Roswell s02e07 Episode Script


Éϼ¯»Ø¹Ë It's a frijole fritatta.
Martha Stewart serves it to her guests in the Hamptons.
so UmPhillip! It's gonna get cold! Get in here! Who needs a nice big glass of juice? I'll get it.
I warned you about getting her a subscription to that magazine.
How long are you gonna keep avoiding me? - I'm not avoiding you.
We destroyed a race of people.
I'm just trying to get past it.
Juice? -You sure there's nothin' else? I'm sure.
Take it easy.
Takewhoa, whoa.
It's, like, gonna break this thing.
Just bring it in closer.
Ok, I'm tryin'.
I'm tryin'.
But I need your help.
It's like -All right, a little closer.
There we go.
There we go.
There we go.
Oh, man! -Ok,look out.
- The bagley bang-o-lure does it every time.
Here you go.
Get a good grip.
-We'll be eatin' like kings tonight.
- That's gorgeous.
That's beautiful! Go, buddy.
It's the circle, dad.
The circle of life.
Would you step on it, please? My dad is gonna implode if we don't get this thing back by the lunch rush.
It's your first day back in uniform.
We have one break in an 8 hour shift, and the man sends us 30 miles out of town on an errand.
- Well, he let us stay on the clock.
- I'm sorry, Liz.
I love your father dearly.
I do.
But this is totally Kathie Lee.
Max, how's that cute Liz Parker, honey? She hasn't called here in awhile.
- Could I please have some more fritatta? sure, honey! I'm so glad you like it! Mom? Why are all these cars stopped? Maria, What's going on? Maria, w-what's going on--Maria! Oh, God! I didn't see it! It was justit was just there, and I was going too fast.
What? What?! - Oh, my gosh, look! - What?! Where is everybody? Welcome to Roswell, New Mexico, folks UFO capital of the world and last stop on our tour.
Everyone, remember their sunscreen while you're out and about.
Thank you.
Let's find some aliens.
[ µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ .]
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman Roswell [2x07.]
Wipe Out Deputy Hanson, we've got some property defacement up by the Chaparral Turnout.
I need you to rustle up a ladder and, uh, take care of it.
You could've told me you didn't want to go fishing.
No, I did.
I wanted to fish.
I justit's just now I enjoy it from a different perspective.
Different seems to be the story of your life these days.
The guys don't come over to watch games anymore.
You hang wind chimes in my backyard, burn compost sticks in the kitchen.
Hanson! It's called ylang-ylang, and it opens the mind.
If you laid off the mumbo jumbo, you might get a date every once in awhile.
Hanson! Any other areas where'd you like to point out my incompetency, dad, or is the list complete at fishing and dating? Hanson, if I get back to the station and find you sipping a damn frappuccino My one day off! I can't find dad.
Max? Max! Max! - Where were you? - The neighbor's house is empty, too.
-What's happening? -I don't know Oh, come on.
Come on.
No! Mom and dad are missing! They're gone.
Oh, God.
Are we the only ones left? - You put the husk on? - The fit is ok.
Feels like real skin.
For now.
The husk wasn't fully mature, and I don't know how long it's gonna hold up.
You saved my lifeby stealing this.
Well, you saved ours in Copper Summit Here's a towel, and here's a robe.
Yeah? It's me.
Meet us at the Crashdown right away.
Look, look.
It's still warm.
Ok, let's just go back to the car, ok? - Ok! - Ok.
Wait! This is not good.
- No one's back there, either.
- Everyone's gone Every human.
Whoever's doing this is trying to single us out.
- Well, there goes that theory.
- Michael! Max,whatwhat happened? Wewe just got back from Dexter.
Our parents disappeared.
It seems like the whole town is gone.
All the humans, at least Well, why not us? - I'm sorry.
- What is going on here? Everyone's gone? They're gone, like dead? - We don't know that.
- Pick up the phone, Alex.
All we can do right now is focus on the fact that we have each other.
Alex's band just burned a new CD, and he couldn't wait to show me.
First thing we need to do is figure out who did this We know who did this.
The skins.
We found one of those snake skin things off of Elm street.
This is our fault.
It's her's.
You led the skins straight to Roswell, Courtney! She's with us, Tess.
- What did your people do to the town? - They're not my people.
Stop pointing fingers.
We're the ones who destroyed their harvest.
They're here to settle the score with all of us.
Into the bathroom.
They're coming.
There's two of themNicholas and Ida.
Hide us.
Check in the back.
please don't let me die like Elvis.
Mom?! Don't pick.
There's nobody back there or upstairs, sir.
- Look in the mirror.
You're shedding.
-Ohhit's the heat.
Why couldn't those brats be from Seattle? Let's get you back to the moisture chamber.
This haphazard searching is going nowhere.
What's plan "B"? We'll search the townstreet by street, building by building, inch by inch.
I'm not stopping til we find them.
I've never come up against power like that before It feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my head.
I'll be right back.
My mom always listened to Elvis Costello on laundry day.
I am so scared.
What happened to your family to all the humansit's our fault.
We haven't lost them yet.
We have to stay strong.
I should get back down.
Max! - She just collapsed.
- Max, you gotta help her.
Let's get her upstairs.
OUmok, maybe we should take her clothes off? Got her? - What now? - Umyou know, from whatfrom what she said, the husk is starving.
It's looking at her thighs like they're 2 canned hams.
I heard that, you bitch.
Wellwhat if we tempt it with food from from outside the membrane sort of like an all-you-can-eat buffet or something? Yeah.
I mean, it's worth a try.
We need, like, some vitamins and minerals andand nutrients.
We've got ginko, bee pollen, echinacea, C, D, E, calcium, St.
John's wort, and Pamprin.
What? I was dating Michael Guerin.
Main street looks clear.
I just wish I knew where they were hiding.
You think she'll be ok? I don't know.
- You and Courtney have gotten close.
- Yeah.
- How's Maria feel about that? - Why do you care? You've never been interested in my social circles before.
-You were never sleeping with the enemy before.
- And I'm not now.
- Then why was she at your apartment this morning? - 'Cause she wanted to show me how the husk fit.
That's it.
- Good.
- Let me take a look.
Pretty quick recovery, don't you think? This "I've fallen and can't get up" routine seems a little too convenient.
I think it's time for a Q&A.
What exactly did the skins do? I don't know.
- No.
- What happened to our families? Time exists in multiple subset dimensions on our planet.
Nicholas must have a technology to impose one or more of these here.
Speak English.
It's like being on Pacific and Eastern and Central and Mountain time all at once.
Human bodies can't function.
They simply disappear.
To where? Where are our parents, our friendsAlex? -Where is everyone? Are they dead? Wha Water's getting low.
Somewhere! Another dimension, another plane of existence! I don't know where! They seem to have justshifted.
- Well, can we get 'em back? - I don't know.
- Why haven't Liz and Maria disappeared? - I don'tI don't know.
- We were out of town this morning.
Thank God.
- It probably bought you some time.
So, what did she mean by "buy us some time"? Don't worry about it.
She said we slipped through a window.
We'll be fine.
Run! Come on! Go! Go! Go! - Go! Go! Go! - Maria! Careful, Sheriff! He's a skin! Oh, myoh Dad! Dad, you ok? You ok? You all right? If guns don't work, how do we kill them? Take the heaviest thing that you can find and smash this as hard as you can.
It breaks the seal in the huskpermanently.
What about Nicholas? What can he do? All the things you cantimes a thousand.
But the thing you should be the most afraid of is this.
He can get inside of your head and take anything that he wants.
Basically, he rapes you of your memories and your thoughts.
We've gotta get everybody to a safer location.
The UFO center.
It's a former bomb shelter.
There are no windows and fewer ways in and out.
After we get everyone situated, you, me, Michael, Isabel, and Tess will start picking them off one by one.
What about me? You're not someone I trust.
Let's move.
There's not much cover, so we should split up into groups.
Good idea.
- You ok? - Yeah.
Michael, Kyle take Courtney.
You guys go first.
- When you're in, we'll send the next bunch.
-All right, go.
I'll take Tess, Liz, and Maria.
You two OK bringin' up the rear? - Ready? - Ok.
We're gonna be ok Max, if I ask you to do something, will you just do it, no questions asked? You go Make sure everyone else is safe.
- I'm gonna find Nicholas.
- No.
Max, you don't understand.
- He's after me.
- Why, Isabel? What really happened in Arizona? We're stronger together than we are apart.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry about it.
I'm gonna make sure it's safe.
And then we're up.
The coast is clear.
You go ahead, and I'll follow you.
Ready? I brought you some water if you want.
We're gonna pull together the ingredients for another bath.
Ok? It won't work.
It'sI'm dying.
No, that's not an option.
Ok, there'sthere's gotta be something that we can do.
- Courtney, what? - You won't want to do it.
- Just say it.
What is it? - The granilith.
I can't call out of town.
Kyle, Kyle.
do you see this jump on the graph? There was some sort of, like, electric disturbance that leveled off here.
- When? - O 10:30 this morning.
Right about when everyone went poof.
- Kyle, if the energy field was turned on - Maybe it can be turned off.
we just need to find the source.
If we can shut it off, maybe we can bring everyone back.
Liz, will you excuse us for a second? Don't worry, dad.
I'm stayin' out of everyone's way.
Kyledo you remember what you did the night after your mom left? I lent you Mr.
You were worried about me, and you didn't want me sleeping alone, so you did instead.
That was a brave thing for a 6-year-old to do, and I wasand I was proud of you.
I remember the first time you tied your own shoes and when we, uhwe took the training wheels off of your bike.
Ok, Pop, knock it off.
You all right? I'm in awe of you every day, son.
And I apologize for not recognizing the man that you're becoming because you're a darnyou're a darn good one.
No! Dad! Did you find her? Where's Michael? He's in the back.
They found a way in.
We've gotta go.
All right.
We'll head for the school.
It's our turf.
Get your dad.
I can't.
He disappeared right in front of me You know, the skins' time dimension must be catching up with those of us that are Human.
Who's next? That time field is coming from the billboard out by Chaparral Turnout.
My dad spotted a green rod stuck through it this morning.
We thought it was a prank.
- I'm heading out there.
We stick together Hey, I've been really nice about following your orders, Senor Presidente, but if I can do something to help bring some people back or ensure that Liz, Maria, and I live to see another day, I'm gonna do it.
take Bradford Alley all the way out of town.
It's a straight shot.
You can't get boxed in.
- Thanks.
- Good luckto all of you.
I'll take care of her.
UmI know how you hate when things get all goopy, so Yeah.
So I'll see you soon.
- Yeah.
- No.
I will.
It's the four of us on foot.
If we stick to the side streets, we can What's wrong? Where's Courtney? I knew it was only a matter of time before you rejoined our side, Vilandra.
Tryin' to ambush my baby.
I should pull out your filthy eyes and grind 'em into dust.
-I came to make a deal.
- And what could you possibly have to offer us? Me.
You always were a flighty little princess.
Jewels before studies.
That's our Vilandra.
We have you, you beautiful moron.
I think you're the one who doesn't understand.
Leave us.
- You can't possibly think that this woman - Do you really want to finish that sentence? Leave.
All right.
Go ahead.
The last time we were together, you awakened something in me.
I remembered things from our past.
You and me.
-Our forbidden meetings.
- I came here for you.
I know what's hiding behind that husk.
- Mom, what are you doing?! -Saving you, sir! She was no threat! Damn it, now she's no good at all! I'm sick of this! - What do you want to do now? -Kill every last one of 'em.
- If we get out of this - When we get out of this Things are gonna change for me.
I'm gonna start spending more time with my mother.
I'm gonnaI'm gonna write more to my grandmother.
I mean, these are the people who gave me life, you know? - No! I can't leave it like this! - Excuse me? Max.
No, I walked out on him without explaining what happened between you and me.
Huh? I didn't even say good-bye! Look, you've got a job to do.
Max has got a job to do.
When everybody's done with their job, you can make nice.
- He'll never know! -He's Max.
He'll always know.
Right? Liz? Not Liz.
I need Liz.
Maria, Maria, look, look, look, look.
She's coming back.
All right.
Now, Liz said something about generators and electric fields.
- So how does electricity work? - Why are you lookin' at me? We were both in the same remedial science class for 3 years.
Basically, we have toum, blow its fuse, right? That means we mess with the current.
Do you have jumper cables? yeah Buddha, forgive me, but I'm gonna kick your ass! - Kyle! - Maria.
When my soldiers told me what they had found, I had to see for myself.
What's the matter, Courtney? Too weak to run? Leave me alone.
You always were the social butterfly, Courtney.
Always the first to make new friends.
But what I want to know is where are yours hiding? I think I see a chest hair, Nicholas.
Way to go.
We'll do this the hard way.
Let's see you had scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Then you slipped into that husk that punk stole from us.
No,No Boring.
Boring All right, we'll head for the school.
It's our turf.
School? On a Saturday? - What a drag.
- I hope they kill you.
You've become awfully chummy with them, haven't you? Courtney? Are you hiding something else? You are.
You have a secret What do you know? If anything happens to me, Max, or Tess, I want you to be able to save yourself.
Now, if I tell you where the granilith is, do you swear never to tell anyone? - I swear.
- The granilith! That's a bonus! I hope he gave you detailed directions.
Now, that's a soldier.
You sure you don't know where Courtney went? Your guess is as good as mine.
I've got one.
She and Nicholas are probably laughing at how gullible we are.
What happened to you, guy? You used to determine the fate of entire armies with the flip of a coin.
Luckily for me, you continue to put your faith in the wrong people.
Does this scene feel familiar, Vilandra? And your trusted second the boy who spilled the secret of the granilith to one of our exiled members Rule number one of war: keep your big mouth shut.
Courtney knew that.
That's why she killed herself before I could get its exact location.
By the way, love the hair.
Hope you win.
There's one more thing I need to know before we can all call it a day.
Where's the granilith? - I'm not telling you.
- Ohyou will.
Wait! I'll take you there! Just you and me.
- This has nothing to do with them.
- Max,don't.
This is too easy.
In the old days, I would've been no match for you.
Butnow Either way, you're going to die, Max.
So why don't you just make this easy on yourself? Keep it together, De Luca.
Ready to tell me now? - Whatwhat just happened? -You saved us.
Vilandra? - Hey, these are freezin'! - Alex.
Mornin', Sheriff.
Uh, skip the pancakes.
Yeah? Hey, kiddo.
How's it goin'? - Good.
You? - Good.
Mom! Ohh! How hard can it be to sit down to one breakfast? But, noeverybody has to go running.
Isabel, why can't we just be like a normal family? - Oh! Sweetie, I'm drippin' water all over the floor here.
- I'll get it later.
I just wanted to scare them with a mind warp I thought if they saw fireit was awful, Max.
I lost control.
Tapped intosomething completely different.
- You think you could do it again? - I don't want to.
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ µÚ7¼¯ Íê
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