Shark s02e05 Episode Script

Student Body

When I was in college, the biggest thing we had to worry about was a bad hangover.
The good old days.
Feds will be here soon.
Fbi? And homeland security.
They have to rule out terrorism.
'S office.
- How bad? - One dead.
Sarah turino.
20 years old.
Parents been notified yet? Yeah, they're both teachers and sarah was their only child.
Anyone else hurt? Sarah's roommate, anna dalton-- first degree burns, smoke inhalation.
Jessica and madeleine are with her in the er.
My ears are still ringing.
Yeah, the paramedics said your hearing will return to normal in a few days.
We're very sorry about sarah.
I can't believe this happened.
It doesn't make any sense.
Why were you and sarah in the science building so late,anna? Sarah got back to the dorm, she realized she forgot her backpack.
I said I'd walk back with her.
I know this is hard, but do you remember what happened once you got inside the building? We were heading toward sarah's classroom.
I remember hearing what sounded like thunder.
There was a flash of light.
The next thing I knew, they were carrying me out.
Can you think of anyone who would want to hurt sarah? God, no.
She wasthe sweetest person.
She wanted to be a doctor so she could help people.
There were four other people in the building-- two students, a teacher and a custodian.
Interview everyone when the cops are done.
Did you talk to the bomb squad? Yeah, they found some of the hardware,part of the timer.
Now, it was definitely an ied planted somewhere in one of the science labs.
We dodged a bullet.
How's that? Can you imagine if the bomber had setthis thing to blow 12 hours later? It would have been a blood bath.
Lapd has gotten three bomb threats in the last hour,all college campuses.
It could be a hoax.
You want to take that chance? Class is in session, kids.
Mad bomber 101.
Hell of a mess.
??? The good news is the other bomb threats appear to be bogus.
The bad news is every chancellor in southern california wants to send their students home.
I've heard worse ideas.
That's an overreaction.
Not if you've got a kid on one of those campuses,agent oliver hayes.
And it's special agent.
What's so special about you? Guys.
Sebastian stark.
You're a legend down at the bureau.
I'm flattered.
Don't be.
We keep tabs on every lawyer who gets fat helping rich felons escape prosecution.
Actually, I've shed a few pounds since then.
Until we figure out whether this crime falls under federal or state jurisdiction, this is a joint operation with the fbi in the lead.
Come on, manny.
This isn't up for debate.
With da cutler on vacation, you two are going to provide legal support for agent hayes.
That's "special" agent hayes.
You got any theories? My agents are running the victim's contacts through our profiling protocol for bombing assaults.
That's great, but we don't even know if this sarah turino was the intended target.
It's a starting point.
Our techs analyzed the blasting caps using the ied and they were industrial.
So we're checking with every construction site in the state, see if they're missing any explosive material.
That should only take a year or so.
Until circumstances change, the feds are running the show.
All information passes through me.
And out the other end.
Ladies and gentlemen, your federal tax dollars at work.
Give it a rest, stark.
Lighten up, oliver.
We're all on the same side.
You guys still profiling the entire student body? Yeah, how's that working out for you? Working out pretty damn well,actually.
? Meet michael hackford.
Our search of the crime scene produced a note michael wrote to his chemistry professor.
It was all about blowing things up.
I didn't do anything.
Just take him down the hall, will you? tScholahip in chemical engineering,loner, computer full of bomb-making web sites.
In other words,he fit the profile.
So what now, gu antanamo? You're welcome to sit in if you want.
Might learn something.
They think they're better than me and I'm going to make them pay.
" Why so angry, michael? If you're into studying and you're not getting wasted every night, they treat you like a freak.
So you feel abused by your peers? They abuse anyone without a designer wardrobe and a porsche.
So you decided to teach them a lesson, is that it? I didn't blow up that building.
What about the letter? It was found at the crime scene.
I wrote it a year ago.
I was going through some stuff.
I don't even know how it got in there.
Did you know sara? turino? According to your laptop, you knew how to build a bomb.
I didn't kill her; I didn't even know her.
I think you're lying, michael.
I think you planted that ied, and the sooner you tell me the truth, the easier this is going to go.
I didn't kill R.
A girl is dead! Now, tell me the truth.
this is my interview, stark! Get him out of here, danny.
Let's go.
Are you out of your mind? I'll report you to the attorney general.
Give andy my best.
Tell him he still owes me from our last round at riviera.
This kid is guilty.
But did you miss the bill of rights lecture at thug school? All of a sudde you're a choir boy? No, just a simple prosecutor who likes to win.
And if this turns out to be what I think it is, just some pissed-off kid with a homemade bomb and not the taliban, t-hen you're out of here, and I' got to sell this case to the jury.
And I can't have you coercing a confession! So why don't you just put the testosterone on ice and just let me make my case.
You know what? When this is all over, you and I are going to have a conversation.
Yeah, well, if I'm late feel free to start without me! An officer will be following you while you're under investigation.
That's great.
Like I'm not enough of an outcast.
It's for your own protection, all right? I can take care of myself.
- Got any family in L.
?- No.
thank god.
They're in michigan.
They already think I'm crazy.
Maybe you should find someplace off campus to crash for a while.
Why? I didn'do anything wrong.
It's your call.
So you don't believe me, either, huh? the note, the stuff on your computer, doesn't look real good.
Look, I hate it here.
You know, people treat me like crap.
If I didn't have a full scholarship, I'd be out of here tomorrow.
After this little stunt, you can probably kiss that scholarship good-bye.
I get angry, you know? I say stuff that I shouldn't say.
But I'd never put a bomb in a building.
I'd never cause that kind of pain.
You can throw me in jail for the st of my life.
It won't change the fact I didn't do this.
???-Here we go.
stick with "no comment," you'll be okay.
You ready? Give him room, guys.
:just give him some room.
Officer, can I get some help here, please? ou called the cpus police about michael hackford last semester? He was auditing my applied chemistry seminar.
Bright kid but some of his questions like what? He was consumed by the technology of explosives, force of impact ratios, angle of detonation did he seem capable of violence? He was troubled, angry.
I didn't want to report him, but after virginia tech Do you think michael blew up bidwell hall? We're not sure.
Do you think he could have pulled it off? Truth is, making basic incendiary devices is relatively simple.
So michael could have destroyed the building? Based on the high quality of his work I'd say he could have done a lot more damage than that.
You need a lawyer, michael.
Right, well, uh, I'll just hire one out of my imaginary trust fund.
Look, I'm just saying, you're in a lot of trouble.
All right? You need help.
I've been in trouble my whole life.
I'm used to it.
Fan club's been busy.
Look, come with me.
I'll find you a place to stay.
I'll be fine.
- Michael, come on.
- Loo, just leave me the hell alone.
- Hey.
- Hey! - Pink's? - Double chili dog and fries.
This is why I love you.
Why are your eyes so red? I didn't get much sleep.
I was up all night thinking about you.
Are you high? I smoked a bowl when I woke up.
It's okay, it's just a couple hits.
Are you drunk, too? I had A you can do what you want.
I it it's just I'd just like to hang out with you sober for once.
I didn't know that it bummed you out, that's all.
It's just that when you're high or drunk you're different.
- Yeah, well, that's kind of the point.
- Yeah.
But I want to hang out with you.
I'm going to go.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
You're right.
M sorry.
Okay? I wasn't thinking.
I just, I've been going through a lot of stuff lately, and I just guess I got used to dealing with it by not really dealing with it.
Hmm? And I'll scale back on the partying.
Because I really did kin of want a chili cheese dog.
- Ooh.
- Thank you.
Do you two find it difficult to understand me when I speak? Actually, sometimes it's not difficult so much as complicated shut up.
I just got off the phone with the deputy director of the fbi.
How'd that go? If you like to get your ass chewed about local interference in a federal investigation, it was outstanding.
Hayes was trying to coerce a confession.
Sebastian did the ght thing.
I heard all about it.
The guantanamo joke didn't help.
"A" material though, you gotta admit.
There's a bigger picture here.
If we piss off washington, they're going to cut our homeland security fund.
Hayes is a baboon.
He storms in here,plays cops and robbers for a few days yeah, and then leaves us with compromised case.
Oh, it is so good to be loved.
Sorry for the interruption.
A little update here.
A construction site confirmed the theft of several detonating caps three days ago.
Uh, that's not enough to warrant hackford parks his car in a student lot near the site on figueroa.
It's a place owned by deering development.
Like half the buildings in los angeles.
A student parks in a student lot? Golly, you may have just acked this case,special agent hayes.
Hackford had a conversation with the foreman about explosives onwo different occasions.
The foreman showed him where the caps were stored, and we found c-4 ridue in his dorm room.
Now, I'm convinced this kid acted alone, which makes this a local matter.
Which means I'm done playing cops and robbers, stark.
It's all yours.
Try not to screw it up.
I'll make sure to call if we need a witness tortured.
The guy's a moron.
Am I wrong? Arrest that kid-- now.
Yo, michael,it's danny reyes.
We need to talk.
? we've been watching the door, and we know you're in there.
Michael! Somebody call an ambulance! Is he breathing? Barely.
??? Stay with me kid, come on.
Is he going to make it? Yeah, I think we found him in time.
We're with the da's office.
As soon as he's conscious, we need to talk to him.
Look, I spent some time with him.
He talks tough,but at the end of the day he's just a messed up kid.
Yeah, that's an understatement.
We ran a psych history.
The kid's got two involuntary commitments.
That doesn't make him a murderer.
Excuse the mess.
The university finally got around to fixing up the place.
As I mentioned on the phone, we have some questions regarding michael hackford.
Yes, the university counsel told me I didn't need to talk to you.
As a school psychiatrist, your job is to help students, right? Yes.
Well, one student's dead, and your patient, michael hackford, may have killed her.
I am cooperating with you because I know that michael did t do this.
He's not a violent person.
The letter he wrote to his chemistry professor tella very different story.
I have been treating michael for 18 months for anxiety and depression, but whatever antisocial impulses he had were channeled into his writing.
He didn't act out.
be sure of this? It's my professional opinion.
So why did you send him to huntington hospital for involuntary psychiatric observation? He was clinically depressed.
I was concerned he might harm himself.
You turned out to be right about that one.
Hey, how you doing? Right.
look, they're going to take you to be arraigned, michael.
Then they'll move you over to the psych ward at county jail.
I'm being charged with murder.
You'll have a public defender.
With your history, you can plead diminished capacity.
You'll get sent over to a hospital.
Plead guilty.
You don't want to go to prison, trust me.
You won't make it in there.
You should have let m? die.
lo, I know this sounds bad but your lawyer can use your suicide attempt to persuade the judge to declare you incompetent to stand trial.
I'm not incompe?ent.
I'm not guilty.
You wrote a threatening letter, michael.
You toured the construction site where the explosives were stolen.
I wrote that letter a year ago.
Why would I have held onto it for soong? u tell me.
it doesn't matter.
No one's gonna believe me anyway.
I'm exactly the type of person who does this sort of thing, right? I don't think he did it.
It's the jury's call, danny.
Okay, you got 30 seconds.
I talked to the lab.
The explosives residue found on hackford's dormitory desk doesn't match the residue found at the scene.
It still links this kid to explosives.
Strong circumstantial evidence.
25 seconds.
Look, michael said he wrote that note a year ago, right? Lab tested the ink-- he's telling the truth.
Why would he write a note a year before he sent it? I waited two years to send a love letter I wrote to the lead singer of cheap trick.
Ten seconds, pal.
Look, my gut says he's not the guy.
Michael's not going anywre.
If I'm wrong, we can still charge him later.
But if I'm right, the guy who did this is still out there.
What do you think? Delgado's already announced the arrest.
He's gonna be?pissed.
If you ask me, that sounds like a bonus.
send hackford back to the hospital.
We'll stall the arraignment.
You got 24 hours to find a new suspect.
And danny? You better be right.
This kid has absolutely no history of violence.
But he sure liked to talk tough.
He had motive and opportunity.
Hell, he cased the detonators in broad daylight.
But no one can tie him to the theft.
His prints weren't onhe device.
Nobody saw him plant it.
You're reaching.
He's 20 years old.
So was sarah turino.
All right.
Let's say michael wanted to kill his classmates.
Why set the bomb to go off in the middle of the night when the place is empty? Fair question.
Maybe he was sending a message.
Michael's note talked about hurting people,not property.
Why blow up an empty building? Maybe it wasn't supposed to be empty.
We're from the da's office.
We're investigating the bombing.
Uh, matt burris.
I'm a teaching assistant in the chemistry department.
Did you work in the building that was destroyed? Yeah, lost half the molecular models for my dissertation.
Did any of the professors or T.
S over there ever work late? The building was usually cleared out about 7:00 or so.
Well, except for crawford.
Does crawford have a first name? Joe.
He's another T.
And joe used to burn the midnight oil? You know, I probably shouldn't say anything.
No, you probably should.
I never saw it myself but some people would say that joe would meet his girlfriend over there after hours.
A little t and a for the T.
, You know? Clever.
the detonator was crude, a simple spark mechanism.
The weird thing is, we found c-4 residue, but not enough to cause that kind of damage.
So what happened? The c-4 was a diversion.
Whoever did this wired the detonator into the building's gas line.
Is it easy to find the gas line? Not unless you're a construction expert or youe got a set of blueprints.
Neither of which fit with hackford.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
We understand you two used to hang out at the lab building at night.
Who did you tell? Don't look at me.
Tried to keep everything secret.
Technically, joe's still married.
Look, do either of you guys have any enemies? Someone who might want to hurt you? Not unless my wife finds out.
Jamie? Well, I have this old boyfriend who's been bugging me a lot-- calling,leaving notes, coming by the dorm.
you told me he stopped.
He did.
Then he arted again.
Oh, great.
Kyle got pissed off when I dumped him and really pissed off when he found out I was seei joe.
Kyle who? Deering.
Major prima donna.
I told jamie to get a restraining order.
He's pulled this cr p with other girls.
It's another reason why we started going to the lab late at night.
To avoid that jerk.
As in deering development? That's his father.
He's given the school a ton of money.
Kyle used to work for him.
???owns the construction site where the detonators were stolen.
So kyle drops out of school.
Daddy puts him on the payroll.
Meanwhile, the ex he's been stalking is sleeping with her T.
Boyfriend by the glow of the bunsen burners? Deering construction did repairs on bidwell hall a couple of months ago, but the blueprints are mysteriously missing from the offices.
Knock me over with a feather.
All right, where's deering now? Ddy's secretary thinks he's at their tennis club.
All right, call sebastian and have him meet you there.
You know, I can't wait to just serve kyle his arrest warrant.
That's cute.
Keep your day job.
Lapd searched deering's storage unit; theyound pipe cutters,pipe caps, tools and traces of c-4.
Richie rich has some dangerous toys.
Yeah, well, they also found a bunch of blueprints, including some for bidwell hall.
I'm about to say something you'll probably never hear again, so listen closely.
You were right.
I was less right.
- Kyle deering? - Yeah? - Who the hell are you? - John mcenroe.
I changed my hair.
You're under arrest for the murder of sarah turino.
I heard Big money, big mouth, big pain in my ass.
There's a good chance he's going to get the blueprints thrown out.
Forget the blueprints.
Les is going to ram hackford's arrest down our throats and call it reasonable doubt.
Oh, he'll put michael on the stand and make him look like a nut job - hardly a stretch.
- Well, we'll just have to prep him hard and pray harder.
Whenever an unthinkable crime occurs, we always ask the same question.
What kind of person could do this? We create a profile, trying to figure out exactly what a crazed killer looks like.
Now, as mr.
Spence will tell you, kyle deering doesn't fit the profile of a campus bomber.
But once you get past the gq exterior, the truth starts to emerge-- mr.
Deering had motive.
A spoiled rich kid, used to getting what he wants, seeks revenge on a young woman who rejects him.
He had opportunity and expertise.
The bombing materials and the blueprints came from his family's business and were found in his possession.
Don't be deceived by appearances.
Weigh the evidence.
At the end of this trial, you will not be asked if mr.
Deering looks like a killer.
You will be asked if mr.
Deering is a killer.
He is.
The evidence linking my client to the bombing is circumstantial at best.
In fact, kyle wasn't even the da's first suspect.
The prosecution was already fully invested in another young man, michael hackford.
And this troubled young man tried to take his own life rather than face this jury.
But he will face you, and when he does, it'll be clear who should really be on trial.
Brought you a burger.
We just dropped the charges against you.
The kids at school are going to be disappointed.
Forget about those jerks.
You graduate soon, you'll never see any of them again.
so what happens now? I got this.
You know a guy named kyle deering? No.
We think he was going after his ex-girlfriend and screwed up.
But we nee your help to make this stick.
Me, why? Deering's lawyer will make you testify.
Describe our case against you and try to confuse the jury.
I don't want to testify.
Yo don't really have a choice, man.
Look, you wrote about how much you hate the rich kids at your school, right? Kyle deering is loaded.
He killed an innocent girl.
He thinks he can buy his way out of it.
You can stop him.
your honor, this witness was not on the defense's list.
Agent hayes has been working closely with the da's office.
His relevance to this matter can hardly be a surise to mr.
I'll allow it.
I'll give you an opportunity to prepare for cross examination,mr.
Thank you.
My client wasn't your initial suspect, was he, agent hayes? Objection,this case is no longer under federal jurisdiction.
- Their investigation is irrelevant to - overruled.
The witness will answer.
We were focused on another suspect.
The fbi uses a psychological profile to investigate crimes like this, right? Yes.
You examined 17 different personality traits to determine if an individual is a likely suspect? That's right.
You initially suspected michael hackford, who you previously identified.
How many of those traits did he have? Sorry,agent hayes? Fifteen.
Hackford possesses 15 of the 17 traits used to determine whether someone is capable of mass violence? Yes.
Finally, I asked one of your colleagues to profile my client.
How many of those traits does he possess? Four.
That's not much of a contest.
You looking for answers or leftovers? Whatever is going to make me feel better.
Go for the cake.
Misery loves chocolate.
- So what's going on? - Nothing.
Okay, it's trevor.
Never mind.
I can't talk to you about this.
Since when? You'll freak out.
I doubt that very much, unless of course it's really bad, in which case I might freak out a little.
But I recover quickly.
Okay, but you can't tell dad.
It's okay, he's in the bat cave prepping a witness.
We're fine.
Okay, no lectures.
Trevor is the greatest guy.
so what's the problem? he's taking some time off to have fun, which think is great, but sometimes he has too good of a time.
Are you telling me he drinks too much? Among other things.
Do his mom and dad know? I think so, but they don't want to interfere.
That's called being a parent.
And at the risk of sounding like one myself, if he's drinking, he's probably driving at the same time.
Look, I can't control what he does, but I'm worried abt you.
I'll be fine.
I'm probably just overreacting.
I don't know if it's genetic, but you and I clearly share a soft spot for complicated men.
Let me tell you something that took me two marriages and 20 years to figure out.
You can't change them.
But I love him.
Unfortunately, you can't change that either.
So what do I do? You be careful.
Do you understand that lester spence is going to do everything in his power to convince that jury that you committed his crime and not deering? And the judge not allowing us to look into deering's history of stalking girlfriends isn't going to make it any easier.
I didn't do this.
It doesn't matter, michael.
It's about creating reasonable doubt.
Hence the new suit oh, hey.
Oh, look at this.
Tropical weight,not too trendy.
This is perfect.
I have to wear that thing? And get a haircut.
Perception is reality.
We know you didn't blow up the lab.
The jury needs to know it.
And you really think that me putting on a new suit is going to convince them? No.
You are.
Be confident up there.
Don't just tell your story,own it.
I'm not an actor, you know? I'm a chemistry nerd.
That's fine.
Just relax and be honest.
During an inquisition? Look, after spence is done with you, danny's going to do the cross examination.
It's going to be you and me just talking up there,no problem.
And spence loves to pull his "gentleman lawyer" shtick.
Don't be fooled.
The guy is a pit bull.
He lures you in,smells your weakness and then goes for the jugular.
Hackford,isn't it true that you've been in psychiatric counseling for a year or so now? - Yes, but - that's not a crime, son we all got problems, god knows.
But isn't it also true that you wrote a little letter detailing all the horrible things you'd like to do to your fellow students? I wrote that letter but I don't know how that ended up on you are somewhat of an explosives expert, aren't you? I'm interested in the technology, not hurting people.
"I want to destroy them all.
" Didn't you write that in this little note of yours? I didn't mean that when I wrote that.
- Were you lying? - No, I wasn't lying.
- Are you lying now? - No, I'm not when were you lying? You lying then or lying now? What do you want from me? I didn't kill anybody.
That's not what the jury's going to think.
Let's take it from the top.
"Had the same dream.
"The entire campus was on fire, bodies everywhere.
"Everyone finally getting what they deserve.
" You wrote this in this journal that was found in your dorm room.
And you're interested in explosives? I'm a scientist.
I'm interested in the do you think that a lot of scientists dream about blowing people up? Objection, argumentative.
Did you keep explosive material in your dorm room? Yes.
It was part of my school work.
We were working on I read the curriculum and domestic terrorism is not on I didn't kill anyone! No reason to lose your temper, son.
Nothing further.
If you were going to blow up a building, michael, how would you do it? I guess I'd use c-4 a magnesium coil.
And where would you plant the bomb? In the foundation.
How would you describe that bombing, michael? Amateur hour.
Someone acting out of anger, not out of skill.
Tapping into the gas line is an idiotic move.
There's no way to control that kind of explosion.
It's the way innocent people get killed.
Thank you, michael.
Nothing further.
Manny, forget it.
Deering's father is a good man.
He's trying to bring the nfl back to L.
And when he succeeds, I'm in for a sky box on the 50.
But unfortunately, his kid is a murderer.
Greg deering reached out to me.
There may be a way to resolve this thing without are you actually asking me to dump a case? I'm asking you to hear the man out.
Personal favor.
But I get half of deering's next campaign contribution.
$10 million for the family of the girl who died.
$5 million for the injured girl, and I'll set up a scholarship in both their names.
How about a few bucks for the janitor who had to clean up the mess? Mr.
Deering will also pleased guilty to a misdemeanor charge of maintaining a public nuisance for failing to better safeguard the plosives on his work site.
The nd of nuisance where a 20-year-old gets killed for forgetting her backpack? Can't we just get this over with? What are you late for a teis game? Keep your mouth shut, kyle.
You're not going to be able to buy your son out of this one, okay? It's a fair offer,mr.
It's a bad joke,mr.
Your son is going to stand trial for murder.
What she said.
This is a tragedy, sebastian, but ruining another young life is not going to help.
Listen, your case is weak.
Our offer is very generous.
Let's just make this go away.
The only thing going away is him.
When I told kyle didn't want to see him anymore, he couldn't believe it.
It was like no one had ever said "no" to him before.
And did he continue to contact you? Yes.
He started calling, texting me all the time.
He would show up at my classes.
And then he found out that you were dating someone else, a chemistry teaching assistant.
What happened then? Kyle freaked out.
He said that I belonged to him and he wasn't going to let anyone else have me.
Now, you used to meet your new boyfriend, joe crawford, at bidwell hall late at night? Yeah.
We were trying to avoid kyle he was harassing us.
But kyle found out about these meetings, didn't he? Yeah.
We were lucky.
We had just left the building the night that he thank you.
Nothing further.
Do you need a minute, miss dresler? I'm fine.
I just have a couple of questions.
Your boyfriend, joe crawford, he's married, isn't he? Objection,relevance.
Goes to credibi ity, your honor.
He's separated.
And aside from mr.
Crawford, an adulterer, can anyone corroborate my client's alleged behavior? Try anyone kyle ever dated.
- Objection,your honor.
- Ask him about linda jenkins.
He put her in the hospital.
Motion to strike,your honor.
Or lisa lambert.
She worked at the ivy.
- He set her car on fire.
- Miss dresler - kyle's dad paid her off.
- Miss dresler, I am ordering you to be quiet.
Court's in recess.
I'll see counsel in chambers now.
The jury's been contaminated, your honor.
My client's past was ruled inadmissible.
I demand a mistrial.
Clearly, miss dresler shouldn't have said what she did, but mr.
Spence bullied her into it.
I was perfectly civil.
You called her boyfriend an adulterer.
The truth hurts.
Your honor, the prosecution clearly coached the witness's outburst.
That's a strong charge to make in front of a judge, lester.
So I suggest you take it back, you prove it, or I'll see you at the state bar.
I withdraw the charge.
Smart move.
I'll instruct the jury to disregard everything miss dresler said concerning the defendant's past.
One more stunt like that, counselor, and I'll be the one calling the state bar.
And you are to ignore miss dresler's last statements concerning the defendant in your deliberations.
We'd like to change our plea, judge.
He's pleading guilty? I never thought spence would cave.
Don't bet on it.
We'd like to change our plea from not guilty to not guilty by reason of insanity.
Objection! Your honor, we're in the middle of trial-- mr.
Spence has given us no notice.
We've only recently learned the extent of my client's psychological disabilities, your honor.
I'll allow the change of plea.
thank you Deering's going to admit he did it.
Yeah, and then he's gonna walk.
Murder chargesoung age, kyle exhibitedsigns of paranoid schizophrenia and borderline personality.
Phelps, how did kyle react to his breakup with jamie dresler? He took it as a personal attack.
He became obsessed with the notion of punishing her.
Kyle recounted a dream in which jamie was engulfed in flam.
In this dream, did kyle come to jamie's aid? Objection, relevance.
I used to dream of pitching for the dodgers.
Withdrawn, your honor.
In your opinion, did ky deering understand that setting off explosives on campus was wrong? Kyle believed that anything he did in pursuit of jamie was acceptable behavior.
In this gard, he was fundamentally incapable of distinguishing right from wrong.
Which is the cornerstone of criminal insanity, correct? Yes.
Thank you, doctor.
You've been convinced that your son was deeply troubled since he was a young boy.
And yet he attended normal schools? Had only minor disciplinary incidents on his record? How is that possible in light of his severe psychological problems? We had a lot of good people working with kyle, trying to help prevent a tragedy like this.
Now, after kyle dropped out of school, you hired him to work on one of your construction projects.
What exactly did he do? He was an associate manager.
You're a smart, successful, responsible businessman, and yet you hire a troubled, inexperienced young man to oversee the construction of an office tower? He's my son.
If I made a mistake, it was out of love.
And what were his responsibilities? He coordinated subcontractors, and he oversaw the blueprint library.
Stark? Uh, one moment, your honor.
Didn't deering build a psych clinic where hackford was treated? I'm pretty sure.
Your honor,the people request a brief recess.
You mentioned the university was remodeling your offices.
That's right.
When your new file room was being constructed, did deering's workers have access to your old records? Yes.
Nothing was moved during the project.
Were any of the files disturbed in any way? I was told not to talk out that.
We're in the middle of a murder trial, doctor.
And obstruction of justice is a felony.
Some files disappeared.
And we were going to call the police, but then all of the files were returned more or less intact.
Patients' confidential files were violated, and you did nothing? The administrators wanted to keep the whole thing quiet.
They didn't want lawsuits.
Was michael hackford file taken? Yes.
And let me guess.
The threatening letter he wrote to professor ramirez was missing when the fe reappeared.
I, uh, didn't realize it until later, but yes.
The note michael wrote to his professor was missing when the file was returned.
And did kyle deering have access to these confidential patient files? Yes.
He worked for his father.
I saw him in the building many times.
Graham, as a psychiatrist, would you say a calculated plot to frame another individual for a crime that you yourself committed, is the sort of behavior exhibited by an insane person who doesn't know right from wrong? Objection, calls for speculation.
She's an expert.
The attempt to conceal a given action implies awareness that it's wrong.
Thank you.
Your honor, the people would like to enter into evidence, a fragment of the note written by michael hackford that was found at the crime scene.
Your honor,how is this relevant? What does this note have to do with mr.
Deering's guilt or innocence? Everything, because mr.
Deering's fingerprints are on the note.
The defendant read michael hackford's file.
He knew he had found the perfect scapegoat, right down to his fascination with c-4.
And so kyle deering planted michael's letter at the bomb scene in a place where he knew that it wouldn't be destroyed by the blast.
And he let michael take the fall.
Pretty smart for a lunatic.
Give me a jingle when you want to plead out.
Second degree murder,eight to 15.
First degree, 25 to life and full restitution.
$10 million to sarah turino's family and $5 million to anna dalton that you so generously offered the other day.
And a public apology to michael hackford.
That freak can go to hell.
And you'll be right there to meet him.
You got to admit helping us get the bastard who did this, it was pretty good.
And that girl's still dead, and I still have to make it to graduation.
And you will.
You just got to lay off the angry letters r a while.
Hey, look, you know, if it wasn't for you, I forget about it, man.
No, it'S you know, no one's ever, uh, like, put themselves on the line like that for me before.
You paid us back on the stand.
Want me to come up? What, are you my bodyguard now? Nah, something tells me you could probably handle yourself.
Well, hey, listen, if, uh, you know, I was just wondering, if things ever get kind of messed up again absolutely.
Call me anytime.
I shouldn't have told you.
What I want to know is why julie didn't tell me.
She's afraid if you knew trevor had a substance abuse problem, you'd go ballistic.
Smart kid.
Listen, I'm just as worried as you are.
But the reality is, julie loves this boy.
We can't stop her from seeing him.
All we can do is trust her and hope to god she's okay.
I have trust issues, remember? I spent 20 grand in couples therapy to find that out.
Trevor's 18,he's out on his own, he's acting out a bit.
Yeah, with my daughter.
Well, I seem to remember another young man, a little bit older than trevor, who indulged a bit.
I never had a drinking problem.
Do you recall the night we met? Some of it.
Exactly my point.
We were at a wine tasting.
You're supposed to be drinking.
You're supposed to taste.
Halfway through the appetizers, you were serenading me with "danny boy.
" You thought it was funny.
Your date didn'T.
She had no sense of humor.
I wasn't that drunk.
You were trying to persuade me to bring you home to ireland, in spite of the fact that I lived in manhattan from the age of 16.
I was confused by the accent.
No matter how fuzzy I am about the details, I'll never forget how great you looked that night.
Well, you looked fairly dashing yourself.
God, hard to believe that was 20 years ago.
And we're still together.
Sort of.
That's got to say something.
I, um, I found a place today down in venice.
Millionaire venice or gangbanger venice? It's safe, it's cute.
I'm signing the documents tomorrow.
You shouldn't jump at the first thing.
You know that you're welcome here for as long as you want.
That could get complicated.
Is that such a bad thing? Your timing's always been impeccable.
The three of us back together it's been nice.
Yes, it has.
But I need to make a life for myself, sebastian, on my own.
Thank you.
For everything.

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