Franklin and Bash (2011) s02e08 Episode Script

Last Dance

That for us? Come in.
Good Lord, Christine! Sorry, sir.
I-I thought you said, "come in".
No, I said, "don't come in".
Oh, did did I say, "come in"? Oh.
Oh, well, sorry.
Uh, force of habit.
Anyway, no harm, no foul.
Come on.
Come on in.
I'm helping some yacht-racing friends of mine with a legal issue, and they've made me rail mate for the next race.
You know, I get to hang out on the rail, And my weight keeps the keel down.
Oh, good.
Ooh, let's see.
Did you see who dropped this off? No.
Stanton, I need you to review You're in a dressing gown.
You're lucky.
Don't get frustrated with the will's legalese.
Honestly, no one even knows what "heretofore" even means.
It's an if/then equation.
If my husband should expire before me, Then most of his estate passes to me.
Very good.
You could be a lawyer.
If being a preeminent microbiologist ever gets dull.
This is strange.
Henry donated his remains to Bodyview.
I'd like to check up on them.
We can do that.
Let's go.
Does she mean now? What's Bodyview? There's one by the airport in Dallas.
I just thought I was having a string of bad luck.
My mailbox run over by a harried soccer mom Someone's doing these things intentionally.
Well, I mean, I've made enemies, Damien.
There's no denying that.
Comes with the job.
I'm calling detective norton in culver city.
Helped me prosecute a stalker case.
Whoa, wait.
Let's not involve the police just yet.
Oh, really? Should we just wait Until someone delivers a real dead Buddha? Well that's impossible.
You can't kill Buddha.
Look, don't fret, Damien.
I've got it handled.
We extract all cellular fluid, Then replace it with plastic elastomers Through vacuum-forced impregnation.
Wow! Oh, man! That's so cool! Whoa.
So real.
That's because they are.
All of our models were once human bodies.
All right.
You're okay, buddy, right? Eyes eyes on me.
Is he okay? Yeah.
He's fine.
You're fine, hey, 'cause they're They're just plastic people.
They're mannequins in a store window, right? A store in hell.
It's a happy store.
They remove the dermis to reveal That even in our everyday tasks, The human machine is impressive.
That is one way we showcase our specimens, yes.
Um, some of our exhibits are more showcases.
Strauss will be part of a traveling exhibit Called "shall we dance"? Uh, what dance, specifically, will he be doing? He will be posed doing the bachata.
It's a modern lambada.
Ah, a forbidden dance.
My husband was an esteemed marine microbiologist.
He will not be posed forever doing the Bachata.
Look, I'm just an intern.
If you got a complaint, You got to go through our legal department.
We can do that.
d ooh, what a mixture d d such a vivid picture d d ooh, what a mixture d d if I must say so myself d So, these are people you've defeated, Gained judgment against, and otherwise bested in court.
My, it's a bloody phone book.
Of course it is.
And this cases you lost.
Samuel Jeffers.
So, he was released three weeks ago from Pelican Bay.
That's the, uh, the bank-robbery case you lost.
Well, hard to win when there's video Of him taking the teller hostage.
You think it's him? When the guilty verdict was read, I offered him some buddhist wisdom.
"growth begins when we accept our own weaknesses.
" Oh, well, and obviously, he loved that.
He accused me of being blind to reality.
Well, I'm gonna have a chat with Mr.
Jeffers, See if I can scare him off.
Well, I'll come with you.
No, no, no.
You're not coming with me, Stanton.
This he wanted you to know it's him.
He's baiting you.
You got into a fist fight with the guy over british cars.
He called my Morgan an MG Right.
I'm gonna handle it.
This is a settlement conference, And I'm hoping to avoid my courtroom and do just that.
Go ahead.
Your Honor, Bodyview claims to pose specimens To reflect the lives they've lived.
Henry Strauss spent his life in a lab, teaching, researching.
He had every reason to believe That he would be posed accordingly.
Doing science stuff.
Your Honor, for Bodyview to stay in business, We must have the trust of the people who donate their bodies.
This is what Dr.
Strauss requested.
Really? Dead men tell no contradicting tales? That's your strategy? No.
We get our donors to sign specific consent forms When they're alive.
This is wrong.
Is that his signature? I don't care.
I know my husband better than anyone, And this paper does not reflect his true wishes.
I want my husband's body back.
I'm placing an injunction on plastinating Dr.
Your Honor for now.
If you can prove this is wrong, Ms.
Strauss can have the body back.
If not, it's Bodyview's to pose as they see fit.
I'll see you all in court tomorrow.
+ What about the deceased rights to a decent burial? Nah.
That's just to protect the poor from being exploited.
Having sex with a corpse used to be legal in California? Not anymore, though.
Peter, you better knock it off with Janie.
Henry Strauss signed a consent form to be plastinated.
There's hardly a precedence here.
Larry Birkhead got to bury Anna Nicole Smith's body Anywhere he wanted 'cause he was her daughter's guardian, Her closest living relative.
Where did you find that? People magazine.
But it held up in court.
Now, Ted Williams wanted to be cremated, But his son had him cryogenically frozen.
He wanted to be burned, but they froze him? Daddy issues.
So, what the deceased wants isn't what matters.
It's the person that's closest to them at the time of death That has the final say.
Like Martha, his wife.
You have permits for this work? Sorry? I didn't see any construction permits posted.
You're not from the City.
You're right.
I'm not.
My name is Damien Karp.
I'm an attorney at Infeld/Daniels.
And if you're harassing Stanton Infeld, It ends right now.
Really? Because otherwise, you're gonna find yourself back in court.
That is good to know.
Thank you.
Remember, delicately ask Martha about her marriage.
Prove that she's Henry's closest living relative, That they're not estranged.
Hanna, it is not our first estate case.
Well, actually, it is.
Pull me away.
Hmm? Pull me away.
From sexy sketch artist? Yes.
Pull me away.
Hey, Nolan.
How are you? Been a while, huh? Mm-hmm.
We keep saying we're gonna catch up.
Tonight's good.
Dinner would be amazing.
Dinner? I'm sorry.
My schedule is just so crazy right now.
I can't do it.
Well, maybe another time.
All right.
All right.
All right.
See you.
Hanna Linden.
Mm! Nolan Tate.
I dated him in college.
My boho-artist days, you know? Uh-huh.
Let me guess.
You two drifted away after school.
Eh, it happens.
Especially when one of you Is a successful partner in a big law firm And the other is a courtroom sketch artist.
I won't deny it.
It's almost impossible to date a man When you're much more successful.
And snobby.
I am not snobby.
I'm experienced.
Guys in this situation, they're insecure.
The ebony statue that just asked you out In front of the two of us he's insecure? Okay.
Sex Luthor over there? You kidding me? Look at him.
So, Samuel Jeffers hasn't paid you a visit? No, he hasn't contacted me, and I-I would remember him.
I saw him up pretty close.
Why are you here? We're here because Mr.
Jeffers is a very dangerous man.
I mean, you were a key witness after he took you hostage.
He made threats against you and Mr.
Now, if we can prove he's trying to make good on those threats, Your joint complaint should get a restraining order.
Well, he hasn't come to see me.
And I don't want him to.
I'm sorry.
I just I can't help.
Oh, well, Damien.
It'll all blow over.
Stanton, I met this guy.
I don't think this is gonna blow over.
I think it's gonna blow up.
Well, what do you suggest? We need to get more intel on Mr.
Hey, Carmen Phillips.
How many times did you practice saying my name Before you got here? I I mean, a couple, Just 'cause I kept saying Wilson Phillips.
'cause I just they're great.
Stanton Infeld has a stalker.
I'm sorry.
What? We need you to follow him, take pictures, Do whatever you can to help us get a restraining order.
Don't you have other investigators at infeld/Daniels? Yeah, but not with your special skills.
Which are You're a convicted felon.
All right.
See you later, Wi Wils I said Wilson, and I meant Carmen.
Not only did you and your husband Live, eat, sleep together.
You also worked together.
That's right.
We shared a lab.
I think we can all agree That a couple that can work together, That's that's pretty close.
Certainly, Martha was the closest living person to Henry At the time of his death.
And the law stipulates as such, She decides where his body be laid to rest.
Rheem-Strauss, did you know That your husband took dance lessons last year? He had a conference in Brazil.
He took salsa for a while.
He loved to immerse himself in a culture.
Do you know how many dance lessons he took a week? I don't know.
A few.
He took a dance class every single day of the week.
And you didn't know? My husband and I were monitoring plankton blooms at the time.
We would split shifts in our lab.
We What if I told you that this woman sitting right here Is his dance instructor? Okay.
And what if I told you that he told her He wanted to be plastinated doing the bachata? I'd tell you that was hearsay, your Honor.
And what if I told you that she was closer To your husband than you Your Honor And, therefore, should determine Henry's final resting place? She was just his dance teacher.
Sit down.
I was more than that.
miss, you're not a witness here.
What were you to my husband? Martha, don't talk to her.
Motion to strike, your Honor.
We were in love.
For the last time, sit down.
I told her not to talk to her.
My husband had an amazing ability To completely immerse himself in his interests.
We once made love on a mound of kelp as the sun rose.
Going on the bucket list.
It's all you, pal.
I'm sure Henry threw himself into dancing With a passion that enthralled this woman That they may have had sex.
But I'm sure it was an offshoot of dancing together, And it never would have lasted.
These things never did for Henry.
I'm sure of it.
Okay, so we prove that Henry was impetuous And alana was a passing fancy.
And that your marriage was rock solid even though Henry may have been sleeping with alana to help his Dancing.
You know, there's Mr.
Uh, would you give us a minute? Be right back.
Hey, just stand there and nod, okay.
What if alana isn't just a passing fancy? You think Henry was moving on.
I don't know.
She is an odd one.
I believe Martha.
I believe they were in love.
What? Believe they were in love.
If you're in love, do you bang your dance teacher? I was just on my way to the printer.
Good talk.
These photos clearly show a dent In the driver's-side door of Mr.
Jeffers' '98 buick.
Look, uh, fellas, maybe we can just talk this out.
The dent is the exact height of Mr.
Infeld's mailbox.
That's all circumstantial.
Not enough for a restraining order.
Maybe, based on the law shows that people watch in prison.
I went to law school in prison.
I'm a lawyer.
Good for you.
Work the system.
Your Honor, I have an estimate for repair for that dent Dated July 27th, Two days before they said that mailbox got hit.
Karp, how do you explain this? Short of time travel.
Oh, I explain it very easily.
Many criminals exit prison with more crime-related skills.
Perhaps Mr.
Jeffers went in a bank robber And he just came out a forger.
The repairman at South Bay can verify that estimate.
Oh, let's swear him in.
I need an honest estimate on my Volvo.
Your Honor, on the off chance That Mr.
Jeffers is a personal friend Of the manager of South Bay body, I'd like to request a paint comparison be done Between the paint on Mr.
Infeld's mailbox And that of the car.
And, your Honor, Pending the results of that analysis, I would like a restraining order against Mr.
Infeld and Mr.
Oh, come on.
This is ridiculous.
Until we get that analysis, uh, Mr.
Karp, Mr.
Infeld, Consider yourself restrained.
500 yards from Mr.
Thank you, your Honor.
Well, it seems I underestimated Mr.
He just got lucky.
I don't mean now, Damien.
I mean before.
Look, he was videoed taking that poor teller hostage.
He didn't seem to be the brightest Crayon in the box.
Perhaps when I defended him, Maybe I didn't give him my best effort.
Yeah, well, he's about to get mine.
Ice boating, Transcendental-meditation retreats, A biodome community in the Santa Fe desert.
You know what these are? No.
These are receipts, contracts, membership agreements, All for interests that briefly captured The incredibly voracious mind of Henry Strauss.
He even tried to commute in a hot-air balloon.
See, these receipts show That while totally immersed in these hobbies, Dr.
Strauss would get bored after 8 to 12 months.
In fact, he never continued with a lesson or paid for a club For more than a year, did he? I don't know.
Miss soto, how long did Henry take lessons from you? About a year.
Nine months.
And he was moving on.
That's not true.
Was he paying for lessons when he died? No, but Because he had moved on, hadn't he? You know where he hadn't moved from? His home of 20 years with his wife.
Your Honor, Martha Strauss was the only fascination That wasn't fleeting to Henry.
You busy? Actually, yeah.
I got the verdict coming in on monster mom.
I need to get her expression.
Well, about dinner, my, uh My schedule's opened up.
Is that so? Yeah.
Back in session.
Oh, it's okay.
You don't have to do that.
We're not.
They got a new witness.
I got to go.
And how long did you know Dr.
Strauss? Almost 10 years.
Let me guess.
You knew him best.
You used to make colonial candles together.
Your Honor, are we really going to He told me he wanted to divorce Martha.
Oh, he did more than just say it.
What is your occupation, Mr.
Kazack? I'm a divorce attorney.
Henry asked me to draw up papers to divorce his wife.
Uh, he paid me to do it.
We would like to enter these as evidence After counsel reviews them, of course.
Okay, well, he never filed, your Honor.
That's my fault.
I've been busy.
Counsel has made it clear That the person closest to the deceased has priority When determining the final disposition of the body.
Your Honor, Martha's still married to Henry Strauss.
And every marriage has stop.
Given Miss Soto's testimony And the signed consent forms and divorce papers, I'm inclined to rule that Miss Soto was that person.
Miss soto, what would you like to happen To Henry Strauss' body? Henry wanted to be plastinated.
Can we still do that? Henry Strauss' body is hereby ordered plastinated.
You can't blame me for thinking you were struggling.
why? You're a courtroom sketch artist.
I know what they get paid.
I'm an artist one lucky enough to sell his design firm So he could do what he wanted.
Courtroom sketches? I do other stuff, but yeah.
Why not landscapes of the lower valley? Because there's no one more raw, more real Than a person having their guilt or innocence proclaimed.
You know, I always try to capture human truth.
That's what you said The first time you tried to paint me naked.
That's what I'm saying now.
You want to paint me? No.
Um Am I getting play because you know that I'm rich? You got plenty of play from me when you were poor.
My friend in the DA's office says Jeffers is filing An anti-harassment order against Stanton.
Not that big a deal.
Jeffers is claiming to be Which makes it a hate crime, Which is actually a very big deal.
I am not letting my uncle get disbarred.
What? Lots of prisoners use their whole stretch to plan revenge, So when they get out, they're tough to deal with.
Is that what you think he's doing? I think you're losing 52 to nothing in the first quarter.
Look, serious cons respect one thing The threat of a beat-down.
Okay, fine.
Don't leave.
As appealing As that sounds Mm.
I got to go work.
Mm, no.
Really? We can't all be brilliant artists, you know.
See, you could have been.
Makes me sad.
What do you mean? I remember your work.
Those black-and-whites of that abandoned mission.
You had some real talent.
"had"? Mm-hmm.
I'd like to think I still do.
See, it doesn't work that way.
If you forsake it, it forsakes you.
I didn't forsake my talent, Nolan.
I got a job.
Yeah, as a lawyer.
Is something wrong with that? You know, shakespeare said, "first Kill all the lawyers.
" It's not like it's high art.
And you know what high art is? Yes.
That's my job.
I'll make you some coffee before you leave.
French pressed.
Henry and I fought.
We had our ups and downs, but I believe honestly That this divorce document is lashing out.
Through divorce or his estate, Henry wanted to make sure you were taken care of.
Both these asset schedules Pretty much leave you everything The stocks, the art collection, the vacation home.
We didn't have a vacation home.
Nantucket? Manhasset Hill? It's listed under real property.
Made a payment last month.
Oh, Henry.
Manhasset Hill is a cemetery.
Old family plots.
It overlooked that beach we met on.
Kelp sex beach.
Henry made a payment every 6 months for 14 years.
That's that's quite a commitment From somebody so impetuous.
I knew it.
I knew he really wanted to be buried with me.
But, uh, Martha, it's too late 'cause Henry's a Statue.
Oh, well.
Thank you.
A statue is art.
Uh Do you want Henry's body back Even though he's been plastinated? Yes, I do.
We might be able to get him back.
But first, you're gonna have to divorce Henry.
You were a photographer? With the tripod and the beret and the clove cigarettes? Hard to imagine.
Putting lame clichés aside, I've changed now, Which was Nolan's point.
I have a different life now, and I am fine with that.
Hey, thanks.
Thank you.
How did you all get in here? Oh, guest passes.
We're considering membership.
I already ruled on your case.
And since you did, it's okay for you to talk to us.
Some people don't like to chat at the gym.
Ear buds are usually a good hint.
We'd like to talk about Henry and Martha Strauss getting divorced.
It's a totally different case.
Isn't that kind of moot? He's dead.
There's tons of case law that supports postmortem divorce.
There's tax implications.
There's remarriage issues.
If the case law backs it up, I'll recognize the divorce.
Are we done? No.
What? Now that the divorce is final, We'd like to talk about claiming Henry's body.
What? Henry left Martha their art collection.
And now that he's plastinated, We don't feel that he's a corpse anymore.
I mean, we believe Henry Strauss is now a work of art.
And, as such, belongs to Martha.
And we have an expert witness who will testify as much.
Do not follow me into the steam room.
And I'll hear arguments on this tomorrow.
You got it.
Read text.
From Damien Karp.
Need status update.
call Karp.
Come on.
- Finally.
- What? Carmen, have you wrapped the package yet? Really? We're we're doing this? Okay.
Uh, my guys are "wrapping the package" as we speak.
That's impossible.
Um, I'm looking at them.
Uh, no, you're not.
Jeffers just threw a bonsai plant Through infeld's bedroom window one minute ago.
Well, it wasn't Jeffers.
He's in saugus right now.
What? Oh, my god! You got me leaning on an innocent guy here, genius! Listen to me, Carmen.
Do not wrap the package.
Keep it in its original box, and return it to the store.
And do not mention my name.
Uh, you you got a plan "b"? I got to get a plan "b.
" Based on this announcent, The paint from Mr.
Jeffers' truck is Not from Mr.
Infeld's mailbox.
You're right.
We kind of saw that coming.
Um, actually, if I could be frank, This whole thing has been a big misunderstanding.
So, naturally, you sent a couple no-necks to intimidate me.
That's that is not that's not quite right.
No-necks? If that allegation is true, Then, Mr.
Karp, that's a very serious offense.
Your Honor, if I may approach.
Your Honor, if I may just have Five minutes with Mr.
Jeffers, I think we could sort all this out.
That would be beautiful.
Thank you, your Honor.
I'd like a word about appropriate behavior For an officer of the court.
Please don't press charges against Damien.
You know, if anyone's to blame for all this, it's me.
I want to apologize for what happened five years ago.
Why? I was guilty.
I know, but, you know, sometimes I just get caught up In the the whole theater of it, you know? I I must understand that it's a courtroom, not the old vic.
I I took a hostage during a bank robbery, And I didn't disable the cameras, And I only got five years.
You did a great job.
Really? Yeah.
I guess I did.
And, um More than that, I got to say, You, uh You inspired me.
I went out and got an education.
Well Never underestimate the power of an apology.
I don't.
In fact, I tried to apologize to that teller, But she wasn't having it.
Who, sharon wright? Yeah.
She told me that you hadn't tried to contact her.
I did.
Why would she lie about that? She's been setting us up.
Us? What's her beef with you? Oh.
Because I really did give you a great defense, And it didn't sit well with her.
She's been harassing me and making it look like you did it.
Hoping that we would take each other down.
And we very nearly did.
You know, I'm very impressed that you learnt the law.
Oh, well, you know Was it pelican bay? Yes, it was.
Opposing counsel intends to call an art expert, Which is why I've called an expert of my own.
Chuck goodan, what are your responsibilities At customs and border protection? I designate and monitor shipping classifications.
It's important that we know What's coming in and out of this country.
Goodan, are there shipping designations for art? There is.
Have you ever shipped a plastinated body? Yes.
Are they designated art? No, they're not.
What designation do plastinated bodies ship under? Customs classifications code They ship as an anatomical collection.
Not art? Not art.
And this is the cbp's determination? A branch of the United States government, Entrusted with the safety of us all? Yes.
Thank you very much, Mr.
They have the u.
Government fighting their case.
We have an artist.
It's okay.
This case is about art.
If you have any questions, you come right back.
Hi, there.
I told you I can't help you.
Wright I just wanted to say that I'm sorry one more time.
I will never accept your apology.
You were a victim, miss wright, and I'm sure that was awful.
I mean, I know this because I was a victim, too.
You know, apology Allows victims of ghastly behavior Being set up, for example It allows them a respite from the burden of their anger.
It also allows the perpetrators of bad behavior To reconsider, To start afresh.
And I think that's wonderful.
Don't you? Sorry.
Pardon? I'm sorry.
And so am I.
Well, now, that's wonderful! Who fancies a kebab? There's a wonderful place about a mile from here, hmm? Hmm? Mm.
I don't think we're there yet.
Your Honor? Proceed, Mr.
Tate, are you a court-qualified expert In the field of art? Yes.
Do you consider plastinated bodies to be art? Well, I'm not one of those artists Who think everything is art.
I abide by a, uh, stricter definition.
And that definition is Art is an intentional arrangement of things, Physical or otherwise, to elicit emotion.
Art must make people feel.
We'd like to show you something.
If a corpse comes through that door, gentlemen, so help me.
How did you get that in the building? Oh, well, security gave it the once-over with their wands, And, luckily, all his cavities are sewn up.
Okay, buddy.
Tate, Is this majestic animal, Which is inspiring enough to be on our state symbol, art? Taxidermy has long been considered art, so yes.
And yet, according to customs, This grizzly also ships as an anatomical item, not art.
Because customs doesn't know what art is, Just what something is made out of.
Now, you said that art is the intentional arrangement Of things physical and otherwise to make us feel something, Which is why a dance by Miss Soto A lawyer's closing arguments And the plastinated body of Henry Strauss are all art.
Correct? Yes.
I guess my initial assessment of "what is art" Was incomplete.
Thank you.
No further questions.
Court will recess for 20 minutes so we can all recover.
Well, your, uh, colleagues are very creative.
They try to find the truth, same as you.
Am I gonna have to ask you out for another 10 years Before you say yes again? Ask me again tomorrow.
Thank you.
Franklin and bash.
We connect people.
Let's hope we connected with the judge.
When this case started, I thought you people were all being petty.
I don't think that anymore.
Miss soto, I do believe You had a genuine relationship with Henry Strauss.
And I believe mrs.
Strauss Also had a profound partnership with her husband.
But what is at issue now is Is, is his body art? And given the extreme emotion we've seen in this case, I'm left with no doubt that Henry Strauss' body is art.
The art belongs to Martha Strauss.
I don't know if your husband loved me more.
But I know I loved him.
And now I know he loved to dance.
I know you've had a bad go of it.
I know you were bested in court By a man who went to the university of pruno.
yes, it's not my finest hour.
Thanks for the recap.
But I will be mentoring Mr.
Jeffers, So that means you'll be working with him On fridays and tuesdays.
And mondays, too, actually.
Oh, on mondays, too? That's awesome.
Yeah, a-and listen.
Look, I've been thinking about the fact that you sent a man To physically intimidate another man for me.
It's incredible.
I was worried about you.
It's I was pulling out all the stops.
Well, the next time you feel like Pulling out all the stops, stop.
I mean, you're a lawyer, for god's sake.
you could have been disbarred.
What in holy hell were you thinking? I think Martha's plan is cool.
Display him dancing in a cemetery.
You like that? Yeah.
It'd be crazy to bury him.
People put things in graveyards all the time.
Why not a plastic, dancing husband? Be cool-looking.
We heard you won.
That's right.
Strauss is on her way to nantucket right now With her giant ken doll.
It's true love.
What do you want to have happen to your body when you die, sir? Well, you assume I'm going to die.
I'm gonna be cremated.
Really? Yeah.
Not eaten by lions? Mm.
Changed my mind.
We could do it together.
Franklin and ash.
No way.
No, I'm gonna be shot into space.
Don't you have to be cremated first? Really? Yeah.
What, do you think your body would just be Floating around in space for eternity, "2001" style? Hell yeah.
I love that director! What about you, chuckles? Just kill me.
Hi, how are you? How's your wife?
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