Friday Night Lights s02e12 Episode Script

Who Do You Think You Are?

What are you doing? I guess I feel closer to God if I'm with you.
Did you think that line was gonna work on me? It's not a line.
I don't need nothing from you, all right? I don't need to work at your car dealership and I sure as hell don't need football! Listen.
You have the opportunity to become part of a team.
If you don't do it tonight, you're never gonna do it in your entire life.
It's that girl.
That girl Noelle? She got my son's head spinning every which way direction.
I don't like it.
Do you think maybe we should, like, talk about, maybe, some ground rules? So that we'll both know how we each feel.
That way no one will get hurt.
What in the world we're gonna do with Gracie Belle, when we're at work? That's not our burden.
That is our gift.
Oh, yeah, I think we could.
We could definitely have her there by 7:00.
That would be wonderful.
Which daycare is that? It's the good one.
The one with the waiting list.
Sure, that would be great.
I mean, really, I cannot thank you enough for taking her so last minute like this.
Have you seen my homework? Why do they have an opening all of a sudden? My math homework? Other kid dropped out.
Can you hold her for me, sweetie? Is that the one with the busy traffic? It's Can you hold on one second? It's on a side street, they got a gate, they got a security code I left my homework right here.
Hey, is the reason they have an opening all of a sudden, maybe because of the traffic on the street? All right, that'll be wonderful.
So we'll be there.
Hello? Bye-bye.
Honey, honey, it's gonna be fine.
It's miraculous that they took us in.
And you know what? Why don't you take Julie to school, and I'll take Gracie in.
Now, wait a second, I am calm.
I'm just I think that you're a little worked up about it.
I think it's better if you just let me do it.
You can take Jules.
Come here, baby girl.
Seriously, guys, I need to find my homework.
See you later, kiddo.
You say, "Bye, Daddy.
" I left it right there.
It's under the newspapers.
You could've told me that 10 minutes ago.
Say bye to Gracie Belle.
She's going to daycare.
Bye, Gracie.
TAMl: Bye, y'all.
Matthew, you have always loved pancakes and I'm gonna make some.
Well, that's a lot That's a lot of baking soda, Grandma.
I've been making these for 40 years.
I guess I know how to do it.
You usually eat about 10 of these, so I hope you're hungry.
Aren't you? Well, I'm eating this banana now, so I might not be that hungry later.
That's a joke.
What are you What are you doing? Could you reach my suitcase, please? Thank you.
Where are you going? Thank you.
What, for, like, a vacation? I have to go home, Matt.
My family needs me.
Why? I don't understand 'cause you're supposed to be here Did Matt tell you? I'm making my pancakes.
You are in for a treat.
A real treat.
Sounds delicious.
You all, come on.
You got to get them while they're hot.
Matthew has loved these since he was a little boy.
I'll clean up after myself.
Don't worry about it.
And then the special ingredient.
Looks like a nice neighborhood and Fun little playground.
Children coughing.
Hi, Mrs.
How are you? Good.
You know what? I'll be with you in just one minute, okay? Oh, okay.
Great, great.
Well, this is such a big day for you, Gracie Belle.
It's your first day at daycare, and you're gonna eat and play, And nap and do all those things that you love to do so much.
And you're not gonna wonder even for one second why I left you with a bunch of people that we don't know and we've never met before.
I agree.
We'll come on back tomorrow maybe.
I think you're absolutely right.
I think maybe today wasn't the best day for it.
Devin Diablo.
What up, homey? What up, dawg? How'd you get out? Hey, cool little deal, you know what I'm saying? Got out a few days ago, dawg.
They let you out on papers? Yeah.
Get in the car, dawg.
We got stuff to do, man.
Come on.
Oh, man, I'd like to, man, but if I get in that car, I ain't never gonna I ain't never gonna make it to school, homey.
What? You tripping, man.
Come on.
Get in the car, dawg.
No, man.
I be playing football now, homes.
You've been playing football? Yeah, man.
I play football here.
Get out of here, man.
What are you talking about? You're stupid, dawg.
Get in the car, man.
No, I got practice, man.
I can't.
You'd rather go to school? What's up? Yeah.
All right, then.
That's cool, dawg.
I'm proud of you, homey.
Thanks, dawg.
You go have fun.
That's circle time, man, all right? That's real football.
I'm gonna be in the streets, homey.
Hi, Reverend Phillips, I'm so sorry I'm late.
There was a really bad accident.
It's okay.
It's okay.
The phone's been ringing off, and they're waiting for you.
Chris Kennedy.
Lyla Garrity.
Nice to meet you.
Good early morning and welcome to I Was a Teenage Christian.
I'm Chris.
This is Lyla.
It's her first day, so be nice to her.
We're on to our next caller.
She has a question about sex.
Go for it, Lorena.
I have a question for Lyla.
I'm 17 and a Christian, and I'm kind of confused, because I'm horny all the time.
And my boyfriend, who's also a Christian, is also horny all the time.
And he keeps telling me that all this stuff we're doing isn't a sin, and I guess technically it's not.
Okay, what was your question exactly? I guess, is oral sex considered intercourse? And even if it's not, is it okay? You know what? I'm gonna take this one for Lyla 'cause it's her first day, and I have to admit it's a little early in the morning to be defining intercourse.
Since you're asking, I'm gonna say that technically, biblically, oral sex is not intercourse.
But I don't think that's the point of why you called.
It sounds like you're not feeling okay about some of these things that you're doing.
Am I right? Actually, I'm not okay with a lot of it.
TAMl: Thank you.
I'll be right back, y'all.
Hey, sweetie! I need to talk to you.
I just got done talking to Smash No, I've got a meeting with Principal Brecker.
I need to talk to you Just five minutes.
Give me Actually hon, I Hey, Coach.
Well, hello, Glenn.
Hon, I had a hard time leaving her at the daycare today.
It was hard for us.
So, just I thought today Listen, you know, I really want to help out, but I've got to go to class, you know? Oh, I'll take her.
I'll take her.
Actually, you know what, darling? Since you're here.
You wanna go say hi to Daddy? Thanks, baby.
You know, it's a quick meeting.
It's just a statistics thing.
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes.
Well, she needs to have her diaper changed, I think.
All right.
All right.
Have a good day.
Yeah, you betcha.
You have a good one.
Thanks very much.
See you later.
I know I'm cool.
I'm free, too.
Can't even tell you what I got.
You ain't learned nothing from OJ, huh? Hey, y'all fools need to go home.
We got jungle fever Oh, my God.
Oh, you can dance, Bradley? I didn't know that.
I didn't know you had rhythm like that.
Hey, save a little for the rest of us.
Come on, Smash.
So my parents want you and your mom and your sisters to come over for dinner tomorrow night.
You think you can make it? Meet the parents, huh? If you're inclined.
I'd love to have dinner with your parents.
Four Four Smash is when I go A gap, you fake B gap.
Dude! It's the Dillon Panthers! Whoa! Get in the car, dawg.
And don't tell me that you got homework to do, okay? 'Cause I'll kick your ass.
We're riding tonight, man.
Old times.
Let's go, dawg.
All right, yo.
We got him! We got him! What's up, Jessie? Diego.
He's still with it! Roll, dawg! Roll! Roll! Roll! So long, dude! You know that homey Little Lexi, right? Chuko's little brother? With the stuttering problems.
Like that, right? Look Yeah.
This dude gets out two weeks ago, right? And get busted the same day! He's stupid! Not like us, homey.
Professionals, right? No doubt, no doubt.
That's right, homey.
When are we going to work, man? What's up? I'm gonna give it at least two weeks before I go back in, right? Hey, y'all.
I should go inside or whatever so Damn.
Who's this guy? He's just helping me out, letting me stay here with him.
This is his new lover, guys.
Santiago, everything all right? Yeah.
No, no.
These are some These are my friends.
Oh, hey.
Hey, guys.
That's Devin.
How you doing? How you doing? How you doing? Yeah.
AJ, Jessie, and this is Rashad.
Rashad? Cool.
Y'all, this is This is Buddy Garrity.
Nice to meet you guys.
You, too.
You friends of Friends with the Sand Man here? Friends with who? Sand Man.
The Sand Man? Some football name.
It's some football stuff.
I tell you what.
If you guys are his friends, then you're welcome over here any time, okay? That right? Yeah.
You guys wanna come over Thursday night, or pizza, watch a movie, whatever.
Hey, you know what? Yeah.
That sounds great, man.
Thank you so much.
Hey, hey, Buddy Garrity! Yeah, that's right.
You know what? I seen your car commercials, man.
Yeah, man.
Hey, that's a nice ride you guys got there.
Buddy Garrity! All right.
Nice guys.
Yeah, nice guys.
Oh, honey, I just I looked at her little face, and I could not Couldn't leave her there.
We ran.
It was like we ran for our lives, didn't we? I understand.
It was like we were escaping from prison, wasn't it? Well, she's our baby.
She's our baby.
You try again tomorrow? There's no rush.
Thank you for being so understanding.
Well, I have my moments.
I know you do.
Go to your daddy.
Oh, not you again.
Don't know how I'm gonna bring myself to leave her with a bunch of strangers tomorrow, either.
Not you again.
What are you doing here? Who are you? Where'd you come from? Where'd you come from? Beep, beep.
Coming through.
Hi, you all.
Good morning.
Whoops! Oh, sorry about that.
Good to see you.
Hey, sweetie.
How's that calculus going? Hey, you all.
So you wimped out again? Honey, I did not wimp out.
Do not call your mother a wimp.
That's demeaning.
Gracie was not ready to go.
When Gracie is ready to go, Gracie will go.
So you're just gonna cart her around until she's what, married? No.
I'm not.
All right.
Good luck, Gracie.
Love you.
Have a very good day.
Love you, Mom.
Carlotta's leaving.
She's going back to Guatemala.
Oh, the hot maid that you told me about? She's not a maid.
She's a nurse, okay? She's in nursing school.
She's studied a lot.
And, yeah, that's her, and she's leaving.
And she is hot.
You're not sleeping with the hot maid, are you? Kind of.
Are you serious? Yeah.
It's kind of cool.
I don't I'm speechless.
I don't even know what to say.
Then you really don't.
You don't need to say anything.
That's fine.
I'm proud.
Now, she's going back to Guatemala.
Why is she Because she's got family stuff going on there.
And there's nothing I can do.
I'm in high school.
So I can't do that.
You haven't developed, like, feelings or anything for her, have you? Yeah, I have developed feelings, like serious feelings.
Do you love her? I think so.
Just don't go there.
All right? Either way, whether I love her or not, she's leaving.
It doesn't matter.
She's going back to Guatemala, so now I'm stuck.
This is Lyla Garrity, and you're listening to I Was A Teenage Christian.
Am I on the air? Yeah, you're on the air.
Oh, my God.
I'm on the air? This is Tina, and I'm from Waco.
Why Waco? And I'm kind of embarrassed saying this but, I mean, I think Jesus was hot.
'Cause he's so hot.
He kind of looks like a movie star.
The image that you have in your head of what Christ looks like probably has very little to do with reality.
That image has been generated by hundreds of years of art Hey.
What the hell is going on out here? most of them being Italian, so there really is no say as to what he actually looks like.
Is that Lyla? One more.
What's the deal with the Shroud of Turin? What's up with that? Again, no one really knows whether or not that's true, so So, someone just painted his face on a sheet? Listen, I know you think this is funny, but it's not.
It's rude.
And there's actually real people calling in with real questions, so I'm gonna disconnect now.
Yes, and we're moving on to Karen.
That was a success.
This your way of telling her you like her? Garrity.
What's going on? What is your problem? I Tim, I know that was you, calling into the radio show, trying to make me look like an idiot.
Why would you do that to me? I thought it was funny to be honest with you.
You thought it was funny? Do you ever think about what you're doing? About who you might be hurting? I am doing that show, getting up at 4:00 in the morning and after school, trying to help people who might not have anyone else to turn to.
Does that sound like something you want to screw with? No.
Then don't mess with me on the air.
Maybe think about why you do the things you do.
Good night.
You're lucky we came.
How you doing? I'm Brian.
Thank you.
We got that recipe on our trip to Spain.
You'll have to come over, and I'll show you how to make it.
Oh, I'd love that.
This is good.
Can me and Noannie go play with the Wii? Of course.
Oh, you all got a Wii? Oh, I'm coming.
Smash! I'm kidding.
I'm just playing.
Sheila, you want to come play, too? You know you want to play with the Wii, girl.
I'm in.
Hey, I got winner.
Oh, yeah.
Take turns, Amy.
Well, Corrina, now that it's just us here, could I ask you a question? Sure.
How do you feel about Smash and Noelle? I may be wrong, but I don't think I am.
This relationship, it just scares me.
It scares you? Yeah.
It scares me.
Your son is a fine young man, Corrina.
But you know, we live in Dillon, Texas.
And you know that Dillon, Texas has its ways, right? And I don't think that we want to have anyone wondering, and worrying about what's going on here and I think that, well, no one else is going to be so open-minded about it.
With all due respect, the world has changed.
I wish that were true, Smash.
I have to admit I would feel a lot more comfortable if you and Noelle stopped dating.
I'm sorry.
That's how I feel.
I have to say I agree.
Right there.
See what I'm talking about? You got the three receivers set when they go into that.
You know, I saw Tami and the baby again today.
Yeah, I know.
It's day three.
Every time they pass, they end up moving around to the right.
Sometimes I wish Tami would just stay home, raise Gracie and quit the damn job.
Hell if I'm gonna say that to her.
Well, you can get rid of that if you just force them to go left there.
You know, you got a right to your opinion, you know? I'm not so sure I do.
I mean, I'm not gonna ask her to do something I wouldn't be able to do myself.
That's 'cause you're not supposed to.
That's 'cause men aren't built that way.
But women are.
They're supposed to want to stay home with the kids.
That's the way it goes.
What the hell am I supposed to do? She's got a career.
She loves her work.
She just spent 16 years at home with the first kid.
Well, I'm just saying that I wouldn't let a woman of mine go to work if she had a kid at home, that's all I'm saying.
You know what? That sounds really stupid and ignorant when you say it out loud.
Well, sometimes the truth is stupid and ignorant.
Then I gave up cheerleading last June.
I just thought that after everything I'd been through, it was kind of ridiculous to be cheering in a little skirt for a guy to throw a ball.
You know, I actually burned my uniform.
What? Yeah, I was feeling a little dramatic.
What were the sequence of events that led you from lighting up to joining the church? I felt lost.
You know, my whole life sort of blew up in the previous six months.
My parents split up, and a few other things that I won't get into.
God was just the only source of comfort at that time, and that relationship just grew and grew.
I think it's always out there, you know? Just waiting for us.
You are an interesting girl, Lyla Garrity.
It's too bad you're so hard on the eyes.
You're welcome.
I mean, if everybody in the whole world would just not look at what's on the outside and don't judge people by the way they look, but instead, see into their hearts, and see their souls, if that's what we did, the world would just be a better place.
That's the whole thing.
You just think You just have to have faith in people.
Let me ask you a question.
If you had a If you had a gold watch, an antique gold watch that your grandfather gave you, would you leave it in your house with a bunch of thugs? Don't believe I would.
The chicken's good, hon.
Good job doing up the beans and the corn.
Oh, why don't you just go ahead and say it.
Say what? You know, day three, I didn't take in Gracie to the daycare, I know.
And you think I'm being weak and overprotective.
I know.
Just get it out.
Well, I don't.
I'll tell you what.
If you'd been there, you wouldn't be quite so brave, either.
Well, you know what? I happened to have offered to drop her off.
I know but, sweetie, that was not an option.
I know.
You've made me well aware of that.
Well, it wasn't an option.
You were absolutely not in the right mind for it.
Are you guys fighting? No.
No, we're not.
Eat your dinner.
There are other options.
Mmm-hmm, like what? What other options? If you guys are gonna fight, I can just Just shush it! Just sit down and eat your dinner, would you? Other options.
There's lots of options.
Such as? For example, one option could be, say, a leave of absence, is one possible option.
A leave of absence from my job which I love.
You know what? One thing I'm not gonna do is I'm not gonna get in a fight about this.
Well, you don't have to fight with me, do you? 'Cause you can just sit there in judgment and know that you will never be threatened to have to leave your job which you love and worked so hard for.
Just go stay home and take care of the baby.
I hear what you're saying! Can you pass the corn? Sure, honey.
Here is the corn.
I got it.
I'll get it, sweetie.
Or she can get it.
Hi, Buddy.
How are you? Come on in.
Buddy's here.
He's got a box.
Oh, you all are eating.
Is it a bad time? No, it's fine.
Come on in.
Oh, okay.
How you doing, Buddy? Good.
Let me get another plate.
Hi, Julie.
What you got there? Oh, that's all right.
You don't have to TAMl: Make yourself comfortable.
Oh, well, okay, well I just came by 'cause I'm Well, I took all this stuff out of the apartment.
This is my prized possessions.
You know? I got my Babe Ruth autographed baseball and then my granddad's gold watch and all this stuff.
I really came by here 'cause you all are great parents.
You always know what to do.
And to tell you the truth, I don't know what to do 'cause Santiago's friends have resurfaced, you know, his old friends, and they're, like You know, I don't want to be judgmental, and I don't want to be prejudiced or anything, but these guys are like Well, they're thugs.
And I, you know And I don't know if I should leave this stuff in the house, 'cause I invited them over.
You know, it's his house, too.
His friends should be able to come over, I think.
If he sees me take all these out, then So, maybe I ought to just put them back in there.
Okay, you know what? I'm getting real sick of this.
I don't feel like talking to you.
Well, you're gonna have to talk to me eventually.
Mom, what you and Noelle's parents did at that dinner was completely stupid and humiliating.
Stupid? Well, excuse me, but I have a right to my own opinion.
Not when it's messing with my life.
You just don't get it.
No, maybe you're the one that doesn't get it.
What What are you doing? I'm getting ready.
I'm going to a quinceaƱera.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
What So What is a quinceaƱera? It's It's a birthday party for a 15-year-old girl.
Like a sweet 16 and Mmm-hmm.
The whole family goes.
It's fun.
All right Well, have fun then.
Hey, Matt? Yeah? Why don't you come with me? Yeah? Yeah.
Yeah, okay.
Let me Let me just go change.
Who are all they, there? It's like her family.
They're supporting her.
Want to dance? No.
Come on.
It's the waltz.
All right.
But Okay.
So put your hand on my back like this.
So I can rest my hand.
So, like in arm wrestling.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
One, two, three.
I don't want you to leave.
No, I love you, and you love me.
Matt I know that, so I don't understand why you'd be leaving.
It doesn't make any sense.
I can't stay, Matt.
I know.
I know.
It's I know this sounds dumb 'cause I'm only 17, but No, it's not that.
I wish what you said was possible.
My family My family needs me.
I have to be there for them.
I'm sorry.
Hey, Brian! The movie starts in 20 minutes.
There's gonna be a half hour of previews.
All right, you all.
Enjoy the movie, and come home right after.
Thank you, Mama.
There you go.
Thank you for taking your little sister to the movies.
You're welcome.
Boy, boy, boy.
We ain't seeing no kids movie.
I tell you that right now.
Oh, hey.
Looks good, huh? Good.
Maybe I should go get some stuff for when they come over.
Oh, yeah.
Here, let me give you some money.
Get whatever you need.
Thank you.
You bet.
Thank you.
Let's talk.
I think I forgot.
I think I forgot what this new motherhood does to your life.
How much it just turns everything upside down.
And I really thought that I was gonna be able to do it, you know? And I can do the job, and I could raise Gracie, and take care of you, and take care of Jules, and But I don't think I don't think I can do it.
I think, you know, I do think I'm gonna have to let the job go.
Let me tell y'all something.
You're not gonna quit your job, so you might as well get that out of your head.
One of the reasons that you and I gave up that job down at TMU is that so you didn't have to give up your job.
You're a damn good mother.
You're a damn good counselor, and you're a hell of a hot wife.
I was just inside on the computer, and you know what I found out? No.
I really don't.
I found out that separation anxiety is completely normal.
We get over it.
I also found out that certain studies suggest that children who go to daycare, actually, it helps them socialize.
In years to come, it turns out that daycare screwed her up, she's always got you for counseling.
You're funny.
We stick together, it all works out.
Come here.
Why'd we come all the way to this theater? Two popcorns.
Three drinks.
Three drinks? Why Smash.
I'm good.
Say no more.
What did you tell your parents? Late practice.
What about you? That's my little excuse right here.
Hey, Noannie.
Oh, thanks.
Here you go.
Thank you.
I think we should go find our seats.
Hey, baby.
How you doing? Hey! Whoa! Hey, man! Back up! Back it up! Back up, homey! All right? It's all this kid! Calm down, y'all! Everybody keep drinking! Have fun! Let's party.
Let's go, baby.
She's here by herself? Jerks.
Hey, little mama.
What you doing here all by yourself? My brother's right over there.
Knock it off.
Black on white actually run in the family? 'Cause if it does, I could help you out with that.
You jerk.
Hey, hold this.
I'll be right back.
I said, knock it off.
I wasn't doing anything.
You leave my sister alone.
You're the one that left your sister alone.
Besides, you got one of ours.
Why shouldn't we get one of yours, you know what I mean? Brian! Get off me! Brian! Come on! Get out.
Get out.
Come on.
Come on.
Go! He hit me! I didn't do anything to him! Watch out.
Look out.
You all okay? You okay? You all right? Okay.
Just go home.
Just go right home, and I'll call you.
Okay? Bye.
Let's go.
This way.
Give me the watch back, Devin.
What watch? No, don't play stupid with me, Devin! Don't play stupid with me, all right? I know you got that watch in that house, homes! No, I don't got no watch, man.
Don't be an ass, Devin! Give me the watch back! Oh, I'm being an ass? Okay, okay.
'Cause I'm not the one who's sucking up to some rich, fat bastard, who's paying my way for everything.
Man, I told you! He's just helping me out, all right? When did you forget where you came from? He's helping you out? Good.
Your fat fairy godmother showed up.
Hooray! Sand Man.
Football star.
It's not my fault I got a break, Devin.
All right? It's supposed to be my fault 'cause I got a chance, huh? Screw you.
Do you think that guy would give a damn about you, if you weren't playing football for his team, huh? I don't know.
He doesn't care about you.
He just wants something from you.
And as soon as he gets it, he's gone.
Now, get the hell out of my hood, man.
Not without that watch.
I'm sorry, Noannie.
You shouldn't have ever left me.
I know.
I know.
I'm sorry.
It's my fault.
Look, look.
What? Just don't tell Mom.
No, but Please.
For me.
Don't tell Mom.
Oh, you shouldn't have left me.
You shouldn't have left me.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
You're on the air with Lyla Garrity.
This is Rita from Laribee.
When I pray at school, and I'm not bothering anyone else, I just bow my head and put my hands together, people make fun of me, and it's really hard.
It makes me feel stupid, and I don't want to.
What should I do? You know what, Rita? People are gonna make fun of people at school for whatever they can get their hands on.
But most importantly, you gotta be true to who you are.
There's a gospel song.
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
" And it doesn't just pertain to spreading the word.
It pertains to you.
To the truth that lives inside you.
Don't hide that from the world.
Tell the world how you feel.
Let your light shine.
Thanks for calling in, Rita.
We're going to James Damn it, Lyla.
All right.
How you doing? Who are they for? A girl.
Hello? Matthew? Matthew, honey? She had to leave a day early.
She really wanted to tell you goodbye.
It's too bad.
She was a She was a nice girl.
Good night.
All right, well, you did a great job.
I can't believe how fast you picked that up.
Yeah, well, I have a really good teacher.
Thank you.
Any time.
So, on the right lane before I Oh, dang, it's Okay.
Well, I've had a blast.
Me, too.
Should we be letting go now? Nah.
All right, let me walk you out.
God almighty! What happened to you, son? Huh? I had to I had to get back your watch.
Come on.
Let's go get you cleaned up.
Come on, buddy.
You're gonna be all right.
How was the movie? Yeah, how was it? It was good.
Baby? I liked it.
You all didn't say nothing about it when you came home.
Y'all sure are quiet this morning.
Oh, hi there.
Oh, hey.
How are you? Good.
How are you doing? Good.
I think we're ready.
Oh, this is my husband, Eric, by the way.
This is Alice.
Hi, how do you do? How nice to meet you.
TAMl: So Okay.
Well, how's Gracie? She's great.
Yeah? She ready? Mmm-hmm.
Yeah, she's ready.
Love you, Gracie.
Hi, baby.
Gonna take good care of her.
She's a cutie.
Hi, sweetie.
Oh, yeah.
She's gonna do great.
Okay? Here's her bag.
There's everything in that.
All right.
See you later, kid.
You have a good day.
Bye, honey.
I love you.
Oh, here's Mr.
Oh, we've got Mr.
Noodle, too.
Have a good one.
She didn't even turn around and look at me.
I think she's totally over me.
You have to pull that up.
I know how to open it.
Well, I didn't.

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