Blood & Water (2020) s02e07 Episode Script

Family Matters

So, I said to him that
This is very odd, Mrs. Nkosana.
If you remember anything else,
please contact me directly. Thank you.
- Why do you have a picture of my mom?
- I didn't know it was your mom.
I I got the picture
when I was interning at your dad's firm.
Yeah, I brought work home one day,
and I guess the picture
was randomly in it.
I was gonna return it though.
Just tell me the truth.
Did she have anything to do with Fiks?
I mean, I don't know.
Well, I'll take this and everything else
that needs to be returned.
KB, no. You you don't have to.
I was gonna return it
this week anyway, so
No, I insist.
Blood ♪
Blood and water ♪
Now you, young man.
Gross. Aren't these things
meant for, like, ears?
Oh, Siya, stop playing, please.
Open your mouth.
So do you need
to get a swab from all of us?
We're trying to be thorough, Mrs. Khumalo,
considering the magnitude of the case.
And Fiks?
Have you guys tested her already?
- I mean, what happens next?
- My colleagues are with her as we speak.
Thanks, guys. We appreciate
your sensitivity in this matter.
And while Fikile's parents are being held,
any communication you need to have
with her can come through me.
Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Molapo.
we'll be in touch.
So, to clarify,
your husband does not know
to this day that Fikile was,
according to you, "adopted?"
To clarify, Detective,
for the thousandth time,
he does not know.
Then how the hell did you get away
with such a big lie for so long?
I imagine
it's complicated, Detective Petersen.
You must've needed a lot of help
maintaining this whole charade.
Am I right?
What will it take
to clear my husband's name?
How about a full confession
to the abduction of Phume Khumalo?
And add to that
a list of your co-conspirators?
She's my baby.
I adopted her legally.
- Please believe me.
- That will be all, detectives.
And I'd like to have a moment
with my client.
Just making casual conversation,
Mr. Molapo.
Nothing to worry about.
Ms. Bhele.
Which part of "don't talk to anyone"
don't you understand?
Which part of "clear Brian's name"
didn't you understand?
And get me the hell out of here,
or I will sing.
I remember this picture.
This is the lady who abducted Phume.
Why are you showing me this?
Wade, hold onto your hat.
I'm about to blow your mind.
But I don't have one
Why would Is it 'cause my hair's thick?
I was gonna
- Wade, listen.
- Huh?
- I think this is
- Hmm?
This is KB's mom.
- Yes.
- What?
How how'd you come to
How's Tahira? Is she alive?
More or less.
Puked her brains out by three,
was up at five,
praying for forgiveness by six,
then complaining about Puleng and Wade
by eight, so all in all,
not bad for a first hangover.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
What happened with Fikile?
You won't believe me
if I tell you.
Okay, well, try me.
Ugh. Maybe later.
Listen, um,
about the Matric Ball Committee meeting
later with Daniels,
can you hold off on telling her about,
you know, Reece?
Hold off? Until when?
Chris, the Ball is soon,
and we have no money.
We need to let them know
that we messed up, that she messed up.
Just give me a chance to fix it.
- Please.
- It wasn't your fault, Chris.
Reece messed up, and she has to own up.
You don't know the full story, Wendy.
Reece is going through things.
Please, come on, just do this for me.
I'll be forever indebted to you.
So where's the photo of her?
KB has it.
And it's as if she doesn't exist online.
I can't find a picture of her anywhere.
The detective needs to know about this.
I know he's your friend and stuff, but
But it's KB's mom, Wade.
- I wish there was another way.
- Puleng, you've done enough.
We need to talk.
I was going to call you later to,
you know
probably apologize for
lying to you all this time.
But just so you know
I really do
did like you.
That was obviously
before the whole Fiks thing.
- Which, by the way, was very
- Puleng, just just hold on, okay?
Let's talk about that later.
Right now, I wanna talk about my mom.
And no more lies, okay, please.
This is important.
So cut the bullshit.
Why do you have my mom's picture?
Is is she involved in all of this?
Okay, wow, you guys did well.
You exceeded your target.
Uh, this bank statement's
incomplete though.
It's missing
the last few weeks' transactions.
I'm not sure, ma'am.
Reece is our treasurer.
She prepared the documents.
Um, that's strange, uh
It seems there's been a printing error.
Sorry, ma'am.
Can we get this to you at a later stage?
As soon as possible, Mr. Ackerman.
And please double-check all statements
before you submit next time.
Yes, ma'am, I'll I'll triple-check.
congratulations on meeting your target.
I look forward to the Ball.
Wendy, everything okay?
Mm, do you wanna say something?
No, ma'am, nothing to say. We're all good.
Are you going to be okay?
What do you think, Puleng?
Well, is there anything I can do?
You can help me find out
what the fuck my parents are involved in.
So we're pretty fucked.
To say the least.
Well, if our account was hacked,
i.e., money was removed fraudulently,
then the liability's on the bank
and we should be
getting our money back, right?
Tahira's right. Did you look into it?
Uh, yeah. They said something
about negligence from my side.
Either way,
these cases take forever to resolve,
whereas the Ball is only in a few days.
We need that money, like, now.
We need a plan, guys.
We need a miracle.
Yeah, I doubt we'll be able to raise
all of that before Monday.
Okay, I'll start.
I have 15,000 rand left on that card.
It's the only money
I have left on my name.
I'm sorry,
my trust fund only kicks in at 21.
I have about 6,000 in cash.
Boom! Anyone else?
Or are we going to be that one
ball committee in the history of Parkhurst
remembered for fucking up?
Looks like the rest of us
don't have cash laying around.
I hate to admit it, but Chris is right.
We need a plan.
More like plans.
I think we should split into teams.
That way, we'll be making
multiple efforts all at once.
Let's start brainstorming
some high-profit, low-cost,
and quick turnaround ideas.
Ah, uh-uh. What are you doing, rich boy?
Uh, I was just gonna put it away.
I don't think so.
I'll hold on to this.
What's the pin?
There's no pin.
You can just tap it if you want to.
Unfortunately, due to non-payment,
Mrs. Van Rensburg
will have to be discharged today.
Please contact Orange Grove Clinic
urgently to arrange transport.
What am I missing?
It's, um
it's my mother.
I'm sure. Imagine finding out
your mom kidnapped someone.
Do you think he'll write a song about it?
That's not funny, Wade.
Uh, I I wasn't joking.
Anyway, I don't wanna
talk about KB right now.
So what are you doing this weekend?
Nothing much. You?
Oh, nothing.
We're both doing nothing.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Oh! Oh, uh,
are you are you keen to
to hang out or something?
Yeah, I mean, now that you mention it.
- It's a bit weird at home at the moment.
- Coolio. It's cool, of course.
- Um, do you have anything in mind?
- No.
Huh? No?
Surprise me.
Okay, surprise.
But why?
How could she even think of this?
The "why" you'll have
to speak to your wife about.
That's all I can say for now.
Fikile, my darling,
please give us some space.
I need to talk to your uncle.
Of course, Dad.
Or what do I call you now?
You keep calling me Dad.
I raised you, my child.
so you knew about this adoption
or whatever it was?
Yes, I knew.
And you said nothing?
After all these years, Matla, nothing?
You know Nwabisa.
She had sworn me into secrecy.
Oh, come on, Matla, man!
And and this Phume Khumalo thing,
is it real?
We have reason to believe, yes.
What the hell, man?
Please explain that to me.
Trust me.
The less you know, the better.
Thank you.
Have you spoken to Fikile yet?
Not yet.
She was a bit occupied yesterday,
as you can imagine.
I'm thinking of inviting her for dinner.
You need to tell her everything you know.
Eh, the detective will be coming
through around five
to get the laptop
and all the other evidence that I do have.
And then he's gonna talk me through
what happens next.
So perhaps you could bring her after that?
See you later.
Mm. Okay.
Have you got a minute?
Good morning to you too.
And no, I don't have time.
I have to go sort out this mess
with Brian and Nwabisa.
What's wrong?
I've been trying to get hold of Mom.
She's not answering my calls or messages.
I wanted to know if she's okay.
I'm sure she's fine.
You know how busy she gets.
Keep trying.
I'll see you later.
Did you know about Fiks and Puleng
this whole time?
it's complicated.
Try me, Dad.
Now is not the time.
Let me keep the Bheles out of prison.
We'll chat after.
Yo, P,
um, heading to my house in Kommetjie.
Going to see if there's anything
in Matla's archives you could've missed.
I'll let you know if I find anything new.
Yes, sis, that one is a snail, eh?
So he hasn't tried to kiss you
since that day in the taxi.
Friend, are you sure he's not gay?
He's definitely not gay.
How's this? Too much?
I think we have different ideas
of "too much."
That's true.
I mean, it all depends
on what look you're going for.
Are you going for the "I'll make
a good wife who can clean and cook"
or the DTF vibe or something in-between?
DTF? What's that?
Oh my gosh, Puleng.
Do you live under a rock?
"Down to fuck."
This is stupid.
I'm just gonna message Wade and ask him.
Wait a minute, sister.
You're messaging the guy
you're going on a date with
to ask him what to wear on the date?
You're one of a kind, my friend.
I don't know where he's taking me.
It's supposed to be a surprise.
And then? What's so funny?
I sent him a picture of your outfit.
Zama, you're so annoying.
Also, since when are you
and Mark chatting?
Oh, he's hilarious.
Turns out he has two
of my favorite features. Who knew?
What's his Never mind.
Why are all the men I like gay?
- Tracksuit and sneakers?
- Huh?
Maybe he's taking you to the gym.
I mean, I know your ass needs a workout.
Shut up.
Did I miss the wet T-shirt competition?
Not funny, asshole.
This is not the kind of distraction
I had in mind.
And why are we still raising money?
I thought we met the target already.
Yeah, um, I'll I'll explain later.
Boss lady approaching.
I'm sorry to do this, but please get back
to work. Backlog is growing.
Wow. I thought you were against slavery.
9,600 rands.
What? How how did you do this?
Mm, sold my body to a rich, old lady.
Shame. Poor lady.
Poor lady? I'd say she got a bargain.
Do you, uh, you want a little sample?
- You want a
- Don't be gross. Jeez.
Wendy, come on!
- So what are you doing later?
- Nothing hectic.
Just, um, getting
the paternity test results today.
You know, might find out whose kid I am.
- Shit.
- Who my parents are.
- Stuff like that.
- Sorry.
Look, I was
I was gonna invite you for dinner.
- I'm cooking today.
- Yeah?
That'll be great.
- Invitation accepted.
- Are you sure?
Yeah, yeah.
It'll help take my mind off
everything that's going on.
Mm, sorry. Hold that thought.
What? Shit.
Are you okay?
Okay, I'll see you soon.
Seriously? Come on. You just got here.
Something's happened to my mom.
She was attacked. I gotta go.
- Shit. Is she okay?
- I'm not sure.
I'll talk to you later, okay?
You know,
I might never forgive you for this.
It's not funny.
- I thought we were going on a hike.
- Payback's a bitch.
Payback for what?
For what you put me through
in your investigation.
I'm sorry about that.
No, seriously.
I was a complete ass.
I guess I was just desperate.
It's okay. I'm only joking.
I mean, you solved the case
that the police even couldn't.
That's crazy.
I'm just glad I could help.
We solved it.
I don't think I could have
ever done this without you.
Before it was you
You were there for me ♪
Hashtag Team Wuleng.
No, um
Hashtag Pulade.
It has a better ring to it anyway.
Memories that I won't forget ♪
Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah. Um
Was just wondering, um,
if we'll ever finish what we started.
You know, in the taxi that day?
Unless you tell me that I need to stop ♪
I would love to.
You'd love to.
Before it was you
You were there for me ♪
When I had no friends ♪
Are you sure we don't need
to get you checked out by a doctor?
I'm fine, Sam.
It was a lucky fall.
So, what happens now?
- Now we speed things up.
- Speed things up?
It's obvious this relates to what
your mom knows about the Fikile Bhele,
Phume Khumalo case.
We need to get the two of you
into witness protection
with immediate effect.
You need to leave everything
as is and disappear.
My team will gather your essentials
and bring them through at a later stage.
This is the only way we can keep you safe.
Ma, surely I should tell Fiks
that dinner is over, right?
Son, for all we know,
Fikile might be part of the problem.
Not Fiks. That's ridiculous.
Are you willing
to bet your mom's life on it?
I am so sorry, Sam.
For everything.
You're making the right decision,
but I need your phone, please.
Just in case you change your mind.
I just think it's funny ♪
Thank you, Sam.
Niggas, they waste your time ♪
Claiming they love you, but it's a lie ♪
And say they love you
But when it's time ♪
What's up? This is Sam.
I can't take your call
With today's take,
it brings us to a total of 63,540.
We're still, like, 40% short.
We're not gonna make it in time.
- Is he still not answering?
- No.
Can my life get any fucking worse?
Fucking Sam, man. You always let
these jerks mess you around, Fiks.
They don't deserve you, you know?
Come. Let's go do something fun. My treat.
It's not just the Sam thing, Chris.
It's my whole life.
It's just a fucking mess right now.
- Just take me home, please.
- Fiks.
We can just go chill, you know,
just talk about things.
Chris, I appreciate you.
You're the one thing
that's constant in my life.
I just really need to be alone right now.
You need to talk to Brian.
Not yet.
I'm afraid
he will leave me
when he finds out the truth.
So what's the plan?
Are you going to keep avoiding him?
The plan is you get me out of here!
Or I'll tell the detectives
the fucking truth.
I'm not taking this blame all by myself.
Are you out of your mind?
Remind yourself who you're dealing with.
She has already put measures in place
to solve the situation.
You just need to be patient.
Did you speak to her?
- Yes.
- Directly?
Thank you.
- I'll see you at school.
- Pleasure. Have a good night.
I can't contain it ♪
I can easily say
That I can't live without you ♪
You're a good friend, Mr. Ackerman.
Don't mention it.
Your house was on the way home.
It's no hassle, really.
No, I mean to Reece and Fikile.
You really stick your neck out
for your friends.
I may have been wrong about you.
Well, is that a compliment
from Wendy Dlamini?
Don't get used to it, okay?
Don't forget
we're in this mess 'cause of you.
Good night.
So I need you to stay ♪
What's going on?
- Is this about the paternity test?
- Yes.
Look, Puleng, um, the detective requested
to talk to your mom and I in private.
So we'll have to chat to you
No! No, I wanna hear this.
Look, there's nothing more to hide.
The results will show that Fiks is Phume.
I strongly suggest
that we discuss the results first
- before you communicate them to Puleng.
- No.
None of this would be happening
if it wasn't for me risking my life.
And now you wanna exclude me?
Thank you.
These DNA results were prepared
by the forensic science laboratory
of the South African Police Service,
and they read as follows.
"In the case for the paternity
of Fikile Bhele, we have determined that
she is, in fact,
the daughter of Thandeka Khumalo."
There's more.
"Upon further analysis, we have determined
that Fikile Bhele is, in fact,
not the daughter of Julius Khumalo."
"She is half-sister to Puleng Khumalo
and Siya Khumalo."
Any questions regarding the results
can be answered by myself
or my colleague from Forensics, Tamara.
Baba, wait.
Baba, please, it's just
So this day actually went and got worse.
So who's my biological father?
That hasn't been disclosed yet.
Now what?
Now it's time for Fikile
to meet the Khumalos.
I'll make the arrangements
in the upcoming weeks.
All right, everyone, listen up.
As all of you know,
we are the Matric Dance Committee,
and our mandate is to organize
the end-of-year Ball for the Matrics,
which is in a couple of days.
To cut a long story short,
you guys might have
a special talent or skill
that we need to make this event a success.
Wow, okay. Hope you enjoyed the snacks!
Anyone else wanna leave?
Let's go. Let's keep it moving.
Thank you.
The following is a list
of all the areas that we need help in.
The first two key areas we'd like
to discuss are catering and music.
We'll start with catering.
Hey, I wanted to show you something.
I've been digging around a lot.
This is a goodbye letter
from my mom to my dad.
Check the date.
Oh shit. This is a few days
after Fiks's birthday.
Sounds like she was in a hurry to leave.
"Dear Matla, it has been decided
that I must leave for obvious reasons."
"I'm sorry to have involved you in this
and to say goodbye like this."
"It was not the intention."
"As you know,
this thing that we do comes with perils."
"But you and KB will be taken care of."
"All my love, Lisbeth."
She worked for a company
called Point of Grace.
Some of the documents
are in Matla's archives.
- They were involved in traff
- Trafficking.
And child laundering.
Your dad used to be on the board,
and he represented them
when they were exposed.
She kidnapped Fikile.
It has to be her, Puleng.
I reckon this sketch was made
after the kidnapping.
Then she decided to flee the country,
went on the run, and
left Matla to raise me.
She never came back.
- Do you know where she is?
- No. Not anymore.
I don't know how to say this,
but you have to show this to the police.
You understand that, right?
Mrs. Bhele, I'm afraid this court
considers you a flight risk,
so bail is denied.
You'll be transported to Pollsmoor Prison,
where you'll be held until a date
can be arranged for your trial.
Court is adjourned.
All rise.
Hang in there.
Seventeen years.
That's what you stole
from me and my family.
Like I got two wheels on me
Girl gon' ride me like bike ♪
That's how she sound when I pipe
She say her main nigga don't do it right ♪
Baby girl cannot get over me ♪
Niggas gon' test me, it's over
I'm stabbin' these eyes ♪
Niggas can't find me
Like Carmen Sandiego ♪
And big smiles.
What? Oh my goodness!
Why didn't you tell me
you were coming?
And where's the fun in that?
- Oh, hey, Mark. How are you?
- Hey. Good.
You look stunning, girl.
Well, duh, honey. A girl's gotta show up
for the Parkhurst soiree.
- Uh-huh.
- Okay, okay.
Puleng, Zama told me about some
of the stunts you pulled
to prove Fikile's your sister.
And I've gotta say,
I think you're my new hero.
Well, thanks, um,
I didn't do it alone.
Aw, you guys!
- So cute!
- Are you guys ready for your pictures?
- Of course.
- Yes, pictures!
Yes, girl. Yes, honey.
She say her main nigga
Don't do it right ♪
Baby girl cannot get over me ♪
Niggas gon' test me, it's over
I'm stabbin' these eyes ♪
You guys look handsome together.
I'll be serving you tonight, so whatever
you guys need, I'll show you a good time.
Where's the music at?
Was the DJ rocking
Shit. KB.
Bruh, where the hell is the DJ?
I don't know, bro.
He's not answering his phone.
Fuck me.
Um, use the music app on your phone.
Connect it to the aux cable in the booth.
Are you fucking serious?
Yeah. Come on.
I mean, it looked at least
three times bigger in the picture.
I knew we shouldn't have skimped
on the food.
I feel like crying.
We had to skimp on something.
Okay, everybody is seated.
Can we serve the starters?
Uh, yeah, sure, go for it.
Is this is just
raw tomato and feta?
Where's the rest of it?
Bodycon dress to impress ♪
No stress, though they're waiting
I keep 'em waiting ♪
Hi, ma'am.
Fikile, it's so nice of you
to come and help out.
How are you doing?
I'm hanging in there.
- I'm here if you want to chat.
- Thanks, ma'am.
There you go.
Ladies and gentlemen,
while we dig into our starters,
we'll have our lovely principal,
Mrs. Daniels,
start off the evening
with a brief word of inspiration.
Mrs. Daniels.
Bro, what the hell? Where are you?
Sorry, man. I'm on my way.
I want to talk to you
and Wendy after this.
Yes, ma'am.
Welcome, class of 2020.
Uh, wow.
These, uh, main courses
are not so main, eh?
Don't look at me.
Ask your friend over there.
The genius treasurer.
What does this have to do with you?
What's up with the catering?
You were well-financed.
I'm embarrassed.
I mean, we have distinguished alumni here.
Wendy, what was the food budget?
And the music.
Have you noticed that KB
is playing music off his phone?
Did you pay him for it?
- Was there money allocated for music?
- There there was, ma'am.
But then we had other
I'm sorry, Mrs. Daniels.
I I messed up, okay? It's all my fault.
Wendy had little to do with it.
- Stop.
- But it's all good.
I'm gonna make more with it. Sure?
Tomorrow, we will do an audit
of how that money was spent.
And bring that treasurer of yours
and the complete
damn bank statements as well.
you're not gonna believe who just arrived.
We're going to KFC after this, right?
- Hm? No kidding.
- No, man, this is ridiculous. What now?
Is this dessert?
Um, y'all might wanna get
to the dance floor for this one.
DJ Maphorisa in the house!
Where are you taking me
at this hour?
You're a snake ♪
You always slip away ♪
It says that storage is full.
There's an extra memory card
in the camera bag in the storeroom.
Over there? Okay, cool.
Bro, you saved us, man.
You scared me. How cool is it
that Maphorisa is performing?
- Did you know about this?
- Yeah, I kind of did.
Matla paid for it.
I had to pay Maphorisa
for the gig, you know.
I still had Matla's credit card
and figured with all this shit going on,
that's the least he could do.
Okay, well, what are you doing back here?
Aren't you gonna miss the performance?
Yeah, I've I've actually been looking
for an opportunity to chat to you.
You know, I've given it a lot of thought.
I think we should go to the police.
About my mom.
Are you sure about this?
In the fire
I can see it burning high ♪
I'm really proud of you, KB.
I know how hard this must be for you.
Let's, uh,
let's talk about this later, yeah?
Maybe I'm not being entirely honest.
- KB, please don't.
- I hate how we ended, Puleng.
That makes the two of us.
But it is what it is.
My love is guilty ♪
When stars collide ♪
I say goodnight ♪
And kiss your lips ♪
- Thank you so much for everything.
- Of course.
If you see KB,
please thank him for me, right?
- Cool.
- Cool, sure.
Of course.
What a fucking great night, guys.
We did it.
I feel like hugging all of you.
Okay, that is my cue.
I'll catch you on the dance floor, kids.
Mm, great idea, Tahira.
Okay, cool.
Hey, everything all right?
Yeah. I'm okay.
I'm just enjoying the moment.
Well, that
and trying to figure out what the hell
we're going to tell Daniels tomorrow.
Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out.
I mean,
can we just take a moment to celebrate?
We did good.
Chill, drink your beer.
That's the spirit.
Miss van Rensburg.
Principal Daniels, um
about what you've asked me to look into
Have you found the culprit
who's dealing at school?
Um It's, um
it's me.
There's nothing that I can do or say ♪
Okay, rein it in.
Ah, oh. I'm sorry.
I'm still trying to figure everything out.
I will toast to that.
And we can pretend ♪
So, um, I see you and KB
have settled your differences, then.
- What do you mean?
- What do you mean, what do I mean?
I saw you swallowing each other up
in the storeroom.
Close the door next time, eh?
Shit. Can can we just
keep that between us?
Is everything okay?
No. My life is a mess.
Oh, is it now?
I'm sorry. How's Sam?
Much like the rest of my life,
a fucking mystery.
To be honest, I'm a bit worried.
He's just gone.
Like, missing.
I haven't heard from him in a few days.
Hey, I hear you're really good
at finding people.
Maybe you could find him for me.
Of course. Consider it done.
Oh, but first, I have to find your dad.
I mean, what the actual fuck?
Bruh, I don't even know.
Where've you been the whole time?
Had me worried for a bit.
Uh, can I steal her for a moment?
Of course.
Color me in light ♪
It's the air that makes me feel alive ♪
I got this fire inside ♪
And I'm ready ♪
I'm gonna stand my ground ♪
There's something to believe in ♪
Even if I fall back down ♪
Nothing's gonna stop me now ♪
Because now I'm fireproof ♪
Fikile! Fikile.
We need to leave right now.
Listen, someone just kidnapped
your mother. We need to go.
Fiks, what's going on?
I'm not sure. I'll text you.
What is happening?
Um, it's it's not what it looks like.
Yeah, whatever.
Uh, listen, Fiks just got dragged away
by some cops.
What? Shit. Let's go, let's go.
What the hell just happened?
Please tell me
where you're taking me!
What are you doing here?
I'm here to clean up your mess,
Nwabisa, as usual.
talk to me about this little girl
called Puleng.
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