Friday Night Lights s02e07 Episode Script


Oh, my God! TAMl: No.
TAMl: You best take that off before your father gets home.
Why are you dressed like that? This is what everybody in Brazil's wearing.
We're not in Brazil, are we? That's your ex-girlfriend.
You're kicked off the team.
I'm sorry about that.
You wanted to play football? Who doesn't want to be a Panther? You want to come by tomorrow? Come out to practice with us? Yes, sir.
The coroner found upholstery fibers from GMC wagons.
Just like this one.
I didn't mean to do it, Dad.
Dear God, forgive us for this.
The recruiting circus has come to town, folks! Today's the first day that college recruiters are officially allowed to talk to the individual football players.
And the question on everyone's minds is, who will our very own Smash Williams talk to first? Hello? No, you cannot.
He's sleeping.
No, I will not.
Lord, have mercy.
Georgia Tech is on the phone.
Take a message.
I am not your personal assistant, Brian.
Well, that's good 'cause you're not getting paid.
Take this phone.
Mama getting irritated.
The Smash train is pulling out of the station.
You better hang on before you lose your seat.
Hello? TAMl: Jules? Honey, I made pancakes.
Want to come out for breakfast? I'm not hungry.
Well, we're gonna leave in about 20 minutes, okay? She still upset over Matt? I think so.
Don't look! Where are your manners? Sorry.
I'll give you one if you give me one.
I'm not giving anything up.
You What? Uh-uh.
So, you want me to make some dinner? I can make some beef stroganoff.
If you want to.
I mean, you've done enough around here.
The place looks great.
I'm blown away.
I don't think it's ever been this clean.
I know.
You okay? I'm fine.
You just gonna stand there or No.
What? Tim.
What? Are you packing? Hey, hey, hey, you don't have to leave.
I'll leave.
No, no.
It's fine.
Don't be an idiot, okay? Come on, look.
This is stupid.
Where the hell you gonna go? Tim.
You guys have your fun.
Tim, I am talking to you right now.
Tim! Listen.
Are you thinking about this? What do you want? I can leave.
You don't This is your house.
I know it is.
How's it going? What's all this you got going on here? It's my clothes.
That's nice.
Why are they right here? I kind of need a place to stay.
Please? Forty-eight hours, Tim.
That's all you got.
I'll take it.
Thank you.
And don't even dream about coming anywhere near my room.
Wouldn't even dream of it, Tyra.
Shut up.
Shut up.
Wouldn't even dream of it.
Taylor? Excuse me.
Yeah? Hi.
I was told to see you about getting a set of keys for the activity lounge for a staff meeting of the Dillon Chronicle.
Oh, sweetheart, you need to talk to your faculty advisor about that.
That would be me, ma'am.
Sorry, sweetie.
Did you just call me ma'am? I did.
Noah Noah Barnett.
English Lit, Creative Writing and Speech, and faculty advisor for the paper.
You're the Oh, good Lord! How old are you, 12? Don't answer that.
Oh, my Lord.
A lot's A lot's happened since I've been gone.
I was gone having a baby.
No, I don't even need to hit the ball off the tee anymore.
I've graduated.
My dad pitches to me now.
In T-ball I don't I'm not when you're little, you hit the I Hit the ball off a tee.
We're a football family, so You know what? Those keys will be in my office, so if you come to my office, it'd be great.
I'll come by later.
Thank you.
Nice to meet you You, too.
Listen up.
Stop what you're doing.
I want to talk to you a second.
A number of y'all today are gonna get an opportunity to meet some recruiters.
These recruiters Want to try to get you to commit to this, that, or any other school anyway they can.
They don't care how.
The Texas High School Athletic Administration? They do care.
I'm talking about losing state eligibility if someone gets caught accepting anything.
Cell phones, concert tickets, meals, rides home.
With that said, any of y'all want to meet with any particular recruiters, you talk to me or the other coaches, we work it through my office.
Anything you need, you will get.
Now, let's go have a good practice and get out of here early today.
Let's go! Let's go! How you doing? We'll talk to you later.
Hey, good to meet you.
Smash Williams! How you doing, man? Hey.
Pete Kenderton.
Miami South.
I don't know about Florida, man.
I mean, y'all get hurricanes every year.
Hey, Pete.
Hey, Noelle.
How are you? Good to see you.
How are you? Nice to see you, too.
How's Owen's turf toe doing? He's gonna He said he's gonna play through it.
Man, that guy is tough.
Did you know Owen Davenport? Oh, yeah.
Yeah, he graduated my sophomore year.
That's right.
Well, he's been starting for us the last couple years.
The guy's fantastic.
I'm sorry.
Do you guys know each other? Look, I've seen you around.
Well, listen.
I gotta get out of here.
It's good to see you again.
I'll be here a couple days.
Thank you.
Give me a shout, all right? Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Take care, man.
Good seeing you again, Noelle.
Hey, I didn't know Owen Davenport had a little sister.
He does.
Well, I mean, we should hang out sometime.
All right.
I'll see you in a little bit.
Okay, see you.
Yeah! You really gonna do this thing? I don't know.
What do you think? Hey, Santiago.
Come here.
Listen up.
Here's what I want you to do.
I want you to go to the guidance counselor.
And I want you to tell her I sent you.
And I want her to check your credits.
And to see that you're squared away academically.
You understand what I'm saying? Yes, sir.
And be nice to her.
She's my wife.
Yes, Coach.
Go do that.
And we just stood there and watched as my car turned into, like, a giant charcoal briquette.
Well, then what happened? And then we just went home.
Well, that's That's good, right? My dad destroyed evidence.
He's a cop.
He can't do that.
Now, I've got him into this thing and Landry, I don't know what you want me to say.
I just wanted to tell you 'cause I don't really have anyone else I can talk to about this.
Yeah, I know.
You been doing okay, though? Yeah, I mean, about as good as I can be, I guess.
Oh, hey! Hi, y'all.
Can I talk to you? I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Can I talk to you for a quick second? Sure.
I'm rushing around this morning.
TAMl: Nice to see you.
Sorry to interrupt you.
That's okay.
That's all right.
Good to see you, Landry.
Honey, I need to ask you a favor.
I need a go-getter.
And I You are Hey, Lyla! Come here.
Come here.
Perfect! I need two go-getters.
Here's the situation.
They're all on me about this whole Pantherama thing.
Last year, I scheduled both the entertainment and the silent auction.
This year, that is a burden that I cannot bear.
So what I thought would be great is to actually pass on the entertainment part of Pantherama to a couple of students.
What do you think? Yeah.
You know, I actually I've been studying really, and I've just been Yeah, I would love to, working hard on my studies but I And I've got the Christ Teen Messengers thing and Oh, honey.
You are not using Jesus Christ our Lord as an excuse not to help out your counselor, are you? No, ma'am.
That's nice.
Thank you.
And Tyra, you're too busy studying to help me out? Yeah? Oh, really? Great! Oh, I appreciate it.
You know what? Y'all are gonna do a super job.
I'm not kidding.
I mean, I'm excited.
All right, girls.
Thank y'all so much.
Appreciate it.
Have a great day.
So Tracy will do the movie review.
Two hundred and fifty words.
But, what we really need are Okay.
feature stories, okay? So what do you got? Anybody got any ideas? People, this is your paper, not mine.
What stories do you think need telling? Well, The Knife has never played anywhere in the state of Texas.
That's That's interesting if it's true, although I don't think it merits 1,000 words.
Anyone else? Julie? What about Pantherama? Of course you're pitching a football idea.
I'm not pitching a football idea, okay? Pantherama is an event that's held every year by Dillon High, right? And it generates a lot of money.
But where does the money go? Who decides how to distribute the money? Do all the sports get the same level of funding? I don't I don't think so.
That's exactly the kind of thinking that I'm looking for, Julie.
You just talked yourself into a feature assignment.
Well done.
Your grades look pretty good actually.
Considering you transferred five times? Well, my uncle's work makes him move around a lot.
What about your parents? They were They were deported.
I'm sorry.
But I was born here.
So did they leave you, then, in the care of your uncle? Is he your legal guardian? Mmm-hmm.
Well, I'm not quite clear then why you put Garrity Motors as your address here.
I just thought it would be easier, you know? Easier for what? Well, you never know when my uncle's work is gonna have to make him move again, so Well, I am gonna need to have your real address, and I need to have a meeting with your uncle just so we can sort of sit down and talk about what would what would happen in the coming year.
Yeah, no, he pulls double shifts all the time, and it's really hard to pull him away, so I But I can have him sign whatever if you give me something.
I can have him sign it.
Well, you know what? It's gotta be one of those things.
It's gotta be face-to-face.
Go to your house after school one day, wherever is convenient for him.
It's not gonna work.
How come, Santiago? It's just It's just not gonna work.
Hey, listen.
Is there something you'd like to tell me? My uncle hasn't been home in a while.
How long's awhile? Ten or 11 months.
It's no It's no big deal.
It's just this car.
This guy's selling a car, and I was thinking about maybe going to look at it.
But it's probably too much money anyway, so Well, Matthew Saracen, this is your lucky day.
Because I happen to be an exceptional negotiator.
Oh, is that right? Mmm-hmm.
What? You used to work with Buddy Buddy Garrity, or something like that? No.
I actually know cars.
I bet I can even get you a discount.
Oh, yeah? Mmm-hmm.
I just I need to keep the door closed.
Why is that? Because my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend are out there.
And they're pretty into PDA.
So I just I thought it would be less awkward, you know? If I just avoided them, and they didn't have to really deal with it.
And I'm sure they'll be gone in a sec, so I'll be out of your hair.
It's classic, isn't it? He's the QB One, right? And she's the cheerleader.
She's like this perfect doll.
And I'm just, like, some interlude.
And she's the real deal.
I guess, I just I guess, I just came in to cry.
You hungry? I always eat when I get dumped.
That's classic.
That is pretty classic.
It's, like, a veggie deluxe.
Guess it couldn't hurt, right? Thanks.
You're welcome.
Honey, I can't believe we're even talking about eligibility.
What is important right now is the fact That this is a boy who is an orphan.
That's what you should be thinking about.
I got a great idea! You know what? He joins my team.
He's on my field.
He's got a family.
We get him a family, then we can talk about him being on your team.
End of discussion.
That's just the way it's gonna have to work.
So, there's this girl dancing to Devil Went Down to Georgia.
She's new.
And I walk up to her, and I'm all, "Bitch, that's my signature song! Step off.
" I'll kick her ass.
I dance Yeah.
in boots and chaps and a thong.
What the hell is she thinking? I don't know.
But that's a good costume though, I'll tell you that much.
All I'm saying.
Beer? Yeah.
Hi, y'all.
Hi, lady.
Tim, could I talk to you for a second? Yeah.
Don't you dare screw my sister.
What are you talking about? I swear to God, Tim.
I know you like to create havoc wherever you go.
I'm serious as cancer.
Do not screw Mindy.
That's my line.
Don't cross it.
All right.
How's Landry doing? You're on hour 36 of the 48, okay? Tick tock.
Find a place, Tim! Let me ask you, Brian.
Have you given any consideration to attending a historically black college? I'm mostly thinking about my game.
You know what I'm saying? Can I get you some more coffee, Mr.
Gordon? Oh, no.
I'm fine.
Thank you.
Let me cut right to the chase, Brian.
Whitmore University doesn't offer athletic scholarships.
But we do offer academic ones.
Now, should you decide to enroll at Whitmore, we'd love to have you play football for us.
But regardless, you'll get a four-year education from one of the top schools in the country.
Also I can be on a team that was two and nine last season? Say, Brian! Okay, look.
Tell me this.
How many of your players were drafted last year? I think you know the answer to that.
Look, I know you'll get other offers.
You right about that.
I do understand the allure of a big football university.
I just hope you'll give our college real consideration.
The next four years can change your life.
Look, Mr.
Gordon, college isn't the goal.
It's the means to an end.
I plan on going pro sooner and not later.
I don't want to waste your time or mine.
Called about the Dart here? Yeah.
Yeah, we did.
Two seventy-five horsepower? Yeah.
It's not a Slant Six, is it? No.
Smart girl.
Pretty girl.
Knows her cars.
So, what do you think? What are you feeling? Well, I don't know.
I mean, it's What do you think? You're the car Yeah.
I think it's great.
This? Do you think? You like it? Yeah.
Yeah, absolutely.
I love it.
Yeah? You do? Seriously, you love this? You can get a really good deal on this.
Trust me.
So you realize you're selling to QB One of the Dillon Panthers, right? Well, I'll take 200 off the price.
TAMl: Everything that you donated will be on that silent auction table at Pantherama.
Thank you so much.
Hello, gentlemen.
Hi, Tami.
Hi, baby.
How are you? I'm good.
I'm good.
To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? Buddy and I have been talking about this Santiago situation.
Look, Santiago has been working for me part-time.
Did you know that? He's a great worker.
I did.
And when Eric told me about his living situation, I was appalled.
And so, I came up with this moment of scintillating clarity.
He should move in with me.
Can I talk to my husband for just one quick sec? Absolutely.
Just one quick sec.
You bet.
I'll see you in a Thank you.
Look, I didn't Why would you go and Don't whisper-yell at me.
Don't whisper-yell at me, please.
Go and talk to him and bring him into my office? And you're suggesting that Santiago, that poor child, is gonna go live with Buddy Garrity? Honey, we're not selling puppies here.
I know we're not selling puppies, honey.
He's got to go through social services.
That's the protocol.
It's not an ideal situation.
You know what? As far as I'm concerned, the protocol didn't work.
But that's the situation.
The protocol doesn't work, does it? He didn't get the assistance he needed.
He fell through the cracks.
What does that say about protocol? This is not an alternative, and I know what you're doing.
This is just convenient for you, so that you can have your football season.
Don't tell me I'm doing all this for the kid just to get him on the damn team.
What I'm saying is, yeah, he won't be living in a trailer alone.
What I'm saying is, yeah, he'll have family.
What I'm saying is, yeah, we can keep an eye on him.
That's all I'm saying.
This is ridiculous.
How are we supposed to figure out the entertainment if we don't have a single name? Oh, come on, man! We're gonna get our names.
Hey! Follow me.
Better not mess around, man.
That's the men's I know.
Hello! I know! Listen up.
Step right up.
Quiet down.
Look at this.
Lyla, why are we here? Because nobody signed up for Pantherama.
Aww Nobody signed up for the Pantherama.
I know.
I know.
Hey, am I right to think that, uh, tradition dictates that the players provide entertainment for Pantherama? Is that right? That's right.
All right, listen up, ladies.
Lyla and I, we have a job to do, okay? So just make this easy on everybody.
You, freshman, pass this around.
Come on, get on it! I'm gonna be spending a lot of time with, um What's your name? Carter.
Yeah, Lyla and I, we're gonna be spending the whole week with Carter.
Anybody else? Well done.
This is good, and it's also too long.
I didn't say we're not gonna run it.
I just think you need to cut it down by 500 words.
Well, that's half the article.
Well, find the right half.
Well, I thought you said the story's supposed to show range.
"On a blustery Tuesday afternoon, one can find half a dozen "multiloquous rally girls, selling raffle tickets.
"And to what end? Pantherama.
" "Multiloquous"? It just means talkative.
Don't use a $10 word when a nickel one will do.
And I think three angry paragraphs about rally girls is kind of off point.
But I thought you said it was good? It is.
It is.
It's good.
But good is the enemy of great.
You know, the less a reporter says, the more she hears.
So what? You Did you work at a newspaper, too? I did.
You're just trying to prove a point.
I am.
Columbia School of Journalism, and then a year at the city desk of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
It's a good article.
Cut it down.
Make it great.
So when Owen was being recruited, it was crazy.
I was his slave.
Are you stuck taking messages for Smash all the time? No.
Well, Owen totally played the recruiters against each other.
He would listen to what UCC said, and then he'd go back to Miami Southern and say "Well, what are you gonna do for me?" Mmm.
And then he ended up with a Porsche.
For real? So, um Your brother likes Miami Southern? Oh, yeah.
He's like the king of that place.
Well, are your parents happy with his education? Yeah.
I guess.
You know, but my dad says that the connection Owen makes on the team will serve him better than a masters in business.
Well, I know your mother must be concerned about him getting hurt.
You know there are no guarantees in football.
Well, guys like Smash are blessed.
That's as close as you get to a guarantee.
You got that right.
He's here.
Oh, my Lord, Matthew! Is this it? This, this is it! It's old.
Oh, my It's a classic.
That's what the owner told you? Let's just check out the engine.
You know what? That is not bad for this age of a car.
No, and these engines, they run forever.
Well, you know what? I want to go on a ride.
Y'all move back.
Will you take us? Yeah, you wanna go for a ride? Yes, I wanna go for a ride.
Uh Grandma wants to go for a ride.
Let's all get in the car.
Go for a ride.
Oh, it's nice.
You know how to drive? Yeah, I'm a good driver.
I'll be the judge of that.
You good? Okay.
I'm ready.
Here we go.
I know what you're going to say.
I should have told you ahead of time that I invited a friend for dinner.
See, that wasn't even what I was going to say.
I was wondering if, uh, you had taken any thought to what Mr.
Gordon said about Whitmore.
Mom, I mean, were you listening to anything Noelle was saying? Her brother worked it.
I ain't going to no tired school when I got recruiters from Florida, Texas and California on the line.
What does that mean, "working it"? I'm going to look for the best situation.
What has gotten into you, Brian? You were rude to Mr.
That man offered you a full scholarship.
Oh, and then you waltz in here with this white girl and act like she a prophet or something.
Wait, wait, is that what this is about? No, you tell me what it's about! 'Cause it's not even like that.
I want to know if Hey! What you Is this what you think it's about? Is that why you play football? You have no idea how any of this works! Noelle's seen the whole thing before.
You haven't.
You just want me to nod, and smile, and say, "Yes, Mr.
Gordon," like a good boy.
That guy can't get me what I want.
I want you to use your brain and think! And what if you end up like Jason Street? Oh, he had the whole world.
He had everything until he got hurt.
That's not ever gonna happen to me.
You see, that's what I'm saying.
I'm going to go all the way.
All the way.
And all you can think about is how I might fail? How I might not make it? No, no, I won't let you.
Nobody's holding me back.
Not you, not anybody! What part of "get into a straight line" don't y'all understand? Hey! Come on, guys! Let's go! Come on! Let's go.
Let's go.
Come on.
Get up.
Get up.
You guys volunteered, right? Come on, everybody Let's just get in a couple straight lines.
Let's try and figure this thing out.
It's gonna be really simple, okay? It's just a walk.
Just do what I do.
Five, six, seven, eight, DHS It's supposed to be funny.
All right, all right, all right! Go take a break.
Take a five-minute break.
We're not done.
Just take a break.
No way.
Any bright ideas? Because I don't think that, um, the cheering thing is gonna work.
Figure something else out, because I don't Hey! Hey, you! Hey.
Put your shirt back on! Ouch! Ouch! Oh, you got called out, dude.
All right.
Take it off again.
Take it off.
Now, see that? That is entertainment.
What? Put a little music to some moves.
Now, you can choreograph, right? You can choreograph! Come on, guys.
That's how I was hoping to do it.
Let's make it fun.
You know? Mmm-hmm.
See that? That is what I'm talking about.
All right, guys! I get it.
I get it.
I get it.
Come on.
Let's get into a straight line.
So that's pathetic.
I mean, how much vomit? Don't laugh when somebody confesses something embarrassing.
Hey, y'all.
Hey, Mom.
Oh, right on.
I brought Mr.
Barnett his keys.
By the way, that whole story's off the record.
Incidentally, your daughter has the feature in the Dillon Chronicle tomorrow.
How about that? Yay! Good for you, sweetie.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's great.
Um, I'll see you later, Mr.
B? Okay.
Everything okay in here? Yeah.
Everything's good.
Thanks for the keys.
Appreciate it.
Let me know if you need anything.
Under, over.
Side to side thing.
This side.
This side.
Nice moves.
It's not I'm not Shut up.
Woo! Shut up.
It's just this thing that I gotta do tomorrow for Pantherama.
What's that? It's that thing that you gotta take my grandma to tomorrow night.
And Lyla and Tyra made up this stupid dance.
And for some reason they think that I need to be up in the front row.
And then, I think we even gotta take our shirts off.
Oh, like The Full Monty? No.
Not like The Full Monty, but pretty bad and I I'm not even gonna do it.
I'm just gonna tell them I'm sick and Why? I have to stay home, and take care of my grandma.
No! Yeah.
If you If you're going to dance in front of people, you have to own it.
No, it's stupid.
Everyone's just going to laugh.
So? Okay, show me the dance.
I'll help.
I love dancing.
Come on.
It's like this.
It's like It's like, "Oh.
" Okay.
Okay, that's good, but loosen up.
No Okay.
It's loose.
It's loose.
'Cause if you don't move your shoulders, you look like a robot.
But you have to move your hips.
But I thought What about the shoulders? Okay.
This is how you do it.
You march.
And then hips just side to side.
Do this.
Put your hands on my hips.
Like this.
Side to side.
All right.
See? You feel it.
I feel it.
It's good.
It's fine.
I mean, yeah.
So, do it again.
That's good! It's not! Look at those hips! It's not good.
It's good.
All God's children got a world, my Lord Evening.
Oh Mmm.
I got you all wet.
It's okay.
I'm officially telling Whitmore, "No.
" What? I'm going pro, Mama.
I won't need to finish four years, 'cause when I turn 21, I'll be signing with the NFL.
I'm going pro, and I'm gonna need to be around people who believe that.
I'm thinking big picture for this family.
So I'll be going to my future recruiting meetings alone.
I'm not mad.
I just I'm gonna do what I need to do.
Is this because of that girl? No.
I told you, it's not like that.
This is me.
I have been thinking about this Santiago situation.
And I did a little research into him.
Well, into his background and kid has been in juvie twice.
And he's had some violent episodes.
Now, what concerns me about putting a boy like that back into the foster care system is that, you know, there's just a great risk there, you know? Especially if he gets into one of those group homes or I understand.
I mean, I know that you're looking at him like he's a great football player, but I want to make something clear to you.
This is a boy who needs a home.
And this is a boy who's at risk.
I know, Tami.
I mean, I've got three kids.
Well, I know I know what it takes.
I know.
I know you have three kids.
But this is not a kid like your three kids.
This is a whole different situation.
It's true, isn't it? Even though I'm a little bit nervous about it, you know, I know I can do this.
And I really like the kid.
I think he's got a great heart, and I want him to have a chance.
I do, too.
Oh! Morning, sunshine.
Can't believe you just did that.
Oh, yeah.
This coming from the guy who shows up on my porch expecting a sleepover? Seriously, Tim.
I want you gone.
Do you want some breakfast, Tim? Yeah.
Sounds great.
Shut up! Eggs? No, he's leaving.
He's leaving.
I can't deal with you here, Tim.
I want you gone.
I'm serious.
I don't have anywhere to go, Tyra.
Oh, right, because your brother is, what? Sleeping with that girl you used to, you know, screw around with? That old lady.
Morning, Timmy.
Morning, Minds.
I know this guy that's always looking for people to help him with his pets.
You can stay there.
I'll give you his number.
See? There you go.
As good as that sounds, I may have to check that out.
Today, Tim.
Hey, sweetheart.
How's your day going? Fine till I read this.
You read this? "'Pantherama: Where Does the Money Go? ' by Julie Taylor.
" I know.
She's been working really hard on that with that Mr.
Have you met him yet? That new teacher? "Athletic Director "and Panther Football Coach, Eric Taylor, had no comment.
" She asked me through the bathroom door.
What am I supposed to do? I was busy.
She does make some good points in there.
Bye, honey.
Miss Williams? Coach Taylor.
How are you? I'm all right.
Have a seat.
I need to know what y'all gonna do about this recruitment insanity? My phone is ringing off the hook day and night.
My kid is acting like he needs a Hollywood agent.
Now, you told the parents you were gonna keep an eye on this.
First of all, it gets pretty heated up around here this time of year.
Now, wait a second.
These recruiters are pretty aggressive, but I got to tell you something.
When they see your boy, they see a prize right there.
I mean, he's got the talent.
All I can hear about is how fast he can go pro.
Not one word about his education! Not one! I can give recommendations.
I can give advice.
But in the long run, that's a decision that Brian's gonna be making or Brian and yourself might My dead husband was a trifling man.
I couldn't count on him to bring his check home.
I couldn't count on him to be faithful.
But he was always there for Brian.
They could talk.
Now, I'm not asking you to be this boy's daddy.
I'm just here to remind you he doesn't have one.
I hear there's gonna be a great show tonight.
Ooh, good.
Carlotta helped with it.
She did? Yeah, she's quite Oh, yeah.
a choreographer.
What kind of show, Matthew? Kind of a variety show, I guess.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Do you realize that Pantherama is the first social event that Gracie's ever been to in her entire life? You really should start saving up for therapy right now.
Pantherama is tradition and tradition is good, sweetheart.
Maybe you could use some of that positive tradition in the work that you're doing with your articles.
Noah says you can't have preconceptions about an article.
I don't care what Noah says.
Honey, does everybody call him Noah? Mom, that's his name.
I would think it would be Mr.
As far as me and impinging on your freedom of the press? How about you come out with a little more balance? A little bit more fairness? What do you think about that? Welcome, everybody, to Pantherama! I want to thank everybody for coming out and supporting your Dillon Panthers! Is everybody having a good time? Yeah! All right, you guys, listen up.
I'll be here on the side, so if you guys get out of line or you need me, I'll be right here.
Don't screw up.
Yeah, let's do it! You guys are gonna be great.
You ready? All right.
Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause for your Dillon Panthers! Yeah! Good job, boys! Did you like that? Well, I always said you had great feet.
You know how to move.
Thank you, Grandma.
And you got that from me.
I did.
I told Coach that I'd stay and help him clean up.
Well, that's nice.
So I'll be back in a little bit, all right? All right.
Oh, here's the keys.
I'll take it from here.
You looked good out there.
Because of you.
I'll see you at the house.
Good night.
You know, I think we can finish those bulbs today.
Wouldn't that be great? And next spring, they would be so beautiful.
Good morning, honey.
Everything looks so good.
This is a good breakfast.
I was thinking about some iris 'cause we've got day lilies back there.
Do y'all know Well, y'all probably don't know but they look kind of alike.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
And we need some bone meal.
Matthew, can you help me remember that, bone meal? But we might need some more bulbs.
I don't think I've got that many.
Plus, the lady next door said she'd give me some of hers.
You can thin them out.
And that's really a pretty good way to do it.
Just transplant them, you know? Mmm-hmm.
Which might be better than bulbs, really when you get down to it.
'Cause you've already got them started.
We're not talking about a studio apartment here.
I'm talking three bedrooms.
Two baths, spa Hey, Pete, how you doing? Oh, hey, Coach.
How you doing? I'm doing just fine.
Good to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Just thought I'd come over, make sure you weren't picking up any of Brian's tab.
Of course, that'd be against Athletic Admin rules, wouldn't it? Yes, it would.
But we don't break the rules at Miami Southern.
I mean, even if you were gonna Even if you were gonna buy one of his tall tales that he's prone to tell, that could pretty much screw up my season for the year.
It'd be a damn shame for you, wouldn't it? Yeah, it sure would, Pete.
All right.
Well, listen, Smash.
Thanks for the time.
Let's do this again.
You've got my card? Coach, always a pleasure.
What the hell are you doing? Okay.
I didn't set up this meeting through your office.
I set it up myself.
Nobody wants all that red tape, Coach.
And I don't need you to hold my hand.
I'm grown.
I'm looking at all my options.
I'm trying to make the best decision for my future.
You got heart, charisma and a lot of skill.
You're probably one of the best athletes I have ever coached.
Thank you.
My old man gave me a hard time every damn decision I ever made.
Every single day I lived under the roof with that man, we went head-to-head.
I'm here.
I just wanted to remind you of that.
You got money? Yeah.
You buy your own meal.
Thanks now.
Sure thing, Coach.
Who the hell are you? Uh, my name's Tim Riggins.
What do you want? Mindy Collette called you and said I was coming by.
Oh, yeah, you're that football guy, huh? Sort of.
So, you need a place to crash? So long you help out, help take care of Roscoe and Coltrane, you're welcome.
Who's that? My ferrets.
Ferrets better than cats.
Come on in.
I'll introduce you.
Let's go, football boy.
So, I was wondering about my next assignment.
A glutton for punishment.
When you worked at the paper, I mean, how did you keep coming up with good ideas? How do you know they were good ideas? I, uh I subscribe to The New York Times.
I read it every day, cover to cover.
You should start by doing that, you know.
We can, uh We can share this one.
You'll start to get a sense of what makes a good story.
Um, well, thank you.
Glad I could help.
I'll see you tomorrow.
This is good.
TAMl: Mmm-hmm.
This'll be masculine-looking.
Hey, babe.
You wanna take these, and maybe you and Santiago can start making up the bed in there and setting up your room and all that.
Come on.
TAMl: Buddy.
Come here.
Come here.
I want to see what you got in the refrigerator.
I need to see what you've got prepared.
All right? Okay.
I got it.
Well I got everything we need.
You've got a lot of steak.
And you got a lot of sausage.
Get some vegetables in here.
All right.
Okay? All right.
You're a guardian now.
You get me? You gotta be home when he's home.
He's a kid.
All right? All right.
Why don't you go on in, and make him feel Make him feel comfortable.
Make him feel at home.
All right.
This is the last time I'm ever gonna be making your bed.
TAMl: How'd it go? Good? Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
So, this is it.
It's not very roomy, but And this was Buddy Jr.
's desk.
It's a little small.
I'll try and get you a bigger desk.
But anyway, you can work there for now.
Think I'm doing the right thing? Mmm-hmm.
Doing the right thing.
You've got your bathroom, and this is your bed.
Two beds.
Yeah, I wish it was roomier, Santiago, but I When I moved in, I really, to tell you the truth, didn't think I was gonna be here that long.
So But This is the, uh, first real bed I ever had.
Well, good.
Good then.
Make yourself at home.

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