His Dark Materials (2019) s02e07 Episode Script


- LENA: She's coming back to us.
When they had hold of me
I felt numb
and so cold.
Life or death meant nothing.
Just rest.
Stay calm.
Give yourself a chance to heal.
You're not safe here.
You can leave us.
No, Lyra. We won't do that.
But, Will, once we've found your father,
we must leave this world.
Let's hope we find him fast.
Your knife frightened them.
It frightens everyone.
JOPARI: You have the only weapon
that can destroy the Authority.
PAN: Bad dream?
I'm frightened.
I saw my father, and I'm scared.
She can't see the fear.
Your fear.
Can't she?
She thinks you're the bravest
fighter she's ever seen.
As brave as Iorek Byrnison,
King of the Armoured Bears.
Iorek Byrnison.
That's a compliment.
Well, I think Lyra's
even braver than me.
She can be.
But sometimes she's not.
She's the best friend I ever had.
You know that?
Not that I've had many friends.
You're her best friend, too.
Now, sleep.
Maybe you'll feel better in the morning.
I'm no longer an aeronaut.
We're insects now, travelling the world
just like all the others.
You couldn't be an insect
if you tried, Lee.
Says you, rabbit.
The shaman's on his feet.
I know where the Bearer is.
We must go west, to a canyon.
You picked a good spot, Mr. Scoresby,
but that last Magisterium
airship will have landed by now.
They'll be looking for us.
SERAFINA: These Spectres
could be everywhere.
How safe are we?
LENA: I have another problem
for you, I'm afraid.
Jabar has seen an adult with
a daemon wandering the city.
If they're from our world,
they may not know the dangers here.
There were other
children on that rooftop.
Start there. Check they're safe.
I'll send Jabar back with news.
Kaisa will watch for his safe return.
Check the forest.
We need to know the path is clear
before we continue
searching for Will's father.
Be safe.
The campsite!
Well, go on, then. Skedaddle.
You could come too.
We like you, miss.
Well, that's very kind of you,
but I'm afraid I can't.
Where are you going?
Well, I'm looking for answers, and
I have a feeling that's where
to look for them.
Bye, miss.
Thank you.
I was delighted to help.
Serafina wants to scout ahead.
She wants to know exactly
where these Spectres are.
She's sending Lena down to the city
and Reina out to the forest.
- If we can track their movements
- Spectres only affect adults.
We should go on without them,
for their sake and ours.
They'll keep us safe.
For the first time in a long time,
I'm close to my father.
It's time I go find him.
I can't stop thinking
about what my mother said.
That I'd take up his mantle,
carry on whatever he went
into the other worlds to do.
I think that's why the alethiometer's
telling us to find him.
- It's connecting us.
- We can help him, Lyra.
I heard what Pan said last night.
You were listening?
And I heard what you said.
I've had a best friend.
And I let that best friend down.
Maybe this is how I let you down.
You haven't let me down.
You've made me stronger, Lyra.
I've made you stronger.
But we need to go on our own,
without them.
This is our journey now.
MRS. COULTER: Is Lyra with you?
This town isn't safe.
- You should leave.
- And a boy?
A boy with a knife?
How do you know this?
How many witches are you?
There is only me.
I haven't seen a boy. Or knife.
How disappointing.
There are creatures here
that would hurt you.
Please, save yourself.
Why would you do that?
Because Lyra is important to me.
You're her. The woman of Bolvangar.
I'm not important.
Where are they?
You don't want to tell me?
[STRAINED]: I'll never tell you!
You witches,
you know something about Lyra.
What is it?
Do you not think I have a right?
She is my daughter.
She is my daughter!
Why won't anyone tell me the truth?
She's Eve.
The Mother of All.
She's Eve
Eve before the Fall.
This time, she mustn't fall.
I'll see to that.
Stop whimpering.
Do you think Will's right?
Do you think we can do this on our own?
Serafina has already
had to save us twice.
And you want to leave her side?
The Spectres could hurt her.
She's not safe.
Everything's a risk, Lyra.
Haven't you learnt that by now?
What I've learnt is
that we make mistakes.
I don't want to make a mistake
with either of these people.
There's something out there.
[WHISPERS]: Do you think it's a Spectre?
You're a witch!
And you're Lyra.
She found you.
SERAFINA: Is Asriel preparing for war?
I asked him what battle
he intended to rage
against the Magisterium.
He told me this war has
to be bigger than them,
that in every world,
agents of the Authority
are committing injustices.
- He intends to fight the Authority.
- And he needs us.
It is our duty
to call to arms every single clan
and bring them to his cause.
My duty is to the girl.
Hers is to the boy.
I must stay here.
The Great War.
The end of suffering.
If this is the Great War,
then she will be needed.
So you will chaperone Lyra
as she chaperones this boy.
- Where?
- To his father.
After that, the prophecy is clear.
She is the child that shall
bring about the end of destiny
and return free will.
You trust Asriel.
I trust that.
There is something else.
As I was travelling,
I came across some cliff-ghasts.
They spoke of the Æsahættr.
Something that will be the difference
between winning and losing.
- I'm not sure where to begin, but
- Go.
Find Asriel this Æsahættr.
Make his fight yours.
REINA: She's gone?
To Asriel.
And the Spectres?
From what I've seen,
the way is clear.
Then let's find this boy's father.
That's not my daemon.
- That went well.
Yeah. That went well.
- Can you run?
- Yeah.
Go on, then. I'll cover you.
Lyra needs our help more than ever.
We've no choice now.
You're either with me or against me.
Which is it?
If you're against me,
you're against Lyra.
What are you frightened of?
Lyra is special.
Lyra is Eve. We must prevent the Fall.
We have to do whatever it takes
to keep her safe.
I will find her.
Come to me.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
Look, we're not going
to outrun them now.
One of us needs to
stay and fight them off,
if we stand a fighting chance.
Give me your gun.
I'm no shaman,
but let me make a prediction.
I leave you here, you die.
If we don't get the protection to Lyra,
all of this will be for nothing.
- Mr. Scoresby
- Listen, I've weighed all the options.
I've made my choice.
You're it.
Now, find the Bearer.
You're a good man.
Just remember your promise.
I love that little girl like a daughter.
I remember.
You have my word.
I'll make sure she's
protected by the Knife.
That's all I need to know.
- Go on.
if this were anyone else,
it'd be suicidal.
But I'm a fine shot.
Goodbye, Mr. Scoresby.
I think I'm changing, Pan.
I like you just as you are.
Once I change, you'll stop changing.
- What do you think you'll be?
- A flea, I hope.
Is it Will that's changing you?
A bit.
I don't think I'm ready
for things to change.
I don't think anyone ever is.
"A fox, after nearly
crossing the stream,
gets his tail in the water."
"The task at hand is not yet completed.
It promises success,
but proceed with caution."
- I'm out.
- HESTER: Come on. Let's move.
Remember the games we used
to play when we were little?
- The Alamo.
- Hah! The Alamo.
Take it in turns being Danes and French.
- They're still coming.
How many bullets do we have left?
About 30.
Well, let's make every
single last one count, then.
I don't like taking lives, Hester.
- It's ours or theirs.
- It's theirs or Lyra's.
On the right!
- I'm running out of bullets.
- Don't think about that.
What should I think about?
Think about anything. Think about bacon!
Just keep shooting.
Over by the back boulder!
It's nothing big.
A bullet clipped your scalp,
but no great damage.
Did you count how many fell?
This is my fault, isn't it?
How do you figure?
I've always stopped you before.
You always pushed me.
Only when there's
an adventure on the way.
There were always adventures.
The cloud pine.
Maybe we can call her to this world.
She gave it to us to summon her.
Serafina Pekkala,
I beg you
Come help us.
Do you think that's enough?
Let's hope so.
- He's in trouble.
- Who?
Lee Scoresby.
Lee's here?
I can sense that he is near.
If Lee's in trouble,
you have to go. Please.
He's here looking for us.
We'll be safe. Just go.
We'll stay here. Please, go!
How far we flew.
Don't you go before I do.
I'm still here.
We held them up.
We held out.
We're a-helping
Find me.
Don't come any closer.
You're the Knife Bearer.
I was told I'd find my father out here.
It's really you?
I thought you were dead.
Your mother
Will, where is she?
- Will?
- She
She's safe.
In our world.
Why didn't you come back to us?
My son
is the Knife Bearer.
You have a daemon.
Hello, Lyra.
JOPARI: Did you come through a window?
- How did you do it?
- You owe me answers, Dad,
not the other way round.
Do you have any idea how hard
Mum found it without you?
Thinking you were dead?
I couldn't get back to you.
I tried everything.
And in trying,
I got a better understanding
of these strange worlds.
An understanding that I could
use to actually help people.
And you chose these people
over your family?
No. I thought by helping them,
I could help you.
I'm talking about the end
of this tyranny, Will, for you.
For everyone.
I've thought about you every day.
But, Will
If you're the Knife Bearer,
you have a task ahead of you.
The fate of many worlds may rest on you.
On me?
There's a war coming, Will.
The greatest war there ever was.
You must go to Lord Asriel
and tell him that you have
the only weapon
in all the universes
that can destroy
the Authority. All right?
I don't want to. I hate it.
I don't want anything
to do with any of this.
You're the Knife Bearer, Will.
If you don't use it against them,
they'll tear it out of your hands
and they'll destroy us.
They'll have absolute power.
I'm sorry, Will, but
You must do this. You must do it.
And then we go home?
Then we'll go home.
All right? Then we'll go home.
I can't. I'm not capable.
You fought for the Knife?
- Yes.
- Yes. It chose you.
It chose you. Argue with anything else,
but don't argue with your true nature.
I'm not strong enough.
Both of us were brought here.
Do you understand?
You with the Knife,
and me to tell you
what to do with it, Will.
Will. Will? Listen to me. This
- This is your duty.
- And your duty was to be my father.
I'm so sorry.
But look what you've become.
Without me.
You're a warrior, Will.
You're a warrior.
Let me look at you.
The night is full of angels.
They will guide you now.
LORD ASRIEL: I have struggled
through many worlds
to arrive here.
But you know this.
I have sacrificed things
Things I did not want to.
My fight is not with you.
But you are the last obstacle
between me and my enemy.
And if I must,
I will raise arms again.
My fight is with the Authority
and those doling out
cruelties in his name
those who seek to divide
in order to control
and who have built worlds founded
on privilege and divine right
rather than care and need.
I fight for freedom of knowledge,
and in place of deceit,
intolerance and prejudice
I fight for the possibilities
of understanding,
truth and acceptance.
But I cannot win these things alone.
I will need help and support.
From you,
and all those who have rebelled.
Let us be united in heart,
soul and deed,
and together we could build
a Republic of Heaven above
and a Republic of Ideas below.
Worlds in which the scars
of history may be healed.
Better worlds,
where the privilege of freedom
becomes the right of all peoples.
But I tell you this now.
There is no neutral ground.
You are either for me
or you are against me.
Now, which is it?
[QUIETLY]: You're out there.
I know you are.
Answer me!
[SHOUTING]: Answer me!
ANGEL: We stand with you,
Asriel Belacqua.
Then let us prepare for war.
My darling Lyra.
You're fine now.
We're out of danger.
I'm taking you somewhere entirely safe.
BOY: Lyra.
Lyra, help me!
LYRA: Roger?
What is this place?
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