The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s02e07 Episode Script

Haunted Telescope

Louie, careful with that ball.
Shh! I'm going for a world record.
The world record for breaking things? I'll just put that with the other stuff I've broken that you can never tell dad about.
Make peace with it, Miles.
I have.
Boys, have I got a surprise for you.
You've both been so good lately well, Miles, you're always good and Louie, it's been a week since you've broken anything.
Yep, call me "butter" because Louie is on a roll! The old back is acting up.
Just need to Well, for you I got boom! Tickets to the ghost world monster truck rally! Scare devil versus muddy mayhem, Jr.
? This will only be their 84th meeting, and I'm gonna be there! And Miles, for you, I have something coming in the mail right about Now.
Great celestial bodies! I've been wanting this telescope forever! You're over the moon, right? Get it, moon? Ha! This is perfect! Tomorrow night, for the first time in 200 years, two comets will shoot across the sky at the exact same time! Now I can invite Mirabelle over to watch.
That thing looks like a baseball bat.
Now hold on there, partner.
Keep your grimy hands off my 'scope! I just want to look at it.
Dad? It is Miles's telescope, Louie.
You have to respect his wishes.
Wait a second, you guys don't want me touching it because you think I'll break it.
- That's right.
- Darn tootin'.
Don't deny it.
You guys always treat me like some little kid who's always messing up.
Well, I'm sick of it! Now, where'd all that come from? What do you mean, you won't work my party? Well, I'm really sorry being paid in cookie dough isn't good enough for you.
I would work for this.
Hey, mom, what's going on? I can't find anyone to work that sweet 16 party I'm supposed to cater.
They all want money.
This would've been really good for business.
Well, if I have to cancel, might as well go out in style.
Mom! Put down the fork.
I'll help you out, no charge.
Taylor, really? Oh, you are the best! We're gonna have so much fun working together, mom and tay! Wait, this says "happy birthday, Savannah.
" That's not Savannah Sawyer, is it? - Yeah, you know her? - She goes to my school.
She thinks she's so much better than everyone else.
I get it, you're out.
Well mom! It's just for one night.
Savannah's a grade ahead of me, we don't have the same friends.
It's not a problem.
You are so wonderful.
And wait till you see the matching outfits they sent over.
They're really fun! Huh? Huh? I'm eliza poppycock, a poor Fisherman's daughter from liverpool.
Well, time to boil the pig, it is! Or we can not do the accents.
What's with the old lady glasses? Don't you think they make me look disturbing? Responsible! I have a plan to prove to Miles and my dad that I can be trusted.
Mind if I stay and watch? Sure.
Wait, are you staying because you support me, or because you think my plan is gonna blow up in my face? Yes.
Hello, father.
May I speak with you regarding a very important matter? Okay, what did you do and how much is the fine? Oh, you, always with the wit.
But I digest.
I've been given the great opportunity to care for the class pet.
It's a ferret named Melvin.
Louie, ferrets are cute, but also very ferocious.
Aw, come on, let him do it, ray.
Louie looking after a wild ghost ferret? That needs to happen.
I don't know, son.
I anticipated your reservations and would like to read a prepared statement.
"When a young ghost aspires to assume more responsibility, "it is only proper that he be allowed "to demonstrate his merit in many ways.
Allow me to list every single one of them.
" Okay, I think I get it! I'll tell you what.
Give me your word you'll be responsible, and you have my permission.
Yes! Thanks, pops.
You'll see, he'll be in good hands.
That was an impressive speech.
From the heart.
Hey, have any of you guys seen my paper on the virtues of responsibility? Here.
It could use some jokes.
Oh, these smell so good.
How do you have the willpower to not eat everything you make? I'm just very strong, dear.
Honey, I can't thank you enough for doing this party.
Words cannot expre I'm taking this off now.
It's actually been really fun, mom.
Ooh, it looks like you have a visitor.
Maybe you should take a break and hey, Scott, what are you doing here? Oh, I was just spending the day with my buddy Jared here from the "big bro" program.
He's a special little guy.
I want my brownie! Okay, Jared.
Go sit over there.
Oh, we have learned so much from each other.
Anyway, I came by because I wanted to invite you to a party.
A party? When, where? Actually, doesn't matter, I'm in.
It's tonight.
Do you know Savannah Sawyer? Uh, her name rings a bell.
I was hoping you might come so I'd have someone there I like.
Someone you like? I like you too.
Brownie! Ow! You were saying? - So I'll pick you up at 7:00? - Sounds great.
Wait, no, I can't go to the party with you.
Oh, really? I was hoping we would have our first official dance.
You didn't let me finish, silly! I can't go to the party with you because it's better if I meet you there.
Oh, okay, cool.
I'm really looking forward to tonight.
Me too.
'Ello, mum! Don't mind me, just headin' for the ol' lift! That means elevator.
Oop! I forgot me bloomers! We are gonna have so much fun! Yeah Ugh.
Look at him.
He's so cute.
Yeah, yeah, cute.
Where's the ferocious part? It says, "the ferret uses cuteness to trick its enemies.
So you should never, ever" ugh, this is boring! You know what'd be really cool? We let him out! The sign on the cage says not to, and I'm trying to be responsible here.
We're still doing that? Hey, fam! Just got word Mirabelle will be here for comet night.
I guess now with my new telescope, I won't be the only thing putting stars in her eyes.
So what's up? What's up is how well my class pet is thriving under my care.
How long have you had him here? Guess I'm not the irresponsible goof ball everybody thinks I am.
Now let me borrow your telescope so I can stare at the sun.
First of all, you never stare at the sun.
Secondly, I said, "no touching!" Now, off to get ready for Mirabelle.
I'm making us astronaut sock puppets.
If I haven't said it before, she's a lucky, lucky lady.
What more do I have to do to prove myself? I've cared for this little fellow.
Fed him! Nurtured him! Forgot to lock his cage! - He escaped! - Uh um, whoa, there he is! Hey, little fella.
Come to papa.
Surrender, beast pet! Your tiny brain is no match for my awesome intellect.
Oh, man, a ghost possessed by a crazed ferret.
This is horrible, but at the same time, incredibly awesome! No, not the telescope! I'm trying not to Louie, you gotta force him out! Get Out Of me! Ah! Oh, man.
Miles's telescope! Do you think he'll notice? Taylor, how cool are my astronaut sock puppets? I think they speak for themselves.
Miles, I need your advice.
I promised mom I'd help serve at this party, but Scott asked me to go to the same party as his date.
Well, just tell Michelle you can't do it.
I'm sure she'll understand.
'Kay, so you can't do that.
Not even gonna ask.
No! Oh, no! Ah! I got him.
Wasn't easy, but I fought hard, and finally Won the battle.
Ah! He's awake! He can smell my fear! I can't believe this.
All I wanted to do was prove I could be responsible.
Well, Miles is going to be back any minute, so you, my friend, need a fixer.
Darn right, I do.
What's a fixer? A highly skilled person who makes problems go away.
And you're looking at the best in the business.
You can really help me out of this? You're my bud.
Now, all I need is a power drill, duct tape, and a 5-gallon drum of rocky road ice cream.
What's the ice cream for? You don't expect me to save your butt on an empty stomach, do you? People are loving the food, mom.
This place is crazy.
Who has a ballroom in their house? The dog's bed has nicer sheets than mine.
I only laid down for a minute, but it was soft.
- Ladies, you're not being paid to chit - Chat.
Oh, a thousand pardons, lady Savannah.
And we've been getting complaints about your accent.
Oh, my bad.
I thought it was cute, and I kind of Oh, you thought this was a conversation.
It's not.
Veronica, did you see my new car? It has 16 air bags.
Lemon square? Scott tomlinson! Hey, Savannah.
I hope you like your gift.
I made a donation in your name to a charity that promotes clean air.
I didn't understand a word you just said.
Check out my new car! Ooh, lemon squares.
Thank you.
You're welcome, kind sir.
Hot strudel? Snickerdoodle? Oh, my gosh, hi! Person I don't know.
Taylor, you look great.
So do you.
Let's go sit in the corner.
I mean dance.
This is nice.
- Hey, is that your mom? - Scott, look at me! That's all, just look at me.
Taylor, where are you? Hey, do the peek-a-boo.
Taylor, there you are.
Is that Scott? Mom, look at me! That's all, just look at me.
All right, everything's set.
Are you sure this will work? Trust me.
When this is over, Miles is going to think he broke the telescope.
Oh, it's go time.
It's comet night! Ah! No-o-o-o! My my telescope! What have I done? Oh, no! It looks like you broke it.
You need to be more careful with your stuff.
This ruins everything! And Mirabelle's gonna be here any second! Wow.
After all my lecturing to you, I ended up being the one who broke the telescope.
Ironic, isn't it? And that my friend, is what a fixer does.
Hey, son, I got this hat for the monster truck rally! Ha! You ready? Sounds great, dad.
You go on, I'll meet you there in a minute.
Okay, don't be late.
They say it's gonna be Insa-a-a-ane! Ha! Well, my job is done.
You're off the hook.
Feels great, right? Hmm.
Yeah, great.
Honey, are you as exhausted as I am? Nah, I took a nap in the dog's bed.
Hey, where have you been? - Uh, where've you been? - Right here.
Why are you wearing a bonnet and holding a tray? Why are you wearing a bonnet and holding a tray? The service is so slow, I snagged this for us.
Care for a mini-cheesecake or ten? I love this song.
Want to dance? Uh, sure.
- Mini - Cheesecake? Enjoy.
Mini-cheesecake? Mini-ch uh stop the music! What is going on here? Why are you dancing? I uh - what's the problem? Taylor's my date.
Oh, I see what's happening.
Poor cinderella wanted to attend the ball, but she forgot that she's only here for one reason, to serve my guests! Taylor, what's she talking about? I'm so sorry, Scott.
Sorry I ruined this for you.
Well, that was pathetic.
Okay, I'm ready for my cake.
As you wish, milady! Oh! Oops.
Oh! Ugh! Look what you've done! My mother will never pay you for this.
I don't want your money, but I will give you a little free advice.
Never speak to my daughter like that again.
The frosting is out of this world, people! Pie squared, corner of queen and 12th, tell a friend.
Are you okay, honey? I'm much better now.
Thanks for having my back, mom.
- Mm - Hmm.
Sorry I didn't tell you I was working this party, but I really wanted to go with you.
I'm so embarrassed.
For what, trying to be there for your mom and for me? I'd say that's pretty cool.
You would? Definitely.
What do you say we get out of here and grab a slice of pizza? Yeah, that sounds great.
One way or another, mama's getting paid.
Have her home by 8:00.
Sorry again about my broken telescope.
It's okay.
The comets will be back again in200 years.
Hey, aren't you supposed to be at your monster truck rally? I didn't go.
I feel so bad for messing up this whole comet thing for Miles.
Don't worry.
I think he's handling things.
Ground control to major Mirabelle.
Yeah, it's a train wreck.
I gotta do something.
They wanted a comet show, well, I'm gonna give them one.
Frankie, hit the lights.
Wow, Miles, this is so beautiful.
Are you making this happen? I ah uh yes, I am.
Hey, look, it's our comets.
This is the coolest thing anyone's ever done for me.
I hoped you'd like it.
I am crushing it.
How about I throw in a meteor? Louie, don't get cocky.
Cows? Oh, I get it, the milky way.
You're so clever, Miles.
What was the French horn about? Sorry, no hints.
Excuse me for a sec.
Louie, I don't know how to thank you.
You saved my night! Louie, there you are.
I thought you were gonna meet me at the truck rally.
You know those tickets cost $8, each.
Dad, don't be mad at him.
Louie just really saved me with Mirabelle after I broke my telescope.
- You what? - Miles, you didn't break anything.
Dad, I broke the telescope.
- What? - Excuse me? This is shocking! I let the ferret out, it possessed me, and then I'm really sorry.
Frankie and I just made it so you'd think you broke it.
I didn't do anything.
That can be proven in a court of law.
I'll let your mother deal with you.
As for you, sacrificing your night at the monster truck rally to make things right for your brother, you know what that's called? Stupid.
That wasn't being a little kid.
That was being a man.
Thanks, pops.
I like the sound of that.
And don't worry, I'll find a way to pay for a new telescope.
Miles, the cows are trying to eat the French horn.
I better get back in there.
You know, in a weird way, when I take him back to school, I'm gonna miss this guy.
'Night, little fella.
You are kinda cute.
I don't see the harm in letting you out for just a minute.
You're a fuzzy wuzzy guy, aren't you? Yes, you are.
fuzzy wuzzy Uh-oh.
Not the hats! Not the hats! Ray? Not even gonna ask.

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