Sky Rojo (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

Rotten and Radiant

Some men feel
the primal animal brain instinct
to paralyze women to have sex with them.
The same base instinct
some males in nature have
when they feel the urge to mate.
To dominate the female.
To immobilize them.
To bring them to absolute submission.
Those clients
could tie us down or spit on us.
And on those days,
we considered ourselves lucky.
Because pain and abuse
increased the cost of the service
twenty, thirty,
or even a hundred times over.
In the periphery ♪
There's nothing to do ♪
It's tough seeing yourself
in that animal instinct.
Maybe that's why
Fermín decided to look the other way.
There's nothing to lose ♪
I've been kidnapped.
Please, please help me.
I saw I saw what you were doing,
but I promise I won't tell anyone.
What did you see?
You You were going to
rape that girl there.
But if you free me, I'll leave
and you won't see me ever again.
- Shut up. Shut up.
- Please. Please. Please.
I'm giving you a chance here.
Otherwise, I'll tell every
Shut the fuck up.
I need a second. Let me think.
Please. Please.
Please. My name's Fermín.
I didn't do anything.
Those chicks kidnapped me! Please!
Please! I'm begging you.
Please. Please.
I swear to God. Someone help!
She'll awake.
Shut up. Shut up.
Quiet. Quiet.
Shut up. Shut up.
Shut up. Enough.
Are you OK?
Talk to me, please.
Gina, stop. Pull over for a minute.
What happened?
That guy drugged your water.
To take advantage of you.
But he saw me.
He tried to choke me.
I kneed him and
And now he's dead.
How far did he go?
He just touched you.
He felt up your tattoos with his hand.
And he spread some spit on your lips.
What happened?
Who killed him?
Where did you get all that?
Well, after desecrating a grave,
we broke into a go-kart track
and a fireworks factory as well.
They sentenced me
To twenty years of boredom ♪
For trying to change the system
From within ♪
I'm coming home to get even now ♪
First, we'll conquer Manhattan ♪
Then we'll conquer Berlin ♪
I'm guided by the beauty
In our weapons ♪
First ♪
we'll conquer Manhattan ♪
Then we'll conquer Berlin ♪
Romeo wants me to walk you through it.
So you're gonna be very diligent,
and you'll both do what I tell you to.
All right?
We're collecting profits from seven clubs.
When we get to each one,
you're gonna count the money.
And then you'll do it in front of them.
Wanna guess why?
Because if your total's
even five fucking euros short,
you'll be in trouble.
But, of course, that won't happen
if you wanna keep your balls.
You go in the club, bring the money out,
take it to the van, put it in the safe.
For all seven clubs.
And then we'll head for the first ferry.
So what happens
if we can't intercept the van?
They'll stop.
Because they're not gonna see shit.
Smoke flares.
They banned these at soccer games
because they make it impossible to see.
And then we stick them
to the hood of their car.
These guns, are they real?
Cool, aren't they? You'll be the only one
speaking during the holdup.
It's important they don't recognize us.
So if you have anything to say,
refer to us by our numbers.
The key for a holdup to work
is to go in real quick and real violent.
They have to believe we'll take them out.
As soon as we get there,
we'll shoot at the windshield.
And if they get cocky, throw a grenade.
To hell with them.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold on.
Why would I throw a grenade at them?
You're all crazy.
This is a clean holdup.
No injuries and no dead bodies, OK?
We already have one.
The hotel clerk.
And it was because of me, OK?
You've fucked up my life.
Fermín, you killed him
but it was to save me.
Saving you didn't even matter.
I was trying to hide
so that guy couldn't see me.
But he did, and he slipped on his own.
You would have let that guy rape me?
Why would you even care? You were drugged.
You wouldn't even have noticed.
So rape doesn't count
if I'm not conscious?
Leave your things and go
or I'll shoot you.  Like last time.
We need him.
I'd rather be recognized
by Romeo's hit men
than helped by this rat, this coward.
You know what?
I even warmed up to you
when I thought you were my hero.
I thought, "If his mom loves him,
he must be good."
But maybe even she can't see
what a piece of shit you are inside.
When he heard her speak
about his mother, Fermín saw,
like in a film, that his life
was made up of filthy moments.
He didn't even notice
he had a gun aiming at his chest.
Because the only thing
he was thinking about
was how he could stop
being a despicable person.
Helping them retrieve the money
those pimps had earned by exploiting women
seemed like the best way
to do exactly that.
I'll do it, Wendy.
Let's roll.
Don't smoke that shit.
I need you clearheaded right now.
I'm a nervous wreck, OK?
- I don't like this.
- What is it you don't like?
Betraying Romeo.
- Stealing his money.
- We're not stealing anything.
We're just holding on to it
until he gives our mother back
I still feel like a Judas.
Shit, I don't even know
who to like anymore.
I don't know who I might owe.
Who to admire, love, and hate.
Do you have any idea how that feels?
Even a damn dog
knows who they love and don't.
Well, if there's one person
you absolutely shouldn't love,
it's him.
He has you right where he wants you,
hesitating, all messed up in the head
and feeling like shit
when he's the motherfucker
that kidnapped our mother.
That's Romeo's whole MO. That's his power.
He makes you believe you owe him your life
when he's actually destroying it.
They've already collected
from all the clubs.
Get closer, Wendy.
The party's about to begin.
Make a left at the next turn.
- Why?
- It's a shortcut.
What did you say?
It's just an abandoned fucking freeway.
That way only leads to the desert.
Wow, the Pole knows
the island really well.
Now you're going
to make a left, my friend.
- Where are they going?
- I don't know. Stay close.
The trip to Madeira's
been canceled, Romeo.
You kidnapped my mother.
I never thought you would take it there.
Want your money? Then first,
you have to give us back our mother.
Are you really trying
to extort me, Moisés? You kidding me?
No. I'm just offering you
a friendly deal between equals.
You have what I want,
and I have what you want.
It's not that difficult.
We each give back what we have,
and we say goodbye forever.
Abades Sanatorium in two hours.
- Do you like it, dear?
- Yes.
This is the Virgin of Carmel.
She will protect you.
Say thank you
to Grandma Dolores for the gift, honey.
Thank you.
Let's go see your uncles. Come on.
Uncle, Uncle!
What does
my adorable niece want?
Thank you.
Aren't you
the most beautiful princess at the party?
You like it?
What a lovely family, Romeo.
If it hadn't been for you,
I don't know
what would've happened to my sons.
Or to me.
Come on, Dolores
We don't want the liqueur
to make you all sentimental.
I'm sick, Romeo.
Something's broken in here.
I started forgetting some things.
Some minor things, some not so minor.
So I decided to go get some testing done.
You didn't tell your sons?
I'm worried that before long,
I may not be able to remember
all the good things you did
for me and my sons.
That's why I wanted to thank you
while I could.
Do you wanna know
why I chose to help Moisés that night?
All those years ago?
He was only 15 years old.
But he showed
he had the courage of a hero.
He saved his mother and his brother
from a son of a bitch.
And that's how your son earned
my undying respect.
- What the fuck is this?
- Shit!
Hurry. Get ahead.
- Turn left! Get rid of them!
- Fuck!
Get down!
Get out of the car now!
Everyone out of the car
with your hands up!
Get down! Now!
Face down.
Don't look at me, you son of a bitch!
A shame, isn't it?
- It's three against two.
- What's that supposed to mean, dickhead?
That if you shoot me,
you have a 100% chance
that either Three or Ten will shoot you,
and you'll drop dead
before you pull the trigger a second time.
It just means that if my brother shoots,
you'll drop dead.
Then we'll see what happens
with Three and Ten.
Does anybody feel like being the first?
Or should we put our guns down
so nobody dies here?
And all of us
get to fucking go home.
Are we gonna keep chit chatting
or are you gonna drop
your fucking weapons?
Three, come with me.
Ten, keep an eye on them.
Let her go, asshole!
Come on! Let's go!
No! Christian. No, no, no, no.
And if you wanna
beg for mercy, then pray.
Fucking pray, goddammit.
Let her go, you motherfucker!
Coral, don't go!
Wait, stop.
Why didn't you get on that ferry?
I told you to run away.
I drink and smoke money ♪
Baby, it's a turn on
That you've got a man ♪
Baby, your feelings are a game to me ♪
Your pussy is afraid and I dare ♪
One, two, three, four, five fingers ♪
I'll spit on your face
Then I'll hit you ♪
The Spotify bitches
Don't want me to hit it ♪
But I hit it ♪
The street loves me
I don't give a damn about radio ♪
Your favorite singer is afraid of me ♪
For me, a cure is two solutions ♪
Your pussy is afraid
And I throw myself in ♪
When I arrived, you both got screwed ♪
You gave him your heart
And he destroyed it ♪
You learned to be happy
With only a little ♪
You looked for yourself, nobody else ♪
Gangster, I'll steal your heart ♪
You're one of the few
I'll go in without a condom ♪
You learned to be happy
With only a little ♪
You looked for yourself, nobody else ♪
Your pussy is afraid
And I throw myself in ♪
When I arrived, you both got screwed ♪
You gave him your heart
And he destroyed it ♪
You learned to be happy
With only a little ♪
You looked for yourself, nobody else ♪
When I arrived, you both got screwed ♪
You gave him your heart
And he destroyed it ♪
You learned to be happy ♪
Subtitle translation by: Katie Ward
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