Friday Night Lights s02e09 Episode Script

The Confession

Like how I decorated? Good thing you're a cool dude or I'd have to kill you.
You let the damn team down.
Do you understand that? I'll do whatever it takes to stay on this field.
Santiago has been working for me part time.
This is a boy who needs a home.
He should move in with me.
First real bed I ever had.
I like you.
A lot.
You have not grown up yet and you are not rid of me yet.
You hear? Go to hell! I got this secret, and it's starting to literally eat away at me.
Just tell the truth.
I need to speak to someone about the murder of Mike Caldwell.
I killed him.
I went inside to get the food, and she stayed outside, and as soon as I heard what was happening, I ran out.
I dropped the bag and I ran out and then I just started hitting him.
You stepped in to help your friend.
Is that it? I wanted to kill him, sir.
Yeah, but he was actually hurting the girl, right? Hmm? I picked up a pipe that was on the ground.
I ran over.
I hit him twice in the head as hard as I could.
All right.
I'm gonna go get a tape recorder.
All right? And I'm gonna be right back.
Stay put.
Yeah? That boy is not helping himself out in there.
Dad, what exactly are you doing? We're going home.
But we really weren't done talking in there, so We just need to go and figure some things out, Son.
There's not really anything to figure out, Dad.
I was I'm here to confess, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
And we didn't finish what we were talking about, So if we'd please go back in here, we Son, listen to me.
Detective Tambor is trying to help you out here.
I don't need to be helped out.
I need you to come back in here so I can finish telling you what it is We need to go home.
I'm not gonna go anywhere.
I'm not.
I'm not.
I came here to confess, and that's exactly You're going home.
No, I'm not.
I'm not! You're going home now! I'm gonna tell them what happened.
No! No! I love you, bud.
Let's go home.
Matthew? Did you eat my Snackwells? No, Grandma.
My Snackwells! Grandma.
Grandma, it's probably late for you to be eating snacks.
Well, I want you to ask Carlotta if she ate the Snackwells.
You want me to ask her now? Well, no.
In the morning.
Getting kind of tired of this.
You stole my grandma's Snackwells.
Yeah, you did.
You probably ate them, too.
I didn't.
First you take her tapiocas.
You see that? Come on.
Hi, Gracie girl.
Sweetheart, look, will you please make sure that you call today? Call the party rental place today and make sure "Call the party rental place that they are not late "and make sure they're not late.
" For coming You've got Any later I'll do it.
This is the third time you asked me to do it.
Sweetie I'm gonna take care of it.
Don't worry about it.
It's important.
Mom, are these organic apples? You've still got Mom, are the apples organic? I doubt it.
Seriously, sweetie.
They were on sale.
I asked for organic apples, Mom.
Hey, listen.
Are you guys gonna go shopping for the christening dress today? Yes.
And you've got the flowers? Yes, we're gonna take care of the flowers.
Get your room cleaned up? That room is a disaster.
Do you even trust me to clean up my room? I'm not gonna honor that with a response.
Mom, you just need to chill out, okay? This baby Gracie christening thing is not that big of a deal.
Well, sweetie, it is a big deal because you're the godmother, first of all.
Second of all, we've got family members coming in from out of town.
It's your sister.
And it's our family and it's a big deal.
You know, I'm not only the coach around here but I'm also the director of the athletic program.
And, I've been brainstorming 'cause the other departments are woefully understaffed.
And I have been looking for someone who owes me a favor.
Someone who Mmm-hmm.
Has been disrespectful and shown a great deal of selfishness.
Can you think of anyone off the top of your head? Top of my head, first guy comes to mind is probably Williams.
You know what? I got a lot on my plate right now, Riggins.
But I thank you very much for volunteering.
And where we can start is with the girls' varsity softball uniforms, and they are mighty dirty.
So I'm just doing laundry now? It ain't gonna do itself.
You know what? Don't even try and show me that Screech porn again, 'cause a little piece of me dies inside every day, Hey, listen.
So thank you very much.
I got something else for you.
All right? What? It's a dating website.
No way.
Hey, prudey.
Come on, man.
No way.
No way.
It's Wheel Lovers dot com, man.
It's bona fide.
I'm telling you right now.
Yeah, I'm sure they're, like, lookers.
They gotta be.
Take a gander.
Take a gander.
Heifers and Whoa! Come on, man.
Stop on Isabella.
Forget Isabella.
I'm looking for Charmaine.
Normal-looking, which is a shocker.
Now Charmaine's got a link to her MySpace page.
Don't Don't do that.
Don't go there yet.
Blam! That, we can't have Blam! Up on screen 'cause you know what? She got like the camouflage panties, man.
You can't even see them on there 'cause they're camouflaged.
Is that your sister? Don't make it weird, man.
I won't even be able to look at it.
Is it See it.
I just, uh, thought I'd bring you boys a snack.
Is it carrot sticks? What was I just saying about carrot sticks? You love them.
I love carrot sticks.
He loves carrot sticks.
Oh, I thank you so much.
Hand them over.
Yes, ma'am.
Just let me know if you need anything else.
Will do.
Carrots and cookies, Mom.
That's good for you, isn't it? Party time.
You gotta get out of this place, man.
Runs 4.
Benches 330 pounds.
When he comes for the quarterback, it looks like he's standing still.
He sounds like the Second Coming.
How about it, kid? You walk on water? You raining down fumbles from above? Yep.
And you may play a lot Friday night, too, Santiago.
Be prepared.
Landry went down to the police station and confessed to murder last night.
We're meeting with a lawyer, and you'll need one, too.
This guy's a good criminal defense attorney.
Just have your mom call me when she gets home, if y'all need help with the fees.
What's gonna happen to Landry? I don't know.
No way.
Looking good.
Back on the football team, huh? Looks like it.
So long as when you realize "return to the herd" is the biggest mistake of your life, don't tell me I didn't tell you so.
I won't.
You idiot! Your dad told me what you did.
Why? 'Cause it was the right thing to do.
I know you don't understand it, but I I just can't keep lying.
You know, I wish I could, but I can't.
Come on, let's go, D! Let's go, D! Let's go, baby! I'm not seeing it.
Come on, Santiago! Come on.
Take that block on.
Hey! Did we not have this going last week? We were doing fine last week.
What's the difference between last week and now? Huh? You contain them on the outside! Don't you? You key off the back, to see if he rushed the passer.
If he holds that ball, jail break! You go after the quarterback! You understand that? Do you understand that? Can I have a verbal response, please? Yes, Coach.
Thank you! Now let's see you do it! What's wrong with my boy, Coach? You know, he's got great instincts until you put him in first D.
Yeah, he's having a bad day.
We all have bad days.
Yeah, well, I need an outside linebacker that can get it done, and I don't think he's it.
To tell you the truth, I think it's in his head, Set! And that scares me.
White nine! White nine! Hut! Things can go in vastly different directions on this.
What do you mean? Well, he could be tried as an adult, for murder, or he could be let out on probation.
It all depends on how we frame it.
What exactly does that mean, to "frame" it? Well, the legal definition is "defense of another.
" If you reasonably believe that it was necessary to hit that man with the pipe to protect your friend from serious injury or death, then there's no crime.
Well, I killed him, sir.
"Necessary to protect someone "from serious injury or death.
" Those are the magic words that we need to focus on.
Well, why do I need magic words to try and make me look good for this? Do you not understand what I'm saying? Dad, I don't need Landry, I understand very well.
To frame this in a way to make me look good when the matter is that I killed this man.
I understand that.
I have got the record right here.
But when I use the word "frame," don't think of it in the negative sense.
By framing They can't catch him.
He's too fast.
He scores! Hey, stranger.
Oh! Hey.
What brings you by here? I was just driving by.
My favorite Christian in the neighborhood.
Ha, ha.
One second.
Yeah, go ahead.
Hello? Yes.
Oh, hey.
Hi, Isabella.
No, it's great to actually hear your voice.
No, this weekend is Yeah, that's fine.
That sounds good to me.
All right.
Talk to you later.
Shut up.
So who's Isabella? She's just a friend of Herc's.
It's kind of like a set-up thing.
Oh, really? Oh, yeah, it is, actually.
Are you smitten? No.
I'm not smitten.
We haven't even met yet.
We're gonna go out this weekend for the first time.
You know? I might have seen a picture.
That's very cool.
What are you doing in here? I thought you said we weren't supposed to see each other at school.
Yeah, well, this is an exception.
I need to talk to you.
Well, that sounds great.
Sit down, then.
What can I do for you? Okay.
So, it's about Mom and the whole baby-christening thing.
I mean, she's going off the rails about it.
What do you mean "she's going off the rails"? You've seen her at home yelling about cupcakes and party decorations and folding chairs.
Well, it's very important to her.
And I realize it's an important day, and it's an important day for Grace, but I just I don't know.
I feel like I'm gonna disappoint her or something.
What do you mean, "disappoint her"? I feel like I don't know.
I mean, I want to help.
I really do, but I just feel like she's asking me to do a million things at once.
You know, I have to keep up with my school work and I'm practicing for my SATs and I have dance class and I'm writing for the school paper, All right.
And now this All right.
All right.
I'll talk to her.
Really? Does that surprise you? Thanks.
I appreciate it.
You're welcome.
Good job, Carrie.
" How's he doing? Doing all right? Not really.
She just hit a eight-six, Coach.
Stacy should be hitting those double backs.
She's been her own worst enemy all day.
It's pretty bad.
Go, Dillon! Go, Panthers! Yeah! Let's go up there, Panthers! Let's go! Who's this guy? Don't fall off there, now! Come on! All right.
I'II, uh That's my roommate.
Let's go now! Get him out.
Get him over to the bleachers.
Let's do it! Yes, sir.
Step over to the bleachers.
This is a nice gig, man.
No, it's not a nice gig.
You gotta get out You see this blonde over here in that outfit? No.
You know what? You gotta leave, man.
All right.
Let's get out of here, then.
Go down to the Landing Strip.
Early bird special.
Check out Mindy I can't.
I can't go to the Landing Strip right now.
I gotta at least stay here till it's done.
I can stay, man.
I love me some acrobats.
Look at these girls, man.
You kidding me? Let's go, Dillon! Whoo! So, it's third and short.
It's an obvious run situation.
What defense you gonna be in? Dime or Prevent? Uh Dime? No.
Trick question.
I got you.
Hey, how much of this book you think I need to know by tomorrow? All of it.
Coming up, something I invented here.
Steak and ramen-zini.
Hey, Julie came into the office today to talk to me.
She did? Yeah.
What about? I think she's trying to help you out but I don't think she thinks you're understanding that because she's got so much going on.
And she feels overextended for all the things you're giving her.
She's got her homework.
What things? She's got school.
What? Just the things that she's I mean, you're giving her a lot to do, I think, and she doesn't know how to deal with everything.
She feels that she's not getting enough done, Wait a minute, sweetheart.
Wait a minute.
So she's She went into your office to talk to you about how I'm giving her too much to do? I mean, you realize that No, I'm just I don't think that's what that's really about.
'Cause I'll tell you right now, if our daughter Julie, who goes to school and comes home, is overextended All I'm saying is that she doesn't want to disappoint you.
that's not the girl we want to be raising.
She's trying to If she can't help out when we've got a big family weekend coming up.
All right.
I hope you were clear with her about that.
Oh, I told her just about everything you said.
I'm sure you did.
Son, can you turn off the music? I just wanna talk.
I realize that you're mad.
I realize that I'm not mad at you, Landry.
That you don't think I can handle the consequences.
No, I can't handle it.
If you go to prison, it'll break my heart and it'll completely destroy your mother.
Well, I'm not gonna lie about this, Dad.
Why is it a lie? You didn't even know the man was there until you heard Tyra screaming, and then when you came out he was attacking her.
How about the fact that he was walking away? Where does that come in to play? Didn't you try to save him? That's what you told me.
Son, this man raped five other young women.
You and Tyra were fearful for your own lives.
This was self-defense.
Morning, Coach.
Thought I'd get a head start on laundry and whatever else you need me to do.
This sudden, uh, work ethic of yours doesn't have anything to do with your living situation, does it? No.
How you doing? Smash.
You gotta stop giving away the store, man.
Hey, they don't count the ice cream, Matty.
It's okay.
Don't worry about it.
Have a good one.
How you doing? Hey, Smash, I Oh, no.
I got this.
I got this.
Um, my name's Brian Williams, but my good friends call me Smash.
Oh, nice to meet you.
But actually I wanted to talk to Matt.
Hey, you think you can make me a Rocket Launcher with jimmies, please? Yeah, he's gonna make some ice cream.
I got you.
I got you.
What are you doing here? Grandma was in a burger mood, so Oh, you're a liar.
No, she did.
No, she didn't.
You wanted to see me.
Oh, thank you, sir.
I can't eat this.
Yeah, you can.
And it's all for you.
I'm gonna go work on Grandma's burger.
My God.
That's the girl who's living at your house? It's your graduation day, fool! Man, shut up.
Smash taught you well.
Oh, Smash didn't teach me nothing.
Only sad thing is, man, you're right in the middle of something too good to last.
What are you talking about? 'Cause it's a situation with no rules.
Women like boundaries, okay? They always want to define things.
No, but she's different.
She ain't like that.
Take it from me.
You want this thing to last? You need to set some ground rules.
Tyra, I feel like I'm choosing between jail or hell.
Will you please just tell me the truth? Were you in fear for your life? Were you honestly in fear for your life, Tyra? Yes.
He would've raped me.
He could've He could've killed me.
If you hadn't been there You saved me.
So you ready for the game tonight? You may see some playing time tonight, son.
What the hell's the point of all this? What'd you say, Santiago? I can't do it.
What? What do you care if I play, huh? You don't know me! You aren't my pops! You don't know nothing about me! You're just some, some fat white guy who wants to make himself feel good! That's what you are.
And you know what? I don't need nothing from you, all right? I don't need to work at your car dealership and I sure as hell don't need football! Shut that door.
Shut the door! I'll tell you what.
You wanna go back to that cafeteria, eating off of plastic with 200 guys going nowhere, you be my guest, son.
Now, listen to me.
Tonight is your night.
You have an opportunity to go out there and accept the challenge.
You have the opportunity to become part of a team.
If you don't do it tonight, then you're never gonna do it in your entire life.
Now, I'm going to the field, so you get out.
Be my guest.
I hate you.
I hate you.
I'm so glad that y'all are gonna make it.
I know.
Good, good, good.
We'll see.
So this is the godmother dress.
So, obviously this is another thing I did wrong or something? Well, sweetie.
You know, I'm just I like it.
I think maybe, you know, if you Okay, so Maybe that little cardigan So tell me what you want me to wear.
I will go put it on.
Tell me what you want me to wear.
Don't do that.
Don't do what? Don't do what you're doing.
What am I doing? Listen.
Let's get something straight.
I understand it's been difficult.
Hi, baby girl.
It's been difficult since Gracie came into this family, but it's time for you to rise up and to grow up.
You know what, Mom? It's not about Gracie.
This isn't about Gracie.
This has nothing to do with Gracie.
Shh Keep your voice down.
And you know what? I would love to grow up, so why don't you let me grow up? I'm not doing anything to keep you from growing up, sweetheart.
Okay, so according to you, I'm trying to assist you in that matter.
I can't dress myself.
I can't pick my own friends.
I can't make my own plans.
I can't even go to the mall and pick out a dress with Shelley.
Everything I do is wrong according to you.
Now, that's not true, and you know it.
What? So what? Somebody can take a picture at this christening and we can all be your perfect little family and your perfect little baby? I am not trying to make everybody something they're not.
I am trying to get you to grow up What's wrong with this dress? Tell me what's wrong with this.
and grow into the person that I know that I raised into this family and the beautiful girl that you are.
You know, right now I'm acting a lot more grown up than you are.
Don't scream.
Oh, I think you're the one who started raising your voice.
You have been absent ever since that baby was born I have not been and you know it.
You have not Don't tell me Don't scream.
Don't you scream.
No! Don't you dare Don't you scream in front of that baby.
Tell me I'm not helping.
You have been doing nothing.
Do you know how many things I've done for you? Do you know how many things I've done for you? Do you know how many things I've done for you? A "thank you" would be nice.
That's all I'm asking for.
Well, I think a "thank you" would be nice, too.
So why did you attack Mike Caldwell on August 15th, 2007? I thought he was gonna kill my friend.
He was attacking her, and it didn't look like he was going to stop.
I was in fear for my life.
So I tried to be a vegan when I was 14.
Yeah? How long did that last? For, like, six hours.
Longer than I'd be able to do it.
Yeah, it was awful.
I'm from Texas, so Yeah.
Hey, is, uh, would it be awkward if I was to ask you why exactly you posted on the website? Well, is it awkward if I ask you why you were browsing it? Yeah.
Yeah, kind of.
Kind of.
You all done with these? Uh, yeah.
Thank you.
I see your point.
I'll refrain from asking that question, then.
It's no big deal.
I guess I just wanted to find guys who were more open-minded.
Kind of stupid.
Good answer.
Completely, completely understand.
Can I be honest with you? Yeah.
Of course.
Can I tell you what gets me going? Sure.
Excuse me for a minute? Mmm-hmm.
Um, excuse me? Yeah? Could you do me a favor? Could you tell the lady, uh, that I had That there's an urgent family matter that I had to attend I have to attend If the date's not going well, just say something.
I'm not gonna help you ditch her.
No, no.
I'm not trying to ditch her.
You're completely misunderstanding.
She's not your type, fine.
Just be honest with her Listen.
She went to the bathroom.
So you can both move forward.
She's coming right back.
I met this girl on an Internet website, and now Yeah, well she's talking about peeing and I'm not exactly comfortable with where it's going.
What? Yeah.
Care for dessert? Oh, no.
I'll wait for my friend to get back.
Uh, your friend left.
Excuse me? Yeah.
He left.
Uh, I'm sorry.
You must be mistaken, 'cause, see, he's in a wheelchair, and I drove.
I'm sorry.
He did.
Uh, so what are you trying to say? That he just left the restaurant and started wheeling on down the road? Honey, I don't have any idea.
Uh, whoa, don't "honey" me.
Don't ever Okay.
Calm down.
You want me to calm down? Calm down.
Hey, Riggins, getting krunked over there? Hey, Rig, you getting krunked over there? What's up? Let's go! I'll tell you what, this Fort Hood Quarterback J.
Pepper has lived up to his billing as "Mister Untouchable.
" The Panther's defense has yet to get a saddle on Pepper, as he's thrown strikes from the pocket all night long, scoring touchdowns on three of four possessions.
Pepper lets one go! Oh! And touchdown Fort Hood, as the Cougars pull further ahead, 28-13.
That ends the second quarter.
Coach Taylor has got to shake up his defense for the second half and find somebody who's gonna put pressure on their quarterback, or that Pepper train's gonna keep on rolling.
Go get them! Coach.
Mac said you wanna talk to me.
Yeah, here's what I got to tell you.
I'd like for you to play Santiago.
I'm not gonna put him in the game.
He's not ready to play.
He is a street fighter.
You never know until you put him in the ring.
Give the kid a chance.
I'm asking.
Is that it? Well, I'll take it under consideration.
Anyone who was expecting a second half adjustment from Coach Taylor is sorely disappointed, as the J.
Pepper highlight reel continues at the expense of this dismal Dillon defense.
Santiago! Santiago! Come here! Come here! Get your helmet on.
You're going in for Brad.
Get your ass in there! Let's go! Let's go, Santiago! Get in there, baby! Go on.
Come on, Santiago! Come on, 59.
Let's go, fellows! It's time to step it up right now! Four-three blood gaps.
Outside diamond.
Ready? Break! Hut! Ready? Hut! Keep coming this way, bitch, and I'll knock your ass out again.
You gotta hit him! You gotta hit him! Hey, wake up! Time for you to wake up! You hear me? Cover four, cover four.
Ready? Hut! Hey! Get it! The ball! Get the ball! Atta boy! Atta boy! Atta boy! There you go! Atta boy! Atta boy! Atta boy! Atta boy! All right! Here we go! Here we go.
You're going back in! Yeah! Good game, Smash.
Good game, baby.
Good game, guys.
You won that game, son.
Listen to me.
I know football.
Listen to me.
You changed the momentum of the game.
You brought the magic.
And, uh, about, uh, earlier in the car, that was cold.
No, no.
Thank you.
What? Thank you.
So I open the door.
And he is completely covered in leather.
I mean, head to toe.
Oh, yeah.
He had the shoes.
He had the pants.
The vest.
The jacket.
Little biker hat.
He's a winner.
He's a winner.
He was a winner.
But I have to ask you.
Did he have to go number one? You are pretty competitive in the whole bad date arena, aren't you? I'm always competitive about everything, and as far as this arena goes, it's no contest.
I win.
You win.
I'll give it to you this time.
All right.
Hey, you really saved my ass tonight.
No problem.
Do you think maybe we should, like, talk about, maybe, some ground rules? What? Like, you know, just, kind of, just put the fish on the table so we'll both, you know, so that we'll both know what's going on.
How we each feel.
That way no one'll get hurt.
It's just, you know, Smash kind of had this point about how we don't both know the simple I think I wanna teach you how to make mole.
Good night, Matt.
Oh, my God! You forgot to feed the ferrets.
Put it down.
You forgot to feed the ferrets.
Put it down.
Tim, what did I say you gotta do to stay here? Did I tell you you had to feed the ferrets? I'm sorry.
Put the gun down.
Put it down.
Got ya! Oh, you should've seen your face, man! Come on, man.
Some of my friends downstairs stopped by.
We're having a little impromptu soiree.
I want you to meet my buddies.
Come on, man.
'Cause you didn't feed the ferrets? Hey, but feed the ferrets.
All right? Hey, buddy.
You feed the ferrets today? Tim, man.
These are my buddies.
Shotgun, Conner, Spence, and Petey's around here somewhere.
How you doing today? Cheers.
Nice to meet you guys.
There's Petey right there.
Right on.
You want some? This is Lisa.
Here you go.
I'm all right.
You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna, uh, go get some vodka.
Oh, that's a good idea.
You guys need anything? We just got some bourbon left.
All right.
Need some money, man? No, I'm good, man.
All right.
Tell you what, I like him already.
What I tell you, man? My roommate's a giver, not a taker.
Hey, Dad.
You all right? Yes, sir.
Jason Mitchell Street.
Your father has been up all night trying to call you! We had no idea where you were! Yeah, she's right.
This is not fair to your mother, okay, Jason? You guys are right.
It's not fair to either of us.
It's irresponsible.
Do you understand that? Right.
It's completely unfair for you to have to stay up all night, Yes.
Wondering where I am.
I'm sorry.
It can't happen again and it won't happen again.
Okay? I'm moving in with Herc.
You're just gonna wear this? Yeah.
Hey, girls.
Hey, Shell.
Can I talk to Jules for a second? Yeah.
I'm just gonna put her necklace on.
You know, I can do it.
I'll do it.
I think I can get it, though.
That's all right.
Honey, I can do it.
That's all right.
She looks beautiful.
I know.
So, I was thinking about You were right about something.
About what? I do want a great family picture today.
I think that's why this whole christening has been so important to me, is because, you know, I want our family back.
I want you back.
And now we have Gracie, and Gracie's a part of it.
Today's about bringing her into that, but you being the godmother? It's 'cause, you know, when she was born, I thought to myself, "This is the luckiest girl in the world "'cause she has Julie as her older sister.
" You are the most special person in the world.
And so today, for me, why it's been such a big deal, is 'cause today I'm gonna be able to celebrate my two amazing daughters.
I love you, honey.
I'm sorry for earlier.
It's okay.
Who has the baby, y'all? I have the baby.
She's so beautiful.
Oh, gosh.
Oh, good.
Julie did it.
Thank you.
I got it.
These here TAMl: They need to be brown on top.
They're kind of like a greenish.
TAMl: Hey, hon.
Huh? Honey, come here.
Come here.
Yeah? All right.
Are they supposed to be green? Honey.
What? Well, I think Tim Riggins is parked out in front of our house.
Looks like he's asleep.
What are you talking about? Just go check on it, sweetheart.
I don't know what that's all about.
Do you think I should put these out now or should I wait until we're back? Inside.
Take this one.
Think you'll be fine with all this.
Got that? It's safe.
Or safer for me.
Look at that, man.
Right there.
That's good.
Smash those peanuts.
That's good.
You want some? Great.
No, not for eating.
It's for putting in Christening is our acknowledgment that this little one is included in God's unconditional love.
Today, Gracie Belle reminds us of God's unconditional love for all of us.
Love and forgiveness and new life given by our Lord.
Come on, baby.
We welcome the newest member of our church family, the newest member of God's family, Gracie Belle Taylor.
They're not pressing charges.
What? Really? Oh, my God.

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