Bloodline (2015) s02e09 Episode Script

Part 22

1 [.]
Young man goes out Looking for the diamond in the sea Old man rows his boat to shore And falls on twisted knees And you'll drown Before the water lets you in And you'll drown Before the water lets you in [birds squawking.]
What do I do? [Danny.]
- [coughing.]
- [Danny laughs.]
And repeat.
I'm leaving.
After I graduate, I'm I'm out of here.
If I stay nothing's gonna change.
I'm always gonna be what they think I am.
You should leave, too.
Me? You gotta be careful, John.
We can never be what we want if we stay here.
Where are you gonna go? It doesn't matter.
Just gonna get in Dad's old truck and just drive.
What's going on? I'm taking him.
It's time he came with me, you know? Hey, thanks for letting me stay here.
You take care of yourself.
Hey, come on.
I shouldn't be here.
I'm not gonna pretend like I'm sorry about the other night.
But I do know you're seeing someone, so I don't wanna screw things up for you.
That's not what I'm talking about.
What are you talking about, then? You lied to me.
Alec Moros wasn't in this house that night.
- Yes, he was.
- Meg, he was in New York.
No, that's not true.
I spoke to him.
He was in New York.
I mean, well, maybe I got the nights confused.
Hear me out.
Don't speak, and hear me out.
You lied to me and I think John lied to me, too, and maybe you're protecting your brother.
Now, that's not a very smart thing for you to be doing right now.
I'm I probably got the nights confused, Marco, but I didn't lie to you.
I'm giving you a chance to get out in front of it, whatever it is, before it's too late.
And come in and talk to me again.
I don't know anything, Marco.
Be careful.
I know John's family, but you need to look out for yourself.
[door opens.]
[door closes.]
Mom, you have to keep track of these.
It's too fucking complicated.
I laid them out for you.
Where's your pill schedule? What? The sheet I gave her.
The laminated one.
[TV playing indistinctly.]
- I don't know.
- Jesus Christ, Eric.
You gotta help me out with this.
- She can't keep half the pills down.
- I toss that shit right up.
Well, I can give you something for nausea.
What I need is groceries.
Lemon Cremes and the Fudgies with the little stripes.
What's that? [Mrs.
It's called "Heavenly Protection.
" I can't fucking believe this.
You can't afford to keep buying this crap.
On TV, they said there were only 43 left, and they knocked the price way down.
Put it on the shelf.
We're returning it.
Now, this pill, this one you take twice a day.
Once in the morning and once at night.
This one you take three times a day.
And this blue one only take when you need it.
For constipation.
[knock on door.]
- Who is it? - [man.]
Monroe County Sheriff's Department.
What do you want? I'm sorry to bother you at home.
Can I have a word with you? What happened with you and Marco? Meg, we have to assume that Marco is no longer a friend of ours.
This isn't just Aguirre's bullshit anymore.
'Cause Marco, he's He's trying to make a case against us, Meg.
He knows I lied.
He says you lied to him, too.
- He has no way of knowing that, Meg.
- Then why would he say it? Because he doesn't have anything.
That's why he brought you in.
Let me guess.
He brings you in, asks you a bunch of questions, and then he tries to turn you against me.
Basically, yeah.
The only way that he can get anything on us is if he turns us against each other.
Short of that, he's just gonna keep looking for every angle he can.
There's something that you don't know.
The information about Aguirre and his wife I released that.
Why are you telling me this now? Because there's more to the story.
Marco was the responding officer.
He never filed an incident report.
And three weeks later, the sheriff's department hired him.
You realize that Internal Affairs will have a field day with that.
That Marco and Aguirre will be waist-high in shit.
And they won't even have time to wipe their asses, Meg.
I just can't do it, John.
I can't do that to him.
He's never ever done one thing to hurt me.
How close is he? I don't know.
The other day, you said something.
Something that I gotta get clear on.
You told me to look into the Rayburn family.
Why did you tell me that? Ask John.
Why? He was the last person to see Danny alive.
Why just John? The whole family saw him together.
When? Night of the Red Reef, Danny went to the inn.
- Whole family was there - I'm not talking about that, dude.
- Then what are you talking about? - I'm talking about I'm talking about the next morning.
The next morning, John didn't see anybody.
He had a heart attack at his house.
I mean - That's what he's saying? - Yeah.
He was working his lawn, he had a heart attack, he called Meg, Meg took him to the hospital.
He's lying.
He met with Danny.
How do you know? I know.
[Eric scoffs.]
Dude I know shit.
Some shit that I have not fucking told anyone.
What shit do you know? Uh-uh.
I need protection.
I tell my story, I want full fucking immunity.
Immunity from what? Everything.
'Cause I talk, God knows what you motherfuckers gonna try to pop on me.
Well, then I need more.
John saw Danny? Where? When? Immunity or I don't fucking say shit.
Prove to me that you know something.
Go ask John's daughter about the necklace that Danny gave her.
What necklace? Just ask her.
[camera whirring.]
[gate squeaking, then clangs.]
So, what you're saying is you wanna take a look at our security feed.
We just wanna see how far back the footage goes for the traffic along this stretch of road.
It's the only access to the beach.
And my tax dollars are going towards you coming here and hassling me over my private personal property? What you'd be doing is helping Monroe County Sheriff Department in a number of investigations, ongoing.
Well, that doesn't answer my question.
Yes, your tax dollars do pay my salary.
I'm very grateful for that.
I assume you have some sort of a signed warrant.
You know, maybe there's a misunderstanding here.
I have no interest at all about your property.
I only want to know about the traffic that moves along this road.
That's it.
That's what the feds told Sheldon Burkes over at Magnolia Farms two years ago.
[John chuckles.]
Listen, it's just this It's just this stretch of road.
Why don't we reopen this once we get that warrant? Have a good day.
You, too, you son of a bitch.
Hey, babe? Babe, check this out.
Look what I got.
Oh, man.
[clicks tongue.]
[line ringing.]
[Eve on recording.]
Hey, leave a message.
Hey, luscious.
Where you at? I just drove all the way to Miami, and I got you something.
Oh, yeah.
I can't wait to see your face when you see the When you When you, um Um Baby, um, where you at, huh? Do, um? I mean, your shit Your shit's not here.
Where the fuck you at? You wanna call me back and tell me what the fuck is going on? Huh? Okay.
The shower's been leaking for a year, and I can't seem to get anybody to fix it.
- Do we get maid service? - [Sally chuckles.]
Paying guests get maid service.
We don't need any of that.
I'm happy to have you.
But while you're here, I expect you to help out.
Doing what? - Whatever Sally wants.
- Well, we'll find something.
There's no end to the things that need to get done around here.
It'll be nice to be useful.
Just whatever you need.
This was always a family place.
Hasn't seemed much like that lately, but, um maybe you two can change that.
Let's, uh Let's go in, and I'll show you the space.
I'm going over to Paul's.
Are you still working on that assignment? Yeah.
It's due tomorrow.
- Good luck with it, honey.
- [Ben.]
Bye, guys.
Have a good night.
I downloaded that app.
Seriously, I hate you.
Why? It's fun.
I can't stop playing it.
I don't know how you get anything done.
It's called multi-tasking, Mom.
I should try that sometime.
I'm glad he's gone.
What? Nolan.
I just couldn't stand him here anymore.
He showed up after Danny was gone, and no one even knew he existed until then? Nope.
Now, what does that mean to you? Nothing.
Should I be worried about him? You said you didn't wanna talk about this.
Let's not talk about this.
I wanna know.
Should I be worried about him? No.
[indistinct voices over radio.]
Whiskey and cigars? You must be in quite a jam.
Well, I like you.
Yeah, I doubt that.
Forget about this.
Let's say you hook me up with that sister of yours.
You realize I got a gun on my hip, don't you? Listen, I was over at the Cardozo Farms the other day.
I'm surprised that bastard let you on his property, given you're an agent of the government and all.
No, that's what He didn't let me on, but I'd like to get on.
What for? Well, you know, it's an investigation.
[exhales sharply.]
What do you need? I'd like to look at the security system over there.
Like, as in the cameras? That's right.
You can't get a warrant? There's nothing you can do? They keep everything on servers these days.
I don't have the resources.
What, are you fucking telling me you can't? I can't.
All right.
Well enjoy my fucking cigars.
- [Hank.]
Hey, John.
- Yeah? I might know a guy who's into that kind of thing.
- Can you trust him? - Absolutely.
He owes me a couple favors, too.
What do you need? On the north gate, there are two cameras.
I wanna know what's on those cameras over the past six months.
I'll call my guy.
I can't make any promises, but when he gets back to me, you'll be the first to know.
I appreciate that.
See you, buddy.
[engine rumbling.]
- [Roy.]
Hello there, sir.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hope I'm not overstepping.
- No.
Wanted a place to park this sucker for a week or so.
Hey, trust me, you buy this place, you got all the docking space you need.
- Oh, I like the sound of that.
- [laughs.]
- Hey, come on.
Let me get you a coffee.
- Yeah, sure.
- [sighs.]
- So? My offer.
Now, that's contingent upon you sticking around.
You want me to stay? Absolutely.
You know the place, you know the clientele.
I want you in charge of all operations.
- There a problem? - No.
Uh Wow.
Um Thank you.
I'm just not used to people having faith in me, that's all.
- Oh - I appreciate this.
Oh, it's a gift to get to do the thing you love.
- Brings out the best in people.
- Yes, sir.
So, that number work for you? - Yeah.
That's gonna work.
- [chuckles.]
- That's gonna work just fine.
- Beautiful.
I'll draw up the paperwork, get it to your sister.
Thank you.
- Oh, yeah.
- Thank you, Mr.
- Is my dad okay? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- What are you doing here? - Relax.
Your dad's fine.
I just need to ask you a couple questions.
About what? Danny.
The day that Danny went missing, you, your mom, your brother, you guys were out of town, - right? - Right.
And that was right after you and Danny went out on the boat? Uh-huh.
That day he mentioned something about a necklace.
Oh, yeah.
Uncle Danny gave me some necklace as, like, a present.
My dad didn't like it.
Is that it? This? Oh, no.
It was a seahorse.
- A seahorse.
- Yeah.
I was just looking for it the other day.
You know where it is? Nope.
I don't know.
My dad took it from me, like, when I first got it.
And I asked him about it the other day, but - But what? - He said he lost it.
- What does it matter anyway, though? - Actually, it doesn't matter.
I'm just tying up loose ends.
Boring cop shit.
Well, remind me not to become a boring cop.
I will.
Bye, Janey.
See you.
- Hey, Mom.
- Hi, honey.
Was that Marco you were talking to? Yeah, it was.
What did he want? Oh, he just wanted to ask me some questions.
Wait, wait What did? What did he ask her about? I couldn't exactly grill Janey for details, but he wanted to know about the necklace.
What about the necklace? He asked her where it was.
John? What's going on? I don't know.
I What the fuck do you mean, you don't know? You told me we were safe.
We were.
And now? Jesus, John.
Talk to me.
Listen to me.
I'll take care of this, all right? Yeah.
Yeah, you will.
Diana, there is nothing in the world that means more to me than you and the kids.
[line disconnects.]
[door opens then closes.]
What do we got? O'Bannon says John's lying about the last time he saw Danny.
- About what? The Red Reef? - I don't know.
Don't get too excited.
We're talking about O'Bannon here, and he may be full of shit.
So, bring him in.
He says he won't come in unless we give him immunity.
If he wants immunity, he better tell us a good fucking story.
He says he has one, and he says he can prove it.
Can he? He may He may know something.
- [rock music playing over speakers.]
- [door bells jingle.]
Gnarly Harley.
Heard you skipped town.
Well, I skipped back.
Your mom dead yet? That's really sweet.
I wouldn't mind rummaging through that shithole of hers.
It's always the batshit ones like her Sit on treasure half their life, don't know what they have.
I need the The thing I sold you right before I skipped town.
I need it back.
It's important.
Well I'm sure you'd be willing to part with whatever you got in that sack.
Heavenly Protection.
Hummel? Well Fuck me, O'Bannon.
We got a deal.
Worth maybe half a Hummel.
O'Bannon, you, my friend, are a crack negotiator.
You come back and see me anytime, huh? [John.]
Yeah? You go to my daughter's school, and out in the parking lot, you ask her fucking questions? The last thing I wanted to do was drag Janey in here and ask her questions in front of everybody, and turn this whole thing into something that it wasn't, okay? She's 16.
You're right, John.
I should've reached out to you first.
I'm sorry.
Sweet Ain't it sweet Ain't it sweet to know There one day will be Contracts my lawyers drew up.
All they need is your brother's signature.
Oh, thank you.
I will look at these.
Any more nuisance suits you needed to settle? Yes.
About that, I have Mezcal, two.
- Sure.
- I'm sorry.
You were saying The problem has been taken care of.
It's just that there is a campaign deficit involved.
I see.
You've been more than generous, obviously.
Have you sent my office an invoice for the legal work you did for me? Excuse me? The legal consulting you did.
- I didn't - For your brother's boatyard.
Have you billed my office yet? Mr.
Gilbert, it's a considerable amount of money.
Well, you've earned it.
We have you on retainer, isn't that right? Mr.
Gilbert, I'm not comfortable with that.
You've done such fine work.
Send the bill as soon as possible.
- Better to wrap up these things quickly.
- [man.]
Here you go.
You'll learn with a little creative thinking, you can accomplish anything you want.
God, I hate fucking fishing.
My girl's gone.
What does that mean? It means she's gone.
She's not calling me back.
I don't know what the fuck to do, man.
I'm sorry, dude.
That sucks.
Maybe I should just get the fuck out of here.
Go back to Miami, track her ass down.
You still working on that thing you said you were working on down here? Oh, yeah.
There you go.
Grade A Rayburn cash, as promised.
Holy fuck.
You got this from them? I can get a lot more.
'Cause not only are these people fucking amateurs, they got a guilty fucking conscience.
As well they fucking should.
John Detective fucking John Rayburn, he lied to the cops.
Well, how do you know? I know.
And if I tell the cops, then they'll clear me from all the shit that happened at the Red Reef.
You're talking to the cops? - They came to me.
- Oh, come on.
- What? - Come on, man.
This is our golden opportunity, man.
This is our golden ticket, bro.
You don't have a murder beef hanging over you, do you? I'd love to see John Rayburn exposed - as the fraud that he is.
- Shut the fuck up.
What is this? - I think it's my cut.
- No.
This is nothing.
That's shit, okay? - It's gonna get fucking wet.
- Leave it there.
- It's gonna get wet on the fucking - Leave it.
You don't deserve that shit.
This is nothing compared to what we could really have, you dipshit.
You understand? Yeah, I fucking understand, but I got a situation I gotta deal with.
You got a sit? Fuck your situation, okay? [.]
You know for a fact that John lied to the cops? Yeah.
You got proof? I can prove it, yeah.
Well, then you don't go to the cops.
You don't bite the tit that feeds you, you hear me? 'Cause we own this motherfucker.
[cell phone ringing.]
- Yeah? - [Hank.]
You at a computer? Yeah.
You're gonna get a secure link and a password.
It'll be good for 24 hours.
It should get you what you need.
Hey, Hank? - Thank you.
- Yep.
[typing on keyboard.]
You okay? Hi.
I'm fine.
Have you seen Marco? Why would you ask me that? Well, whenever you used to have a problem with a boy I'd find you out here.
Mom, that was in high school.
Yeah, I guess so.
Hi, Meg! What is she doing here? She's staying here with Nolan.
For how long? As long as they want.
Was that why you invited me here? Yeah.
I thought you all should know.
Maybe you can tell John and Kevin.
Uh Okay.
How is Kevin anyway? He's going to meetings.
He's good.
And he just got Roy Gilbert to invest in the boatyard so now he's doing good financially, too.
Mom? I do not like that man.
I thought he was a friend of Dad's.
Your father and Roy Gilbert were not friends.
Did something happen that I should know about? What you should know is that Roy Gilbert wants what's best for Roy Gilbert, and that's all he wants.
And he'll do whatever it takes to get it.
Hey, I wanna show you something.
Come with me.
All right.
I don't know, Kev.
- Why, is something wrong with the terms? - No.
The terms are fine.
It's Do you realize that you're gonna give up control to Gilbert? The other guy wanted to bend me over and kick me out.
It's a hell of a lot better than that, isn't it? Maybe just think it over some more.
Give me some time to do some due diligence on Gilbert.
I don't have any more time.
What's going on? You're the one who hooked me up with this guy in the first place.
- You know the guy that I paid off? - Yeah.
Gilbert is the one that gave me the money.
I just don't know if that is the kind of guy you should be doing business with.
Meg, if I fuck this up, if I lose this I'm telling you, I'm gonna end up selling fucking drills down at Harry's Hardware.
- No, you're not.
- Yes, Meg, I am.
And how come when you and John need money for the campaign, there's not a problem? Suddenly, I'm in trouble, and now you're concerned? - I'm trying to help you.
- Are you trying to help me? Because I need this to happen.
I don't want this.
I need this.
- I get it.
- I don't think you do.
You know what? I think I'm starting to realize something.
Now that Danny's gone, and I'm starting to sober up, get my shit together a little bit, I think you're scared.
About what? There might not be a fuck-up in the family anymore for you and John to feel superior to.
Are you kidding me right now? - Number one, I am not John.
- Well Number two, it's a fucked-up thing to say.
You're gonna have to go find somebody else to save.
Just make sure that they're a real failure so that you can come in and rescue them.
I'm not having this conversation with you.
If you wanna do this, Kevin, you go ahead and do it.
The paperwork is fine.
Well, thank you for your legal advice, but if I need any more, I'll be sure to look elsewhere.
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never know, dear How much I love you So please don't take My sunshine away Your mama has a very pretty voice.
I guess.
He just hates it when I sing.
How could you hate that? [Eve.]
He used to like it.
He wanted me to sing all the time when he was a little boy.
Yeah, okay.
I'm going to bed.
- You're leaving? Just like that? - [Nolan.]
- Good night.
- [Nolan.]
Good night.
Robert used to sing that song for the kids, all the time.
Yeah, I know.
Danny told me.
That's why I learned it.
And Danny used to sing it to Nolan when he was a baby.
Danny couldn't sing.
- Yeah, but he did it anyway.
- [laughs.]
[strumming and scatting.]
[footsteps approaching.]
Miss Ortiz, thank you very much for seeing me again.
I'm glad you called.
I think it's very important that we get your story out there.
Please, come in.
[inaudible dialogue.]
Clay, what was that all about? You didn't hear? Reporters got some dirt on Diaz and IA is following up.
It's our responsibility to inform you we're opening up an investigation.
Since when does IA take orders from the local paper? A report like this has to be looked into.
You understand.
It's a serious allegation.
Do you understand that that's all that this is? It's just an allegation.
You'll get a chance to explain your side of the story, Detective.
If there's been no misconduct you have nothing to worry about.
No, no.
I don't care if it's Barbara fucking Walters, the answer's gonna be the same.
I'm not available for comment.
There's gonna be an official inquiry.
All right, first thing: don't say a word to anyone.
And call the union lawyer.
It's only gonna be a matter of days before they start sticking microscopes up our ass.
What about the case? Full steam ahead.
Tell O'Bannon he's got immunity.
- DA's gonna need more than that.
- Draw up the paperwork.
If O'Bannon's got the goods, I wanna be ready to roll.
[door opens, then closes.]
Listen, O'Bannon.
I haven't heard back from you.
I think you're full of shit.
You want immunity, you gotta give me something before you run out of time.
You know the number.
I'm waiting for your call, okay? [Marco on recording.]
You want immunity, you gotta give me something before you run out of time.
You know the number.
I'm waiting for your call, okay? [.]
You know, you better split.
He's gonna be here soon.
I'll get finished here with John, and I'll swing by your place.
See you, man.
Good luck, bro.
[rock music playing over speakers.]
- [Kevin.]
Oh, hey, Mr.
- Hey, I thought I'd stop by and check out my investment.
Uh Okay.
- If I still have an investment.
- [laughs.]
Meg said she left the papers with you.
- Yeah.
Sorry about that.
I got - Have you signed? We got a deal? - I can give you another day or two.
- No, no.
No, I got them right here.
- Uh-huh.
Everything check out? - Yeah.
- No questions? Issues? - No.
No, not really.
"Not really"? [chuckles.]
Is that the sound of second thoughts I hear? Yeah.
Just Just me and you here, Kevin.
No need beating around the buttonwood.
If you need more time to go over it No, no.
I don't need any more time.
Okay, then.
Got anything to drink around here to toast our new partnership? Uh, actually, I don't drink, but I have a large assortment of juices and sodas if Well, we'll skip it, then.
We'll celebrate another time.
- I'll take you and the wife out to dinner.
- Sounds good.
- Yeah.
You'll hear from me soon.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Thanks for coming down.
[upbeat Latin music playing over speakers.]
- Oh, hey.
- Hm.
Where the hell you been, huh? [clears throat.]
I was starting to think that you'd forgotten all about me.
I got a little surprise for you.
- Yeah? - Oh, yeah.
Holy shit.
How much is this? I got a lot more back at the motel, so why don't you say we go back, you and me, and roll in it? I can't.
Why not? She invited me to stay.
"She" who? Sally Rayburn.
So, uh me and Nolan are at the inn now.
Like Like you're living there? I don't know.
We'll see.
What happened? Uh, I think she realized she made a mistake shutting me out, you know and she's got a hole in her life without Danny.
Wow, you really worked that situation, didn't you? I didn't work anything.
They're my family.
Yeah, but But they're not.
[tires screeching.]
So, let me come and see it.
Let me come and check your situation.
I can't screw this up.
This thing between you and me wasn't gonna last forever.
You knew that.
Did I? It's crazy 'cause I'm the only one who's ever really taken care of you.
I mean, your parents didn't.
Right? Danny didn't.
And these people aren't gonna either.
It's just me.
Just me, really.
I just don't think it's a good idea for them to be living here.
Well, you seemed okay with it earlier.
You sprung it on me, Mom.
I didn't get time to think about it.
Nolan's my grandson, your nephew.
It's a non-issue.
Okay, but what about her, then? Mom, she came here begging us for money.
She's using you.
I appreciate that you're trying to fix things that happened in the past, but it's just not the right way to do it.
Well, it's my way of doing it.
She's not who you think she is.
Who is she? You don't know what she does or who she associates with.
Who? Who does she associate with? I can't tell you that right now, Mom.
God, you sound like your brother John, telling me things without telling me anything.
I just don't want her to be around this place, okay? - Well, it's not your decision.
- Well, it should be, Mom.
- Oh, it should? - Yeah.
John and Kevin and I, we all own part of this place, too.
If you're gonna make a decision like that, you should ask us.
Did you and John and Kevin build this from nothing? Did you raise five children while trying to run a business, Meg? Did you almost have a fucking nervous breakdown trying to make everybody else happy but yourself? Mom Did you? No.
Then don't talk to me about your rights here.
I asked you to cut Danny back into the business before he died.
You didn't do it, did you? No.
Mom, I don't know what she's up to, but it's not good.
Nolan and Eve are not going anywhere.
[door opens.]
Hey, man.
Good to see you.
Do you really think that IA bullshit's gonna scare me off? I don't know what to think.
I know what you did.
And you know what you did.
Good night, Marco.
You know, if you keep going down this road you're not gonna find what you think.
It's not gonna end well for you.
Well, then, it looks like it's not gonna end well for either of us.
[vehicle approaching.]
What's going on here? What are you guys doing on the boat? You must be Kevin.
My apologies.
Didn't expect you to be here this late.
Uh Who the fuck are you? I'm Luis, an old friend of Mr.
- Is there a problem, Luis? - No, not at all.
We just needed to take the boat out for a bit.
Nothing to worry about.
Does Mr.
Gilbert know about this? Of course.
It's good to meet you.
Look forward to seeing more of each other.
How can we work this out? I don't know, John.
John? What happened? - [John crying.]
- Oh, my God.
Is that Danny? I'm gonna take John's car to the hospital.
Take Danny and go home.
I wanna tell my story.

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