Freakshow (2013) s02e06 Episode Script

Lobster Family Secrets

Right now on "Freakshow" And what was your relationship with your dad like? It was very bad my father was racist.
My father was abusive.
I mean, when I cried, "I'll give ya a reason to cry.
" You met Asia through "The Freakshow," right? Yeah.
So, what's the nature of your relationship? Are you guys together just friends? What is it? I'm just nervous about telling my parents.
Like no.
I just don't want you to go you're making a big mistake.
Maybe we need to take a break.
If we take a break, you know it's gonna end.
Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" Let's say, if we went with the spidora, and the voltara, and the sign, and I plan to buy more.
Oh, it's all right You're gonna buy the banners, and I'm gonna give ya the sign.
- Seventeen hundred.
- You're stretching me too hard.
Still can't move.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
Nineteen hundred and I'll throw in the sign.
Oh, I was already throwing in the sign.
I think 1,800 is a good price.
I think 1,800 sucks.
Being in Gibtown, USA has been a dream come true.
So, we've decided that we are gonna stay a few more days, mainly 'cause I wanna see if I can buy some stuff, and Chris is one of the hardest negotiators.
He's a real old time show guy.
Trying to do a deal with him is like wrestling with a bear.
Chris? Eighteen just does not work for me.
I gotta go back over here to look, again.
- I gotta look more.
- That's good.
Anything else in the garage? Yeah, let's go around this way.
- Oh! - Oh, that's nice.
That's a full wax figure of Grady's great grandfather.
I'm interested in this one.
Wow! Now, that would be your great grandfather, right? Uh, my great-great grandfather, but, yeah, my dad It was my dad's great grandfather.
Your great-great grandfather, okay yeah.
Oh, my God that is amazing.
Grady Stiles, Jr.
, one of the most iconic human oddities in sideshow history.
This man had a condition called "Ectrodactyly," where he was born with hands and feet like the claws of a lobster.
This condition has been in their family for generation after generation.
All right well, let's get back to the buying I'm trying to do here.
Let's back to the Yeah, what'd you buy What'd did you, uh Did you find anything? I did he's just playing hardball with me.
You know, he's doin'- he's doing a whole routine.
I'll give you a grand, and let's be done with this.
In your next lifetime.
What do you think about this? I hate it, but Our tastes are so different.
I had so much fun in Gibsonton, and my parents decided to stay a few more days, but I was just way too anxious to go find my own apartment, so I've flown back to L.
to start looking.
So, how do your parents feel about you moving out? They don't want me to move out, and they're like, "you have it so good why move out and everything?" - Yeah.
- But, I'm actually gonna look at an apartment tomorrow with Morgue.
Wait Morgue from "The Freakshow?" No, the other Morgue.
Good for you.
Yeah, that's the whole thing independence.
My parents are really protective, and it's just time for me to really have full independence and freedom.
And you're turning 21 really soon, so that's exciting.
I know it's so exciting.
- Dun-dun.
- Yeah! What do you wanna do for your birthday? Something dangerous.
- Ooh.
- Of course Challenge accepted.
I've been working for the Norfolk Department of Corrections in Virginia for 13 years and, uh, my job consists of many duties, but the main ones is, secure the jail, feed the inmates, and their safety.
The past several months have been pretty hard on myself.
You know, just the traveling back and forth, back and forth, from Virginia to California.
You know, I'm pretty tired of traveling across country.
And "Freakshow" is my passion, you know, and I really wanna be a part of the family.
Hey, Sarge and I.
- What's up, George? - How's it going, George? I need to put in a request for some time off of work.
Possibly permanent, to do the Freakshow.
Wow! "The Freakshow," George? George, huh! Do you know what you're doing I mean, your career? I just feel like I have to take the opportunity.
I need to put in a request for some time off of work.
Possibly permanent to to the Freakshow.
"The Freakshow," George? I mean, my job here has been great.
It's been 13 wonderful years, you know, working with a lot of wonderful people.
But, this is a dream that I believe is coming true.
But, a "Freakshow," George? This is a "Freakshow," right here, this whole building.
Yes, sir.
Exactly it's a it's a different level of a "Freakshow.
" Thinking about moving to California to be on "The Freakshow" full time.
I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time with everybody else and, you know, just be happy for a change.
- Good luck to ya.
- All right.
- Good luck to you guys, too.
- All right all right.
Good luck with everything, man.
All right, I.
T See ya thanks.
- All right.
- All right, guys.
Mmm "A Freakshow?" Ain't nothin' wrong with it.
They better take care of him.
If you get the opportunity, you're gonna do it, too.
So, I don't wanna hear that.
I ain't got no freak in me.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- You guys know Morgue.
- Hi.
- Yeah, we do how are you? - Lauren Karina.
Good we met at "The Freakshow?" - Yes.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
- Okay, should we go in? - So, let's do this thing.
- Okay.
I'm really anxious to find my own place just because it'll be nice to have a bigger sense of freedom.
My parents are very protective, so I want that independence.
This is a standard one bedroom.
Oh, okay.
Full kitchen electric oven.
You could put your dining room table, like, right here.
Yeah, but I'm just trying to think about where I'm gonna put my bed of nails, and swords, and everything.
You would.
A bed of nails that's facing up, right? It's not I don't want any damage to the floors.
- Oh, no.
- No? - Okay.
- No yeah.
Uh, in here, is the bedroom with a vanity area.
I really like the hardwood floors.
You have a separate bathroom.
Will we be seeing more of you, if Asia ends up, - you know, down here? - Probably not no.
- Probably not? - I stay at my place.
I don't go out.
Oh, Hermite is, you know, is cool.
I don't really like the external world.
You met Asia through "The Freakshow," right? - Yeah.
- Are you guys together? Just friends what is it? Is it parasitic, symbiotic? No, I don't think that's anybody's business.
- It's between us.
- Okay.
Oh, well, we're just asking 'cause we love Asia, and we wanna know who she's hanging out with.
Air conditioner and there's another one - in the living room.
- Cool.
- Hey.
- Hello.
Um, so, there's a $35 charge to run your credit - and do a background check.
- Okay.
Uh, it should show everything on there.
Like, uh, employment What do you do for a living? I work at "The Freakshow.
" At "The Freakshow" like a Like "The Freakshow" like Yeah, like sword swallowing, fire eating, contortion, electric acts.
Well, you know, as long as your credit is good, you know.
Then, I then, you're okay? Yeah.
We need you to come out to California and stay for a while.
I know we've been talking about it for a while.
We've talked about him So, we keep talking.
So, it's nice to hang after that show.
Right? Where's Asia, anyway I figured the whole family would be here.
She didn't wanna hang out, but, uh Wants a break from the parental units.
- I don't know why.
- Grady Stiles the third, the son of the original lobster boy I wanna talk to him a little bit more about his family.
I love hearing stories about his dad and when he was a kid, traveling with the sideshow.
Your family's history is so powerful, so strong.
Your dad, he still, to this day, is so iconic in sideshows.
Uh, because he's unique.
I mean, you don't find too many people with claw closing hands.
And what was your relationship with your dad like? It was very bad.
I'm not a fan of my dad as a person.
Um, my father was racist My father was abusive.
I mean, when I cried, "I'll give ya a reason to cry.
" That's hard, man.
Yeah I really think it was just the alcohol brought the worst out in him.
Grady's father was known for extreme violence, even with his own family, including his kids.
His life ended with his tragic murder.
And I've read about what happened, but I really wanna talk to Grady about what it was like from his point of view.
Is the story of your father's death the way it's been told? Um, not exactly.
What I heard, is that your mother hired somebody - to kill him.
- Mmm-hmm.
Yeah, that's what everybody have heard.
- Like you see on-on TV.
- Yeah no.
What actually happened, was my mother and my dad had gotten into a fight, as usual, and my mother had made the comment that something needed to be done.
Well, my brother had overheard that and went to the neighbor kid and told him that something had to be done.
Well, my brother thought that-that meant scaring him, or beating him up, or something like that, just something to make him realize that this That he's gonna lose his family.
And a little while later, my dad was shot, so - Wow.
- Wow.
So, you know, I was talking to ward about the shown's graveyard.
Is your, uh, dad buried out there? Yeah, that's where he's buried.
Wow have you been out there? No, I've never gone out there.
You've never been to his grave? Uh, no.
Would you ever wanna see it? At this point, I don't know.
It might be healthy for me because I haven't been out there.
But, I'll be honest It kinda puts butterflies in my stomach.
You went through so much.
It seems like, now that he's passed, I think that would help you because it sounds like there's a lot of bad history.
Uh, again, I don't really have much to say to him um Right, but with all you've been through, it would be really nice if it could somehow resolve that.
George and I really had some good times together.
We were sitting in a movie theater one night, and a lady behind George tapped on his shoulder, and she said, "sir, can you sit down?" "I can't see.
" So, George stood up, turned around, and smiled, and she ran out of the theater just screaming.
So, Mike took that sexy picture over there, huh? George is a character.
How do you think of this stuff? Hey, listen.
I know you guys have been supporting me for a while.
I've decided to do "The Freakshow" more full time.
You're really actually doing this? Yeah, I always loved that area, you know, Southern California.
What about your girlfriend She's settled here, man.
Had you even thought about that? I can't really give you the answer on how she really will feel about it.
Come on you guys have been together for a year.
What are you gonna do out there? I mean, you're gonna be so far away from her.
Uh, how are you gonna keep busy? How are you gonna keep your mind off other girls? It's not gonna be easy.
It's gonna be rough.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
I cannot believe you are getting me to come back to this place.
Oh, come on you used to have so much fun.
Somehow, I got convinced into going to this local country bar with my friends, and it's definitely not my scene.
The only reason why I'm gonna attempt to make it through the night is because they were helpful with helping me find an apartment.
A lot of times, the way that guys approach girls in places is disgusting to me.
It's a complete meat market.
I think this might be it, right here.
Oh, yeah definitely That's definitely my name.
- Wait there's two of 'em.
- Oh, wow! Oh, wow come over here.
That's my granddad and my grandmother.
And then, there's my dad.
This is where he lies.
You can't do anything to anybody while you're here.
Is there anything you would wanna say to him? Um, thank you for showing me who not to be, and maybe you can appreciate who I became because of that.
So and it might seem mean, but it's still true.
You were a drunken, abusive bastard and But, you were my dad.
Thank you, man.
Now, I'm getting teary-eyed.
Me, too.
For all the negative things he did do, - he did one good thing, right? - Yeah.
- He brought you into the world.
- Yeah.
It was good to finally see where my father was buried at, and I finally got to tell him thank you for showing me what not to be as a man, and I never really would've been able to say that to him when he was alive.
So, that felt good to be able to say that to him.
Wow that is a picture.
- That is.
- Yeah, it is.
Look, right there.
A cemetery as colorful as the people in it.
I just don't want you to go.
I just I feel that, you know, you're making a big mistake.
I have to do this.
You know, "The Freakshow" has a lot to offer, and, uh, it's an opportunity.
What about our relationship, though? What about that? Well, our relationship is solid.
You know, I wish I want you to really It can't be that solid, if you're gonna be gone for a while.
Well, I need you to support me and stand by me.
My relationship with Diane We've been together now for a little over a year, and it was a hard decision, truthfully, to, uh, to decide to do "The Freakshow" full time and to be away from her.
But, at the moment, I feel like, if I didn't answer my opportunity, it would never come back to me.
Everybody has dreams.
So, that is your dream.
Well, it's my dream is to get a better level of life, and I think this will get me there.
I'm 56-years-old.
The career job I have with the sheriff's department is very stressful.
It's taking a toll on my body.
You didn't think this through.
I can't leave, right now.
You know, I have my job, and my family, and my career, also.
I don't like long distance relationships.
I don't like them, either, but I can deal with 'em.
Well, suppose I'm not here when you come back.
Well, I hope that you will be.
I don't like long distance relationships.
I don't like them, either, but I can deal with 'em, because, one day, we will be together.
I can't live on "one day," George I'm serious.
Honestly, you know, I'm being honest with you.
So, you're not willing to try? You know, you're asking a lot for me to wait for you, so, suppose I'm not here when you come back? Well, I hope that you will be.
If that's how you feel, you know, maybe we need to take a break.
If we take a break, you know it's gonna end.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Guess what I just did.
I just put an application in for that apartment that I liked.
Yeah, I'm really excited.
I mean, hopefully, everything works out.
Ha-ha of course.
I'm just nervous about telling my parents, like No.
I'm not sure exactly when I'm gonna tell my parents I'm moving out.
Uh, I know I have to find the right time, but I don't know how they're gonna take it, honestly.
I could see my mom, like, breaking down and crying.
Hopefully not, but I have to, you know, start living my own life.
I just have to have that moment where I'm like, "hey, I have to tell you something.
" Yeah no, definitely.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Hey how are you? - Good.
- I missed you.
I missed you more.
God, it seemed like two months.
- I missed - I missed you more.
- I missed you.
- I missed you the most how did it go? Grady had never been to his father's grave.
Really? So, we took him to the graveyard.
Oh, wow.
And he saw his father's grave for the first time.
- Oh.
- Asia, it was magical.
It felt like a cloud had been lifted off of their relationship.
- That's good.
- Hey, how ya doing, man? - Hey, George.
- Hey.
- Hey, Danielle.
- Hey.
- What you up to? - Hey, not much.
Just coming I got some good news for ya.
- What is it? - I did it, man.
You did what? Permanently took time off work full-time "Freakshow.
" - No, you didn't.
- I moved, I moved to California.
- No, you didn't! - Yes, I did.
George, thank you, man wow! - I really moved.
- Oh, my gosh! Thank you, George.
- I am so excited, man.
- Hey, I am, as well, man.
But, uh Yes.
- Wow! - But, I had-but, I had Wow thank you, man.
That is I love you for making that commitment.
Thank you.
Hey, I'm-hey, I'm glad to be aboard, man.
- Right on! - Yeah.
This is a big deal that George can become a permanent family member.
Family is everything.
And here at "The Freakshow," it doesn't matter if it's my wife, my son, Phoenix, my daughter, Asia, or Creature, or Morgue, or Jessa.
We've got each other's back 'til the day we die, and that's it.
Well, George, now that you're full time Yeah right.
How about giving me a hand with the banner outside? Sweet let's do it let's do it.
All right.
Give it up for Asia, folks.

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