Boardwalk Empire s02e07 Episode Script

Peg of Old

- Look at that! - Give it to him! - Square on the nose! - He's got a glass jaw.
Say, champ, champ, champ, what do you tell people who say you dodged the draft? I don't tell them nothing, 'cause nobody ever says that to my face.
Does it bug you that Carpentier is the favorite? Yeah, yeah.
He is a war hero, after all.
On July 2nd, he's going to wish he had a foxhole to crawl into.
Hey, what about his secret punch? You hear he's got a secret punch? That's a lot of hooey.
Besides, I got tricks of my own.
What, you got a secret weapon, champ? Yeah, matter of fact, I've been training with a fella knocked old "Carpet Ear" out in the first round over in Paris.
- What? - Yeah.
Hey, Doc, bring him out here.
- Aw, you betcha, champ! - Wait till you guys get a load of this.
Go get him, killer! No hitting below the belt.
Whoa, whoa, is he talking about my belt or his? All right, that's it for today, everybody.
Hey, a fella's gotta get his beauty rest.
En garde! Whoa, look out.
- Hey, go get them, champ.
- Whoa, don't hit me! How'd I do? You lose the fight, there's always vaudeville.
I'd take a rotten tomato over a left hook anytime.
Except there ain't no dough in tomatoes.
Say, I'm wondering if you'd do me a favor.
I'm sure you've heard we're selling the fight over the wireless.
- Can I get your autograph? - $2.
50 a ticket to hear it as it happens.
They'll be broadcasting right from ringside.
It'd be a big boost if you did a little promotion.
Friday at Babette's, shake some hands, wave to the girls.
It's all right by me, especially the part about the girls.
As long as Doc here gives the okay, of course.
Considering the good doctor is pocketing 10% of the take, - I'm sure he will.
- Two bits for each set of ears? - That's progress, boys.
- Gents, gents, one more question.
- Save it for next time, pal.
- This one's for Nuck.
What'd you and the Attorney General talk about at the Seaview Golf Club on Memorial Day? Sand trap.
It's a doozy.
Nothing about your election-rigging case? Show us that hook, Jack.
Come here, you.
Get over here.
- I'm gonna feed him to little Frenchie.
- Yeah, go! Where's the baby? Sleeping.
She cried for five hours straight today.
- Did you feed her? - Of course I fed her.
- What do you think I am? - I apologize.
I have a headache.
Well What'd she say? She's gone to visit an aunt in Milwaukee, according to the neighbors.
You got a number for this aunt? - An address? - She will not speak to me on the telephone.
She will not answer my letters.
We're being tested, Rose and I.
And what about me? I'm sure you're being tested as well, in your fashion.
I'm talking about our arrangement.
Nelson, you owe me money.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I don't have it.
You don't have it now? You don't have it at all? You're enjoying the phonograph, aren't you? When will you get it? - The child's awake.
- I need an answer.
- Extremely penetrating sound.
- It's $3,000.
- That's a large sum.
- It is to me.
Lord knows what I was thinking.
You were conning me? - You made me go through all this? - Frankly, frankly, it's impossible to concentrate under these conditions.
We had an agreement.
You owe me money! This is your baby.
You bought it! The kid doesn't even have a name! Shut up with the shouting already! You shut up! We gonna start this thing? - Give it another minute.
- Your grandpa in the woods Sammy Sabbath from Philly? - Manny.
What about him? - He keeps hocking me for five grand.
- You agreed to advance him.
- You had a gun on me.
I'll cover it.
- As a gesture.
- It's not a favor.
You should probably begin.
Gentlemen, I want to thank you all for coming.
It's hard to believe that a year ago, a year and a half - Things have changed so much.
- Sure, Meyer started shaving.
Kind of my point.
Nucky Thompson, Johnny Torrio, Rothstein, Waxey Gordon They have problems, they come to us.
- Exactly why we don't need them.
- Speak for yourself, Salvatore.
What are you, my priest? - Back off.
- Charlie, we're here to listen.
As of this moment, the Coast Guard in Atlantic City is in my back pocket.
- That puts all of us in a very unique position - Gentlemen, Sheriff Thompson.
- You start without me? - How long were we supposed to wait? You lose the keys to the jail? Eli, this is Al, Charlie and Meyer.
- We've already met.
- Yeah, I remember.
Not as good as me, I bet.
The men talk, the geisha retires.
As I was saying, we have special advantages here.
You send your suppliers to a friendly port.
We offload, store it, truck it to you as needed.
With the sheriff as a partner, there's no limit to what we can bring in.
No worries with the cops, no trouble with the hijackers.
Torrio's got suppliers, Canada.
A fella Remus in Ohio.
Yeah, and Torrio takes care of Torrio.
So where does that leave you? How do you propose to handle Nucky? He goes to jail.
I have Mayor Bader replace him with some patsy.
They both report to me.
The way this place runs, you have to keep people happy.
You have hotel owners, clubs, theaters.
They need to know that when one boss is gone, someone else is there to keep things in line.
They figure that out by the gat you shove in their mouth.
- I'm telling you it's not gonna fly.
- That worked with the Sheridans.
- The Greektown Irish? - This one left the brains on the wall.
- So who doesn't get their hands dirty? - Are we counting notches now? - Anytime you want, Ciccio.
- Whenever you're ready, Sal.
This is not Chicago or New York.
Things are different here.
And the way it works with Nucky, the way I say it's gonna work with Nucky Jesus Christ, just kill him.
What, is he King fucking Neptune? He's creeping around with lawyers and politicians and all of you with this bullshit pissing match.
Put a bullet in his head, get it over with.
I'm sick of all this fucking nut-twisting.
You and I can talk about it later.
Talk about it now in front of them.
Look, your thing with him, the political whattayacall - I don't see the angle.
- You don't live here.
That's right, pal.
So it's a long way to come for nothing.
Pop him.
What's the big deal? - He's just another old timer.
- So's Arnold Rothstein.
Come to my house, we'll discuss that.
You would kill your brother? No.
Someone else will.
I'll call Chicago.
We'll get a paisan on the train.
- He comes up, does the job - He goes home.
We start making some real dough.
Which is what it's all about, ain't it? Well? You don't like to keep people waiting.
Make your phone call.
I've been working out of the post office, if you can believe it.
The nearest law library is in Camden.
I'll have one of the clerks do it.
Yes, sir, I understand.
That will not be an issue, I assure you.
What in damnation is going on here? Where is agent Sawicki? Yes, sir, absolutely.
Well, discovery is just beginning.
Who is this woman at my desk? She's on the phone with the Attorney General.
Of course.
Thank you, sir.
I'll be in touch.
Agent Van Alden, I presume.
Esther Randolph, Chief Investigator Lathrop, and my clerks Pratt and Halsey.
- What are you doing here? - Beg pardon? That is my station.
This is my office.
The investigation necessitated ad hoc arrangements.
Ad hoc? I am the head of prohibition enforcement for this city.
And I am the Assistant US Attorney prosecuting Enoch Thompson.
That's your stuff over there.
Does the Justice Department not give advance notice? You and your colleague will practice discretion with regard to what you hear in this room.
- Do you understand, Agent Van Alden? - I took an oath.
As did I.
Now if you'll excuse me.
In his testimony, confidential witness number two claims that ballot boxes with Non-Republican votes were tossed into Absecon Bay.
Take Halsey, nose around out there.
It's a long shot, but you never know.
Where's a good place to buy wading boots? - You'll be eaten alive.
- In the bay? By Nucky Thompson.
The charges won't stick.
And your lack of confidence is based upon what? That the scales ofjustice are weighted down with graft.
My, that is shocking.
This does not belong to me.
Thank you.
How much are you charging for those things? Only because you're pretty.
I'll fix it, don't you worry.
Come on.
Nice and light Yes.
Nice and sharp.
- This one.
- Good piece of material from Sicily.
- Very good.
- How much you want for that? Jimmy's the one that was talking.
Can't keep his trap shut, that one.
- I'm sorry? - Didn't I say it right? She's been practicing all day.
- Is it Beth? - The same.
- And little Aylesh.
- Oh, don't call me that.
What should I call you? Juliet! Very well.
Eamoinn, she's here.
Do you not know me? - You're Margaret.
- Yes.
Who else on Earth would you be? Eamoinn.
Hello, Peg.
Thank you for replying to my letter.
Couldn't leave you out there wandering so far from home, could we? You can let her cross the threshold, so.
It's taffy, right from the Boardwalk.
They have the same at Luna Park.
I'm sure it's grand.
We'll hug, then.
There's dinner.
Roast and potatoes, so come along.
Take your sister's hat now.
Make her feel at ease.
See the little bee in the rose? She's like you, Peg, always dashing about.
Name's Esther Randolph, from California.
USC Graduate.
10 years as a public defender representing draft dodgers and prostitutes.
And she works for Harry Daugherty? Yeah, caught the Governor's eye in California.
Joined the US Attorney's office.
I don't think Daugherty could get rid of her.
- Why the fuck not? - Someone has to look honest.
- Transfer to federal court.
- I've been waiting for this.
It was your idea.
What do you want me to say? More to the point is what do you want me to say? If the Attorney General can't help you, how can I? I'm not the only one in town with something to lose.
But you are the one that they're coming after.
The Commodore's in a diaper.
O'Neill's off hiding.
Neary, Boyd, Paddy Ryan If you can't work something on them and get me out of this, what the fuck am I paying you for? For sitting here while you talk to me like that.
I am so sorry, but you have two visitors.
Is this a mirage sitting before me? - I'm in the middle of something.
- I realize that.
I'll leave you to your next meeting.
You and I have not seen each other since May 23rd of last year.
Don't start that way.
I'm sorry, Lucy.
- You look glowing.
- I look like shit.
She is kinda cute though, huh? Ten toes and everything.
I thought I'd try shaking you down, but I knew I'd never swing it.
And anyhow, that's no way for a mother to act.
I'm glad you're taking it seriously.
I'm taking it very seriously.
I mean, look at her.
She's just a little scoop of ice cream.
You and I had some good times, didn't we, daddy? You and me? Sure we did.
I always knew what I was supposed to do.
Every day, just wake up and make you happy.
Things change.
You know that.
Sure I do.
Now there's someone else I gotta make happy.
And she'll always be mine.
That's the best part of it all.
You're going to do a swell job.
I really want to.
Which is why I need money.
Isn't there a father? Doesn't there have to be? You don't know who he is.
Yeah, I know.
I guess you might, too.
You understand the reason for this additional deposition, Mr.
Neary? - Because it's federal now? - Speak into the machine, please.
I do understand.
And your sworn testimony will be used as a basis for prosecuting Mr.
The Dictaphone can't hear you nod.
I mean "yes.
" In your former testimony, you mentioned cash for votes, - multiple casting of ballots - Yep.
Neary, you were arrested last March for the storage of illegal alcohol with intent to sell.
I paid my debt on that.
A $500 fine bargained down to $50.
Quite a forgiving judge.
Special Agent Van Alden.
What's that got to do with Nucky? Consider this your chance to illuminate me.
No, no, no, no.
I had a deal with the other prosecutor.
That deal is null and void.
I can make your life quite difficult, Mr.
In fact, I might enjoy it.
I understand.
Right away.
A situation has arisen.
I'll return as soon as possible.
Did you take a boat here, miss? - She's not a Miss, Aylesh.
- She's our Peg of old, just.
I took the train.
You can't take a train from Ireland.
I live in Atlantic City.
- What do you do there? - I look after my little ones.
- You've children now, Peg? - Theodore is seven and Emily four.
American names.
They're quite the patriots.
And the father? You've not mentioned him.
My husband Hans.
He passed last year.
A widow so soon? I'm going to cry.
You've a good heart, Nuala.
And live how? - Pardon? - Well, how do you live? To come to New York on a jaunt with your children behind.
- They're being looked after.
- Who by? Eamoinn.
A woman I pay.
- Well, there's a bit of luxury.
- And why not, if she can? No reason.
You've bags of time.
- He's on a night crew.
- Digging the 4th Avenue line.
- That's the subway.
- Nuala's at sewing.
Beside a hundred other girls.
Beth presses in a laundry.
Aylesh is in school.
They send an officer around if we don't let her go.
I know you work hard, Eamoinn.
We're as you see us.
I could offer help.
We haven't asked.
Beth made a trifle.
Oh, there's nothing like a bit of sweet.
Keep your eyes closed.
When did you start getting modest? This isn't a flattering light.
Men don't have to worry about these things.
All right.
Ready for your judgment.
- Meeting someone? - Just some girls from the Beaux Arts.
They'll clock every wrinkle.
You don't get old, Ma.
Remember summers on the beach? People thought I was your brother.
We belong here.
It wouldn't be right anywhere else.
Do you know what happens tomorrow? It's not important.
It is to me.
A man's gonna get off a train.
He's gonna walk up to Nucky Thompson and he's gonna put a bullet in him.
Right here, just because I said so.
What do you think about that? I think the world's going to find out what kind of man it's dealing with.
And if I call it off? Your friends wouldn't like that.
They don't care what happens to Nucky.
No, but they are watching you Very closely.
They're delightful boys, dear.
Colorful and ambitious, but I'd never make the mistake of letting them see me be indecisive.
And that's why he dies? This isn't what we talked about, Ma.
We weren't being honest then.
Now we are.
I don't want to do this.
It's already done.
It was done when you gave the order.
The rest is just bookkeeping.
And you can't bother with that.
Make me proud of you.
Lucy, would you be so kind as to give Agent Van Alden and myself a moment alone? - I didn't know what else to - We'll discuss this at home.
If there was ever a time No, thank you.
Fair enough.
First and foremost, here's to you.
It is, after all, a blessed event in the life of any man.
What do you want? This actually might be a good time to charm me.
Why? Does that make blackmailing easier? I don't judge people.
I help them.
Perhaps you can see the value of that more than you once did.
And what do you propose to help me with? Where to begin? Supporting a wife, a mistress, a baby girl, all on a government salary? How do you do it? My financial arrangements are none of your concern.
Sadly true.
My concern is Esther Randolph.
I want to know everything.
Who she talks to, what they say, what's on every scrap of paper that comes across her desk.
She renews her subscription to Vogue Magazine, I want to know about it.
- And in exchange? - Your budget problems go away.
And no questions asked about how you've managed to afford this up to now.
What's her name? What? Your little girl.
She doesn't have one yet.
You can't go wrong picking something from the bible.
Just think it over.
That doesn't cost anything.
And what I gave Lucy, a gift, no strings attached.
You gave her money? Tea's on, if you still drink that.
Never say no to some Barry's.
We'll talk a bit first, Peg and I.
Let's look in on poor Mrs.
- Do we have to? - It's the Christian thing.
- Fag? - No, thank you.
I'm not as American as you thought.
Mam's in the Earth, so there's news for you.
Martin Hennessey wrote me.
The cousin in America.
You kept up with him at least.
She's in the Killeagh parish yard? Right beside Da.
And not at each other's throats for once.
She asked for you At the last.
I told her you'd be coming home.
What else could I say? Will you weep, Peg? Now that it doesn't matter? I did what I had to.
Can't hear ya.
I did what I had to.
So we all think to ourselves.
Would you have seen me off to the Magdalene sisters and broken in the workhouse? The priest judged it fit correction.
What makes it right for others and not you? What makes it right for anyone? Would you wish it upon Nuala? Beth? Aylesh? Or am I the only sinner you've ever met? Who was the father? You can tell me now.
- Douglas Walton.
- The barrister's boy.
- You must have known.
- I'm blind when it comes to that.
Did he force himself, as you claimed? A son seven and your daughter four.
I miscarried on the crossing.
Then I'm sorry.
- What's that for? - To return what I stole.
It was Mam you took it from, not me.
- Meant for your passage here.
- Is that what brought you to Brooklyn? To return a debt? To be among those who know me.
That was quick.
She wants me to pick up three pounds of pig trotters.
Then you'd best oblige her before the butcher closes.
Can't we have some trifle first? Please? This is a bad idea.
Don't you trust me, Charles? Are you fucking kidding me? Then I'll just sew up my dress and go.
I'm gonna whip you through the mud like a filly at Belmont.
Lucy! Mr.
- Who are you? - Frieda Short, from downstairs.
Where is my wife? She had to pick up some formula.
I said we had plenty of milk, but she's very particular.
- When was that? - About 20 minutes ago.
But it's no bother.
This little one is an angel.
- We'll walk you to the el.
- I've a car outside.
- Hired for the day.
- Must be dear.
- Her man pays for it.
- Beth.
Well, she's got one.
Don't you? - What's he like? - He's Very mysterious.
And very powerful.
- He has minions.
- What's that when it's at home? It means people do his bidding or they pay the price.
Don't they? Yes.
With a snap of the finger.
But he has a secret tragedy.
His heart was broken.
And he'll never let anyone near it again.
Where are you getting that from? - You with your stories.
- She's always got her nose in a book.
I'll send you some if you'd like.
- Would that be all right? - Can she? You'll need to ask Eamoinn.
Think of us now and then.
Three hours to Atlantic City.
Luck to you, Peg.
After all these years.
I was only joking with you about the man.
He must be very nice, really.
He can be.
And you're my sister.
I'm Margaret Catherine Sheila Rohan.
How do you do? Aylesh! To bed with you.
- Do I have to? - I'm off to work.
You'll not keep your sisters up all night.
Send me books.
I like anything with a horse in it.
Deborah Hannah Abigail.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to start tailing Nucky Thompson.
How close? You don't have to hide behind the potted plants, but I would like a fuller picture of exactly Mrs.
May we speak privately? I am a married man.
There goes my dream.
Last autumn, under great duress, my self-discipline was compromised.
I have a daughter born out of wedlock.
Surely you can speak to a minister about this.
I bare my soul not for forgiveness nor introspection.
I admit to these sins so you know that I am, in my heart, honest.
This is a file I've kept on Nucky Thompson for the past 16 months.
It runs the gamut, from bootlegging, gambling, vice, extortion, up to and including murder.
And you've been sitting on this information for what reason? I was ordered by my supervisor to focus on illegal alcohol.
And you will testify to the accusations made in this file? I will.
Well, this could prove useful.
That's all that matters to me.
Agent Van Alden? Your domestic situation, we'll get that sorted out.
Just don't go telling everyone.
Just here.
Thank you.
Olly olly oxen free! - Go ahead.
- You fancy this one? Thank you very much.
- You haven't read it? - No.
I hope you like it.
And when you finish, you'll tell me all about it.
How? You'll write me and I'll write you back.
We'll have a secret correspondence.
That'd be a good craic.
What's that mean? Do you not know it? Just something fun.
Mam would say it always.
What was she like? You don't remember her? The horse doesn't die, does it? - No.
- Because I wouldn't like that.
You can visit me, you know? Over the summer.
There's no end of things to do and you'd meet your niece and nephew.
I'm an aunt.
That's funny, isn't it? It is rather.
- Morning.
- And we can Good morning.
What have you there? I brought Aylesh a book.
Oh, aye.
She's keen on those.
I'll make your breakfast.
Go and read.
That's what you want to do, anyway.
Away with you, now.
- How was your work? - I thought you were off in your car.
She's my sister, too.
And you'll rescue her, will you? To ease your mind? Must you hate me so, Eamoinn? I don't hate you.
I don't feel much about you at all.
I can't accept the money.
I don't know where it's from.
- You're honest, are you? - I don't ask for trouble.
Never take more than you need.
Never talk back to the priest or the boss or the policeman.
Never question.
Never make a fuss.
Never dare to stand up for me, your own flesh and blood, who begged you for help when she'd nowhere else to turn.
- And you're proud of it.
- You did as you wanted, Peg.
You always have.
Nothing you bring and nothing you buy will change that.
- I'll make her life better.
- The way you've made yours? You'll go now, back to your own place and leave us be.
There's no one here who knows you.
Don't miss out on the biggest story of the century.
Dempsey defends the title and - Did Owen call? - No, sir.
But Mrs.
Schroeder's on her way back from New York.
I'm taking the children to the beach with Katy.
- Operator.
- Get me The Ritz.
- Ritz Carlton.
- Myra, ring my suite.
- Mr.
Thompson's suite.
- Eddie, have you heard from Owen? Nucky, not yet.
I was just - Come get me.
I'm late.
- Of course.
I was - Billy.
- He never picks up the stuff.
That's Billy.
It's a crying shame, I tell you, about him.
Here you go.
Is it Del Grogan? - Do I know you? - It's Owen Sleater.
Sean's cousin from Dunmurry.
That pimple on the arse of the Lord? Quiet town on a Saturday night.
Every other night of the week as well.
Won't dispute it.
On the Halligan side? How's that? The relation.
No, no.
We're all the Cavanaughs.
You're Desi's boys? God rest his soul.
That was bad luck.
It was the Black and Tans.
- I stayed out of that.
- There's a fight that'll never end.
- They're welcome to it.
- Yeah.
Still, free and clear here, though, aren't we? Stars and stripes forever.
- Buy you another? - Next time.
Do me the honor.
I miss a bit of home, still and all.
- Whiskey, then? - Two.
- Coming up.
- Off for a slash first.
Sally, get back here.
Leading me on a merry chase these five months, you traitorous fuck! A woman's baking a pie when she calls out to her husband in the next room, "Darling, do you want a piece?" Fella walks into the kitchen.
Wife looks at him and she says, "Honey, put your pants back on!" After this song you can start.
And don't forget to mention Radio Corporation of America.
How could I forget, Doc? You wrote it down in my speech.
How are ya? Good afternoon, ladies and gents.
"For those of you who "don't know me"? I'm Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champ of the world.
You, sir, you might have heard.
Madam, how about you? Well, I know everyone else here has heard.
On July 2nd, I'm gonna be in Jersey City beating the tar out of Georges Carpentier.
Of course, there are some who think it will be the other way around, with me taking the licking.
Ever heard such a thing? Well, either way it'll be a swell fight.
And thanks to the Radio Corporation of America What do you want? I just want to tell you something.
So? Tell me.
Doesn't make a difference if you're right or wrong.
Carpentier saying his prayers when I start closing in You just have to make a decision.
Either way, it'll be a swell fight.
I'm only gonna be here for a few more hours.
I gotta get back to training, so if you want to come up to me and introduce yourself, say hello I'm a Federal Agent! United States Department of Justice! Everyone remain calm and stay where you are.
It's okay, he's alive! - You all right? - You okay? Don't worry.
It's gonna be fine.
Stay right with us, champ.
Don't worry.
Don't even worry about it.
- Just there is fine.
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.
Katy? Lilian? - Help you with that? - No, thank you.
Don't be daft, now.
How's the great metropolis? Fine.
- Humid.
- Summer's fierce here, isn't it? Wouldn't wish it on a Hottentot.
No one much seems to mind.
Always something to keep you busy in New York, I expect.
Very lively.
All right, then.
Where are the children? The girls took them down to the beach.
That's hardly Katy's job.
- The boss gave her the afternoon.
- Why aren't you with him? I had some business.
Missed him just.
Then shouldn't you be making an effort to find him? Where do you want the bag? The foot of the stairs.
You find it odd here, ever? - In this house? - In this country.
How do you mean? Everything's off.
The air, the water, the people and yourself.
You're off, too, bit by bit.
And you think, if I vanished now, who'd care? Or even notice? Is that how you feel? Summer days, maybe.
And life Passing by.
Then you should be on the beach with Katy.
I thought you wanted me after Mr.
- In either case you needn't be here.
- I'll go if you tell me.
- Are you mine to command? - If you like.
You can bring the bag up.
On the bench.
You're the cool one, missus.
No, I'm not.
I'm not how you see me at all.
When we're done, you'll leave and we'll not speak a word about it.
Well, it's all between strangers anyway.

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