Bloodline (2015) s02e10 Episode Script

Part 23

I gotta know, John.
About what? They said he drowned.
So, you did What? How did it happen? You wanted me to let you know if ever there was a time we were not safe.
Things are not good.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? There's information about me out there that What kind of information? could be bad for me.
What? Can? Can you do? Can you get rid of it? Isn't there something you can do to make it go away? It's not like that.
Do whatever it is that you have to do.
Don't come home tonight.
I'll tell the kids something.
I don't know, but I I can't fucking look at you right now.
Where'd you find this? On the beach.
Where John met with Danny the morning after the Red Reef.
Did you see John that morning? Nope.
No, I took off before John got there, but then I went back later on, and I found that there.
Danny gave that to Janey.
And John took it from her.
John had to be at the beach.
So, why is he lying, saying he wasn't? It's fucking two plus two.
John wanted Lowry's guy to take Danny out.
It didn't work.
So, then John's gotta go take care of his own fucking business.
I'm gonna get you your immunity.
Eric was there? What did he see? I don't know if he saw anything, but he must know something or else Marco wouldn't be trying to get him immunity.
Marco would have to have a warrant to access the cameras.
But as long as Internal Affairs is investigating him, he can't do a goddamn thing.
You leaked it? I did.
If Internal Affairs clears Marco, then he's free to go after this.
The investigation could take weeks.
Depending on what they find, it could take months.
That doesn't get rid of the problem, John.
Eric O'Bannon doesn't go away.
Whatever he knows, he still knows.
Meg, you know whatever happens I will take responsibility for all of this.
John, we're on those tapes with you.
There is There's no scenario where you confess and we come out clean.
I gotta call Kevin.
Don't do that.
I'm not gonna keep hiding shit, John.
All I do is I fucking lie.
I lie and I lie.
I'm fucking sick of it.
I can't do this.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
You know what? I'm sorry.
I just I just I have to go.
This is all about Eric O'Bannon now.
If he doesn't talk, then Marco doesn't have anything.
She's right, you know, John.
All about Eric.
My good friend Eric.
Of all the people in the world He's really got you, though.
What are you gonna do about it? Oh, those are dark thoughts.
Dark thoughts.
Be careful on the water.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
Oh, wow.
You You look just like him.
I'm sorry? Danny.
I mean I mean, the resemblance.
Oh, um Can I help you with something? I was a good friend of his.
My son? We were very close.
We used to hang out in Miami all the time.
And how do you know him? Oh, through a mutual friend.
Eve Radosevich? Oh, yeah.
She's the reason I'm here.
I just came to visit.
God, this place This place is sick.
Oh, my God.
Look at this.
I don't know what the hell Danny was talking about.
Always complaining.
If I'd have grown up here, I'd have never left.
I'd like to stay here.
Hey, hey, you need a bellhop? Because I'm available.
Just putting it out there.
Uh, does Eve know you're here? You know, I was I was a bellhop all through high school.
We didn't own the hotel like you people.
My mom was a She was just a maid.
That's how she got me the job.
Because one of those big families, seven kids.
You don't work, you don't eat.
Bottom line, you know? Hey.
You know, I remember once Danny told me that you You had a A little girl that drowned? Yes.
Danny was really broken up about that.
And I know how he felt because I had a little kid brother who who died.
A stray bullet.
I'm very sorry.
But you know what? We never We never felt sorry for ourselves, you know, the way that Danny did.
We just went in the world, and did what you had to do.
I don't know, I guess you got a name like Rayburn, I mean, and a place like this That's a lot to live up to.
I mean, you gotta hide all the rough edges and keep up appearances, and it must make you Must make you have to do some really funny things.
You know what I mean? No, I don't.
Oh, there she is.
Your friend is here.
Uh Hey.
You should've told me you were coming.
But now's not a good time, you know? Oh, really? - But we'll talk later, all right? - Okay.
We'll talk later.
Hey, so it was so good to meet you.
What a pleasure.
Looking forward to seeing more of you, now that Eve's part of the family.
Hey, hey, don't be a stranger.
Come on.
You and I got a lot to catch up on.
So, O'Bannon's telling you that John met with Danny? According to him, John and Danny were to meet the next morning.
So, the theory that John helped Danny after the Red Reef, it fits.
It is still your theory, right? Or are you thinking of something else? Look, I I just wanna get immunity for O'Bannon and see where it goes.
Yeah, well you're gonna have to wait on that.
I just got a call from the commissioner's office this morning.
Until the investigation is over, the DA's office will not accept requests from us.
If we could get out from under IA, they said they'd play ball.
And if we don't? Hmm? - When do you talk to IA again? - Uh, tomorrow morning.
Forget about O'Bannon right now.
That's what we gotta worry about.
Jake the Snake! - Kev, what's up, baby? - Hey, man.
- How you doing, man? - I'm all right.
How you been? I'm good, man.
God, it's good to see you.
Thanks for coming down.
So, listen, I just wanted to say, um well, the last time I saw you, I was I was not - I was in a very bad place.
- You think? You? Yeah.
And, um You know, but I heard what you said.
I had too much on my plate.
And, um But things are going well for me now.
I stopped drinking.
- Yeah, yeah, I heard.
I heard.
- Did you? Yeah, that's good, man.
I'm - I'm proud of you, man.
- Yeah, I I'm feeling good.
You look good.
So, you interested in your old job back? - My old job here? - Yeah, your old job here, asshole.
- I don't know, I don't know.
- Come on.
Let me think about it.
I'll be interested in my old salary, how about that? Yeah? How about a ten percent bump? My man.
Thank you, man.
It's good to see you, man.
- Good to see you, too.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Who's the new guy? Jake's not new.
He's one of my oldest friends.
He's worked for me forever.
The best mechanic in the Keys.
No, stop.
He's right, though.
Good to meet you.
But in the future, Mr.
Gilbert will sign off on any new hires.
Uh Yeah.
- Oh We're bringing in a boat tonight.
- Great.
What time? Don't worry about it.
I'm also gonna be upgrading the security around the perimeter of this place.
I'll get you a passcode.
Okay, thanks.
So, you're a good kid? Yes, sir.
You respect your father? Yes, sir.
It's important, respect.
Being a father's a tough job, you know? I mean, it's hard to get it right but we try, don't we? Yes, sir.
Why don't you go ahead? Go ahead and tell him.
I just wanted to thank you.
For sending money to my mom all these years.
We need it, so thanks.
Hey, why don't you? You go wait in the car for me because I gotta have a couple words with Dad, okay? It was good meeting you, son.
See you.
So, we went to a beach.
That doesn't That doesn't prove anything.
It makes our whole story complete bullshit.
Eric O'Bannon.
Eric O'Bannon can fuck everything for us.
Can't John do something? - What? - I don't know.
Bring him in on some made-up bullshit charge.
All right, so if John won't do anything Yeah? What are we gonna do you and me? O'Bannon.
My mom's sleeping, dude.
Tell me everything.
About what? About that fucking family.
I want everything.
I want it all now.
I fucking told you everything.
- So, what were you gonna tell the cops? - Nothing.
That's bullshit.
Come on, bro.
Don't hold out on me.
I'm not fucking holding out on you.
I fucking told you everything.
Okay? No.
Oh, no.
No, man.
You stupid fuckbrain.
Did you turn him in already? You know what? Fuck you.
I fucking told you everything.
Fuck off.
- No, no, no.
- Fuck what? - Put it fucking down.
- Shut the fuck up.
- We can talk, all right? - Shut up.
Shut up.
Don't you ever fucking push me again.
- Ozzy, put the fucking gun down.
- Tell me everything you know right now.
- I told you everything.
- Everything.
Hey! Get out of here.
Fucking put it down.
We were We were just finishing All right.
We're just finishing up, sweetheart.
Just finishing up.
See? We were just finishing up, sweetheart.
- We're done.
- Ozzy.
I fucking told you everything, okay? Yeah.
Sure you did.
Just go fucking sleep it off.
- Chelsea, what? - I can't These people you hang out with, I swear to God.
I don't hang out with him.
It's a business thing.
It's on me, seriously? A guy comes over drunk as shit, walks through the backyard with a fucking gun on me and it's my fault? Are you okay? Yeah.
Sorry, I'm I I don't usually drink in the middle of the day.
It's just, um - I'm sorry.
- Eve.
What? Is it that man? Who is he? My ex.
He said he knew Danny.
Please, just tell me.
Him and Danny robbed a drugstore.
For pills to sell on the street.
But, you know It wasn't It wasn't like Danny to do that kind of thing, but the restaurant was everything to him and he was gonna lose it, so Whenever he needed money, he always came to us.
I Danny was never shy about asking Robert for help.
He did ask Robert for help.
So, you come to me first.
Have you talked to your siblings about this? What, Meg and Kevin? They're not gonna be interested.
And John? I just I don't wanna ask John for money anymore.
But you got no problem coming to me tapping the same vein over and over again.
I'm taking responsibility for my life, okay? I'm looking after the kid, I've done this, I'm doing everything, everything that you've asked me to do.
So, what do you want, an award or something? I mean It's called being an adult.
Jesus, I just can't fucking win with you, can I? I I don't know, Dad, I just I finally got my life together, and what, now you just don't wanna hear about it? I've been hearing about it for decades.
I know who I am now and I know what I'm capable of, whether you believe it or not, Dad.
I just I just need a loan.
So, you're ready to bet on yourself? - Yes, sir.
- Hm.
All right.
I'll give you the money for the restaurant.
But if you take it, you have to provide.
- What does that mean? - Well, you don't expect me to support your kid forever, do you? Oh, hold on, Dad.
You're gonna cut Nolan off? I'll give you the money for the restaurant or your son.
You pick.
But Danny chose Nolan.
Danny tried to get the money together, but then after the drug store, he got arrested for the pills and stuff, so I, uh I visited the restaurant.
There was a fire that was set.
Was that Danny, too? No, it's You know, we never really figured out what happened there with the restaurant.
Danny was in jail by then anyways.
But when Danny found out about it he, uh He just kind of gave up.
He was never the same after that.
I'm real sorry.
I, uh Look, there was a report that there was an incident over at your mother's house.
Who reported it? A neighbor.
You know anything about that? Yeah, I was there.
Some asshole was waving a gun around, threatening Eric.
You know the guy? No.
Should I? No, I believe he was a friend of Danny's from Miami.
I warned Eric about him and, uh Can you ID this guy? Yeah, probably.
I mean could you come down to the station and give a quick statement? You'd be in and out.
It's just so we can get a chance maybe to pull this guy off the street - and set him straight and - I don't know.
I don't wanna get involved in Eric's shit.
This guy's got a violent record.
This isn't someone you want Eric hanging around with.
I don't want him hurting your brother.
I guess I could come by later.
All right.
And, John, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you have to keep coming over here looking after Eric, you know? Cleaning up his messes and Fuck, Chelsea.
You got nothing to be sorry about.
That's him.
Him who? Tell me again.
That's the guy that showed up at my mother's house.
He had a gun and he threatened my brother.
It would be helpful if you told me everything you saw.
This guy is dangerous.
If anything happens to my brother, he's the one to look for.
Oh, my God.
What is that? What's? What's he doing? He's sucking his thumb.
Really? That's a good thing.
That means the fetus is developing the way it should.
See? You have nothing to worry about.
He looks like you.
- God, I hope not.
- No, I see it.
Look at that little nose, that little mouth.
That little hairline.
My little baby boy.
When I got to the house, Mrs.
Aguirre was injured and she seemed to be very intoxicated and kept insisting that she had fallen.
And then you talked to her husband.
I did.
And he corroborated her account.
Did Mrs.
Aguirre seem intimidated in any way? No.
But honestly, it would've been very hard to tell because, like I've said before, she was very intoxicated.
Did you know at the time that Mr.
Aguirre was a high-ranking detective at the Monroe County Sheriff's Department? I didn't handle the situation well.
I was young, I was a rookie, I admit that.
And if that same situation were to arise today, I'd handle it completely differently.
Detective, did you cover up the incident to advance your career? Absolutely not.
All right, Detective.
We'll be talking to all the relevant parties.
Let's just hope no one contradicts your account.
Your partner's a lucky guy.
- How's that? - Aguirre's ex recanted her story.
Said it was all a misunderstanding.
- Well, I'm sure it was.
- Bullshit.
Aguirre got to her.
Marco's been cleared by Internal Affairs.
What about Eric? Marco can get his statement any time he wants.
So, that's it.
That can't be it.
Unless O'Bannon changes his story.
What if he doesn't change his story? I don't know.
You tell me, Kevin.
This is fucking crazy.
I mean, Meg and I, we didn't even do anything.
What did you just say? I said Meg and I we didn't do anything.
You both had a choice.
A choice? John, you were having a heart attack.
And Danny was just laying on the beach.
Nobody asked you to move Danny's body, Meg, and certainly nobody ever asked you to get Kevin involved in this.
She was scared.
What was I supposed to do? Let me get this straight.
Are you saying you didn't do this? That we did anything but help you? The night before, you remember that? I remember very fucking clearly.
You were standing there, all coked up with a gun in your hand - You can't hold that up to me now anymore.
- Do you remember what you said to me? I remember.
You said, "John, if you don't take care of Danny, I will.
" - I didn't mean for you to kill him.
- What the fuck did you mean? What did you mean, Kevin? Because you know what? I don't know because you don't think.
You never think.
You never have.
Every fucking problem you've had ever since we were little kids, you have come to me to solve.
No, we solved your problem, John.
We helped you.
You You both wanted him gone.
- That's not true.
- What the fuck are you talking about? The only reason, Meg, that I was even on that beach is because you wanted me to deal with Danny.
No, that's not true.
This started way before that.
What are you talking about? I am the only person who wanted to give Danny a chance when he came home.
Is that why you cut him out of the business? He was dealing drugs.
You told him to leave and then you blamed it on Dad.
You need to handle this, okay? Because we're done now.
You're done? Am I the only one in the family that's ever taken any responsibility for anything? Huh? Have I always been there to help you when you need help? Any time you needed anything, I was there.
Any time you needed anything, I was there.
And when Danny needed help, where the fuck did Danny go, huh? He was supposed to be the big brother, but he came to me.
I fucking took care of everyone.
I have always taken care of everyone.
And I'll tell you something, the day I stop taking care of your bullshit - you are lost.
- Fuck you.
This has ruined my fucking life, man.
You have ruined my life.
So, whatever you need to do, you do that.
This is on you, John.
Dude, what the fuck is up? DA's gonna give you your immunity.
Well, it's about fucking time.
Yeah, but just so we're clear, this only works if you tell us everything you know.
Understand? Yeah.
I don't wanna carry this shit around with me anymore.
All right, good.
So, tomorrow morning you're gonna come in here.
We're gonna get your whole story on record.
- Yeah.
I'll be there.
- All right.
Hey, John.
I'd like you to meet my friend, Wayne Lowry.
I've told him some things that could make your life very difficult.
John knows you tried to kill me tonight, Wayne, so back the fuck off because my baby brother, he's very protective.
Aren't you, John? You tipped me off about a federal investigation when I was about to get busted.
And let's not forget, you moved $2 million worth of coke from the inn so the feds wouldn't find it.
What is it? Hi.
Uh I'm sorry about the whole IA thing.
Um, I wanted you to know that I leaked the stuff about Aguirre.
But I kept you out of it, Marco.
That part it wasn't me.
Am I supposed to believe you? All you've ever done is lie to me, Meg.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I wanna tell you the truth about everything.
Maybe we can meet, you and me, and just I could tell you what's going on, unofficially.
What is this? A personal appeal? Yeah, I guess.
We no longer have a personal relationship, Meg.
- Do you understand? - Marco.
Meg, stop.
There was a time where maybe we could have worked all this shit out.
That time is gone.
No, please, Marco.
Don't ever call me again.
So, this is it? You're just running away? Going back home? The guys that I owe money to, they're not gonna stop until I pay them back.
Didn't you, uh? Didn't you get insurance money? No.
Cops said it was arson, so you don't get paid for that.
The key to my apartment.
When I get myself set up and I get on my feet, I'm gonna start sending you money, okay? Take it.
Okay, well, this is me.
Rayburn Express.
Listen What? Just Just take good care of yourself, okay? Thank you.
All right, that's everyone.
All right, that's it.
All right, go ahead, sir.
Nolan? Hi.
John's not home? No.
Do you know where I could find him? I need to talk to him.
He's working tonight.
He's not gonna be home.
Are you okay? Did something happen? It was my fault.
What was your fault? I feel like I killed him.
He came back because of me.
And he needed money because of me.
It was my fault.
You can tell John.
Listen, whatever you did, whatever it was, it wasn't your fault.
I know this is hard to hear, but your dad, he always brought things on himself.
So, I promise you, this isn't your fault.
Just tell John what I said.
You can't blame yourself for his death.
No one can.
You know what? Fuck it.
Fuck it.
Look, you're not answering my calls and you want me gone, so good.
You know what? I'm out.
I'm out of this fucking shithole, okay? And then when they're done with you, good luck, sweetheart.
I I Look, I told you I will check out when I'm good and ready.
Look, if this is about my bill, I'm not paying for this damage.
It was already here.
I need you to come with me.
And I need you to suck my dick.
Let's go, Mr.
You're gonna come with me right now.
What do you think he's gonna do? There's only one thing to do.
This is crazy.
Fuck, I have a baby coming, Meg.
I gotta get out from underneath this.
I can't do this anymore.
What we have to do is we have to protect ourselves.
How? Let's go to Marco.
Let's just go to Marco right now and tell him.
- Tell him what? - Tell him everything.
- We can't do that.
- Aren't you sick of this? Aren't you sick of lying every fucking day? Meg, we had to pay somebody off.
I almost lost everything, and all because of what? Because we're living this fucking lie! Come on, we have to talk to Marco.
I can't.
- He won't even talk to me anymore.
- I'll talk to him for both of us.
We don't have the history that you guys have.
You don't understand.
It's personal to him now.
Well, I have to try.
I'm gonna try.
Listen to me.
Look at me now.
I don't want you to worry.
All right? We gotta stick together.
We gotta tell him the same story.
We didn't kill anybody.
All we did was keep our mouths shut.
What's the worst that they can say about that? Obstruction of evidence, whatever you call it.
I can't.
Kevin, I get it.
I understand.
If you wanna go talk to Marco and tell him whatever it is you wanna tell him it's fine with me, okay? I just I can't I can't face him.
Come on.
Sit down.
Oh, look at you.
Golden boy.
What are you gonna do, John? You gonna kill me, too? I just wanna talk.
Meg, please come with me.
We have to talk to him together.
I can't.
I was at the Red Reef.
I was with Danny, standing by him, while you sat in the fucking parking lot waiting for him to take a bullet.
Let's talk about your options.
I'm not making any fucking deals with you, John.
I can help you.
We can help each other.
No, I don't need your help.
There's nothing that you need? From you? Not a fucking thing.
I know what you did.
You hear me? I know you moved the drugs.
I know you were at the Red Reef.
I know you were on that fucking beach, John.
I fucking know.
He was my friend, John.
He was my best friend, and you were his brother.
You should've fucking looked out for him, but you didn't, did you? Fuck you! You wanna put all this on me? Hm? Who introduced Danny to Wayne Lowry, huh? Who the fuck had Danny stealing gas, dealing drugs? I'll tell you who.
It was that fucking dirtbag Eric O'Bannon.
That's who started this.
You don't know anything about my family.
You have no idea what the fuck went on inside of that fucking house of ours.
You have no idea how much I helped Danny, how much I fucking helped all of them.
No fucking idea.
Is that your story? Because I gotta fucking tell my story, John, and I think we'll see who ends up on top.
Yeah, now we get to the real point of the conversation, don't we? The real John Rayburn, wow.
I finally get to see the favorite son rolling around in fucking shit just like the rest of us.
You need to fucking stop talking right now.
No, it's okay.
Put a fucking bullet in my head, John.
Just fucking do it.
There's no fucking way in the world that I'll let my family lose everything because of you.
Do you understand that? Because of me? You're losing everything because you killed your fucking brother, asshole! Go ahead.
Anything to protect the fucking Rayburn name.
Right? Go ahead, John.
- I'll say hello to Danny.
- Fuck you! Anything to protect the Rayburn name.
You tell your fucking story.
What the fuck do you want, Kevin? I have to talk to you.
Can I come in for a minute? Okay.
What do you wanna talk about? Listen, man, I know what's going on between you and John.
- I know everything.
- Oh, I know you do.
- I know, but it's not what you think.
- No? What do I think? Look, Marco, you have to understand, now, things got really, really fucked up when Danny came home.
It was It was a crazy time, and I had no choice What'd you do? I had nothing to do with killing Danny.
Well, you lied about it, right? So, you did have something to do with killing Danny.
Okay, but I wanna tell you everything right now, okay? I wanna tell you the truth now.
What is it about your fucking family that you guys think that you can lie and lie and lie until it's convenient to tell the truth? - I know.
I know, we're fucked up.
- Yeah, you are fucked up.
And we're not making a deal.
Marco, just listen to me for a second, man.
Come on.
You listen to me.
I have everything that I need.
I wanna tell you right now, all right? I wanna tell you everything now.
Get the fuck out of - What is it, O'Bannon? - Fuck.
- We need to fucking talk now.
- Well, we're set up for tomorrow.
John Rayburn is going fucking nuts.
I either talk right now, or I don't fucking talk at all.
All right, calm down.
Calm down, Eric, okay? Meet me at the station in 20 minutes, we'll figure this out.
I don't have a fucking car here, man.
Where are you? I'll pick you up.
I'm at the shack by Fairview Harbor.
All right, I'm on my way.
Look, man, I'm begging you now.
I have a baby coming.
- Kevin.
- Please, just listen to me.
Get the fuck out of my house.
It was John.
John did it.
No shit.
And you guys helped him.
And the three of you are going to fucking prison.
So, do me a favor, all right, and get the fuck out of my hou Feels good, doesn't it? You should let them take care of it.
Where are we going? Mom Honey.
What is it? What is it? Mom, there's something you need to know.
Fuck it.
Just drive.

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