Freakshow (2013) s02e12 Episode Script

Freaks Hanging by a Wire

Right now on "Freakshow".
I got a dilemma.
So, I went on a date with Ruby.
Your radiating beauty is making me speechless.
Then, I went on a date with Zoe.
This is my house.
I'm not sure if I wanna go with Ruby or Zoe.
Phoenix brought her here today.
No, did you tell him it was okay? No.
This weekend, we're having a big, suspension event.
- Here comes the hooks.
- I would never.
Look at the skin! My gosh! Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" - Hey.
- Hey, how's it going? Good how are you? Pretty good about to do a show here.
It's been a long time since we've seen each other.
Yeah, since the tattoo event.
- I know.
- Yeah.
Zoe is a girl that I met at the tattoo event we had a while back.
- How long did that one take? - He held my arm.
- It took me three sessions.
- How many hours? Two to three hours each time.
We became friends.
I invited her to come down to "The Freakshow.
" Do you like this kinda stuff? - Yeah.
- You should see our house.
- It's crazy.
- Really? We have banners on the walls.
We have just, like, jars with, like, babies.
You know, two-headed babies and stuff.
Two-headed babies? Yeah, you should come over later.
Right now, I'm single, so I am looking to maybe find someone or something like that.
Maybe become more than friends, maybe, like, a thing, then maybe more.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
I don't normally ask girls over to my house, but I really like Zoe, and I'm really glad she said, "yes.
" Yeah, I am so down to go and see it.
- That'd be cool.
- Yeah.
One is up chaining this up, right now.
Yeah, I think they're almost going into hibernation.
They are they're so cute.
Look, they're, like, holding hands.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey.
Are we doing, any shows or anything today? - Yeah, in just a minute.
- All right, cool.
Wow, it's nice to see you.
I haven't seen you in a few days.
- Where have you been? - I've just been hanging out.
Hanging out with who, all day and night? Just this girl why? Hey, what why? - Girl or girls? - Why does it matter? Well, 'cause I wanna make sure it's my girl next door, Ruby.
- It's not, though.
- It's not? - No.
- Why? I've asked her out in the past, and she says, "no.
" So, ask her, again.
Ever since Phoenix was a little boy and ever since Ruby was a little girl, they've worked side by side, 'cause we work right next door to each other, and Danielle has always had this fantasy of them getting together, her little boy and the sweet girl next door.
I guarantee you, if you ask her out, I think she'll say, "yes.
" I mean, I I'll ask her, again, but I can't make any promises.
I think Ruby's really cool, but I'm not sure she's into me, and I'm 18.
I'm just trying to have fun and date.
I'm not ready for my mom to plan out my wedding with the girl next door yet.
I'm making you a promise.
That's the girl you're gonna marry.
Yeah? Let let him make his decision, okay? She's giving you her advice.
- Yeah.
- Now, she's gonna set up.
- Let's go all right? - Okay, I'll see you guys outside.
- No, but, Todd, really.
- I know, but you're too much.
- Why? - Let the boy grow up already.
Okay, you guys, dinner is ready.
- All right! Ooh, it looks good.
Jellyboy, it's really nice that you came out.
I'm really excited.
And, Matterz, same with you, brother.
And, um, Andrew and Kel, I'm really excited, especially as beautiful as you have been looking.
Stunning I can't help myself.
Andrew Stanton and Kelvikta the blade are experts at piercing and suspension, and they are incredible performers in their own right.
They're here this week to assist Jellyboy The Clown and his brother, Matterz Squidling, two world famous performers from the east coast, who do everything from sword swallowing to suspension.
Now, I could not be more excited that these people are here to perform at "The Freakshow.
" Why did you start doing suspension? I'd been around it just because, a lot of my friends were were doing it.
And, I said, "well, put some hooks in me.
" "I-I-I wanna do it.
" Yeah, and so, they-they put me up, and I And I went right up, and it was like I was A fish swimming in water, you know? I was just swinging around, having a great time, laughing.
How is suspension? Like, what do you like, what do you do? Take clean hooks, and it's freshly pierced every time.
It's through the skin, and whether it's on the back, or the chest, or the legs, or the knees, just about anywhere you can pinch skin.
Suspension goes back thousands of years to many cultures.
Now, suspension is a death defying process, where people hang their entire bodies from meat hooks in their skin.
The native Americans used it to transform a young boy into a man.
And even today, people use it to experience altered states of mind.
When y'all suspend, does it give you some kind - of clarity or something? - It makes you feel amazing.
It's the gravity, it feels like you're flying.
The release you get from it is just amazing.
How about you, Jellyboy? 'Cause you really did face death.
You should tell the kids.
I don't think they know what happened to you.
I was trapped inside of a burning, apartment.
So, I saw, literally, my life flash before my eyes.
The fire started to fall from the ceiling on-on to me.
And then, um, at that very moment of my What I thought was my death, the door broke down, and the firefighters came in.
- Wow! - And scooped me up and carried me out.
So, as a performer, did that experience, like, scare you? Or, were you okay to go back to performing or The experience didn't frighten me as-as a performer.
It made me want to go back to performing that much more.
Well, Jellyboy, I'm glad you're here and alive.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hallelujah.
Jellyboy is performing a suspension stunt this week that honors his life altering experience in that fire.
That fire has become the inspiration for him to do bigger and better stunts.
We're gonna do a combination of things that we've never done before.
Right on I can't I wanna see that.
This is my house.
Wow, it's amazing.
How do you guys eat with that there? This is here every day.
There's two-headed babies, right there, that you I have bowls of cereal in front of every morning.
The one right here? - What's this? - That? I'm pretty sure it's a puppy.
A puppy what? So as co-owner of "The Freakshow," all this stuff, one day, is gonna be in my house.
Is it, really? - Gonna be passed down to you? - All down to me, yeah.
I'm pretty excited about it.
Hey, Phoenix.
You guys remember Zoe from the tattoo event.
- Hey, how are you? - Hi.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you, too.
- How do you like the house? - I love it.
Are you ready to run away Run to the hills? No-no-no, everything's so interesting.
- Well, y'all have fun.
- All right.
I had no idea that Phoenix was bringing a girl over to the house tonight.
It was a little shocking, to be honest, because this is the kid that normally only wants to play video games all night Go skateboarding during the day.
He used to not even think about girls.
But now, he's becoming a ladies man.
Do you like video games? - Yes, I actually do.
- Really? - I just got the new Xbox.
- You got the new Xbox? - Wanna go play? - Yeah.
Could you believe, Phoenix brought her here today? No, did you tell him it was okay? - No no.
- You didn't? He turned 18 he thinks he can just do whatever he wants.
- No, God - That scares me.
Are they in there? Phoenix? No-no-no.
They if they're upstairs, that's not okay.
Not only did Phoenix bring a girl home without telling us They're upstairs, right now, in his room, with the door shut.
God knows what they're up to.
I am not okay with that.
- They're all taken.
- Hey, what are you guys doing? Talking about, 12th grade, apparently.
So, y'all just gonna hang out? Yeah, she's gonna leave soon, so I'm gonna work her out to her car.
- All right.
- Yeah? - It's it's hot in here.
- I know.
So, I'm gonna leave the door open.
- I'll just I'll just open a window.
- Okay, good to see you too.
Like, let's think about that, like We'll leave the door open.
Like, I'll leave the door open, but think about that.
Why would you open a door, if it was hot? - You'd open a window.
- Let the air flow.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Well, at least your mom likes me.
Right yeah, hey.
- And your dog.
- Um, he likes you too much.
- Hey, y'all.
- Hey.
Good to see ya you got your makeup on today.
That's right I'm ready to go.
All right, good to see ya hey.
Y'all come on over here, so you can see everybody.
Jellyboy, what are you and Matterz gonna do? We're gonna do something, um, symbolic of the struggle that we went through.
Doing something with suspension and sword swallowing.
- Yeah.
- But-but, I'd-I'd like to do it over something dangerous.
So Matterz is gonna be buried in, broken glass.
- Yeah.
- Wow! That's gonna be awesome.
Let's see one of the hooks.
Have you got one with you? I got I got a few different types.
Yeah, let's see them.
Here comes the hooks.
So these are regular shark hooks, right here.
And they're not the strongest.
They're just meant for fishing.
That's the hook you would use you catch a shark? Yeah.
I'm very interested in suspension.
I think it's a wonderful art form.
I'm quite sure it is painful, but I'm quite sure that, you know, no pain, no gain.
These are a little bit larger.
- My God! - Wow! - And that's a whale one.
- That's a whale's hook.
These hooks are huge.
And when we've done events in the past that had blood in it, people have literally just passed out.
So I'm hoping our audience can handle this.
Well, I would never my gosh! Swallowing swords is dangerous and what I'm gonna be trying, right now, is to be able to get this all the way inside and then all the way completely out, without using my hands or any other assistance.
Whoa! Watch folks watch.
No hands.
Yeah! Yeah! Give it up make some noise! Where do you wanna put our boards? Um, here, I'll put it against this pillar.
Zoe and I aren't official or anything.
So I mean, I'm always open to dating other girls.
So I decided to take my mom's advice and ask Ruby out, and she said, "yes," and it's awesome, but when it comes to Ruby, it's been, like, nine years in the making.
So I'm a little bit nervous, now.
I mean, we'll just see how it goes.
- Look, nachos.
- Ooh.
- Chicken quesadilla, nachos.
- Thank you very much.
The top plate can be a little hot thank you.
- I'm more of a finger, hand - Kind of person? - Yeah.
- That's why I got nachos.
I hate using forks and stuff.
You know, this is, like, my first, like, date.
You've never been out to dinner with a guy before? I well, I've been to the movies.
The movies don't really count.
That's just, like, sitting there.
I'm I'm speechless, right now you're just Your radiating beauty is making me speechless.
What has no one ever said that to you? - No.
- First for everything.
Do you know what this means? It means, beautiful in sign language.
Phoenix is a goofball but such a big charmer.
He's winning me over tonight.
So are you ready to head out? - Yeah, let's go.
- All right.
Here's your skateboard.
- Thank you.
- There you go.
- So that wasn't awkward.
- No.
- That was a pretty-pretty good first date for us yeah? - Yeah.
So, Asia, I've got a dilemma.
There's this girl you know Zoe from the tattoo event? Yeah.
So I went on a date with her, and everything went amazing.
And then, I went on a date with Ruby.
And I mean, it went good.
So I'm not sure if I wanna go with Ruby, who I've known for, like, nine years now and who I know really well, or Zoe, who I haven't known very long, and it's like a fresh slate, so Mom and dad can tell you one person they like.
I can tell you who I like.
Your fr anybody can tell you who they like.
But you know, it's it's a relationship for you.
- Yeah.
- So you need to make the decision for yourself.
- Yeah.
- Always go for it.
- Yeah? - Always go for it and do things for yourself Make your own choices.
- You got this, brotha.
- Thanks, it act It actually means a lot, talking like this, - 'cause I can't really - Aw.
Like, I can't be open with mom and dad.
- Like, I mean, I can - Less weird.
- But it's it's not yeah.
- It's not weird with me? Talking to you isn't weird, no.
- Thanks.
- So, thank you.
- Well, I'm glad yeah, of course.
- Let's go get ready.
- All right.
- Thanks, though.
- Good talk no problem.
Come on you got it.
All right, Jells, we're ready.
Today is the day of our big suspension event.
We've never done this here at "The Freakshow.
" These metal hooks are going deep into their skin, all the way to the bottom of their skin, really Right before it hits the muscle.
I gotta see this I wanna see the hook.
We're gonna have you take a deep breath in and then exhale.
- There it is.
- God bless you.
I'm really enjoying watching this piercing process.
I mean, I I pierce myself all the time.
I know what they're going through, and it is a very intense experience.
And, you know, I'm all about that.
Don't block out the pain that's boring.
You're getting pierced You should feel the pain.
- Wow, that seems like it would just pop.
I wanna see the hook.
You're free to move about the cabin, sir.
- All right.
Folks, welcome to the world famous Venice Beach Freakshow.
Today, we have special guests that you are gonna talk about until the day you die.
So, um, I'm glad you came to the show, though.
Yeah, me, too, this is - This is awesome amazing.
- Yeah, isn't this crazy? Yeah, you'll never see this anywhere else.
Right? I decided to bring Ruby to this event, 'cause after speaking with Asia, I mean, I can just see myself being with Ruby more and spending more time with her.
So um, what are you doing after the show? - I don't know yet.
Do you wanna go to the skate park with me? Okay, so you can see my radiating beauty, again? - Pssh, duh.
- Okay.
I am so excited that Phoenix picked Ruby to come to this suspension event.
I am in my glory I hope they date forever.
Hell, I hope they get married! Folks, give it up for Jellyboy and his brother, Matterz! They have created for themselves a true right of passage.
We're about to start putting glass on Matterz.
He's gotta put this mask on, so he doesn't breathe in glass dust.
He's gonna get into position in this coffin.
- God dang! - Jellyboy, with the hooks in his back, will be lifted 30 feet above the crowd.
Then he's gonna swallow a sword and pull the trigger on the handle that will shoot flames out of the end of the sword.
At that moment, his brother, Matterz, will rise out of a coffin of broken glass, and it all symbolizes their struggle and brush with death.
Finally, they will have defeated death itself.
He's stepping onto his brother's body, now.
Make some noise like you never have in your life! Here he goes look at the skin! Look what's starting to happen! My God! Into the sky he goes.
All right he's lit the flame.
He's swallowing the sword.
Watch there he goes.
Look! Yeah, look at that, folks! Make some noise! Give him a round of applause! Folks, make some noise! Wow! Jellyboy is doing it, right there! Wow, give it up for Jellyboy The Clown! Right there he is! Holy moly make some noise, folks.
Come on! Folks, he's gonna raise his brother from the grave.
Here comes Matterz! Give him a big round of applause.
He's rising up.
Here he comes, folks.
There he is.
Give it up for Jellyboy and Matterz! There they are.
Wow, that was incredible.
This week has been incredible.
We got to witness two rites of passage The journey of my son into manhood, as he began to date, and Jellyboy's amazing tribute to the ancient rites of passage, suspension.
You killed it.
- You okay? - Yeah.
- Are you sure you're shivering.
I'm shivering it's cold out here, man.
Dude, thethe view of you with the sun setting behind you and the flames shooting out was sick.
Rising above the boardwalk from hooks in his back, Jellyboy gave the audience a memory they will never forget, something they can only see here at "The Venice Beach Freakshow.
" I've loved you guys from afar, and now I love ya up close.
We're both gonna be swallowing these light swords, and you're gonna be able to see us glow from the inside out.
And lights on.
- My God, you guys.
- Look at their throats.
Look at their throats!
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