The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s02e11 Episode Script

Haunted Whodunnit

I've never seen you read so much.
Please tell me that's a school book.
School book.
You're a riot.
Ghost dog detective series.
It comes with a real detective magnifying glass.
If you're not careful, your eye's going to get stuck like that.
Parents always say that but it never really happens.
Real funny, dad.
Ah, Frankie, there you are.
Have you chosen an instrument for your school music requirement yet? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Why wasn't I consulted on this? Allow me to tell you all about the virtues of the alto saxophone.
That's why.
And yes, I've chosen an instrument.
I hope you guys like it.
Oh, Frankie.
As long as you're filling our home with beautiful sounds, we'll all be happy.
I'm not happy, are you happy? Not happy.
Mom, you have to let me go to the Bruno Mars concert with Scott.
I told you if you got a bad grade on that biology exam you couldn't go.
Please? You just don't understand.
I haven't been able to spend time with Scott because of gymnastics.
If I can't see him tonight, it will literally ruin my entire existence.
Frankie, would you stop playing that stupid thing? It's not a "thing.
" Kevin has a name.
It's Kevin.
Mom, this concert could be the biggest social event of the century.
Taylor, boys come and go, but a c on a biology quiz will follow you for the rest of your life.
You're right.
And I want you to know how much I love and respect you.
Oh, sweetie.
Watch this, son.
Michelle is what I'd like to call a "budger.
" She starts with a tough punishment, then she'll budge.
You realize I can hear you? Taylor, you're not going to the concert, and that's final.
Oh, mom, I can't thank you enough for encouraging me to take up an instrument.
Yes, I'm very wise.
It's so nice to have a creative outlet for my musical talent.
Ok, what you're doing right there Not music.
Hey, guys, check out my campaign speech.
I'm running for the hall monitor election.
I'm sorry.
I was expecting a sound effect.
I'm Miles Preston.
And I'm running for hall monitor.
Or should I say, walking for hall monitor? Because when you're in the halls, you should not be running, people.
Vote for Miles.
Hang on.
Making some edits.
And "Hi, I'm Miles Preston.
And I am running in the halls.
" Ra-ra-running, in the halls.
I really don't like that thing.
Hey, Frankie.
You wanna come look at my mutt barkely detective comics with me.
Nah, I'm playing with Kevin right now.
Not cool, Kevin.
I'll just poof out.
Watch yourself, Kevin.
This little piggie knows karate! Ah, you gotta love the classics.
Alright, everybody, that does it for me.
You've been a great audience.
I could shove this thing in a bag and throw it right in the Mississippi! I'd smash it with a sledgehammer.
Then probably recycle it.
I'd put it in a woodchipper, then put that woodchipper in another woodchipper.
Those are all too quick and easy.
I'd slowly take it apart, piece by piece.
Asking as I go, "how's that feel, Kevin?" 'Kay.
Come on, I think it's great that she's found a creative way to express herself.
I wonder if that thing burns.
Ahh! Somebody murdered Kevin! No! So sweet, so innocent.
He had so much battery life left in him.
It's really terrible, Frankie.
Yes, yes, such a shame.
I, too, am very shook up, I said sincerely.
How will I ever handle the peace and quiet? I know Kevin and I had our issues, but no keyboard deserves this.
Frankie, let me investigate this crime for you.
With my eye for detail, I'm sure to solve this case.
Louie, where are your pajama bottoms? That's a question best left unanswered.
He lost his pants.
Kevin would've loved that.
So Frankie, do you know anyone who might have had a motive to harm Kevin.
Only everybody in this house.
You all hated him.
That's true.
This case won't be easy.
But I swear I will not rest until I figure out who did this.
But for now I'm kinda pooped.
Let's pick this up in the morning.
As mutt barkely always says, "time to get ruff on crime.
" I know it's difficult, but I need you to identify the victim.
That's him.
That's my Kevin.
Alright, time to start the investigation.
Hm? Cookie.
Guessing chocolate chip.
Perp had a sweet tooth.
And was a bird! You sure you know what you're doing? Never question my methods.
Then what about that muddy footprint? Frankie, let me handle this.
Ooh! A muddy footprint! Now all I have to do is find the shoe that matches this and we have our suspect.
I'm good, aren't I? I know you're a ghost, but can you please not stand on the body? No! Oh! Come on, man.
Advance to Taffy town! Woo-hoo! Glad to see everyone's gotten past my loss.
What I meant to say was, "Advance to Taffy town.
" Well, I've cracked the case.
Figured out who destroyed the keyboard.
Great, who was it? So I can write that person a thank you note.
Then maybe you should get a pen, a paper, go to the post office, buy a stamp and an envelope, and since you have a pen and paper Wait, where was I going with this? You were telling us who killed Kevin.
Oh, yeah.
It was you! Taylor? What did Kevin ever do to you? You know, besides the constant mocking.
What made you think I did it? Glad you asked.
It was dark the night the lights went out on Kevin.
You were furious because your mom wouldn't let you go to the concert.
I am furious because my mom wouldn't let me go to the concert.
Kevin's teasing didn't help your mood, so you snuck into the room with revenge on your mind.
This time I name the tune.
And it's called "goodbye Kevin.
" Victory dance! What? That's ridiculous.
I don't victory dance like that.
Is this not your muddy shoe? Where'd you get that? I'm asking the questions.
How could you Taylor? I'm asking the questions.
How could you Taylor? Mom, what's the punishment for destroying the keyboard? Scrubbing all the pans in the bakery for a week.
And you know I burn a lot of stuff in those pans.
Fine, I confess.
I hated Kevin, he had to go.
You have to buy me a new keyboard.
No! I mean, we'll talk about it.
Taylor, get to scrubbing.
Taylor, just one last thing.
You had mud on your shoe.
That means you went outside after you went to bed.
Case closed, Louie, let it go.
It's just confusing.
You confessing so quickly.
It's suspicious.
Got something you wanna tell me, Taylor? Because I'll sniff it out of you.
Ok! I didn't break the keyboard.
I left the muddy footprint after I snuck out to the concert with Scott.
Ooh! If Michelle finds out you're gonna be grounded.
I confessed to the little thing so I don't get in trouble for the big thing.
Wait, if you didn't do it, that means the real culprit is still out there.
And they must be wondering why I confessed.
We gotta find them so I can make sure they keep quiet.
Yes! The case is back on.
Ok, I need another nap.
We have to find out who broke the keyboard so I can make sure they never confess to mom.
Well if you're gonna help me investigate, you need to look like an investigator.
What? Mutt barkely's assistant is Sally stork.
Yeah, we're not doing this.
Wait, what's that? A vote for Miles button.
Well that definitely means he was here.
Nobody else cares about his campaign.
You think he could've done this? In mutt barkely, it's always the quiet ones who are filled with anger.
And when they finally snap, their rage explodes in unspeakable ways.
Ahh! So are we not liking the skinny jeans? What do you guys want? Answers! You look nervous.
You're sweating.
No, that's you.
You're right! I hope I'm not coming down with something! Uh, Louie, you're here to question the suspect.
Oh, yeah.
Miles, do you think I'm coming down with something? What Louie's trying to say is, "fess up.
" You said you wanted to smash the keyboard and this button puts you at the scene of the crime.
Here's how it went down.
Being nice you figured nobody would suspect you.
But still, you had to silence the one thing in this world that could twist your words.
Ahh, I think that pig gave me the swine flu.
Louie, get the pig out of here.
This is my reenactment.
And what was behind your back when you entered the room? Your trusty sock puppet.
He-he! Don't make me do it, Miles.
You wanna go back on dad's foot? Let's finish the job.
That's a good little sock.
That's ridiculous.
My sock puppet has a French accent.
He-ha! And zee people love it! Just sign the confession.
Why would I sign anything when Taylor's already confessed? Wait.
Muddy footprint.
False confession.
You went outside.
You went out to the concert.
Busted! I mean, no, that's not it.
Taylor, you have to tell your mom the truth.
Or you keep this to yourself and I'll be your campaign manager.
I'll design t-shirts, work on your speech, whatever you need.
You'd offer to do that? It's called a bribe, Miles.
Oh, boy, now I feel like a real politician.
Deal! Now, what if I told you guys I found an interesting piece of evidence myself? Now, yesterday I saw Frankie looking through this catalogue.
Notice anything interesting on page 12? Whoa, that's a great deal on a new bassoon! Well done, Miles, well done.
Not that.
She circled a keyboard that has even more sound effects than Kevin.
Are you suggesting she destroyed her own keyboard to get a better one? Is it possible Frankie is so twisted she'd actually What am I saying? Let's go! - Frankie, you in here? - Hey, guys! Ahh! What are you doing in my room? We're on to you, keyboard killer.
What? Me? What kind of psycho would take out their own keyboard? You do know that you're sitting in a cabinet with mannequin heads, right? Ladies, Dennis, you remember my sister.
We have evidence, Frankie.
But Taylor already confessed.
She only said that because she snuck out to the concert with Scott.
Why would I break my own keyboard? Glad you asked.
Can I do this one? Okay.
You led everyone to believe that Kevin was so important to you.
While in the back of your twisted little mind, you were already interested in another keyboard.
A newer, better model.
Sorry, kev, but your younger brother tito has a state-of-the-art high def farter.
It was fun while it lasted.
Okay, so I might have had my eye on something better.
But all I did was look.
I loved Kevin.
He was the sibling I never had.
What about me? You're the sibling I do have.
Know what I find interesting? After the crime there was one person who instantly offered to play detective.
Thereby removing himself from suspicion.
Of course! Dennis! No, you bozo.
It would've gone like this.
Jealous that I was spending so much time with Kevin, you decided to put an end to it.
Okay, Kevin.
It's hammer time! Dangit! Ah.
Oh, that's right, you couldn't have done it.
Oh, yeah, I could have.
Uh, these are for you.
Wait, I just realized something.
We spent all this time accusing each other.
But we never considered Michelle and dad.
Yeah, but they're adult they would never do anything like this.
But I did find Michelle's cookie on the scene.
And who eats mom's cookies the most? Mom! Uh, Michelle? - Everything ok? - Sure.
You know, just cleaning the table.
- Why? - You're using whipped cream.
Yeah, so? Okay, fine.
I'm just distracted because I have a feeling Taylor didn't really break that keyboard.
But why would she confess? Oh, here it comes.
Fresh baked budge.
I am not budging.
I just I know she's up to something.
Seems to me like she hated that keyboard and took it down.
And don't forget about the muddy footprint.
Which you could clean anytime now.
Wait a second.
I saw that same footprint by the backdoor, I Taylor went to that concert! Taylor, you snuck out last night.
What? I was here breaking the keyboard.
Case closed, remember? I know for a fact you didn't break that keyboard.
Don't lie to me.
I snuck out.
I'm sorry but I just didn't think you How do you know for a fact I didn't break the keyboard? Uh Mm Uh Mother instincts.
Vibes, uh Anyone want a cookie? Michelle, the only way you could know Taylor didn't do it is if you did it yourself.
Louie, you're so cute.
Little Little detective.
Little Little dog detective.
Little Little Little ghost dog detective, okay, fine, I did it! I broke Kevin! But I really tried to stop myself.
Another successful day.
Being a mother, running a business, yet still maintaining this youthful glow.
Then I saw him.
The only flaw in my perfect life: Kevin.
I was all ready to do it, but I stopped myself.
I knew it was wrong.
I really thought I could just walk away.
Something came over me.
Frankie, sweetie, I am so, so sorry.
I can't believe you did this.
So since mom is guilty I think we can all just pass on any punishment.
You're grounded for a week.
That means no Scott for a week too.
No Scott.
Well, that was an interesting day.
I'm going to head upstairs for band practice.
Play some real music.
Hang on a second dad.
You know, there was one clue that never really made sense to me.
This ghost feather! Louie, the case is over.
Let's just move on.
In mutt barkely the guilty person always says, "the case is over.
Let's just move on.
" Ah! Perfect match.
Which puts you at the scene, pops.
Let me break it down for you guys.
When Michelle went to go after Kevin, she didn't know dad came in right behind her, prepared to do the dirty deed himself.
But he was more than happy to let Michelle do it for him.
But once she changed her mind, he decided to use his ghosting skills to finish the job.
Louie, that's the craziest theory you ever He's right! I did it! But I had to.
That thing was offensive to musicians everywhere.
Ray, how dare you use me to carry out your heinous crime? I mean, we're all glad you did, but how dare you! This case if officially closed.
Ooh, a cat! Sorry, Frankie, for breaking your keyboard.
I'll do what I have to to make it up to you.
Well, how about teaching me to play a real instrument? That would really make me happy.
I'm not happy, you happy? Not happy!
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