Freakshow (2013) s02e09 Episode Script

Creature's Daughter

1 Right now on "Freakshow" I actually learned some good news, man.
I've actually been able to talk with Alyssa.
She's letting me see Mia.
I want you guys to be able to have a relationship, but she don't understand why you look like that.
What do you think, man Creature light? You look like a daddy.
This week is Asia's 21st birthday, and I wanna do something big.
Let the party begin! [Cheering.]
Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" So, this week, it's Asia's 21st birthday.
[Collective cheers.]
What should we do for her birthday? Let's go to, like, a I don't know, like, lounge.
- Karaoke style.
- Karaoke no.
- [Laughter.]
- What should we do George? She's only gonna be 21 once, man.
- Yeah I know, right? - Yeah.
See, what what should she do? Well, hey, let her bust loose.
- He said, "bust loose.
" - [Indistinct.]
What up, bro? What's good, Bam-Bam? [Indistinct.]
- How ya doing, man? - How you been, bro? Hey, T.
Ray! T.
Ray, what's up, my boy? Hey, what party's going on? I invited one of my old friends, from back in my old break dancing days, to come down to "The Freakshow.
" Lately, I've been wanting to reconnect with people who knew me as "Marcus," before I became "Creature.
" Man, bro, this is the home right here.
Break-dancer, right here.
B- boy Beetle with the L.
Breakers, man.
Check this out.
He was in a group called "Circus Runaways.
" I was in a group called "Freakshow.
" [Collective chatter.]
You're lying.
I've known Marcus for about ten years now.
First met Marcus at a break-dancing jam.
We were at a really high peak, and then, he stopped breakin' as much because he got into tattooing.
I've known a lot of struggles that Marcus has gone through, when it comes to just people judging him.
Being friends with Marcus, before his whole transformation to Creature, has actually taught me, you can't judge a book by its cover.
It it's great.
Even though we were rivals, man, like, we used to always teach each other.
- We motivated each other.
- We motivated each other.
That's what I like about dancing, bro, because the culture, it brings everybody together.
Why'd you stop? - You guys were at the top.
- Man, bro, it was Why did you stop, bro? - [Laughter.]
- Why did why, man? Man, bro, honestly, man, like, I needed another release in my life.
I met this tattoo artist, and he's like, "I think you would make a wonderful tattoo artist, bro.
" "A body-piercer.
" And that's how I became Creature, man, and, you know, it just kinda made me push dancing to the side.
You're riding the beat in a different way.
Yeah, riding the beat in a different way.
I still hear that drum pow! Well, I've heard the stories.
- I've heard a lot of talking.
- [Laughter.]
Let's see "the Circus Runaways" take on "Freakshow," old-school style.
Come on, let's go! Oh, oh, who's got it who's got it? Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh! [Cheers and applause.]
- [Indistinct.]
- That was cool.
So, I got a proposition for you.
What's that? Asia my daughter's birthday is this week.
- What? - How about y'all do a little B-Boy performance at her birthday party? [Collective chatter.]
You know I'm ready, dude.
Would this be crazy, if we had snacks in a skull? You wanna put snacks in a skull? Oh, my gosh! Todd, seriously, we're not at "The Freakshow.
" Right.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What are you doing? I have to tell you something.
Oh, no is this gonna be bad? No, I got the apartment.
- You did? - Yeah.
- Oh, my gosh.
- For real? Yeah.
Oh, I don't know if I'm excited or sad.
Asia's turning 21.
She's moving out.
I've just gotta let it happen.
But, when you're a dad, with a daughter, this is the hardest thing to let happen.
I just hope I can handle it.
I was kinda hoping, in a way, you didn't get it.
I mean, I'm happy.
Yeah, I'm really excited for you.
- Don't be sad.
- You're leaving.
I'm happy for you, but I mean, we've been together, like, 24 hours a day.
Like, I mean, I want you to, like, be on your own, and I know you wanna be an adult, but - You're ruining my makeup.
- I'm sorry.
I'm ready, but not 100%.
I'm really excited.
What are you most excited about? - Just freedom? - Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm definitely the - Turning 21? I mean, yeah, that's exciting.
Would it be bad, if we, like, moved close to you? We'll just move next door.
Oh, my God! - Hello? - Hey, what's up, Alyssa? Hey, how's it going? I've been talking to my ex-wife, Alyssa, more and more over the past year.
We have a five-year-old daughter together.
I want you guys to be able to have a relationship, but she don't understand why you look like that.
You know? She thinks it's scary.
I'm working my way up to maybe, you know, seeing her for once.
Yeah, she's pretty good.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
I went to her teacher conference, and she said she's doing good.
She's reading and writing.
Aw, that's good that makes me smile.
She's growing really fast.
- How about you? - You know, right now, you know, I I'm hoping maybe we can work something out to where maybe, you know, I might be able to see her.
Maybe we can make a day where it's just all about her.
Yeah, I mean, I don't mind.
I would love her to, you know, get to know you, but I would wanna make sure that you would try your hardest to make her feel comfortable.
I want you to be a little Creature light.
So she's comfortable around you.
No, I completely understand.
Having all the piercings and all the tattoos, you know, it's, you know, it was my choice in life.
I am pursuing my dream, but, you know, I do want my daughter to feel the most comfortable a around me.
So, you know, first impressions are are everything.
I wanna be the best man that I can be, without losing me.
But, you know, my daughter is really scared of it all.
It's not an easy subject it-it hurts.
I lost family, you know, from from Creature being Creature, man.
You have a good day.
All right you, too.
Hey, come over here real quick, before, uh, Asia gets here.
This week is Asia's 21st birthday, and I wanna do something big.
Yeah, that's an important milestone in your life.
You gotta celebrate it, you know? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
We should have a surprise birthday party.
I want us to celebrate that she has really grown into a very special woman.
So, I'm planning on having a surprise birthday party for her.
We're gonna celebrate like we've never celebrated in our life.
And, uh, when she moves out, we'll probably cry like we've never cried in our life.
We need to think of all our friends, our performer friends, everybody.
And I've already got a place I'm thinking of, in Hollywood.
I'm thinking old Hollywood glam.
Burgundies and gold.
The whole point of a 21st birthday is not remembering it.
Now, see, I see it the other way.
Uh, maybe 'cause she's my daughter.
- Well, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
You're sitting there cleaning a shotgun.
I'm talking about I'm talking about leaving her tanked, in the middle of Venice Boulevard, without her shoes, all right? - Come on.
- Okay, I'm talking.
- She ain't hanging out with you.
- [Laughter.]
Oh, man, bro.
I've actually been able to talk with Alyssa lately, and she's actually letting me see Mia.
But, you know, she did have, like, one little request, and that was to be, like, Creature light.
What's what's Creature light? She, uh, wants me to kinda tone down my my dress attire, you know.
How do you feel about that? Yeah, I could tone things down for her, but I really want Mia to accept me, for me.
I didn't wake up like this, you know? - Right, right.
- It took a lot of dedication to get to this far in my life.
I'm just hoping Mia can accept it.
As a father, you have a special bond with your daughter you really do.
Every day, he talks about Mia.
So, for them to get together, could probably be the most important moment of his whole life.
The one thing you gotta remember is, this is not a question of your artistic integrity.
- Right.
- It's it's one moment.
- Yes.
- And it's for your daughter.
If you can make all that come together, that's big.
- That is really big.
- Yeah, man.
That's a dream come true.
Hi, pinky.
So, what are we doing for your birthday? I think mom and dad wanna take us all out to dinner or something, for my birthday.
Wait where's the other one? You have too many shoes.
Like, you should just give these away.
- Uh, I don't think so.
- Sell 'em, something.
Dad collects two-headed babies.
I collect shoes.
It's just weird thinking that this is, you know, my last night living at home.
And I'm excited, but, you know, it's also gonna be weird.
It's just definitely a new chapter in my life, and I'm gonna miss moments just hanging out with my brother and with my family.
- Packing already? - Yeah.
Phoenix, how do you feel about her moving? As long as I can have her room, see ya.
I know, but you have to be my baby.
Like, now I gotta I'm gonna have to Right here, this is your baby.
- Yeah, she is.
- E even pinky's sad.
- Aw.
- Look, she's gonna cry.
I just can't believe she's actually packing up, ready to go.
I was going through some, uh, pictures.
- Of me? - Yeah.
Just thinking about when you were a little girl.
- [Sighs.]
- Oh, my goodness! - Aren't you cute? - Oh, my gosh.
- Look at those little cheeks.
- Look how young we were, - and you were so little.
- I know.
This was one of the best moments of my life.
- This time.
- Yeah.
Until we had Phoenix, and then it just Oh, thanks then it was the worst time of your life.
- [Laughter.]
- I was saying, until we had Phoenix.
Then it completed my life.
Oh! Oh, my gosh you guys are so weird.
This is why I took all those photos, by the way.
Those kids hated me taking those photos.
But, that's why I took all those photos.
I knew there would come a day like that.
But time goes quick.
Really quick.
Especially the good times.
You have to really squeeze in, though.
Wait ready? - Wait get in, Phoenix.
- One, two, three.
- Oh, that's good! - Oh, that's awesome! Hey, ladies.
- Hi.
- Hey.
We are here to get a birthday cake.
My daughter's 21st birthday.
- Aw.
- Yeah.
All right, well, let's start with flavors.
I got red velvet, and I got gluten free chocolate.
Oh, this looks so good.
- Mmm.
- This is really good.
I am such a fat kid right now.
- It's great I love it.
- Oh, my gosh! I think that's the cake already.
Yeah, sold.
May I make a suggestion, mom, and m'lady? A little touch of rum.
I got something for you guys to taste.
- Ooh! - This is good.
Oh, my gosh is this little, like, cakes in here? - They live in rum.
- Oh, my gosh! I love you.
- [Laughter.]
- I told you.
You want more cake? - You can have it.
- Do it, Jessa.
Let me see your face Suck it up, suck it up! The bearded lady is gettin' drunk off the cake.
- What's up, family? - Oh, what's going on? What do you think, man? It's Creature light right now.
Actually, you look really good.
What's up is Alyssa excited? I mean, what's she saying? I mean, the fact that I'm gonna be Creature light, I don't even know if she knows what that means.
The last time I wore anything like this, you know, I was at I was at the alter.
I know it's a great day, you know, but my family's behind me.
- This is a glorious day.
- Yeah, are you kidding me? Come on, don't get down now Don't get all emotional.
I I've been working really hard.
- I'm Creature light, right? - Yeah, and you look good! - You look like a daddy.
- You think she'll like it? I think she'll love it.
- She's gonna love it - Are you kidding me? I think she's gonna think she has the coolest father - in the world.
- I'm just so nervous.
I'm so shell-shocked about the whole Hold on let me let me straighten ya up.
I wanna make sure you look good.
I'm trying.
Once you see her, nothin' is gonna matter.
It's all gonna be natural, natural, natural.
You're gonna be her daddy, and she's gonna be your daughter, - and that's all that matters.
- I hope I don't I hope I don't freak her out by my emotions.
You know, the last thing, you know, she was.
She was scared of me.
So, you know, I'm always holding that in the back of my mind.
Get your emotions out right now.
This is happiness no more sad.
You've put in the work.
You've been through the struggle.
You're reaping the benefits.
And your baby for your baby to be coming here.
I'm I'm freakin' out I can't even believe it.
I wanna scream.
And I'm not gonna cry right now.
Don't make me cry.
You go in the bathroom, get yourself together.
I love you! It's an emotional, nerve-wracking situation, but this has been my dream, to bring my daughter to where I work.
You know, I hope that the perception I get with my daughter, it's amazing.
That's what I'm really hoping for right now.
That's my my biggest concern, you know? Oh, we gotta repaint these.
Alyssa? - Hi.
- Hi, Mia.
- Hey, I'm Todd.
- Hi nice to meet you, Todd.
So nice to meet you.
Are you excited that you're here, - at "The Freakshow?" - Mmm-Hmm.
You know, this is where your dad works.
- Isn't that crazy or what? - Yeah.
Hey, look who's here! Go say "hey" don't be nervous.
Come look, Marcus come on over.
Marcus, come here.
- This is Mia, Marcus.
- There's my little girl.
I'm very excited I see my daughter, Mia.
I want her to see there's a father in here that really cares, that wants the best for her.
I know you haven't seen daddy and it's a lot to take in, and I understand.
But I love you, baby girl, okay? - Thank you for coming.
- You know what? All the work that he's done on his body, all the tattoos, it's like art.
So, you gotta think You really gotta think of it more like that.
We still know he's a person, and he's not scary, or gonna eat you, or anything.
He just he has a lot of piercings and tattoos.
- That's it.
- That's right.
Daddy has all the tattoos, so you don't have to get any, okay? - [Laughter.]
- I have enough for the whole family, right? Yeah, we don't need anymore.
- Do you like "The Freakshow?" - Uh-huh.
I've always wanted you to be here.
You know, it means a lot to me, as your father.
It's been a long time, it's been a lot, but I'm gonna continue to do my best.
Right here, is the first step.
We'll call it zero, and then we'll get to one.
- [Laughter.]
- Yeah.
But, I'm very, very, very happy, and it means the world to me, 'cause, you know, like, Mia, as you're realizing that we're all different, but we all have amazing hearts, - and everyone loves you here.
- That's true.
And I I really wanna push that emphasis on you.
No matter what you may look like, or no matter what your appearance may be, you know, we're all different here, but we all share love as human beings.
And I want you to meet the whole family here.
Mia, she was a little standoffish, but I want her to get over the fear of, you know, not knowing daddy, and daddy being a little bit, you know, different than the rest of the dads.
But, her dad's love is unquestionable.
I'm really thankful.
You know, I'm really appreciative.
It means a lot to me, to bring her to my work.
I'm glad I can do it for her, and you.
It was time it was time.
I think going Creature light might've helped the situation, you know? And your attitude, too, which is good.
- So - But, you know, actually seeing all the differences - in everybody here - Yeah.
'Cause everyone, right here, is different.
I think that's helped out a lot, too, 'cause It's helped out a lot.
I think it's opened her eyes a little bit.
I've got something to show you.
You wanna look, Mia? That's your dad with no tattoos on his face.
No candies on my face no candies.
Think he kinda looks like you? A little bit, huh? Look, he has that same lip you do.
- Skinny top lip.
- Look.
Can you believe he used to look like that? [Creature laughing.]
That's crazy.
I just wished you can take all of that off, - that off, that off.
- Which ones don't you like? All of 'em, huh? He's still nice like that, though, huh? Even though he looks different, he's still nice.
I'm still nice, though, right? - I'm still a good person? - Yeah.
I know she was so happy and so thrilled, man.
Like, she's just turning me into a little kid.
I know it's the start of so many new things to come.
She's still gonna love me and and know me for who I am.
I wish I could relive that moment a million times.
Oh! Oh! This is so nice that we're all out together for your 21st birthday.
Tonight, I've set up the biggest surprise birthday party.
It's gonna be a moment she's gonna remember for the rest of her life.
What type of restaurant is it? Well, you'll see it's very nice.
It has your name written all over it.
Surprise! - Surprise! - Surprise! Happy Birthday! Well, that's a big surprise.
It's her 21st birthday! [Cheering.]
Make some noise! Creature and Beetle have been working on a little fun thing for you.
B- boys, y'all ready? - [Cheering.]
- Yeah! Yeah! [Cheering.]
Here's to this lovely lady that we call "Asia.
" This is to you and all your dreams.
- May they all come true.
- May they all come true.
It's been a magical and emotional week here at "The Freakshow.
" It's beautiful watching your children grow up, but it's so hard watching them grow away.
I'll never forget when Asia was born.
All I could think about was just, "God, this is heaven.
" You know, you take life for granted, until you look into the eyes of your own baby.
That's when you know magic, and it's so amazing to know they're more than you hoped for, and I'm so happy that Creature will get to experience this with his own daughter.
I just wanna say "thank you very much" for everything.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We love you baby.
Thank you.
Hey, are y'all ready for some cake? [All.]
Yeah! Happy Birthday.
Let's drink! This is from your mother and me.
Wait! [Screaming and laughter.]
I almost punched you!
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