Brotherhood s02e05 Episode Script

Dear landlord 1:3 4

Previously on brotherhood Freddie cork asked me to help him with a deal! So I should take him up on the offer? Of course! don't fuck with freddie cork,don't fuck with moe riley, and don't fuck with the rhode island state police! Jesus,michael! You all right? michael,what's goin' on? you okay? Yeah,fine! You gotta be the happy couple if you wanna win! - Do you wanna win? - 'Course I wanna win! Well,then hold her hand! Eileen! Uh,t-tommy,you remember jordana? Does that woman have any idea who you are? You stole her fiance and all because what? Oh,you're unhappy! I look and you now,I look at you and I see filth! I'll always see filth and the hands of other men! You're good! So are you! Throw a card! - I'm thinking! - You don't have gin! If you knock,I'll undercut you! What do you want? I want you to let me into this family! In belfast,I'm nothing! In providence,I'm a caffee! Proudly Presents BrotherHood Season 2 Episode 5 Where's your brother,hm? Where's your brother? come here!Get the fuck over here!Come here! where's your brother,hm? Come here!Come here! Come here,put your hands down! Freddie,this is fuckin' stupid! You shut the fuck up! Hope we don't have to dig a hole! If I have to dig a hole I'll fuckin' hurl! You already fuckin' hurled all over my upholstery! You have any idea how much it costs to get that shit steam-cleaned? This shit should be a last resort! Hey,pat shouldn't have fuckin' embezzled for freddie! And more to it,pat shouldn't have lammed leavin' joey holding the fuckin' bag! Cool! Trix! Let me see those! I forgot to go to the market!Get somethin' else! - Isn't that right,joey? - That's right,pat! At richard brothers,you always walk out a winner! Michael,I want you and colin to head over to pat's house tomorrow! Joey thinks that pat's got a bunch of cash squirreled away over there! What? It's not like I shot him! He'll limp his ass to the emergency room,he'll be fine! Wanna try gettin' some of those in your mouth, bud,instead of all over the table?Here you go! You stick that under there! Want some O!J!? Sorry! Come on,it's good for you!It's vitamin C! Hey,babe!How's it goin'? You sleep okay? I'm late! no,sit down!Let me uh I'll get you some breakfast! and we really shouldn't have done this! we both know better! you go out first! hey,don't forget your underwear! It'll give you something to think about when you see me across the party! well,maybe next time! - Mr!Speaker! - Tommy,how are ya? - Mr!Chairman! - Sharp boy you got here! Everything I know I learned from tommy! - Really? - Politically! hey,hey,don't knock the gay factor! I mean,being a half-mick half-heeb homo,I mean,that's a, that's a big tent constituency!You know what I'm saying? Lot of voters! Speaking of which,uh,mr!Chairman, I think we need to go wring some money out of the rich and democratic! - Gentlemen! - Hey,we'll be in touch,all right? So what was that about? The speaker was practically blowing in your ear! They were feeling me out about running for state rep in the 3rd! Martin kyle dropped out because of the messy divorce and they need someone to fill his slot! Do you want the slot? Yeah,I mean,jesus! I mean,I'm always gonna be your soldier,but the chance for my own seat? Thing is they're also feeling out lou hammond and jay morton! They're both older and well,straight! You want me to have a word with the speaker and party chairman? I mean I know it would mean jumping ship in the middle of election season you'll owe me a vote when you win! Straight down the line! - Hey! - Hey! - Get me a cruller? - Yeah,it's in the bag! Yeah,this coffee's yours too! Fiona's got me on a diet! She's got dunkin' on my banned list! - What do ya got for me? - Here,um it's pat richard! Um,brother of joey! He's the owner of uh,three furniture stores! Divorced! His daughter becky goes to nathan bishop'S! Tax returns are clean,no audits,no sign you own half his business! Is that it? Coulda got that outta the fuckin' phone book! This guy bilked me! You have any idea how embarrassing that is? take that! Sit on the daughter's school! If he shows up to see his daughter,I want you to call me and chuck it! You know what? I'm not one of your fucking boys,freddie!Okay? I got duty! So make it part of your duty! oh,jesus! I thought that door was locked! It wasn't much of a lock, if it makes a difference,I know where you hide your spare key, so,I could've just used that! now,I kinda needed a moment to brace meself before talking to you! I wanna find me father! - I know you can't stand the sight of me,but- - oh,that's not true!You're a lovely boy! look what can I tell you? He was a fella your mother met in a bar and,heh,to be kind, her knees weren't exactly welded shut! Listen,you're better off! I mean what are ya gonna do,spit in his eye? I'll knock next time! You better! What are we,15 miles from the hill? I guess! Look at that lawn back there! You could mow that all day! It's too clean! The whole place is too clean! I don't trust a place that's too clean! But the point is, imagine what it would be like to get to drive down a tree-lined street on your way home, knowin' your wife and kids are safe,you know,in the house! Kath's late! - Congratulations? - Yeah! But it's not sure! Right! you all right? Where're the kids? Jimmy's picking up the kids! I um I rehearsed this in my head! tommy,are you happy? Oh god,eileen,not now! - No! - Now! I thought we've been happier lately! No,we've been civil!Civil's not happy! What do you want me to say?I'm a man!I hang on to things! Fine!But get mad!You don't get mad! I don't want to get mad!I'm not gonna get mad!I want I wanna walk away right now! - Tommy- - you're not gonna draw me into a fight! Then I'm leaving! I'll leave! You're not leaving!You don't get to leave! I am not going to sacrifice myself on the alter of tom caffee's unrelenting hatred - whatever my sins! I didn't hit you,I didn't throw you out in the street! No,but you beat on me with your silence everyday! If somethin' doesn't change,tommy, - I'm gonna end up a bitter and nasty person! - All right! - I don't want to be that person! - All right! Okay,I hear you! Can we just can we just table this until after the election? No! Fine!Get out! hello,rose! Mind if I join you? I uh - was just on my way out! - No,you weren'T! You were waiting for my husband, and the two of you were gonna play gin the way you do every tuesday! - Is the coffee good here? - Uh,yeah! It's uh it's excellent!But uh I really have to go! Judd won't be coming to play cards anymore! He's sick,rose,and he's not gonna get any better! He's stronger than you think! No! The lion is in his long,slow winter! As his wife,it's my job to make sure that his dignity remains intact! And that means that you and this are over! Thought you had somewhere to go? He looks forward to seeing me! It'll give him a reason to fight! The fight's over! You had your afternoons with him! Now he's mine! He always loved me more! Whatever gets you through the night! Can I get you coffee? Cream,no sugar! Freddie, I checked the air ducts! Yes!I checked the toilet tanks, I checked the crawl spaces,I checked the drywal- found a fireball! Course we checked the kitchen! I got half the fuckin' kitchen in the living room here! No! No,I'm not gonna rip up the floorboards! 'Cause you can see that it's-it's solid, the whole thi- 'cause it'll be a waste of good craftsmanship! think this place has central air? Oh,that's disgusting! Forgot Something? what the fuck is the matter with pat,you know? He's got a beautiful kid, beautiful house,a life people would kill for it's not enough! What the fuck's he stealing from freddie for? Paying the mortgage,I guess! No!A man with responsibilities should know better! Having a kid does change things! Not that you're gonna change!I mean,if she'S you know! No,it'll change me! I don't think in a bad way! yeah? Hey,ma!What's going on? Yeah,he's - he's right here with me! It's for you! Yeah! Sure! Right! - What's that about? - She said I couldn't tell you! So?You're serious? Yeah! - What you're not gonna fuckin' tell me? - No! Pfft! - Fuck you! - It's a private matter! Your mother and i thought it best if he wasn'T a presence in your life! Your father was a married man when he and your mother had their moment! So is he an asshole or what? it was a complicated time! Why are you telling me this now,when you lied to me this morning? My conscience got the better of me! somehow it'd be easier if he was an asshole! well,with any luck you'll give his wife a heart attack! I think you need to go knock on that door and announce that you want to see your father! I'll see you at home! Right! Yes? How you doin'? Don't mean to bother you,ma'am! Uh,my name is colin carr, I was hoping to have a word with mr!Fitzgerald! Mr!Fitzgerald is resting! Right! Well,when should I come back? How about never? I'm not collecting for charity or selling candy bars or nothing! I know exactly who you are, and he doesn't wanna see you! Does he even know I'm here?He's never even fuckin' met me! Did you ever stop to wonder why that is? Look,lady, if a bloke's gonna fuck my mother,even if it was 38 years ago, he should have the courtesy to give her son two minutes! Hell,it's 3 minutes less than his dick was inside her! Oh,you're cute! And when you get angry you actually have a bit of his mouth! There's nothing here for you!I'm sorry! no,no,I can't - I can't show the place until the drywall's up! No,it- mm-hmm! Lila,I want to hear that shower running! No,I need your crew there tomorrow! Dickie,it's not the type of job I can just go into home depot and pick up five guys! Fine!What about thursday? 'Kay,well thursday it is! - What? - Lila doesn't like cheese! Dad,somebody's at the door! Uhhh - you might wanna see who it is! - No! Lila,I wanna see you outta that shower before dinner! Come in! Just wanted to drop off your schedule and these papers from the finance committee! Oh,and these messages! Your sister said she'd cover for me starting tomorrow! - Tomorrow? - I wanna show the party bosses I can hit the ground running! Oh,right! Have you heard anything yet? Speaker said they were gonna decide in the next couple days! Uh,no,nothing! I'll,uh,I'll make that call tomorrow! You already told him you supported my candidacy though? Yeah,right!Yeah! Dad,something's burnin' on the stove! maybe you were tired of furniture stools lookin' down on you because it didn't look like you had hundred dollar bills stuckyon ur pockets! Well,not at richard brothers furniture! At richard brothers,we treat all our customers like royalty! You want bedrooms?We have bedrooms! You want love seats?We have love seats! Coffee tables,lamps,genuine leather! So come on down to richard brothers furniture where we're the kings and you'll be treated like royalty! - Another? - Sure! Um,vodka martini,up,olives,dry! Hi! All in ten seconds or less with the original magic bullet, the versatile personal countertop you know what I always thought was an underrated invention? The flo-bee! The hair clipper you attach to a vacuum cleaner? Sucks the hair right up!It's genius! I think people were afraid it might hurt! If I paid you 50 dollars, would you get a flo-bee haircut? done by a professional stylist so it'd look just like a normal haircut? - No! - Why not? I don't know! But when I was I really wanted a bedazzler! What's a pair of acid-wash jeans without a few rhinestones? I wanted to do my tennis shoes! Keds? Tretorns! Oh! Oh,the ring!Yeah! But then you have one too! Well,at least there wouldn't be any misunderstandings! No,there wouldn'T! So ginsu knives: Pro or con? Pro! Pocket fisherman? Con! You're really quite beautiful! - I have to go! - One more drink? I have to go! How long do you think it takes to get to barrington? You know,like a commute! oh,30 minutes during rush hour,25 if you're lucky! God,it's pretty out there! So I'm thinking I should quit my job! Was harv hassling you again? No,it'S it's just if I keep working for harv,I'm never gonna get medical insurance! We've got the blue cross!We're okay! Blue cross sucks! We're still getting bills from when you were in the hospital! I'll talk to freddie!I think I think his whole family's on local 12 or something! He says it's a good deal! It's also expensive! snatch! Pussy,cunt, beaver,clam,vagina! Do you know what a vagina is? A hole! That's what makes them women! A great heartless void inside them! Fuck women! Fuck 'em and fuck 'em! Ah,not that I don't like to fuck 'em! To my fucking mother! Fuck her! Fuck my mother, fuck my aunt ,fuck my bastard father's cunt whore wife! Fuck,fuck fuck 'em all! hello! Wanna fuck? sweetheart! Oh,baby! motherfucker! What do you think? It's uhit's nice! Mr!Caffee? Margaret grace,bloom and steele realty! How are ya? And this is mrs!Caffee? - Close enough! - Kath! So lovely property,isn't it? The current ask is six-twenty-five ,but I know for a fact the seller is highly motivated! Great! It's a very close-knit neighborhood! - Good schools! - Yeah? Lots of green space! I gotta tell ya,I grew up in the city and uh, 8-foot between houses was considered roomy! So this must be like heaven! Oh my god! Wow! - I love these marble countertops! - Yeah? And it's got,you know,four bedrooms! So check out the stove! You could run a restaurant with that thing! It's a viking! - A viking? - Yeah! Got a question for you! What would the uh you know,with the break-in,the damage and everything, you think the owner might consider being extra flexible on the price? Perhaps! Mr!Caffee, I was speaking to one of my colleagues, one more familiar with the urban landscape of providence! The what? When I brought up your name,he mentioned you might have certain credit issues that might make it difficult for you to get a traditional mortgage! What are you saying? You saying you you're not gonna take my money to buy this house? I'm just saying the banks I deal with may find your credit viability problematic! In the end,it's the seller's decision to accept or reject any offer! I'm just the agent! it's a terrific house! Yeah! hey,pat! Keep your ass glued in the fuckin' chair!Okay? Here! gimme your fuckin' hand! Eat your food,take a sip! I'm not gonna kill you! If that's what I wanted,I'd have waited in the parking lot and shot you in the back of the head! Come on,gimme a fry! You know,I saw you at the school today! You have a very lovely daughter! don't worry,I'm not gonna do anything to her,okay? I'm here as a fuckin' favor! You gotta leave town! And I'm not talking cranston,or naragansett; I'm talking fucking topeka,omaha,saigon! You got a second cousin in ottawa,go fuckin' see him,okay? I know you love your daughter! But better she think of you as the asshole who ran out on her than she has to stand over your coffin,right? I like your commercials! So my daughter is waitin' at the bus stop and the bus just drives right on by! Okay,this is three days in a row now same bus,same driver! Tom caffee! Oh yeah! Okay,uhno! Gimme the house and the block number! I'll talk to city sanitation! I promise! No,I got it right here,written down! I'll let that go to voicemail!Mrs! Anyway,the driver is one of those latinos! well,he'll only stop at the stop if there's another latino waitin'! - Well,that's reverse racism- mary- - I'm sorry I'm late,I know I'm late! I got hung up at the clinic and jimmy had a thing, he didn't get back with the car,and just ugh well,you have to do something,tommy,because well,he won't pick up the white people! Tommy,you got calls on lines I,2,and 3! Uh,take messages! It's the speaker's office on line 2! And I cancelled your 3 o'clock with the latin council at st! You did what? You were overbooked,it was quarter to three, and who the heck are the latin council anyway? Christ!The latin council control the bulk of the hispanic vote, including 30 percent of my district! call 'em!Call 'em right now and tell them I'm two minutes away!Sorry! I thought it was a church group! edgar,I'm,I'm sorry! I don't get it,tommy!You asked to sit down with us! You said you understood our growing role in the community! I do! Know what father miguel said? He said that you were,above all,out to protect your own, and that while that's an honorable position,it means you'll always put the irish first! That's not true!I honestly care about you and your people! Don't bullshit,tommy! At some point,we were gonna stop being friends! I just didn't think that it was today! Help yourself to coffee! It's cuban style! jordana?Eileen! I'm good!Great! Good! How 'bout you? Any more disastrous dates? well,I was thinking,uh,hoping maybe I could convince you to meet me for lunch! We could go to that greek place on thayer, right next to the avon! Grab a bite,do a little retail therapy! It's not that far! Right! Well,maybe someplace closer to the school? Sure! The weekend then!Yeah! Okay,I'll talk to you then! Bye! can you really see us in that house? Like,puttering around the kitchen,making grilled cheese? Yeah! What's to stop us? It is gorgeous! I'm nervous,okay? babe,can you turn that down? oh my god! Michael!No! Michael! I'm fine!Get in the car! Okay!Maybe I should drive? I don't need you to drive!Just get in the car! Gimme the keys! - I said,I'm fine! - You're not fine, you need to go back to the doctor! Doctor's said I'm strong,I'm not goin' back to any fuckin' doctor! So what,you gonna have a seizure behind the wheel and put us into a tree? What if my kids were in the car? I'm not gonna hurt the kids! Michael,gimme the keys or I'm walkin' home! - Get in the car! - No! - Get in the fuckin' car! - I am not driving with you! I'm not some fuckin' head case! There's nothin' wrong with me,all right?! Michael,you're covered in gasoline! Get in the car! Just get in the fuckin' car! - yeah! - Tommy,it's me! I wanted to make sure you remembered to write a check for noni's dance class today! And we promised mary-rose that she could go to the movies tonight with danielle, so someone's gonna have to come over and look after the kids until you get home! Okay! Tommy yeah? I don't know! I was thinking I don't know! I checked into the biltmore last night! That's where I was! Anything else? Do you have anything you want to say to me? Like what? I don't know!Like anything! Look,I'm kinda busy right now,okay? Sure! Hello? Colin! Hello? - good morning! - what? Oh,is it too loud?Oh,I'm sorry! I thought tommy fixed the dryer! Yeah,he did,but now the washers rattling! Probably just had an unbalanced load! No,I know an unbalanced load! This was different! A little early,isn't it? Yeah! It's early! your grandfather used to drink like that! Brought him nothing but sorrow! At least not until he fell down the staircase and achieved the sweet release of death! you haven't asked me how it went! Oh,I figured if it was any of my business, you woulda told me! His wife wouldn't even let me in the door! - Oh,I'm sorry! - No,you're not! You wanted me to piss her off! you know your father's always been an honorable man! So how did this honorable man end up fucking my mother? Because he was in love with me,and I was married! Oh! That shouldn't even be there! and this? Oh! that's private! I kind of destroyed one of his bushes! Now,that was a silly thing to do! It was all I could think of doing! Fundraising's right on target! Question now is which races do we wanna push our chips into? You don't wanna go for a clean sweep? Ah,let's focus on holding the super-majority! We do that,we neuter the governor's power! Oh,prick! Tommy? I've been waiting for you to weigh in on your boy alex for the open seat in the 3rd! What do you want me to say? Be a great opportunity for him! Fuck opportunity!Can he win? Everything I've accomplished on your behalf I couldn't have done without him backing me up! I know we still got a long wish list of bills,but well,it would be disloyal for me to express anything but my full support for his candidacy! All right,so who's it gonna be,uh,morton or hammond? They're both fine with me! Let's go with morton! He's a chucklehead,but uh he's a loyal chucklehead,you know? - he would like to meet his father! - No! Peggy,this is me being polite! Not polite is introducing him to every legislat or in rhode island as the bastard son of judd fitzgerald! He just wants the chance to know him! He doesn't look like a terrible boy! If I let him in,you'll have to promise never to see judd again! Judd's your husband,peggy! He's always been your husband! - Isn't that enough? - No! if it makes you happy to make him sad all right! Thank you! Who are you? I'm colin carr,sir! Do I like him? He's a very nice young man! all right,you can stay! But don't tell me the score! It's videotaped from last night! Yes,sir! Absolutely fantastic! Puck is picked up by robert!Centre shot! Another stop by cote,he puts it back out into play! that is place is too much house for us! - It's too much money! - We can afford the house! You can afford it! But what if something happens to you! I mean,I know you're fine! - What if you go to jail? - I'm not goin' anywhere! - I don't want the house! - Well,what if do? Wha-what if I want a tree in my yard that isn't strangled by the fucking pavement! Yeah,well,then you can live by yourself because I am not moving my family to the fucking suburbs! what? We have love seats,coffee tables,lamps,genuine leather! So come on down to richard brothers furniture, where we're the kings and you'll be treated like royalty! hey! Hey! Did he tell ya where he's got your money? Fuck-nuts won't even admit that he's been skimming! Yeah? Cut me in - 15%? Ten! All right,you greedy suburban fuck,oh! where's the fuckin' money? pat richard? Yeah! That's him! He looked thinner in his commercials! Well,congratulations,gates! What for? Freddie trusts you! So,thanks for the ride! Remember you've got coffee with the head of the plumbers and pipe-fitters at 8:30 tomorrow! They suggested the system,but I moved it to eddie and sons so you'd be closer to your 10:15! Listen,I'm sorry I couldn't get you the slot in the 3rd! It wasn't my time! Between you and me, the speaker wanted someone who's directly loyal to him! It's not fair,but he's paranoid that way! hi! - How are the kids? - The kids?They're fine! I told them you were visiting with friends! How's the bed? A little soft but not bad! Come home! You think I wanna be here? Okay,whatever you want me to say sorry for,I am sorry! Do you even have any idea what we're fighting about? Do you have any understanding at all of why I went out - and did what I did all those times? - No,I fuckin' don't,okay?I just I got no fuckin' clue! You know,what are you doing here? You know,in a room buying 3-packs of cvs underwear? You know,we had a happy marriage! Hey,I had a happy marriage! you're killin' me! you know all I ever did was love the person you said you were! yeah? Oh,hey,mom!Um,dad? Danielle was wondering if I could go to her house for dinner before the movie? Sure!Yeah! Yeah,I can't stay for dinner either! The speaker wants me to go down to westerly and kick our candidate there into shape! Sure!I'll see you when you get home! hey,babies! - Did you miss me? - Sure! hey! So,I called the doctor,made an appointment! He said uh you know,if it was a seizure,whatever,that they got drugs to try to control it,so I don't know,I should be fine! It's blue! I'm pregnant! Yeah? Let's see it! that's great! yeah!Yeah! That's great,right? - hello,here - Hi! Come in! eileen walked out yesterday! I'm sorry! She came home today! Well,that's for the best! She doesn't know,you know,about us! Good! - You got time for a visitor? - I can'T!I'm sorry! I have a dinner party at the house of these horrible people! I promise I won't mess up your hair! Likely story! Look,make yourself a drink,stay as long as you like,but I have to go! I don't want a drink! I didn't come 'round here for a drink!I didn'T aren't you just the little-boy- who dropped- his-ice-cream-cone! Sit down! you better be quick! BrotherHood Season 2 Episode 5 Proudly Presents
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