Epitafios (2004) s02e05 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 5

Come here.
Come here I said.
Where do you think
you're going, bitch?
That's enough.
-You need some help?
-Yes. So?
You've got a fever.
You need a doctor.
It could be someone
with split personalities.
They work like a team.
A part of him is in charge,
the other obeys.
So the same camera
took both pictures?
Now I need to know
if the forensic photographer
of the Arosati-Castillo case
did Pardo-Martino, as I think.
I knew it.
Get me Emilio Ronda's file.
Do I tell the boss
that our psychic says
the congressman is dead?
Do you know where
the congressman's body is?
Out there.
Marina, we'll be there
in ten minutes.
Carlos. No, let me talk.
They're coming
for the body.
I don't know
how they found it.
Hear me out.
You need to disappear,
Son of a bitch!
-This is crazy, Marquez.
-Give him some time, sir.
How much time?
Enough to catch pneumonia?
It's up to you.
I think we'd better wait.
But it's up to you.
What's going on?
He dug it up.
That son-of-a-bitch did it.
Dug u what?
-The congressman's body.
-But why would he do that?
I can't talk now.
I need you to get me out of here.
I'm stuck in the mud.
Where are you?
Please bring the truck.
Write this down.
Get him out of here!
This makes no sense, Marina.
Why would he do that?
I don't know.
The idiot must think
he's in trouble.
They can't touch you
even if they find him, right?
Am I wrong?
Get me everything
you have on him.
I can't, he is the one
that contacts me.
There is nothing I can do.
Just do it.
What's wrong, sir?
How do I explain this
to the boss?
He'll ask how I knew
he was dead and buried here.
for interrogation.
-They can't do that.
-What can you do to stop them?
We'll say
it was an anonymous caller.
It sounds good
Thanks, Marquez.
Anytime, sir.
Is he dead?
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm sorry.
I know it's late.
This was in my mailbox.
It's for you.
Thank you very much.
-I can pay for it if you want.
-No thanks.
-What's your name?
I have to pay mine anyway.
Nice smile.
You need to smile
some more
I'll think about it.
You do that.
-Well, good night then.
-Good night.
Are you okay?
Is that enough?
Now you need
to get rid of the body.
Yes, I know.
But it won't be easy.
I can't drag him upstairs alone.
My leg is too sore.
Don't we have an axe?
Chop him up in tiny pieces,
and take him upstairs
little by little.
Is that all he wrote?
He's acting weird though.
So what else is new?
Carlos Ramos.
Who is he?
Is he the killer?
Keep an eye on him.
Come on.
Find out all you can
about Carlos Ramos.
Find out if he's missing,
or had something to do
with a homicide in the 80s.
The eighties.
Ramos didn't go home
last night.
His wife filed
a missing person report.
Since nobody's seen him,
I think
He's an MD.
He got a home call.
Tell the entire department
finding him is our top priority.
Ronda's file?
Let's go.
-Where to?
-To see Emilio Ronda.
Just great.
He was
the forensic photographer
of all the murders
this copycat repeated.
He had access to the files
and the crime scenes.
Is he still working?
No, he retired
four years ago.
Does he have a record?
Mental problems?
Nothing at all.
So he's a little angel.
Except for the scratch
in the camera lens.
Yes, six dead people.
An anonymous call?
That's right.
-Who took the call?
-I did.
Was it the killer?
He wouldn't bother to call us
and then bury the body.
I can't say right now,
we just started the investigation.
-Forget it, detective.
-Excuse me?
The dead congressman
was very close to the president.
The investigation should be given
to a special task force
that would report
to the Secretary of the Interior.
There can be no leaks.
Whatever you say.
Who is the coroner
in charge of the autopsy?
Dr. Morini.
Good. I'll keep in contact.
Yes sir.
We're here.
Finally. Where are you?
I'm at the doctor's office.
I don't feel well.
Is it serious?
I've never seen a doctor
of my own free will.
So just imagine.
Call me when you're done.
Okay. Bye.
Marina isn't feeling well.
That's weird in her.
Sometimes I feel like
I'm working with a stranger.
Let's go.
What do you want?
Police. We need to talk
with Emilio Ronda.
I'm sorry, he's not here.
I'm his son.
Can we take a look?
I feel as if
I'm going to die right there.
I can't breath.
I feel like an elephant
is standing on my chest.
I can't control it, doctor.
When was
your last checkup?
Two months ago
and I'm totally healthy.
That's why I don't get it.
I think it's stress-related.
Most of my patients
suffer from it.
They don't sleep well.
Excessive responsibilities,
At least I don't feel
so lonely.
What should I do, doctor?
These should make
your symptoms go away.
It's a anti-anxiety drug.
It should
help calm you down.
Take one before breakfast
every morning.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
I just hope it gets rid
of my dizzy spells.
I feel like
there's a gun to my head.
You didn't say anything
about dizzy spells.
You didn't ask,
but that's okay.
That's true.
Please have a seat.
Tell me.
How often do you have
these dizzy spells?
I had two last week.
Two in a week?
Yes, I get dizzy,
and it feels
like I'm falling down.
Take three days off
and come back to see me.
Very well.
So then,
are you looking
for my father?
Can I have a seat?
-What did he do?
-None of your business.
He is my dad.
What do you need to know?
When will he be back?
Unless he's Lazarus,
I doubt he'll ever return.
I'm not joking, you idiot.
Where is he?
He's dead.
When did he die?
Six months ago.
The idiot died like a dog.
How do dogs die?
Squashed in the street
by a garbage truck.
Are you into photography?
No, I hate it.
You hate your dad.
You hate photography.
Especially my dad.
How come?
Is this an interrogation,
or what?
Is this weed?
Why do you hate your dad?
He was sick.
He had a lab.
A shrine, actually.
A disgusting shrine
is what it was.
I was just twelve.
And irresistibly
attracted to shrines.
I never should've gone
in there.
Rosaries and Madonnas.
An entire day
locked in the dark.
I was just twelve,
and the son-of-a-bitch
locked me up
with his exhibition
of dead bodies.
The sick bastard.
He screwed up
my mom's life and mine.
He spent more and more time
in that hellhole.
According to his file,
he retired four years ago?
That's a lie.
He was actually fired.
He had lost 90 % capacity
of his left eye,
and more than 40 %
of his right eye.
That's not
what it says here.
Of course not.
A lot of heads would roll
in the Police Department.
A blind forensic
How do you explain that?
How much evidence was lost
because of my dad?
How many killers
are on the loose
because of his mistakes
at the crime scene?
How long did my dad work
almost in the dark?
What do I know?
Mom says
more than twenty years.
She thinks that explained
the bastard's extreme violence.
Did he have an assistant?
No idea.
I never went back there.
And his equipment?
Where is your dad's
-I sold it.
-Right after he died.
-To whom?
To the first guy that showed up.
I didn't even place an ad.
Who bought it?
-What do you want?
-Just answer me!
Who bought it?
He just showed up
at my door one day.
He was young.
Not more than 25.
He bought everything.
Are you going to tell me
what you want?
What'll it be?
He took everything.
The pictures too?
I guess he found them
quite interesting.
Then what?
I locked the door
and never went back.
Can we see the lab?
I hope I find the key.
-That's what the doctor says.
That's very convenient.
It's just a couple of days.
What? I need you here
more than ever, Segal.
You think I don't know that?
I have no choice.
Alright, where are you?
At home.
Please get some rest.
Yes, Mazzoni.
I'll wait here
if you don't mind.
There's a weird smell
I can't put my finger on.
This place stinks.
What is it?
Silver halide salts,
just like with Klur.
A photographic fixer.
What do we
know about him?
Morini says he's wounded.
There's nothing
He'll have trouble walking
if his leg is hurt.
He must be taking
That's possible.
Yes, it is possible.
The old photographer
had nothing to do with it.
There's his son.
But nothing indicates
he's a serious suspect.
Not yet.
Then there's the buyer.
The mysterious guy
who bought the gear.
Maybe he is the one
we're looking for.
Six snapshots in a row.
Let's get out of here.
Do you like dogs?
What part didn't you get?
What do dogs
have to do with anything?
Do you like them?
I had dogs.
They don't bother me.
Hey, can you tell me
what you're looking for?
I can't.
I have nothing.
The bastard didn't call back.
And he won't.
''Congressman Achaval
found dead''.
What will you do
to find him?
He'll come to me.
Why would he do that?
Because he did all he could
to control me.
For some reason or other,
we have a score to settle.
All I need to know
is the price.
What are you going to do?
I'm in this too.
You above all.
You need to disappear
before the cops find you.
I can't do that.
Didn't you hear me?
Do you want to get
life in prison?
Okay, what do I do?
Get rid of everything.
The files, the gun.
Anything they could use
as proof.
Not the gun.
Especially the gun.
They'll get me
if they get you.
And I swear,
before that happens
I'll kill you.
See what they
can do with this.
Please come with me.
Yes sir.
They took
the Achabal case away.
Good, we're barely
keeping up as it is.
What about Marina?
Her doctor
ordered her to rest.
-He's got a headache.
Lie down.
Go on. Lie down.
Who is it?
-May I come in?
What's going on?
You tell me.
What are you up to?
Nothing. What do you mean?
The cops were at my place.
Come in.
What did they want?
They asked if I still had
my dad's equipment.
-And what did you tell them?
-That I sold it.
Did you mention me?
They would already be here
if I had.
-How are dogs involved?
What dogs?
They asked me
if I liked dogs.
I know the police.
It was not a random question.
I have no idea.
Don't you need some money?
-I always need money.
I don't want any trouble
with the law.
Don't worry, you won't.
How much do you need?
Kill him.
There's a little more
than a thousand.
Count it.
What are you up to?
Nothing. Really.
You have to trust me.
I might need more money.
Don't make me
tell the cops about you.
I don't want any cops
asking me about dogs and stuff.
Don't you dare threaten me.
I'll give you what you want,
but don't threaten me, okay?
-You're really
-What? What?
Forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Forgive me.
I never meant to hurt you.
You just can't threaten me.
I can't stand
being threatened.
Please forgive me.
Okay, it's okay.
-Yes, it's okay.
How are you?
Does it hurt?
Does it hurt much?
Let's go to the bathroom.
You need to wash that.
-No, I'm fine.
-Forgive me.
Please forgive me.
Wait. Wait.
-You have rights.
-What are you talking about?
The cops.
You don't have to see them.
Don't let them in the house
without a warrant, okay?
-Call me if you need me.
-If you need money.
Get a doctor
to see that leg.
We need to get rid of him.
We need to
find out,
we just need to find out
how they found him,
and that's it.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him!
I swear,
this isn't personal,
This isn't about you.
It's just that
I have to try and do it
exactly the way it happened.
And that implies
that some people have to suffer.
But it gives me
no pleasure to do this.
What is it?
No, come, sit down.
Sit down.
It's okay.
I remember.
-Is that his name?
He'll come after you
and Marina.
You have no idea
They're going over the tests.
What happened?
He had a headache
all day long.
I was with him tonight,
he got up all of a sudden,
he sat down on the bed,
so I made him lie down again
and calmed him down.
-Did he say anything?
-Yes but I don't know what.
There is a tumor
in his right hemisphere,
pressing on the forebrain.
What is your opinion?
We need to wait.
We're getting other opinions.
We'll try to operate,
but it depends on the specialists.
But we need
to treat the infection
which is putting
huge pressure on the brain.
Alright. Thank you.
Do you think
he'll lose his gift?
I couldn't say.
What matters now
is saving his life, right?
It entered the right temple,
possibly a .38 caliber.
A hollow-pointed bullet.
That's right.
This shot came from the front,
aimed at the chest.
From approximately
a 45-degree angle,
aimed from above,
from five yards away.
-With a 9 millimeter?
So he was shot
while he was on the floor.
What else do we know?
His liver is bloated.
It could be a case
of mild statotis.
Fat in the liver,
possibly due to excessive
alcohol intake.
That is totally irrelevant
to the investigation.
We also found traces
of unmetabolized cocaine.
He took at least a gram
before he died.
-More irrelevant data.
-That's what I thought.
Where was he shot first?
In the head.
The blood was concentrated
in that area.
But that wasn't the shot
that killed him.
What about
the paraffin test?
It's positive.
I think he shot himself.
If it's a suicide,
it's kind of weird.
Talking strictly about suicides,
yes it is.
And if not,
what would we talk about?
We had a few similar cases
some time ago,
but there was only
one shot to the head.
We believe only one gun
was used in all those cases,
a .38 caliber,
possibly a Smith & Wesson.
What does that mean?
We discovered
that all five victims
played Russian roulette.
I suppose you also ran
a ballistics test.
Of course.
The bullet in the congressman's
head matches the others.
You mentioned
an investigation back then?
-I did.
-Who was in charge of it?
Marina Segal.
Marina Segal?
Thank you.
You bastard.
Is that how
you treat your partner?
I have no partners.
Exactly what do you want?
We can't discuss it
on the phone.
Okay. When and where?
That bastard.
if that tumor is removed.
I hope so.
Tell me more
about that Ronda guy.
his dad
died six months ago.
He sold all
his photographic equipment.
He doesn't know
who bought it.
Would you rule him out
as a suspect?
He answered
all our questions.
He seems honest enough.
But I won't rule him out.
What then?
We have samples
of the killer's blood and hair.
We're running DNA tests
to see if Ronda is a match.
We need a court order.
Maybe not.
He might cooperate with us.
Unless he's the killer.
Hopefully, Mazzoni.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-I'm here to see Marina Segal.
She hasn't come in yet.
Have a seat.
Yes. Yes, sure.
-Thank you.
How was your vacation?
I wouldn't take one
if I were you.
Take care of these.
I need to get updated.
This one is urgent.
Very urgent.
-Can you handle it?
Let's take a look.
It's black and white.
You're the guy for the job.
Yes, that's what they say.
-Good morning.
Here I am.
How far do you
want to take this?
I don't know.
You dug up the body, you idiot,
and buried it elsewhere.
But I didn't call the cops.
You need to know that.
-I know.
-How did they find him?
They just did.
It doesn't matter.
How is this thing going?
No idea.
I've been improvising.
What do you want?
That's a little ambiguous.
Justice from whom?
From my mom's killer.
What do I have to do
with it?
You killed her.
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