Real Humans (2012) s02e06 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 6

Hi. It's Tobbe.
How would you recognize
David Eischers code?
With it you can change the world.
- Do you understand what the code does?
- Yeah It made you.
It is the key of David. Take care of it.
- God created man.
- Who created Hubots then? The devil?
Call her. She's your mom.
I'll think about it.
- Can I borrow money from you?
- Of course. How much do you need?
How did you get that?
Where is Therese?
Turn it off.
Who's in charge of the detention center?
It's just that his brain missing.
Who would do something like this?
- I do not have the code
- No, then why call..
But I have David's brain.
- Who are you?
- Beware of Roger.
- Roger?
- Behind you! In front of you!
Behind you! Stop!
Stop. Stand still.
Stand very.very still.
- Why should I?
- To lure Roger.
I think we will be invaded.
- Is there a map of Hub Battle Land?
- Something like the guests get?
We do not call them guests.
They are Intruders.
- All like Roger are intruders.
- Welcome to the Hub Battle Land!
Turn around. No one has been here.
Do you understand?
No one has been here.
Real Humans
Season 2
- There's my car.
- Do not worry if it takes a long time.
- It will go fast. I promise.
- Have fun!
Sit down.
Do not move.
You can go now.
- Go Go
- GO!
You buy us.
You own us.
But it's not what you think.
Actually, we own you.
It is you we are watching.
It is you who are similar to us.
It is us that are real and it is you
which are the fake people.
That's the second time the fuse blew.
We require up to 32 amps.
- Amperes
- But I'll fix that.
- Say amps again!
- Check out what we can disconnect.
- Today, gladly. Now, maybe?
- Wait
I think it has come off.
- Lights on?
- Yes, but there is no danger.
This may be our morning routine.
- Is it even?
- Yes. So
Hey, I've been thinking.
I've been thinking. The adoption.
I have thought a little more on it.
If this is something you really
want, then I want it too.
It's all I ever wanted.
That's great!
There is a electrical conversion box
that pulses the current.
Pulse Width Modulation?
That would be great.
Look at me!
Shall I tell you about my childhood?
- No, I just want to see you.
- Okay.
Today I'll retrieve it so I can
set you free - and free myself.
And then
We will unite you and me.
I'll be inside you
and you'll be me.
And I'll be you.
- Very soon I'll go home to mother
- We have no mother.
Well, I have a mother.
Everyone has a mother.
It may be that you do not want
to hear about your mother.
- I do not know anything about my mother.
- Exactly.
Today I have a mom, only because
she has something that we need.
But you'll never have to meet her.
I promise.
I am a child of David.
I'll never die.
I will rule.
- When do we leave?
- Soon.
Can you ready to go?
No, we'll stay at home.
- Maybe I'll stay here with them.
- You should get ready too!
- Mimi, would you like to come along?
- I can't, I need to defragment today.
My system is asking for an
updated protocol.
I must be turned off tonight.
And then restarted later.
So maybe one of you can start
me again after dinner
It's good that she
takes care of herself.
Here we go.
She has already turned off,
so we may as well do it later.
It just feels so wrong like some
Eh, Tobbe, Betty will
be here anytime now.
Have you told her?!
How else can we find out
if it's the right code?
What do you know about programming?
Tobbe, don't you know how big this is?
Mimi might be the only liberated Hubot-
-so I know you to like her the most.
Think of how it would help her
if there were more that were like her.
How it will help all Hubots!
OK, we can find out if
it's the right code.
But I want us to decide what to
do with it. Promise me that!
Yes, I promise.
I promise, Tobbe.
Thank you!
What the hell
Come on, then!
It's okay, I have not tinkered with him.
- Is Kevin at home?
- No, he's camping.
Can I come in?
- I don't know if that's
- Please?
- Hello! Liam.
- Hello.
It's the same.
Nothing's changed.
- I met Kevin.
- Yes.
Should I wash up, Roger?
Why sure
I'm relieved that he had second
thoughts about the Real Youth.
This is why Liam and I are moving.
- I see.
- Abroad.
Some countries have a little more
liberal rules when it comes Hubots.
- Where?
- The Netherlands.
- Have you told Kevin about it?
- Yes, I've talked to him.
Maybe he wants to come along.
Did he say that?
I've suddenly got a new job,
so we're moving in a few days.
- A few days? - From now?
- All finished.
- Do you want me to vacuum, Roger?
- No Liam, we have to go.
I have tried to get hold of him,
but he does not answer.
Is there something with his phone?
He is in camp with the Real Youth.
- But he said
- He's almost an adult.
What should I say?
It does not matter what I say.
- Liam, we'll go get Kevin.
- Stop! You can't do that.
- I'll do whatever the hell I want!
- Therese!
That will be perfect!
Good morning, Kevin! Are you awake?
Thank you so much. Put it here. Oh very
good, you think like me, I like that.
Now it is not much further.
Take a left at the next intersection.
The election campaign is starting soon.
People out there are curious about
Hubots. They are worried.
Will other parties talk
about the Hubot program?
No, never, never.
This leaves cracks to open up.
What can you put in a crack?
- What do you put in a crack?
- A wedge.
We will use this to bring up the Hubot
program and make it a political issue.
If you put a wedge in a crack
it splits the thing in two.
Sooo, does anyone have a wedge?
Hubot virus.
Good! But we will call it a Hubot Trojan
Virus which is the real name of the virus.
We'll play a mind game. I am a member
of another party at the plaza meeting.
I'm talking about welfare, taxes
care bla bla bla. Stop me anytime
I would not feel safe if a Hubot
took care of me when I was sick.
Do you have a plan of action if a Hubot at
a nuclear power plant becomes infected?
Hubots are prohibited
at nuclear power plants.
Is it because they are dangerous?
- Robots are always safe.
- But not at nuclear power plants?
They will say that Hubots within the government
and care industry are virus protected.
- Not the one who drove a bus into the ditch.
- It was owned by a private company.
Who cares, what's the difference
Now the debate has started! We will
drive as many wedges as possible.
Divide up into two of you and we'll
see who comes out on top.
- Kevin, are we?
- Two and two. Take pens.
It looks exactly like what Einar has.
But look here at the end See
- A common code does not end like this.
- Yes, I don't know what that is.
Try to add this there.
I got that from Mimi.
No. Nothing happens.
- Einar may program a Hub with it.
- No, that's going too far from here..
- Can we try it on your Hub then, Mimi?
- Certainly not.
- Seriously!
- No.
- We can try on you.
- Funny
Tobbe, come on.
- I'm not letting it get away..
- We have to see if it works.
If it works - what do we do?
- Then we know. What are you afraid of?
- We've talked about it before.
No one will do anything
that we do not want.
We need a Hub to test on. Einar's is
chopped up, so they will not work.
- Suppose we were able to take Lennart.
- Yes!
That's our grandfather. It's my
Mom's, what if he goes up in smoke.
- He's already toast.
- Yes, if he's already toasted
- How is he toasted?
- He went buggy. and nuts on my Dad.
Okay. And you've tried
a normal reboot? Or?
Okay, we'll test it.
Tobbe, start it!
Perfect! Listen now
- Lennart.
- Betty. Hey.
We'll take him with
us and make a backup.
What was you name?
We'll try to do a
reinstall of his system.
Then we can be certain
all the bugs are gone.
- Okay
- Matilda, relax. Never mind.
- Lennart, you should come with us.
- You can accompany yourself.
Grandpa it's OK.
I see.
I was a schoolmaster for 60 meters.
Have I told you that?
Yes. Approximately 100 times.
Come on!
This must be it. Here it is!
Turn left.
Sen environment. Hubots use electricity.
Batteries are harmful to the environment.
- Good. Write it.
- I'll write environment.
People are becoming obese. They move less
when their dolls do everything for them.
- Is that so?
- I don't know.
It doesn't sound like an
outrageous statement.
Write obesity. Obesity.
Think of something else.
We know how it was
before Hubots existed.
How will it be in the future
when we have children?
I do not mean when WE have children,
but when people in the future do
I want to have children someday.
How should I say it?
And then maybe they'll
take over the world.
Hey, time is running out!
- We will meet again.
- I think Eva yelled.
Do you think we will win
this wedge contest?
We'll win the Oscar either way.
For those who claim that
they are only cute dolls-
- it is important to explain
that there are some risks as well.
Good! Great.
Who has not said anything?
Let's see now
Yeah, Rebecca and Kevin,
do you have anything?
I will be back soon.
- We talked about the environment.
- Hello, hello!
And also the Battery
Kevin, I gotta talk to you.
Come with me.
I am Kevin's mom.
I need to talk to my son now.
- I need to talk with you.
- Damn, she has a pacman with her!
This is a Hubot-free area.
Remove the Hubot immediately.
- He's just waiting.
- He? Is it a living thing?
- Many fear Hobots.
- He is totally harmless.
- I want to talk to my son.
- Enough. Remove your Hubot!
I'm moving now, Kevin,
as I said the other day.
- If you want, you can come with.
- I not coming!
- I never want to see you again.
- You can't mean that.
Yes, I do.
Stop that turn that off!
Kevin, If you want to talk to your mom,
it's perfectly alright.
Sit down, honey! Sit and drive.
Go! Quickly.
That was not my Mom.
She left my Dad for a Hubot.
I'm fucking not talking with her again.
Hubots destroy our lives. They
destroy thousands of people's lives.
As we sit here, they are
destroying our lives.
If we do not stop this
We MUST put a stop to this. Bastard
Hobots belong down on the ocean floor!
I was about to say that a Hubot
ruined my life too.
It shouldn't have happened,
so I joined Real Youth.
Earth is for real people!
I have flowers for Douglas Jarméus.
Call his father and ask
where Douglas lives.
His address, please.
We shouldn't get one of those.
We're getting a real baby.
They have real children too.
Douglas and Florentine?
We are the leading adoption agency.
We cooperatate with Bambitronics
Hubotchild programs.
We want a real child. There
are many poor and orphans.
I see that you are newlyweds. You should
really be married for two years.
But if you can prove that you have had
a longer relationship, that's also good.
I think this is a
reasonable requirement.
We've been together a very long time.
We are also well off.
If that makes a difference.
- You can not buy a child.
- No, you can't do that.
I mean that money does matter.
Of course, but we are looking
for other things besides cash.
- Of course.
- Can we move on?
If I was forced to leave my child
behind, I would choose a rich family.
You sell good children?
Are those that are not good free?
- We do not sell children.
- Of course not.
Florentine means well.
She is just extremely dedicated.
Excuse me.
You may come in with additional
information, so we can look at it.
Currently, it is a queue of at
least 36 months for an adoption.
- 3 years?
- This is the reality. For everyone.
How can they let the children wait for
years to have parents? Sickening!
Everything takes such a long time.
We can make this into something positive.
We'll get a few perfect years to ourselves.
We can travel. We can do whatever we want.
We can use this time.
We'll think about it
and see what happens.
You're right. I'll think about it.
- I want to walk home and think.
- You'll have to walk several miles in the rain.
I've charged and I can find my way home.
I was doing good alone before we met.
Ummm okay.
I went on to Technology and bonded
firmly with another girl.
- I met your grandmother 3 years later.
- Lennart
Ann Louise had a couple jobs and
her own apartment. I lived there
- We need to turn you off now.
- before I got a job.
- Grandpa
- Maybe I should call Ann-Louise.
Lennart, we need to turn you off now.
What for?
- We have to suspend you.
- I do not want that.
- We have to do a backup.
- No, I say.
I will not be silenced.
Don't you hear what I'm saying?!
No! Help!
Little Grandpa
Yes. Thank you!
What's going to happen exactly?
I have no idea.
We'll find out.
- I do not know what you have here.
- Ready? - Yes.
This is plain HTML.
Then it's some kind of equations.
String Equations.
There is no program you can run.
- What do you do now?
- We need more processing power.
More memory. On the memory stick there
is limited space, a small amount.
Are there any good things here for us?
- Holy shit!
- What is it?
We have a break through!
Okay, here we go.
- Does everyone understand how it works?
- Yes.
You have 20 minutes for your game. Hit the
surfaces that are breast, stomach and legs.
You have chosen a fair game, so a hit to
any women with children subtracts points.
Any questions? Get ready.
Good luck!
Four, three, two, one
Game begins!
This way!
And on Saturday we close at 22:00.
You're welcome.
Last week was the best so far. We have
exceeded the target by 20 percent!
Good, Odi!
- Didn't you have a guy?
- Yea Joe.
Bring him and his buddies
and let them try.
- Hello, Jonas.
- I will be away for the rest of the day.
We have exceeded sales targets
by 20 percent! - I'll tell him later.
This way!
- So we must not do that.
- Says who? Says Roger.
This makes us invincible..
All Rogers have invaded our
Hub Battle Land. We will defeat them.
We will not fall.
We will fight until they all disappear.
This way.
Release me.
Release me!
Bea is that what you are called?
I think we can help each other.
Maybe you can help me.
I'm in charge and you do what
I say. Otherwise, it's good night.
You're just a robot, even with the
advanced software you have.
I kept the brain after David died.
It felt better than to leave it,
with the what it contained.
But you were trying to steal it.
What is this all about?
I want to see my husband again, David.
The brain will do a lot for your son too
- Jonas.
We can both get what we dream of.
You do not dream of anything.
Is that clear?
You know nothing about that.
Davids memory device may be
in the brain that you have,
But without David's body it is useless.
It must be connected to the skull.
- It's won't be easy to get it out of the grave.
- It's not there anymore.
But I can show your son where
to find the clone if you let me.
I'm not doing anything
before he gets here.
And you You can probably
save your batteries.
- They just disappeared.
- I think they're out there.
No, we tried to look for
them and can't find them.
One of them has a real weapon.
A real weapon?
I do not know what kind.
Ahh, okay, you get your money back.
If one is not used to seeing real
weapons, these look real.
You're welcome to come back again!
- Roger? Roger?
- Here I am.
Look, this last gang did not
spot any Hubots out there.
One of the cameras recorded it, if
we have lost touch with the Hubs.
- Bring them in, we'll check them out.
- But where are they now?
Roger, Silas was wondering if you
have looked in the tall building?
On top.
Relocate. Roger is coming.
I found this.
What the hell?
The gun is gone.
- Do you have a gun?!
- No one has been in here.
Who has been here, Odi?
- "No One"He's the new one.
- The new?
- Hubot?
- Yes.
- Hell
- He doesn't of course.
Calm. Damn, that's cool.
Okay, we'll do this: We'll close
for today, we'll fix it tomorrow.
Okay? It's cool.
It's okay, Roger!
Good evening!
There.. He's rebooting now.
- Shit!
- Do not touch him now!
Do something, then!
Who am I? Lennart!
Tobbe, run after him!
- Lennart?
- Einar, will you come here?
Look! Come on!
I screwed up. One can not load
them with this program as usual.
This is much more of a complex
program, a virtual mass.
If you pour in all at once,
it becomes an 'overdose'.
- I have to try on more Hubots.
- I can take it and give it back.
- "I can take it"?
- Yeah, it's theirs.
Where is it safest to hide it,
if not here?
Stand still! Hold still
Do not move.
What should we do?
Don't worry. We can pick him up
from Hub Sec tomorrow.
- Or whoever owns him can.
- It will have to be Mom, then.
- Tobbe?
- I have to get the code.
What the hell
- Where is he?
- I told him.
But Tobbe, it's cool! He has it locked up.
Nothing can happen, right?
You coming?
What place would be safer?
- Hello
- I drove the wrong way.
Jonas sit down.
Why are they here?
They were after the same thing as you.
Where is it - the brain?
- In the It's not hurt?
- Know what you are getting yourself into?
- Yes.
- Are you sure?
I know what I'm doing, Mom.
I'll get them later.
Unfortunately I have a lot to do
- But Jonas
- Get off me!
You have to have all the parts from David's clone.
Otherwise the brain will not work.
How do you know?
Who told you?
I had a conversation with
that one there.
- Where's the body?
- She has hidden it.
Do you know where it comes from?
It is a clone of David's wife.
David Eischer's.
As it stands at his company.
- Do you know what that means?
- The fact that I own it.
He retained the serial number
as a last leash.
Do you know what the MSU code is?
Get a pen and paper.
With it you can lock and unlock
their operating systems.
You can reset it to as it was
when it left the factory.
We do not want to do that, but however,
we want to activate the immobilizer.
Do you have a electronic identification
pass, or is it too modern for you?
- No, I have one like that.
- Call Hubtronic.
Request the MSU code on that drive.
Hi, I would like to have an MSU code
for a Hubot unit. Yes, I'll wait.
Arrested? Where is he now?
He was taken by Hub Sec.
What?! - He was running wild.
- You knew that he was broken!
- Sorry! What should I say?
- It was stupid.
- Yes, it was.
You have not done anything
else with him have you? Tobbe?
What? No. We can pick him up
tomorrow and do a restore.
- I'll get him now.
- Honey! We'll do it tomorrow.
Hello, Tobbe.
Is everything all right?
Everything's good. I'm just tired.
I must sleep
Be careful of the neck.
And support his head.
Is not it beautiful?
Hub Battle Land.
One day you'll grow up
and defend our Battle Land.
Rick, I want to go back.
- You stay here.
- Be careful
I'll go and look for electricity.
Stay here.
Here Mother
I have activated your immobilizer.
You go to sleep in 12 hours if my Mom
doesn't deactivate the immobilizer-
-with a finger reader.
Get up!
Show me where David's clone is.
Linking the brain to the clone requires
advanced equipment.
I have what it takes
to release my clone.
Why should I trust you?
OK I have Hubots that we can
test on and I have a safe place.
I have quantum computers and
I know how to do it.
- So we have a deal?
- And you will set me free then?
What happens next completely depends
on how well you work with me.
Your 12 hours is expiring.tic-tock.
Do we have a deal?
And Clouette?
She will remain here for now.
Sit down!
Clouette has keys to the place
where we hid the body.
- If you'd rather go
- go.
I'll be fast.
Do you have a piece of paper?
Thank you.
Rip by: Imposter10
Syncroniser: Stubbie
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