Being Erica (2009) s02e11 Episode Script

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Previously on "Being Erica" Travis and me, we wrote all our first songs together, every night, after hours at Goblins.
I mean everything sounds perfect.
I guess I'm just one lucky guy.
So how're you coping with the suicide of your band mate Travis? "The None.
" "The None.
" Hmm, what's that again? Oh, right, it's only my favorite new self-help title of the year.
Is it true that you're taking Friedkin's book from Julianne? Yes.
Listen, Julianne's ship is taking on water fast, and I want you to make it to shore.
Good evening, ladies, and welcome to the official launch of "The None.
" Please join me in welcoming Katie Atkins.
Thank you.
I am so excited to share this book with you.
We have lots of surprises tonight, and it is all thanks to my very talented friend and editor.
She is the vision behind this launch, so, thank you, Erica Strange.
Ever get that feeling that you've hit your stride? You're in the groove, on top of the world? Like everything you've worked so hard for is finally yours? and Julianne Giacomelli, and all of the people at River Rock who poured their hearts This launch would make Deepak jealous, and those slogan ts are the cutest! Incredible work, chicken.
Thank you, Julianne.
So, without further ado bachelors, come on out! Oh boy! Welcome, gentlemen.
Have fun.
My spidey senses are saying, "New York Times bestseller, here we come!" Hi there.
Have fun.
Can I get a whoo-hoo?! Can I get a wha-wha?! Who's the man? That's me.
Oh, yeah.
Someone had a good night.
Oh, Ethan, it was the best! All of that work, all those months of stress finally paid off.
The whole night, it was perfect from beginning to end.
That's awesome.
Wait here.
Where are you going? Hmm? Ethan, what's this? Open it.
I know it's kind of corny, but-- No, I love it.
You coming to bed? Um in a minute.
The first reviews should be out online and I can't wait.
But that perfect moment, no matter how badly we want it to, won't last forever.
Oh, my God.
That good, huh? What does it say? "The None is definitely not the one.
" Hey, it's just one review, right? Yeah, one terrible review.
From Bookwormer.
Who cares about them? Come on, try not to think about it.
Let's just go to bed.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
Because without warning, a setback can strike What?! Sending us even further back than where we started from.
it's clearer inside of me who I will always be open me up to my heart feels like I'm seeing in the dark waking me up to my heart to do it all over again and again until the end the sum of my dreams and everything I ever wanted to be "The None is one colossal failure.
" Oh, great, and that's from Larry Horowitz.
Larry jerk-owitz.
No, he's actually one of the top literary critics in Toronto.
It's just a couple of people's opinions.
Who reads reviews anyway? Everyone in the industry.
I mean, my bosses, the public.
A review--it can make or break a book.
Ethan, this is really bad.
Hey, I guess my day can't get any worse, right? Just hang in there, okay? Yeah.
Julianne? Yes? So, the reviews were Catastrophic? I just I feel like I should do something.
Well, there's nothing to be done.
Although, personally, I'd like to give Larry Horowitz a piece of my mind.
Yeah, see? Okay, 'cause I read the review and normally, I agree with Larry, I do, But I feel like, you know, he misunderstood what Katie was trying to say.
It's like his interpretation of the message, it was way off.
Okay, Erica, I get that you wanna cry and share feelings-- No, it's not just that.
It's just I honestly feel that the review, it wasn't fair.
All right, chicken, Let's get some perspective here.
If the book sells, no one's gonna remember the reviews.
Really? Yeah.
So scoot! Erica.
Yeah? Don't "dwell.
" Focus on "The Sex Scoop.
" Cry in the bathroom, move on.
Frank Galvin will be back today and we've gotta be on our game, you got it? 'kay.
Move on.
You didn't even read it! Thanks for coming in, but we're looking for something a little more relatable, given our recent colossal failure.
Uh Thanks.
Ow! Sorry, I just, uh I just got another rejection.
Sorry to hear that.
Yeah, by number nine, you well, you almost stop feeling it.
Well, you know, Brent, he can be pretty tough.
Are you a are you an editor, too? Uh, I like to think so.
Well, in that case, Seth Newman.
Hi, Erica Strange.
It's nice to meet you, Erica.
Nice to meet you, too.
So what is "The Purple Door" about? It's the story of my life.
So you were raised in a cult and your parents, they're still there.
And now? Well, I got out.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
But I had to um escape, and I haven't looked back since.
Until now.
Seth, that must be so hard.
It's an amazing story.
I mean, if you want, I'd be happy to give it a read.
I can't promise anything, of course, but No, of course not.
Um You have no idea how much I appreciate this, Erica.
I'll be in touch.
Take care.
Thank you.
This is a first.
What do you have in there, a gun? Oh, of course not.
Just checking.
An editor comes to see me the day I give a bad review, it's a little unorthodox? That's one word.
Crazy's another.
What can I do for you, miss Strange, that I haven't already done? Well, I've read your review, of course, and I have to be honest, I think you've misinterpreted what Katie Atkins was trying to say.
Really? Yeah.
I mean, the book, it's sending out an optimistic message, it's about finding happiness.
With a guy you don't love.
Happiness through mediocrity, through settling.
Well, I'm sorry, Mr.
Horowitz, but I think that settling is a little simplistic.
I mean, we're just saying stop holding out for Mr.
And settle for Mr.
Not Mr.
Wrong, Mr.
Now that's a worthy idea, but it's not in the book.
It's the whole backbone of the book.
No, the backbone of the book is the cynical flipside that all men are fixer-uppers; That you never hoped to find your soulmate.
Well, that wasn't the intention.
What is it you want? A new review? A retraction? I just I just wanna understand.
Now you understand.
This book made me angry.
It's a manual on giving up and how to stop looking for love.
You know, I've been married to my soulmate for 20 years, I can assure you, I did not marry "The None.
" I'm assuming we're done here? Okay, so remember when you told us that the band shouldn't enter V-Fest? How you said it would be a waste, that we were still too raw? Yeah, I remember.
Before you freak out, I want you to know that there's a happy ending to this story because, bro we got in.
It's not the main stage, but there will be key industry people there to hear us play.
Kai-- we're not doing this.
Yeah, we are.
Travis, trust me, this is not what we need.
You said yourself that you wanted to keep the band small.
When did I ever say that? We're doing this, Kai.
You know, Travis has a point.
He doesn't say, "let's keep the band small" until June 18th, 2012.
You're a couple years early.
He may not know it now.
But you do.
Because hindsight's 20-20? That's right.
Not always.
Travis has big dreams, too.
But he couldn't handle them.
That may be true, but that's not the point.
Your future, you know, the very thing you keep fighting against? Well, it looks like it's found you.
Um, Brent, a quick word.
Yes, Julianne.
Well, I was reviewing the latest chapters of "The Mystery of Tomorrow," and, I gotta say, not exactly up to snuff.
Friedken and I actually feel very strongly about the chapters.
Well, I feel very strongly that they need work.
Care to be specific? I will be "specific" when I give you your notes.
And I don't like your tone.
And I don't trust your "instincts" because lately, they've been about as reliable as a Bernie Madoff stock tip.
Brent, I am your boss.
That's what your business cards say.
The chapters remain as they are.
Brent, what is wrong with you? This is none of your business.
Look, she gave you your shot, okay? If it wasn't for Julianne, you would still be in the mailroom Working with Zeke.
Please, please, could we all just calm down, Remain professional? Professional?! Is that what you call going behind my back to Frank Galvin? I was looking out for River Rock.
You were looking out for "numero uno," And Frank is either too naive or in the early stages of Alzheimer's, not to see that.
Um, Frank ugh God.
Engaging in a public shouting match with a fellow employee? Frank, I'm sorry.
That's what I keep hearing, apology after apology.
And yet I come back to find your department, once again, in shambles.
Case in point, Erica visiting Larry Horowitz at his office, accosting him.
What?! I-I I just wanted some clarification.
You went to see him? Erica, we don't do that.
I'm sorry, I I just thought-- No, you didn't think! Neither did you, dropping the ball on "The None.
" Giving a junior editor free reigns.
Crossing the line with Thomas Friedken, a bestseller.
You managed to talk me into "The Sex Scoop," based largely on the projected success of "The None.
" It now seems only logical to kill that title.
Galvin, if I may.
"The Sex Scoop" and "The None," they're completely different.
Who the hell do you think you are?! Julianne, You brought us great success with Thomas Friedken.
Based on that, I was prepared to overlook a few stumbles, but we've reached the point where your errors in judgment are now compromising the reputation of this company.
I cannot stand by and let that happen.
Frank, please.
You will pack up your desks and be out before lunch.
Both of you.
Hey It's gonna be okay.
No, Ethan, it's not.
I got fired again.
This is story of my life, right? You'll find another job, you always do.
Oh, that's great.
In what? Um customer service? Maybe telemarketing? Hey You're gonna bounce back.
I know it might not seem like it, but this could be an opportunity.
To collect welfare? You've always wanted to work in fiction.
Now's your chance to apply to those kinds of jobs.
Ethan, you don't realize how small the industry is.
Everyone reads the reviews.
No one's gonna hire me after this.
Of course they will, and I'll help you.
What are you doing? Let's update your cv.
The best thing you can do is just get right back in the game.
I know that you're just trying to make me feel better, but but honestly, all I wanna do is just crawl into bed and disappear.
"a refreshing take on love that tells it like it is.
" That's not bad.
Oh, yeah? Okay, so, uh Why don't you go tell that to Larry Horowitz.
Enh, what does it matter anyways? I got fired.
Why does it have to be so hard? And what would make things better, Hmm? Vacation? A good book? Some perspective maybe? A lottery ticket? Ah, money.
And so what do you think that that would solve for you? Buy a little happiness, maybe? No, it's not about buying anything; it's about it's about freedom.
Which brings us to your list.
You wanna take a stab? Got any guesses here? "meandyoumakestwo.
" Well done.
So what happened there? Oh, it was a dot-com company that I worked for in the boom, and I quit a few months before they were bought out.
And that was the lottery ticket that I threw away.
Ah It's pointless anyways, though.
it's like you told me, you can't go back to win a lottery.
Mm, no, I said you can't go back and buy a ticket.
This is different.
This is a legitimate regret.
So, go ahead, indulge me.
I If I would've stayed, I would've been I would've been rich in my twenties.
I I mean, I could've paid off all my student loans, and I never would've had to work at a call center.
I would've had the time and the means to dedicate to my writing.
And my life, it would've been completely different.
What? Ah So, I made us reservations for tomorrow night at Canoe.
Hey, come on, I had to call in some serious favors to get a last-minute table.
A little "thanks, Luc" would be good.
Luc Yeah? Umthanks.
Uh Hey, I've got a 2:00 today at Goldman Sachs, but call me after your meeting, I wanna hear all about it.
Um, my meeting at River Rock, about your book.
My book? Okay, so it's not a book yet, but I believe in you.
Your paper.
My paper.
My, my paper! My which I'm going to read with my coffee.
You okay, babe? Yeah, I'm fine.
See ya.
Whaaa-ha-ha-ha! Stay there.
Coming! Ms.
Strange? Christmas comes early, courtesy of the 2004 fall collection.
Wait, wait, wait I worked at "meandyoumakestwo" in 2001.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, you didn't quit, it's three years later, options vested, you made millions, yada-yada-yada.
Ooh, can anybody say "fierce"? Oh, so you're my personal shopper? Well, I prefer personal stylist.
This is for your meeting today.
Right, at River Rock, for my book, that I write here in my big, fancy-shmancy mansion that I bought with my millions.
Tom, I own a first edition of "Ulysses.
" Right here.
First edition.
Oh, my God, I wonder if James Joyce signed it? I rather think that you'd want to focus on this.
"Little Feats?" This is my short story from Professor Lozar's class.
You say short story, I say first chapter of your first novel.
Look, you've already started to expand it.
And I snagged a meeting at River Rock? Oh, why, because I'm in good company.
Turns out that you frequent the same private club as Frank Galvin's daughter.
"success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.
" Coco Chanel.
Thanks! So, it's the story about a girl from rural Ontario who suffers hardship after hardship and she's in love and I know you're thinking hardship, rural Ontario, not the sexiest world, but it's a story that has been important to me since university.
You know, I really connect with the protagonist.
She's--she's an underdog.
Erica I was born just after the great depression.
I had seven siblings.
I know.
I built this company from nothing.
I have lived through poverty.
Whereas you? You became wealthy overnight.
That's true, but-- You've heard the saying, "write what you know?" Authenticity is everything.
H-how could you possibly know anything about your protagonist? Uh Okay, I could make the character more urban.
That's a start.
Tell you what.
Let's start from scratch here.
Galvin-- Stop trying to be the next Margaret Atwood.
Be what you are! Write the next "Devil Wears Prada," or "Shopaholic" book.
Write what you know.
That's the best advice that I can give you.
Oh Right.
Well, thank you, Mr.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Uh? Hello? Where are you? Uh, sorry, who is this? It's Shayna.
Did you forget our shiatsus? No, I did-- no, of course not.
Can you just remind me again, where are we meeting? Wow, I could get used to this.
Mm, yeah, I know.
Once a week really isn't enough.
So, listen, you coming tonight or what? I need to know.
Oh, remind me? Hello? The Noam Chomsky lecture.
He's talking about his new book, All about American Imperialism, post 9-11.
That sounds amazing! So what? We get to meet him? Meet him, have drinks with him.
So, here's the plan.
I'm gonna pick up Jenny and Tassie in my new wheels and then we'll swing around and get you, And you'll spend the night finding me a future husband.
Perfect! And what about Judith? 'cause Noam Chomsky, he's right up her alley.
Judith? Yeah.
Do you guys even talk? Seriously, that girl is so jealous of you.
I mean if you wanna invite her, invite her, but I'm not picking her up.
Hey, Jude.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
So what's the big emergency? Oh, well, uh um, I just I wanna know why we don't talk anymore.
Please, Jude, tell me, why did you stop talking to me? Come on, why are you doing this? Because I know that you will tell me the truth.
So, just lay it on me, Jude.
I'm serious, don't hold anything back.
You used to be ambitious.
You wanted to be an author, you wanted to win a booker.
But ever since you ever since you cashed in, all you do is shop, or travel, or go to parties and lectures and silent auctions.
You don't even try anymore.
And you and I? It's not like I don't love you, Erica, I do.
I just I mean we were best friends for years.
We're just in different places now.
I have to go to work, so Sure.
Of course.
And thank you.
Um Erica, for the record? You stopped calling me.
Hey, I thought you were going to Chomsky? I I cancelled.
You did, why? I ended up meeting up with Judith.
We went together for coffee.
Judith? Well, that must've been fun.
Look, I take it the meeting at River Rock didn't go so well? Luc, what do I do? About Judith? No, I mean, day after day.
I I don't have a job, I go for massages with Shayna and And then what? Just sit around and eat bon bons and talk about politics all day? Erica, you're writing a book, right? Ugh.
River Rock-- who needs them? Self-publish.
I'm serious.
Look, you don't need to go in there on your knees begging to be taken seriously.
Publish your own book.
Buy a publishing company.
Oh, so it's that easy, huh? If I can't do it myself, then I just buy it? Who says money can't buy happiness? Hello? Hello? Hello! Say, "WTP Insurance, how may I help you"? Say it.
WTP Insurance, how may I help you? Vair? Okay, I'm sorry, am I going too fast? Is that it? Uh, this is a telephone.
We use these in 2009 to transmit and receive sound.
Most commonly the human voice, i.
Do you are you understanding me? How is this happening? Yeah, actually, it kind of isn't, Okay? Since someone put the "you" in incom-petent.
Vair, I just need a second-- Tea time! Don't talk, don't answer the phone, don't move.
Um, WTP.
Hello, Erica.
Tom?! Where are you? Huh? Dr.
Tom? What the hell is going on? Well, I think Vair made that pretty clear.
You're in training.
What am I doing at WTP in 2009? Because I don't work at WTP in 2009.
Well, you do now.
Oh, come on, you lived the good life, you know, for a while, but then, hey, the well ran dry.
I don't think it helped having Luc as your boyfriend and your financial advisor.
Apparently, he was terrible at both, but anyway, there you have it.
'kay, wait a minute, wait-wait-wait.
What are you saying? I'm saying that it's gone.
All of it.
And with nothing to fall back on WTP?! I mean What about my book? What about "Little Feats"? Uh Well, little came of it.
You and Luc broke up and rather than working on the book, you decided that you wanted to get away from it all and you went on a safari to Tanzania, I believe.
and you saw lots of lions and a giraffe or two and monkeys.
Okay, wait a minute, so, I didn't I didn't finish the book and now I have nothing? No, you still got your mom.
You live with her now.
What?! Well We don't wanna keep Vair waiting.
wait I mean You're gonna send me back, right, to the real 2009? Well, who said that this isn't real? Dr.
Go on.
Go on, Erica, and enjoy the first day of the rest of your life.
No way! I'm not going anywhere.
Oh, hey, Erica, where were you? I, uh, just had to use the, um washroom? Okay, that's pretty funny, 'cause the rest of us have to wait 42 more minutes, 'cause that's when the scheduled bathroom break is.
Okay, Vair, just, just back off.
Wow, wow, that's a little hostility, huh? No one really likes an Amy attitude.
Would you please just-- hold on, getting a little signal.
This just in.
Good stuff.
I got fired by sticky note.
That's worse than being let go by email.
Oh, it's gonna be fine, honey, you'll find something else.
Oh, yeah, maybe maybe another call center job.
You know, oh, hey, maybe I could go work for Uncle Ruby at White Dreams? Erica, when you hit a bump, you pick yourself up and you keep going.
Mom, this isn't a bump; It is a giant wall.
I mean, is this my life? Do I just need to accept that this is as good as it gets? You know, you yourself said you didn't even want this job.
You know what? Mom, you don't get it.
No, actually, I do get it.
Losing your job is one thing, Erica, losing your son and then your marriage is another.
I'm not trying to diminish what you're going through here, Erica, but-- No, mom, you're right.
I'm wallowing.
You know, when your father and I first got together, it felt like I could see our entire future, complete with three healthy, happy kids.
But things don't always turn out the way you imagine.
Life deals you a hand and no matter what card you're holding, you have to play them.
And, honey, it's hard, and it never stops being hard.
But you learn, and you change, and you grow.
And even in my darkest moments, Erica, I remind myself it's the reason we're all here.
So you got fired.
So you're back down at the bottom again.
It could be worse.
So get back up and keep fighting! Hello.
My name is Erica Strange.
Do you have an appointment? No, I don't, but I was hoping to talk to you about working here.
I love books and I feel that I have what it takes to work with authors, and to develop projects.
And I know that my cv doesn't reflect that, but-- All it really reflects is that you have a masters in English lit from ten years ago.
It's nine years, but point taken.
Look, I have a soft spot for go-getters, but let's all gather around and have a little reality check.
You have no experience.
Then hire me in the mail room.
Honey, mail sorters don't wear prada.
I bet you did.
Secret number 34: Dress to impress, right? And I can promise you that I will not stay a mail sorter for long.
Is your phone number on here? Home and cell.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you, Mr.
You're welcome, miss Strange.
You're up early.
Well, I had to get my cv ready.
Plus, rustle up a list of every publishing company in town.
Wow, what a difference a night's sleep makes, huh? You were right.
I usually am.
Good luck.
you can cry a million tears Hi, there.
Just here to drop off my cv.
A million years if you think that time will change your ways don't wait too long maybe I got a lot to learn time can slip away sometimes you gotta lose it all before you find your way it may rain it may shine love will age like fine red wine but if you think that time will change your ways don't wait too long Hey! This better be good.
I have a half-eaten container of chunky monkey and season 4 of "The Golden Girls" waiting for me at home.
Are you ready? What is that? A manuscript, and it's amazing.
I mean it needs some work, but Julianne, it is so different from anything that I've ever read.
In case you forgot, Erica, we're unemployed, we are pariahs 'kay, just hear me out.
What if we publish it? Okay, someone needs to share her anti-depressants.
No, Julianne, I'm serious.
Let's start a company.
Erica, starting a company, that's a big deal.
It's not like setting up a lemonade stand.
Okay, you know what? Stop being such a Debbie Downer.
When did you ever give up without a fight? I mean, you made a mistake with Friedken and I screwed up on "The None.
" And we got fired.
And it's a setback.
But it's also an opportunity to try something.
Maybe this is the universe's way of giving us a push.
When the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.
It's mother superior.
"Sound of Music.
" I heart that movie.
Okay, I'll read it.
But I can't guarantee you I'm gonna like it.
You're gonna love it.
Julianne, I I have that tingly feeling.
You stalking me? Yeah, Kai, I'm stalking the lead singer of a nonexistent band.
I know I've been acting weird.
You've been acting like a completely different person.
A few months ago, you were talking about head becoming the new U2.
I know, but, Travis, success isn't everything.
If we do this, if we go to V-Fest, there's a chance we could blow up.
Is that really what you want? Of course.
That's the whole point.
Go big or go home.
We can't do this without you, so don't back out on us now.
You are not gonna regret this.
See you at practice, okay? I don't wanna hear it.
Okay, then.
I'll just say that I think you handled that really well.
It's not how I remember it.
I thought I was the one-- You thought you pushed him into it.
You thought everything you did lead to Travis' suicide.
Looks like the way you remember things, isn't exactly how they really happened.
Something to think about, Kai.
Take it easy.
Hey, Dr.
Fred? Thanks.
Happy to be back? Oh You have no idea.
So, winning the lottery? Is not all it's cracked up to be.
Well, it did gave you that freedom you were talking about.
Yeah, freedom to coast and freedom to stop trying.
I mean, having it easy, it did solve some problems, I guess, but then it created a whole bunch of new ones.
For example? All those hard years, all that struggle to find my way, it made me different.
It made me better.
Where would we be without struggle, without hardship and pain? You know, it's easy to forget how much these moments teach and shape us.
How different we would be without them.
I guess, it's hard to look at a setback as a gift.
Why? When that's exactly what it is.
"the struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart.
" Albert Camus.
We face them every day.
Some cause us to stumble, others brings us to our knees.
And along with pain and heartache, each setback brings the opportunity to rise up, to be stronger and better and braver than before.
Hey! Are we celebrating something? We are.
It's it's more of a new direction, actually.
Here, have a seat and let me explain.
So what if Julianne and I started our own publishing company? I know it's crazy, right? But, I mean, think about it.
Was this Julianne's idea? No, it was mine, actually.
I read an incredible manuscript by this new author.
His writing blew me away.
Okay, what's wrong? Erica, starting your own publishing company, it's a risky move.
It's not something you just decide on a whim.
No, and I'm not.
I'm gonna have to take out a business loan, the hours are gonna be crazy at first-- You've never run a business.
It might not work out.
Why are you being so negative? I'm not being negative and I don't mean to sound like a jerk.
I just think we should be practical.
I'm sorry, I just don't think it's a good idea.
But no sooner have we conquered a setback, we'll find another just waiting to take its place.

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