Friday Night Lights s02e11 Episode Script

Jumping the Gun

I really do wonder why it is that you just refuse to grow up.
Well, I can tell you why.
Because then I might end up just like you.
My phone is ringing off the hook day and night.
My kid is acting like he needs a Hollywood agent.
These recruiters want to try to get you to commit to any other school any way they can.
TAMl: The high school in Laribee? Half of that school got completely lifted up and knocked out by the tornado.
We're gonna be good hosts, they're gonna be good guests, and I've known Coach Dickes for a long time.
As long as you don't stir things up, I think everything will work out just fine.
Hey! Hey! No, what are you doing? He pissed on my shirt! No, I didn't! Don't you push me! Don't you ever lay your hands on me! You ever, I mean ever, touch one of my players again Hey, Jules.
Hmm? I think it's time we go.
Where's my beer? Remember what I said about being quiet.
You good? I'm good.
Hey, Julie Coach.
It's not even close to what you think.
You go get your stuff and you get out of this house right now.
used to be we'd have to wait until February and the national "letter of intent" signing day, but, folks, the times they have changed.
It is all about verbal commitment now.
And the race is on to see which Hey, Smash.
Where you at? Alabama's here and Oklahoma Tech is on the way.
Yeah, I'm just pulling up.
Oh, my God, Alabama? Hurry up.
Okay, I'm pulling up right now.
I have been to the mountain top and Tuscaloosa is it.
God bless America and God bless Alabama football.
There she is.
Hey, I'm sorry I'm late.
That's all right.
Hey, this is my girl Noelle.
Her brother plays for Miami Southern, so she's like my adviser.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Hi, Mrs.
Well, I was just telling Brian here that we got a slot all ready to go for him there in Tuscaloosa.
Eight national championships.
That's a pretty good résumé.
Young lady knows her stuff.
Now all we need is a verbal commitment.
The red carpet will roll like the Tide itself.
That sounds great, but are you willing to waive the physical and guarantee all four years? Now, that's something we'll definitely have to consider.
She knows her stuff, huh? Yeah, she knows a thing or two.
Oklahoma Tech, where legends are made.
Oh, really? Yeah? Oh, really? Yeah.
All right now.
Did you ever play football in a snowstorm, son? It's epic.
Michigan is the heart of college football, Brian.
And we'd like to make you part of our team.
You're gonna be our next big star.
You gotta come play in Georgia, Brian.
They're gonna love you there.
You all are definitely top five.
All I need then is a verbal We'll let you know.
Okay? But thanks for the peanuts.
You know they boil these things? So good, they'll make you wanna slap your grandma.
Well, thanks for coming out.
All right.
Appreciate that.
Y'all take care now.
We're gonna give you a call.
Yes, sir.
How you doing? Good.
About last night, I put you in that situation.
No, it wasn't No, no, no, no, no, just listen to me.
I should not have trusted Tim Riggins being at this house.
I should've talked to y'all before I made any decisions on having him here.
All right? He so much as even looks at you at school, I want you to tell me about it, you understand that? Please? Okay? You got to pick it up a little bit.
We're gonna be late, okay? Yeah.
You cannot be in here after hours, do you understand me? I want you to clear this stuff up and clear out.
You got it? Noannie, are you messing with my phone again? No.
Well, I left it my room, so somebody took it.
I didn't take it! Bug off.
It didn't just up and walk on out of here.
Brian! Noannie, I'm not playing with you.
Where's my phone? Brian, what are you doing to your sister? Is that what your little girlfriend tells you college boys do nowadays? Look, don't start, Mama.
"Don't start, Mama"? Who the hell you think you talking to? Somebody took my phone.
She didn't take it.
I did.
What? Oh, yeah.
You been on that thing day and night.
It's time for you to get your head back in school and leave this recruiting mess alone.
I have to make a verbal commitment.
Don't you understand that? Yeah, I understand that.
I also understand you need to use your head.
And if you commit too soon and you don't think about everything that's involved, you gonna be making a big mistake.
I'm gonna do this, Mama.
With you or without you.
Now, I got to get to class.
Hey! Hey.
Hey, Shell.
TAMl: How are you doing? Good.
It smells good.
Hey, is that my shirt? No.
It looks like it.
Okay, it's your shirt.
But don't be mad.
You should totally give it to me.
It's too sexy for you.
I beg your pardon? What? It's too tight.
You can't wear this to school.
What about the boys and their hormones? They're gonna think you're hitting on them.
Oh, that is ridiculous.
TAMl: It's not too tight Here is your bowl.
or sexy or anything like that.
What? My results.
TAMl: Oh! You got it? TAMl: Oh! What is it? Well, open it.
Open it.
What is it? TAMl: I think it's the results from her real estate exam.
Oh, my God! I passed! You did! I passed! Tami! That's great, sweetie! Oh, I'm so proud of you! Shelly Hayes passed the test.
That's excellent.
What are you gonna do now? What are you going to do now? I don't know, I mean I'm gonna take you all to dinner.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Yeah, it is.
Let's and go and have some dinner at Applebee's No, no, wait.
Now wait now.
Wait now.
You just passed the test and everything, you got to figure out a few things, like how you're gonna jumpstart the business, where you're gonna go, how you're gonna set it up.
And if you want to, I can talk to a bunch of people and get you involved with a lot of folks.
Really? They can give you a lot of answers to your questions.
That would be great, sweetie.
Be great.
Oh, my God, Eric, that would be so amazing.
Anything I can do to help you with that.
Are you kidding me? TAMl: The world is your oyster, hon.
That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me.
It's my pleasure.
You know, it's weird.
I was gonna talk to you about this, but you know, when you're a real estate agent, when you're first starting out, you have to do these cold calls.
It's like your foundation of your business.
But I didn't want to make all those calls and tie up your phone, so I did a little bit of research and it would only cost, like, $9 a month to put a new phone line in here.
And I was thinking, you know, since you have a teenager and everything, we could share a phone line.
That sounds good to me.
TAMl: That sounds like something we should definitely talk about.
For sure.
TAMl: But I think let's go to Applebee's.
That sounds like a great idea.
This stuff'll keep till tomorrow.
All right? I'll go get my stuff.
Hold on.
Billy? Billy? You here? Look, it was just a friendly gesture.
That's all.
Mmm-hmm, I understand, but I can buy my own groceries, thank you.
Miss Williams, now I know being a single parent is hard.
I know you've done a great job with your kiddos, supporting them as a nurse.
I just want you to know Oklahoma Tech is here for you.
Now, in many cases, we can provide a first-class relocation.
Mister, you need to think about relocating your butt up out of my way.
We provide housing near the campus for the parents of athletes, so families can stay together.
Stay together? Yes, ma'am.
And we'll arrange for a job for you, too, with good pay at the local hospital.
And of course, that comes with all your weekends off, so you can catch all of Brian's games.
Mister, you might be the nicest person I ever met, or you might be Satan himself, but either way, this conversation is over.
Miss Williams, please, just hear me out.
No, what happens if he gets hurt, huh? What happens to my house and my job, my son's education? He's not gonna get hurt.
You tell me that Hey, Corrina.
and then we can talk.
Everything all right over there? Oh, yeah.
Everything is just fine.
Seems like you need to step away, sir.
Ladies, please I think that's the right thing to do.
You need to step away.
You heard what she said.
TAMl: Have yourself a good day, okay? How was your day? It was good.
How was yours? Yeah? Let's go.
Um Learn anything interesting? Um Not really.
It's that girl.
She got my son's head spinning every which way direction.
I don't like her.
That girl Noelle? Oh, yeah, her.
You know I raised these kids by myself.
I know you did.
My whole life has been about taking care of them.
And she waltzes in and is trying to turn him into some rich, fast-talking, blinged-out football star or some kind of hot prospect.
He ain't gonna do nothing but get chewed up and spit out.
I just want him to be a good man, you know? I know.
I know.
But what he's trying to do is he's trying to take responsibility for his future in whatever way he knows how.
I just didn't think it would be this hard letting him go.
I know that's for sure.
I know that's for sure.
I know that.
I just I came over to apologize about the other night.
My dad just He jumped to conclusions and I just I couldn't tell him.
That's fine.
I'm really sorry though.
Don't worry about it.
And I wanted to say thanks for saving me from that whole Riley thing.
It wouldn't have ended good.
I agree.
Yeah, I don't I don't think so.
But really, it's fine.
It'll blow over, I'm sure.
You're welcome.
Okay, well, I will see you later then.
Good night.
Coach Taylor and the Panthers have been hard at work all week, folks.
The big game this Friday has become even more of a rivalry due to the fact the Lions have set up camp here in Dillon.
Now the close quarters have led to more than a few altercations, including a reported dust up between Coach Taylor and Laribee's Coach Dickes.
Want to go get a beer with me? I don't drink, Coach Taylor.
You don't drink, or you don't drink with me? Look, I know y'all been uprooted.
I know it's not an easy space to be in around here.
It's very small.
I know times are tough.
Thanks for acknowledging that, you know, times are tough.
Thanks for helping me out with that.
And by the way, I went ahead and spoke with Coach Roberts, and it seems tomorrow we'll be moving my team into the girls' soccer team locker room.
I'm really busy, Coach.
So why don't you just go ahead and take that country charm of yours and go buy somebody else a beer? Have you talked to TMU yet? Yeah, they playing hard to get, but, you know, so am I, so we'll see how it works out.
Yo, what's up, Squash? Hey, what's up, Chip 'n' Dale? Yo, man, TMU came a-calling.
I'm playing football in Austin this fall.
Hey, man, listen.
We gonna be teammates, or what? Look, listen up, I I got better things to do than TMU.
Like what? You got the manager job at the Alamo Freeze? Alabama, baby.
Sounds great.
You gave Alabama the verbal? You know what? It's gonna be the shot heard around the world.
You just gonna have to wait and see.
Oh, I will.
Good luck.
Yo, I thought Like, 'Bama's sweet, but I thought You sure you don't wanna go to TMU? Or you don't wanna, like, hold out and just see what they got to offer? Ask me what I'm doing.
What are you doing? Getting some paper towels to clean up a dozen eggs that are on our kitchen floor that Shelly went to the store, which I asked her to do, to get eggs 'cause we needed eggs, and then she comes in and dropped them all on the floor, like a dingbat.
And then she just looks at them.
She just stares at them and says, "Oh, no," and then walks back to the back bedroom.
Well, maybe the thing is it's time for her to fly the coop.
Do you ever think about that? You know what else she keeps doing? She keeps telling me that I need to cut my hair all off.
You know, 'cause of the baby and everything.
That it's too long.
And it's starting to get me insecure, like, do I need to get my hair cut? No, you don't need to get your hair cut.
Your hair is perfect.
Stop listening to her.
Well, she's driving me crazy.
She should drive you crazy 'cause she's crazy.
Hey, hon.
You know what I've been meaning to tell you? What? I ran into Corrina Williams at the market, and she was being accosted by a recruiter.
And she just seemed at her wits end All right.
and it seems like she's real worried about Smash.
She's worried about this girlfriend of his she thinks is a bad influence.
You know what? There's nothing I can do about all his girlfriends, so Hon, I'm just saying, you know, it might be good if you had a talk with him because he does not have a male role model in his world.
Okay, you know what? I'm gonna do that, too.
As soon as I figure out how not to get my ass handed to me on Friday night, I'll take care of that.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Tami? Oh, God.
Tami I was just blow-drying my hair, and all this black smoke started coming out and, I mean, I think it's probably broken.
Do you have another hairdryer? No.
Actually, Shelly, that's the only hairdryer we have in the house.
So I think you better go the store and get another hairdryer.
While you're at it, maybe you could pick up some eggs? That'd be great.
It'd be a big help.
No, I didn't I never said I sent the payment.
Riggins, we're gonna need something from you within the next Let me send that money right now actually.
How you doing? I'm all right.
What's up? Just moving our stuff out.
How are you and Billy doing? We broke up.
Sorry to hear that.
You know, if you want to finish that Riggins trifecta, I think my dad lives in Corpus still.
I could probably give you his address, you know? That's just mean.
You're awful.
I kind of think you kind of deserve it, don't you think? Yeah.
I do.
So you wanna tell me what happened between you and Billy, or what? Look, I know you're gonna hate me forever, and I don't blame you, but what I want you to know that I was alone and I was scared, and I was just trying to build a life for my son, and it didn't work out.
So what happened? He lost his job.
And I can't handle two mortgages.
I can't I mean, I could've been the first to tell you that guy can't hold a job for more than six months.
You know, I hope you can patch things up with him 'cause he loves you so much.
Maybe Maybe you need him, too, you know.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get in the way.
Safe trip, wherever you're going.
Is that The Office? Oh, my God, I love this show.
I'm so addicted to it.
I was so scared that it didn't tape.
Have you ever seen it? It's so good.
Actually I don't know if you would really like it.
It's very talky.
You taped over my game.
Oh, I'm sorry.
What, was it like It was an important game? Yes, it was a very important game! You taped over my game.
I'm sorry.
I mean, I didn't know, I just Well I just used the tape that was in there.
You know, you guys, you should get a TiVo.
You know what? Can I ask you something? Yeah.
Got any concept about personal property? Yeah.
You know, like, how about personal private moments in the privacy of one's personal private space? Do you understand what I'm saying? Does this ring any bell whatsoever? I mean, yeah, I know what privacy means.
'Cause I understand that you're my wife's sister and everything, but we've been wondering when is it exactly that you're gonna get a place of your own? I didn't mean it to come out like that.
Oh, my God.
That came out wrong.
That came out wrong.
I'm sorry.
You know what? Just stop talking.
I didn't mean to say it like that.
You know what? I heard you.
It's fine.
I'll take the laundry.
I just I just feel kind of stupid right now.
It's fine.
Yeah? Hey.
Oh, hey.
Come on in.
Oh, she's with me, Coach.
Mmm, Noelle.
Yes, hi, It's so nice to meet you Coach Taylor.
How you doing? I'm a very big fan.
The way you took down West Cambria at the State Championships last year was the best coached game I think I've ever seen.
Well, that's good.
I'm glad you noticed.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
So, I imagine your phone is ringing off the hook.
You're getting text messages till Well, playing at Alabama is at the top of the list.
Alabama? Anything else? I mean, lots of places, Coach.
But we're thinking national championship run would be beneficial.
It's lots of coverage.
Good exposure.
So, I roll on over to Alabama.
Coaches got good ties to the pros, and I'm living the NFL dream.
TMU? I still haven't heard from them.
Maybe they're getting back at you for walking on them.
Any history between me and TMU has nothing to do with you.
They want you, they're gonna come after you, you understand that? Well, look, the point is I got to make a verbal, Coach.
Before you hear from TMU, you got to make your verbal? I mean, what am I supposed to do? All right, let me tell you what I know about Alabama then.
Got the best running back in the conference.
Demetrius Walsh.
And I can tell you another thing, he is not gonna be going pro either He's staying his senior year.
Yeah, we know.
Yeah, that's one year.
I mean, I can handle it if it means Alabama.
What about Waters? 500 yards this year.
He's freshman backup.
He's already mastered that offense over there, which is extremely complicated.
Now that's sophomore, junior year on the scout team.
That's three years on the bench before you even touch your foot on that turf on a Saturday.
Or, I mean, there are other situations out there.
Schools that need you to play now.
Wherever you go, it's gonna be a fight, but you gotta at least give yourself the opportunity to play.
Hell, you got to give yourself the opportunity to be seen.
You might want to just settle down, take a breath, and one thing you definitely want to do is make sure you look at the fine print, son.
I'm saying be patient.
Don't let them pressure you.
And don't end up making any emotional decisions.
I think that makes a lot of sense.
What does your mother say? My mom? Yeah.
The woman who gave you birth.
What did she say? Honestly, I don't think my mom knows the difference between Alabama and Dillon Junior College.
Let me tell you something.
My last piece of advice for you, listen to your mother.
You listen to her, and you respect her.
You understand what I'm saying? Yeah.
Now get the hell out of here.
Let me finish my lunch.
Appreciate it.
You let me know you need anything else.
All right.
All right.
What are you doing? I'm checking into a motel.
Why? What happened? Eric asked me to leave.
Well, hon, he's in a terrible He's such a grump this week.
No, he didn't mean it.
Come on, let's go back in the house.
No, no, no.
You know what? Sweetie, come on now.
Honey, it's for the best, okay? I didn't want to be an imposition.
All I wanted to do is help with Gracie and Well, hon, I know Listen now, come on.
We need to talk about this.
Come on, Tami, you want this.
Yes, you do, honey.
Okay? I mean, you didn't want to tell me, that's fine.
You got Eric to do it, but, you know, it's fine.
Okay? I'll call you when I check in.
I understand.
You left your playbook on the field.
You're just a regular boy scout, aren't you? You're welcome.
What are you doing? I lost my keys.
You look like crap.
How you doing? I left Julie down at the sandwich shop.
Did you kick my sister out of the house today? No, I didn't.
What happened? I asked your sister when she was gonna leave, and your sister got very upset and she pretty much inferred the rest, and that's pretty much what happened.
I wish maybe you'd talked to me before you'd had that conversation.
And in the future, if there's a family member of mine that's gonna be kicked out of this house, I would prefer that I do the kicking out.
It's like everything happened at once, you know? I got laid off, I got no severance.
They didn't give me any kind of notice that this was gonna happen.
So now I'm broke.
You know? Thanks.
And Jackie's going crazy 'cause she's got a kid, and I got no money to pay for the house, and, you know, that's when she bailed on me.
So, yeah I don't know what else there is to say about that.
Look, Tim, I'm sorry.
I know I screwed up.
All right? I never should've gotten with that girl.
And I'm sorry if I hurt you.
And it was selfish, and I'm sorry.
Looks like it's just us two, huh? Yeah.
What are we gonna do about the house, Billy? We got to come up with $2,000 in two weeks.
I don't know.
Unless you got some great idea, think we're gonna have to start packing our bags, man.
Ready? Before I go, I want you to know that I'm sorry I went off the handle with your sister, and I apologize.
It's just, you know, there is nothing in the world I hate worse than hurting her, and no matter how much she's irritating, or I know that, and I'm gonna call her and I'm gonna apologize to her, and we will work it all out.
And she was here for a long time.
You're damn right she was.
And it will be nice to have our house back.
You're damn right it will be.
What I dread now is what in the world we're gonna do with Gracie Belle, while we're at work.
I just I hate it.
Can I tell you something? That's not our burden.
That is our gift.
Go win a football game, please.
All right.
Dad, can I talk to you? Yeah, but I got to go, baby.
No, Dad, I really need to talk to you right now.
It's about the other night, and the whole Tim thing.
It wasn't his fault.
What do you mean? It was my fault.
We were at this party, and And I was drinking and there was this other guy named Riley and And I was about to get in trouble, and Tim Tim stopped it, and he took me home, and he was trying to sneak me in, and Then you came in, and And I'm just trying to say it was my fault.
Damn, Julie.
I'm sorry.
Attaboy! You got to pick that up! This contest has turned out to be a good, old-fashioned shoot-out.
A dad gum duel in D Ville.
Taylor versus Dickes.
All right! All right! Let's go! Go! Go! All right, let's go get 'em.
McGILL: There it is! There it is! Go! Go! Get it! Turn it up! Turn it up! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! McGILL: Yes! Yes! Yeah! All right, baby.
That a way.
We got a corner that's missing every time! The corner's got to step up! It's late in the fourth.
Panthers are down by five, with 1:34 left in the game.
It's third down.
Panthers need a first.
Take 70.
He's been there all night! Set! Blue eight! Blue eight! Check your wing! Check your wing! Get rid of it! Let go of the ball! Oh, hell! Yes! Yeah! Time! Time! What is that? Eight? Fourth and eight.
McGILL: Let's get water You make sure that the safeties are watching for play action.
He's gonna try to bust the seams.
You want to go cover three, sir? No, damn it.
Have Bandit come up and cover.
I've been baiting this hook all night long.
He's gonna take it.
If we go X seam on the safeties, we get Matt to hit them quick, it'll work.
Unless he wants us to go to the seam.
You guys are stinking up the field! One play, girls! You got it in you? Yes, sir! McGILL: Bring it in, bring it in.
Listen up.
Listen up.
McGILL: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go 26, fake keeper.
Matt, you take it on the boot.
This is what they're gonna do.
They're gonna fake on tackle 26.
Let's make sure you get to the outside, son.
You understand? Yes, sir.
They're gonna bring Saracen around the edge.
He's gonna go wide.
That's where you nail him! Let's show him what we got.
You got to be aggressive! Let's get this done! Let's get this done, let's take this home right now! Get out there! One, two, three, Panthers! Let's go, Panthers! Let's go! Let's go! Come on now! Here we go.
The game comes down to this play.
The Lions will win if they can stop the Panthers here.
Been reading the mail, Coach Taylor.
It's time to take you to school.
Let's go! Hang on to your hats, folks, this is it.
Fourth down.
Saracen is over the ball.
He takes the snap, hands off to Smash.
No! No, Saracen keeps the ball Somebody hit him! He's got nowhere to go! He's looking to pass! He dishes into the flat.
Tim Riggins.
Got you, got you! And he's got some blocking! There you go, baby! Get him! Pick him up! There you go! To the 40! The 45! Take it in, baby! He is in Lions territory! Somebody get him! Tim Riggins could go all the way! Holy cow! Whoa! Hey! Whoa! What the hell is that? You see that? See that? All you got to do is take him down! Get off of me! Get off of me! That's all it takes! Take somebody down! You stick him! You can say goodbye to playoffs! Coach interference.
The game is over.
McGILL: All right, that's it.
Take it in, let's go! Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Hey, can I have a word in here alone, please? Thank you much.
So, what the hell was that? Donald, what the hell was that? You know what I think? I think you owe this school an apology is what I think.
And not only that, but you owe the players over there an apology.
That's what I think.
I got it.
You got what? What is it you got, Donald? What's it all about? I've done everything I can! This school has reached out! It has opened its arms to you! You don't know what I'm going through.
What you're going No, I don't know what you're going through.
But you know what? For two weeks now, we have done everything that we can to help you out over here.
I've been putting up with two weeks.
Why don't you share with me? My wife's got three months to live.
And I don't have a game plan for that.
I'm not using that as an excuse, please know that.
I do owe you an apology.
You tell Riggins he's a fine player, and I am deeply sorry for what I've done to him.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Not gonna be coaching any time soon.
I'm very sorry.
Guy? Guy, it's Riggs.
Buckle up.
Just get your crap, and let's get out of here.
I'll just be down here, becoming a meth addict.
All right, we're good.
Look, let's go.
Come on.
No, I got to put that back, Billy.
I'm not just gonna leave his gun down there.
He'll know.
Hurry up, put it back, and let's get the hell out of here.
What are you doing? Come on.
Tim? Billy.
The cash.
Look, put it back.
Let's just get the hell out of here.
Come on! Just put it back, and let's get out of here! It's a lot of money.
It's our mortgage.
Hurry up, come on.
Put the gun back, and let's get the hell out of here.
Let's go.
Come on.
Billy, it's like a good chunk of change.
Look who just woke up.
Cal, could I get a decaf, please? Thanks.
How are you? I'm good.
So I brought the real estate section.
And actually there are a couple of really cute looking places, like right in the neighborhood.
Okay, Tami, I have been doing my own homework, and I have found some really good leads.
In Dallas.
You're going to Dallas? How come? Because I'm driving you crazy, that's how come.
No, you're not.
Come on, Tami.
You know, hon, it's just the house is a little bit small.
Here you go.
Thank you.
And I do think that it's probably good for Eric and me to have some privacy again I know.
But that doesn't mean I want you to go to Dallas.
I have got to get my life together, and I don't think that's gonna happen here in Dillon.
I kind of liked the idea of having you around.
We're gonna miss you.
Thank you.
And I can't thank you enough.
Thank you for asking me.
Hey, what are we gonna do with that extra grand? What are you talking about? What do you mean? We got the mortgage covered plus a grand.
That's the last thing I'm worried about right now.
We just stole $3,000 from one of the biggest drug dealers in Dillon.
You don't think there's gonna be No, you gotta relax because you know what? He's probably so high, he doesn't even know what hit him.
Who the hell was that? That can't be him.
Hold on.
Don't answer it.
Wait one second.
I'm not gonna.
Oh, it's Coach.
It's Coach.
We're fine.
Hey, Tim.
How you doing? Hey, Coach.
Hey, Coach, how you doing? Hey, Billy, how you doing? I'm good.
I'm good.
Things are good.
All right.
I'll let you guys do your thing.
Come here.
Let me talk to you a second.
I jumped to conclusions.
I'm well aware of what happened the other night.
I apologize.
I was wrong.
That's fine, Coach.
No, it's not fine.
I couldn't have mishandled it any worse, and I apologize.
Last couple weeks, I've been giving you hell, and not once have you come to me and complained.
And then you got where you're protecting my daughter, and you're not letting me think bad of her, and again you don't say a word.
Not a word.
And I'll tell you something, not as a coach, but as a father, you realize what an honorable thing that is? That is very honorable.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
Get your rest this weekend.
Will do, Coach.
You betcha buddy.
You betcha.
What's your game plan with that burger? To cool out.
Just cool out.
We're gonna have the man-sized burger.
Matt, Matt.
Hey, hey, check it out.
Hey, Smash.
Great game last night.
Oh, thank you.
Got a minute? Can we talk? Yeah.
I got a minute.
Yes, sir.
You were really good last night.
You really played well.
And I'm here because we want you to play football for us at TMU.
We're offering you a full scholarship, and all we need to get this done is for you to give me a verbal commitment.
Yeah, but there's no reason to rush, right? I mean, we need to talk about the fine print.
Well, the fine print is this.
It's gonna get down to trust.
Who are you gonna trust? No other program is gonna work harder at getting you to the NFL.
That's why we recruit so well.
We get guys to the NFL.
All we need you to do, come play for us, work hard, earn your spot, and I promise you you're gonna get a shot at the pros.
Trust me.
If you trust me, we can make it happen.
Well, thanks.
I'm real glad we had this talk.
Thank you.
I am, too.
I'm gonna be waiting to hear from you.
Of course, you know, it's always been my dream to play for TMU.
Can I take that as a verbal commitment? Hey, y'all, the Smash is gonna play for the U, baby! All right, I'll give you a call.
I'm gonna take care of you.
I won't let you down.
Hey! How you doing? How do you think? That's awesome! I gotta go tell my mom.
Hey, I'll see you all later.
All right, go, Smash! and the advantage to this particular card Turn that off.
is that you earn bonus Slide over.
I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in you.
You lied about Tim Riggins, you lied to me, you lied to your mother, and that is something we do not teach in this family.
I don't know when it is I'm gonna be able to trust you again.
I'm beyond angry, honey.
I think the best word to describe it would be hurt.
As far as you drinking, you're too young.
You and your mother and I are gonna sit down and have a talk about that, as soon as she and I sort this whole thing out.
And I think she would also want me to tell you that, yes, people do make mistakes.
And I understand that, too.
I love you so much.
And that will never change.
Capiche? Capiche.
Hey, babe.
Everything all right here? Everything is just fine.
How is your sister doing? She is doing all right.
She's gonna be great.
Movie night? What are we gonna see? Great.
I rented this movie from the library.
Cinema Paradiso.
Come on! It's Mama's choice.
Let's watch Foul Play again.
All right, it's Mom's choice, Foul Play tonight.
Yay! I'm gonna get the popcorn.
TAMl: Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase.
Hand over.
Go see your daddy.
Hey, monkey, how's you doing? Doll.
TAMl: But I'm making butter.
Real butter.
Hey, you dog, you.
Now this is the most important thing that a man can What are you doing? Oh! Oh, don't hit yourself.
Take them damn shoes off.
You know I just scrubbed this floor yesterday.
What is this? I'm in, Mama.
I'm going to TMU.
They want me.
You sure that's what you want? Yes, ma'am.
Oh, baby! Oh, I'm so proud of you.

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