Bloodline (2015) s02e06 Episode Script

Part 19

This is a nice house.
Thank you.
You're probably wondering why I haven't called, huh? Yeah.
You live so nice.
Your family is so normal, it might be hard for you to understand.
We're not judging you, Eve, or the situation.
Sure you are.
What kind of mom just lets her kid run away? Doesn't answer calls about him, doesn't show up looking for him.
Can't even imagine what Nolan has been saying about me.
What has he been saying? Not much, actually.
Yeah? Yeah.
Well, I'm a shitty mom.
You know, I'm not proud of it.
I'm doing the best I can.
Circumstances were just stacked against us.
How come we never knew about you and Nolan? Sweetie, are you ready? You're gonna be late for school.
- Nobody ever wants to talk about this.
- Janey, don't.
You had conversations with Meg and my mother, yes? Your father made promises that affect my son and his future.
Why is it no one in your family seems to care? - I'm gonna be late for work, can we go? - Sure.
Yeah, we can go, baby.
We can go.
It really is a nice house.
- Hi, Mrs.
Aguirre? - It's "Ortiz" now.
Hi, I'm Meg Rayburn.
Maybe you know my brother John.
He works with your husband.
What do you want? I have a copy of a 911 call report from when you were married.
It indicates that there was a domestic dispute at your house.
And that it became violent.
Where did you get that? If an officer would've responded, there should have been some kind of paperwork.
But, for some strange reason, there's no incident report filed.
What do you want from me? I just wanna know what happened that night.
Did he hurt you? I'm sorry I can't talk about this.
Did you go to the hospital? Shit.
How you doing, Eric? I heard that you moved in with your mom.
How's that going for you? Everything all right? Got no job, your partner thinks that I killed your brother.
Yeah, I know he's putting the squeeze on you.
Maybe he thinks you know something.
I can put a word in for you.
Yeah? I'd want something in return.
And there it is.
There's someone I wanna find.
He's been running around town, spouting off about what happened to Danny.
Can't help you.
Fuck you, you were best friends with Danny.
I figured this guy knew Danny in Miami, come on.
A lot of people knew Danny in Miami, I don't know who you're talking about.
Still gonna help me, or no? Tell you what you keep your ears open, and if you can help me, I will talk to Marco.
What's that? That is a 2006 MerCruiser 350 engine, which, if I can get it up and running, could fetch me seven grand.
- No shit.
- Uh-huh.
Guess what? I'll show you what to do.
You're gonna help me fix it.
And we split the seven grand down the middle? Are you fucking nuts? This is your job, okay? I'm your boss.
You're gonna do what I tell you to do.
Oh, right, you saw me take a little swig, so now you think you can fucking leverage me, is that it? - Sixty-forty.
- No fucking way.
Fine do it yourself.
Here's your mail.
Hey, just so you know, asshole - I never was gonna tell your wife.
- Uh-huh.
Oh, fuck.
Now, this commercial will emphasize your roots in the Keys, your history, your family.
- Where did you get those pictures? - From Mom.
We were thinking about the tag in the end, for the spot: "John Rayburn: Change for the better.
" - I think that the font should be bigger.
- We can fix that.
What do you think? - John? - Yeah, that's fine.
So, what kind of buy are we talking about? What do you suggest? I could put together a proposal.
What kind of budget are you thinking? I'll put you together with our financial director.
You guys can work it out.
Hey, Bonnie, can you get together with Jack on this? - Of course.
- Thank you.
Aguirre's people are spending a fortune on advertising.
- We have to do this.
- So, do it.
Campaign ads cost money, John.
What about Roy Gilbert? - He hasn't come through with the funds.
- Why the fuck not? Due diligence, I guess.
Just wants to make sure he's backing the right guy.
- Get him to write the fucking check.
- I'm working on it.
Just do it.
Convince him.
Hey, dude, what's up? Hey, you want some breakfast? It's on me, my treat.
Come on.
- I don't want breakfast - Try these, these pancakes I don't want fucking breakfast.
I could get busted just talking to you here.
Somebody is a little paranoid.
Yeah, I am.
Come on, dude, chill.
Everything is cool.
Everything is Is not cool.
John Rayburn just showed up asking me questions, all about you.
Oh, yeah, what did he say? You've been running your mouth off about Danny.
Yeah, and what did you say? Fuck you.
I didn't say a fucking word.
All right, then.
All right, then, so we got nothing to worry about.
All right? Why is he asking me questions about you? Because I've been poking the bear.
You out of your mind? Dude, they realize I was at that motel, you know, they're gonna just screw me.
Oh, dude, just chill.
Chill the fuck down.
I didn't talk about you.
Jesus Christ, you're fucking crazy, man.
Yeah, I'm crazy.
But I feel a big payday coming.
This is the big one, man.
- I can feel it, I'm telling you.
- Stop this fucking shit.
Don't tell me what to fucking do, motherfucker.
I will end you.
Fucking Okay.
Come on, you gotta try these pancakes, man.
It's so fucking good.
I have to paint a nursery.
- Expecting? - Yeah.
That's great, man.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Pink or blue? Um We, uh We actually don't know the sex yet.
In that case, how about a pale green? They say it's a calm color.
Calm would be good.
You don't recognize me, do you? Oh, right.
Yeah, we go to the You're in the same - How's it going? - Good.
- Good? - Yeah.
Well, I gotta get to work here.
- Sure.
- So Listen.
I know you only go to the meetings because you got a nudge from the judge.
Yeah, that's right.
- But if you ever need someone to talk to - I don't.
Okay, okay, thank you.
Cashier's up front.
Where are we on the Rayburn homicide? I've been working Eric O'Bannon.
Is he a credible suspect? I think he's a fucking punk, but I don't think he's a killer, so Why waste your time? Well, I think he's lying about what he knows, and I'd like to find out why.
What about the Red Reef Motel? - The Red Reef? - Yeah.
We considered that clear.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Lowry sent somebody to take out Danny Rayburn.
Rayburn got the drop.
Yeah, I've been going over the, um The case file.
There are issues.
You've been going over the case file? Yeah.
You got a problem with that, Detective? Now, these issues you sure they don't have anything to do with your campaign? You think this is political? I'm just asking.
You've been partners with Rayburn for a long time, engaged to his sister, - whole nine yards - That has no bearing on the investigation.
Just remember, Detective you and me we got history, too.
As I said there are issues.
Hey, Chelsea.
Thank you for meeting me.
I heard you moved to New York.
I did, but it didn't work out.
Sorry to hear that.
Ah, it's probably for the best.
You wanted to ask me something? I know it's out of left field.
It's a legal thing.
- What's it got to do with me? - Nothing, nothing.
It's, um Trying to find some information out about a woman.
I think she was assaulted by her husband.
She came here to the hospital? I don't know.
Why don't you ask her? Because she's too scared to talk.
And I think the guy is intimidating her.
I thought maybe you could look into it, see if she had been treated here.
Her name is Pamela Aguirre.
That kind of stuff is confidential.
You know that.
It would never come back to you.
You're asking me to break the law.
Only because I think the police may have covered it up.
Our whole life you never go out of your way to say two words to me.
You come here asking me for this? I'm sorry.
I don't know where else to go.
Her name is Pamela Aguirre if you could just look into it.
Bye, Meg.
I'll see you guys later.
What are you doing here? Well, I just thought maybe we could get a coffee or something.
I don't I don't know.
I've got a lot of homework today.
Yeah, it's just that Nolan and me, we're finally here after all these years.
And I got a lot of questions.
Seemed like maybe you had some questions, too.
Oh, man.
- Fuck.
- What's the matter? You got a problem? Yeah.
I got a flat.
Oh, I see that.
Oh, shit.
What, you need some help? - You ready? - Almost.
It's gonna look beautiful.
Did I tell you? Huh? God, man.
Look how it sits on you.
Have you done any modeling? Me? Come on.
Well, all you need is pictures.
I know this guy in Miami.
He shot my album cover.
And he'd, like, flip for you.
You recorded an album? - Yeah, I do a little singing.
- Huh.
Nolan never mentioned that to me.
Yeah, well, it's kind of one of those things.
The record company went bust or something.
And the record never came out.
If you want, I can play it for you sometime.
Yeah, that would be really cool.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Well, this is just too much.
My parents would kill me.
I understand.
I can put it back for you.
All right, thanks.
Oh, man.
I can't thank you enough.
AAA's like an hour down here.
Oh, hey, don't mention it.
- You want a beer? - No.
Too early for me.
You voting for him? Yep.
Kind of have to.
He's my husband.
You know, I I just met him the other day.
What a great guy.
Tragedy about the brother, though.
Yeah, that was tough on the whole family.
Just You know what? I just I just can't imagine having to run for office with all that going on.
How do you mean? The way I heard it tell the brother was running dope, and then killed a guy, and then got burned up by a drug smuggler? That had nothing to do with John.
Oh, sure.
I mean, you and I know that.
But I'm betting if somebody was aiming to soil your husband's good name, they could find a way to tie him into it.
- No, I don't think so.
- No? You never know what else is out there.
People start digging in, you'd be surprised the dirt they find.
How's the tire coming? Almost there.
My parents don't usually like me drinking coffee.
That should be the least of their worries.
Do you smoke weed? I do.
It's no big deal.
I'm sure your folks get stoned from time to time.
Oh, you don't know my parents.
Well I got something for you.
Go on.
Just take it.
It's yours.
But it's so expensive.
I can't just accept this.
- Don't worry about it.
- You just walked out with it? Of course not.
I got a credit card.
If my parents find out, they'll kill me.
Then I guess you shouldn't tell them.
So, what's the deal with you? What do you mean? Why did you stay away all these years? Nobody talks about it.
- Why? - Are you sure you wanna know all this? - Hey.
- Hey.
I went with green.
It's calm.
Maybe we should wait.
Why? What's going on? I'm waiting on a couple tests.
What do you mean tests? I thought that the last checkup was You know, everything was normal.
I've been having headaches.
My blood pressure has been high, and my hands and feet have been swelling.
Okay, what does that mean? I didn't want to worry you in case it's all nothing.
What could it mean? They're testing me for a couple of things.
- Like? - Preeclampsia.
What? What is that? It's not good.
How bad is not good? Let's just hold off painting the room, okay? - You like it with the mushrooms? - It's good this time.
Hey, sweetie.
You want me to make you a plate? - I already ate.
- Oh, okay.
Hey, wait.
Before you go Aunt Meg called.
We're going to dinner at the inn tomorrow night.
Do we have to go? Yes, we do.
We haven't all gotten together since she's been back.
It'll be nice.
Hey, how was your day? Fine.
- What happened? - I went to school.
Anything interesting happen at school today? I'm not a suspect, Dad.
You don't have to interrogate me.
Okay, well, I've got homework.
- Can I be excused? - Yes, go do your homework.
How was your day? It was pretty quiet.
I went for a run at Founders.
And when I came back I had a flat tire.
You had a flat tire? Why didn't you call me? I would have, but there was this guy there and he offered to change it.
- Well, good.
- No, he creeped me out.
- What do you mean, creeped you out? - He said he knew you.
But there was something about him.
He was talking about Danny and the campaign.
And how there was more dirt out there on you than people knew.
- Honey, why didn't you call me? - I was going through some stuff, you know? I just didn't want to worry you anymore.
I don't know, I just Guess I felt sort of helpless, you know? - You're not helpless, Kevin.
- I mean, the arrest, and now this pregnancy.
Look, I know Belle thinks I don't always take your problems seriously enough - Mom - But she doesn't know you like I do.
You're gonna be fine.
You always have been.
I remember when you taught yourself to ride that bicycle.
- Please, not the bike story, Mom - Yes.
You said you were gonna teach yourself to ride a bike, and you did.
From that moment on, I knew what kind of man you were.
Mom, I was six.
And I knew you'd be just fine.
I knew I'd never have to worry about you.
Your dad felt the same way.
Yeah? He never said anything about it.
Well, that wasn't his way.
But your father was proud of you.
He always was.
Prints came back on that tire iron.
Guy's name is Ozzy Delveccio.
Tell me something, how does a guy like Danny Rayburn, who knows someone is coming for him, wait here alone without a weapon? Doesn't make sense.
Okay, so the guy walks in, and he's a fucking pro, but his bullet ends up high on the wall.
Why? Maybe Danny was hiding in the bathroom, right? The guy comes in, Danny surprises him, gun goes off.
Danny brains him, guy ends up here.
Still doesn't explain why he was unarmed.
Maybe he didn't need to be.
I don't follow.
Well, maybe Danny didn't need to be armed, somebody else was.
So you think someone was in here with Danny? John already made a statement saying he stopped by here looking for Danny.
If he was in the room, it would explain a lot.
No, no, no.
None of this makes sense, all right? I've known John a long time.
- John's a good man.
- And a good man does what he has to - to protect his loved ones.
- No way, no.
Family or no family, John is still a cop, period.
If Danny wasn't alone, it had to be somebody else.
Ozzy Delveccio.
I don't know him.
You got alcohol in those bags? You been drinking? You know that's a parole violation, don't you? You tell me where the fuck he is.
I'm not screwing around here.
I'll send your ass back to prison so fast it will make your head spin.
Where is he? That condition, I read about it online.
- It scared the shit out of me.
- Yeah, well, that's why I didn't tell you.
But I was wrong.
I've been asking you to be straight with me and I should have done the same.
I got a default notice in the mail yesterday.
- On the boatyard.
- What does that mean? If I don't get current, they're gonna foreclose.
I'm gonna take care of it, it's gonna be all right.
Have I ever told you about when I was six, I learned how to ride a bike by myself, did I tell you this? I was six years old, right? I run outside, I get on this bike on the driveway.
Get on this fucking bike and I fall off right away.
I get back on it, and I fall off.
I go again, just over and over again.
I bust open my head, just I'm just covered in blood, right, but by the end of that day, I was riding that fucking bike, okay? You understand what I am saying? - Where was your father? Your mom? - What? That's not the point.
- They weren't there for you.
- This isn't about my parents.
This is about me.
What? You think that's a happy ending? It's not.
Ozzy Delveccio.
Oh, shit.
Ain't this a small town, huh? I know you were arrested with my brother.
What the fuck are you doing down here? Your fucking brother told me that this was paradise.
I just wanted to see for myself.
What else did my brother tell you? Gosh, you know Danny, always full of stories about his family.
Crazy thing is, you just, you never knew which ones were true.
You're gonna leave town, Ozzy.
- Today.
- Oh, come on, man, I'd really rather not.
- I really like it here.
- You make me say it one more time I won't be so polite.
Do you understand what I'm saying? All right, okay, okay.
Look, I don't want any trouble, all right? Hey.
Don't? Don't you wanna ask me what I want? I don't give a fuck what you want.
Hey, come in.
You didn't get these records from me.
She was Sheriff Aguirre's ex, wasn't she? Yeah.
Well, if he did this to her, then the son of a bitch belongs in jail.
Hey, Chelsea.
I know you don't think much of my family.
Thank you for doing this.
John looked out for my brother, I owe him one.
Hope this does what you need it to.
Maybe dinner tonight is not such a great idea, Meggie.
Why not? Oh, everyone's so busy, I just don't want it to feel like an obligation.
Mom, come on, we want to see you.
Well, then maybe it's just me that doesn't feel up to it.
You're gonna enjoy it.
Besides, we haven't had the whole family together since I got back.
Sheriff Aguirre's then-wife, Pamela Ortiz.
- While no cause is listed - What is that about? are consistent with an assault.
Sheriff Aguirre, who was never charged with any crime, has yet to comment.
Allegations surfaced today that Franco Aguirre, Sheriff of Monroe County, was involved in a domestic dispute that led to his wife being hospitalized almost a decade ago.
WIXB has obtained a 911 call report, as well as medical records that detail extensive injuries to Sheriff Aguirre's then-wife, Pamela Ortiz.
While no cause is listed, the injuries are consistent with an assault.
Sheriff Aguirre, who was never charged with any crime, has yet to comment.
- Thanks so much for that report.
- That's terrible.
- In lighter news, Miami residents - Yeah.
There he is.
- Excuse me, Sheriff? - Sheriff Aguirre.
- Sheriff? - Do you have a statement for us? Sheriff Aguirre, a statement, please? - Sheriff Aguirre? - What of the allegations, sir? What about the medical records.
Are the allegations true? - Can you make a comment, sir? - I only have this to say, then I won't be commenting any further.
These allegations are entirely unfounded.
Completely false.
If anything like this would have occurred, an incident report would have been filed.
There is none.
Seven years ago, my ex-wife and I went through a difficult divorce.
She was in the care of a psychiatrist, and she was struggling with substance abuse when she had an accident in our home.
Now I deeply regret that this private matter has been made public in this way.
That's all I'm gonna say about it.
- In other news, a three-alarm fire - Hey.
- So, did the doctor call? - He did.
The tests were all negative.
- Oh, God, really? - Really.
- So there's nothing to worry about? - Nothing.
He's fine.
He? - Yeah.
- Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
We should choose a real color.
How does it feel? No drug in the world like winning.
We haven't won anything yet.
Oh, you're on your way.
Nobody will ever look at Aguirre the same again.
Nicely done.
It'll buy you a few buttons.
You know a single donor can only give 500 bucks apiece? Yes, I know.
You've got a friend who's got a lot of friends.
Okay, I'm gonna need a list of donors.
I'll get it for you.
You seem ambivalent.
I What if Aguirre is telling the truth? Well what if he wasn't? Even still, it doesn't sit right with me.
What do you know about how your father bought the inn? Well, he was getting out of the Navy, and he found a piece of property that he liked, so he bought it.
And then he called my mom, and she came and they built it together.
That's what they told you, huh? What do you mean? How can a young man, just out of the service, no money, no job, afford to buy oceanfront property down here? Your father was principled, but he was also determined.
May not have sat right with him either but he knew what he wanted for his family, and he did what he had to do.
Sally? - Wow, this looks gorgeous.
- Oh.
Oh, I'm so happy to see you all here.
Hey, Janey.
- Hey, Mama.
- Hey, Ben.
Oh, I didn't know you were coming.
Why wouldn't he come to a family dinner? He's family.
Well, of course he is, I I just, um Just didn't know.
- Don't talk to your grandmother like - Well, let me set a place.
Pour me a bourbon, we're celebrating.
What are we celebrating? Gilbert came through.
How much? We can buy airtime, billboards We're flush.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
You too.
Did you hear about Aguirre? Yeah, it's weird, right? I've known Franco a long time.
That's more than weird, that's shocking.
Well, you never know what happens behind closed doors.
Hey, listen, I don't want to exploit any of that.
That's his problem, not ours.
See you out there.
- Here you go.
- Oh, thanks.
You going to your meetings? I'm your attorney, I'm trying to keep you out of jail.
Yes, I'm going to the meetings.
Perfect attendance.
Best donuts I ever had.
Just keep going.
Yes, Counselor.
Meg Rayburn.
Miss Ortiz.
Uh I can meet you later.
I have a little announcement to make before we start.
Um Mom, sorry that Belle didn't come.
She's fine.
She's just resting.
We heard from our doctor today, and we found out that the newest member of the Rayburn family is going to be a Kev, come on, you're killing us.
Don't do this.
A boy.
Fantastic! Congratulations.
Your father would be so thrilled.
What about Danny? - Think he would have been thrilled? - What? When Danny had a son, you didn't give a shit.
Hey! - Okay.
- Janey.
She's been acting weird all day.
Maybe you wanna go in there.
- What is going on? - I know what you did.
- What did I do? - To Danny, to Nolan, to Eve.
She told me the truth about you.
Well, what did she tell you? You didn't want her to have Nolan.
- Look, Janey, I know it's - And then you sent them money to stay away from us.
- It was a little more complicated - So, you did force them to stay away? You know what, you're young, there is no way you can possibly understand this, honey.
I can't believe how much bullshit you fed us.
- Don't say that.
- Everything you told us about family - is a lie.
- No, it's not.
Yeah, this family treated Danny like shit for years.
Is that a lie? You know nothing about it.
- Oh, yes, I do.
He hated you.
- No.
He hated Papa Ray.
- You know what? - He hated everybody in this family.
- I'm not gonna listen to this anymore.
- He hated you.
- He hated you and you killed him.
- Stop it! Miss Ortiz.
You can't imagine living with a man like that.
I'm so sorry.
When the story broke I was terrified.
I thought he was gonna come after me.
But then I realized he couldn't.
It was too public.
And for the first time in years, I felt safe.
But after what he said about me on TV, you need to know, you only got half the story.
What do you mean? There's a reason why the 911 call was never reported.
Did the police show up? Yes.
That night the local PD came to the house.
I was scared.
I didn't tell the officer much.
Afterwards, my husband walked him out, and no one ever followed up on me again.
You think there was some kind of cover-up? All I know a short time later that officer was hired by the Monroe County Sheriff Department.
So, your husband gave him a job.
That's why there was never an incident report.
That's the only way I can make sense of it.
Do you remember the name of that officer? Yeah, I remember his name.
It was Diaz.
Marco Diaz.
Janey? - Sweetie, wait up.
- Hey, hey, wait a second! Listen to me.
I know you're upset.
But you don't know what the conversation was It doesn't fucking matter.
Sally can fuck up her own family.
I am not gonna let her do it to mine.
What's wrong? My family.
What about them? I can't do this.
Do what? I can't be a father.
I'm gonna fuck this kid up.
I can't do this.
Kevin, wait.
Um Come on in.
Come on in.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hm.
I guess I got your attention now, huh? So, what, you? You want to talk first, or should I? Yeah.

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