Blake's 7 (1978) s02e11 Episode Script


Get up Hello, Zee So you're getting around How's the leg? You drunken butcher Look what you did You're lucky to have it, my friend Lucky? You crippled me, Kline When they brought you to me afterthat explosion you had no leg at all I built that out of pieces Get up Why? I want to see you fall down All right, I'm gonna count to three One Two GUNFIRE Ah Thanks Next time don't leave it so late Get out Ungrateful scum Have a drink, Travis One of us has to see straight Better be me So, you're a surgeon Used to be I heard about that business on the Baree A secondary burner blew out I did what I could forthe survivors And is he one of them? Travis? No He was a passenger, and now he's my bodyguard I see And do allyour ex patients try to killyou? Thirty of them have every right, Chenie I should never have done it Never This is a picture of Docholli He'll have changed his name, of course He could have had a face job done by now as well No, he hasn't had time Servalan's been on his heels from the moment he escaped with the location of Star One Well, he's out of her reach now Officially How do you mean? Freedom City may be outside the Federation, but that won't stop Servalan Oh, she'llfind some way of getting to him, but if she gets to him before we do Goodbye Docholli And goodbye to any chance of finding the Federation control centre Right You know what you have to do, Vila I want you or Avon on stand by in the teleport the entire time we're in Freedom City Yes, you said Right, let's go Bye DRUM ROLL Speed chess The only game of skill in this establishment The Klute challenges all comers A win or a draw gets you a million One million credits, mes amis Win or draw against the Klute The biggest prize in the galaxy Now come on, allyou space trekkers Put your life on the line and beat the Klute at speed chess Win a fortune Krantorwill see you now Wait here, Jarriere Ah Commander Servalan Welcome, welcome, welcome This is indeed a pleasure You may go, Toise We so rarely receive an emissary from the Federation here in Freedom City I am, Commander, transfixed with delight Supreme Commander Ah My apologies Supreme Commander Pray, be seated You appearto have misunderstood my message, Krantor I am not here officially But of course I understood perfectly Discretion and delicacy are the very watchwords of my organisation Just tell me your requirements and I will see that you are provided with the most sophisticated and subtle forms of satisfaction You have misunderstood I am here unofficially but on Federation business Oh, how sad Try a pataki cake A what? They contain the distilled venom of a local reptile, and the effects are highly stimulating No, thank you There is a man here named Docholli, a cyber surgeon I am willing to pay two million credits for him, dead or alive My dear Commander, there are many wanted men here They come to Freedom City because we are outside the Federation Not very far outside I do hope that isn't as threatening as it sounds That would be most unwise Are you sure I can't tempt you? Quite sure Ah There is a second man here named Travis He has an artificial arm and an eye patch I am interested in finding him also An eye patch Oh, how quaint Well? Placed as we are, we must necessarily maintain a position of strict neutrality And what does that mean, exactly? You will not be impeded in your search forthese men Krantor, I don't have time forthat It is vital I find Docholli before certain insurrectionist elements contact him Oh, I see Insurrectionist elements? A Federation problem which we intend to eliminate Really, Commander Supreme Supreme Commander, you make my blood run cold I wonder if I emphasised sufficiently how highly we value our neutrality I'm sure I must have done How highly? Also, my casino very profitable four million credits a week You have a suggestion? Ten Eight For both Travis and Docholli My dear Com Supreme Commander I always say we are sent to help each other What is this life if we cannot be of some service to ourfellows? Give me two hours Thank you I have booked room 100 at the terminal I know Well? Travis came in on the Baree's last trip He spends all his time down on the Rink Toise, are you sure that head gear is part of the uniform? It is of the period, Krantor It looks a little heavy May I say that your own costume is quite magnificent It really suits you Yes, it does, doesn't it? My designertells me that it is patterned upon the attire of someone called the Prince Regent What a pity that everybody doesn't enter into the spirit of Carnival, of 'Mardi Gras' as wholeheartedly as you and I Docholli? No record underthat name, but there is a Kline who carried out emergency surgery on board the Baree after an explosion there He too stays down on the Rink, drinking heavily Worth investigation Mm The fact that Servalan was so willing to pay so much in orderto prevent her political opponents from contacting him Very interesting It indicates that he possesses some important Federation secret Which we can extract before giving her his body Krantorwins both ways Rule of the house They say it's wide open What is? Freedom City So I've heard Wide, wide open Got everything a man ever dreams of, they say Space City pales by comparison, they say You know, if it was a desert down there, so hot your eyeballs frizzled, poisonous snakes under every rock Blake would have sent us You can bet on it Bet Why not? It's perfect What is? There is a casino down there It is called the Big Wheel No stake limits Why don't we bust it? Because we're up here and the casino's down there We go down there We can get Orac to operate the teleport He can do it just as wellfrom down there as up here You mean take Orac with us? Of course we take Orac with us You dummy You haven't caught on, have you? What's in your mind? The Big Wheel is run by a computerthat fixes the odds at five percent in favour of the house, right? Right Right Orac reads computers Ohhhh, that is beautiful Avon, there are times when I almost get to like you Yes, well, that makes it allworthwhile I mean, you give me a warm feeling right here, around the money belt We are going to need some kind of casing for Orac Wait Suppose Blake wants fetching up while we're on surface? Oh, he'll be several hours looking for Docholli We can break that casino and be back up here inside of one hour He need never know that we were gone I just needed convincing I'm convinced I'll get a casing for Orac Just a minute Look at Orac I mean, look at it It's a bit on the bulky side for smuggling into a casino, wouldn't you say? Orac, are you familiarwith the theory of molecular reduction? Am I to assume that you refer to the stabilised atomic implosion? Yes Vila and I were just discussing it We were? and I was assuring him that the whole idea is an absurd fantasy On the contrary It is neither absurd, nor is it a fantasy Are you suggesting that you know more about the subject than I do? It is not a suggestion; it is a statement of fact Do you seriously expect me to believe that you could, for example, reduce your size without affecting yourfunction? I could For how long? It would depend on the degree of reduction Approximately one eighth of your current size Two hours, six minutes Talk's cheap Does that mean something? It means he doesn't believe you, and neither, as a matter of fact, do I I take it you wish me to prove it Why not? ELECTRONICSHRINKING Come on Kline Put him in the back Why does he do it? He gets thirsty You want a drink now, Travis? I'll have a Vitazade Earliertonight he said that thirty of his ex patients tried to kill him What does that mean? It means he gets drunk Well, whatever he's got on his mind, it can't be that bad I hear he was quite a hero at the Baree Perhaps he was trying to pay something back They say he was one of the first in the burner When the fumes got too much for him, it was you who dragged him out Oh, yes I'm a hero, too So You've saved his life twice Why? It's my noble nature Oh, yes, Travis I can see It shines from your one yellow eye Nobility? Thanks forthe drink What's this about? You're being collected We're Krantor's rubbish collectors ""Collected''? No Don't kill him Not yet Oh, you don't trust Krantor He is a despicable animal When the Federation finally cleans out this cesspit, I shall have that vulpine degenerate eviscerated with a small and very blunt knife Um, if the Supreme Commander feels like that about him Forthe moment we need Krantor Even if he cannot be trusted? Oh, he can be trusted to do anything for money He'll deliver Travis And Docholli? I told him Docholli, dead or alive Already he is wondering why a corpse should be worth so much Then, ma'am, we are likely to get the corpse Yes After Krantor has learned the answerto that question Exactly Let's try the dives along there Shouldn't we split up? We may cover more ground I think we'd better stick together But he's not likely to be here anyway Why not? The Federation's top cyber surgeon? Why should he be? She's right, Blake He's led a privileged life He's got money He's also been on the move for a long time But even so, a man with his skills can always earn it Not enough When you've been on the run for as long as Docholli has, everything costs: False identity papers, phoney visas I mean no one's going to stick out their neck to help him unless they stick out their hand first No, I don't think Docholli's got much now That is why I think we'llfind him somewhere like this Oh, Supreme Commander, how prompt you are Such an admirable, military virtue The matter of which we spoke earlier Get to the point, Krantor The first package is already on its way and naturally I do expect payment on delivery Naturally Travis, I imagine The second willfollow in due course But if you find time is, um, dragging, I can provide some very originalforms of diversion, which I guarantee will give you immense pleasure Docholli is all I want from you, Krantor Krantor One of these days, Toise, I am going to have Supreme Commander high and mighty Servalan ravaged until she does not know what month she's in I'll have her screaming for death I Krantor We have a trekker ready to challenge the Klute Oh And so early, too It's usually much later, when they're drunk, or desperate I say, what a profitable start to the evening Come on, my friends Gather round You are about to witness the most important spectacle in the history of sport Friends and patrons We have here a young trekker as you can see Nis name isThrylce And he is challenging the mighty Klute at speed chess Your applause for his courage, please Alors The rules of speed chess are tres simple Simple Each contestant has five seconds to make his move If he exceeds that time tant pis he loses a pawn IfThrylcewins orforces a draw,then hewins one million creditswhich I myselfwillpresent him.
APPLAUSE If he loses, he will never need money again, his chair being connected to an electrocution key And if the Klute wins, he has the right to press that key That is the Klute's only reward Ahhh Please stand well back from the chair Are we ready now? Thrylce! You havetheadvantageofthe whitepieces andthefirst move.
Ha ha ha AUDIENCE LAUGHTER ELECTROCUTION Ha ha ha ha He must have been crazy, staking his life Just risking money isn't always enough What? If you're a gambler, that's the biggest gamble you can take That's the real kick Well, he got his kick all right Straight up the spine Four million credits Excellent payment for damaged goods I take it Travis was damaged? You know Cevedic And now he is searching for Kline, who is probably Docholli He's had a bad beating, Commander Concussion, I think He'll soon come round Travis is very strong Oh, he once worked for you? Yes And now he's an outlaw? Uh, what happened? He outlived his value But now he can perform one last service for us In what way, Commander? Travis has been here weeks He will have found out where Docholli is hiding Perhaps not, Commander, if he's no longer interested in the affairs of the Federation I know Travis betterthan he knows himself He has one single dominating obsession And that is to kill Blake The revolutionary? The political criminal And Travis knows that Blake also is hunting Docholli Because he wants the information that only Docholli has? Exactly And that is why Travis is here Shadowing Docholli, waiting for Blake to arrive If you're right, Commander, when he comes round, we can force him to tell us where to find Docholli That might take too long Travis has a high pain threshold, and we don't have the properfacilities here No I have a better idea Disconnect that artificial arm What are you going to do? Turn Travis into a walking bomb Uncouple those neural relays,Jarriere Good Now pass me a nito grenade You're going to put it in his arm? Just draw the pin first There Now we put the arm back again Careful What about the connections? Leave them When Travis finds his gun arm isn't working, the first thing he'll do is go to Docholli to get it fixed And as soon as he takes the arm off they both die That's brilliant, Commander So you've arrived, Servalan Where's Blake? Is he heading here? For once I'm not interested in Blake I want Docholli I can't help you there You have Docholli staked out You're waiting for Blake I haven't seen Docholli in two years Just stay where you are That your new muscle, Servalan? Looks like a powder puff Yes, well, let's forget the pleasantries Tell me where to find Docholli; I'll let you have Blake You haven't got Blake Travis We could forget the past Wipe it out I'm willing to help you again My arm What have you done to my arm? Why? What's the matterwith it? Damn you, Servalan It must have been damaged when you were brought here Shut up So, you're working with Krantor Just bought a little help Travis, you know why I want Docholli His mouth has to be sealed Why don't we trade? COMMUNICATOR CHIME Good news, Supreme Commander! My men have just collected the second part of your esteemed order You have Docholli? We believe so He will be delivered as soon as we are certain of his identity I can identify him Not necessary, Commander We have the most advanced forms of questioning That may win us a little time But she's as perfidious and devious as a snake Get word to Cevedic Forget Docholli forthe moment I want Travis found and killed at once Travis, we no longer need you So? You're afraid I'm going to killyou at last Probably I shall if our paths cross again At the moment, you are too smallto botherwith Get out Before I change my mind You just got in? Yes Came by freighter, eh? Was that a guess? Wellthere've been no passenger liners here in a month We're nearthe docking cradles, you see, so we know everything that comes and goes Even the planet hoppers It's an interesting life you lead You planning to stay? For a while, maybe Wellyou'llfind no work here Who said that we wanted work? If you had money, you wouldn't have come by freighter So you need work Suppose we do? You'll do better on the upper level Try the Big Wheel The girls have got class Krantor might hire them Nice trade you're doing these days, Chenie Until a minute ago Stay around, girls Where's Kline? Who? Oh, you know who I'm talking about The surgeon who came in on the Baree Well how should I know? He drinks here, Chenie Now where is he? I've no idea He left here an hour ago Now you wouldn't be lying to me, would you, Chenie? No I've no idea where he goes when he leaves here Because if you're lying to me, I'lltear yourface off What's in there? This is private, Cevedic When Krantorwants somebody, nowhere's private Now out of the way Look, I swear I don't know where Kline is Cevedic Chenie, I'll be back Who's the ape man? Krantor's professional killer The same Krantorthat runs the casino? The same Krantorthat runs Freedom City She was lying, Blake What? About Kline He's in the back And I'll give you any odds that he is Docholli Fifteen black Krantor Someone is having a run on the wheel A big win is good for business This fellow's hit seven shots in a row He's riding half a million credits You're right, Toise, that's too big Which is he? Do you understand what I'm saying? Come on Drink this You've got to get away from here Krantor no reason for him to be after me There's someone behind him It could only be Servalan Who? Servalan She represents some people I once worked for Agh I knew they'd get me in the end You've got to get out of Freedom City Away from this planet You can't stay here now Don't worry, Chenie I won't involve you If I want to be involved Now listen There's a Trantinian planet hopper leaving here in a couple of hours I think I can get you on it Trantinian ship? The captain's a regular here He owes me a favour ortwo He'd nevertake me I'm a Federation citizen was Trantinians would never accept me This is a planet hopper, Kline They'll drop you off on some remote spot You can completely vanish No one will everfind you To be safe At last Oh, Chenie, I could never repay you You don't have to I told you, he owes me Now, listen You know where the loading bays are Wellthere's a ship loading at Bay Ten You'll have to hide there untilthe ship's released from the cradles The captain will collect his clearance card, and then walk through the bay on his way back That's where you can join him It's only fifty yards to the ship If anyone sees you, the chances are they'llthink you're one of the crew Now, have you got allthat? Yeah Suppose he doesn't agree? Leave it to me Now, come on, you've got to be on yourway Go this way It leads down to the Rink Oh, and good luck, Kline What did you call me? A cheap little space tramp You slut A ten credit touch What? You do that again, I'll Break them up And the same to you We've got news for you We don't want to come back anyway You can keep it Jenna Cally Over here Did you find him? I missed him by a couple of minutes There's a back entrance Something must have scared him Cevedic, presumably He could be anywhere by now He's left his surgical kit behind He may come back for it Why? It's his living Well, right now I doubt he's thinking about his living, just keeping alive Well, it's the only lead we've got Chenie's obviously befriended him I think he'll be back So what do we do? Wait It's over an hour, Commander Krantor should have delivered Docholli by now Krantor doesn't have Docholli He was lying I don't understand Krantor had planted a bug on Travis He overheard everything that went on in this room Oh, yes, but I He overheard us planning to use Travis to kill Docholli That pathetic little ploy was just an attempt to gain time while his men find Docholli Oh, I see Do you, Jarriere? Do you see at all? Krantor doesn't want Docholli killed until he's learned what secret he carries Exactly It's a risk, Supreme Commander Suppose Travis doesn't get to Docholli first? He probably won't Krantorwilltry to kill him But if that's what you expected Not just expect, Jarriere I want Travis killed Because that will establish, beyond doubt, Krantor's intentions Ah, you mean I'm not following Krantor has Travis killed to protect Docholli Later he will send us Docholli's body It will be obvious that he has extorted the secret of Star One Therefore Krantor himself will be placed on the Council's death list Now do you see? The secret of Star One's location is of no use to a criminal like Krantor However, that knowledge can bring about his death Not only that With any luck the Federation will be finally convinced, as I have argued for years, that we can no longertolerate this pestilential rat hole so close to our own territories Freedom City will be finally burnt out And this was all in your mind before we came here, Supreme Commander? Eradicating this planet has long been in my mind, Jarriere Events, and Krantor, have played into my hands Then allthat can go wrong, Excellency, is if Travis eludes Krantor's men and reaches Docholli Even then, it won't go wrong You see, I've allowed forthat possibility, too, Jarriere It's Travis Shhh I don't know how he's doing it, Toise, but he's taking us He must be stopped, Krantor Watch him Watch him, carefully Every time, just before he makes a bet, he moves his left hand up to his ear Or his head We must find out how he's doing it Vila, come on Let's quit One last spin We're nearly four million up, Avon All right, just once more But afterthis, I warn you, I'm walking out to be sick Red fourteen Make your bets Messieurs et Mesdames, fates vos jeux Rien ne va plus What do you mean, you can't find Docholli? He's gone to ground in that maze by the docking cradles Cevedic, you know I don't tolerate failure Your orders were to killTravis As soon as it gets light, Krantor, I promise, he won't survive an hour That may be too late I want him killed tonight We put an audio tab on him That may tell us something He's not here, Travis So it is true Krantor has got him Krantor? No Why do you say that? I heard So, Krantorwas bluffing Things got too hot for him, but he's all right now I've found him a safe passage out Where is he? In a safe place I must find him You must tell me where he is He doesn't need your help, Travis All right, all right, Chenie, but I need his My arm What happened? The neural circuits have gone He's the only man who can fix it for me Oh, I don't know I'm crippled Helpless You can't leave me like this I've never been sure of you, Travis Oh, for Chenie, do you think I'll give him away? I've saved his life, twice The least you can do is tell me where he is Oh, all right But if anything goes wrong, I warn you All I want is my arm fixed He's in loading bay ten By the docking cradles That's better Oh, and Travis, if you want your arm fixed, you'd bettertake his instruments He left them in here Loading bay ten You better hurry Yes, Krantor And when you have disposed of Travis, don't forget to bring me Docholli Now, for our other problem Tellthe croupierto shut the wheel down, Toise It has developed a mechanicalfault That is Docholli's case he's carrying Are you sure? Let's go Keep in the shadows Docholli's in there somewhere, but he's not a problem First we get Travis Okay Over here behind the machine Thank you, thank you It's a pity the wheel broke down I was just hitting my stride For you, my dear How much has he won? Nearly five million, Krantor I want that money back, Toise Have him picked up the moment he leaves Unfortunately, Krantor, Cevedic took allthe men when they went to look for Travis They're still combing the city Don't just stand there Do something I expect you'll be leaving now I'm just waiting for my winnings, old boy Can't leave them behind Even if it is only money My dear sir, my congratulations Five million That is a record While your money is being packaged, I wonder if you would do Krantorthe honour of joining him for a little celebratory drink in my sanctum Well, thank you kindly, Krantor Thank you kindly DISTANT GUNFIRE Just luck Ahhhh I went to a better school, Cevedic You're a fool, Travis You're going to die anyway Not as quick as you Soon as they take that arm off, kaputt What do you mean? They leave you like that, you die of gangrene Take it off and you die quicker Oh, Servalan fitted you up well, Travis Docholli Where are you? Over here Who told you my name was Docholli? I recognised you When? First time we met Just drop the gun, Travis Blake I've been waiting for you I knew you'd come I'm glad I didn't disappoint you It's Docholli I want to see What do you want with me? Roj Blake You may have heard of me I have a ship called the Liberator Yes, I've heard of you, Blake I repeat: what do you want with me? One piece of information: the location of Star One Then you're going to be disappointed Friends and patrons Your attention, please I have an important announcement Vila, this gallant sporting gentleman, has agreed to end the evening with one finalwager APPLAUSE Friends, he has agreed to challenge the Klute at speed chess The terms of the game are: if Vila loses, he pays the usual penalty, but if he wins or draws, then I have promised to double his winnings Yes, friends, he will leave here with ten million credits APPLAUSE Bravo Bravo Are you out of your skull? Ah, Avon Good ol' Avon And good ol' Krantor We're gonna have another game Vila, what happened? What's going on? What am I doing here? Vila, the Klute offers you the white pieces and the advantage of the first move That drink, I've been tricked Did you say something? I don't want to play My friend, it is too late The stakes have been laid If you withdraw now, I shall have no alternative but to declare yourfive million credits forfeit Play, Vila What? Orac'll give you the moves But the Klute isn't a computer Play Stand away from yourfriend's chair, sir If he loses the game, you might share his shock Les jeux sont fait I find that hard to believe Why should he lie? He's out of the Federation now You never knew the location of Star One? I was a surgeon, Blake I thought if I kept out of Federation politics Docholli My arm You've got to fix it What happened? The neural circuits I brought your case A needle will do Turn round But you operated on the people who built Star One The technicians, yes, thirty of them I had no choice Then you must know where Star One is located How could you not? I erased their brain prints, their lives I left them total amnesiacs It was only towards the end that I Go on, Docholli As I came to the end I realised that Servalan would never believe that I hadn't scanned the brain prints, that I myself would be the last to be treated Docholli Get on with it Somehow, it was only then that I realised the enormity of my crime, can you believe that? Docholli Yes, I can believe that And that's when I decided to run for it I faked the operation on the last of my victims What the devil? It's all right, it's not primed So, Servalan thought we'd all die together She must have some other plans All right, Blake, if you're man enough, kill me now Our quarrel is the Federation, not with you Give me the gun, then That would be mercy Are you feeling particularly merciful? Bishop takes pawn Check GASPS The Klute offers a draw Let's get out of here I don't understand, Toise What happened? What happened? I'lltellyou what happened, Krantor, you blew it What's going on? It's all right, Chenie They're friends They're friends I didn't know you had any I have some, these last minutes Well, get moving Can't you see the man here is getting worried? Sure Docholli That last operation You said it was faked Does that mean he can still remember? As far as I know, Blake I certainly hope so Who is he? His name was Lurgen He was a cyber surgeon like myself Perhaps that's why I changed my heart Anyway, we faked the operation between us We didn't erase the brain print, we took a copy of it, and then we both ran He took the copy with him I heard that he'd gone to earth on a planet called Goth Later I heard that one of theirtribal chiefs had his brain print on a thong round his neck Well, either it was the print, or his head They're a crude lot on Goth Yes, well, good luck, Kline, whatever your name is I'll see you again, Chenie Maybe Quickly, Vila Hide the money Liberator, do you hear me? Reading you, Blake Bring us up, Avon Bringing you up now Welcome back How did you get on? We managed to reach Docholli Oh, great Wonderful Terrific We didn't get the location of Star One, though I think it's my turn on call, Avon Oh, you're back Vila, I don't like that innocent look What have you two been up to whilst we've been away? Me? Nothing Had a little sleep Played a little chess Played a little chess And that's all ELECTRONIC RE-GROWTH That's right, Blake We had a real quiet time
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