Mayor of Kingstown (2021) s02e10 Episode Script

Little Green Ant

Previously on Mayor of Kingstown
You have something I want
and I have something you want.
- You made a deal with Milo!?
- It's the bonds for Iris.
It's simple.
- I wanna see you.
- When and where?
Tomorrow. Midnight.
The park off 20 Mile Road.
They cleaned out the whole shop.
He's gearing up for a goddamn war.
You're starting a fight
that you do not want.
- I want that SWAT motherfucker.
- I can't let you do that.
I ain't askin' you to let me do shit.
They're on me. Send an ambulance
or a hearse.
I'm going to wear you out.
I want her to get away.
That's what I want.
If you have ideas of other arrangements
or I'm betrayed by you,
I won't just kill you, Mike.
Know that.
He's gonna make it.
Right, Mike?
Who does this?
We got a lot of enemies.
A lot of fuckin' enemies.
Inside and out.
Hey, can I talk to you?
What is it? What's goin' on?
I gotta go.
What do you mean? Where are you goin'?
Tracy left.
Yeah, shit, I know.
She said she needed
some time, needed to
get away from town.
Fuck, Mike, they just fuckin' beat him.
He's supposed to be
the fuckin' Megatron.
And he's the one that
gives the beatings.
And I just, I gotta go deal with Tracy.
Okay, so yeah, you fucking go.
All right?
And I gotta
Fuckin' go.
- Where are you going?
- Shit.
- What, what's goin' on?
- It's, I gotta, it's Milo.
Fuck, okay. When?
- Midnight, so I gotta go.
- Right, all right.
Give me updates on that, would you?
Mike, where you goin'?
Welcome to Cavo Club.
If you have reached this recording,
we are either closed or on another line.
Leave a mess
Ah, son of a
God damnit.
I didn't know where else to go.
You want company?
They took it.
What, baby?
I'm not here anymore.
I wanna be.
I wanna be here for
you and the kids, and
I don't know how I
I keep tryin' to get back there.
To before.
Maybe that was the dead guy, maybe
this is what waking up looks like.
Let's just leave.
The kids are young enough,
we'll go somewhere new.
It's 12:30 in the morning.
Unless the prison's on fire
Yeah, the whole world's on
motherfucking fire, Kareem.
And it's 12:23, to be exact.
So, you hear about Robert?
Robert who?
The S.W.A.T. guy that saved
you from prison, that guy.
What about him?
He's in the hospital on life support.
A hit?
Yeah, most fuckin' definitely.
I'm sorry about Robert,
I know he's a friend,
and I appreciate what
he'd do for me, I do.
But I don't wanna be in this world.
I just wanna go to work,
do my job, and come home.
That's all.
Kareem, this is your job.
No, no! It's not my job.
My job is to make sure we comply
with the industry standards.
And we are not negligent.
Or abusive. That is my job.
I just got shot at
by AB tryin' to take me the fuck out!
Okay, so fuck industry standards!
I'm asking for your fuckin' help.
I'm goin' to bed now, Mike. Goodnight.
Hey, you get somethin'?
Yeah, AB just tried to
take me off the table.
I need you to clean
the fuckin' mess for me.
My car's over at the train tracks,
at Dover and Saint Ann.
Okay? The car is shot to shit.
They fuckin' shot up the Lincoln?
No, the fuckin' Bentley!
Yeah, the Lincoln!
There's fuckin' three dead
AB, car's shot to shit.
Make it fuckin' disappear.
I was never there.
Just clean it up for me, would ya?
- Please?
- I got it.
Thank you.
It's that French shit.
That bonjour, motherfucker.
Vodka's supposed to be
fuckin' Russian, bruh.
Man, fuck Russia, shit.
I ain't lettin' that bullshit politics
get up in my high goddamn
Yo, what the fuck, Mike?!
Relax, y'all, he ain't killin' nobody.
He ain't, he ain't killin' nobody.
Hey, what kinda vodka you want, Mike?
What'd you do?
Put the BB gun down, all right?
If you wanna talk, let's talk.
He's on fuckin' life support, Bunny.
Who the fuck we talkin' about right now?
Do not!
Fuck with me!
Aight, aight, shit.
All of y'all, off the roof.
Now, now!
Me and my boy, we gotta chop it up.
And if you hear gunfire
You send this motherfucker
to Jesus, straight.
Why, Bunny?
Fuckin' why?
You should see it over there, Bunny.
Fuckin' sea of blue.
It's a declaration of war.
Do you fuckin' realize that?
If Robert dies, Bunny
Let me tell you somethin', Mike.
If it's a war they want,
it's a war this motherfucker's
gonna get.
There's an army of cops,
they all want trophies now.
And I can do fuckin'
dick all to stop it.
Where the fuck you been
livin', Mike, where?!
- Right here.
- Where?
Right the fuck here!
You should know that we've been
under siege from birth, Mike!
From fuckin' birth!
Robert dies, and everything
changes between us.
You realize that?
That what you want?
You know I got love for you, Mike.
I really do.
But if there come a time
When you got me in a fuckin' corner
And you the only thing
standin' between me
and my air
Know this, Mike.
I'mma run right through you.
Gun's on the roof.
We ain't lackin'.
Hey, Ma.
What are you doin' up so late?
I need you to come over
Hi, Mike.
Did you forget about me?
Aw, fuck.
Listen to me.
I don't have a fuckin'
phone number for you.
Remember? "Call the fuckin' club."
All right?
Listen, I, I got your paper.
All right?
I'm, I'm gonna come over
there now, all right?
We're so close from gettin
this fuckin' thing done.
Don't do anything fuckin' stupid.
Do you understand? Or
I swear to fuckin' God.
I'm comin' over.
Yeah, well, we'll be here.
We're very eager to see you.
Yeah, good.
I'm comin'.
You do the swap? Where you at?
No, no, no, no, look,
it's a fuckin' long story.
Milo's at Mom's.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
Where are you?
I'm still at the fuckin' hospital,
I tried callin' Tracy
and she didn't pick up.
What the fuck do you mean?
Just fuckin' meet me at Mom's.
Come in quiet. Okay?
I'm headed there now. Okay?
Fuck, I'm on my way.
It'll be okay.
No, it won't.
Mike, what the fuck?
I figured we needed numbers.
Yeah, okay.
- Milo's in the fuckin' house?
- Yeah.
If they fuckin' laid a
finger on your mother
All right, look, we're gonna do
Mikey, what is it? What is it?
I don't have the fuckin' bonds.
They're in the fucking Lincoln.
What the fuck are we gonna do?
I'm here. No weapon.
Your hands are empty.
You broke into my fuckin' house, Milo.
You took my mother hostage.
I'm just here to make
sure everything is
as it should be.
Your mother is telling you that
my men are in the kitchen too.
She's trying to tell you
that you have no play.
It's all gonna be over soon, Ma.
- Okay?
- I'm okay, I'm okay.
- Whose blood is that?
- Joseph's.
She killed him.
It's okay.
Tati cleaned it up, she's very tidy.
Did you ever hear of the
Peter Principle, Mike?
I didn't pay attention in school, Milo.
You get more and more responsibilities
because you're really good
at the thing that you do.
But eventually you get
to a place where you're in
a position in which you
were above your abilities.
And that was our Joseph.
Is that you, too, Mike?
I'm here to make sure my mom
and Iris are whole.
- That's it.
- Well, now you see.
I don't wanna shoot your mother.
But I will.
Where are my bonds?
They're in a car.
You disappoint me, Mike.
Mitch would never leave me waiting.
A cop was
- Hospitalized, I got ambushed.
- Really?
A lot of hurdles I had to get through.
But I'm here.
So, Iris just happens to kill Joseph
the same night of all of your hurdles?
She just happened to
turn up at the house?
Do you think I'm fucking stupid, Mike?
She's your girl, she
does what she wants.
Come on.
You fucked up, Mike.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Mom, come on. Behind me.
- I'm with you.
- Come over here, over here.
How many?
One bad guy.
- Where's Ian?
- I don't know.
- Yeah.
- Get up!
Oh my God, oh shit.
Oh shit, Mom!
- Ma, you okay?
- Mom.
- Mom, mom, fuck.
- Jesus.
Oh, fuck. No, fuck!
Hey, help me with her! Would you?
All right? Ian!
Fuck, fuck!
I fuckin' shot her, Mike
Hey, listen to me, we gotta
get her to the fuckin' hospital!
Let's go!
They're preppin' the OR.
All right? The bullet's near the spine.
Didn't puncture the lung or
the heart, they don't think.
- Is she awake?
- No.
How long until she's in?
And how long is surgery?
An hour, maybe two hour,
I mean, they gotta figure out
what to do with the
blood, but she's strong.
Mariam's a tough cookie, Mike.
She's gonna pull through this.
I shot her, Mike.
I put that fuckin' bullet in her.
You were tryin' to
fuckin' save her, okay?
Tryin' to protect our
family. It's just
a fucking awful accident.
That's all it is.
You shot her with an AB gun, remember?
They're gonna pull this
bullet out of her
Mom's gonna be fine.
And none of this goes near you.
No one needs to know about this.
She was shot by one of Milo's goons.
We clear on this?
100% fuckin' clear.
I'm not gonna lie, Mike.
I'm not gonna fuckin' lie.
The fuck you're not.
The fuck you're not, Kyle.
We weren't blessed with
easy. You know that.
We just do our best to stand tall.
And come in tomorrow, even
with the tiniest bit of hope
it'll be better than today.
You have a child coming.
You have a life.
So, you can't go waving
this around like a badge,
'cause it will define you.
And you are not just this moment.
You're a good man.
You're my brother.
And you made a mistake.
You won't own it,
you won't eat it, for your child.
For your wife.
Mom's gonna come out of this.
And when she does,
you're gonna be grounded,
like, fuckin' forever, you know?
Shut the fuck up. Fuck you.
You're so fucked.
Fuck off
She's gonna fuckin' kill you.
All right, so come on. I need you.
All right?
My man.
Where are you goin'?
I'm gonna put a period
on this fuckin' thing.
Mike, please, just
sit with me, will you?
No, I brought this to our family,
and I brought it into our fuckin' home.
So, let me finish this thing.
I got him.
Let me get an escaped
prisoner alert out there.
He's gonna make a break
for the fuckin' border.
He still thinks I have the bonds.
I know, I know.
So, I want this fucker.
Mikey, I can checkpoint every backroad,
every highway, every eye in the sky,
I'll get the marine unit on it.
Do all that, that's fine.
But you hear anything, though,
anything, you let me know first.
All right?
What about Kyle?
I don't know.
I don't know about
anything right now, Ian.
We're just gonna make it up as we go.
First things first, we get fuckin' Milo.
- I'm with you.
- All right.
Where is he?
You don't mean, where is she?
Where's Milo?
I don't know. You
destroyed his plan, so
he's, I'm sure, making a new one.
Wanna call him?
It's kinda late.
Jesus Christ, call
this fucking cocksucker.
Listen to me.
Just get him on the fuckin' phone. Okay?
Then we'll keep you off our radar.
Or keep dickin' around,
and I'll ensure that the cops
and the gangs roll through here
on fuckin' rotation,
where you can't fuckin' piss
without a raid or a fucking shootout.
Is that the environment you
wanna run these girls through?
You should've just given him his money.
He's a fugitive, he
just wants to run away.
You're not the only one after him.
Call him.
Where do we meet?
That was not very smart, Mike.
Where do we meet, Milo?
You bring yours
I'll bring mine.
Last chance, Mike.
One hour, the East 26th Harbor.
Bring any of your
friends, they will die.
But your girl will die first.
One hour.
If I don't kill him
He's comin' after you.
I know.
You should take that baby
and get the fuck out of here.
Anywhere but here.
I have friends, Mr. McLusky.
I can take care of myself.
You should do the same.
Call your friends, tell
'em we're fuckin' comin'.
Let's go.
I got your message.
I am so sorry, Kyle.
Baby, I didn't wanna wake you.
I couldn't sleep.
I miss you so much.
I miss you, too.
How's Mom doing?
You know, she's tough. She's strong.
You know, she can't die, Trace.
I'm gonna come back tomorrow morning.
I love you, okay?
Give Mariam a kiss for me
and tell her I love her very much.
I will.
I love you.
What's goin' on?
It happens tonight. You understand me?
Who you got on?
Same pieces of shit.
How they doin' without Davidson?
Someone'll rise, fill the void.
You know how it works, Mike.
Well, there's about to be another void.
You understand me?
I want it to fuckin' happen tonight.
I'm resettin' the table. Fuck them.
Fellas, thanks for waitin'.
Yeah, I'm sorry for this
- Fuck. Hey.
- Hey.
You all right?
I'm hangin' in.
Hey, Patty.
I heard about your mother.
How's she doin'?
I don't know.
Any change here?
First time anyone's
ever called him that.
I'm gonna go check the machines.
See if they've got some mints or gum.
Maybe a Charleston Chew or somethin'.
Will you sit with him until I get back?
Yeah, sure.
- Thanks, pal.
- Yeah.
Hey, man.
How you doin' in there?
Must be quiet.
Quiet'd be nice right now.
None of this bullshit
None of this noise.
Not havin' to think about anything.
You know, or how things were, or
might've been, or
could be.
Yeah, that must be nice.
My mom's down the hall.
And I put her there.
It's just
It fuckin' sucks out here.
It's time to flip the script.
All blacks, man.
Watch your step.
You can wait on board.
Don't like boats?
I don't like you.
Why do you think he's willing
to fight so hard for you?
I don't know.
You're that good a fuck?
I never slept with him.
So why, then?
Maybe I'm somethin' to do.
or after he kills you.
God exists in the least of things, Iris.
And I think, maybe
Mike sees God in you.
I think he sees his own
salvation in saving you.
Makes me wanna end you.
End his inevitable suffering
when he realizes what you really are.
Mike, do you think that fucker's
just gonna take those bonds
and let you walk away?
Let me get some backup and
some S.W.A.T. down here.
If he feels anything,
he'll just kill her.
Mikey, I don't wanna be
an asshole, but fuck it.
I don't know this girl,
why not let him take her?
Let 'em both go.
'Cause it's the right thing
to do, Ian, that's why.
All right, what do you want me to do?
- You have any long guns in the trunk?
- Yup.
I got a fuckin' arsenal in the back,
what do you want?
Why don't you just
go down the hill here,
post up there, and follow
me through your scope.
If anything goes
sideways, start hunting.
And don't fucking shoot me.
- CO!
- Shut the fuck up.
A message from the mayor, motherfucker.
And he gon' get that shit today.
Oh, God!
Turn around.
This is better, right?
No drama
No Shoot-'em-up.
There are your bonds.
There's your girl.
See how easy it could've been?
Think about what you're going
to do yet with your prize?
Ready to go?
This fight you're fighting,
you can't win.
Thinkin' you can stop the
bad thing from happening,
that's ego, Mike
The bad is comin' for all of us.
We're just things on
the devil's to-do list.
Keep the guns on them 'til I'm gone.
After that, do what you want.
Maybe I will kill you now.
Hey, you all right?
Kingstown sits on
the edge of Lake Michigan.
Surrounded by almost a
million acres of forest.
Trapped by resources it cannot extract,
it resembles an island
more than anything.
And like islands, any
resource it can extract
is not worth the price of exporting it.
Did everything go okay?
Everything went fine.
I'm on my way back.
So like islands,
we must sell our only
resource of real value
The island itself.
Hawaii has white sand beaches
and the allure of the tropics,
so they sell that dream.
Kingstown has no dream, so
it must offer the nightmare,
and we must sell our failures.
Our allure is prison labor
and the union wages to extract it.
If failure of society could
be distilled into one city,
this would be the city,
and miseries are free.
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