Friday Night Lights s02e06 Episode Script

How Did I Get Here?

Santiago, if Lyla vouches for you, I do.
I can give you a job.
I'll do anything that you ask me to do and I'll try not to mess it up too bad.
Landry has never lied to me.
You stay away from my boy.
I get you want to walk again, but guess what? Never gonna happen.
Best case scenario, you lose ten grand.
Worst case scenario, dead.
Do you think I want to go back to Dillon Jay! I had an epiphany out there.
It would suck to die.
I'm not having the surgery.
Let's go back to Texas.
I'm turning What did I get you last year, Six? Nothing.
And I don't expect nothing from you this year either 'cause last time you actually gave me something, it was your brother's pool cue.
You didn't tell him about it and then he threatened to beat me up unless I gave it back to him.
So I'd much rather not get anything from you this year.
I remember that.
Going back to Dillon.
What the hell am I doing with my life? Do it so your mother doesn't have to do it.
I get it, Dad.
And when you leave this morning, make sure your mom doesn't have to pick any of it up, 'cause I'm tired of that.
It's just rude.
It's rude and it's selfish and it's so typical of my sister.
You should make her.
Don't let her get away with that.
Tell her to pick it up.
You shouldn't have to do that.
It's my first day of work, it's my first day of having to leave Gracie.
Maybe she got stuck in traffic.
She could've come in a day or two earlier to make me feel more comfortable.
But no.
She's in her own head.
She's always in her own headspace.
Always a She's your sister.
Hey, babe, I think you got your first check.
She's your sister.
You got your first check.
And you know there's not gonna be any kind of apology.
I mean, that's That's for damn sure.
I mean, she'll just waltz in here like it's nothing and Babe, something's wrong with your check.
Come here.
Come here.
What? Come here.
Come here.
That's not right.
That is not right.
That's half what it's supposed to be.
I know.
That's less than half what it's supposed to be.
What did you talk about with Buddy? Huh? What, what did you decide with Buddy? We just, you know Well, no.
I don't know.
Did Well, no.
I No, I just assumed that there was Well, sweetheart, you can't assume things I'm sure it's a mistake.
Like salary.
It'll get taken care of.
She's here! She's here! Don't wake up the baby.
She's here, Gracie.
Hi! Hi! Oh, my God! God, I missed you.
I'm so happy to see you.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, look at you.
You look amazing.
Oh, stop it.
I look like a cow.
Do think my ass got bigger, like, with this baby? Let me see.
Oh, give me a break.
You could bounce a quarter off that.
Where is she? She's right here.
Hey, Shelly.
Hey, Eric.
How you doing? Honey, she said that I could bounce a quarter off my ass.
You could bounce all kinds of things.
Oh, my gosh, she's so beautiful.
That's my little Gracie girl.
Oh, my gosh.
She looks just like her mama.
There's your Aunt Shelly.
Aunt Shelly! Aunt Shelly! Hey! How are you doing? How are you doing? Oh, wow.
Boys must be going crazy.
Yeah, right.
Oh, she's gorgeous.
She's hot.
Oh, she sure is.
You want some coffee or Oh, I'd love some coffee.
Oh, honey, Tami, you can't use these diapers.
You gotta use cloth diapers.
Those are bad.
Oh, well, I don't think we really We don't have time for laundry and all that.
Eric, I can't believe I spent all this time being jealous of you.
This is what I make teaching pre-school.
Oh, really? Is that it? Yeah.
That's just a That's Well, we're gonna get this taken care of.
That's just a mistake.
That's fine.
Hey, honey, it's good to see you.
It's not a big deal.
Good to see you.
You, too, baby.
You need to get that taken care of.
I know.
Babe, you need to get that taken care of.
So what do you think of her? She's Welcome again everybody to Buddy Garrity's "Hog Wild" sale! All you people come on in! You won't believe your eyes.
Hey! Y'all showed up! I told you it was gonna be here, didn't I? How you like it? What the hell are you doing? "Hog Wild Sale.
" A what? A "Hog Wild Sale.
" I do 150 cars on a day like this.
It's fantastic.
You know what? I want you to see this.
You're not gonna believe this.
I think I've got our problem solved.
Everybody check this out.
A big round of applause for Mr.
Santiago Herrera! All right.
And release! Get him, Santiago! Get him, baby! Get him, baby! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Is that boy fast or what? I think we found our new tight end.
You want to tell me about this? Uh, yeah.
Let's Let's go to the office.
Let's go in the office.
Excuse us.
State Championship and my salary gets reduced 40º/º? No, it's 37.
And I have every intention of doing something about that.
I got a baby.
I got a mortgage.
Tami wants to put a new room on the house.
Oh, that's not very good timing there.
Oh, you think? Listen, Eric.
I know you're upset and I understand.
But let me tell you something right now.
We had to pay MacGregor off and we had to get you back here.
That depleted the Booster Club funds and to tell you the truth right now, that fund is not solvent.
Just between you and me.
But I'm trying to do everything I can to make this go away.
I'm gonna make this okay for you.
Believe me.
Fix it.
What? Fix it.
All right, gentlemen.
Hit the field! Let's go! Let's get a move on! Let's have a good practice today.
What do you say? Look who it is.
What's going on, 85? It's good to finally to have you back.
Tanned and crispy! What's going on, man? Game on, huh? Yes, sir.
Big W on the weekend, Two-Zero.
Hi, Rigg.
It's good to see you, bro.
Getting after it.
See you out there.
Let's go now.
Get a move on.
Stretch it out deep.
Coach? Four.
Missed a week of practice.
Is that it? You done with me? Let me tell you something.
We've been down this road before.
Too many times.
You understand me? Lean to the right! Coach, I deserve at least one more chance.
off my field right now.
All right.
That's good! That's good! Let's break 'em down into teams.
Defense down here in the end zone.
Let's go! Right now! McGILL: Defense, let's fire it! This is quite a list that you've left me here, Glenn.
Now Suzie Miller is a straight-A student.
What is she doing on this list? Complaints about her hygiene.
That's awful.
I've passed her in the hallway a few times, and the complaints are definitely valid.
But I figured that since you were coming back and returning to us that I would leave that one to you.
Oh, so sweet of you.
Thank you so much, Glenn.
That's just adorable.
Thank you so much.
Hi, hon.
Speak to you a second? Hey, you must be Eric.
TAMl: Eric, Glenn.
Glenn, Eric.
Oh, hey, Glenn.
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Can I speak to my wife for a minute? Yeah.
Oh, of course.
Sure thing.
I'll get out of your way.
Well, I happily pass the baton back to you.
Oh, thank you.
And Thanks for everything you did.
I will see you later.
I'll see you in the lounge, okay? Absolutely.
Thanks for You did a great job.
Oh, thanks.
See you.
Take care.
"Meet in the lounge?" What are you meeting him in the lounge for? I thought you eat in the cafeteria.
Honey, are you jealous? No, I'm not jealous.
I'm just asking a question.
That is adorable.
You're jealous.
You like that? Listen.
I just came by to tell you I talked to Buddy.
He's working on it.
And for your information, you better start doing something out here.
Oh, you know what? Would you call Glenn and maybe he can come help me do some co-counseling? Hey, man.
This is some old bull.
Taking Rigg away is like hanging me out to dry.
No, look.
I know we need him out there, but, like, Coach do have a point.
Oh, come on.
What if he decided Don't tell me you're on his side.
to bounce right before a playoff game? Don't you remember he benched you last week? He's out of control.
I'm Lauren.
I'm Matt.
I just wanted to introduce myself.
I just started going here, so Right.
No, I know.
I noticed you.
I seen you cheerleading.
You're a good cheerleader.
Why are you hitting me? Yeah.
Well, I'm so glad that I'm cheering for your team now.
It's such an honor and you're so incredibly talented.
So I'll see you around, okay? Yeah.
I'll be, you know Okay.
Look like all your Julie problems are about to be over.
But watch, Coach.
He takes the inside gap.
We're coming outside.
We gotta get downside block right What set they in? A four three? Yeah.
They're walking that guy up late, though.
They gotta come up from the weak side and cut that guy off.
McGILL: Buddy.
You get it fixed? I'm working on it.
Coach, we owe it to the team to check this kid out.
I'm not kidding you.
Give me 15 minutes.
Thank you, Coach.
They're in an Watch this next set-up.
All right.
We start on your move! I won't say, "I told you so," but the kid's gonna be a star.
Let's see what he can do with his hands.
Hut! All right.
It's all right, babe.
All right.
Get the next one.
How long you been going to school here? He just enrolled about a week ago, Coach.
Where'd you go before this? I He was He was doing that little juvenile retainer thing for a minute.
But he's done with that.
I assume he can talk.
Oh, absolutely.
You tell him, Santiago.
Played football before? No, sir.
You ever play any organized sports at all? No.
You want to come out here and you want to play football for us? Sure.
That wasn't exactly an offer.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Let's see what you can do going long.
All right? Just run as fast as you can.
Hut! Yeah.
I didn't tell him to catch it.
I just told him to go long.
I didn't tell him You best stop him before he climbs that fence.
Well, the kid's got a lot to learn.
You know Oh, you think? Yeah.
He'll be all right.
Landry? Yeah? Come in.
You gonna be joining us for supper? I'm not I'm not too hungry.
Y'all go ahead.
Mom made chicken-fried steak.
Seems like you haven't been hungry in a week.
Something going on? No.
Well, she dumped me.
Well, girls can be squirrelly that way.
Especially the cute ones.
She doesn't have you feeling badly about yourself, does she? No.
Well, good.
Surely you know there'll be other girls.
Not like her.
Come on, Julie! We want to see it.
TAMl: Let me see.
Oh, my God.
Let me see.
My God! Uh-uh.
She looks amazing.
And you best take that off before your father gets home.
But It's a present, Mom.
You look incredible, honey.
Take my word for it.
How you doing? TAMl: Hi, baby.
Oh, my God.
Look! Why are you dressed like that? What? This is what everybody in Brazil's wearing.
It's what everybody in Brazil's wearing.
We're not in Brazil.
You need to sit down.
You need to write a thank-you note to your Grandma for those boobs because they are They are unbelievable.
Go change.
My God.
You? Excuse me, summer of '86, little string bikini and your butt hanging out of your dolphin shorts.
You are not one to talk.
If I give you a $100, would you please stop? Yes, but you don't have a $100, Eric.
All right, y'all.
It was a joke.
My God.
I'm taking off.
Are you taking Spanish? Yeah.
Really? Well, perfect.
Because you're gonna need it when we take our trip to Costa Rica.
Costa Rica? Yes.
Well, your mom and I, we were supposed to go but then she went and got herself knocked up, so I want to go with you.
Thank you, Shelly.
I would love to go.
What? I'm just teasing.
That baby She's worth a thousand trips to Costa Rica.
She is.
I know.
And besides, listen.
I have a little consolation prize for you.
The Dixie Chicks are coming to Midland Wednesday night.
I love the Dixie Chicks.
I know you do.
You wanna go? We got a Booster meeting on Wednesday, Tam! I know, hon.
There's no way I could go to a Dixie Chicks Are you kidding right now? I just started back at work, and, you know Uh-uh.
A concert on a Wednesday.
What's the big deal? I just don't see how I can do it.
Thanks, though.
It was just an idea.
It's a good idea.
You're welcome.
I'll go to the Dixie Chicks.
Can I take your daughter to the Dixie Chicks? Can you get changed? You need to get changed.
Shelly's gonna show me some pictures.
Oh, yeah.
Come, come, come.
So this Oh, my God.
This was the beach.
It was unbelievable.
It's beautiful.
You can see You can see for miles, okay? You cannot see any people.
That's so cool.
Welcome home.
Thank you.
How you doing? Welcome home to you, too.
Is it good to get back to the family? Yes, it is.
I saw Gracie.
She's cute.
She's a cute little girl, huh? Yes, she is.
You doing good? Yes, sir.
Good to be back? Yeah.
Yes, sir.
You still coaching? I don't know, Coach.
I'm just figuring out my life right now.
Truth be told, I could use the help.
I got a lot going on.
I need someone who knows me and knows the team.
Hell, I need someone I can trust.
When do you want me back? I'm working out 24l7.
Just eat right.
You know, trying to lose weight No.
Looks can deceive you.
Back then I was just sticks.
They use to actually call me Sticks.
It was It was a fun time, you know? I think Think it would be a good life, you know? Tim.
Rise and shine.
It's 3:00 p.
Yeah, it is.
I'm glad you stopped by, actually.
I'm just Do you know anything about organic and biological compounds? I'm not doing your homework, Tim.
I'm I'm here about Santiago.
Isn't that a hog catcher? He's not a hog catcher.
He's a student trying to learn football.
No, thank you.
Yeah, I heard he's crap.
So, which is why I was wondering if maybe you could help him out.
You know, maybe teach him a few things about football.
How to play.
See, I don't know if you've heard or not but I kind of got kicked off the football team.
So I don't really see why I'd help someone get on it.
Well, gee, I don't know, Tim.
Why would any human being help another? Why Why would someone drop everything and go all the way to Mexico just because someone called and asked for help? Uh, yeah.
See, this is a bit different because that was life or death.
This is Doesn't really sound like life or death to me.
It's a favor, Tim.
Thanks a lot.
So, Eric.
We think we found the solution to this little salary snafu.
A little creative approach.
Here's the deal.
I cannot free up any more coaching funds for the time being.
But there's a small pool of money set aside for an Athletic Director.
So? What do you mean, "Athletic Director?" Yeah.
Like you would be the head of the entire Athletic Department.
Well, that's great but I think I've got enough responsibilities.
Eric, it's not a big deal.
The department pretty much runs itself.
Just think about this.
"Athletic Director" title? I mean if you needed it on a resume If you're ever applying for another job, it looks really good.
The paycheck's pretty much just a gravy train paycheck.
What do you say? How much does this job pay? Well, it's not budgeted at a full time position.
It's part time.
But you combine it with what you're already bringing home, you're gonna be within spitting distance of what you were making last year.
"Spitting distance?" Eric, it's only temporary.
I swear to you.
What is that? It's a It's a pump for her breasts.
What? You serious? Yeah, it like squeezes Squeezes milk out of a lady's udders.
You know.
You just hook it up here and put something in there and just pump it.
You know Is there a motor or something? It's got some kind of motor to it.
Oh! Hey, y'all need to Hey, Tami.
That's really not a toy.
Welcome back, Tim.
Glad you made it home safe Safely.
So sorry about that.
Disappearing and all.
You know, I've been trying to get him to be more responsible to himself.
To To others.
That's good advice, Billy, considering you're banging my ex-girlfriend.
She's not your ex-girlfriend.
All right.
We all Can we focus, please? And that kid likes me twice as much as you, by the way.
I'm just throwing it out there.
No, he doesn't! That's just not true! Hey! Hey! Can we focus? Sorry.
Thank you.
'Cause it looks to me like on your little sojourn, Tim, you missed yourself, oh, two biology exams.
And what looks like a pretty important term paper in your English Lit class.
So let's start there.
I don't know what a sojourn is, ma'am.
A sojourn is what's gonna keep you back a year if you don't get it together.
That's right.
That's right.
Change your attitude.
That's what a sojourn is.
The rest of it you can look up.
Tami, I I just want you to know I am gonna be squeezing his testicles till he's bleeding term papers.
But that aside Hmm.
I just need to get him back on the team.
I mean, his future's riding on this, so I was just thinking, like, maybe you could, you know, exert a little influence on Coach.
Is that right? Is that what you were thinking? What? What did you want her to do? You know.
Maybe swing him a little bit.
Hey! Hey! Hey.
I'm here as his educational advisor.
All right? That's what I'm here for.
That's what my role is.
You want to talk to Coach Taylor? You know where he is.
You can go talk to him yourself.
Yes, ma'am.
Come on, jackass.
Well, now, wait a minute.
I'm not finished.
Like father, like son, huh, Chad? Your boy played well on Friday night.
Yeah, I don't want him getting a fat head though.
He's still got a ways to go.
Chad, Ronnie Blair.
Pleased to meet you.
They brought me in from Midland to help out with your homicide.
Yeah? That right? How's the case going? All but dead till we came across these.
The coroner found some car seat fibers in the dead guy's jacket zipper.
We're thinking it came from the vehicle that took him to the river.
Killer probably pulled the body out and didn't realize he was taking some of his own car upholstery with it.
You know what kind of car? Well, it matches three different models of GM manufactured between '74 and '78.
DMV's probably gonna pull up about 20 of these in Dillon alone.
All right.
Well, good luck with your digging.
And tell your son to keep up the good work.
Will do.
Thanks for helping us out.
Hey, no problem.
Set! Hut! Shrader! You stand up like that, you're gonna get your running back killed.
You stand up like that on a blitz, you're gonna get your quarterback killed.
You understand me? Left eye underneath his left ear hole.
Get low and drive.
What do you do? Get low and drive.
Thank you.
Let's try it again.
Set! Hut! Set! Hut! Oh! Jesus.
Set! Hut! What was that all about? You wanna get your head out of your ass and block for me, fool? I am, but you're not following me! Hey, Coach! What the hell? Settle down! Want us to run it again? What's wrong, Smash? You hear me? Your hearing all right? You hear me? Yeah, I hear all right.
All right then.
Get it back.
Yes, I've got the invoice here.
What I don't have is the equipment.
I'm not.
I'm just trying to tell you I'm not gonna send you a check until I get the equipment.
Why would I All right.
And that's when you'll get the check, then.
Yeah, you, too.
What? All right, Coach.
I don't mean no disrespect but I got my ass handed to me out there on the field today.
And look, I know Riggins shouldn't have gone to Mexico and he's disrespectful to you and the coaching staff.
He drinks too much and misses too many practices.
But I need him.
I need him, Coach.
I'm gonna get killed out there without him.
Is it really worth throwing away the season just to prove a point? Hey, stop right there.
I'm not throwing away my season.
Are you throwing away your season? I'm not throwing away my season.
I'm Seems to me like Tim Riggins is the one throwing his season away.
As far as your blocking is concerned, it will be taken care of.
I'm just saying Now go to class.
Go to class! Yeah? And to what do I owe the presence of the captain of the Dillon Panthers? Nice crib, Riggs.
What's up? The maid's on vacation? What's up? Hey, look, I want you to come to dinner tonight.
My mama cooked.
Are you asking me on a date, Williams? Just save it.
Save it.
I need to talk to you about how you're messing up this team.
Oh, I'm screwing up the team now on my own? All right, Riggs.
I got no fullback 'cause of your drunk selfish ass.
And you're coming to dinner tonight so I can talk some sense into you.
Hi, Julie.
Umm What Hey.
What can I What can I get you? Um I don't I don't really want anything.
I just I just I wanted to say something to you.
I just I wanted to tell you that I thought about what you said the other night and And that you were right.
And that I was wrong and I don't really know what I was thinking.
I just I wanted to apologize for, like, everything.
And to tell you that I'm sorry and I'm really sorry I hurt you.
And I just hope you can forgive me and, you know, maybe we can be friends or something.
Yeah, me, too.
I guess I'll just see you around, okay? Okay.
Hello, Reverend.
I'm proud of you, Lyla.
Thank you.
And I'm praying for you every day.
Thank you.
You got a second? Yeah.
Of course.
Looking forward to the party tonight.
No, please.
Don't mention it.
Anybody I've ever said "Hello" to in my life, my mom has invited to my birthday party tonight.
Yeah, well.
What's up? Ever notice how no one ever changes in this town? Nothing ever changes.
Everyone goes to the same church or same job and same restaurants and everybody goes to the football game on Friday night and it's like this huge fish tank that we're all stuck in and And you can't find a way out.
Well, I'm kind of I'm stuck.
I'm stuck.
Well, there's a way to be unstuck.
No, no, no.
No, I know what you're thinking.
And, no.
I don't need saving.
I'm not here to talk to God, okay? I'm here to talk to you.
'Cause out of everyone I know, you're just about the only one that's changed their life.
And I admire it and I was just wondering how you did it.
You just do it.
What I'm saying is Coach Taylor needs to see you take it up a notch.
I've said what I could to the coach.
He said, "No.
" It's out of my hands.
So what? That's it? You're just gonna give up? I don't know what else to tell you.
I said it all.
Oh, my God, my sister can talk.
Okay, Tim.
You ready for a piece of pie for dessert? Yes, ma'am.
Pie sounds great.
Oh, now you want pie? How can I say no? I don't like the way you're flirting with my mama, to be honest.
Brian! What is wrong with you? He's being polite.
Look, we're a lot different, you and me.
Me? I'm the Smash.
I'm throwed.
I'm Prime Time, 24l7.
And you You know, you're that brooding, rough Whatever.
The point is neither of us can be who we are without football.
It's the keys to the ignition.
And if you don't fight for that you're just wasting a whole lot of potential, that's all.
Oh, mama.
Come on.
I wanted apple pie.
Gee, Dad.
What are you doing? We're not going inside.
They found blood residue outside the convenience store.
Matches up with the dead guy.
Based on the head wound, they figure that he was probably struck there with some sort of hard object and then put in a car, either unconscious or dead, and taken to the bridge and dumped in the river.
I don't know why you're telling me this, but The water and the fish pretty much did away with any foreign DNA or prints that could've led to suspects.
And with no witnesses, the detectives don't have much.
Except for one thing.
The coroner found upholstery fibers in the zipper of the deceased's jacket.
And guess where they come from? From GMC wagons.
Just like this one.
Okay, well, that I don't know what you think, but I mean how How many different How many different GMC wagons are there in Landry, if you had something to do with this, you have got to tell me right now.
Better you tell me then wait for them to drag you in, 'cause so help me God, son, that's what's gonna happen.
Talk to me.
Time to trust me.
I didn't mean to do it, Dad.
I didn't mean to.
It just happened.
Oh, God.
I didn't mean to do it.
Oh, God, Land.
Okay, listen to me.
We're gonna need to take a drive.
Right now.
All right.
Where? Get in the car.
Follow me.
Right now.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
This is good protection, good blocking from everybody.
Nice little pump fake.
Look at that.
Our favorite.
Speaking of good blocking, Williams, what just happened there? Smash Williams.
He's our number one wide out, actually.
He's always catching the long bombs.
And Bradley, that Oh, there we go.
Bradley hiked it on two and that snap was supposed to be on three.
Bradley can't count that high, so Don't worry about it.
We still won that game though.
We still won that game by Watch him.
Here he comes now.
Watch him.
Watch him.
Watch his wheels here.
Here he goes.
Here he goes.
He takes off.
Watch his wheels.
Watch his wheels.
Watch him go! Here comes the hand! There it is, right there! Broke the record.
We could've been a dynasty, kid.
And then Lyla would've been rich.
Dad! What? No, he's right.
He's right, you know? Yeah, you can have it all, but you can't have it all at once, so, you know.
You take your memories where you can get them, right, Riggs? Absolutely.
Here's to many more memories, man.
Happy birthday, Six.
Happy birthday.
I know what it's like, you know.
At my old school, my boyfriend and I broke up for inexplicable reasons.
But every single time I would see him, I would get these pains in my heart, like someone was stabbing it with, like, a With a knife? No.
Like, like a shiv.
A what? Actually, I don't even know what a shiv is.
I think you mean, like Like a shank? Like what they use in prison? Yeah! Yes, yes, yes.
Like, um, like a shank.
Like a rusty old shank.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be so forward.
I thought that maybe Bye, you guys.
Hey, Collette? Could I get a ride home? Yeah.
Of course.
How you holding up? Matt coming with that Stepford girl? You know, it's not like we're together or anything.
It's not really my business.
Very mature.
Very mature.
What do you say you and I go get a big vat of ice cream and rent Thelma and Louise and cry our eyes out? What do you say? Sure.
Hey, Coach.
Hey, Coach Taylor.
You got a couple minutes? Yeah.
Hey, before you go, I just wanted to Just wanted to give these or donate them to the athletic department.
It's my It's all my tapes and everything.
My glory years.
From freshman year on.
See you, Coach.
So I figured it would be something good for maybe the freshman or the J.
Quarterbacks to take a look at.
You're saying you're quitting the team? Yeah.
It does.
I just I keep on trying to go back and be the Jason from before and I need to figure out a way to be a new guy.
And I thought the team was gonna do that for me, but it hasn't.
And I'm so sorry, Coach, if I let you down.
It's just something I have to do.
Let me tell you something.
Coaches and players, they learn from each other.
Goes both ways.
You lift up everyone around you.
That is a powerful gift to earn.
I hope I didn't let you down.
No, you didn't let me down, Coach.
This I'll hold on to.
Till you come and pick it up.
Dad, what are we doing here? Dear God, forgive us for this.
Forgive us.
All right.
Let's back up.
These young cats do not believe in protection.
You know they're crying to me, saying, "Coach, don't tell my mother.
"I need to go to the clinic.
" What are you talking about? You must be the new Athletic Director.
Funny, you look a lot like the football coach Eric Taylor.
How you doing? Do you even know my name? No, I don't.
Do you know what this is? Rhymes with occer ball.
It's a soccer ball.
Okay? Actually But this isn't one.
This here's a rubber carcass.
You see that? A soccer ball is something with air in it, okay? How many footballs does the football team have? And not one of them is dead, man.
Not one of them is dead.
What are you gonna do about this? What are you gonna What are you gonna do about that, man? You gonna give me some more? Oh, my gosh.
Is this new? This is new? Yeah, we all got them.
It's so beautiful.
Look at this.
This is a fine computer.
You know, I would have called you to have this conversation, but I don't even have a freakin' phone.
Okay? You see the disparity here, big guy? Save it.
My name is Bobbie Roberts and I'm gonna be in here every freakin' day until my girls get exactly what the hell they need.
Okay? Thank you.
Thank you.
I hope they're paying you a ton of money.
I'm gonna kill Buddy.
I am gonna kill him.
Hey! Hey.
Where is everybody? Well, let's see.
Gracie is asleep.
Julie's with Lois.
Eric has not gotten home from work yet.
What's that? What? This? It's an environmentally responsible bag.
No, not that.
Oh, this? This is a bottle of vino.
Well, I'm not gonna be able to drink any 'cause I'm nursing.
Oh, you can.
No, you can You can have a little bit just as long as you drink a lot of water, and you have to eat foods that are rich in B9, like asparagus, and you just gotta wait a couple of hours before you nurse.
Well, aren't you clever, Dr.
"I've-Never-Had-A-Baby- Before-But-I-Seem-To-Know- All-The-Answers"? Just a little something called reading.
You do it much? Well, when I have time.
What? Like, Dillon Gazette and those baby books? What's your point? I'm All I'm saying is just because you live in Dillon that doesn't mean you have to stop thinking.
Hmm, interesting.
Didn't realize I had stopped thinking.
Well, I'm not I'm just saying, like Okay.
You know what? I don't really need a lecture by my sister right now.
Oh no Thank you.
I'm not I'm not lecturing you.
Oh, really? Because that's what it sounds like.
You are lecturing me.
And you know what? Sorry I don't have time to read 24 hours a day or to jet off to Brazil or to go to the damn Dixie Chicks concert! 'Cause you know what? I'm cooking and I'm working and I'm breast-feeding! That's what I'm doing.
And it may have just occurred to me that as much as I love my little Gracie girl, that, you know, now I've I've got another whole 16 years plus ahead of me of child rearing.
And then she's just gonna turn into Julie and just be mean to me and I'm gonna be in a walker.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry I said anything.
I'm sure I'm just, you know, I'm compensating for my lonely, pathetic life.
Your life is kind of lonely and pathetic.
You are such an ass.
I swear.
I should hate you.
You're an ass, too.
Hey, wait.
Stop before you just hurt yourself, all right? Hey You know you're not on the team, right? I know.
You trying to break your neck by keeping your head down like that or Hey, everybody's got to start somewhere, homey, right? Let me ask you something.
Are you in any way, shape or form trying to screw Lyla Garrity? She's my friend, dawg.
All right? Just my friend.
You want a couple pointers or are you gonna try and break your neck? Move.
You hit with purpose.
You lift him up and you snap him.
Keep your head up.
You ready? Watch.
Pick him up! Hit to hurt.
Keep your head up.
That was crap.
That was crap.
Only way out from here.
Let's go.
Push yourself.
With purpose.
Let's go.
Come on.
That was way better.
Love it.
Hey, Rigg! What's up, man? Let's go.
You starting your own team or something? Now, come on, Williams.
He can hit twice as hard as your ass.
Stick it.
All right.
Let's see about that.
How about running through some plays? Hey.
You up for that? Yeah.
All right.
Get a ball.
Why I gotta get a ball? 'Cause you the QB, fool.
You're the one who wanted to run the play.
Just get a ball.
Set! Wide eight! Wide eight! Hit! Oh, yeah! What just happened, Williams? Hey, look.
You got the right hole.
But you gotta stay low and push Riggins inside so I can break free.
You got it? Yeah.
Bottom line, there's no time to second guess yourself.
Just go.
Set! Blue eight! Hut! Sorry, man.
You all right, Riggs? That's funny.
My bad, man.
Don't apologize, dude.
You all right? Yeah.
If you're gonna knock him on his ass, don't stop driving.
Keep driving your legs.
Keep moving.
Yes, sir.
You wanna come by tomorrow? Come out and practice with us? Yes, sir.
All right.
You be at my office at 7:00.
Not 7:01.
We'll fit you up.
All right.
All right then.
Thank you, sir.
Am I showing you something yet, sir? Oh, yeah.
Does that mean I'm back on the squad, Coach? Not even close.
Not even close.
Y'all gentlemen have a good night.
Let's go again.
Give me a minute.
Blue eight! You better get into something.
Blue eight! Hut!
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