Roswell s02e06 Episode Script


Éϼ¯»Ø¹Ë - You ok? - Oh, I didn't get much sleep last night.
You look like you got your heart stomped out.
No, wait that would be me.
Well, if it's possible, you look worse.
- Have you seen Max today? - He did this to you? well, yeah.
- I justI can't even explain it.
- You can't explain? This is me you're talking to here.
I just want to make sure that he's ok.
But, if you see him, just don't tell him I asked.
- Hej.
- Whatever, dude.
- No, I have something to tell you.
- I'm not interested.
- Hey, it's about Courtney.
- I am so not interested.
- Hey, will you just listen to me? - You listen to me here.
She made a play for you, and you went for it.
So, what? Now she's screwed you over and you've come to realize she's a cheap, manipulative tramp? Well, this is not news to me.
She's an alien.
A skin, like Whitaker.
I knew there was something wrong about her, even before I found her picture in Whitaker's office.
- Where's Courtney now? - I don't know.
She went out the window.
- I tried chasing her - But it's hard to.
- run with your pants around your ankles? - Settle the personal crap on your own time.
If Courtney's a skin, it means she was working with Whitaker.
You're right.
There's no way 2 skins would just happen to be in Roswell at the same time.
They were working together, which means Courtney knows everything about us.
- Maxwell, are we disturbing you? - Leave him alone.
He's had a rough night.
Really? Something you wanna share with the class? No Look, if Courtney is a skin and she was working with Whitaker, the first question is, does she know that Whitaker's dead? If she didn't before, she does now.
We have this story just in.
A controversial New Mexico congresswoman is dead.
We'll have that story in just a minute.
:: .]
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman Roswell [2x06.]
Harvest Widowed just 6 months before her husband John Whitaker's upcoming election, she took his place on the ballot and won the election by a higher margin than any Democrat in 15 years.
But all that ended yesterday, just outside her hometown of Copper Summit, Arizona, where a tragic single-car accident cut short a life of public service.
A car crash? In other national news, the Department of Transportation took She died 2 weeks ago.
I was there.
- We were all there.
- How could she be in a car accident if she's dust? So who's conveniently covering up her death for us? Nasedo said the skins were among us.
Skins, plural.
Maybe other skins created a fake car accident to keep the Feds from looking too closely into Whitaker's background.
-Maxwhat do we do? - let me guess.
Yeah, wewe're in total shock.
No, we haven't set a date for the memorial service yet.
Yes, I will let you know as soon as we do.
Of course.
The phone's been ringing off the hook for the past hour.
- Somebody covered up Whitaker's death.
- Why? Has anybody been asking questions over the past few days? People have been calling.
I just have been saying that she's on vacation, just like we said.
Well, somehow the skins know that she's dead.
None of us has said anything unless it came from here.
You mean, from me.
Look at this.
The postmark says Copper Summit.
It's from something called the Universal Friendship League.
Whitaker never mentioned it.
What the hell is the Universal Friendship League? - Could it sound any creepier? - Marked "personal".
"Dear member: Your failure to report as scheduled violates protocol.
We must receive word by the 25th of this month or terminate your membership, effective that date.
" - The 25th was yesterday.
- That's when they say she died.
"Sincerely, T.
Greer, - senior coordinator, Vilandra project.
" - Vilandra? - Does that mean something to you? - No.
We should call.
- Yes? - Hi, um, is this thethe Universal Friendship League? Who is this? II'm calling from Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker's office.
We just, um, opened this letter this morning andI wanted to call and apologize for not responding sooner.
Yes? We just wanted to let you know that, unfortunately, Congresswoman has passed away.
Thank you for calling.
They just hung up.
We're going to Arizona.
- Hey, I'm not going anywhere until I find - Courtney.
That's right, you're staying.
- So we agree.
- Yeah.
There's a first.
But we do need you to come with us, Liz.
You're the only one of us who has a legitimate connection to Whitaker.
Your namewas Vilandra.
And you were beautiful even more beautiful than you are now.
You had a great love, and for him, for us, you betrayed your brother, your race.
You sacrificed him.
You sacrificed everyone, even yourself.
And history, my dear always repeats itself.
I'mI'm ok up here if you want to get some sleep.
I haven't slept since I saw you with Kyle.
Liz, I know you, and I don't believe that you would do that to me.
It doesn't make sense.
Tell me what happened.
Michael! I feel like we're Scully and Mulder or something.
- Shhh.
Would you shut up? - Ok.
Nobody's home.
Culture Club? Wham? The Backstreet Boys? God, she really is an alien, this one.
- A little help here? - Fine.
What are we looking for? Clues? You knowan address book or a calendar somewhere.
Of course.
Like she's gonna write her hideout in an address book, oh ho! Hey, are you just gonna rag on me or are you gonna help? MichaelWhat is this? That's why they call 'em skins.
She's shedding.
Eww, it's so gross! Eww! How did you figure out she was a skin, anyway? -I saw part of her skin come off.
- Which part? When are you gonna get off this? Not for a very, very long time, Mikey G.
There's nothing going on between me and Courtney.
That's the shirt I lost at work.
What the hell is this? It's Gracelandand you're Elvis.
Is that all you can say right now, is "wow"? She's obsessed with you.
She's, like, an alien stalker.
She's been spying on you for weeks.
She's been dreaming about you, fantasizing about you Hey, shut up for a second.
Take a look at the pictures.
They were all shot from the apartment across the street from my building.
So? That's where she goes to spy on you.
- Excuse me.
- Help you? - Yeah, this is Copper Summit? - Yee-haw.
- Where's the main drag? - Lookin' at it.
- The tour guide made it sound like - That must be an old tour guide.
This town's dead as a doornail.
Actually, we're looking for the Universal Friendship League.
- Here for the harvest, then? - Harvest? Uh, Friendship League's a members-only outfit.
Very hush-hush.
They don't like outsiders, especially with all the press around here these days Actually, we've been invited.
- That right? - Yeah.
- It ain't hard to find.
Big old building - Stay on this street? Well, I did say this was the main drag, didn't I? Thank you.
We all have to watch our step.
From this point on, trust only each other.
Be aware, be careful, and don't go anywhere alone.
All right? - Soyou and Kyle.
- Yeah.
Oh, Kyle he told me that you two were, uh, getting involved.
it's ok, don't worry about it.
-I'm sorry.
- About what? All you did was sleep with him.
How was he, anyway? - I, umIweit was great.
- Noted.
I'm sorry, we didn't mean to bother you.
We're looking for a Mr.
Greer, the senior coordinator? Yeah, that's me.
Welcome to Copper Summit.
"All kidding aside, it's a wild ride.
" Could we come in for just a minute and talk to we're a private organization.
Members only.
What exactly is the Universal Friendship League? The friendship league is a private organization, and we ask all our valued visitors to avail themselves of all the tourist opportunities here in Copper Summit and to grant us our privacy.
Coming through town, it seemed like all the tourist attractions were closed.
Then maybe the best thing to do is just head on down the highway.
Try Tombstone.
I ought to be going.
What's the Vilandra project? I wouldn't know.
We were friends of Congresswoman Whitaker's.
Before we leave town, we'd like to pay our respects to the family.
That'll be the Crawfords.
Appreciate it.
Excuse me, is this the Crawford's? Thanks.
You're on Ms.
Crawford? Hi, I'm Liz Parker.
Vanessa's assistant.
We talked on the phone? Oh, sure.
Liz Parker.
I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your daughter.
It's so terrible.
Oh, thank you, dear.
What are you doing here? Oh, um, I just wanted to drop off some of your daughter's personal effects.
Oh, honey, that is so sweet.
Well, you didn't have to come clear up here.
My gosh, it must be 400 miles! Walt! Visitors! - Did you kids work for Vanessa? - No, not exactly.
this is Max, Isabel, and, uh, and Tess.
These young people drove all the way up here to bring home some of Vanessa's things.
- Why didn't they just send them? - What a thing to say! After they went to all that trouble.
You must be so tired and hungry after that long drive.
Come on in the house.
I want to make you something to eat.
I guess you're the man in charge.
- Did you take the 70? - No, the 10.
- you don't wanna do that.
-I don't? You wanna go over to Lordsburg, hook onto the 70, stay on that til you see the model reservoir sign, and that'll shoot you right on to Artesia.
Walt, did you hear that? They came all this way for her service.
Well, we felt likelike we should come.
You know, the congresswoman, she was veryshe was specialto all of us.
- Like a mother.
- Really? Hi.
Nicholas, there you are! Come on in here.
Come on, say hello.
- No, ma'am.
- Nicholas! He took it real hard.
He and his sister were very close.
- Maybe we'd better just find a hotel.
- There ain't but one.
All four of you? At that old Motor Inn? I won't hear of it! You're all gonna spend the night here, and then tomorrow we can go to the memorial service together.
Are you sure? If Vanessa was like your mother, we're like your grandparents.
We'll treat you just the way Vanessa would have wanted.
Well, ok, let's eat up, there! Get you one of those crispy treats there.
Yeah, and I made all those gherkins myself.
The crispy treats and the This isn't gonna work.
She's not just gonna stroll up to her hideout while we're sitting here watching her.
- This was your idea.
- That's not the way I remember it.
Ok, so now it's my fault.
You know what? Just to make things simpler, from now on you should consider everything to be your fault, ok? -Well, I know one way to make the time go faster.
- Oh, funny.
I know.
But if we can talk reality here for a second, I think she booked.
Out of town.
No dice.
She wouldn't do that.
She's obsessed with me.
Well, I guess that makes 2 of you, then, doesn't it? - She'll show up sooner or later.
- How 'bout sooner? - Hey, truce.
- Don't move.
Don't worry.
I won't.
You're watching the building.
You figured out where I'd be from the pictures.
That's very good, Mikey G.
You're everything I thought you'd be and more.
Oh, please! Do your lips not get chapped from all the ass-kissing? - Sit down.
- Anything you say.
- So you're a skin, like Whitaker.
How'd you get on to Whitaker? We're asking the questions here, ok? Now, why are you in Roswell? Where's the rest of your evil army? And most of all, why are you obsessed with my good-looking, if badly groomed boyfriend? I'm not obsessed with him, ok? I follow him in thepolitical sense.
Our leader? We're not with the other skins.
We're renegades who believe that if you were in charge instead of Max in the first place, that none of this would have ever happened.
-What are you talking about? In charge of what? - Our planet, Michael.
You don't remember any of this, do you? - Suppose you tell me.
- Yeah, the short version, please.
The short versionis that our planet was on the brink of a golden age, and then it all fell apart.
You were the one who could have united our planet, pulled together the warring factions, brought peace.
But you weren't on the throne.
- Max.
- You wouldn't betray him.
That loyalty cost your lives and those of everyone you loved.
Please, just don't let history repeat itself.
You're the one we need.
You're our leader, our salvation.
Michael, if you can hear me now over the sound of your rapidly inflating ego, could you please tell me that you do not believe what thisthis Michael-worshipper here has to say? no way.
No, this is just part of your plan to divide and conquer.
I knew you weren't ready to hear this.
What's in Copper Summit, Arizona? Copper Summit's just some old tourist trap.
- What's there? - I'd stay away from there.
- Why? - Yeah, why? Let's just say there aren't any Michael-worshippers in Copper Summit.
- Penny for your thoughts.
- Oh, sorry.
- it's all right.
- You must have been very proud of her.
Tell me about her.
What was she like when she was my age? Oh, she was wonderful.
Liz! Liz, what are you doing? We agreed none of us would go anywhere alone.
Max, look.
There's just there's nothing left to say.
- Except the truth.
- We have already been through this! So far, all I know is what I saw, and what I saw can't be true, because it means everything I felt in my heart for the last year is a lie! Now, you owe me an explanation, and I want it right now! Please quit shouting, Max.
You're scaring me.
That's a lie, too! - You're not scared.
You're hiding something - I'm not.
What the hell is going on with you, Liz? We never lied to each other, never kept a secret from each other.
You know, you have got me up on this pedestal, Max, andI'm not this perfect person.
I made a mistake.
Look, Kyle and I made love.
The end.
I'm sorry.
Come in.
I don't bite.
This used to be her room.
I'm so sorry about your sister.
I was gonna visit her in Washington next year We were gonna spend 3 days just at the Air and Space Museum.
Did you get a lot of time with her, growing up? When she'd visit, she'd make time.
She always told me there's this whole wide world out there.
She didn't want me stuck in Copper Summit for the rest of my life.
She used to tell me stories about this planet in another galaxy, how there was this war going on, like a revolution.
- True stories? - How could they be true? - Did she ever mention Vilandra? - How do you know about Vilandra? Vanessa told me some stories, too.
Oh, sorry.
-I have to go.
I've been looking all over the house for you.
I was worried.
I just found out that Whitaker was adopted.
Ida told me.
That means that Ida, Walt, and Nicholas could be human.
And the Universal Friendship League.
It's supposed to be a civic organization, like the Elks.
Ida says they've been handling all the arrangements for the funeral.
She and Walt haven't even seen the body.
- Because there is no body.
- Right, but as long as the League handles everything, nobody has to know that.
What about the kid? I don't know.
You came crashing in before I had a chance to start a real conversation.
- This is a huge mistake.
You're gonna get yourself killed.
- that's my problem.
I didn't spend 50 years finding you so that you could throw your life away out of misplaced loyalty.
- 50 years.
- Yeah, we came here in 1950.
Do the math.
So, what? That would make you 65, 70? You're old enough to be Michael's grandmother.
I justI love that.
I do.
- Hey, husks don't age.
- Husks? Yeah, me.
My skinthis thing that I'm wearing.
- It never ages.
- What is your point? The point is, I've been a babe for 50 years.
- What are you gonna look like in 50 years from now? Would you two let it go? You're giving me a headache.
Yeah, what the hell is a husk? - It's basically a shell.
It protects us from the environment.
- Like a space suit.
This planet's atmosphere is hostile to our race.
The husks are a lifeform technology that we can genetically manipulate to resemble human bodies.
Our relationship to it is essentially parasitic.
Your skin is alive? - Like the trees are alive.
- So, what's with the peeling? They're good for maybe 50 years.
But the husks are dying.
Well, if all the skins in Copper Summit are about to die, then all we have to do is wait them out.
If the husks die, we're home free, right? - Ok, what are you not telling us? - The harvest.
I don't get it.
What's the point of putting on a big show like this? That's exactly what this is.
A big show.
After this, there won't be any questions about what happened to Whitaker.
- I'll be back.
- Isabel.
Nicholas? - Hi.
- Oh, God, Nicholas.
I'm glad that you're here.
Hello, Vilandra.
It's been a long time.
- Good-looking pile of dust.
- This just can't be possible.
Let's go.
- Friends, we are gathered here today - Look, look.
- to remember our sister, Vanessa Whitaker she never sought fame and fortune, but when destiny called There's no way they're going to - let us get out of here.
she answered the call of public servant front doors Leaving so soon? You mustn't be in such a hurry to leave us.
It appears our long search for the royal four has finally ended How convenient of you to deliver yourselves to us.
She's not one of us.
Let her go.
She's a human who knows too much.
It's a darn shame, 'cause she's awfully cute.
You must be the once and future king.
- And his bride.
- That's right.
You won't remember me, but I remember you.
This is a moment I've waited for a long time.
How long do you think you can hold out against all of us? As long as I have to.
It's taken 20 years, nursing them from spores to maturity.
Now, they're almost ready to harvest.
Don't worry.
You're safe here with us, Vilandra.
- My nameis Isabel.
- For the moment.
But when I looked into your eyes, it was Vilandra who looked back.
- No.
- Your destiny is with us.
With Khivar.
He's waiting to hear that we've found you.
- I don't even know - Who the hell Khivar is? The royal four.
If only the people could see you now.
Clueless teenagers groping for their own identities.
You'd lose some of that legendary aura that's sprung up over the years.
- What do you want? - It's what you want.
You just can't remember.
I'm here to take you back to him, Vilandra.
The leader of the rebellion.
The man who currently sits on your brother's tarnished throne.
The man for whom you sacrificed a kingdom.
Your lover, Khivar.
No You're not going anywhere.
You know, on our world, I was considered to be something of a ladies man.
I even remember you giving me the eye now and again.
But after spending 50 years as a teenage misfit, having all the women laugh at me, I've grown far less tolerant of the female sex.
- Where's the granilith? - I don't know what you're talking about.
I can help.
Let my strength flow into yours.
Where is the granilith? Ok.
Now I'm pissed.
Get her out of here! And who do we have here? That gleam of dull stupidity in the eyes.
If I'm not mistaken, you must be the king's second in command.
I killed you myself in your last life.
Ready to die again? Bring it on Well, it's time for this little game to come to an end.
No! What are you doing here? We gotta go now! Way ahead of you, boss.
Michaelwhere's Michael? Open the trunk! - Is that what I think it is? - Just drive! - the husks? - Destroyed.
Well, that's the end of it, then.
We're all as good as dead.
We may be as good as dead, but this is not the end.
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ µÚÁù¼¯ Íê
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