The Secret Life of the American Teenager s02e11 Episode Script


??? Only I want to give you my reasons for not having sex.
I'm going to be speaking about that at my TAG group tonight.
Ashley's made a commitment not to date in high school.
I don't want to go out with her.
I just want to marry her and have children with her.
Don't you think Amy's just going to hate you more if you make friends with Ashley? Yes.
Grace is going to talk about not having sex.
What will Jack be talking about? Everything's not fine if you're on bed rest.
Everything is fine as long as I'm on bed rest.
Mom said she wants us to be there.
- Why? - She does not want us to have sex.
It's not her decision.
You won't believe what this guy can do.
George, we don't need a dog.
I'm still thinking about doing it again.
So are you.
I'm sorry, Jesus.
He might be right.
I want to have sex with guys who could potentially be a husband for me.
I want to see other people.
Thanks for standing past me this past year.
Not this past year.
My whole life.
- It's going to be fine.
- Sure it is.
I was thinking you could move in with Amy, share a bedroom with her, and we could keep the babies in the nursery together.
Lucky me.
Did you bring home a couple of bunk beds from the store? One of those ones with the little desk.
Maybe a slide.
Pumpkin, anything for you.
- How about something in a nice maple finish? - Why not? Amy's going to have the closet full, so I could bring a matching armoire.
- All right.
- You're serious, aren't you? Yeah, unfortunately.
You would live in the same room as Amy? Where else would I live? In the nursery? The nursery was your room.
Amy could put John in her room.
We'll keep the baby in our room.
If thought that would keep Mom or Amy from having another baby, I would do that.
Frankly, I don't think Amy wants John back in her room, and I don't think you or Mom want a baby in your room, so that's how it is.
That's the way it could have gone, but I got a surprise.
Oh, joy.
Another surprise.
I wasn't just moving things around in the garage the last couple of weeks.
I reinstalled the urinal, more as an art piece.
- Why would you do that? - ??? I made the garage into a room for you.
You want to see it? You didn't furnish it, did you? No, no, no.
I'm going to give you some cash, and then you can do whatever you want.
Good morning.
It's not a good morning unless you get in here and help me.
What are you and Dad doing anyway? How much packing could there be? Oh, and Mom said she doesn't want any of that stuff back over here.
Good morning, sunshine.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
For what? This.
When did this happen? Past few weekends.
Little something I was working on.
- So now we don't have to live together.
- What? Dad built this for me.
And for Amy, in that now Ashley will not have to share your room with you.
Your mother and I thought it would be a good idea.
You and Mom are not going to let her move in here.
Oh, yes they are.
Why does she get the big new room? 'Cause your spawn is in my room.
If anyone's moving in here, it should be me, because I have a spawn.
I have a baby.
And I need the bigger room.
I hope that's the last time I see her in here.
Who let you in? I ran into your mom and Ruben.
They're going to get boxes.
Yeah, I know.
- You could have called.
- I'm waiting for an e-mail.
On your phone? Yeah, I get e-mail on my new phone, so I don't need to wait around by a computer.
And since I don't need to wait around by a computer, I figured I'd drop by because I thought Maybe we could have sex one last time before you move? One for the road.
Aw, Mr.
We had a lot of good times in here.
Laying out there, and on the patio, and in the parking lot.
And still, you're not in love with me and we're never going to get married, so I'm never going to have sex again - With you.
- Come on.
You know you want to.
I might want to, but I'm not going to.
You bought a house so we could do it and so I wouldn't be doing it with anyone else.
Yeah, well, I still like the house.
I just don't like you.
Come on, don't hurt my feelings.
You don't have feelings, do you? Well, not feelings for me, anyway.
You know I care about you.
I love you, Adrian.
No, you don't.
You don't love me.
You just tell me you love me when you're trying to have sex with me.
I know you love me, Adrian.
Yeah, well, I will love again.
Oh, here's your white belt.
And I think this is your t-shirt, isn't it? You think? Look, I don't want to have any bad mojo between us.
Let's just be friends, okay? Friends with benefits? - I'm okay with that.
- Well, I'm not.
I'm going to find a new beneficiary, and you should, too.
I'm moving.
I'm changing my life.
I'm starting over.
I don't just want sex anymore.
I want someone to love.
Someone who is the someone.
Someone that I can marry someday.
Someone that I can have children with someday.
I think I deserve that.
Okay, would you put down that phone? I can't put down my phone.
Amy sent me a shopping list of stuff she needs for John.
This is the e-mail I was waiting for.
That's why I got the phone.
Good, then your next girlfriend can e-mail you on your phone.
I don't care.
I'm looking for a relationship, and I'm going to find someone else who's looking for a relationship.
I deserve to be in a committed relationship.
You do.
You do, Adrian, but I'm just not going to marry you or anyone else, and John is the only baby I ever want to have with anyone.
Bye, Ricky.
Amy, she's giving up the whole house, not-- Moving day.
Ashley and George are moving back into the house, and George decided to make the garage into a room for Ashley.
So? So Amy thought that she should have the garage.
Hey, did you tell him? Did he tell you? No, I didn't tell him.
I didn't get a chance.
Why don't you tell him? I'm moving in.
Uh, that's great.
Oh, hey, thank you for saying that.
Even if you don't mean it, thank you.
No, I mean it.
I love having you here, Betty.
But weren't you already living here, kind of? Kind of, but now Mr.
King says.
I can move in some of my stuff, if I want, and I want.
- I can't wait to see.
- I can't wait for you to see.
All right, I got to go meet the movers.
You want me to come? No, I can handle it.
- Bye, Ben.
- Bye.
I don't know why I said she could bring her things.
I do.
Just joking around, Dad.
Well, don't joke around like that.
I love this woman.
I know.
Question is, do you love her things? Not that much.
Mom? Oh, Grace.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Okay, see you later.
Where you going? Nowhere.
- Mom? - Yes, Grace? You don't want to tell me where you're going? Oh, nowhere really.
I'll be back.
You're not-- Going on a date or something, are you? Grace? No, please.
A date? Your father hasn't been dead six months.
Five months, three days and eleven hours.
Not six months, even.
I got to run.
I told Tom I'd be back by five, so see you for dinner.
Grace, I'm helping deliver food to the homeless, okay? I volunteered.
I want to get out of the house.
- Okay.
- Bye.
Get over here.
We've got seven hours of freedom.
Seven hours of freedom? Sorry, what? You and Tammy cannot spend all day in the house.
Oh, but we can.
No, but you're not going to.
I know what you're up to.
- I know what you're up to.
- What is that? The same thing I'm up to.
I am never having sex again.
- What? - I'm never having sex ever again, - until I'm married.
- What? Tom, I said I'm never having sex ever again, until I'm married.
And I mean that.
Say it over and over, 'cause no one will believe that.
- Are you okay? - Yes, I'm fine.
- Jack? - Yeah? I just found out my mom's out of the house for the next seven hours feeding homeless people.
Although now might not be a good time.
So we're doing it again? I don't know, but maybe today will be a good day to just talk about avoiding temptation.
And we can do that in the privacy of my bedroom.
Is Tom going to be around? Yeah, but he'll probably be in his room with Tammy.
Are you sure they're not doing it? They'd better not be.
I'm going to shower and I'll be right over.
I'll be here.
Oh, and do you have that book on how to avoid sex? Yeah, but believe me, this isn't how.
Bring it anyway.
She was willing to move into your room with you.
Who said she could move into my room? Ashley gave John her room.
You don't have to give her the garage.
Mom gets a dog, Ashley gets the entire garage.
What do I get? Let me see.
A new SUV? I knew it.
That's what this is about.
You don't want me to have a place to park my new car because you didn't want me to have that car.
- Revenge, revenge, revenge.
- No, it is not.
The car's in your mother's name, so the car's between you and your mother.
I don't care if she gives it to you or doesn't give it to you.
Whatever she decides is okay with me.
By the way, the dog is going back.
- You tell Mom that? - Not yet, but I'm going to.
She doesn't want a dog, so we're not keeping the dog.
What makes you think she doesn't want the dog? - She said so.
- She said she doesn't want Moose? Moose is going? Your mom doesn't want him.
She doesn't want a dog, so I called the guy and told him to pick him up.
- Wait, a guy's coming to pick up Moose? - Afraid so.
Because you think Mom doesn't want him.
That's what she said.
- That won't happen.
- Of course not.
Nothing bad ever happens in Ashley world.
- Oh, shut up.
- You shut up.
Both of you shut up.
Your mother's having a baby, and she doesn't want to hear the two of you arguing, and neither do I.
This is when we all have to come together as a family.
We're living under one roof as one family, so let's start acting like a family again.
A real family that loves and supports and respects each other.
You and Mom are not married, so we're not a real family anymore.
She has a point.
Do you think you could give me some cash to go shop for my room? And could you take me shopping for my room? It's a little difficult to get furniture on my bicycle.
I forgot that we're not married anymore.
I forgot that your mother and I are divorced.
It's just a piece of paper, the divorce and the marriage.
Right, but we're not married legally, and the baby's coming.
You're not going to have time to get married before the baby comes.
And she's certainly not going to marry you if a guy shows up to take Moose.
She doesn't want the dog.
It breaks my heart to give him up, but I'm going to do whatever your mother wants, and so are you and so is Amy.
Yes, all right.
Can you take me shopping? I can't take shopping.
I have to take care of your mother.
By taking her dog? One more time, she said she didn't want him.
She doesn't want him.
Well, You're her husband.
You should know.
Oh, wait.
You're not her husband.
What's with all the stuff? Diapers, food, juice, baby wipes, lotions, soap, et cetera, et cetera.
I'll get Amy.
That's okay.
I can put this stuff away.
I know where it goes.
What's she in such a bad mood about? Are you sure she's in a bad mood? How can you tell? Alright, don't say anything bad about my son's mother, okay? - If you insist.
- I insist.
My sister's upset that I got the garage.
- It's my new room.
- Why does she care about that? I don't know.
It's bigger than her room.
This is why I got sent on the errand from hell, because you got the bigger room? Sorry, I'm having a bad day.
Maybe you just need to get out for a while.
I'm supposed to watch John while Amy's watching your mom.
My dad's watching my mom.
I don't have any place to go.
I just wasn't excited about bulk shopping and then coming over here.
I want to look for furniture for my room.
Maybe some yard sales or something.
Second-hand stores.
You want to take me? Yeah, I'll take you.
You want to ask your dad first? No, I told you, he's watching my mom.
I'll leave them a note.
I do have these in black.
Oh, boys, over here.
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to take that.
Why do you have a dentist chair? They're very comfortable.
They're the most comfortable chairs in the world.
When you spend a lot of hours at the dentist, you want to be comfortable, right? Right.
I'm going to take the red heels.
They look as if they've hardly been worn.
I mean, they've hardly touched the floor.
Oh, Mom, come on.
Let me get the handcuffs.
Please? Sure.
Thank you.
And don't forget to wear protection.
Why you giving all this up? 'Cause I'm getting married to the Sausage King.
You okay? I'm fine.
What's wrong? It's okay.
Don't stop.
I'm fine.
Ow, ow.
I'm sorry.
I just think it's that time of the month.
I think I just got my monthly visitor.
Jack, my Aunt Flo is in the house.
The painters are here.
I fell off the roof.
Sounds like your vagina's really busy.
Maybe I should come back later.
Jack Pappas, what's wrong with you? What is wrong with you, Dr.
Grace Bowman? If you started your period, you can tell me.
I was being polite.
What does polite have to do with it? You don't have to hide that from me.
It was just me and my mom in my house growing up.
I used to ride my bike to pick up tampons.
- Really? - Really.
Grace, you and I had sex.
We've seen each other naked.
I'm completely comfortable with bodily functions.
Yours and mine.
I'm completely uncomfortable with you saying that.
- Why? - I don't know.
I just feel like I have to hide my period from you or any other guy.
I mean, I was okay with my dad knowing about it, but he was a doctor and we didn't even talk about it.
That's something we're going to have to get comfortable with, you and I, if we're going to have sex.
We're not having sex while I'm having my period.
Whatever you're comfortable with.
I'd be okay with that.
- I'm not.
- All right.
But if you don't mind getting on your bike and making a trip to the drug store, I do find myself out of a few things.
Just write it down.
Where are you going? I'm just going to the store to pick something up for Grace.
Yeah, right.
You're going to buy condoms.
Whoa, no, I'm not.
And if I were, that'd be my business, not yours.
Okay, Tom? Still hurts, huh? They are doing it.
I know they are.
That doesn't mean anything.
We don't have to do what they do.
If they ran out and played in traffic, would you? Would it feel good? Yes.
I can't help it.
I love you, Tammy.
I want you.
I like it when you talk like that.
But I like it better when it's over the phone.
I have to go.
- Call me, Tom.
- Bye.
Hi there.
Oh, Benjamin.
Hey, you just couldn't wait to see what I was bringing over, huh? Uh, you've met Henry and Alice, right? Hi, little friends.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You have a lot of fun things here.
- How much are the handcuffs? - Henry.
I tried to give those away earlier.
They were given to me by a friend.
He was a magician.
We didn't really come to buy anything.
We just came by to see if you needed any help moving.
You're not taking the dentist chair? It's a really cool chair.
- That would look good in Ben's room.
- Henry.
I-- I-- I don't think I have room for that in my room.
Although it is a very nice chair, Betty.
It was also given to me by a friend.
He was a dentist.
Ah! The dentist makes sense.
I am going to keep the spit basin.
You know, it's that little sink where you spit in it, and then the water takes it around and around.
Yeah, I never had it hooked up here, but I'm sure your dad must know someone.
You know, it looks so cute.
A little sink, next to the big sink in the bathroom.
Uh, I don't know if that would fall into our plumber's wheelhouse.
You may have to get a special plumber who specializes in dentistry.
Do you think I should leave it behind? Yeah, what the heck? If you weren't using it here.
And it does go with the chair.
How much is the pogo stick? - What's that used for? - Jumping up and down.
Oh, I never thought of that.
You can have it for a dollar.
Oh, hey.
There's that nice boy you work with.
Oh, this is about to get a whole lot more interesting.
How could it get more interesting? Ricky.
How are you? Why do you keep asking me that? I found a home for Moose.
- You did what? - I found a home for Moose.
There's a long waiting list for those dogs.
As much as I hate to give him up, there's another family that wants him.
That's all right.
We can keep him.
We can't.
I already called the service.
They're picking him up.
Well, call them back.
I told them my wife is on bed rest and she doesn't want a dog.
?? Tell them I changed my mind.
They're already on their way over here.
You were right.
We're going to have our three children and our grandson living in a three-bedroom house and you're looking after a baby.
Moose understands, don't you, Moose? No, Moose does not understand.
Moose has already been in two homes, and this is his third, and he doesn't want a fourth home.
Do you, Moose? George, I swear, if you let anyone take this dog away from me, you're never moving back into this house ever again.
Ashley can sleep in the garage, but I don't know where you're going to sleep.
Anne, Moose will be fine.
They only let these dogs into the very best homes.
They let him come here.
This is a very best home.
And it's my home, and I'm not giving up my dog.
We are ??, because you wanted to give up our dog.
No, we are not doing anything like that, because we are not a we.
We may be someday, but we're not right now.
Hey, Moose.
How's it going? Your daughter let me in.
Moose, call 911.
- What's going on? - She's having a baby.
She's nuts.
- Ugh! - Don't scream.
What are you screaming at? - Ashley and Ricky.
- Ah! This is all your fault.
You gave her the garage, so you're responsible if she gets pregnant.
She's not going to get pregnant.
I don't want her out with him, but she's not going to get pregnant,is she? He's not answering.
That's not a good sign.
- I'll e-mail him.
- Do you think they're at his apartment? He has mobile e-mail.
He doesn't have to be by his computer to get e-mail.
That's why I made him get that phone.
I'm going to keep e-mailing, texting and calling him until I find him.
When you find him, I'm going to kill him.
Do you mind if I put a few more boxes in the garage? - Where's your boyfriend? - Who, Ricky? Probably out looking for someone to have sex with.
We broke up.
- Told you so.
- You told him that we broke up? No, I told him that he's out with Ashley.
He's probably going to get her pregnant, too.
Does anyone in this house know about birth control? What's going on? - Hi, Adrian.
- Yeah, hi.
All right, everybody out of the room except Ricky.
Dad, what are you doing? Ricky was doing me a favor.
What's the matter with you? Didn't you see the favor he did for your sister? And ask me before you go on a date, especially with him.
A date? No, this wasn't a date.
I'll just be next door.
Yeah, she'll just be next door, for the rest of my life.
Thanks, Dad.
Just when I was starting to trust you.
- What did I do? - You didn't do anything.
Dad, he didn't do anything.
She asked me to take her to a garage sale.
- I took her.
So what? - So what? She's 14.
She's Amy's sister.
She's my son's aunt.
I would never go anywhere near her.
I'd never do anything with Ashley.
I do have boundaries.
You know? Do you? Where were your boundaries last year at band camp? Wow.
Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? Why are you any better than I am? Why does everyone always think they're better than I am? Because apparently, you never learn from your mistakes.
Don't, okay? Just don't.
I'm trying.
I'm really trying.
I've got a job, I'm living on my own, I'm giving Amy every dime I can give her.
I'm spending all the time I can here with my son.
And I would never think about touching Ashley.
I think you would.
I think you would think about it.
- But I wouldn't do it.
- But you would think about it.
Believe me, I'm not the one you have to worry about.
It's not me.
I'm not going there.
But there are plenty of guys at school who would, and her hanging out with some guy who's gay is not going to discourage any of them.
And don't forget, if she does get in trouble, it's because you provided a place for her to get in trouble.
And that's because he trusts me.
Don't you, Dad? Can I help you find your choice in feminine protection, son? I've been to three places, and I can't find these.
Did they take them off the market or something? I don't know.
I'll check.
I'll be right back.
Is that a lamb or a goat? It's a lamb.
Lambs say baa, right? I don't know.
But you are definitely the sexiest lamb.
Oh, do you go near lambs often? I do not.
Do you know him? Yeah.
He's my daughter's boyfriend.
- Oh, no.
That's not good.
- No, it's not.
- You're still here.
- Yup, I'm still here.
I didn't do anything wrong, so there's no reason I wouldn't be here.
I don't think you should be with Ashley by yourself.
Because I might try to have sex with her? And of course, if I was so stupid as to try to do something like try to have sex with her, of course she'd just give in because she didn't learn anything from watching what you've been through.
What was she supposed to learn? To use birth control? Maybe she learned to use birth control.
She has condoms.
- For what? - I don't know.
But I imagine she wants to be prepared in case she decides to have sex.
- She's too young to have sex.
- I was too young to have sex.
You still had sex with me.
You talked me into having sex.
I didn't talk you into having sex.
We were making out, and we just had sex, because that's what happened, Amy.
And I thought you were prepared.
I thought if you didn't stop me, you were on the pill or something.
If I'd planned on taking advantage of you, I would have had a condom.
But I didn't, because I didn't plan it.
So this isn't all my fault.
You know? Yeah.
That's why I'm so angry all the time.
- I'm angry at myself, and you.
- And the world.
- What a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to do.
- Yeah.
But let's make sure our son doesn't pay for it.
You think I'm taking this out on John? I think you're a good mother, Amy.
But I think you don't enjoy him.
Well, I'm a little too tired to enjoy him.
Then give yourself a break.
Let me take him, or let me do more.
- I know you broke up with Adrian.
- Yeah.
Well, sooner or later, I'll get back with Adrian.
And if I don't get back with Adrian, I'll get with someone else.
So maybe you should realize you can't control who holds John and who doesn't.
I really hate you.
Do you know that? Oh, Amy.
I know that.
Even when you're nice to me, I know that.
Oh, hi.
You're home.
Yeah, I've been home for a couple hours.
You were asleep.
- Cramps.
- Oh.
You okay? I feel a lot better now.
You want something to eat? I don't know.
Maybe, like, some soup or something.
What'd you and Tom have? We had hamburgers from Burger Shack.
We brought one for you, too, but it's probably not that good now.
So if you want soup, I'll make you soup.
Maybe I'll microwave a hamburger.
That sounds really good.
Did you guys get a shake, too? Yeah, but that's probably not that good, either.
You know what, you guys? Why don't we all just go and drive through again? It'll be fun.
You are in a good mood, Mom.
Why are you in a good mood? Yeah.
You are in a good mood.
I don't know.
I just-- I am.
I'm in a good mood.
I had a great day.
Next time you go feed the homeless, I want to come, too.
I like doing that.
It does make everyone feel good.
It does.
I fed the homeless.
It doesn't make you feel that good.
What's up, Mom? Nothing.
Come on, you guys.
Let's go.
I told Jack I'd call him when I got up.
Call him when you get back, after you've had something to eat.
I'll get my jacket.
Tom, why don't you go get your jacket too? All right.
I'm not cold, but all right.
All right.
- Hi.
- You didn't say anything to Grace? - About? - About-- The drugstore.
- What drugstore? - Thanks.
- Okay.
I'm warm now.
- Good.
I want you to be warm.
Who are you having sex with? Just kidding.
All right, you guys.
The reason I'm in such a good mood is because I met someone.
A guy.
And I went with this guy to feed the homeless.
And then we just hung out for a while.
Good for you.
Let's go.
I hate you.
- Adrian.
- Yeah.
Let me in, please.
I'm not going to let you break up with me.
I don't deserve it.
I don't deserve to be with a guy who's not serious about me.
We're too young to be serious.
We're not that young.
And we've been together for over a year, and it's going nowhere.
If we know we're never going to be married, then why be together? Because we want to be together.
Ow, what are you doing? I want to have sex, and I want to have sex with you.
Calm down, okay.
I don't like you like this.
Like what? I don't know, something's scaring me.
What? What am I doing that's so scary? Why are you suddenly afraid to be with me? Why is Amy's dad suddenly afraid for me to be around her sister? I haven't done anything.
I haven't done anything.
Okay, okay.
It's okay, Ricky, all right? It's not okay.
It's not.
I'm tired of people judging me.
Poor Amy, she's a teenage mother.
Poor Amy, she's got a baby.
Poor Amy, nothing.
I'm a teenage father.
I've got a baby and Amy.
And no matter what I do, no matter how much I take care of her and my kid, she still hates me.
And she doesn't give me any credit for anything, just like you.
You don't give me credit for being honest with you.
I'm just being honest with you, Adrian.
If I told you I would marry you when we're older, I'd be lying.
I'd be lying to myself if I had sex with you right now and told myself it was okay.
I'd be lying to myself if I said I was comfortable having sex with you just because I'm feeling sorry for you.
Don't feel sorry for me.
Forget it.
Wait, wait.
Just wait.
I'd like to go to therapy with you.
The two of us.
I think we need to talk to someone.
I need to talk to someone, but we don't need to talk to my therapist.
- Please.
- No.
Come on, Adrian, I just want to have sex.
I don't think so, Ricky.
I love you, but I don't think so.
It doesn't feel right for me anymore.
That might change, but right now? No.
I'm such an idiot.
Yeah, I agree.
I trust you.
I do.
I just got scared, that's all.
Scared I'd have sex, which means you really don't trust me.
No, Ashley, I do.
- But Ricky, he's-- - He's what? He's an abused kid who stuck it out, gone to years of therapy and tried to make a better life for himself? He's not a bad guy, Dad.
He's just a guy who's had a bad life.
That's what scares me.
That right there.
I asked him to take me.
I just felt like getting out of the house for a while.
Look, I'm excited about the new room.
I'm just not excited about being back in the house it's attached to.
I thought I wanted you and Mom to get back together, but that means I have to get back together with Amy, and I really don't want to.
You didn't ask Ricky to take you just to torture Amy, did you? No.
I would really be upset with you if you did that.
The thought might have occurred to me once I was out with him.
But I didn't go out thinking that.
You and Amy should talk.
I don't feel like talking to Amy.
Ashley, I wasn't asking you.
I was telling you.
Look at you.
Isn't that a perfect chair for this room? It's comfortable, isn't it? Totally comfortable.
Ben, I just want to give you a hug.
I just want to give you a hug, Betty.
You make my father really happy.
Oh, and I want to thank you for talking me into leaving that stuff behind.
I was just afraid that if I didn't take at least some of my stuff, and it doesn't work out here, I wouldn't have anything at all.
Even if things don't work out here-- And they will, I know they will-- You would never leave here with nothing.
- My dad would never let you do that.
- I know.
That's why he gave me a pre-nup.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Hi.
See you in our room.
- I'll be right there.
You're the best.
I saw an opportunity, and I seized it.
That's all.
How often do I get a chance to do something for my dear old dad? Why? Why do I get this funny feeling I'm about to be asked for something? No, it's nothing.
It's just-- Do you think Amy can spend the night here? We're not going to do anything.
Long as her parents say it's okay,then-- Did her parents say it's okay? She's just feeling upset about the garage, and Ashley asked Ricky if he could take her garage sale shopping, and it's just been a bad day.
But not because of you? No, not because of me.
Because of Ashley.
Then Amy needs to talk to Ashley.
I mean those two should be spending the night in a room together, not you two.
You're right.
I was wondering-- Wondering about something more than that? Do you think that Amy could move in here? I know that you're happy with Betty here, and I just thought-- Good night.
So that's a no.
As much as I love you, and appreciate what you did today, that's a good night.
- Good night, Dad.
- Love you, Ben.
I love you, too.
Oh, wait.
How are you? - What's the matter? - Nothing.
It's something.
What are you doing here? - I need to talk to your dad.
Is he here? - No.
He isn't.
??? - Hey.
How're you feeling? - I don't want to talk right now.
I brought you a burger and fries.
Actually, I just brought it up.
Your mom and Tom picked it up.
I'll take it.
How you feeling, Miss Crampy? My mom is dating.
- Oh.
- Oh? My mom met my step-dad in grief counseling.
My mom's not going to marry this guy.
- Well, you never know.
- I know.
I know she's never getting married again.
You better take another look at your mom.
She's-- A really nice woman.
Come on now, Grace.
She deserves to be happy.
My dad deserves to be happy, but he's dead.
We can't do anything about his happiness, but we can do something about your mom's.
Are you hoping to ever have sex with me again at some point? I knew it.
You have been warned.
I'm not warned.
I wasn't warned.
I was attacked.
And still, I'm here.
I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere.
We'll see about that.
Come on, Grace.
Mom's boyfriend is downstairs.
Let's go get him.
You knew my mom's gigolo was downstairs? Friend.
Her friend.
I don't want to meet him.
I do.
So Jack didn't tell her? No, no.
I told her.
Well, about you.
Not bumping into Jack.
And what did you tell her? Oh, I told her I met a guy.
Kind of a younger guy.
- Go on.
- That's it.
You're leaving out quite a bit of information there.
I know.
I'll tell her when the time's right.
Tell me, tell me.
The time is right for me.
Hi, Tom.
Jeff, this is my son Tom.
You're the boyfriend? - Friend.
- Or boyfriend.
Whatever you want to call me.
Jeff Sagay.
Didn't you kill my dad? No, that was my brother.
It was an accident, Tom.
Mechanical failure.
You know that.
Jeff and I met at the attorney's office when the insurance company was trying to reach a settlement.
I'm really sorry about your dad, Tom.
Sorry about your brother.
When Grace finds out about you, you're next.
Good night.
- I'll see you later, buddy.
- Buddy? You play football? Yeah, yeah.
I like to throw the ball around a little bit, sure.
Can't wait.
Got to make a phone call.
I warned you.
- Yeah, well, warn me again.
- Okay.
Uh, you sure about this? Oh, it's just sex.
Last time I had sex just to have sex, it got me into a whole lot of trouble.
Yeah, well, you're already in a whole lot of trouble.
I told my mom about you.
We're both adults, so if you want to wait-- I know we've talked about this before, but I'm a Christian, and-- And I'm Jewish.
So we'll have a good time.
We'll feel guilty for different reasons.
I can't.
I'm just not ready.
Well, maybe I am ready.
But this isn't the right time.
I need to be a parent tonight.
Your daughter's in her room with her boyfriend, and Tom's on the phone.
- Moose, call 91-- - No, it's not an emergency.
I'm just hungry.
I'm really, really hungry.
I'm so hungry, I can't sleep.
All right.
What do you want? A big stack of pancakes, with hot syrup and melted butter.
And not the frozen kind.
I want real ones made from scratch.
And a big, tall glass of cold milk.
That's what I want.
- You got it.
- Really? Really.
Anything you want.
For the rest of your life.
Hey, Moose.
We had pancakes the night the baby was conceived.
Think that means anything? Hi.
Ricky went home.
He saw you looking at us.
Yeah, I was looking at you.
But I didn't come over there because I trust you.
Want some pancakes? - Are those for Mom? - Yup.
Yeah, I might have one.
So what are you and Ricky talking about? Lots of stuff.
Please, please, please don't go there.
I have no interest in going there.
I like him as a friend and because he's the father of Amy's baby.
Don't encourage him to be more than that, Ash.
Don't encourage him to be more than the baby's father.
I know he's trying.
I know he wants to be a good guy, but Amy's been through enough already, and she's got a good guy.
Yeah, I know.
And besides, Ricky's not in love with Amy.
He's in love with Adrian.
Well, maybe Adrian can handle him, but not Amy.
And certainly not you.
No kidding.
Hey, uh, when do you think you might be coming here? And by here, do you mean America or right here? Oh, yeah.
Summer would be a much, much better time to come.

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