Friday Night Lights s02e10 Episode Script

There Goes the Neighborhood

No, frankly, you're not a mother.
Oh! So you have no idea what the situation was that I was in.
Oh, my God.
Sometime we are going to have a whole conversation where you Where you don't say that to me! You come out of there! Let him go! You got to calm down! Go back! You don't just open the door, Buddy.
This is not your house anymore.
Let's get this over with.
Guy! Tim, what did I say you got to do to stay here? Did I tell you, you had to feed the ferrets? You take care of yourself, everything else takes care of itself.
They're not pressing charges.
I'm Jim Spencer.
We're interrupting your programming for some important weather information from the southwestern regional weather center.
They've issued a severe thunderstorm warning now for Hart and Reed Counties, and a tornado watch continues for Allan and Carr Counties.
Very heavy rainfall I know that look.
Someone's hungry.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, it's time.
Come on, baby.
Thank you.
Can I get you something else? Oh, my God! What? We're out of formula.
You are such a little pig, you know? You eat so much.
You've got to stop eating.
You know what happens when you shame people with food, don't you? Uh, no.
Especially in girls.
Oh, thank you, Oprah.
Very helpful.
Okay, maybe I did see it on Oprah.
Okay, well, I don't know what I'm gonna do because, um I mean, Aunt Shelly's boobies, they're not gonna do the trick, right? Are they? Are they? Here, I'll go to the store.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
I don't want you to go in this weather.
Look at it.
It's been It's fine.
See you soon.
God, he's cute.
No, but he's jailbait.
We stay away, okay, darling? Hey.
I'm heading to the store.
Do you need anything? Um, can I go with you? Yeah.
So, uh So, are you going to the dance this weekend? What? Are you going to the Fall Formal? Oh.
No, I'm not going.
Are you? No.
I mean, it's kind of lame, right? Yeah.
So, I heard Matty dumped that cheerleader.
Is that true? I don't know.
I mean, we don't talk.
Wow, that cleared up pretty good.
Let's go.
What are you doing? Nothing.
Let's go.
She's gonna teethe soon, right? Yeah, in like a year.
We're interrupting your programming to bring you a tornado warning from the Southwestern Regional Weather Center for Allan, Carr, Hart and Reed Counties.
We have unconfirmed reports that a tornado is near Laribee, and moving to the northeast, toward the Dillon area.
Let's check the radar.
This storm is very large and dangerous and may produce a tornado at any time.
Residents of Hey, it's a tornado! Everybody, get away from the glass! Let's go! Let's go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Now! Let's move it! Hey! Come here! Leave it! Right there! Get down! You okay? You sure? Yeah.
All right.
Yeah, I'll see you later this afternoon.
Okay, bye.
Y'all listen to this.
The school, the high school in Laribee That whole Half of that school got completely lifted up and knocked out by the tornado.
All those people are displaced.
What's going on with the TV? It's not working.
Why? What's the Yeah, the cable's out.
Oh, my Lord.
I mean, those poor people are just What's going on? Oh, come on! Are you kid Go get ready for school, please.
Right now.
You are seriously no fun whatsoever.
Oh, I know.
I'm so boring.
Ha, ha.
And you.
Really? What? Ew! Yeah, all right.
Then I'll talk to you when I get over there.
All right.
All right.
That was our fearless leader, Principal Brecker.
This storm has screwed everything up.
I know.
He wants to let the Laribee team use our practice field and our locker room What is wrong with this TV? Cable's out.
What do you mean, "The cable's out"? Honey, how long is Tim Riggins gonna be here? I don't know.
A couple days.
How long has the cable been out? Well, since the tornado, sweetheart.
You know what? I don't necessarily think this is gonna work out so well.
For Pete's sake.
Let me tell you why.
Having that Riggins boy here with our 16-year-old daughter, it's like putting a can of gasoline right next to a lit match.
Look, he's only gonna stay for a few days.
Look, the kid's in trouble.
He needs a place to stay.
What are you gonna do, huh? And you know what? I like having another guy around.
You want to know why? I agree with you.
Because it evens up the gender teams.
Sort of nice.
There are no teams, sweetheart.
That's not about teams Well, you know what would be nice? It'd be nice if you showed a little more Christian charity.
See, damn it, now I'm late.
I'm made of Christian charity.
Oh, I know.
I know.
That's not the issue at all.
Hi, Mom.
How'd you sleep? I slept good.
And you? I'm good.
Just wanted to come in and talk to you.
Um Guess who's got engaged? Who? Me.
It's beautiful.
Kevin and I are getting married.
He proposed last night.
I love him.
Oh, sweetie.
That's great.
Let's go! Let's go! Grab that bag! Check that bag! Is that yours? It's gonna be a good Friday.
I tell you what, football in Texas is what it's all about.
So, how long are these guys gonna stay? They're gonna stay as long as they need to.
Well, that's got to be awkward, considering you're district rivals, and you play these guys in two weeks.
Well, you know, what would you have us do, Byron? We're gonna send them on their way? I don't think we're gonna do that.
The one with the hair is Eddie.
What's he got? A twin? Yeah, from the wrong end of the gene pool.
We're gonna be good hosts, they're gonna be good guests and, uh I've known Coach Dickes for a long time.
As long as he don't stir things up, I think everything will work out just fine.
Seriously, I'd give anything for that hair.
Get out of here.
Napoleon Dynamite.
What are you doing? Who's the dude behind him? His older brother, QB One.
Thinks he's God's gift.
I can't stand that dude.
What's up? What you want, man? What's up, dog? Who do you think we are, Tyra? You think we're the Sharks or the Jets? Huh? You know, West Side Story? You got two rival gangs, town's not big enough for the both of them.
It's a classic.
You don't know? The West Side You've never heard of West Side Story? No.
Don't think I want to, either.
You never ever No.
Hate them already.
Well, you're missing out.
Hey, will you hand me one of your napkins that you're hoarding over there? I got, like, four napkins.
Don't make fun of me because I'm neat.
I don't know if I want to eat this.
Um What? What are you doing? Nothing, I You just grabbed my hand.
You know, I just thought that, you know, since this is all finally over, we could, you know Kind of frees us up so we can finally just hang out, whatever.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm just, you know I'm just in a really bad mood and this food is horrendous, so I'm gonna go.
I'II I'll call you later.
All right? Okay.
You can't catch me! Oh! Yes! Is this fun? This is fun.
It is fun.
It's a lot of fun.
It's the most fun we've had together in a long time.
It's perfect.
Okay, Dad.
I I'm sorry, I You gotta love this place.
I feel like there's a big elephant in the room you're not talking about.
There's a big elephant right over there.
What are What elephant? What are you talking about? Mom and Kevin's wedding.
You know.
I mean, maybe they're gonna get married over Christmas, I don't know.
Wait, wait, wait.
What did you just say? It's not like they're gonna tell us anything before they do it.
Mom and Kevin's wedding.
What are you What are you telling me? That's not funny.
Are you telling She didn't tell you? No.
Are you telling me that Mom told you she's gonna marry that little tree-hugger? Is that what you're telling me? Dad.
I Dad! God! All right, listen up.
Now, here's how this is gonna work out.
We're gonna split this up and take shifts between the practice field, the showers and the weight room.
We got one locker room.
That means we're gonna be sharing.
I don't want to hear any guff about it either.
How about you just go ahead and put us in the visitors' locker room? Girls' soccer team got the visitors' locker room.
I can Kick them out.
You're the Athletic Director.
All right.
All right, now listen, after final bell to 4:30, one team's gonna take the practice field, while the other will take the weight room and the film room.
All right? I don't know, Coach.
It's gonna be really, really difficult to get a 90-minute cycle in with what you got here.
What you mean, "What we got here?" The weight room is too small.
Hell, some of the machines Well, I guess my wife could probably use some of the machines.
All right, well, you know, they may not even be good enough for your wife, but they were good enough for a state championship last year.
Yeah! All right.
Hey, quiet! That's a fair point.
That's a fair point.
You know, maybe if you would have stayed at TMU, you might have won one in college, too.
Welcome to Dillon.
It is our privilege to have you here.
We are your hosts.
Understood? Y'all know what's going on today? Yes, sir.
All right.
Think we're all understood.
You betcha.
Well, I'm trying to help him out.
All he does is keep bitching and moaning.
He's pissing me off.
Huh? Yeah, he's like Coach Crybaby.
No, I'll tell you what I want to do.
What I want to do is I wanna crush that team, and then I want to take that ball after the game, and I want to shove it up the SOB's rear end.
All right.
What are you doing out here? Fixing the cable.
Just trust me.
Hey, whatever you hear out here, that stays here, all right? Oh, yeah.
TAMl: It's on now! Good job.
Tim Riggins was like holding you? Like, holding me.
Like, protecting me.
Not like, "Oh, I love you.
" What does he smell like? No.
Really, Lois, that's That's, like, pathetic.
Like, here's you, and there's pathetic.
You're, like, going below yourself.
How y'all doing? Kind of in the middle of something here.
Y'all can finish talking.
I just got a quick question here Fine.
I'll be in the bathroom.
So, um Basically I'm coming to you despite what you did to my best friend, because I have a question kind of in the female arena, and, uh I need to know, are you still friends with Tyra Collette? Um, last I checked.
Okay, this is kind of a sensitive area here.
Kind of on a need-to-know basis only.
Because me and Tyra have kind of a beautiful, um, like Like, a thing.
So, you and Tyra have a "beautiful thing"? And basically I'm I'm taking her to the dance on Friday, and I needed to know, should it be a rose or a carnation in terms of corsage? Okay, so, you're taking Tyra Collette to the Fall Formal.
Does she know that? That was funny.
Look, I realize that our relationship may be a little bit over your head.
Okay, so if it's a question about a flower for her, why don't you just go ask her? Okay, I have a math test in 30 minutes and I really need to study for it.
Hey, I'm Chip.
That's nice.
What do you say we go somewhere and get you out of those wet clothes? Yeah, if you ever touch me again, I'll kick you so hard your balls will be non-existent.
All right? Spunky.
I like that.
Hey, I heard you guys got a dance next week.
You want to go with me? No.
Why? You got a boyfriend, don't you? Of course you do, look at you, you're beautiful.
Bye, Chip.
Hey, Jules.
Will you please go to the dance with me, Unnamed Goddess Girl? "Unnamed Goddess Girl?" Who's that? Some douchebag named Chip.
Who names their kid "Chip" anyway? I don't know, he's kind of corny but, I mean, he's decent.
Um, okay.
Landry came up and talked to me today about asking you to the dance, and wondering whether you liked roses or carnations.
If I tell you something, do you promise to keep it private? You mean about you and Landry and your thing? Wait, how'd you hear that? I heard it.
I mean, it's not like it's flying all over school or anything.
But personally, I had you pegged more for an orchid kind of girl.
Maybe like a purple orchid Okay, it's really not a thing.
You know? It's a lot more complicated than that.
So do you like him? I don't know.
I mean, he cares about me and he's funny and sweet and funny.
So then, what's the problem? He toweled you good.
Hey, Smash.
Check it out.
Check it out, man.
Oh, yeah, that's real funny.
That's real funny.
Yo, guys, check it out.
Two can play at that game, gentlemen.
We'll show them what's up.
Come on, show them what's up.
Get it, baby! They did it to us! Works both ways, gentlemen.
Hey! Hey! What the hell are you doing? What the hell did you do to my locker room, huh? Hey, Coach, they Shut up! You clean it up right now! You clean everything up! You put it back exactly where it was.
You understand me? Yes, sir.
Now! Man, I don't understand why we got to sit here and wait around for them to finish their practice on our field.
For sure.
Oh, no, run! Whoa! What? What is it? Get over here! Come here! You don't like the helmet.
Is it the pads in general? Something you don't like, you got to tell me! Coach, it's past 4:45.
Already? Wow, looky there.
Y'all need to wrap it up, Coach.
Yeah, oh, okay, all right.
We'll wrap it up.
I'd appreciate it too if you'd tell your players to respect our boys' property and stay out of our lockers.
Come on now, Eric.
It's probably just some harmless prank.
You know, let me tell you something, I don't mind being a good neighbor so long as y'all play your part as well.
If you don't, something's gonna happen around here.
I'd like to avoid that situation.
Let's get off the field, boys.
These ladies want their dance floor.
Everybody up, come on! What are you drinking? Dr.
All right, got it.
I'll be right back, y'all, okay? Thank you.
Excuse me, ma'am, but my riblettes are cold and it's unacceptable.
Yeah, you always use that line.
Might want to come up with something original.
I don't use that every Yeah, I guess I do use it every time.
I should probably come up with some new material.
Look, um, I just want to say I'm sorry about what happened the other day.
Landry, I About holding your hand.
That was stupid.
I know you're not into P.
, and, look, I just I wasn't thinking.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
Look, Landry, I'm in the weeds right now.
I can't really talk about this.
I know.
I just wanted to ask you something and, uh, it'll just It'll just take a second.
I think that we should go to the dance on Friday.
I mean, we don't It's a bi-week and we don't have a game on Friday, so I know.
I figure There's a lot of people going to Dry Creek before, so I figure we could start the party there You know, I don't think I'd be interested in that.
Tyra, these are our golden years, here.
And this These high-school memories are what we're gonna have to draw on when we're old, in nursing homes Not really a selling point for me, okay? Hey, look, I know how this works.
I know you're gonna keep telling me no.
You're gonna play hard to get, and I'm gonna keep asking you, but you know you want to go.
You owe it to yourself to go.
Landry, I can't go with you.
Why? We'd have fun.
I'm going with somebody else.
I'm sorry.
All right, well Hey.
Hey, Shelly.
What's going on? Shells.
Hello, darling.
How are you? Pretty good.
Uh-uh, uh-uh.
No, sir, not in this house.
Put that away, please.
Thank you.
That's so bad.
That's good.
Thank you.
Hey, uh, Shells.
this essay, cash.
Come on.
You've got to be kidding.
You're doing that right in front of me? I don't think so.
I got homework.
I got 10 pages on "Transfer of Title.
" Lucky me.
I wonder who's on Oprah.
That is a great call.
No, we're working here.
I think it's Jen Garner, actually.
TAMl: No, don't turn the TV on.
Oh, I love Jen Garner.
We're working here.
I'll see what's going on.
Shh, the baby's asleep, and I don't want the TV on right now to watch Oprah.
It's Oprah, God.
Oh, God! God! What is that? My God! TAMl: Turn that off! That's my bad, Mrs.
That's not Oprah.
TAMl: Turn that off.
That's my bad.
It was supposed to be football.
I'm sorry, Mrs.
You know what, y'all? Get out.
I got to get work done.
Get out.
Everybody out.
Julie, go study in your room.
I'll block that channel when I come back.
That would be a big help, Tim, thanks.
Good luck with your paper.
You know, Shelly, just go.
I need quiet.
What? Are you You're sending me to my room? Yeah, until you start acting like a grown-up.
Listen, don't try to tell me you're not gonna watch that tonight, because I know you.
Donald Dickes is a little jackass.
He's just trying to get under your skin.
He's getting under my skin.
Well, just don't let him.
Just don't sweat the small stuff.
That's what my dad used to say.
Well, did you hear about Pam getting remarried? She's getting married? Yeah.
You all right? I mean, uh No.
I mean, that woman is the love of my life, Eric.
I mean, we've known each other our whole lives.
She was there in the stands watching me win the state championship.
I married her right after high school, you know that.
We opened the little car lot over there together.
That little bitty place, remember? And we used to work together as a team.
I'd sell, you know, and Pam would do the contracts and she'd always say, "Buddy, you could sell a pig to a priest.
" I don't even know what that means, but I always I loved that.
So I guess, uh What do you think I should do? Um Well, you're right.
I mean, here I am, five years in a row, I'm the Texas car salesman of the year.
I'm a salesman.
Ought to be able to sell my own wife.
I'm gonna go over there.
I'm gonna sell her.
I'm gonna get my wife back, by God.
That's what I'm gonna do.
Thank you.
This is the best barbecue pit.
So, um Is it true that rally girls really do all of your homework? You being Mrs.
Taylor's daughter, no.
I do all my homework.
It's true.
Um, do you wanna go get, like, ice cream or, I don't know, some more food? I don't really care.
Why? I know you're all, like, liberated.
What's up? Um Hey.
Hey, Carlotta.
Um, we're just picking up food, so Yeah.
We're just leaving.
Yeah, all right.
See you around, huh? Yeah, man.
Hey, Buddy.
Um, Pam? She's here.
Just talk to her for a second.
It's no big deal.
I don't need to come in.
Hey, babe.
It's okay.
You okay? Give me a minute? He He can be there.
I don't care.
It's okay.
What do you want? I want you, baby.
I love you.
Buddy I have always loved you, Pam, and you know that.
We've always loved each other.
You must forgive me.
You are the mother of my children.
You are my wife.
I swear, I I know what I've done.
I was an idiot, but it doesn't mean I I have never stopped loving you, Pam.
I swear to God, Pam, I swear to God Almighty I would never hurt you again or the kids.
I've hurt you so much, baby.
I And Wait, and And I love you.
Buddy, I love you, too.
But it's over.
Okay? I'm happy now.
Just It's gonna be okay.
All right? Pam Buddy.
Hug? Don't.
Please? Pam.
I'm sorry.
Hon? Hon? One-one.
What are y'all doing? What Hey, hey, hey! What the hell? What the hell is going on? Hey, hon.
We're playing ping-pong.
At 5:00 in the morning? Yeah.
We're having fun.
We're playing ping-pong.
Sweetheart, I We got a house full of people sleeping.
All right, I'm sorry.
What Hey, whoa, whoa, wait.
Since you're up, though, do you suppose you could make us some of those egg sandwiches with Swiss cheese in them? But Canadian bacon? What's "palmitate"? Hey, Rigg? Hey, Rigg? Yeah? Check out who's back on the block.
Oh, see.
I mean, her only problem is there's just, you know, too many guys, too little time.
Riggins, why is it that you always have to point the finger at everyone else? Not everyone is just as easy as you are.
Maybe Tyra's over there having a nice conversation, welcoming him to our school.
You don't You don't know what they're talking about Okay, Landry, I don't know if you know this, but I'm a virgin.
So What's so funny? So I don't know where you get your info from, but it's wrong.
Hey, Landry, look, you got a date for the dance yet? 'Cause, you know, I hear Matty's granny ain't doing nothing.
Well, I heard your mom was checking books.
My granny's a nice elderly woman who can't defend herself and you just Excuse me, Tyra.
May I just have a word with you real quick? "May I have a word?" May I talk to you for just a minute? "May I have a word?" Who is this homo? Hey! Don't.
May I talk to you about the dance? If you just Would you please give me a second? Look, right now? Not a good time.
Hey, tough guy, I mean, I realize She didn't want to talk about it right now.
I realize that these ass-hats here are distracting you.
Just trying to get your lunch.
I realize All right.
This'll just take one second.
She said she didn't want to talk to you.
All right? Is your name Tyra? I didn't know Geek squad.
You know, you shut up, you come with me.
She's already got a date for the dance, Skippy.
But I'll get you a text and let you know how it went.
You know, I was real sad to hear about the tornado that happened.
It must have been horrible when your double-wide blew away.
Or is it okay? Are the goats and chickens and everything okay? Don't do this, please.
What's your problem, dork? You want me to go a little slower, Richard Simmons? 'Cause I wasn't sure if it was you that was with someone or was it you You got a problem with something I'm saying, you look at me, okay? Hey! Hey! Hey! Food fight! Hey, this ain't right, Coach, everybody was fighting, not just us.
I don't care! I want y'all to set an example.
What I understand, Landry Clarke started the whole damn thing.
Broke 12 chairs and a $300 ice cream machine, which y'all are going to pay for by each one of you running one lap and a penny apiece Taylor! Eric! We'll pay it off.
This about the fight? Tell you what I told my boys, "Absolutely unacceptable.
" Even if they were provoked.
Hey, boys will be boys.
Don't you think you're being a little hard-ass, Coach? Tell you what, you coach your game, I'll coach mine.
Let's go, gentlemen.
Let's pick them up now.
Yes, I do.
Yeah, it's mama.
How was your day? Oh, it was ridiculous.
These Laribee kids are a pain in the ass.
Oh, no.
They had a brawl in the lunchroom.
Oh, my God.
I know.
What's this? Oh, okay, that.
That is so awesome.
It makes one cup at a time.
'Cause you know how you guys are always leaving and you leave the pot half full? This way you're not gonna waste any.
Well, that's sweet of you, Shelly, I appreciate it, but, you know, Eric's kind of particular about his coffee.
I know.
I think he's gonna love it.
Honestly, it makes hot chocolate, it makes tea.
I think he's gonna like it, but look, this is what I want to show you.
Oh, who's that for? This is for Tim.
For Tim Riggins? Yeah.
Don't you think it's perfect? Shelly.
What? Don't you think it's completely inappropriate? He is a teenage boy.
Tami, it's a shirt.
I realize it's a shirt, but do you Are you aware of the way you've been behaving? Walking around here all flirty with him Oh, my God! I have not been flirty! You are.
You're being flirty.
Oh, my God.
Can't believe you This is like high school.
What? You're jealous because he gets along with me better than he gets along with you? Oh, don't be ridiculous.
I'm not This has nothing to do with me being jealous.
That is absurd, honey.
Do you realize what your life has come to? My life? Oh, my God! You're fantasizing after a teenage boy.
Please, don't comment on my life until you have your life, your family Oh, oh, oh, don't you dare.
Don't you dare come into my house and talk to me about my life and my family.
Oh, God, wait a second, so you can comment on my life, but I can't comment on your life? Shh, that is not part of the program.
God, you're such a judgmental bitch.
TAMl: You come into my house and talk to me about my house? No, I don't think so.
And you know what? I'm not being judgmental, but frankly, I worry about you.
I really do wonder why it is that you just refuse to grow up.
Well, I can tell you why.
'Cause then I might end up just like you.
Oh, is that right? Yeah.
Well then, why don't you just continue to spend the rest of your life behaving like a teenager? I mean it's no wonder that you're single.
Oh, my God! Well? Yeah, no.
Great, I'm just I'm just so amazed that you're comfortable leaving your little two-month-old baby with such an irresponsible little slut.
So, I'm just a little confused by that choice.
I put a fresh bottle in the fridge.
I changed her diaper.
I'm gonna go to my room and I'm gonna read Tiger Beat.
Oh, and by the way, your baby is in the 70th percentile for height and weight, and your pediatrician says, "Hello.
" Hey, what you talking about? You don't know where I got them.
What? Why is my nose smelling pee? What? Man, check this out, man.
Somebody There's pee in this man's locker, man.
That's where it's coming from.
Are you serious? Anything I do Smash, somebody done pissed in his locker, man.
What? What? Huh? Oh, damn.
Oh, no.
Hell no.
We already know who did it.
We're gonna see how tough these kids really are.
Watch out.
Go get 'em, Rigg.
Hey! Hey.
Who's the hero? We got a football team working out here, son.
Just go ahead and hit the showers.
You heard me.
Go take a shower.
Sorry about that, dude.
Couldn't hold it.
That's funny.
You gonna do something about it, tough guy? You need to go cool off.
Huh? I might just do it.
Hey! Hey! No, what are you doing? He pissed on my shirt! Hey! Don't you push me! Don't you ever lay your hands on me! Let me tell you something.
Listen to me.
You ever, I mean ever, touch one of my players again, you will never coach another football game as long as you live.
Do you understand me? And after that, I will kick your old pirate ass six ways from Sunday, Donald.
Shut up.
I want all my players outside by the bleachers right now! Coach, take them out.
We'll have a little talk.
Let's go! Right now! Let's go! Get out! Get outside right now! Let's go! Let's get 'em out of here! Let's go! Get out there.
Let's go.
Where's your gear? Let's go! What are you looking at? Get back to work! All right, who else wants a cup? This thing is so cool.
Thanks so much, Aunt Shell.
You were right.
I was wrong.
It's a better coffee maker.
I thank you very much.
Oh, so glad you like it.
Seems like they really like the coffee.
TAMl: Well, I know you're in a good mood because there's no game tonight.
Isn't that right? It's good coffee.
Morning, Tim.
Good morning.
Hi, Timothy.
Hey, you know, um, I'm gonna go to my room.
I don't, you know, want to do anything inappropriate.
I'll just excuse myself.
Let's talk about dinner.
Who wants to eat what before the dance tonight? Uh I'm not going, so Yeah, I'm not going to the dance.
I told you, Mom, remember? I'm gonna go hang out with Lois.
I'll have lasagna.
Well, no, if y'all aren't going, forget it.
We'll go out.
You ready for school? Yeah.
Give me a minute? Okay.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, Mom.
TAMl: All right, sweetie.
Hold on.
Come here.
Why can't we have lasagna? Hey, uh, about yesterday.
I just wanted to say I want to say thank you for helping me out there.
So Yeah.
All right.
I'll see you at practice.
All right.
Here you go.
You know what? What? Relationships suck.
I'm just learning this.
If I remember it correctly, I believe you are the one that ended that with Matt, not the other way around.
It was complicated and you didn't get the whole story.
What? Are you still hung up on Tyra? No.
You just You just got to let it go sometimes.
You just got to let people be who they wanna be and just let them go, make out with whoever they wanna make out, in front of whoever they feel like.
You don't just give up though.
If you really care about something, you don't just give up.
You do whatever it takes.
Screw it.
I'm not gonna just give up.
You can't just leave.
We were playing.
I know you.
From I'm Riley.
We're in English Lit together.
You You wanna play Quarters? Yeah.
I'm pretty good.
Where's your Where's your date at? Well, apparently he's in the bathroom puking.
So I don't know what I was thinking.
What were you thinking? I just don't I don't get it.
Will you sit down with me for a second, please? You know how I feel about you.
No, I really don't.
I like you.
A lot.
Actually, I I've never felt like this about anybody.
You make me feel too much, Landry.
It freaks me out.
I don't I don't know what that means.
I don't What does that mean? It means It means I'm sorry.
All I need is just a little time to think about things.
Figure it out.
Does that make sense? No, it doesn't.
It doesn't make sense at all.
You know, I'm I'm really sorry about this, too.
The thing is that I know that you're better than this.
Better than the girl that has to sit over here alone because her date is too stupid to stay sober for one night.
I know that you're better than that.
The thing is that you don't.
I don't know what I have to do to make you see that.
I don't But I can't just keep waiting around until you finally realize it.
I can't.
Because I've tried.
I've tried to show you that.
I don't know what else to do.
So So have a good night.
The little god's eye things, where you With the The yarn and then you bring it home and your mom would be like, "Oh, my God! That's so beautiful.
" And you'd be like on moon shoes.
Like, how ridiculous is that? Hey, Jules.
Hmm? I think it's time we go.
I I don't want to go.
Hey, you wanna I'll grab you a beer.
Just for a sec.
You're getting beers? You want one? You want one? Can I get a beer? Yeah.
How you doing? Good.
Yeah? Yeah.
How's that going? Good.
I think I'm, like, maybe one beer away from getting laid.
No kidding? Yeah.
That's great.
She is great.
If you ever look at her, even tonight again, at school, any time for that matter, I swear to God, I'll end you.
Right on.
Are we cool? Yeah.
All right.
All right.
That way.
Hey, yeah, it's time.
Time for what? Where's my beer? Remember what I said about being quiet, all right? Yeah, but she likes you.
Lois always talks about you and I just told her I told her I told her I was like, "You know what? You should just, you should just tell him.
"Be like Here.
"15 minutes.
" You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I know what you're saying exactly.
And she likes you.
Okay, there you go.
She said she wants to be with you.
You know? That's awesome.
I told her she shouldn't The whole world's spinning.
I know it is.
I've been there.
No, it's spinning! Hey, listen to me.
Keep your eyes open.
You'll be fine.
I'm gonna vomit on the bed.
All right.
I'm gonna vomit on the floor.
All right.
I'm gonna move you up so you can actually pass out without falling off the bed.
Ready? Three Two, one Oh, hey.
You good? I'm good.
It's time to let go.
I'm good.
What are you doing? Hey, Julie Let go.
What the hell are you doing? It's not even close to what you What the hell are you doing? It's not even close to what you think.
Okay? Listen to me.
Shut up.
You shut up.
You shut your mouth right now.
Coach, you have to understand Shut up your mouth.
You go get your stuff and you get out of this house right now.
Give me two seconds Go get your stuff and get out of this house right now.
Son, do not make me throw you out of this house.
Go get your stuff and get out of the house now.
Right now! Get your stuff and get out of the door! Go!
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