Bloodline (2015) s02e05 Episode Script

Part 18

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [Latin music playing over speakers.]
[Danny speaking indistinctly.]
Yeah, okay.
It's nice.
Why'd you bring me here? I was thinking it might be good for the kid to see this place.
I'm not gonna let you do that to him again.
What? You show up in his life and yank him around.
Don't say that.
There's a reason he won't call you back.
He doesn't wanna see you, Danny.
So, why don't you talk to him for me? What, so you're feeling good about your life now, so he's just supposed to come running back to you with open arms? No.
No, it's not like that.
Yeah, it is like that.
It is.
I think if he sees this place, and he sees what's possible Then he might see that his dad's not a total fuck-up? Yeah, okay.
Well, that might be good for him.
Good for him.
We all get the family that God dumps on us.
So, just talk to him.
I'm worried about the kid.
What do you mean? I mean Nolan.
You don't think he's getting snowed by these people? He's fine.
He's fine.
He's fine.
Because it's one thing you not getting what you deserve, it's another fucking thing that kid think he's part of that goddamn family, okay? Nolan's a sharp kid.
He's got his eyes open.
Well, he ought to show a lot more respect for what you've been through.
He's a kid.
So were you, and these fucking people taking advantage, thinking they're so damn important.
Thinking they can cut the payments off whenever they fucking want.
Treating you like shit all these fucking years.
I just fucking hate those motherfuckers.
It's so wrong.
It's bullshit.
Fucking treating us like Like, we're fucking nothing in this What Motherfucker! This is bullshit! Fucking shit! - Fuck! - Baby.
You sweet thing like that, being treated like garbage.
Look at me.
Baby, I don't want you going crazy on anyone.
I don't want anyone to get hurt.
- Look at me.
- No.
- No, don't Don't do that.
- Look at me.
You're missing out.
Let me talk to him.
I wanna take care of this.
- Let me talk to him again.
- I'm telling you.
There's plenty of ways to make those people pay.
Trust me.
All right? Say it.
I trust you.
You know you're the only fucking person I trust in this whole world.
[birds squawking.]
I talked to the ADA.
She's gonna consider all the extenuating circumstances: The family tragedy, the stress that you've been under.
The fact that you're a first-time offender.
You told her we're having a baby? Yeah, I told her everything.
Okay, so what am I looking at? You plead to the DUI.
What about the drugs? [Meg.]
Cocaine possession is a felony.
But I got her to drop the charges.
- [sighs.]
- [Meg.]
If you are serious about a substance abuse program.
And agree to one year probation.
And a suspended license.
Do you guys need to talk about it? No, I'll take it.
Thank you, Meg.
Thank you.
You cannot fuck up again.
He won't.
Hey, Mr.
How can I help you, sir? My wife went to turn the shower on, and there's a kind of thumping sound.
Like there's not enough pressure, and nothing comes out.
Oh, no.
That's not good.
Well, I'll have somebody come look at it.
My wife and I had a long drive.
I'm sorry.
It's Bungalow 3, right? Yes.
Well, we'll We'll get that fixed right away.
- Thank you.
- And my apologies.
John's well on his way, Tanya.
We're putting together a staff of volunteers.
We've leased a space.
Word is getting out.
You don't have to sell me, Larry.
- I traded a carpool shift to be here.
- [Larry.]
Heh, heh, heh.
How are you feeling about all of this, Diana? I support John's decision to run.
- This is really important to him.
- [Tanya.]
And the rest of your family? Everybody all in? Yeah, kids are really enthusiastic.
They can help sell your roots in the community.
And you're gonna wanna hard sell your arrest record, too.
You You haven't asked me why I'm running.
I don't see it as a mystery.
You've dedicated your whole life to being a public servant.
Your family has been part of the fabric of this place for 50 years.
- Am I missing something? - There is the issue of my brother Danny.
If you hire me to manage your campaign, my job is to exploit the positives.
End of story.
Your name, your record.
I guarantee you.
Aguirre would kill to have either one.
That being said, right out of the gate, he's ahead by a large margin.
Aware of that.
But Aguirre runs soft at the southern end of the county.
So, I'd suggest you concentrate your efforts there.
Speaking of which, where are you with funding? Roy Gilbert's reached out to discuss his support.
- Roy Gilbert? - [Larry.]
- Very nice.
- Yep.
We get Roy Gilbert on board, you're in better shape than I thought.
First time? - It's It's that obvious, huh? - [chuckles.]
Yeah, you got the look.
Piece of advice, avoid the donuts.
Six months from now, you'll wake up clean and 20 pounds fatter.
- Doug.
- Hey.
I'm just here because I I got a court situation, you know.
Just trying to show good faith.
You know, get a sentence suspended.
[bell rings.]
Meeting's gonna start.
What is going on, Mac? The shower's still not working.
Bungalow 3.
You were supposed to fix it.
I don't know.
Weeks ago.
What are you talking about, I never called? Okay.
Well, look.
Just Just get here as soon as you can.
[phone beeps.]
Did you talk? They call it sharing.
Did you share? No.
This investigation has culminated in the termination of a local trafficking ring, and the seizure of several million dollars' worth of narcotics.
None of this would have been possible without the support and cooperation of Sheriff Frank Aguirre.
And the Monroe County Sheriff's Department.
- Sheriff.
- Thank you, Clay.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'd also like to add that there are over half a dozen murder cases involving Wayne Lowry that are now officially closed.
We're very proud of what we've accomplished.
Which is why, with great frustration and a heavy heart, I must mention a case that we've yet to solve.
As many of you here know, Detective John Rayburn, one of our finest officers, a colleague, and a friend.
Recently, Detective Rayburn's brother, Daniel, was a victim of a homicide.
Now, despite Daniel Rayburn's criminal activity, and his known association with Wayne Lowry, we have reason to consider his death an open investigation.
And I just wanna say to Detective Rayburn and the entire Rayburn family that this department will not stop until we apprehend the person who perpetrated this brutal act of violence.
How can he just keep the case open? Why the fuck is he doing this? [Meg.]
To help his campaign.
He wants everybody to know who Danny was, and what he did.
John, you told us that everyone thinks Lowry is responsible for this, right? Isn't that what you said? How can Aguirre just keep the case open? Sheriff has discretion in a case like this.
All right, then you're gonna become the fucking sheriff.
Or drop out.
Right? Aguirre's not gonna drag on the investigation if you're not running against him, so pull out of the race.
I mean, why wouldn't you just drop out? Oh, fuck.
I gotta think about it.
Sorry, this is taking so long.
Is everything okay? They wanna run one more test.
They think the baby might be a little underweight.
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.
Well, Kevin was small.
Actually turned out to be a good thing.
Made for an easier delivery.
Have you two talked yet? No, not Not since his, uh, accident.
I think it's important that he talk to you.
Look, he's not the first person down here to get a DUI.
It wasn't just a DUI.
He was arrested for drug possession.
Well, Meg said she's already taken care of all that legal stuff.
He lost his father.
He lost his brother.
- That's a lot.
- Oh, please.
Just stop doing that.
This is real.
Kevin has a problem and he has to face it.
It would help if the family would be honest about it, too.
Let's just not turn this into a drama, okay? Sally, please call him.
- Hey, Detective.
- Denise.
- Are you here on the Lowry murder? - Yeah.
- They finished searching his place - Mm-hm.
His house, his business, everything they confiscated came in this morning.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
Look beyond the corners Look way up high Oh, shit.
How you doing? You're Nolan, right? Danny's son? I need to make some cash, but I don't know shit about boats.
Why don't you grab that bucket and that brush, okay? I was thinking, maybe, I could work indoors.
I was really hoping to learn about engines.
And I was really hoping Doctor Clark's Dauntless could get scrubbed clean of bird shit.
Maybe that's why this place is going under.
You don't dream big enough.
Hey, listen.
You want a job or not? Fuck it.
Where are the buckets boss? Right behind you.
[people chattering in Spanish.]
Hungry? No.
You know what, I can whip you up something.
- Let me show you what the old man - I said I'm not hungry.
So, basically, you cook for a bunch of rich people.
[Danny chuckles.]
You got it the wrong way around.
What happens is, a bunch of rich people pay me to cook.
Whatever you say.
You got a girlfriend? Don't worry about it.
You're not a virgin, are you? No.
Yeah, you are.
Fuck you.
I've been laid.
Yeah? How many times? - Three.
- Three? Three times.
Well if you're old enough to have sex, you're old enough to drink.
[opens bottle.]
[opens bottle.]
[bottles clinking.]
Sit down, would you, please? [Meg.]
Yeah? Did you think about what I said? [John.]
I did.
I'm not dropping out.
John come on.
You think I don't understand what you're going through? I do.
You want a future.
I get it.
That's what I wanted with New York.
You know, start over, go somewhere else and be somebody else.
Look, that's not what this is about.
Dropping out is not an option.
Why? We're not safe.
What do you mean, "we're not safe"? Why aren't we safe, John? Danny made a tape.
What are you talking about? Danny made a recording of everything.
He gave the tape to Wayne Lowry.
What do you mean, "everything"? Moving the drugs and lying to the DA, and Everything.
Okay, but Wayne Lowry's dead, so then he can't Who has the tape? [softly.]
I don't know.
Fuck! Fuck.
Listen to me.
Me being sheriff it gives me certain control over things.
So, I don't have a choice, Meg.
I have to run.
But I need your help.
My help? What am I gonna do, John? How am I gonna help you? Help me run this campaign.
You're the only person I can trust.
You should've fucking told me.
[car approaching.]
[door opens, then closes.]
Kev? [Kevin.]
How did it go at the doctor? - Everything went fine.
- Yeah? Good.
How's Nolan working out? What? Fine.
I don't know.
He He looks and acts an awful lot like Danny.
It Maybe I just have to get to know him better.
I don't know.
Would you like to invite him to dinner? What, like? At our house? Yeah.
Yes, of course.
That That would be It would be nice.
Thank you for suggesting it.
Nice of you two to come out.
Well, it's a beautiful home you have here, Mr.
- [Meg.]
Thank you for having us.
- [Gilbert.]
You can see forever today, huh? Well I might be old-fashioned, John, but I like to look a man in the eye, see what he's made of, before I decide whether to go to war with him.
I understand.
Your father could stare you down make you confess to every sin you ever committed.
Heh, heh.
- Meg and I are well aware of that stare.
- [Meg.]
I have to tell you, I'm a bit surprised you didn't hire a more experienced campaign manager.
Well, I figured that this election is gonna live or die with the family name.
Having Meg run the campaign, that's, uh Well, that's Thank you.
That's all part of it.
Actually, the truth is everyone else turned us down, Mr.
Everybody's afraid of the controversy surrounding our brother Danny.
Shouldn't they be? You know, with what I do, I've learned that the The people down here, they know how to survive because they know what's real, and who's authentic, who's not.
They'll see through that noise.
Are you familiar with the latest polling? Aguirre is way out front.
Well, we expect that because he's the incumbent.
We figure your endorsement is good for at least a ten-point bump.
Well, right now you're down by 20.
- Where do you find the other ten? - John, he's gonna court the county commission and the small businesses.
He's gonna go to the pancake breakfasts, ballparks, Rotary clubs, whatever it is.
Every election pretty much works the same down here.
- You've done your research.
- Yeah.
I'm a quick study.
Still might not be enough.
You knew my father.
I have the same attitude about losing that he had.
Your father was a son of a bitch.
You're damn right he was, but would you ever consider betting against him? Hm.
Let me see something.
Here, I got it.
No, wait.
All right, here.
All right.
I got it.
I got it.
All right.
So, it's Westbrook.
It's 158 [knocking.]
I gotta call you back.
You got all your violations dropped.
Worked out a hell of a deal for yourself.
Right place, right time.
You were smart coming in, though.
My PO said I had to.
What do you know about that debt Danny had up in Miami? He needed cash, that's all I know.
He needed cash.
So, he started running drugs for Wayne Lowry? And it worked.
He was making good money.
I mean, really good money.
Which makes me wonder why he would turn on Lowry.
Who said he turned? Your friend Well, your best friend.
had $2 million worth of Lowry's dope tucked away in his place in Miami.
What was the? What was the plan there, huh? I mean, Danny wasn't connected, so how was he planning on moving? I have no idea about any of this.
- No? - No.
Did you know that Lowry cleaned house before he died? He wiped out every member of his gang.
Well, except you.
Eric fucking O'Bannon, last man standing.
You gotta wonder why is that? Why? You wanna know what I think? What do you think, Columbo? [Marco.]
I think you and Danny both took Lowry's dope.
But then Danny double-crossed you, took the dope, and he hid it in his place in Miami.
And then when Danny came back down here, you killed him.
Why would I do that? Why? - Why the fuck would I do that? - To make yourself square with Lowry.
Shit, man.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Well, I know you gave up Danny.
That night in the motel.
You're telling me you guys didn't have a falling out? That's right, we did not.
Answer one simple question for me.
After that night he never tried to reach out to you again.
We have his phone records.
He called his brother, he texted your sister and you, his best friend he never reached out to you ever again.
Why? [.]
You gotta wonder, huh? [Eric.]
Do you want another beer? No, you better split.
He's gonna be here soon.
I'll get finished here with John, then I'll swing by your place.
And then what? Go up north, pick up the kid.
See you, man.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
Hi, are you Evangeline? I'm Meg.
- Hey.
Thanks for coming to meet me.
- Hi.
- Yeah.
Of course.
- Sorry, to put you in an awkward position.
How's that? Well, I know your mom wants nothing to do with me, so - Do you wanna get a drink? - Yeah.
So, when did you meet Danny? Around the time that you were going to law school.
He was really impressed.
With me? Yeah, well, you know he was glad you made it out of here, because only him and you were the ones to do that.
Well I love it here.
So, I came right back.
I know him and his dad had their issues, but he told me it was roughest for you growing up.
Oh, Danny.
He didn't know what he was talking about.
Why, were you and Robert close? Yeah.
I guess that explains it.
That explains what? Why he made you the trustee of his estate.
- How would you know that? - Robert told me.
I'm sorry, I don't understand the relationship that you have with my father.
Pretty simple.
Danny got me pregnant.
Your mom and I had a talk, and I kept the baby anyway.
Then when your dad found out, he didn't want us to soil the Rayburn name, so he agreed to send me some money.
What do you want from me, Eve? All these years, man.
I've I kept my end of the bargain, you know, and now your mom doesn't wanna honor it.
Yeah, she told me.
That's not her decision, is it? Because you're the trustee.
Come on.
You have to understand that I don't know anything about this deal you say you have with my dad, okay? Nobody does.
There's no proof.
Proof? The proof is Nolan and the payments that you stopped.
Okay, well there's no legal documents.
Well, what about Robert's will? - What about it? - You like, drafted it for him, didn't you? Yeah.
And Danny is not in it.
Yeah, I know, but Robert said Nolan would be in it.
Okay, I don't know what my dad told you but you can see for yourself, there is no mention of you or your son anywhere.
I'm really sorry.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Hey, sorry, I hate to bother you, but I'm here for the night and I didn't plan ahead, and I'm looking if you can recommend some local accommodations? What exactly you looking for? You know, to lock down some action.
No, no, nothing shady.
A little bit of this, little bit of that.
Can you hook me up? Head four miles south, you'll find half a dozen good spots.
Four miles Four miles south? Four miles south, that way.
Oh, yeah.
- Thank you.
You've been a lifesaver.
- Uh-huh.
Hey, hotshot.
You're coming to dinner tonight.
Highly doubtful.
Well, my wife doesn't take no for an answer, so Hey, why is she always driving you around? None of your business.
You really gonna be a father? Yeah.
[Nolan chuckles.]
Good luck with that.
Hey, moron, put the fucking cigarette out.
I'm serious, right now.
There's gasoline and oil all over the place here.
Make sure your hand is nice and high on the blade.
You almost want it to claw.
You can do it like this to start with.
Just easy.
All right? Why don't you take her for a spin.
Okay, hand, remember? There it is.
That's good.
Yeah? There it is.
Okay, that's good.
Yeah, just gentle.
- I'm always looking for a sous chef.
- Sous chef? The fuck is that? Like a second-in-command.
That's good, turn them around.
I wanna lay down some roots here.
I'm gonna make this thing work.
I mean it, you know, I'm not going anywhere.
That's good.
Nolan, you got it.
Shit, you're a natural.
It does make allowances for grandchildren.
It just doesn't say which grandchildren.
If she were to take us to court, she might have a case.
Maybe we should just make some kind of compromise? You know, if dad was paying her all these years and I don't know if what she's saying about the will is true or not, but if he wanted her to have something it's worth talking about.
We have a problem with Bungalow 3.
The shower's not working again.
Do you want me to call the plumber? I remember when we originally laid that pipe.
I always wondered if they knew what they were doing.
Mom, you okay? I want that woman to leave.
She should take the boy and go back to Miami.
Can I talk to you a minute? - Ahem.
Come on in, sit down.
- What's up? Yesterday, Eric O'Bannon, why was he here? I'm just trying to fill in the blanks on on Danny's murder.
Why? Well, I mean you realize that Aguirre and all this political crap he's pulling, I mean keeping Danny's case open, that's all for the press, right? Yeah, of course.
I mean, I know that.
But I still have questions.
What does that mean? Well, I mean, why would Lowry admit to killing everybody else other than Danny, huh? Think about that.
Why? - Are you fucking kidding me? - What? [chuckles.]
You really wanna do this? Do I wanna do what? Look, I know Danny used to work for Lowry, and that may have gotten him killed.
But I also know that shit went down before Danny died that you haven't told me about.
- As a friend - Mm-hm.
My family needs closure on this.
I mean, it's It's time to move on.
John, you know that's not my call.
Well, now, listen if you want to be a pawn in Aguirre's bucket of bullshit, you go right ahead, but you can't expect me to be part of that.
Do me a favor and close the door on the way out.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
[music stops.]
Hey, hey, hey.
What's happening? I think it's time you found your own place.
Are you fucking kidding me? I haven't been home in two months.
Welcome home.
You have until tomorrow.
That's a nice way to treat family.
Don't fucking try.
What did the cops wanna talk to you about? Danny.
I heard they don't think Lowry killed him.
So, who do they think? I have no fucking clue.
Look when was the last time you two spoke, you and Danny? The day that guy broke in here looking for him.
Okay, and that was it? You didn't hear from him after that? No talking, nothing? Not really, no.
I guess he texted me to tell me that he was gonna take my car to Miami.
- He text you before, ever? - No.
Danny wasn't a guy who really ever texted.
Listen, Danny's dead, Lowry's dead.
I'm thankful that you're safe, but I can't live like this anymore.
So, when I get home from work tomorrow, I want you gone.
[phone ringing.]
[phone continues ringing.]
I finished waxing.
Um Go ahead and start on Dr.
Frank's whaler.
Such are the seats of power.
I can offer you coffee, but don't ask for a cup.
Your brother is gonna get the tar beat out of him.
You know that, right? I don't like what Aguirre's doing to the Rayburn name.
He wants everybody to think of Danny when they hear it, not John.
And certainly not your father.
I didn't always get along with Robert.
But I believed we shared certain insight into human nature.
Take a cop, for instance.
That's someone with the need to do the right thing, to make sure every particular is properly managed, that everyone's taken care of.
- What about a lawyer? - Oh.
I figure a lawyer's strength is an ability to see the bigger picture.
How the system really works, and then to do what's required.
You want my money, my support? - We do.
- Prove to me you're worth the investment.
Hit back at the sheriff.
How do I do that? Oh, the Aguirre family's had trouble of their own.
Oh, no way.
John will never go for it.
If your brother wants to smile and play nice, that's his business.
Your job is to get him elected.
Anything else is failure.
My family has been through a lot, Mr.
And you are right about John.
Through it all, he has been the one constant holding it all together.
So, I appreciate you coming here.
I respect your experience and your insight.
But my brother knows what he wants, and we are going to do this John's way.
Fair enough.
John is quick to invoke your father.
But he's not the one most like Robert.
Don't you know I need your love, babe? Don't you know I want your love, baby? [Janey.]
Here's your money, Dad.
How did you pay? I didn't.
Some guy wanted to pay for you.
Who? Him.
How y'all doing? - I appreciate this.
I can't accept it.
- No.
That's just a little thank-you for your kind recommendation.
- Good, so you found a place you like.
- I did, I did.
And I wouldn't have found it without your help, so thank you.
Where you staying? Oh, oh, this cozy This cozy little spot called the Red Reef Inn.
You ever been to the Red Reef Inn? Nope.
Can't say as though I have.
Oh, I'm staying in room number seven.
Lucky number seven.
It's not much of a room, but, wow, hell of a view, I'm telling you.
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
- Look, I'm taking up all your time.
- No.
That's all right.
I feel terrible.
Look, hey, enjoy your meal.
Bon appétit, and all that.
Hey, it's not happening, is it? - What's not happening? - The shower.
You said you'd fix it? Oh, no.
It's all taken care of.
- It should be working.
- It's not.
We need to get cleaned up and meet some friends, so maybe you could put us in another room? Oh, God.
I'm Mr.
Ward, I am so sorry, but tonight we are completely booked up.
Okay, then, why don't you just give us the name of another place.
Of course.
I'm so sorry.
I wanna make this right.
Look, I figured I owed you the heads-up.
The department's still investigating Danny.
Yeah, I know.
John told me.
So, I'll be in touch.
I may have to bring you in for some more questioning, okay? Okay, sure.
Whatever you need.
So, you're really back now? Yeah.
Do you wanna come in for a drink or something? No.
I'm really sorry about the other night.
I was drunk.
- And I was an asshole.
I really - No, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Nothing like that happens again, all right? Yeah.
It won't.
So, how do you like working at the boat yard? [Nolan.]
It's okay, I guess.
My boss won't let me smoke.
I hope you get a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna put him on Harley Middleton's Sundancer.
I don't understand why I have to clean the bottom of the boat if it's gonna be in the water anyway.
It seems like a pretty stupid thing to do.
It makes it run smoother, genius.
Really? Even I didn't know that.
Boat runs smoother, uses less fuel.
[line ringing.]
I was hoping we could talk again.
You want some more lemonade? No, thanks.
You know what I could really go for? A shot of tequila.
You wanna join me, Uncle Kev? Wait, you're a few years away from a shot of tequila.
Besides, neither of us is doing any drinking these days.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I got something important I think I ought to say.
Yeah? What's that? I know I remind you of my dad.
And it sucks.
So, maybe you could give me a break, okay? Maybe I can come back sometime? Yeah.
You can come back anytime you wanna come back.
You know, I'd love to see things in action.
Well, Fridays, Saturdays, they're their best nights.
They're [Man.]
No more excuses.
I didn't expect to hear from you again.
We keep John out of this? Of course.
Ain't nobody staying in room seven.
When did the last person check out? Shit, we haven't had no one stay in seven since the murder.
You know about that? Listen, the last couple of days, you see any guy around here about 140 pounds, 5'9", dark hair? Only new guests we had this week was a couple of college girls.
You got a key to room seven? So, if the cops are still looking, then they must not think Lowry did it, right? I'm telling you this detective brother is getting curiouser and curiouser.
John's a fucking prick, but he acts like a Boy Scout.
Oh, I seen this type before.
The whole family is a bunch of self-righteous fucking do-gooders.
That's bullshit.
They paid a girl to get rid of a kid.
Come on, the whole family's a bunch of fucking liars.
After all the shit went down at the motel, you're sure, right? The kid, Eve, they never saw Danny up in Miami, right? All I know is Danny told me he was coming, and then he never showed.
I need to know that my family's gonna be safe.
[thunder rumbling.]
You wanna know what I think? What? I bet you start pressing John Rayburn, and all sorts of shit starts spilling out.
He still there? Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers - You guilty heart - Your guilty heart Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Guilty heart Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers - Guilty heart - Your guilty heart Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Guilty heart Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Guilty heart Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Walk on burning embers Guilty heart
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