Bloodline (2015) s02e08 Episode Script

Part 21

I should be home by six.
"Viva Caputa.
" What does that mean? I never asked him.
Wow, what happened here? Was there a fire? Yeah, it burned down.
Really? How? No idea.
What was it like inside? Like a restaurant.
Nothing special.
There was a guy from a magazine who came one night.
Ate a meal, wrote about it.
Made my dad real proud.
Well, if the food was good and people liked it, what? What do you think went wrong? My dad trusted the wrong guys.
Owed a lot of money.
Then he pulled some stupid shit trying to pay them all back.
What exactly did he do? Obviously, the way this is going, I can't You can't.
If it's this kind of a month Everything okay? - Hey, what? What the fuck, man? - It's okay.
It's okay.
He's with me.
- Yeah, I wanted to help you get set up.
- Okay.
- That your kid? - Can we do this another time? - Can we figure this out for another time? - No, no, no.
Come on, man.
Come on.
Would you go inside and get the branzino out of the fridge for me, okay? Hm? What are you doing? Shit, man.
Seriously, wanna just text me or something? - We'll figure this out.
All right.
- Fuck that.
Want this or not? Come on.
Come on.
There's 300 bucks.
Just give me the pills.
Come on.
See you soon.
What the fuck are you doing? You're gonna get busted.
Let's get started, okay? We've got specials to get ready.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know what he did.
All I know is it didn't work.
He should've come to us.
We would've helped him.
Did he ever find a way to pay off his debt? No.
Maybe they burned it down.
That's what my dad thought.
I needed to see this.
Well, we can go home now.
Uh Do you mind if we make one more stop? He says you beat him up.
Yeah, well, you know, things got a little physical.
Jesus, John.
What are you thinking? - I wasn't thinking.
- Who is this guy? He's some punk from Miami.
He's just He's out to cause trouble.
That's it.
- How does he know about Red Reef Motel? - I guess he can read a newspaper, Meg.
He's saying that you were there the night that Lowry's guy attacked Danny.
There you go.
What am I supposed to say to that? Come on.
- Where would he get that idea? - Fuck if I know.
So we can stop talking about it.
He wants money to keep quiet.
I don't give a fuck what he wants.
- Hey, look at me.
- What? What is going on? Goddamn it, Meg.
Can't protect us if you're not telling me things.
You're not gonna have any more contact with this guy.
You're not gonna give him money.
He's a nobody.
How can I make that any clearer? Do you understand what I'm saying? Good.
Oh, shit.
There he is.
There he is.
The man of the hour.
Why am I the man of the hour? For one thing, you brought me down here, right? And then, two, you told me about Danny and the Red Reef, so you basically gave me the keys to the kingdom, bro.
What kingdom? Come on, now.
Don't You don't gotta worry.
Okay? You don't gotta worry because I'm not that type of guy.
Not the type of guy who cuts out his friends, all right? Leave me out of it.
Are you sure about that? You sure about that? Because I'm about to be able to write my own fucking ticket.
You're still fucking with John Rayburn, aren't you? You gotta leave that shit alone, Oz.
It's gonna bite me in the fucking ass.
You don't get it, do you? You just You just don't get it, man.
It's because you're a single man.
That's why.
You ain't got no encumbrances.
What does that have to do with anything, dude? I got a lot of responsibilities, man.
I got my lady.
I got the kid and everything.
And she's never gonna be fucking happy until he's provided for.
If it was up to me, I would cut the little fucker loose.
That's what I would do.
So, I'm gonna have to cash in down here, get set up with the proceeds, and then I wanna fucking live it up, man.
I wanna really fucking live.
And I don't want you to tell anybody, okay? Don't tell nobody.
This is between you and me.
I'm gonna surprise her.
I've been talking to this producer guy, and I'm renting some studio time, so she can record her second album.
- Yeah? - Well, come on.
She's got it, man.
- Oh, yeah.
- She No, seriously, dude.
- She's got She's the real deal.
- You're really a little nuts, huh? Shit.
It's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen.
You know why? - Why? - Because I believe.
I believe! I believe! Okay, let's say John saw the whole thing from the motel parking lot.
How does this guy know? Maybe there was a witness.
Oh, no way.
He wouldn't leave us vulnerable like that.
- John would have said something.
- Really? He didn't tell us that he beat the shit out of the guy.
He didn't tell us that Danny made a tape.
I don't know what else he's keeping from us.
What does he want you to do? Nothing.
He won't talk to me.
- Does he seem worried about it? - I don't know.
But I don't trust his judgment.
If this guy talks, the campaign is fucked and we're all exposed.
Okay, then we gotta shut it down.
We have to pay this guy.
How much money can you borrow from your business? Are you kidding me? Meg, look at this place.
I'm fucking broke.
I don't have any money.
I'm days away from losing this place.
You didn't tell me it was that bad.
That's because it's my problem, and I'm I'm working on it.
God Okay, what? What's the best option here? How do we deal with this guy? I gotta think about it, okay? - I'll, uh just call you later.
- Yeah.
It's Pamela Ortiz.
I don't understand what's happening.
I've called you several times.
Call me back, please.
Please? I can forgive so much.
Not that.
Two men and a woman were rescued Wednesday morning after their boat capsized in the area of Alligator Lights, about four miles off Islamorada on the ocean side.
from someone who reported seeing a red flare in the area.
Coast Guard station Islamorada sent a boat crew out and rescued the three from the 18-foot recreational vessel.
No one was injured.
The Coast Guard said a salvage company was on the scene to take the boat.
Adam Flederman, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Key West, said the Weather Service's closest station - Hello.
- to Alligator Lights Yes, Ms.
I know who you are.
about 18 miles to the northeast.
At Molasses at 9 a.
m What time? blew from the southeast at 22 knots, gusting to 25.
A small craft advisory Yes.
at 4:30 a.
and seas were two to four feet Yes, I'll meet you there.
And that's the news on the half hour.
Stay tuned for 30 minutes of commercial-free music.
Get a picture of everything that's not a boat, okay? Everything laying on the ground, I want a picture of it.
Can I help you? Mr.
Kevin Rayburn? Yeah.
Good morning, sir.
We're here from Key Atlantic Bank.
Just here to appraise your land, your structures, your movables for the process of asset reclamation.
So in English, you're telling me what? Bank sent you here to repossess my stuff? I'm afraid so.
If you'd be so kind as to give us information, we'd greatly appreciate it.
How long have you lived here? On and off my whole life.
Landlord finally did it.
Asshole's been threatening for years.
They probably changed the locks.
Give me a minute.
I just need to grab a few things.
The machinery's working.
- Polls are heading in the right direction.
- Yep.
We're really fortunate.
John's doing very well.
Here's the fruits of another round of fundraising.
Donors' names are in there.
Thank you.
So, you set with the volunteers, resources? Anything else I can help you with? Looks like we're all solid.
I think your brother should step up his public appearances.
Maybe arrange a couple of debates with the other candidates.
You're right.
I'll talk to him.
John's got character.
A dignity that Aguirre can't match.
Now is the time to let them go head-to-head in a public forum.
I'll get in touch with Aguirre's people, and I'll set something up.
Yeah, good.
Do that.
I have something to ask you.
Might be inappropriate, stop me if it is.
What's that? You know my other brother, Kevin? He has a boatyard off Indian Key.
- I know it by reputation.
- Yeah.
He's great at what he does.
It's just the business is going through a rough patch.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
So, he's looking for investors, and I just thought maybe if you knew someone interested in that kind of thing? I'll put some thought into it.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
I know plenty of people looking for a good opportunity.
Where in the world did you find this? I've had it since I was a kid.
That was our first sign.
Did your dad tell you? Yeah.
He didn't like seeing it.
So why did you keep it? I don't remember.
I should've just let him throw it out.
Oh, may I? May I look? Knock yourself out.
You knew my husband? You knew Robert? No.
I only met him once.
Good morning.
This is Marco Diaz from the Monroe County Sheriff's Department.
Good morning.
Could I speak to Mr.
Moros, please? Okay, well, can you have him give me a call back? It's important.
- Hi.
Good morning.
- Morning.
Uh, I'm here to see Mr.
And your name is? Kevin Rayburn.
Didn't we speak on the phone? Yeah.
There must've been a misunderstanding.
Garnet isn't available.
I understand.
I thought I'd just come down and see if his day kind of opens up.
I have to ask you to leave.
You know what? It's fine.
I'm just gonna have a seat right over here - No, you can't - No, I'm fine.
Thank you.
Hey, let's get out of here.
Your mother looks so sweet here.
- I look like a fucking monkey.
- No, you don't.
You're very handsome.
- When was this taken? - I don't know.
- My dad took that picture.
- Really? - Do you remember that? - No.
But my mom tells the story.
My dad wouldn't shut up about wanting to try some new restaurant on the waterfront, so she decides she's gonna surprise him.
So, she saves up for months.
Takes shifts whenever she can.
You know, she does everything to make that a special night.
Day comes, we get all dressed up but we never even make it to the restaurant.
Why not? Because ten minutes after he takes that picture, they get into such a huge fucking blowout that she kicks him out of the house and they don't speak again for two years.
I'm sorry to hear that.
That was the last time we ever tried to celebrate Father's Day.
Oh, Mr.
- I told him you were unavailable.
- No, no.
No, that's okay.
Kevin Rayburn.
- Kevin? Yeah, hey.
How are you? - Hey.
I'm good.
I'm sorry.
I was I was just on my way out.
- Why don't you talk to Rachel? - I'm sorry to stop by like this.
I'm in a time crunch.
You told me if I ever got a business plan together that I should come see you.
I I got a business plan.
Sure, why not? I'll meet you at the restaurant.
Go on without me, okay? - Give you ten minutes.
- That's all I need.
So, you've given up on the mixed-use marina? Well, I've decided to scale down, you know? Keep it simple, wait for the market to correct itself.
Yeah, sure.
You're sitting on, what? A couple acres? Two-point-six.
All of it prime waterfront.
You zoned for commercial? I have a variance for light industrial, and my family, they They know all the commissioners, so it's It's It's good to go.
- It's all in there.
- Okay.
Have a seat.
- I think we might be able to do something.
- That's awesome.
Thank you.
It's a pretty straightforward proposition.
I'm looking for a partner to To invest, and we split the business fifty-fifty.
Well with a site like yours, Kevin, that's not really what I do.
- What do you mean? - Well, I wouldn't want a partner.
You wouldn't want a partner? What? What would you want? I'd just buy it outright.
Oh, no, no.
It's not for sale.
Well, I I don't understand.
The prognosis here is not good, Kevin.
You're about to lose a lot of money.
So, why drive all the way up here and go through this song and dance - about how desperate you are? - I am.
I imagine that you are.
- You need a solution.
- I'm aware of that.
Which I'm offering you.
Um Yeah.
Thank you for your time.
I But I I'm not selling my boatyard.
It's not for sale.
- I just can't do it.
- Why not? Ms.
Ortiz? - Hi.
- Hello.
Thank you for coming, Detective.
I didn't know what to do.
Your sister won't return my calls.
I'm sorry, how is it you know my sister? She didn't tell you? - I'm sorry to drag you into this.
- No, no, that's all right.
I'm just curious as to why you two are in touch.
I She reached out to me.
I assumed it was for your campaign.
I imagine you had given some information to Meg about the assault, yes? Yes.
I went out on a limb for her.
For both of you.
What is it that you would like us to do for you? Tell the rest of the story.
Expose the deal that my ex-husband made with Marco Diaz.
What exactly did that deal entail? Fifty minutes with the moderator, ten with open Q&A, no cross-talk.
Notes are permissible.
Sure, if you think your candidate needs them.
I would've thought Aguirre could think on his feet.
Police procedure, crime statistics, budget.
Those are the only open topics.
No mention of any unsubstantiated domestic abuse allegations.
Doesn't that fall under crime statistics? Your camp released this steaming pile of shit, and we all know it.
- Sorry to interrupt.
- Not a problem.
- We're finishing up here anyway.
- I just wanted to say hello, Meg.
- Sheriff Aguirre, it's a pleasure.
- Likewise.
Thank you for coming in the other day and talking with Detective Diaz.
You were a big help.
I'm glad to hear that.
Burt, I wanna go over a few things.
Miss Rayburn.
What are you doing here? You want me to go in there and tell them everything I know? Because I will.
Oh That look.
What, you people really think you're the victims here? Let me tell you something, honey.
I've been on your end of this hook more times than I care to admit, and it sucks.
Oh, yeah, it sucks.
But we both know how you got here, and it ain't because you're exemplary individuals.
I just need one more day.
Now, be very Be very, very careful.
Okay? Because 24 hours from right now, one way or another this conversation ends.
Ninety days.
Not that long.
So, what happens to the restaurant now? - I mean, you have to do something.
- Like what? I don't know, but without the money, they'll shut it down.
Who cares? - I do.
- I don't.
So, that's it? You're just giving up now? You told me it was gonna be different this time.
You said that we were gonna do it together and you were gonna teach me.
- All that shit about being your sous chef.
- Yeah, well I lied.
Why don't you just ask your parents for the money? - You want me to ask them? - No.
No, I don't.
I absolutely do not.
I want you to stay away from them.
Why? I'm their grandson.
You are a fucking embarrassment to them.
Don't come back here anymore.
Stay the fuck away from me.
Okay? Why are you doing this? - Where's your water? - It's The bag.
- You put it in here? - Yeah.
We have time for breakfast? I should get back to the office.
- Tonight? - Tonight.
- I have to take this, okay? - Okay.
- Diaz.
- Hello, Detective.
This is Alec Moros.
I got your message.
- Thanks for calling me back.
- Sure.
What exactly is this regarding? I have some routine questions on a case that I'm working on down here.
- I was hoping you could help.
- I'm not a suspect, am I? No, no, you're not a suspect.
- Can you confirm a few dates for me? - I can try.
If I sell this place, he's gonna just tear it down.
It would be his to do what he wants.
I know.
Still, I said no so quick.
It was weird.
It was like I wasn't even thinking.
It was like some kind of instinct.
Then he asked me why I didn't wanna sell.
The thing is, I didn't have an answer.
I think it's because my dad gave me the money to start this place, and all I ever wanted to do was to make him proud.
And deep down I felt like I always had to live up to John and not be a fuck-up like Danny.
This place was a way for me to do both.
That's That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself.
Maybe it's time for a change.
So, this guy wasn't in town when she said he was? No, he was not.
Hmm This is getting interesting.
Any idea why she'd lie about that? - Not yet.
- Think she was helping Danny? Could be.
Something was going on that night.
When this first started, Marco I know you think that I was playing politics.
I did, not anymore.
This is a respected family.
Okay? So anything you do is strictly by the book.
I understand.
And if you need any more resources, you let me know.
- Whatever the department can provide.
- Well there's something that I wanna do, but it's, uh It's delicate.
What are you thinking? I passed on Kevin's information to several of my associates.
Thank you for doing that.
I also called the bank, did a little digging on my own.
Yeah, he's a little underwater.
That's putting it mildly.
But his infrastructure appears sound.
I was happy to see that.
Uh How would you feel about making an introduction? - You wanna sit down with Kevin? - I'd like to hear what he's thinking.
I would love that.
- Yeah.
- It'd be great.
There's one other thing.
There's this guy who used to do some shady stuff with my brother that passed away.
- Danny.
- Yeah.
Anyway, this guy is trying to shake down my family to keep what he knows from getting out.
Now, this kind of crap happens all the time.
I see it every campaign.
He's a liar, but he's a nuisance.
Listen, think of this as the cost of doing business.
You know, there's a way to handle the accounting.
No one will pay any attention to it.
We should pay him? With the clear understanding that if he doesn't go away he'll be dealt with.
Why the fuck did you take her to our place? What do you care? I don't know.
I'm a private person.
You know? She doesn't have to know all our business.
Think she doesn't know what you are? I'm your fucking mother, so don't be so disrespectful.
What did it say about when they're gonna evict us? End of the month.
All right, I'll figure it out.
There's something else.
What? She wants to talk to you.
To me? - Why? - I don't know.
She wants us to come over there.
Well, that's interesting.
Why didn't my dad ask them for help? He did, a bunch of times.
No, I mean with the restaurant.
He never even told them about it.
None of them knew anything.
All he had to do was just ask for more money.
Baby Look, I know you're getting to know these people and you kind of like them and everything, but you're not seeing your dad's side of it.
Because he was an asshole.
Watch your fucking mouth.
When it came to the restaurant, Danny was only thinking of you.
What's that supposed to mean? It doesn't mean anything.
Forget it.
You own all this? - Yes.
- It's like the fricking Navy here.
Wow! - Hinckley T55.
- Queen of the Fleet.
She is a beauty.
My nephew in Long Point is getting married.
Kid's not much into boats, so I figured this would jump-start his interest.
You think? I guess you vetted me pretty good before I came out here, huh? Yes, I did.
I don't wanna bullshit you, Mr.
I I made a lot of big mistakes with my business mostly because I I think I was trying to be something I'm not.
I think I just started to lose sight of what I really wanted to do, which is just fix boats.
I fucking love boats.
It's the only thing I'm really good at.
Your sister says you're looking for somebody to buy you out.
I'm just trying to simplify things.
You sound like someone who's spent a lifetime honing a craft.
That's worth more than you think.
Oh, I'm I'm in pretty deep here.
I just wanna get out.
Yeah, well, how about I send over the man who does my day-to-day? He'll check out your operation, appraise the yard.
See if we can come up with a number that makes sense to you and I both.
I really appreciate that.
Let me know what I can do to help with the sale.
They brought him to Sarasota and I haven't heard a thing.
Well, I don't know.
Listen, that's what they told me, so don't Mike, I gotta call you back.
- Why are you here? Everything all right? - No, it's not.
- What's wrong? - I want my necklace.
Mom said I could have it back.
Oh, Jesus, Janey.
Look, Danny didn't threaten me, okay? You thought he was dangerous, but you're wrong.
Listen to me, there are things that you can't understand.
I don't care what bullshit happened between you guys, but he's my uncle and that's the only present he ever gave me.
I want it back.
This conversation's over.
We'll talk at home.
- Why can't we talk about this now? - Because you're leaving now.
Hi, Janey.
- How'd it go with Meg and Kevin? - They were both very helpful.
But I'm gonna have to sit down with you again, John.
- And I wanna do it today.
- Sit down? Yeah.
We still have some questions.
"We" being? We're just trying to figure out where Danny was the days before he died, so We all want the same thing, John.
I understand that, Marco.
Just tell me when you wanna do this.
I'll give you everything I got.
I appreciate that.
- There you are.
- Thanks.
So, you saw our place? I did.
It hasn't always been like that for us, you know.
There was a while back when I was doing pretty good.
What? There was a while back I was doing pretty good.
We all go through rough patches.
When you, uh first came to see me, I was I was a little cold to you.
- Yeah, you were.
- Mom.
Look, if this is some sort of apology it's just a little late.
Just let her talk.
I wish I could go back and change our history, but life doesn't work like that.
Nope, it doesn't.
But maybe we could all start over.
What does that mean? You're right.
It's too late for an apology, and that's not what I'm offering.
Then what are you offering? You said you needed a place to stay.
And it's clear that you've got no home to go back to.
What about it? Well, we got plenty of room here.
I just want to do right by you two.
And I want to do right by Danny.
You ready? Come on, it's just you and me.
What do you need? I need to nail down a timeline.
Aguirre won't be satisfied until I do.
- Why doesn't Aguirre read the transcripts? - He's read them.
So have I.
John, there's There's been some developments.
What developments? We'll get to that.
Let's start at the beginning, okay? The night of the Red Reef Motel, Danny kills one of Lowry's guys, and then he goes to your family's inn, right? That's right.
And that didn't seem weird to you? That Danny kills one of Lowry's guys, he knows Lowry is after him.
If I was Danny, I'd wanna get the fuck out of Dodge, right? I wouldn't wanna go and hang out with my family.
Unless I was coming to you for help.
Didn't ask you for money, for a place to stay, protection? I mean - No.
- Then why'd he go there, John? I don't have an answer for you.
I'm sorry.
So, the next day, you didn't speak to him, you didn't see him, nothing? No, the next day I was in the hospital.
I had my situation with my heart.
You were released later on that night.
Right? Yes.
So, just to be clear, the last time that you saw Danny alive was that night at your family's inn.
That's right.
What about Meg? What about Meg? Do you know who Alec Moros is? No.
Alec Moros is the guy that Meg was fucking while we were together.
Supposedly, he was at her house the night before you and Kevin drove to Miami.
- Okay.
- No, not okay because I called him personally.
He wasn't here.
He was in New York.
Meg lied.
Why do you think she lied? You know what? To me, it sounds personal.
I think you'd better talk to her.
I think there was somebody in that house, not Alec Moros, somebody else.
That's crazy.
I thought you didn't know where Danny was.
I didn't.
Then why are you so sure that Danny wasn't at Meg's house that night? Cut to the chase.
Danny dodged a lot of bullets, didn't he, John? How did Danny know to get the drugs out of your family's inn before the DEA got there? How did he get the drop on a professional killer with a gun at the Red Reef Inn? How did Danny disappear to Miami when every cop in the county and Lowry and every one of Lowry's guys was after him? I don't know, Marco.
What are you thinking? I'm thinking that you, Meg and Kevin helped Danny get away with murder.
It would explain what Danny was doing at Meg's house that night.
If he was it throws the whole timeline out the fucking window and we're back to square one with the whole Danny investigation.
You knew that was Danny's voice in that DEA wiretap.
You knew that was Danny in that gas-can video that we saw.
And you didn't say shit.
What did you teach me, John? What do you do when your gut is telling you shit just ain't fucking right? I don't believe your story, just so you know, and nobody else is going to.
But I'm betting you brought the money anyhow.
Because you're a nuisance.
This isn't worth my time.
My family's been through enough.
Now, leave us the fuck alone.
You know, I gotta say, I really admire you.
I really do.
Because I got a little sister, Felicia, and, man, I love her to death, but there's no fucking way she'd step up for me to protect me the way you've been protecting your brother.
I'm not the only one who wants my brother to win this campaign.
There are others.
Powerful people.
And if you don't disappear things could get really ugly.
I wanna talk about the Red Reef Motel a little bit more.
Have you been back there since the night of the murder? Once.
Why is that? Someone tried to kill Danny.
I'm a cop, I wanted answers.
What do you think? - Did we come up with the same answers? - I don't know.
Did we? There's no way Danny could get the drop on a professional killer with a gun in that room unless he had help.
- There was somebody else there with him.
- Well, that's a theory, isn't it? How did you know that Danny was at the Red Reef? - I already told you all this.
- Tell me again.
Chelsea O'Bannon.
She told you that one of Lowry's guys was after Danny.
And she was right.
So you went there, you looked for him, but you couldn't find him, right? That's right.
Lowry's guy did, and so did whoever helped Danny kill Lowry's guy.
Where you going with this theory, Marco? This is me talking about that feeling in my gut.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Because it sounds like you're saying that I maybe tried to help Danny escape after he killed someone.
And it also kind of sounds like I helped Danny kill someone.
He wasn't there when I got to the motel, I left.
I call you and I tell you that there's a murder at the Red Reef Motel.
You know Danny is staying there.
You know Lowry sent somebody there to kill Danny.
How the fuck don't you ask me, "Hey, Marco is it my brother that was killed there?" It doesn't add up.
You know what doesn't add up, Marco? Why you let Aguirre beat the shit out of his wife.
You were the responding officer, weren't you? You buried that incident report.
One month after that Aguirre gave you a job.
You're fucking brushing me back.
And let me tell you something, that story, it's out there.
People want me to use that to win an election.
I haven't touched it.
- Because I've been protecting you.
- Yeah? So, when you sit in here and you try to spin Aguirre's political agenda into some bullshit theory, I don't have to sit here and take it.
Let me tell you something, my family needs this to end now.
Then your family should start telling the truth now.
Meg told me how your mom made all three of you lie to the police when your dad beat the fuck out of Danny.
Lying to police to protect your family, is that what you're doing now, John? - Don't go there.
- What is it with you people? You guys think you could fucking lie.
You think that you could cheat.
You think you could fuck people over and get away with it? Is that what this is about? Meg hurt your feelings? Listen, I'm really sorry you can't stop Meg from fucking around on you.
Don't fucking twist this.
But you come in here with Aguirre's story that he handed you, to cram full of facts.
But the problem is, Marco the facts don't fit.
They just don't.
Don't you wanna know? - Know what? - Know who the fuck killed your brother? Wayne Lowry killed my brother.
You and I both know that Wayne Lowry didn't pull that trigger.
And whoever he hired is out there.
The John Rayburn that I know would wanna know the truth.
The John Rayburn I know would hunt his brother's killer to the ends of the earth.
Unless Marco, if you've got a case, go ahead and fucking make it.
Otherwise, you're gonna stay away from me and my family.

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