Rescue Me s02e06 Episode Script


Hey, good morning, Lou.
Looks that way.
Hey, do anything fun last night? Yeah, I had a date with my girl.
-Ooh, the gigantic vet? -Well, you never met her.
How do you know she's gigantic? Well, I was on the way to work today, and I saw her swatting planes away from the Empire State Building.
Well, I'm gonna have her here soon.
You'll see.
She's hot.
Oh, good.
Thanks for the update.
We'll reinforce the floors and raise the ceiling five feet.
Hey, boys, what's goin' on? Hi, guys.
You remember Heather.
- Yeah.
- How's it goin'? You find another place to live yet? The place that burned, that was my friend's place.
- I'm staying with another friend downtown.
-Well, for now.
That situation might change if things go this well, right, babe? That's right, cookie.
My cream just curdled.
-He's gonna show me his locker.
- Yeah.
I'm gonna show her my locker.
- Okay.
-You ready? I'm ready, Mr.
Perfectly Hairy Chest.
Don't-Don't do that.
Did I miss somethin'? Just another episode of When Geeks Collide.
What's that? Some doughnuts.
Peace offering.
Just put a little button on our situation, and we'll move on.
Why don't we forget the button, and you move on? Yeah.
You're a real charmer.
No wonder your wife left you.
She got you.
Yeah, she got me.
Get your hands off of those, asshole, all right? Those are mine.
Ah! No jelly.
How-- Hey, guys.
What's goin'-- Hey, what have we got here? Hallelujah.
Looks like it's not gonna be a shitty day after all.
Trouble with the wife? No, everything's okay on that account.
No jellies.
Son of a bitch.
The son is down to give me a hand for a couple of weeks.
Oh, your gay son? You had to go there with that? Was that absolutely necessary? When people ask me about you, do I say, "The retarded probie"? No.
I just say, "The probie.
" He's my son.
Just my son.
Stay where you are.
McManus is out front looking for you.
Mike McManus? Yeah.
Why didn't you say so? I got distracted by the doughnuts.
Now, you.
Don't ever, I repeat, don't ever refer to my son as my gay son.
You got that, asshole? Now get out there and wash and polish the rig twice.
Go! Sorry, Chief.
Hold on a second.
Hold on.
Come here, come here, come here.
I changed my mind.
Run down to Dunkin' Donuts and get me a half a dozen jellies and one Bavarian cream.
Dunkin' Donuts is, like, eight blocks.
And be back here in 10 minutes or you'll be washing the rig five times.
Now go, asshole.
They'll let anybody in here.
Hey, Mike.
How ya doin', kid? Still at it, huh? Yeah, well, I'm not about to retire like some pussies I know.
How's it goin'? I'm fine, I'm fine.
This afternoon, you gonna do the bone marrow thing? I know it's for a good cause, you know, but I'd rather put my nuts in a vice.
Nobody's asking you to donate.
Mayor's gonna be there.
Then I'm definitely not goin'.
We're the only two donors with surviving recipients.
So why don't you go and talk to the guy who got your marrow? What am I gonna say to him? "How's the marrow workin' out for you"? I don't know.
Come on.
Be a pal.
All right, all right, all right.
I'll come.
It'll give me a chance to kick the mayor in the balls for not giving us a raise.
Yeah, you do that after the ceremony.
See ya later, fellas.
-You know her? - She looks awfully familiar to me.
She's dated every firefighter in the tristate area.
She's bangin' somebody here, huh? Yes, she is.
Oh, shit! So you're not in jail yet? No.
Why would I be in jail? Except maybe for killing you, which I'd do right now except it would interrupt my smoke.
Still going after your kids? Yep, tomorrow.
You got a plan? Yeah, I got a plan.
I got a big plan which I'm still formulating.
Look, Tommy, you really think that some school is gonna let you waltz in and just take your kids back? No.
They got a picture of me.
So I figured if I show up, they'd probably shut the whole state down.
How'd you find out about the picture? Colleen told me.
Excuse me? So now you're using your own daughter as an accomplice? She's got my D.
, okay? To help your evil little plan? She understands.
You haven't even thought this through, have you? I've thought it through.
Where are those kids gonna sleep, huh? They're gonna sleep in my apartment.
You got beds? I got a bed in the bedroom, and I got the couch.
The couch is a bed.
You can sleep on the couch.
Got plenty of beds.
You know, Tommy, when you pick up the kids, drop 'em off in a forest somewhere.
Leave 'em with a pack of wolves, 'cause they're gonna have a better chance of making it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Tommy, when you're in jail in some hick town and you're taking it up the ass from Otis the drunk, don't call me.
You'll be on your own, bro.
No, I won't.
I'll have Otis.
On another day C'mon, c'mon With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young With my teeth locked down I can see the blood Of a thousand men who have come and gone Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young Is it safe to say C'mon, c'mon Was it right to leave C'mon, c'mon Will I ever learn C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon - Hey.
How you doin'? - Hi, cutes.
Listen, I was thinkin'.
When's your next doctor's appointment? Why? You know, a couple of months ago, you were talking about how I should be more involved in the whole process.
Right? Yeah, and you told me that I was pregnant and that was enough involvement from your side, so-- See? Now, that was a joke.
I've been thinking about it, and I think, you know, I should be-- I should be there.
I should be like a coach, you know what I mean? So I thought maybe, you know, I'd go along on your next appointment and check things out, you know, check out the microwave and the-- - You mean ultrasound? - Right, the ultrasound.
Oh, well, I just had an appointment a couple days ago, and, um, the next one's not for another month, maybe longer.
Maybe we'd just do a little surprise visit, take a look at the kid.
My doctor really encourages that, Tommy.
What's your doctor's name again, by the way? - Why? - I'm takin' an interest.
What's his name? I told you his name a couple of months ago when I first wanted you to come to the appointment, and you blew me off.
So I'm not gonna tell you now.
That's your punishment.
So we can't call the guy and just ask about stopping by? It's not a big deal, really.
Who'd you hear that from? Friend of mine.
Pretty reliable source.
So she likes firemen.
Garrity, she's liked half the F.
at one point or another.
Remember how I kept saying she looked so familiar? She was banging Tony the Fish down in 71 Truck.
That the guy with the webbed toes? Best swimmer in the department.
Well, you know, she's not with Tony the Fish anymore.
She's with me, okay? And I think she's pretty neat.
Did you just say neat? Yeah, I'm sorry.
Look, you know what? It's none of my business.
I just thought you should know.
You know, I appreciate it.
But it doesn't matter if she's dated four or five or a dozen other firemen.
I wouldn't care, really.
Thanks, though.
Hey, uh, you think it's more than a dozen? Oh, yeah.
Well, that's fine, you know? I mean, it's not a problem.
I just-- I mean, you know, I've gotten over some stuff.
It's not like I haven't banged 12 chicks in, like, the last three months.
At least you got some help, right? Yeah, a couple of weeks anyway.
Well, that'll be a relief.
Yeah, but it's different.
What do you mean? I mean, before, when she was still good, whenever he'd come to visit, which wasn't that often-- Right.
I mean, she was there, you know? She was right in the middle, keeping things flowin'.
Even if we hit a rough spot, she'd jump in and turn it around.
She was the buffer.
Yeah, exactly.
The buffer.
Now, most evenings, she's up in bed by 5:30.
And then I'm stuck.
No buffer.
It's just me and him.
And nothing to talk about, right? Exactly.
Not a goddamn word.
I mean, it's terrifying, Tommy.
I'm sittin' watchin' the game the other night in the den, and I'm thinking, "Please don't come in.
Don't even come in.
" Is it a gay thing? No.
It-- Well, maybe a little.
Tommy, he's my own flesh and blood.
You'd think I'd be able to talk to him.
It don't work that way, Chief.
He's not just one of the guys.
He's family.
It's a whole different, judgmental, ugly goddamn animal.
That's true.
I just never thought of it that way.
This is the moment that makes the F.
bone marrow donation program so important, when our brother firefighters can stand side by side with their marrow recipients, once again saving a life.
And not through bravery, heroism or their firefighting skills, but through the gifts of giving, of sacrifice, and of caring.
Please give a hand to our F.
donors and their recipients.
Son of a bitch! Excuse me.
Jesus! Aah! Yeah.
You Gavin? Yeah.
What are you doin' in my apartment? It's my apartment.
Get your ass in here.
You must be the F.
guy, huh? What the hell are you doin' here? I-- I asked your brother about a hundred times to tell you to keep a low profile.
You couldn't keep a higher profile if you tried.
I got so many complaints, the board's talking about kicking me out, asshole.
No, no.
I was-- I was keeping a low profile.
And what's this? What's this tape? I was asking myself the same thing.
First day I moved in here-- I was gonna take it down-- Yeah, it's pretty amazing.
Did you tell one of my neighbors to suck your balls? No.
No, that was this guy, this weird guy.
Some kind of crazy guy was coming through and screaming in the hallway.
I stuck my head out.
He did mention something about sucking his balls.
I come in here, the place stinks of pot.
There's a puddle of beer on my couch.
No, no, no.
Can't be.
I don't smoke pot and I quit drinkin', so-- No, no.
Not you.
Her and her little friend that were here.
I come in here.
They got a big doobie goin'.
They're on my cocktail table in her underwear dancin' around drinking tall boys with the stereo going full blast.
In your underwear? We got hot from dancing.
Oh, I'm sure you did.
Who brought the pot? Jennifer, Dad.
That's it.
You're not going out with her anymore.
Your lesbian thing is over.
Daddy-- Aah, aah, aah, aah! Hey, listen, do your parenting somewhere else.
You got an hour.
An hour to do what? To take the tape down? To pack your stuff and get out.
What, you think you can just kick us out of this place? Yeah.
Oh, that's right.
It's your apartment.
I forgot.
Look, I have two more kids of mine coming, and-- Get out.
Big Shot, huh? Just come in and kick people out of apartments.
All right, fine.
Where were you at before 9/11, Big Shot, with some of the information that could've captured Bin Laden? Where were you then? Nowhere.
No F.
You know why? The F.
all the way.
Get your stuff.
I'm not takin' that tape down either.
Okay, asshole? So where are you from, Leon? New York.
Born and raised? No.
But you're feeling okay? I mean, I know that transplant procedure can be pretty painful, having lived through one end of it.
But, uh-- But, uh, you're good? I guess.
Come on! Come on! I wanna introduce you to my guy.
He's great.
We got tickets for the Mets game.
We're going tomorrow.
How's your guy? I don't think I should be here.
Why not? 'Cause after talking to him, I don't think my guy survived.
Hey, listen, I wanted to ask you somethin' I've been thinking about.
They're real.
What? Oh.
Hey, look.
No, that's good.
That's good to know.
I just-- And, listen, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to.
What? I'll tell you anything.
Um, have you dated any other firefighters before? Why? Jealous? No, no.
I just was wondering.
Sean, I will always, always tell you the truth.
The answer is yes.
That's fine.
How many, would you say? A couple.
I don't know.
I forgot everybody else once I met you.
That's very sweet.
So, like, four or five, maybe? Ball park figure? I don't remember.
What? Who cares, baby? It's just you and me now.
I know.
I know.
You're right.
You're totally right.
I just-- You're right.
So where did you meet 'em? Who? The guys.
All these firefighters.
You know how it is.
You date a guy.
You get to know his firefighter buddies.
You meet all the guys in his house.
I know.
But you don't have to, like, sleep with all of 'em.
I'm gonna go home.
No, I didn't-- I didn't mean that.
Really, Heather, seriously.
I-I-- I'm sorry.
You're great and I'm an idiot, and I just-- I might have just ruined a really fantastic evening.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
It's just you and me, right? I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know? Mom was up.
Said something about going into the city for the white sale at Macy's.
I put her back into bed.
Yeah, I'm gonna go up.
The game just started, didn't it? I'm just-- I'm bushed.
I'll see you tomorrow.
You didn't have to give him the bone marrow, you know what I mean? Well, you know, it's not like I needed to go through that delightful procedure.
Nobody likes getting wheeled into surgery and having a spigot shoved into their spine like a goddamn maple tree at the height of sap season.
That thing hurt.
And not one word of thanks.
I mean, that's just incredible to me.
I am tempted to go call H.
, find this guy's name, number, go over there and give him both barrels.
Am I wrong? No.
You're absolutely not wrong.
Thank you.
Can I crash at your place for a couple of nights? What's wrong with your apartment? Well, long story.
Colleen's staying over at my dad's house, but there's no way I'm staying over there with the dragon lady and her 110 cats.
You got room, right? You know, Tom, I sold the house.
When? A couple weeks ago.
Too many memories.
Tired of knocking around there at night all by myself.
So where are you staying? At the firehouse.
Don't tell anybody.
Plenty of room if you want to join me.
But one thing.
Yeah? I don't spoon.
Since when? Damien? Hello? Dr.
Feinberg's office.
This is Jill.
Oh, no problem.
Take your time.
He's running late.
Okay, we'll see you then.
Can I help you? Yeah, I'm, uh-- I'm with Sheila Keefe.
She's having a baby.
Oh, you're Mr.
Keefe? Uh, yeah.
Have a seat, Mr.
I'll, uh, let Dr.
Feinberg know you're here.
Thank you.
Hey, Garrity, can I talk to you? Yeah, sure.
What's goin' on? It's about that new girl you've been datin'.
Look, Chief, if it's about all the other firefighters she's dated, I've heard it, all right? No, no, no.
It isn't.
Well, maybe it is.
Perolli just, uh, read that report about the fire in the apartment.
It was her friend's apartment.
Her third friend's apartment where a fire broke out.
So? Two of 'em, includin' the fire that you responded to, started when the candles were too close to the curtain.
And the third, some old newspaper fell into a bathtub and caught on fire.
See what I'm gettin' at here? No.
What exactly are you saying? I have to spell this out for you? Actually, yeah.
Your little friend is a firebug.
Chief-- It makes sense.
She dates bunches of firefighters.
That's where you meet guys like that-- when you start your own fires.
It's not true.
I'm so sick and tired of everybody telling me what's going on.
It's not the case, Chief.
No fire starts in an empty bathtub unless somebody lights it.
Get rid of her.
So, what exactly is the, um, situation here, Mr.
Keefe? Well, um, she and I are not-- We're separated, so we're not, um, really communicating.
It's, um-- Long story short-- Look, I, um-- I do this for a living.
Deliver babies and deal with all the varied and storied aspects to male and female relationships.
If she hasn't been keeping you up to date with the pregnancy, believe me, I have seen every available meditation on that particular theme.
Now, what was the last piece of information she shared with you? That she was having a healthy and happy baby.
Why? Look, I, um-- I have other patients.
I'm gonna give you a couple of minutes.
The information you're looking for is on the top sheet.
Keefe? Yeah? The, uh, doctor needs his room back.
All right, yeah.
Cocksucker! Jesus! Here's the thing.
At first, I was livid.
That's why I ain't been around.
My best friend, my cousin, banging my wife, my widow.
We were in the same house, the same crew together.
You-You broke so many rules, I-I just-- I didn't know what to do.
- Jimmy, listen-- - Shut up! You shut up now, or I'll kill you.
You understand that? I'll snap your neck and I'll drag your sorry ass right into this endless goddamn limbo I exist in! What happened was, she had the thing, the microwave.
The ultrasound.
And it was a girl, Tom.
All right? It was a girl.
Not that you ever cared enough to find out, but it was a girl, which is why I just sat back and I sucked it up for her.
I wanted her to be happy.
Just try and do the right thing by her, you prick! And now, this.
Shit! She always wanted a girl.
Now-- Now you gotta do this for me, Tom.
Do what? Get her pregnant again, asshole! I'm not getting her pregnant again, man.
Yes, you are! I ain't asking you, asshole.
I'm tellin' you.
You gotta bang her brains out until she gets a girl! I don't care if it takes five goddamn years, numb nuts! Not doin' it.
I said I'm not doin' it, Jimmy.
Aah! Um, Mr.
Keefe, I know it was a shock, but, uh-- My glasses.
Stay in the truck.
What are we doing at Aunt Sheila's? Stay in the truck! Jesus Christ! Time for talking, bitch.
Oh, my God! Okay, wait, wait, wait! Why didn't you tell me? Huh? Let me explain to you! My wife stole my kids because of you.
I got kicked out of my firehouse because of you! Check your cock, asshole! He might just disagree with you! Time to eat.
You're eating for two now, right? Huh? No! Get back here! You'd better get back here! No! Bitch! You happy now? Huh? This is how we honor Jimmy's memory, huh? Nice.
Real nice.
No, please don't go.
I love you so much! Don't you walk out on me! Don't you leave me! You told me I was the closest thing you had to Jimmy on this Earth.
And that was the same way I felt about you.
And this is what you do to me, goddamn it? He used to come and see me.
Who, Jimmy? He was with me today at the doctor's office.
Bitch! Wait! What are you talking about? What did he say to you? What did he say? What did he-- Did he know about us? Did he know about the baby? Did he know that it was a little girl? Shut up.
Please don't go.
Please don't go.
I love you so much.
I didn't know how to tell you.
I didn't know how to tell you.
I was scared! I was scared! Can I help you? Ken Shea.
- Remember? We met yesterday.
- Yeah.
Yeah, sure.
What do you want? What do I want? You know, you're unbelievable.
What do you think I want? I don't know.
I'm upstairs watching a show.
I don't wanna miss too much of it.
Oh, is that right? I watched a show about a year and a half ago.
It's called Stick a Needle in My Spine and Take Me Down About Half a Quart.
Is this about the bone marrow? Yes.
Believe it or not, yes, it's about the bone marrow.
I thought you would have a little bone marrow etiquette.
If someone gives you something, you say thank you.
Or is that too much to ask? - Thank you.
- Yeah, well, the thing is now, I had to get you to thank me.
It doesn't make any-- This was a mistake coming here.
Enjoy the marrow, asshole.
Uh, I'm sorry, Ken.
Can I buy you a drink? And you're sure you didn't take them? How many times you gonna ask me that? I told you I didn't take 'em.
What, are you callin' me a liar? You gave me the bottle.
It was full.
The next time I saw it, it was half empty.
I never even opened the goddamn thing.
Well, I can't get you more until early next week.
You are kidding me, right? Well, I told you, I'm going home to see my folks.
My mother's been sick, and-- You know what? I'm sick, okay? Right here.
I'm livin' with some serious pain.
I think it's time you see a doctor if your shoulder hurts that bad.
You know what? Forget about it.
Have a nice trip, tell your mother I said hello, and thanks for goddamn nothin', bitch! Daddy, you should talk nice on the phone.
You tell me to talk nice.
Yeah, I know, honey.
Sweetie, have you seen Daddy's little pill bottle here? Daddy's medicine? You know where that is? The little bottle? Yeah.
It was right here.
I-- I took it and I gave some to my bears.
Honey, you don't touch Daddy's things, okay? Just like Daddy doesn't go touching your dolls or your bears.
Now, where's my medicine? I'll show you.
She wasn't bad today, huh? Took a shower without incident.
Told me a couple stories about Grandma.
Clear as a bell.
Lots of detail.
Maybe we should get a journal and you should write this stuff down so when, uh-- Not easy, is it? It's a hateful disease.
Actually, I was talking about us.
Never been easy, but it seemed easier when she was refereeing.
Well, whatever she did.
I'm gonna go upstairs and read.
Stay, Dad.
Let's talk.
About what? All the stuff we never talked about, which would be pretty much everything.
I'm pretty exhausted.
We were runnin' in and out of the firehouse all day.
Are you really that scared? All right.
Let's talk.
Okay, Keela, now Daddy is getting very angry.
Where are my pills? Mr.
Bailey had them.
Yeah, well, Mr.
Bailey doesn't have any pills now.
So where are they? - Maybe they're under the bed.
- I looked under the bed, Keela.
- Maybe that's where they are.
- I said I looked under the bed! You want me to look again, I can look again.
No, no pills.
I can look under every goddamn inch of this place.
Is that what you want, Keela? Is that what you want? The city is so beautiful today.
I mean, that air.
Where's that air coming from? Must be Canada.
It's so clean and crisp and clear.
What are you doing? Uh, I was just-- I was thinking.
About what? You know that fire in your friend's apartment the other day? You wanna tell me about it? Tell you what? I don't know.
How did it start? I don't know.
I was sitting there.
I smelled smoke, and-- 'Cause you know what? People have been saying some things about you.
I mean, three fires in friends' apartments.
What is that? One in the bathtub? Come on.
I thought you were gonna be honest with me.
I am being honest with you.
You're not.
Okay, I started the one in the bathtub.
Look, I was lonely, Sean.
Look, I'll never do it again.
Well, that's-- I'm glad to hear that.
But you know what? I can't-- I can't see you anymore.
I mean, what you did, that goes against everything that I am.
I said I'd never do it again.
No, it's fine.
I'm sorry.
I thought this was-- Sean, I'm sorry.
Look, nobody got hurt.
Sean-- Come on.
Don't be like this.
I am never getting married, and I'm never getting pregnant.
Well, you just made your dad a very happy man, sweetheart.
I thought Aunt Sheila was gonna pop a vein right there in the street.
Don't worry about Aunt Sheila anymore.
She's out of the picture.
I'm bored.
Well, I'd get up and do a jig for ya, but I'm a little busy doing something I like to call driving right now.
It didn't take this long when Mom drove.
Take a nap.
- I'm too bored to take a nap.
- This is gonna be fun.
- What? - I said, I'm bored.
Can I get two more down here, please? Thanks.
So, you had the surgery.
Yeah, and I got better.
As far as my health is concerned, I don't think I've ever felt better.
Well, you know, that's kind of surprising, 'cause you don't really come across as a guy that just got a new lease on life.
After I got out of the hospital, everything went to shit.
My wife left me.
Sorry to hear that.
I sort of don't blame her.
We both thought maybe I was gonna die, so our relationship changed.
It was, like, she'd take care of me.
Then I'd die.
Then she'd meet somebody else.
And me not dying put a big wrench into that.
So she, uh, went ahead as scheduled.
Yeah, I met the guy.
Sat down with them.
Had a drink.
I think they're happy.
That's strange.
My wife left me recently for another guy, and I sat down and had a drink with him.
Oh, forget it.
What? The problems with you and your wife, I mean, maybe they were 'cause of my marrow.
Like it's cursed or something.
I never thought of that.
That bone marrow transfusion thing-- that was pretty painful, right? Yeah.
Why? I think I might need one.
Oh, come on.
There must be something you want to ask me.
Who's the girl? Huh? I mean, in the relationship, who's the girl? We're both men.
But Steve is probably the girl more than I am.
Good, 'cause if you were the girl, that-- that would've been tough on me.
So why do you think you're-- What is it that you think made you-- Gay? Yeah.
I feel like I was born that way.
I mean, I just don't know if there was anything that I did that turned you the way you are.
I was, uh, born who I am.
It's not your fault, Dad.
Don't worry.
I didn't think so.
If I could have any person's marrow in the world, in the whole world, right, it'd be yours.
Or Ellen DeGeneres's.
Why Ellen DeGeneres's? I think she's funny.
I gotta go.
Why don't you settle up here, and let's get out of here.
Okay, I owe 7.
You have the rest.
What do you mean? You-You expect me to pay? You invited me out for a drink.
That's right,adrink.
I'm paying for one drink.
Okay? That was the deal.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
This is a joke, right? 'Cause you remember who I am, right? I'm the guy who gave you your bone marrow.
You remember that? Does that ring a goddamn bell? Yeah, maybe I didn't want your marrow.
Maybe my wife left me because of your marrow.
All right? Your tainted marrow.
Give it back.
What? Give me back my goddamn bone marrow now! I want it! Give it back! Give me back my marrow! Hey! Just give it back! Stay away from me, all right? This is my marrow now, jerk! You come around me again, I'm calling the cops! Go call the cops! Where were they when you needed marrow? You loser! Hey, keep it! Keep my marrow! I hope you choke on it! I don't think that covers it, but, you know, I'm a firefighter.
I mean, when you were little, I used to think about what you'd be like when you grew up.
I thought you'd be a different person.
A regular guy, you know? Somebody I could bring to a ball game, you know? I like sports.
I'd love to go to a game with you.
I guess I spent a lot of time dreaming about who you'd be.
Let's just say you didn't turn out the way I expected.
Look at me, Dad.
You can hang onto your dream kid from a million years ago, or you can start dealing with me.
Start being a father to me.
It's tough lettin' go of your dreams, you know? I know.
I dream too.
I dream of you saying you're proud of me.
I dream of you hugging me like you did when I was little.
My nose full of sweat and smoke and Aqua Velva.
And you telling me you love me.
I dream of you being interested in my life and wanting to be a part of it.
Maybe we should both stop dreaming.
Why? Because they're never gonna come true? I wish I-I could, uh, accept-- It's a lot.
I know.
I told you to go to sleep.
You're mad at me.
Yeah, you bet I'm mad at you! Now, stop crying and go to bed.
Listen, I, uh-- I feel kind of bad about this.
It was never my intention to drag you into this whole situation.
Unfortunately, um, I really had no choice, you know.
I, um-- You know, your mother-- This whole thing was her idea.
I mean-- Listen.
If I'm not back in 10 minutes, it means something's gone wrong.
If that happens, I'll grab the kids, go through the side entrance and cut through the woods behind the school.
There's a gas station one block down and two blocks over.
Meet me there in 15 minutes, and make sure you're not followed.
Got it? Yeah.
Okay, 15 minutes? I got it.
That's my girl.
Two blocks down-- Wait.
One-One block down, two blocks over.
- Hi.
- Can I help you? Yeah, my name's Colleen Gavin.
My little brother and sister go here, and they forgot to take their medicine this morning.
So my mom told me to come and make sure they got it.
One second.
Is it two blocks up and one block over? One block up.
Two blocks up-- Hey! Dad! What's goin' on, guys? Hey! I missed you! I missed you too.
Looks like everybody.
All right, guys, we gotta go.
Put your seat belts on.
Everybody buckle up.
Act normal.
Act normal, okay? Dad, that was so cool.
Keela, honey, come on.
I'm gonna be late for work.
Keela? Taxi! Dropped to the ground And the people ran to a place Where the pavement was soaked With the life of a holy ghost And a fox hovered over the crowd And she mocked and destroyed the sound of the cries In the eyes of the Lord Who gave me a message and saved my soul, said I can't be Broken down By the sword 'Cause it's life or death to me Shifting moons Overnight Keep me floating over streets Of a total soul they leave not broken down Not broken down Not broken down Not broken down Cloudland.

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