's five months pregnant.
There must be something.
I'm sorry, Mr.
At 20 weeks, the baby isn't viable.
And carrying it to term is very risky.
No, this this is crazy.
I know it's difficult, but you have to understand.
The pain you're experiencing will get worse.
There could be severe bleeding, seizures.
But there, there ha There has to be a chance.
A successful pregnancy is technically possible.
But there's a much greater chance of death for you, your baby or both of you.
Honey I am so sorry.
Reed, I'm not gonna do it.
- But you heard the doctor.
- Yes, I did.
And I'm not gonna lose this baby.
You have to consider your health.
And Lauren we-we don't have to decide this right now.
I have already decided.
I am not giving up on our son.
He's gonna make it, and he is gonna be amazing.
Just like our daughter.
All right.
All right, then.
That was delicious.
It's been an eventful week.
I thought I'd make something special.
Or at least burn something special.
Lauren, your mom and I have been talking, and I'm gonna discuss my powers with John, see if I can figure this out.
We want you to know we're also thinking about you.
You don't need to.
I'm fine.
Hey, you don't have to be fine.
I realized, I have been so focused on getting your brother back We never considered what finding Andy might mean to you.
Your dad told me about what you said.
The reality of what you can do together My situation with my powers has opened my eyes to how terrifying it is for you.
What we're trying to say is we're sorry, honey.
I'm sorry, too.
All this time, I've been so scared of what happened, of the dreams, what I thought they meant.
But I think I was wrong about them.
How do you mean? I think the dreams are telling me I need to be the one that brings Andy home.
You guys need to understand what we're up against here.
It's not just the Frosts.
This woman Reeva, she's she's powerful.
I mean, she's got a hold on Andy and Lorna that's greater than anything I thought possible.
Andy's 15.
She's probably giving him whatever he wants.
Of course he's caught up in this Caitlin, I saw him.
I talked to him.
I'm telling you, he's a believer.
And with Lorna, she, uh She looked me in the eye, and she told me she loved me, and that whatever they're doing matters more.
Then we need to find out what that is.
How? We've been following them for six months, and all we know is they're well-hidden and well-funded.
Well, we also know that they like destroying stuff and killing people.
But we can't just sit on our hands waiting for them to make a move.
She's right.
We know they were hacking into data cables.
Maybe we can go to Wire.
See if he can I don't know Hack the system, - find out for us.
- He nearly killed you and my mom.
I mean, last time I checked, he hates you.
You really think he's gonna cooperate? Well, if he doesn't, we'll have to find a way to make him.
Okay, that's dark.
If anyone has a better idea, I'd love to hear it.
Hey, John? Can I have a word? What's going on? I need your help with something.
You know my father's experiments? When he tried to suppress the effects of the X-Gene in me? Yes.
It seems that he wasn't entirely successful.
What? You're manifesting powers? When I've been touching things.
They've been beginning to crumble and fall apart, and when it happens, it's destructive.
I-I have no control.
Okay, well, it's not unusual to feel like Believe me, it doesn't feel usual.
I don't know if it's related to what my dad did, but the headaches, the way the power accelerates Yeah, you need, you need training.
But I don't have time for that.
I just need it to stop.
You can't, all right? Your-your powers they're a part of you.
They're linked to your deepest emotions.
Well, then if I could control them No, no.
I've seen people try, all right? Anxiety medications, tranquilizers It's gonna work for a little while, - but you're always - That's all I need.
I just need some time until everything calms down.
You don't want to go down that road, okay? Trust me.
You need training.
- If this is happening - John! We're ready.
Let's go.
You go.
You go.
We can, we can talk about it another time.
It's good.
I hated this idea even before I saw the neighborhood.
This place is sketchy.
- Ah, you didn't have to come.
- Uh-uh.
If you guys are planning on doing something this stupid, someone's got to be there if something goes wrong.
The sooner we get this done, sooner we're out of here.
Look, I might not be Wire's favorite person, but he's a businessman.
A businessman who threatened to sell you to our enemies.
It wasn't pretty, but we got what we needed.
Chances are he whines a little, then he takes the cash.
- That's it.
- And if he doesn't? Then maybe one of his hacker buddies might.
They have a whole little nest in there.
They smoke Kick all day, they hack into systems and steal stuff.
Sounds delightful.
Yeah, well, it's the best chance we have of saving Lorna and Andy.
Who you said don't want to be saved.
They have my daughter.
Clarice, it's a long shot, but it's all we've got.
Come on! Oh, well.
Nice try, guys.
Let's grab a latte on the way back.
- What do you say? - Hold up.
Someone's in there.
Yo! Wire, it's me.
It's Marcos.
Oh, God.
John! Stay back! Just a businessman, huh?! - No, no, no, no.
- Hey, stop.
We just want to talk.
Die! What the hell's the matter with you? Hey, hey, put the gun down, all right? We just want - to talk to you.
- You got my brother killed.
Talk to this, bitch.
Oh! Are you okay? You're the one that got shot.
Oh, I'm fine.
Who the hell is this guy? - That's Wire's brother.
- Hey, hey.
We got to get out of here right now.
Yeah, we needed a hacker.
He'll have to do.
Let's go.
Hello? Is this Jace Turner? Yeah.
Who's this? Officer Ted Wilson from the seven-oh-nine.
You came to the precinct? Yeah.
Man, look, I talked to the sergeant.
He made it clear.
I get it.
I'll stay away from the station.
Thank you.
Yeah, that's not why I'm calling.
Why are you calling? I, uh I heard some of what you said to the sergeant.
I'd like to talk.
What do you want to talk about? Better to explain in person.
It's, um.
It's about the mutant situation.
I think you'll find we got lots to discuss.
There's a diner nearby, Melissa's.
Can you meet there at 1:00? Uh 1:00? Yeah.
I think I can make that work.
I should go.
I'll see you there.
The less you squirm, the faster this goes.
- Got it.
- Weird.
I thought you were indestructible.
Shotgun at point-blank range still hurts.
That's what you get for listening to Marcos's bad ideas.
We don't know if it was a bad idea yet.
- Maybe the hacker's helping.
- Oh, yeah.
He seemed real eager to please.
Let him try.
Try what? We've already tried kidnapping.
Have we graduated to torture? We went to a lot of trouble to get the information about the data cables.
Going to see Evangeline.
You talking to Erg.
I just I don't want anyone who's not bulletproof getting hurt.
Wake up.
- What the hell? - I'm glad you enjoyed your nap.
We've got a lot to talk about.
Are you eating paint chips? Do you think I'm just gonna chat with you? Yeah, you shot my friend with a shotgun.
- Three times.
- What the hell do you expect, man? My brother just got iced.
Slow down.
What's your name? It's Graph.
What happened to Wire, huh? What happened? I'll tell you what happened.
Three hot triplets walked into the store.
Wire looks 'em up and down, then out of nowhere, he puts a nine-millimeter in his mouth - and pulls the trigger.
- And you saw them? No.
Wire came back from the dead to tell me.
I hacked the security cams.
So your abilities, they're they're like your brother's were, then? I can break any door at the code level.
We need your help.
We can pay.
You think I'm an idiot? I know what my brother was doing for you guys.
This chick Reeva Payge, runs the Inner Circle, she didn't just come after Wire.
Check this out.
I want to show you something.
This is what she does to her friends.
Bunch of the old Hellfire Club folks got killed, spread around D.
Some kind of hostile takeover.
She's got this little project, and she'll kill anyone who gets in her way.
So I'm not gonna get in her way.
I don't need my own visit from the suicide girls.
She took our son.
Oh, no.
Your son? Well, that's awful.
Except I don't care! As far as I'm concerned, she can eat your son! You want to get rough, we can get rough.
You gonna hit me with another one of those flashbulbs? No, but I can melt your eye out of your skull.
How about that? - Oh, yeah? - Yeah.
And how am I supposed to hack without eyes, genius?! How's it going? He has no intention of helping us.
So it's over? No.
We tried asking nicely.
- Now we'll try something else.
- Like what? Graph's an addict, like his brother.
In the ER, I saw addicts stab themselves for a scrip of oxycodone.
Past a certain point, a junkie will do anything for a fix.
What are you gonna do? It's our family, Lauren.
I'll do what I have to.
All right, all right, how about this? You let me go, I won't tell these Inner Circle psychos that you're after them.
If you want to get out of here, you're gonna have to deal with us.
Actually, you're gonna have to deal with me.
Are you familiar with Hypertrexone? When Kick addicts come in with an O.
, we give them this.
It counteracts the drug, and it brings them down in seconds.
The addicts hate it because they go into immediate withdrawal.
Can you hold him down? Come on.
Get away from me with that thing.
- Get away! - All right No, please.
Please, no.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
Help me find my son! Wait, Graph's actually helping? Uh, Caitlin was, uh persuasive.
He, uh he told us the Inner Circle were looking at a mental facility in Bethesda.
You talking about Lynwood? You know it? It's more prison than hospital.
They declare mutants mentally unstable - and detain 'em without trial.
- How is that legal? You just get a shrink to say that they're a danger to themselves or society.
That's all they need.
When she was young, a judge put Lorna into one of those hellholes.
She had nightmares about it for years.
We don't even know what they're doing in there.
It's something damn important if you're gonna convince Lorna to set foot in a place like that.
Guess we'll find out soon enough.
I gave you what you wanted.
Now, please, I'm sick.
We need you to find out what they're doing.
How am I supposed to do that? We just need you to access the hospital's network.
Look at me, man.
I have the shakes.
You gonna let her do this to me? I didn't do this to you.
You did it to yourself.
I didn't put the Kick pipe in your mouth.
Oh, please spare me the personal responsibility debate, okay.
I'm about to throw up on myself here.
You want it to end? Then find out what they're doing at Lynwood Hospital.
I can get into the hospital's system, but I can't promise I can find anything on your friends.
What are we looking at here? It's a bunch of crap.
They got terabytes of data on what time people took their pills, and how many carrots they had for dinner.
- I can't find what you want.
- Then look harder.
Look, I can't find something that's not there, okay?! Look, I don't know if Reeva is looking for somebody else to try and murder, or maybe she realized they need psychiatric help or Whoa.
Whoa? What's whoa? Somebody built a backdoor to the hospital SCADA system.
Did a nice job, too.
All comm systems are down.
Nothing in or out.
When? When did this happen? Uh, it looks like it went into emergency mode 12 minutes ago.
12 minutes? Then Whatever they're doing, it's happening right now.
They disabled communications.
That's all we know so far.
Graph's gonna get into their security system.
We'll let you know if he finds something.
Do we have a plan? I mean, other than just driving up to the hospital/prison thing and knocking on the door? This is the best lead we've had in the last six months; I'm not letting it slip through our fingers.
Mom, Dad Andy's there.
We don't know who he's with.
It could be dangerous.
- They can handle it.
- Andy and I are connected.
If anyone can get through to him, it's me.
We got to move.
Bring your brother back safe.
You have to stop calling, Jace.
Baby, you're upset.
I totally get it, okay.
Just hear me out.
I got a meeting with this-this cop.
I'm making progress.
I just need you to bear with me for a little bit longer.
Jace, stop.
We can't just give up, Paula.
It's not about giving up.
It's about moving on.
That's exactly why I need to see this through, so I can move on.
So I can be the husband you deserve.
All I need is a husband who's with me.
A husband who is really with me.
I will be, Paula.
You know that I will be.
When the job is done, I promise I will be.
Jace the job will never be done.
Don't I mean, you act like I'm doing this for myself.
You think I'm doing this for myself? I'm doing this for Grace.
And for every other little kid just like her.
Grace is gone.
I love her, and I always will but I have to start living again.
Paula - Stop calling.
- Don't say that.
Don't say that.
Listen to me, I love you.
Paula Get us into the security system.
Are you blind? You put me in withdrawal.
I'm puking into a trash can, and you want me to freaking commandeer a security system? Cait, I think this has gone far enough.
What if I make you better? What the hell are you talking about? This is Hypercortisone D.
It's the pharmaceutical version of Kick.
If I give you some, can you get us into the system? - Are you serious? - What are you doing? Our children are out there.
Our friends are in danger.
You've taken him down, and now you're gonna get him high? I don't even recognize you.
You're shooting up a junkie to get him to do what you want.
You're a nurse.
I am a nurse, but I am a mother first.
I have been fighting for Andy since before he was born.
I'm sure as hell not about to give up now.
What do you say? Yeah.
Hit me.
That stuff is amazing.
Graph, focus.
I can feel the whole system.
There there's the security cams.
They're live.
What's happening? Why is the staff running? It looks like lockdown procedures.
Oh, God.
The Frosts.
And Lorna? Oh, my God.
Looks like the Inner Circle took over the facility.
They took out the guards.
They're rounding up staff.
Where are they? I-I can't tell.
We're just tapping into random security feeds.
- Who's there? - Lorna, the Frosts.
But there may be others there, too.
At least there's only one road in.
You two cover the front, make sure they can't get away.
Clarice and I will go in and look for them.
We got this.
I can't get much but most of the activity's on the east side.
See the window there? If you can get us inside When we cross, keep your head down, you get to cover fast.
Be ready for anything.
What the hell? Well, this is a lot more depressing than I imagined.
The patients are all on lockdown.
Most of them look heavily sedated, too.
Did Lorna really spend time in a place like this? Yeah.
She was a teenager.
It might have been for good, but someone made a call.
Word was, it was her birth father.
But she was locked up long enough.
Well, wherever she is, I'm sure she's gonna be all kinds of triggered.
What's going on? Why aren't the cops here? Well, it sounds like they had Sage kill the alarms, the landlines Lorna probably jammed the cell phones, then they just went to town.
Look, Clarice wasn't wrong.
If we find them, this may end up in a fight, and you need to be ready for it.
You really think they'd fight us? Lauren, I know they will.
Andy wouldn't hurt me.
There's something I didn't tell your parents.
When Reeva attacked me I'd never felt anything like it.
I couldn't think, I couldn't control my powers.
I was dying.
And Andy just stood there.
- He's probably scared.
- Scared? No.
Lauren, I'm sorry.
He has changed.
That night his powers first came on, I could feel him in that gym.
Andy! Andy! I remember his face so terrified, so sorry.
And then he saw me, and it stopped.
Andy, look at me! - Look at me.
It's me.
- Lauren.
He is my brother.
I can get through to him.
Thanks for doing this.
Haven't done anything yet.
Just trying to find out what this is about.
Fair enough.
First off, I want to apologize for what happened at the precinct.
Fact is, we need more folks like you.
What? More disgraced Sentinel Service guys living in motels? After what the mutants did to your daughter, to your partner you get it.
You see the mutant threat for what it is.
We need that.
We? What are you, what are you talking about? Who's we? You're with the Purifiers? That's right.
And they're with me.
Yeah, look, no offense, um, I don't think I'm down to join a What? A hate group? I get it.
You hear the lies in the media about how we're all bigots.
But fact is, we're regular folk who love our species, our country and our families.
Yeah, um, I appreciate it, but, uh, you know, it's the whole secret society thing, the outfits.
It's not really my jam, so If you, uh, change your mind Coffee's on me.
They were taking prisoners.
Pushed everyone this way.
I hate to bring up a touchy subject, but when are we going to admit to ourselves that Andy and Lorna are the bad guys here? Lorna was been with me since the beginning on the Mutant Underground.
And now she's with them.
We have to be prepared.
Evangeline said that you'll have to kill them I know what she said, all right? Okay, just listen, I'm on your side, okay? - What was that? - It was some kind of blast.
Doesn't sound like conventional explosives, though.
So now they're blowing the place up? No.
No, it's Andy.
- I can feel it.
- The hell is going on in there? We're working on it.
Give me the security feed for the lowest floor.
The basement.
What is it? I used to go to places like this when I was a prosecutor.
They keep the mutants they can't control with collars in secure rooms underground.
If they're blasting something, the chances are they're down there.
Trying to free someone.
But who? What can you get us? I'm not a remote control.
All the data coming out of this place is encrypted.
Just hang on.
Ugh, damn it.
What's happening? Someone's blocking me.
They know I'm in the system.
- Some kind of hacker.
- Sage.
John, John.
They know that we're in the computer system.
They know you're there.
Hey, you got to give us something, all right? I think they're down in the basement.
In the maximum security area.
This just keeps getting better and better.
We need to see inside.
Get us video of that explosion.
Get us into the basement now! I just told you, someone's blocking me.
I can't.
Um What if I give you more? Can you fight her off? I don't know.
I'm already pretty juiced.
- Cait! - We are not losing Andy.
Not now.
Not when we're this close.
Look If you give us what we need, you leave with this, and whatever's left in the clinic.
Yes or no? They kill your brother and you just back down? Yeah.
Give it to me.
I can take this chick.
All right.
I got it.
I just need to get ahead of the encryption.
Yeah! That's for Wire.
Basement cams are live.
Oh! Andy.
All right.
We're in the basement.
Which way are they? The high security area's up ahead.
We'll get you through that door.
And now there's a second door up ahead.
They're in the wing just beyond that.
Can you get us through? Yeah, baby.
- Wait.
- John.
What are you gonna do if you catch them? We can't just let 'em leave.
Lorna! Lorna! I-I know that it must hurt being here.
But just talk to us! Oh, boy.
This is bad.
We got to move.
Wait, they're killing each other.
Andy and Lorna are right there.
We can't just leave these people here.
All right.
Open a portal.
We'll get 'em out.
Come on.
Come on.
- Where'd they go? - Give me the camera for the elevators and the stairs.
Where did Andy and Lorna go? They can't have disappeared.
It's all right.
I got this.
I got eyes everywhere.
Yeah! There we go.
- Marcos.
- What's happening? They released all the patients to cover their escape.
Where are John and Clarice? It's chaos in there.
You have to stop Andy and Lorna.
Where are they now? They're on the loading dock.
In the back.
They're getting into a silver Hummer.
We'll head them off at the gate.
Keep eyes on them, all right? Yeah, yeah.
We will.
Graph! Andy, Lorna, they have a patient with them, but I can't see who.
Cait, you gave him too much.
He's overdosing.
He's dying.
He's having a heart attack.
Lay him flat.
John! Where are you? What's going on in there? The patients are tearing the place apart, man.
We're trying to save the ones we can.
Looks like we're on our own.
Here they come.
- What are you doing? - We have to stop them.
No, not like that.
You could blow up the car.
We can't let them get away! Marcos, your daughter's mother is in there.
Let me do this! You better.
Andy, it's you.
It's not too late.
Get out of the way.
Your hair, it's the same as in my dreams.
You've been having them, too, haven't you? Andy, it means something.
Something about us.
It doesn't matter.
Yes, it does.
We belong together.
- We're family.
- Get out of the way.
I'm here to take you home.
Andy, I know you're scared I'm not scared! Not anymore.
Now move! I can't do that.
Well, I'm sorry.
Andy, Andy.
Andy, no! No! Help me get him on his side.
We need to keep his airway clear.
He'll be okay.
Okay? Cait, his heart stopped.
Our daughter is out there trying to bring Andy home to to this? How are we any different from the people that we're trying to save him from? But Andy You saw what they made him do.
Cait I saw what you saw.
He-he was smiling.
Nobody made Andy do anything.
I'm gonna go get him some saline.
hostages inside the hospital - What's going on? - We are here today to confess that we have willingly w-willingly participated in the unlawful imprisonment and torture of innocent mutants.
We are guilty of war crimes.
Do not pity us.
As we have made others suffer, so we suffer They can't be serious.
They expect people to believe this was about mutant rights? Plenty of people already do.
It's all over social media.
# Mutantuprising.
It's about to get hot out there.
In breaking news, we are watching the chilling images of a forced confession by the personnel at Lynwood Come on! All hell's breaking loose.
The cops are gonna be here soon.
We're taking as many of the injured as we can.
What about Andy? Uh, they got away.
They took at least one patient with 'em, we couldn't stop 'em.
How? You were right there.
You were practically on top of them.
People were gonna die, Caitlin, all right? We did everything we could.
Right now, we have other issues to deal with.
- I got some bad news.
- Bad news? What do you mean? What else could be It's Lauren.
She got hit pretty hard.
She's unconscious.
I'm sorry.
It was Andy.
willingly willingly participated
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