Friday Night Lights s02e05 Episode Script

Let's Get It On

You know, I'm still your daughter, too.
Just as much as little blob.
You don't have to act like such a brat about it all the time.
Oh, well, that's really mature.
I hate you.
Julie, come back here right now.
Congratulations, Dad.
It's all over the paper.
I'll have Human Resources send over a termination package tonight.
Hope you know what the hell you're doing.
Technically, they're embryonic stem cells.
You just said you're gonna give him a shot from a shark? So what am I supposed to do? Come down here.
Help me talk him out of it.
Come to Mexico? Are you out of your mind? I have got to go.
They just pulled a body out of the river.
Do you understand? We have no choice.
You're wrong.
We do have a choice.
I have the choice to turn myself in and that's what I'm gonna do.
You wanna spend the rest of your life in jail? Gracias.
Tim Riggins? Jason Street.
He's, uh Wheelchair? No legs? Making fun of cripples now, Lyla? Hey, nice hat.
Did I miss something? What are you doing here? Tim didn't tell you I was coming? Wait a minute, wait a minute.
He called you here? What the hell are you? The Christian Coalition? Tim! No.
He's worried about the procedure Tim! Timmy! you're gonna have, and he wanted me to come here.
Riggins, get your ass out here! Yeah? Did you call Lyla and tell her to come down here? You didn't tell him I was coming, Tim? You made it.
Quarterback and my running back are fighting on the field, and I don't even know where the hell the fullback is.
It is frustrating.
What's with the candles? Hmm? Where's the baby? Out there sleeping.
Where do you think she is? How did everything go at the doctor's today? Aren't you sweet Did he have good things to say? to ask about little old me? Well, she said everything's going just great.
I'm a little bit anemic, but that's to be expected.
That means low on iron.
You need to take vitamins for that.
Yes, as I've been doing.
But everything's real good.
Thank you for asking.
So did you, uh, by chance, get the, uh The green light? Green light? Yeah.
Hmm? What do you mean? You know.
Come on.
You know, when Julie was born, we got that That's amazing that The green light.
you remember that little tidbit of information.
Of course I remember.
I remember a lot.
What are you thinking, honey? I'm thinking it's been a long time for you.
I'm thinking about us.
And I'm thinking about together time.
Together time.
Together time not just for us You know, honey but for everyone.
You know what would be really great together time? Yeah, I do.
You I do.
and Gracie.
No, no, no.
And you've already put her out there.
No, no, no.
And if you go out there with her You know how long it's been? That's ridiculous.
I can get a good night's sleep, and that would be the best gift you could give me.
It has been so long.
Honey, I don't want to.
I don't want to.
Thank you, honey.
Thank you for thinking.
Close that door behind you.
There you go.
You know what? You know what? Love you, sweetheart.
So there's Riggins outside.
I don't know what the hell's going on, I don't know what's being said.
All I see is Riggins throwing dollars at the guy.
Well, yeah.
There's kind of a major language barrier there, Six.
Anyway, that's how he ended up spread-eagle on the front hood of the car.
Sounds like you guys found a whole new level of dumb down here.
I mean, I think we're trying, anyway.
Yeah, trying to.
So we're sitting there, Riggins says, "You've got " All right, I'll see you in a bit.
So, how are you doing? Good.
That's awesome.
This has to be one of the most awkward conversations of my life.
Actually, it's not as bad as last night.
Grandma trying to explain to me about where babies come from, so, that's So what did you do about it? I just turned the TV on as soon as I heard the word "stork.
" I just put it on Law & Order Stork? and pretended not to hear.
Good thinking.
Yeah, well My friends are waiting, so I should probably go.
"No" what? No.
What? Just no.
Oh, man You know what I'm talking about.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'll see you at practice.
Okay! Hut! McGILL: There he is! Oh, my God.
Let's go! Hut! Is this them trying to impress me? I tried to warn you, Coach.
Them boys are tenser than hell! Just about makes me sick.
Sick, sick.
Round 'em up.
McGILL: Well, I puke nightly.
Bring it in on me! Come on! Let's go! All right, ladies.
Here's what we're gonna do today.
We're gonna switch positions for the remainder of the practice.
Backs go to line.
Offense, defense.
Defense, offense.
Coaches, get them in their groups and let's go have some fun.
You got two minutes, gentlemen.
Two minutes to change out! Let's go! McGILL: Get them changed.
Let's go! Big number for a little number! It's easy! Go, go! McGILL: Get him! Get him! Ball! Oh! Yeah! Hut! Oh, no! McGILL: Get him.
Get him! Who is that kid? McGILL: Who? Forty-three.
That lanky-looking kid.
That's Saracen's friend.
Who? Lance? I believe it's Landry.
Landry Clarke, I think.
Come on, 73! Come on! You don't got to hit me on the head Y'all need to mix this up.
every time you touch the ball.
I need to mix this up.
I'm not playing nose guard, y'all.
You need to get down on the line, man.
I don't get on all fours for nobody.
That ain't what I heard.
Oh, that's what you heard? I mean, that's just the talk around the locker room.
Come on! That's all I'm Do not What you gonna do? I swear to God, I thought we Any time you want, Matty.
Any time you want.
Hold on Bring it over here.
Free safety for something like that.
Let's go.
You two.
I want you over on the 40 with Coach there.
Coach, he Fifty up-downs.
Don't give me any lip.
He's talking trash! All right.
100! 100! Everything okay? Mmm-hmm.
Got them bags under your eyes.
Having trouble at home? What? You know, a new baby can be a son of a bitch sometime.
You and Tami back in the saddle yet? What the hell you talking about? I just found that when me and Susan got romantic again, that just kind of everything fell into place.
You know? Tell you what I did.
I gave her a night out with the girls.
It's a night away from the baby.
Has a drink or two.
Comes home that night.
Back in the saddle again.
Do me a favor.
Not now or ever again, I don't want to hear about you and Susan riding in the saddle.
Thank you.
You might want to bring some flowers home, too, 'cause it's always a nice touch.
Susan likes the tulips.
All right.
What did they say after that? Well, just They Did they ask you where you were that night? They just said "Thank you," and I left.
That's it? That's it.
Well, okay.
I am freaking out.
So don't.
Don't freak out.
Don't tell me what to do.
I am freaking Why aren't you freaking out? You know, I guess I'm taking a break.
You're You're taking a break.
Look, Landry, this could lead right to us.
You realize that? To me.
This was both of us.
No, it was me.
It wasn't you.
This could lead to you.
You could go to jail because of me.
I'm sorry.
Hey, Chad.
Hearing good things about the boy.
We'll be seeing him under the lights before long.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, he's doing okay.
We'll be watching.
I appreciate you mentioning that.
"Open container violation.
No contest.
" Another open container here.
Indecent exposure.
Public drunkenness.
" We have found ourselves a real upstanding citizen here.
Got a real rep in the sex department, too.
Got a sister who's a stripper.
Who are you guys talking about? Hey, troop.
What'd she do? Well, eight months back, our murder vic tried to rape her.
So you pulled her report.
Is she a suspect? No, not yet.
But You gotta figure she's definitely a person of interest.
There's an explanation there.
Appreciate that.
What are you doing? I'm leaving, Tim.
What do you mean, you're leaving? I'm just I'm going.
Why? Because you guys just think this is a big joke.
I don't think it's a big joke, Lyla.
Really? All you've done is gone to whorehouses and karaoke bars.
What else do you do in Mexico, Garrity? You're an idiot.
You think this is easy for me? You call me down here to help and Jason didn't even know I was coming.
You have no plan whatsoever Actually, yeah.
As a matter of fact, I do have a plan.
Oh, really? What's your plan, Tim? Guess what? It's right here.
A booze cruise? This is your plan? Yeah, a booze cruise.
Meals, snorkeling, dolphins.
A booze cruise.
I thought it would be a good time to chat him up on the boat.
What? You think the way to have a conversation with someone who's about to make the biggest mistake in his life is by taking him on a booze cruise? Yeah.
Kind of, sort of.
What? I don't even know where to begin to tell you how distorted your view of the world is.
I'm distorted? My view's distorted? Really? I disagree.
I disagree.
Yeah, really, Tim.
I'm not the one Yeah.
Really? Yeah.
I may be as screwed up as you say I am, and that's fine.
Go with that.
But at least I'm by Jay's side.
At least I'm going through whatever it is we're gonna go through together.
I will take him back in a box to Tex if I have to, Lyla.
You? The second you saw us, you were ready to get on that next plane back to Texas.
That kind of sucks.
For Jay and for me.
You know what? You know I'm right.
You just won't admit it.
I sin daily and I'm a better Christian than you, Garrity.
I'll go on your stupid booze cruise.
You better man up and have a conversation with me.
This is an intervention, Tim, and I can't do this by myself.
I got it.
Hey, I'm gonna need some extra cash, too, for that booze cruise.
I smell bacon.
She's sleeping.
You did all the wake-ups last night and you're cooking breakfast? And you got tulips? You know what I am? I'm a husband taking care of his wife.
What's wrong with that? I don't think anything's wrong with it.
I just don't know who you are.
What have you done with my husband? Here.
Here's some.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Tell you what.
What? There're gonna be some changes around here.
What kind of changes? You want to know what kind of changes? Mmm-hmm.
What day is today? It's Wednesday.
And what happens Wednesday nights? Well, I would know that because of this new chart I've created.
Let's see, Wednesday.
Oh, gee.
There's book club tonight.
I don't want to go to book club.
Oh, yes.
Hell, you do want to go.
Those ladies are crazy.
Let me tell you something.
You are going to book club.
And let me tell you why you're going to book club.
You're gonna relax.
You're gonna spend some time with your friends.
You're gonna have a few glasses of wine.
And you're gonna enjoy yourself.
That's why.
All right? Hmm.
A man takes care of his wife.
You are really starting to get this whole trigonometry thing.
You know, I am so excited to get out in the world and actually use some of this.
Really? 'Cause I'm sure it's gonna come in handy sometime.
Don't sell yourself short.
You don't know what's gonna happen.
You may wake up and want to be a structural engineer.
Oh, you're right.
You're right.
It could happen.
As soon as I quit my waitressing job, that's exactly what I'm plan to do.
That's what I thought.
See you.
Hey, Dad.
How you doing? I'm pretty good.
How was practice today? Oh, okay.
I made a tackle today, but You and Tyra sure seem to be spending a lot of time together here lately.
I guess.
You know, I was talking about her with some of the detectives.
Really? I need to ask you something.
How come you didn't bother to tell me that the guy we pulled out of the river was the same one that tried to rape her? Are you serious? Well, you do know she was down at the station.
You know that, don't you? No.
I I didn't know.
You're spending a lot of time with each other.
I'm just The whole thing doesn't make sense to me, to be honest with you.
I mean So, she just really doesn't want to talk about it.
There's nothing I mean, there's nothing else that I can say.
She's not saying it to me.
I understand that.
I'm just saying that ordinarily in situations like this All right, well, Dad people want somebody that they can talk to about it.
That That may be the case.
You're right about that.
It's a lot to carry alone, Landry.
But she's not talking to me.
I What is it that you want me to say? I mean, I don't I She I don't know anything.
Come on.
I want to hear it.
What's wrong? What's going on? I didn't have you over just to eat my chili.
I want to know what the hell is going on.
Nothing? It ain't nothing, really.
Right here at this table.
I want it on the table.
We're gonna air this out.
I'm tired of Smash acting like he cares about the team at all.
I care about the team.
No, you don't care about the team.
You care about using the team to get your free ride to college.
I worked years to get to this place, Matt.
You only been starting one season.
You just mad 'cause you can't call the coin toss.
Everybody know the "C" on my arm don't mean a thing.
Yeah, I know that, but you're the one who keeps bringing it up You want to lead, then get to it.
Quit whining like a little bitch! Shh.
Hey, you watch your mouth.
What the hell do you think you're doing? He's just doing the same thing you did.
I'm sorry? Yeah, you just used us as a stepping-stone to get to TMU and then when that didn't work out, you came back thinking we'd be happy to have you.
It's kind of like what your daughter did with the Polish Swedish kid Whatever the hell he is.
You see what I've been dealing with all Close the door on the way out.
Look at my hair Look at my dog Let's get my scooter Hi.
Hi, honey! How are you doing? How are you? Good.
How was the book club meeting? It was really, really good.
Was it? It was so nice to get out.
It was nice to have some conversation with some people.
It was good.
Thank you.
How was dinner? Dinner was Dinner was pretty much a flop.
Oh, no.
It's all right.
Nothing your chili couldn't fix? No.
That is awful! Awful.
You had a good time, didn't you? I did.
It was fun.
You look very relaxed.
It was very fun and relaxing.
Was it? What are you laughing at? You know what's funny? What? Every single girl at that party had a six-week story.
What's that? It The story of their husbands wanting to have sex before they were ready to have sex after they had the baby.
Isn't that funny? You know what those people are? Those are bad, dirty people.
Honey! Ow! Ow! Dirty My boobs are killing me.
It's like concrete.
I gotta go pump and dump, baby.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Don't touch me.
Love you.
Ow! Ow! Ow! Hey.
How are you? I I'm good.
How are you doing? Good.
Um So, I was wondering I have an extra ticket to Decemberists, and I thought, maybe Oh, yeah.
I I mean, it's not a date or anything.
I It's just the Decemberists.
I just thought it would be fun, and I miss hanging out with you.
Well No, that's good.
I'll give you a call? Yeah.
Give me a call.
Yeah, I'll talk to you when you call me.
Lance! You mean Landry? Come here.
Come here.
Yes, sir? If I put you in the game Friday night, how would you be with that? You'd be ready? Yes, sir.
I'm ready right now.
All right.
That's it.
All right.
You can go now.
Hi, Mr.
Hi, Tyra.
How are you today? I'm I'm good.
How are you doing? I'm good.
Mind if I come in for a minute? Yeah.
Come on in.
Thank you.
Can I get you water or something? I'm telling you, the boy is cut off.
No, thanks.
He's all hands.
Why's there a cop in my living room? Mindy, this is Landry's father, Mr.
Good afternoon.
Go put some clothes on.
Forget about that, let's talk about this Do you want to have a seat? I don't need to sit, Tyra.
This is gonna be pretty cut and dry.
This whole you and Landry thing has never made much sense to me, but I think maybe it's starting to right now.
I I don't really know what you're talking about.
The fact that you two just happened to get together about the same time this dead guy shows up.
That's what I'm talking about, Tyra.
I'm sorry, but are you accusing me of something? I'm not here today as a cop.
Okay? And, God forbid, it'll never come to that.
I'm here talking to you today as a father who is worried about his son.
Landry has never lied to me.
But he's lying to me now.
About you.
Now I don't know what you're involved with, but I am not about to let him get dragged into it.
I hope I'm wrong.
I really do.
But either way, you're gonna do something for me.
And this is not a request.
You stay away from my boy.
You got that? Here you go, Mrs.
Oh, thank you, Matt.
You're welcome.
Thank you so much.
So that's Gracie there? This is Gracie Belle.
She's just about to fall asleep.
She's cute.
Thank you.
Does she do anything yet? Mostly just a baby, but Hey, so She's pretty cute.
We'll keep her.
Did Julie tell you that we're hanging out this weekend? Mmm-hmm.
That's I did hear about that.
That should be fun.
That should be great.
That should be good.
Thank you so much.
Hey, you don't You don't think, like, I'm a chump, do you? For going out with her again or hanging out with her again? 'Cause Landry keeps saying I'm a chump, and I should've just said, "No, I won't hang out with you again.
" I don't Well, I don't You know, it doesn't matter I mean, it's important what you think.
'Cause I think that's the important thing.
All right.
I think that I miss her.
I mean, I know I miss her.
It's just, you know, after You know.
Well, you know, it's an awkward position for me to But Yeah.
I think you have Listen, you know, I just think the most important thing in a relationship is trust.
That's That's true.
Pretty much the most important thing.
Well, thanks.
Anyways, you probably got to go to your car.
Do you need help? Do you need a hand? I'm Jacques Cousteau.
Not funny? So this is it, huh? Listen, man.
We've been talking.
We don't think this stem cell thing is such a great idea.
Look, I know you feel lost and you're looking for hope, but it's false hope.
Why are you here? Why is she even here? Jay.
We just don't want you to do something like this on a whim.
I've been researching it for weeks, so Weeks, huh? Yeah.
Come on, man.
Even the doctor said there's a good chance of you dying on the table.
Look, I want out of this chair, all right? I want out of this chair.
Not next month, not next year, but I want out now.
All right? This is a way to do that.
And neither of you can look me in the eye and tell me you know what it's like to live in this chair.
So I'm gonna do this.
Y'all can't stop me.
Get on the table, if I die, I'm fine with that.
Don't say that.
I've already made peace with it.
You have so much to live for.
Actually, I don't, Lyla.
Yes, you do, Jason.
I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but everything happens for a reason.
God has a plan.
You know that.
No God card.
What? 'Cause God and I aren't exactly friends ever since he decided to break my neck.
You don't want religion? How about the fact that this is just a stupid idea and you're being an idiot? Maybe I'll just let some Jesus freak dunk my head under the water and wash all my troubles away.
It's that easy, right? Maybe I'll just grab a twelver, right, Riggins? That'll fix my spine right up.
Or Or maybe I could sleep with the single woman from across the street Yeah, you know what? I get it, Jay.
I get you want to walk again, but guess what? Never gonna happen.
You know what? Best case scenario, you lose ten grand.
Worst case scenario, dead, Jay, dead.
Do you think I want to go back to Dillon and look your family in the eye to tell them I let you do this? Listen.
I love you.
And I will knock you out and bring your ass back to Dillon if I have to.
Okay? Hey.
Hey! Jay! Hey! He's gone! Hey, turn the boat around.
Turn it around.
Tim, I can't see him! Turn! Jay! Six! What were you thinking? I wasn't.
I'm sorry.
I'm not having the surgery.
Let's go back to Texas.
Go back to Texas.
Let's get you up.
Well, what are you waiting for? I'm just contemplating how I'm gonna get you in the truck at this point, Jay.
It's Friday night, folks, and what a glorious evening it is.
The once beloved, now controversial, Coach Taylor is back in the driver's seat.
On your feet or on your knees, here come the Dillon Panthers! Hey! Hey! Look, we beat teams like this on the way to the game, okay? They ain't got nothing.
Y'all better get ready.
Here we go.
The second coming of Coach Taylor has begun as the Panthers take it in their own end zone.
He's up to the 20.
He's got some room to the outside.
He picks up a block and he is out of bounds at the 40.
Good start for the Panthers.
You two are sitting on the bench.
You understand me? Weston! Brooks! Come here! Oh, my, folks.
Looky here, it's Brett Weston starting at quarterback and the tailback will be Calvin Brooks.
That means that the hottest duo in Texas high-school football last year, Matt Saracen and Smash Williams, are riding the bench, and that is a coaching decision from Taylor that nobody saw coming.
He's sending a clear message to his team.
It is his way or the highway.
Hut! Weston drops back.
He's got a man open on the right.
He fires! Oh! Holy cow! Was that off! Weston hands off to Brooks.
He's got a middle lane.
He picks up inside.
Oh! He's hit hard.
Fumble! And Westerby has got it.
Second play of the game Lift your hands up.
Come on, let's go.
and Dillon has coughed it up.
This is all your fault.
Explain that.
Explain how it is my fault.
It's all your fault 'cause you You went to the coach's house, you disrespected the coach I'm the only one Hey, you know what? Why don't you two just shut up? You understand me? Shut up! Weston opens left.
He's looking downfield.
He fires! Interception! Somebody has got to bring him down.
Oh! Touchdown, and the Panthers are shut out at the half.
With Smash and Saracen benched, you gotta wonder, is Coach Taylor cutting off his nose to spite his face? Out of all of you, who's got something to say? Someone better have something to say! Coach, Saracen and Smash are Sit down! Saracen and Smash don't play defense! They don't play special teams.
And last time I checked, Saracen and Smash were supposed to be Supposed to be two members out of an 11-man offense.
Who's got something to say? Well, maybe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Landry, don't.
Keep it shut, Saracen.
What did you say? What did you say? I mean, maybe we're forgetting that we're Speak up.
Maybe we're forgetting that we're a lot stronger together than we're ever gonna be alone.
I realize that I am not anywhere close to one of the most talented players in this room, and I know I've never played one real down of football, but But I know that we can either win together or we can lose alone.
And I know it sounds stupid, but I But it is an honor just to stand in here with y'all.
That's it.
Clear eyes, full hearts Can't lose! Let's play some football, then! Hand off to Ellis.
He's got a little gap.
Oh! And he is brought down by two Panthers, as they show new life here in the second half.
Do what, Coach? Bring Lance up here.
You mean Landry? Lance! Bring Lance up here! Eighty-five! Hey! Let's go see Coach.
Right up here.
Go see Coach Taylor.
You cannot do it like that! Sir? There you go, baby! Hey.
You're going in the next series.
Get your helmet on.
You're going in the next series.
You ready? You ready? Yes, sir.
I'm Where's your helmet? Where's your helmet? Get your helmet.
Matt, I'm going in.
When? Right now.
You're going in now? Wait! This game ain't over yet! He's going in? Apparently.
Number 85, Landry Clarke Oh, man! coming in to do a little slobber-knockin' at tight end.
Weston's back to pass.
Looking right.
He fires! Oh, my! That is another pick! That's two for tonight, and Westerby's going the other way! He has got a lane to the outside.
Oh! And a big hit by number 85! Brooks picks up the loose ball! Go, boy! He's to the 40! McGILL: Go! Go! Run! He's inside the 30! Attaboy! Touchdown, Dillon! And that was all set up by the tremendous hit by Landry Clarke to jar that ball loose.
And the Panthers are back in this thing! Who's gonna want it more? Who's gonna want it more? Hey, look.
We gotta do something, Matty.
We gotta win this game.
All right.
I guess we can start cheering louder.
I mean, you know, we're stuck on this bench.
Look, we gotta show Coach that we put this all behind us and that we're cool again.
You just want to tell him that we kissed and made up and now we're good? No, I Look, I shouldn't have rubbed it in your face like that, all right? But I want back in this game.
Are you with me? Yeah, man.
Let's do it.
Let's do this thing.
Let's do this thing! All right! On side left! On side left! Coach? Hey, Coach.
Hey, Coach.
We put it away, Coach.
We cool.
Once again.
Go warm up.
Seventeen seconds left in the game and down by five, the Panthers are gonna have to try an on-side kick here.
And there it is.
Westerby's got it.
Oh! Big hit! Fumble! Fumble! The ball is loose! And the Panthers pick it up! And Owens rumbles down, and he is brought down at the 18-yard line! Now you know what you're doing! Four seconds left in this contest.
One more chance for the Dillon Panthers, and Coach Taylor is sending in the big guns.
This ball has got to be going Matthew! to Smash Williams, folks.
Fresh legs.
Ready to play.
This should be something.
All right.
Hey! Listen up.
We're going "I" right.
Storm right, a "Z" streak.
Landry's "Z"? That's the call? Yeah, that's the call.
You good? I'm ready.
Come on.
Let's get it on, baby.
On one.
Ready? Break! Let's go, let's go! Here we go.
This is the last chance for the Panthers.
Saracen drops back to pass.
He's got Landry open.
He fires the ball across the middle! Oh! And Landry gets hit! The ball goes down.
And that is it.
The Dillon Panthers have lost to the Westerby Chaps.
And Coach Taylor's first game back does not end very Hold on.
Hold on.
Pass interference! On the defense.
The ball on the two-yard line.
We got one un-timed down.
You cannot end the game on a defensive penalty, folks, and the Panthers are gonna have one more crack at the end zone.
Hut! There's a hand off to Williams.
He's up and over.
He's in! He's in! Touchdown! Smash Williams! The Panthers have done it! The Panthers have done it! 20-19.
Taylor-ball is back, led by a fantastic effort from Landry Clarke.
He stepped up.
He sparked this Panther team, and they have won it! Welcome home, Coach.
Good to see y'all again.
Hey! Hey! Welcome to the team.
Welcome to the team.
You did good.
Thanks, Coach.
You did good.
All right? Thanks, Coach.
Go on.
Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! Way to go, 85! Landry! Landry! My baby boy! Way to go, Landry! Come on, Landry! Hey, Landry! This is weird, man! Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! Landry! They're still going.
They're not stopping.
You deserve it.
Probably would've been a little bit more amazing if I'd have actually caught the ball.
But, you know, I guess I'll take what I can get.
You okay? Yeah.
You know I don't think we should be together anymore.
And why is that? People are talking.
That doesn't mean No, it's not Look.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Okay? Look, you Don't just jump to a conclusion.
We can actually, like, sit down and talk about this away from here Do you think if that hadn't happened between us that there'd be a chance in hell we would have gotten together? Do you actually think that in a million years Just Just take a look in a mirror, okay? I don't know what I was thinking with you.
This is This is over.
So I was thinking maybe before the concert, we can get a bite to eat, maybe grab some pizza or something like that.
Look, I don't think that I can go to that concert.
Go Panthers! Look at the Panthers, baby! Yeah! But why can't you go to the concert? Because I'm pissed off at you.
I mean, you cheated on me with the Swede and then you wouldn't tell me about it until I pushed you about it.
And then when that didn't seem to work out, you came back to me as if, you know, that would just be okay.
And you never said you were sorry.
I am sorry.
That might have worked a couple weeks ago.
I'm sure you can find someone else to go to the concert with you.
Bring it home, man! Motel's just up here, but I'm thinking I'm thinking we get a drink first.
Unless, of course, that's against your religion, Garrity.
That's funny, Tim.
I gotta go pray.
Good game, honey.
Want to fool around? Do you? Yeah.
I don't sense a true commitment from that answer.
No, I do, actually.
No, I'd like to.
I think that would be nice.
Seriously? Mmm.

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