Blake's 7 (1978) s02e12 Episode Script

The Keeper

We're not even sure that Lurgen was here Docholli had no reason to lie Some people don't need a reason True, but let us assume that the keeper of the secret is somewhere down there on the planet Goth, and that the keeper is a royal personage Lurgen's brain print is on a thong around a chief's neck That's what Docholli said Or he said it was Lurgen's brain that was on a thong That might not be the same thing If you find the brain print, and consequently the location of Star One, what then? Finish what we started Destroy it? Of course And the entire Federation with it Does that bother you suddenly? Star One is the automatic computer control centre forthe entire Federation Get to the point, Avon That is the point Through Star One we could control everything The Federation could belong to us I could be President Ah Orwe can take it in turns You ready to go, Vila? Why not? Now that would be worth the risks we're taking Blake is afraid that powerwould corrupt him That sort of powerwould corrupt anyone Which is why the location of Star One has been kept such a secret Travis could change allthat, and I doubt if he has your scruples Then the very least we can do is make sure that he doesn't find the secret Now there is something that worries me Yes? How do we know that Travis isn't down there now? You don't But there are noxious gases Anyone who lives above ground will die sooner or laterfrom toxic lung infections Also your eyes will be affected So anyone who lives on Goth lives underground If he's wise, he does And if he's not, he's dead All right, put us down Cally Down safe Proceeding on bearing of 029 Hey, the air is a bit niffy Hmm, sulphur Rots your lungs eventually Marvellous, I can hardly wait Main detectors report Federation pursuit ship, bearing 1 32, course 276, leaving the planet and entering orbit Put it on the main screen Affirmative Are we in range of its detectors? Negative Plot us a course to intercept Affirmative You're not going to attack? Don't you recognise it? THAT is Travis' ship But if we leave here, we leave Blake and the others out of teleport range This is our chance to finish off Travis He is at our mercy Perhaps, but you can't just Course for intercept, 073 Speed, Standard by Four Strike range in four minutes ten seconds We've got him cold We'll be there and back within ten minutes and Travis will be dead Steer 073, Cally Avon, I'm ZERO SEVEN THREE All right This time we have him Zen put up the radiation flare shields, clearthe neutron blasters forfiring Confirmed Avon, I hope you know what you're doing Neutron blasters are cleared forfiring Can you think of a betterway to stop Travis finding Star One? Target will be within strike range in exactly two minutes No indication that he's seen us Good I have no objection to shooting him in the back All right to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here Seems deserted, shame about that Avon, teleport Avon, teleport Avon! Whereareyou? SNEEZE Hah Avon, teleport now Avon Avon Why doesn't he move? How should I know? Just so long as he doesn't CODED COMMUNICATION What's that? He's transmitting Who to? Who cares? Stand by His detectors must warn him soon We are going to get as near as we can, Cally Goodbye, Travis NEUTRON BLASTERS Got him So much for Travis Mind you, you could hardly miss at that range What did you want me to do? Give him a sporting chance? Zen, take us back into planetary orbit, Standard by Twelve Avon Avon Liberator Liberator We've solved one of Blake's problems for him Let us hope that he can handle the rest as easily Coming into stationary orbit now EXPLOSION Teleport now EXPLOSION What the hell happened? What happened to the others? Let him drink this first Where are the others? The Goths have them How? Ambush Are we going down to get them out? I am And where the hellwere you? We just got Travis for you What? How much further is it? Move All right, there's no need to push Fool, you do not amuse me as once you did Gola, you frighten him That is why all his tricks go wrong Silence, witch I could tellyou bettertricks I could show you things in the future You can show me nothing Allthat talks is your drug In the end you will inhale too much and it will killyou Nothing will kill me, I shall live forever Tcha Kick that fool as you pass him Possibly I might smile at his pain Travis, my friend You'lltake wine? Thank you, oh Charl My sister here has all kinds of mind bending potions if they are more to your liking I see I see A man and a woman The man is a fool, the woman is beautifulto behold Here, in the Tents of Goth You see? She is not of this world In there All right You Where is Blake? They haven't got him Silence You know these people? Yes, oh Charl They are enemies Of myself, of Servalan, and also of Lurgen who mended yourwound and took away the terrible pains Truly a magician, that Lurgen Real magic, not foolery and potions It's a pity he's gone from us Without his cure, I would be wishing for death You say these people are his enemies? They pursue him to kill him A beautifulwoman And a fool Eh? These two I leave to your mercies, oh Charl A beautifulwoman, indeed she is so We had to stop Travis getting to Star One first Well now he is stopped IF he was on the pursuit ship It seemed a reasonable assumption If I'm not back in six hours, come down Both of you That's a long time to stay in orbit Stationary, we are an easy target No one knows we're here Unless you've alerted them Put me down Cally It's them It's that foolVila and the girl, Jenna, they're here What? Is Blake here? No Pursuit Ship Four, Travis here Reply The Liberator has obviously destroyed it Yes Blake must be one step behind us We know the keeper of the secret is on Goth We know he is a royal person Perhaps Blake knows that too But which royal person? There is the Charl and there is his sister It has to be one of them But which one? You will soon know, and when you do, you could controlthe Federation, you and I Don't be ridiculous, Travis Look, Star One is the computer control centre It controls the climate on more than two hundred worlds, communications, security, food production, it controls them all It is the key to our very lives Think of allthat power You can see why the Councilthemselves don't know where Star One is In the wrong hands Yes, but in the right hands; yours and mine Be very carefulyou don't over reach yourself, Travis There'll come a time when such ideas seem unambitious One day, Servalan Yes? What are you talking about, Travis? I must alert the nearest Federation flotilla to attack the Liberator I can't do it from here on this thing I'll have to use your ship The Liberator may pick you up It's a chance we'll have to take unless you're prepared to risk Blake getting to the secret before we do, well? All right How long? Three hours That long? You could have the secret by then, it has to be one of those two, the chief or his sister Don't you trust me? No, of course not Then trust my ambition You will be the new keeper of the secret Yes at the moment, ground bearing 1 20 Is he all right? So far Main detectors report ship leaving planetary orbit Identify It is a modified Class One Federation pursuit ship Grid reference? Grid reference B 3721 Modified Class One that must be Servalan Zen, have they detected us? Negative Cally, set a course to intercept What? A course to intercept No Yes If we leave here, we leave Blake alone again This is an ideal opportunity Not this time She will be out of range in one minute We will never get her All right, then We'll never get her Cally, listen NO Let me go, you dogs Let me fight you one by one Hold it GUNFIRE I said leave him GUNFIRE Thank you, whoever you are You are a friend Who are you? My name is Rod Greeting Greeting And what is that? Er nothing You say that it is nothing, yet men fall It is magic You are forthe Tents of Goth? Yes, when I can find the way They are underground So I willtake you there Your name? Blake And who do you seek? The ones called Servalan and Travis? They are yourfriends? They are no friends of mine Nor mine So I will help you defeat them I like your machine but I will not killyou for it You've saved my life My brother, he would killyou for it That is the difference between us Very beautiful You know Lurgen has gone? We do not mean him any harm Then why are you here? We come to help the Federation The Federation means nothing to me I live as my ancestors have lived We are a warrior people We fight to live and we live to fight What can the Federation offer us but slavery? You are of Goth blood, I know it Proud, fit mate for a warrior Charl If you do not want Federation servitude, why do you harbourtheir lackeys? You talking about Travis? He's a refugee from the Federation Where is Lurgen? If you wish to kill him, why should I, I who am his friend, who bless his name, why should I tellyou where he is? I've told you, we mean him no harm You come from a spaceship My guards capture you, or else by now you would have killed us What are these? You, fool What are these? Just bracelets, Oh King Do me a trick, Fool What? Now? Now A trick I take this chain from about my neck and place it in my fist, like so it is gone The chain now travels up my right arm, across my chest, down my left arm and into my great king's noble hand Splendid Betterthan my own fool Next time, I'll killyou He is jealous He thinks you do not love him any longer and he feels badly about it He'llfeel much worse if I send him below, eh Fool? No Not below Why not? I have a betterfool now Great Charl, Leader of the Goths, greatest and strongest warrior of all, have mercy on a foolthat's lost his magic Behave and maybe I will Tara, what do you think of the girl? You think to take herto pair bond How do you know that? But you're right I need a line to follow me I need sons, to kill my brother if he kills me first He willtry that, that is as certain as our eyes If you say that once more, your head is forfeit I mean it, sister or not, if you say that once more I say, I say that he will kill, but he will die We will kill each otherthen? That I do not know Woman, you are addled with that stuff Come, sit by me You like that? Well, yes It's very nice, very nice indeed Good Zen, any sign of Federation pursuit ships on the main detectors? Negative Any activity whatever? There is no activity on the main detectors What about the extra range detector? You know that puts a heavy drain on the energy banks Negative on the extra range detector Satisfied? No I think we're in real danger, hanging around here in stationary orbit Stay here Wait for me, I will be back All right I willthen take you to the tents Wait for me Your name is what? Jenna You are of what tribe? I come from Earth Earth? Then you must gain my approval, Earth woman, or no pair bond You remember Lurgen, the man who made your brotherwell? He will speak for me He had magic, certainly He is one of the best cyber surgeons in the whole of the Federation But he is no longer here Oh? He is gone, far away Where? The vapour does not tell me that Lurgen left behind him a secret, what does the vapour say about that? The keeper of the secret may not even know that he, or she, is the keeper And you are asking me who the keeper is? Yes And if I could tellyou, what then? Ask for anything in the whole galaxy, and it is yours It must be a very important secret, this thing you ask about It is Yes, you are very beautiful, I can see why my brotherwishes to pair bond with you This secret, I am told, is on a person of royal blood It hangs from the neck of such a person Like the one I wear? Like the one my brotherwears? Perhaps Well? Yes And you would like to look at it, eh? Yes, may I? I can't move my hand No Was that some of your magic? Does it matter? You must have great powers I do know a few of the mysteries handed down from the Lost Time I can speak with my people of my own blood Yes, you are very lovely I think my brotherwill pair bond with you The vapourtells me how deeply he desires this I don't think you need the vapour to tellyou that You don't want me to bond with him, do you? You would ratherthat I left Goth and never returned Possibly If I stay, you're afraid that I might take some of your powers away The vapour says that if you remain here, you may die Once I know who the keeper is, I will go, I promise Would you help me? Yes, I would help you to go, if I knew who the keeperwas Isn't it you? You may touch the amulet now I will not stop you There is nothing on it No You are disappointed I thought it might be you No And now? And now I have to stay Why is that? You know why There is only the chief He is the only other person of royal blood CACKLING LAUGHTER Wine Where is the girl? Ah There you are Come and sit next to me Cheer me up, I feel low This fool is not amusing me Music So, you do not hate me now? I have never hated you Ah That's good You'll pair bond with me whether you like it or not, you know It is an honour Ahhh Good, more wine You are truly a most remarkable man Oh, I'm sorry It looks interesting Do not touch a Charl's person I am sorry Humility is good in a woman MOANING Who are you? Go away No, no, no.
Look, I'm not going to harm you Who are you? Go away, leave me to die Go away LEAVE ME Quiet You'll bring the guards Not the guards Not the guards Then keep quiet There I win LAUGHTERAND APPLAUSE She let you win What? She is a superior grade citizen of the Federation Her IQ is very high She let you win You are a friend of Lurgen's, or I What? I'd send you down below You lay a finger on me and the Federation battle fleets will blast you to ashes You and allyourtents We are a long way underthe ground Do not be sure any bomb would reach us There is not a hole deep enough for you to hide in Silence I am Charl here I do not wish your presence in my tent Go Very well, but I must speak to you alone, in one hour, in my tent It would be wise for you to be there You will come to me Uh uh What are you cackling at? She represents the Federation and you are afraid of her No I am not HE would not be afraid of her Shut up about him Who is she talking about? Nobody You didn't let me win, did you? Of course not Oh yes she did Vila Eh? Be quiet But she did She let you win What did you say? Eh? You said she let me win No I didn't I didn't say anything Vila, shut up But I didn't say anything Guards You are going down below But I said nothing You do not insult the Charl of the Goths BELOW But I didn't speak Honestly I didn't, you've got to believe me I said nothing Gola, please No, no He must learn Gola, don't kill him Please We'll see, we'll see But you don't understand, it's all been a terrible mistake Put me down I didn't say one word, really Come along, we know where you've got to go Come along In you go Behave I was behaving Don't leave me here At least leave me a torch I don't like the dark I like to see what I'm scared of Vila Huh? Blake Shhh, quiet Am I glad to see you What are you doing here? Is Jenna all right? Only pair bonding with the chief Good Come on, get me out I can't, not for a while You'll have to stay here for a bit Marvellous Who's that? He seems harmless He smells horrible So would you if you'd been here for as long as he has Let's not think about that Tell me what's going on up there, everything Where is Travis? I see you have the run of the place I am betrothed to the Charl and I have his protection I may still killyou I only have a minute Where is Travis? Oh, he'll be back I think not I think he already knows the location of Star One and he's on his way there already Really? And who do you imagine told him? The only person who knew Lurgen Lurgen was gone before we arrived Was he? Are you sure? Travis knows betterthan to trick me I've already told him he's dead if he tries With allthat power at stake, do you think that he really cares? Jenna Where is Jenna? I may not killyou after all A lifetime with Gola would be very educationalfor you MUSIC AND DRUMMING I feel strange, dizzy It must have been the wine The wine? Seems all right I must sit YOU gave herthe wine No, no I saw you give it her You gave her a potion One of HER potions No I swear I did nothing Guards You are going down below Not below 'Til I decide how you die Get him out of here I did nothing I did nothing Are you all right, my love? Yes, I think so I did not drink too much Gola, please release Vila What? He was telling the truth Yourfooltricked him by throwing his voice You see how much he hates us Oh, Gola, please, or else you will have no foolto entertain you Guards, bring the otherfool back up Be well my love Will she be well? Oh yes Good Oh, I'm sorry, it is forbidden No, no, please my love MOCKING LAUGHTER It has to be Gola, it's not his sister, so it has to be him No Shut up, willyou Who is he anyway? I don't know Look, I'm going up there, soon What about me? Shh, quiet No Don't put me down there, please I didn't put poison in her drink, I didn't, I tellyou I didn't put poison in her drink, I didn't Hey What's going on? You're free, orders of the Charl Eh? You're the new fool If you aren't funny, you'll be back Wonderful I knew it would come to this in the end Who is it? It's I, yourfool Who? You've forgotten Never mind, we'll all die and be forgotten down here It's a sad life, that of a fool He loves her It's quite good, quite good A drink from your hand? He is the fool, not I And now, for my next trick I thought you were never coming My men are already in the tunnel You going up alone? I have business with my brother Who is your brother? Come Drink, master Water DISTANT LAUGHTER I thought you said they'd all be asleep In this trick, the captive ring is liberated without breaking the rope Watch closely, is there a break above? Or a Blake below? And, one, two, three Splendid Yourfriend is a good fool I will keep him here with me forever Like you, eh, my sweet pair bond partner? Of course Tara, tell us the future I'm in a mood to know Will I be happy with my sweet pair bond partner? No What? You will not have her You talk nonsense The vapour sees a duel of the blood No Yes, a duel of the Charls, tonight How can that be? It is Leave the woman Try your strength with a man Rod Brother, I will not callyou Charl Then I shall make you Blake Shhh Who is this? This is my second I see, where's my second? You, fool What? I don't And the Master of the Duel, you It is written he will killyou You called him back, didn't you? Yes I did Why? Because you betray the tribe You seek to take herto pair bond and she is not of the Tents of Goth The vapour has prophesied that if you take her to pair bond, you will die by your brother's hand I am not afraid of your vapour Hmm, we shall see That is Rod, Gola's brother Now if that's his brother I see what you mean Now is not the right time He who lives be Charl He who lives be Charl GONG The victory is mine I am Charl here Vila Your vapour lied Gola Aaaaargh No, it's not him Then who is there left? Ask the true Charl, the greatest leader of them all Who is he? He who was most magnificent, the greatest, truest Charl of the Tents of Goth Your companion of the cells What, that old man? Theirfather They deposed him, and then quarrelled between themselves as to who should be the new Charl Theirfather? That old man? Go now Take this key and take the bracelets Leave this place Go All right Come on Ha ha ha Let us out Who is the keeper? Leave him, let my master die in peace Who is the keeper? I sing you of the Tents, my Master, Charl of the Goths, I sing you of the golden tents Where yourfathers wait to greet you It's gone, the brain print's gone You seek the talisman the brain of the healer The man with the eye patch took it Travis Old man, old man, Lurgen, the healer, did he talk of Star One? Did he speak to you of anything? A fool knows everything and nothing He's dead I sing you of allthe wise Charls, sing you of allthat Your life, your death, Brought honourto the tents That's it then Long live President Travis We might as well lock the door and stay where we are Did he say anything to you Blake? He said, ''A fool knows everything and nothing'' A fool knows everything and nothing The location of Star One is at grid reference C 1 7320 in the eleventh sector Eleventh sector? That must be in the middle of nowhere Shut up The location of Star One is at grid reference C 1 7320 in the eleventh sector Lurgen must have planted it in his brain A man with a sense of humour A fool knows everything and nothing Yes, that must have been the trigger phrase The foolto keep a secret that Lurgen neverwanted in the first place Allwe have to do now is find it Blake, this is Cally Do you read me Blake? Yes Cally, bring us up Anotherfew seconds and I would have left you, Blake Course for evasion Zen Jenna and on, with luck, to Star One
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