12 Oz. Mouse s02e05 Episode Script

Enjoy the Arm

1 We must be, uh Woah.
Holy crap, we're high.
What is that down there? That's exactly what I'm thinking.
There's nothing down there but where we live, except for down there.
Looks like a real city.
All right, I think we got her.
Let's give her a crank.
Where's she going? Ahh, I don't know, to save Mouse I guess.
How would I know? Do I look like your personal computer? Hand me that towel.
Why? You're becoming black now.
The bad black Shark.
Remember? Hand me that towel, please, so I can shove it through your mouth and down into your guts.
I'm scared.
Well, that's pretty good, Spider, but hey, listen man, let's put an end to all this, man.
Why don't you untie me, man, okay? I'll be cool.
Just hand me that guitar.
I ain't gonna act up or nothing, and uh, I'll show you, uh, what for on a tune.
There you go.
All right.
All right.
Ah, this is nice.
Good spider.
My blood has turned to booze.
And I want my face to turn to booze.
If my blood could drink my face, we'd be all right.
My toe, I'm gonna get tooore up.
Ah, here's a good idea.
Let's find some guns, and play with them.
Damn straight.
Give me a gat; I'll give you a heart attack.
I don't care how many little chitlins you have.
Okay, heresit.
You give me the gun, and then I'll say, "Give me the guns.
" Where's my hat? Joe, be honest with me.
Is my hat on my head? I don't dress your ass in the morning.
Shut the freak up.
All right, so first, we get the liquor, then it'll be like - give me all hands.
Hey, really great to be here tonight.
It's really great to be here tonight.
I just wanna thank the whole crowd for coming to see me.
Coming to SEE me.
Cause you're eyeballs.
Uh, thank you.
So what's up with this town, hunh? It's like it's made of cardboard or something.
He's funnEYE.
He is funnEYE.
Thank you.
Thank you, seriously.
So, I went to get a bagel at the hat store, and the hat said, "Hey, go get me a bagel.
" The hat said it.
You people are wild, and we're just getting started.
What'll you all doing? What are you guys doing? What're you all doing? What are you guys doing? What do you think you're doing? What're you all doing? We're parking.
Oh, I get it now.
I get it now.
I get it now.
I get it now.
I get it now.
Skillet, you are now Dr.
Fix her head.
No, no, no.
Fix it like Terminator.
This one here's low and slow.
Now guns are fun, And you better run, When you see me comin.
Cause this AK, Will make my day, When I start a huntin'.
Now when my smoothbore, it starts to roar, You oughta see them scatter.
Just in case, My H&K will put an end to the matter.
Now it ain't no lie, Many men have died, And mister, I ain't braggin'.
So watch your mouth, and mind yourself, Or I'll skin this here smokewagon.
Man, I had over a thousand guns down there.
What the hell happened? Spider boy, there's only one thing left to do, and that's to fire up the Corndroid.
Oh, uh, you're gonna like the Corndroid.
This is one bad fomo.
Now see, his skeleton is an array of future weaponry, which is surrounded by meat that was mechanically separated and finely coated in a teflon batter, and deep-fried.
And he has only one mission, and that's to wipe this freakin' place out on my command.
So, uh, whaddya say? You with me? I don't know if you know, but there's this thing called a clutch.
It's down there.
Yeah, I, I know what it is, and I'm pressing it with my fin, but I easily could press it with your face.
There we go.
See, I'm on this.
Wow, I've never been more impressed.
You must be a scientist.
I have a feeling something bad's about to happen.
To you and everyone else, but mainly you.
We'll talk to the Clock about that.
I'll talk to him.
You stay in the car.
Yes, I will because I want to stay in the car.
It was my idea.
I thought of it before you said it.
Yeah, everybody cares what you say, as long as you say it last, which you always barely do.
That's really appealing.
Yes, it sure is.
Always and always.
Now I'll have the last words, won't I? Yes, I will.
I'm having them right now.
And then I'll be the guy everyone says, hey, there's the guy.
Hey, wha - Slow and pathetic.
I'm outwalking your car.
You little piece of - Ship! Get it? Ship.
There were three ships, not two.
Hey, how about a round of drinks for my friends? EYE never drink.
EYE never drink either.
So, this guy, this guy walks into his house.
His wife says, "Hey happy birthday.
I bought you this bowtie," and the guy goes, "Not another tie!" Uh, he seriously said that.
To her.
Hey, who's heard the one about the screaming letter? This is every bit of clothing I've ever owned in my life.
Somebody wrapped them up.
What? Oh.
She is? You routed her trigger mounted those triggers.
That's good.
Find a fire; then we'll cook some meat.
And then find the meat to cook on it.
And then, we'll hole up here for a while.
And when he said, "Can I give you a hand?" he, he really meant, can I give you a hand.
This hand.
Hey, you all keep drinking and laughing, and I'll be right back, with more.
They're not buying it.
No, here's a better idea.
Suck it.
Someone sounds mad back there.
Yes, someone does.

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