Foursome (2016) s02e09 Episode Script

Whatta Lock-Block

(light music) [Andie Voiceover.]
Previously on Foursome.
When all the girls were in sync on our periods, [All.]
Ow! [Andie Voiceover.]
Things got emotional.
Where's Mr.
Zapp? My golden goose has flown the coop! [Andie Voiceover.]
I don't know if it's my tampon talking, but I'm feeling stressed.
I have my period.
[Andie Voiceover.]
Luckily, the guy I'm into knows exactly what I need to feel better.
I can't wait for homecoming lock-in.
A whole night of being locked in school with you? 3:30 can't come soon enough.
You do realize you're decorating football hall, meaning you'll be stuck with Alec all night? Worth it? Absolutely.
Aw, she said yes.
Here, maybe these will help you stop being afraid of your older brother.
You know you basically just told me you wish I had balls, right? (laughs) Do you smell that? [Jenny.]
Oh my God.
For me? Everyone knows Jenny loves meat.
I love that he asked her that way.
I wish you loved meat as much as Jenny.
That was bad.
Forget I said it.
So did you do this at Stephenson? What? We call it home queries.
People at Brayer get super psyched about how people ask each other to homecoming.
No, must just be a Brayer thing.
Well, I'm glad I go to Brayer then because I think it's super fun.
Ah, I'm late for calc.
I'll see you at 3:30.
Can't wait.
Oh my gosh.
I can't wait.
Yes! (screams) Hey guys.
Imogen, you look like witch skin.
This really cool senior told me that all the sophomores wear green for spirit week because we're so green to high school, and I just got pranked again, didn't I? Yep.
Spirit week is my favorite week of school.
You don't go here.
Ah, the dress up days, the home queries.
And best of all, the lock-in.
I couldn't go last year.
Alec, 'nuff said.
A teacher chaperoned event where nobody sleeps and you can't get out and you decorate the halls all night? That sounds like the perfect way to say goodbye to public school.
You look like emerald shitty.
The lock-in's nothing by drinking and pranks.
My two faves.
Thank God Kent Yodaed Alec into letting me come.
Bring on the mixed drink and high jinks.
Kent is really upping his game.
Do you think he's gonna ask you to homecoming tonight? You know, the lock-in is always the home query hot spot.
I couldn't really read him, but maybe.
He did seem pretty pumped about lock-in.
I know what you mean.
Foreign people are hard to read.
Clemont smiles when he talks about his dead aunt.
You look like frog pubes.
Andie, forget Kent.
We should go together.
I'm not over Zapp, so might as well go a friend.
Sorry, Kota, but if Kent asks me, I'm gonna say yes.
We can be each other's Plan B's.
You could go with Imogen.
Plan B is a pill, and so are you.
You can start thanking me now.
For material to make fun of you forever? I scored the media club the best theme for our hallway.
The future because the theme for homecoming's Time Travel Dance Through the Decades.
We wanted the 90s.
But you always dress like the 90s.
Come on! Get excited! Fine.
I've had nothing to be excited about since Zapp zipped out of here.
I'm ready to flip this round.
I will use crayons! I'll get home queried.
To the future! (cheering) Yeah! Noise.
(upbeat dance music) [Andie.]
The future is really not as easy to decorate as anticipated.
Yeah, I mean there'll probably be knew colors invented by then and there would definitely be no paper because of the decimation of our forests and all the glue would be gone because of the dead horses.
Screw the horses.
Lock-in's all about boozing and cruising.
Skateboard, bam! Watermelon filled with vodka, bam! No, Courtney.
That is a dangerous combination.
Let's just all close our eyes and picture our own futures.
Maybe we'll get inspired.
(serene music) Hello? Well, I guess it's official.
I am now the last person on Earth.
I hereby pronounce this planet Imogen Dia.
Aye aye aye aye! I knew all my precautions would pay off.
I am immune to everything.
Shh, I'm visioning.
[Male Speaker.]
Dakota, Dakota, who are you wearing? Myself.
I'm the greatest fashion designer in the world.
Damn, I knew I'd be fab in the future.
Can't wait for homecoming.
I love high school.
Woo! (coughing) What'd you see? Marry rich? Yeah, I'm super successful and definitely not still hanging out here.
OK, Andie's turn.
Blood sis.
Being hall neighbors has its perks.
Can I ask you a question? (romantic music) Yeah, if you want to.
Can I use your girly handwriting for a banner? We gotta sign the 80s and I can't quite nail the font.
Oh, yeah, of course.
You're the best.
Andie, Clemont asked me to homecoming and he left this beret in my locker.
Imogen, your first school dance and you have a date? I'm so psyched for you.
Translated it says will you come home with me, but I knew what he meant because, French people.
(laughs) I'm gonna go show Dakota.
Imogen got asked.
That was mean.
Oh my goodness, I am so excited for homecoming.
We said congratulations.
Can you please stop talking? Don't be salty.
I mean, it looks like we're going together anyway because Kent blew me off again.
I will not be anyone's sloppy seconds.
I'll just go stag.
Maybe the music and lights will make Joe Herman look enough like Zapp that I'll feel like hooking up.
(laughing) Oh, we totally got you.
You should see your faces.
(laughs) I always see faces.
The first prank of the lock-in has commenced.
Pow pow.
Was it even a prank if none of us were scared? I just peed a little.
Just keeping it real.
Me too.
I'm blowing up.
Oh, you know what we should do? We should oil the drama club hall.
They'll react so, um, dramatically.
What do you say, blood sis, you with me? She's done it again.
Dammit, come on, Mae.
(hissing) What, where did all my double-sided tape go? I brought seven rolls and now I just have this.
What, I had a vision.
Just go to another hallway and ask for some more.
Just go to another hallway? Another hallway filled with strangers and seniors that prank me every day? I'm just gonna be like, hi, I know that you tell me to be invisible every day, but by any chance do you have any double-sided tape? This is why I am going back to being.
(groans angrily) What do you say, new babe? Make a split decision.
I say yes! Alec asked a freshman.
I am seeing a silver lining though.
At least we get your place to ourselves.
Oh, that's what you wanted to do the night of homecoming? Hang out at my place? Lucky me.
You're about to get lucky because in 20 minutes I was about to ask you if you wanted to meet me in the janitor's closet.
But I have to show face at the football hall first, so I'll see you then.
Oh, OK, yeah.
I'm crushing my balls.
I'm crushing my balls.
Homecoming with a senior.
I'm so excited.
Yeah, you're welcome.
I'm pretty stoked myself.
Every dance I've rocked has been with my ex, so I'm gearing to hook up with way more people this year.
What? What? (lively dance music) 80s.
Hey, excuse me, excuse me.
Do you have any double-sided tape? Ew, who are Wait, you're Imogen, Greer's friend.
- I am.
- Oh my God, shut up.
Greer told us what an alien you are and we're obsessed.
- What? - You guys, it's Greer's fave emoji.
Say what's a vagina? What's a vagina? (laughing) What's this noise? Oh, serendipity.
I sure was hoping you'd get lost and stumble into cheer hall.
Come hang with us, boo thang.
No, Greer, I really have to get back.
I said come hang with us, boo thang.
Oh no, I just was just saying Shh.
- I was just saying - No.
Perf, let's go take shots off the JV swim team.
Flip, strut.
Wrong way.
(laughs) That robot's a dick.
Is he single because I've got no other options for homecoming.
Oh, Plan B is looking pretty good right now, huh? Whoa, I just sounded like Courtney after a honey bee date.
I just don't understand what Kent's problem is.
Is he embarrassed of me or something? I mean, maybe Alec isn't the reason we're hiding away in corners to hook up.
I just wish he would make a grand gesture.
Why don't you make a grand gesture? Ask him.
I just for once wanted to be the one that people were chasing after.
This is not how I pictured my first lock-in going.
That's because you're doing it wrong! (screams) We're having so much fun! Court, it's in my mouth.
Courtney, Courtney! For why though? Lock-In! Woo! Oh, maybe there's a little left for you.
I know you know better.
Come on, you guys, let's just do this lock-in proud.
We're obviously going through something.
Kent, Zapp, read the room.
I'm gonna go clean this off.
I'm sorry, Court, I'm just not feeling it.
I'm gonna go find Mae.
I keep thinking about Zapp and that wig-wearing Waldo is a walking distraction.
(phone buzzes) Oh, hey, I was just about to steal you away.
To a hidden corner? [Dakota.]
Girl, what? It's oil.
Mae, are you asking me to homecoming? I want to dance.
And I wanted to be in a relationship with a teacher, but we don't get what we want, do we? Yeah, you're right.
I'm better than this.
Going to a dance with a friend is exactly what I need to get over Zapp.
Yes, Mae, I'll go with you.
There goes my Plan B.
Who's the girl that looks like a ghost? That's Mae.
She doesn't even go here and she has a date to homecoming.
She doesn't go here? How'd she get in? You know, I just remembered I'm actually supposed to be helping Imogen go find tape right now.
Tape? It's double-sided, so she's gonna need my help.
Are you OK? I'm fine.
You are crazy.
What's a vagina? (laughs) Come meet me in future hall.
Excuse me, I'm so sorry to interrupt.
My name is Imogen and I was just No need to introduce.
We know who you are.
You're our favorite member of the Foursome.
Other people call our group the Foursome? I thought that was just an us thing.
I mean, there are four of you, so it wasn't the toughest nut to crack.
I didn't even know you guys knew I was alive.
We were just at a sleepover together and you said one word to me.
Was it pomegranate? No.
You are the truth.
You want a brownie? I am the truth.
[Male Speaker.]
Hey, it's the dog cage girl.
I am the dog cage girl.
Why were we nodding? (trumpet ringing) [Girl.]
Yes, of course I'll go to homecoming with you.
(trumpet ringing) - Hey.
- Hey.
I just need some crepe paper.
We're building a DeLorean in the 80s hallway.
It's in the cabinet.
What are you doing? This is just a hunch, but seeing as how you're all alone, you're not tipsy, and you've melted into this couch somehow, I'm guessing you're not having fun in the future.
Lock-in just wasn't what I expected it to be.
Here's another hunch.
We're not just talking about the lock-in, are we? Your hunches are correct.
It's just this guy I've been hanging out with and I'm sorry, this is weird.
It doesn't have to be weird.
Look, we used to be friends before everything.
I still want that.
Don't you? It's a complicated answer.
I'm here for you as a friend.
So tell me what's up.
So we're doing this? We're doing this.
So homecoming is coming up, obviously, and basically Kent hasn't asked you.
I don't get it.
I mean, we've been hanging out all the time and recently it just feels like he's embarrassed of me or something.
I just, I don't want to go through that again.
Andie, I never wanted It's fine.
I didn't mean to get into all this.
I just for once wanted someone to pick me, no matter what.
I would've picked you if things had been different.
I guess what I'm saying is that he would be crazy not to take you.
(gentle guitar music) Josh, that's such a great way to ask Greer to homecoming.
So good.
Awesome, she's gonna love it.
He must really like you.
He better.
(laughs) Hey, thanks for walking me back.
Sorry if I made you leave early.
I just wasn't in the mood to party.
No problem, I've been to my fair share of CEO in hell parties.
(laughs) Honestly, I invited you just so we could spend some time together.
Yeah, I've been thinking about you since that last BDX party.
I was a mess that night.
I take it that since you're here that you and your boyfriend Over.
It was just past its time and I feel that way with a lot of stuff lately.
You're gonna think this is lame.
No, try me.
OK, I was at my high school's lock-in tonight and it just wasn't how I remembered it.
Full confession, all of my best friends are still in high school and I just wanted to show them how much fun it could be.
But I think I overdid it.
Is that pathetic? No, not at all.
I'm a senior in college and all my friends from high school are still my best buds.
- Really? - It just sounds like you guys are in different places right now, but that'll change.
Yeah? I love that you don't care that they're sophomores.
Sophomores? Oh.
So you used your love of photography to ask me to homecoming? You must be really into pictures.
Well, I'm a photographer, so pretty much.
Surprised it's not a Polaroid though.
That seems to be your thing.
- What? - Nothing.
I love it.
I'm gonna go show the girls.
Oh, and doll, if you need advice, try Girsten.
She gets me more than Andie Fixler.
Oh, and babe, I'll be wearing gold.
(Kent laughs) Gold? Good luck matching that.
Matching outfits are the least of my worries.
You taking anyone to the dance? Nah, dances aren't really my thing.
Yeah, I get that.
I think they might be Andie's thing though.
Really? She said she's never been.
That's because no one's ever asked her.
Her brother's Well, you know.
I don't know, I just think it might mean something.
Just a thought.
Thanks for looking out, man.
I'll go talk to her.
We are definitely not winning best hallway.
Hey guys, I'm back.
About damn time.
Andie found double-sided tape two hours ago.
What, did you get locker stuffed? No, no, the exact opposite.
I met so many people, cheerleaders and stoners and the yearbook club, and they all knew me and they all liked me.
They said I am the truth.
Your timing isn't great.
Finally realizing how dope people think you are right before you ditch them and go back to homeschool? Whoa.
There's that brownie.
- What? - What? Hey, Fixler.
(romantic music) Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
Ring, ring.
What are you doing? Just pick up the phone.
You can't be serious.
Ring, ring.
Hi, Andy Fixler, I was wondering if you would do me the honor and attend Brayer High School's homecoming dance with me.
Did I do it right? My home query? Cheesy and weird, but it was perfect.
Why is nobody slow clapping? [Alec.]
What do you think you're doing with my sister? (shocked gasps) I'm asking her to the dance, and it would mean a lot to me as my friend if you would let me take her.
I've been waiting my whole life for someone to show me that type of respect.
Asking me my permission to take my sister to the dance, that's what a real man would do! (laughs) [Andie.]
I'll tell you what, Kent Saydak, I give you permission to accompany my sister to the dance, huh? How about this, we all go together? (laughing) Now you can slow clap! (cheering) (easygoing rock music) Hmm, I wonder what my future will look like.
(joyful music) Keep pushing, Shaw.
Fivesome is just a future away.
(joyful music) (light music)
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