Bloodline (2015) s02e07 Episode Script

Part 20

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [door opens.]
[John exhales sharply.]
There There's no excuse for what your grandmother did.
Yeah, no shit.
- What did you say to her? - It doesn't matter what she said to her.
She hit me 'cause she felt guilty.
She should.
Guilty about what? About Danny.
What does that mean? I know what Papa Ray did to him.
Eve told me.
Let me tell you something.
You don't know.
You don't understand.
There were reasons.
- What reasons could there possibly be? - Because our sister just drowned.
- That's why, Janey.
- So he beat the crap out of Danny? - And that's fine with you? - I didn't say it was fine.
So, Papa Ray beat him, Uncle Kevin attacked him, and now Mama Ray hits me for telling the truth? What is it with you people? This family is so fucked up.
I'd say good morning, but I think I'm probably wrong.
No, it's I just I just got knocked around a little bit, that's all.
By what, an 18-wheeler? More like a redneck asshole who sucker-punched my ass.
What's so fucking funny? I'd call John Rayburn a lot of things, but a redneck isn't one of them, babe.
Who said? Who said anything about John Rayburn? Baby, come on.
I know you.
There's only one reason you're sticking around a place like this.
Yeah, what's that reason? Because you're having fun.
And I know the kind of fun you're having.
So now you're mad at me? You said that you'd stay away, so that I could do my thing.
Well, did he put it together? Does he know you're with me? He had He has no fucking clue.
The motherfucker is so in the dark.
Just please don't go messing this up for me.
This is my family, you know? I'm getting to know these people.
They're your family? Family? Why the fuck? Why would you want them to be your family? Why would you wanna go and do that for? They don't deserve you.
You got me? Look, they don't deserve you.
Just tell me.
Do I have to worry about John Rayburn sussing things out? You don't gotta worry about nothing, baby.
Nothing to worry about.
[Ozzy exhales sharply.]
[rock music playing over radio.]
[Marco turns radio off.]
Why are you still harassing me? Huh? I just can't stop wondering why the change of heart? If you gave up your best friend to Lowry, why'd you go to his motel room that night? Danny didn't kill that guy alone.
I know you were there.
You must be driving yourself crazy.
First, you say that I killed Danny, then you say, no, you helped him kill.
One of those must be true.
It's just a matter of time before I hang a body on you.
What the hell is it gonna take, huh? Seriously, what's it gonna take for you to stop trying to pin this shit on me? Huh? Look, if you want answers, go.
Talk to someone who will actually give you some.
Who might that be? Danny's fucking family.
[papers rustling.]
[cell phone rings.]
Yeah? [Meg.]
Hey, it's me.
How's, uh? How's everyone doing? We've been better.
How's Janey? She's pissed.
Thank you very much.
You talk to Mom? Where the fuck did that come from? No, I haven't talked to her yet.
Do you want some good news? I'd love some good news.
Thank you.
Well, you're within seven points of Aguirre now.
People are calling in.
They wanna donate and volunteer.
And then, there's another thing.
Yeah? What is it? You have been asked to speak at a victim rights group.
I already said you would.
You need to take advantage of the Aguirre situation.
I told you, that's his personal life.
I don't want anything to do with that.
- He's an asshole.
He beat his wife.
- People already know that.
- I don't need to be talking about it.
- You know what? You're just a cop.
And you're going to meet with victims' families.
It's a nice thing to do.
You really need to keep your eye on the bigger picture here.
Okay? We need this.
So, go to the event and bring Diana with you.
I'll call you later.
You know these.
They're for the pots outside the living room.
- [Diego.]
- And these are a new order, so I'm gonna have to ask Sally what she wants with those.
- Thanks, Diego.
- [Diego.]
No problem.
Is she okay? - No, not really.
- Yeah, I was up all night myself.
I feel awful.
I'm sorry, Sally, but how you feel is the last thing I care about right now.
[car door opens.]
I would like to apologize to my granddaughter.
But I'm not gonna force her to make peace if she doesn't want to.
She said some very cruel things to me.
Some horrible things.
If she upset you, if she was out of line, you could have come to me or John.
Instead, you chose to hit her.
I didn't choose to hit her.
So, on it goes.
What is that supposed to mean? The anger, the violence.
Where do you think Danny got it from? It must be great to be a perfect mother.
What did Janey say to you? Well, what did she say to me? She said I killed Danny.
Maybe she was right.
But we all had a hand in it, even John.
[door opens, then closes.]
- [facilitator.]
Thank you, Larry.
- [all.]
Thank you, Larry.
Is there anyone else who would like to share? We have the room for another ten minutes.
Um, I'll go.
- And you are? - What? - Your name.
- Oh, I'm Kevin.
Hi, Kevin.
Um I'm a I'm an alcoholic.
Wow, that's the first time I said that.
Um I, um [sharply exhales.]
I don't know why this is so So hard for me.
I usually like talking in front of people.
I'm kind of a "life of the party" type of guy.
Um my wife and I are having a baby.
- Yeah, we're having a boy.
- [group murmurs.]
Um Um thing is, six months ago, that would have been great news.
I always wanted to be a father.
We've been trying for a while.
But I think, looking back, I don't think I was really dealing in reality, you know? But the past few months, reality has really come.
Knocking at my door.
Well, kind of crashing at my door.
Um I'm I'm s I'm starting to see that I'm maybe not the person that I thought I was.
My family is not really who I thought they were.
That's That's all.
I'm done.
- [facilitator.]
Thank you, Kevin.
- [all.]
Thank you, Kevin.
Where are you with O'Bannon? Nowhere.
I can't put him in the motel room, and if he knows anything about Danny's murder, he ain't saying shit.
I honestly don't think he's our guy.
I did some leg work on my own.
You did? Take a look at the original interviews with the Rayburn family.
Someone had some kid gloves on when they were questioning.
They weren't suspects.
Well, there's a lot of little gaps there that need exploring.
Such as? Danny Rayburn leaves the Red Reef, goes back home to his family.
After that, they claim they don't know where he went, or what he was doing.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean I don't buy that.
I don't buy that.
They're a tight-knit family, and they knew their brother killed someone.
Maybe they were trying to help him.
- That's a reach, Franco.
- Well, I want you to bring them in and talk to them again.
Look, all due respect, I think this family has gone through enough.
Would you rather I have someone else do it? This is really a priority for you, huh? Focus on the day after the Red Reef.
I wanna know where the family was.
Who saw Danny, who spoke to him.
Word's gonna get out that we're bringing them back in.
If the press should happen to be alerted, oh, well.
Read that.
And then start with the brother and sister.
[knock on door.]
Yeah? You got a minute, John? Yeah, come on in.
Look, I know we had words the other day, but you were right.
What you need, Marco? Aguirre doesn't wanna let the Danny thing die.
I mean, he is grasping at straws.
What's he asking you to do? Bring in Meg and Kevin for questioning.
He's an asshole.
- I hate putting you guys through this - I know you do.
[door opens.]
Hey, uh I appreciate you giving me a heads-up on it.
I do.
[door closes.]
What do you mean, another interview? What are you talking about? - We already gave our statements.
- Was there something that's changed? No, nothing's changed.
It's Aguirre fucking with me, that's what it is.
Does the story stay the same? The story stays the same.
The story stays exactly the same.
Nothing changes.
Nothing changes in the story.
You both realize how fucking important that is, right? Yes, I do.
What? - What? - The last time I talked to Marco, he was asking me all about the boat.
- What boat? - The boat.
The boat that they found near Danny.
You didn't tell me that.
- What's that matter? It wasn't a problem.
- [Kevin.]
It is a problem.
Because I was fucking blasted.
I was high.
And I'm sure I seemed totally guilty.
I sounded like an idiot.
He has to think I was hiding something.
All right, if Marco asks him again, what do we do? Maybe we can use it.
They went out on the catamaran tour.
They already left.
You wanna take the boat out? What? The boat.
We could take it for a spin.
Is that why you asked me out here? To take me for a boat ride? Just offering.
I almost didn't come, you know.
Why is that? - I was afraid you might tag me.
- [sighs.]
- Heard you got a killer right hook.
- Yeah, well, that was a mistake that I am not proud of.
Don't worry.
I'm sure she deserved it.
Sit down.
So, what did your dad tell you about us? The family? He said you were all fucked up.
That he didn't wanna be the kind of dad his dad was.
Being born a Rayburn was the worst thing that ever happened to him.
He said he hated it here.
God knows why.
Idiot didn't know how good he had it.
You know that I didn't think it was a good idea for Danny to have a child.
Thought it'd be too much for him.
You were right.
It was too much for him.
And I never asked him much what was going on in his life.
I guess I was afraid what I might find out.
But now I wish I had asked him.
Then I might have known about you.
And things might have been different.
I doubt it.
You must've had some good times together.
Eve said he used to come by and see you.
Yeah, we hung out sometimes.
Where? Miami, mostly.
Did you know about the restaurant? He took me there.
Would you take me there? - Thanks.
- Yeah.
Is it against the rules if I ask you how your meetings are going? Going fine.
That's good.
This is fucking crazy, you know that? What? I'm trying to stay sober here.
Yeah, that's why you're going.
Yeah, right, the whole thing is based on honesty.
Honesty with myself.
Honesty with the world.
How the fuck am I supposed to stay sober when we have to keep on lying about everything? Hey, are you sure you can do this today? Because if you're feeling off, or you're having a bad day Tomorrow's gonna be any better? What are you doing in here? Looking for the necklace.
What? What necklace? The seahorse Danny gave me.
Dad took it.
You can't go through your dad's stuff like that.
You know that.
But it was a gift.
It's mine.
Honey, I know you liked Danny.
He was always nice to you.
But there is so much that you don't understand.
Like what? Take them out of town for a while.
That day he took you out on the boat, he was threatening you.
- What are you talking about? - He's the reason that we went away.
- What is? What is? - We were afraid of him.
And Dad was gonna do anything in his power to keep you safe.
What do you mean, keep me safe? And while we're running away, what are you gonna be doing? I don't know.
Mom, what does that even mean? It means that Danny was dangerous.
And Dad had to make sure that he couldn't hurt us.
He wasn't dangerous and he was not threatening me.
I was there.
[recorder beeps.]
- You ready? - Mm-hm.
Did Danny ever tell you what went down at the Red Reef Inn? No.
When was the last time you saw Danny? Um I think I said this before, that night at the inn with my mom, and Meg and John.
And that night, did he mention Eric O'Bannon? No, not that I remember.
All right.
After Danny left you guys that night, do you know where he went? Uh-uh.
Where'd you go? - Me? - You.
- Do you remember? - Yeah, yeah, I remember.
Um Danny said some really, really horrible things to my mom that night.
- Mm-hm.
- And I, uh I got pretty riled up.
And I just basically lost it.
"Lost it"? What do you mean? I went on a bender.
After Danny left the inn that night, I went back to my shithole of an office and I basically shoveled snow and did shots until I blacked out.
[Marco clears throat.]
[sniffs, then clears throat.]
Now, the following morning, John had the heart episode.
Did you see Danny that day? No, last time I saw him was that night.
Where were you that day? The day that John fell ill.
Uh Well, obviously, I was worried about John, so I went to go see him at the hospital.
[clears throat.]
See, it says here, the attending nurse said that you didn't get there till the afternoon.
Is that true? Mm-hm.
- That's right.
- Okay, so where were you in the morning? Kevin.
I can't live like this anymore, man.
[exhales sharply.]
Kevin, where were you in the morning? Meg called me, but I didn't go to the hospital.
Why not? I was tweaking.
And I, um I had to just keep on driving that train.
I went to go score some more cocaine.
And there's something else I have to tell you.
Um, the day that you took me down to the police yard to show me the burned-out boat Yeah? I was really high that day.
And I lied to you.
I said I had never seen the boat before.
- Had you seen the boat? - Several times.
- Where? - In my boatyard.
That boat could have been a key to solving Danny's murder, do you understand that? I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Why the fuck would you lie to me about that? I lied I lied because the guy who brought the boat in for repairs was my dealer.
What's his name? I don't know his name, man.
He was my dealer.
Well, what did he look like, do you remember that? What did he look like? He had bleached hair.
He had a gold tooth.
Holy shit, that's him.
The guy's name is Rafi Quintana.
He worked for Wayne Lowry.
Are you serious? We've always thought that Danny's body was found near one of Lowry's boats.
If Quintana was involved, that confirms it.
How did it go? He made a break in the case.
Good job.
Trust me, okay? Everything's gonna be okay.
[pop music playing over earbuds.]
And while we're running away, what are you gonna be doing? I don't know.
What are you gonna be doing, John?! I don't fucking know! [Diana.]
Listen, I know that when you sent me away with the kids, that there were things you didn't tell me.
Yes, there were.
Why don't you tell me exactly what it is that you wanna know? - You still tried to help him.
- I didn't help him though.
Now he's dead.
- So, what the fuck does it matter? - Right.
So, Danny didn't say anything about being at the Red Reef motel? [Meg.]
That night at the inn, he never said anything about it.
And during this period, did he ever talk about Eric O'Bannon? No.
I mean, I knew they'd been hanging out, but Eric was at Dad's funeral.
Yeah, I remember.
The day after the Red Reef that's the day that John had the heart episode.
Yeah, he got light-headed doing yard work so I picked him up, and I took him to the hospital.
Any thoughts why he called you? Diana and the kids were away.
Any idea where Danny was that day? No.
The night before at the inn was the last time that I saw him.
How about the day after that? Did you see him then? No, I just told you, that was the last time I saw him.
I'm just trying to pin down where Danny was the days following the Red Reef.
So, that day you had no idea where Danny was.
What about the following day? I went to New York.
The night before you left to New York, I went by your house.
Do you remember? Of course.
I just came from seeing John at the hospital.
It's not like you to leave your brother in a hospital bed and take off.
Yeah, I had already had it planned.
Why were you in such a hurry to get out of town? I mean, when I got to your house, you were outside, in the driveway, in the pouring rain, putting your suitcases in the trunk of your car.
- So? - So, you don't think that's strange? Hm? You get home from the hospital.
The first thing you do is put your luggage in the trunk? Yeah.
It was pouring rain.
You weren't leaving till the next day.
Is, uh? Is there a question? The next day when you went to the airport, did you drive yourself in your own car, or did you take a cab? [.]
I I don't understand.
Why does that matter? Your car was in your driveway while you were out of town.
Because I took a cab.
Why would you put luggage in the trunk of your car the night before? Because I was going to drive, but then I changed my mind.
Why were you so upset that night? I mean, I've known you a long time, Meg.
I've never seen you like that.
Come on, seriously? Think about the shit that was going on with my family.
That's why I went to your house.
And when I got there, I got the impression that you didn't want me anywhere near you.
That's because we had just broken up.
Or you saw my car pull into the driveway, and you didn't want me anywhere near your house.
[Meg sighs.]
I don't understand what you're asking me.
I know Danny was difficult.
And I also know how much you cared about him.
Yeah, I did.
He murdered someone the night before.
When I got to your house, you were panicking.
- No, I wouldn't say that.
- Were you helping him? - What? - Were you protecting your brother? - Was Danny there that night? - No, of course not.
Was he inside the house, and that's why you didn't want me around? No, I didn't want you around because I didn't want you around.
That night I got there, you looked like you were hiding something.
I pulled in, you were panicking.
You didn't want me to go near your house.
What are you doing? Okay, my brother was killed.
My family is a victim in all of this.
Why are you treating me like a suspect? I'm just asking some questions.
I don't have to be here.
I'm doing this to be helpful.
Well, you're not being very helpful right now, Meg.
I had no other contact with Danny after that night.
That's the answer to your question.
I'm done now.
This is bullshit, and you know it.
[door opens, then closes.]
[recorder beeps.]
Your sister wanted to know if you'd like us to select anecdotal material for you.
"Anecdotal material"? For the victims' rights group tonight.
No, I think I've got it worked out.
Thank you.
Well, how'd it go? It was great.
It went great.
No surprises? No.
Are you ready for this thing? Do you know what you wanna say? Yeah.
I think I'm gonna keep it a little bit more informal, but yeah.
All right.
You know what, can you just make sure that you make the most of this, please? You need anything else? No.
All right, let me know how it goes.
[John's truck engine starts.]
What? Nothing.
Janey was going through your dresser earlier.
She was looking for the necklace that Danny gave her.
Where is it? I don't know.
Well, what do you think happened to it? [John.]
Honey, I just told you, I don't know.
How could you not know? I mean I don't know because I got rid of it, that's why.
You got rid of it? Why would you get rid of it, John? - Why would you do that? - Why the fuck would I keep it anyway?! Danny threatened Janey with it.
Explain to me why I would wanna keep something like that.
Which tie? What's happening with you? I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I'm sorry.
Something's off.
The other day, for the first time in our entire marriage you actually scared me.
And these What are these? Bruises on your hands? I don't know because I'm afraid to even ask you about that.
Why is that? Wanna ask about my hands? Go ahead.
It happened at work.
- You want me to tell you? - Are they from work? As long as they're from work.
That's your answer to everything these days, isn't it? It's work.
When you're out late, when you're distant with me when your hands are fucking covered in bruises.
I want you to see someone.
I want you to go to a therapist.
- I'm not gonna see a therapist.
- Then I'm not doing this.
I'm not living with the fear, and I'm not living with you lying to me.
[knock on door.]
You think you know my family, right? [Marco.]
I mean, I only know what you told me.
There's a lot of things you don't know.
A lot of stuff that's personal.
It's awful, it's humiliating.
Stuff that I don't want anyone to know.
This is a murder case.
You have to explain what you're talking about.
You wanna know why I didn't tell you everything about Danny? - Do you wanna know about my family? - Yeah.
Okay, I'll start with my parents.
Their marriage was shitty.
My mom left us when we were kids.
I didn't know this.
And you know what happened when she left? Danny took my sister Sarah out on a boat, and she drowned at the bottom of Whale Harbor.
I'm sorry, Meg.
That's just the beginning, because when my dad found out, he went He attacked Danny, and he beat the shit out of him and put him in the hospital.
And when Danny finally came home, and police came to investigate, my mom had already gotten to us.
What do you mean? She made us bury the truth.
My mom had John, Kevin and I all lie to the cops to protect my dad.
It's awful.
And the more you know about us, the more horrible it gets.
We're not the people that you think we are.
That's why I had to end it with you.
Because I wanted to get away.
I wanted to leave and I wanted to never come back, [voice breaking.]
but I couldn't because of my fucking family.
I'm sorry.
I fucking I fucking hate them.
[Meg inhales deeply.]
I'm sorry, Meg.
[in normal voice.]
I know what Aguirre is telling you to do, and I know why.
- I'm just doing my job.
- I know.
But you need to decide who you're loyal to.
Him or us? [.]
As you all know, domestic violence has been in the news lately.
It's important to take a moment, and to use this opportunity to open a dialogue.
Not just for domestic violence, but for victims of violence in general.
And we're very lucky to have John Rayburn here with us this evening.
Now, Detective Rayburn is not only a candidate for sheriff, but someone whose own family has been touched by violence.
I'd like to welcome him here and thank him for offering his perspective.
[all applaud.]
Thank you.
[John clears throat.]
Thank you.
Uh I never expected to be here, as I'm sure that none of you ever expected to be here either.
And yet here we are.
I'm a police officer.
As a police officer, violence is part of my everyday life.
But that's not the same as experiencing violence personally.
That is to say, having violence perpetrated against you, and/or maybe even losing a loved one.
As Marcia said, many people believe that violence only occurs on the 6:00 news.
It only happens to other people.
You know, something that the public doesn't always know is that when the police work a homicide, they refer to the case by the victim's name only.
I never realized how important that was until my brother Danny Rayburn lost his life to violence.
Violence is particularly difficult when it happens in the family, and I have experienced that as well.
Many of you that have been through it here, I can tell you that I understand, not just Not just the sadness involved with it, but also the guilt associated with it.
You wonder You wonder if you're to blame, because it is so very easy to be silent when there is violence in a family.
It's very easy to be ashamed when you don't speak up.
I think that's why it's so very important that we're here talking about this.
To remind each other to be on guard.
[clears throat.]
As much as we're As much as we're scared to admit it, that violence lies within all of us.
We're all capable of it.
Thank you for that.
Um, maybe we can take some questions? - [John.]
Yes, sir? - [man.]
Um That must have been a lot, hm? Living with all that? Yeah.
I'm still curious.
About what? That night in your driveway why were you panicking? Because you were right.
There was somebody in my house.
Danny? It was the guy that I cheated on you with.
[Meg sniffles.]
Do I know him? No, he's not from here.
What's his name? You don't know him.
What's his name? Alec Moros.
Okay? You know, I know it's stupid to say now, but I really am sorry for everything that I put you through.
Marcia, excuse me.
- Oh, thank you for coming.
- Uh, thank you very much.
I mean, it was obvious to everyone in this room that you were speaking from the heart, so Well, thank you very much.
Thank you for having me.
Have you seen my wife, by chance? Um, no.
Not since the panel.
Thank you for everything again.
No problem.
[line ringing.]
[Diana on recording.]
Hi, it's Diana, please leave a message.
What the fuck happened to you? Don't worry about it.
Bring it? I brought it.
I'm wondering why you want it.
Why? 'Cause it's mine, that's why.
What the hell are you gonna do with it? What do you care? Fuck, you don't need it.
Come on, give it to me before I bash your fucking head in.
[engine starts.]
- [wind chimes sounding.]
- [birds chirping.]
[chattering downstairs.]
Where's your mother? [Janey.]
She didn't tell you? Tell me what? [Ben.]
She went to Aunt Laura's.
Said there was an emergency.
Did you guys have a fight or something? No, we didn't have a fight.
Let's call Aunt Laura, see what's up.
[door closes.]
If you could pick up two or three of those, it'd be great.
Thank you.
[door opens.]
Oh, hey, there, sweetheart.
Hi, the office isn't open yet.
It's okay.
I'm not I'm not looking to volunteer anyhow.
Is there something that I can help you with? Oh, your brother John did this to me.
In case In case you were wondering.
I mean, I just wanted to talk to him, but you know what an angry motherfucker he can be, right? And I figure it's on account of all the secrets he's keeping.
'Cause we both know what Danny was doing down here.
We both know how angry it must have made John.
- I have no idea what you're talking about.
- Angry enough to Angry enough to want him dead? Sir, the office is closed.
You need to leave.
Your brother can't control his temper, clearly.
I mean, if you ask me, that's gonna be a real liability, especially with the sheriff's race coming up and all.
Why don't you go to the police, tell them whatever the fuck you want to? Hey, hey, I'm not interested in sending your brother to jail.
I just I just wanna tell you a story about your brother John and the Red Reef motel.
And when I'm done, you decide what it's worth to you to keep me from telling it again.
[clock ticking.]
[car door opens, then closes.]
[footsteps approaching.]
When you sent us away, I remember thinking "What if Danny gets violent with John?" But then I thought, you got a gun, you can protect yourself.
No, no, no.
John wouldn't do that, 'cause Danny's the violent one, not John.
Danny's the scary one.
Because I just Because I just could never imagine that you were capable of I'm not gonna ask you the question because I can't ever hear the answer.
Who else knows? Nobody.
Tell me we're safe.
We are safe.
And if the day comes when we're not you will tell me.
If anything ever happens to you I know nothing.
[voice breaking.]
Because I gotta be here for our kids.
[Diana exhales sharply.]
What you've done could destroy us.
It is our life We both don't know The bomb squads Can take it all in Now we so shot full of holes We're leaking life Out on the bedroom floor Why you opened up I'll never know Gave me a glimpse into your soul That broken spot Heaven knows I got to fix it Got to make it whole This is extraordinary Comical and sort of scary, oh But you carry
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