Shark s02e12 Episode Script

Partners in Crime

Pop the trunk.
Help me with this.
All right, over there.
This motion is a bad joke, Your Honor.
Not unlike the prosecution's entire case.
Detective Lawler's testimony would be highly prejudicial.
-Gentlemen -Detective Lawler saw the defendant sell a kilo of cocaine out of the trunk of his car! The detective has a highly documented grudge against my client.
You know, in my experience, police officers do tend to resent people who shoot their partners! Allegedly.
There's nothing alleged about the ventilator Oh, please.
keeping Detective Duncan alive! Mr.
StarkWould you save the grandstanding for the jury? You know what? I don't need it to beat you, pal.
You will both address the court.
Of course.
Your Honor, will the court please inform Mr.
Faber that he cannot challenge eyewitness testimony on the basis it will prove his lowlife client guilty? And would you please advise Mr.
Stark that he's actually not the judge in this matter? Enough! I'm going to take two aspirin and rule on defense's motion in the morning.
Try not to kill each other before then.
So, I got rolled-up kings, and I check-raise him; Manny pushes all in.
The guy is a decent mayor, but he should never,ever play poker.
Don't tell him that, Paul, because he's paying for my kid's college tuition with poker.
College? I remember you handing out cigars the day she was born.
We were in the middle of the Hastings case.
Oh, God,that was a serious dog.
Well, paid the bills.
Thank God it went uphill from there.
The firm hasn't been the same this last year and a half, Sebastian.
You look like you're doing okay, Paul.
The door's always open.
Well,been there, done that.
It was worth a shot.
So last chance to settle.
Dream on.
You forget, I learned from the master.
But I didn't teach you everything.
Besides, your guy's as guilty as sin.
Everybody's guilty of something.
Everybody okay? Paul? You okay? Oh, my God! Call 911! Get a doctor if there's one in there! Paul, you all right? Call came over the scanner.
You all right? Yeah, I'm fine.
I got hit by a little piece of broken glass.
It's a scratch.
Well, I talked to Jessica.
The team's on their way over.
I want everyone in the bullpen.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Maybe you should take the night off.
My friend's in the emergency room fighting for his life.
I'm gonna find out who put him there.
All right, I'll talk to the detectives working the case.
I want a list of every gun-related crime in this neighborhoodin the past five years.
-Dad! -Hey, sweetie.
The news report on the radio said you got shot.
No, I'm fine.
It's nothing.
Okay? -What happened? -I don't know.
Paul and I were coming out of Trego, and someone started shooting.
-You okay, boss? -Yeah.
One of the detectives said you were dead.
Wishful thinking.
Sweetie,I need five minutes with Danny, all right? Okay.
Anything from LAPD? No, nothing.
I wanta full-court press on this-- -OKEY -Danny,full-court press.
-You got it.
Don't worry.
Faber died on the operating table five minutes ago.
Paul Faber was one of the top criminal defense lawyers in the city.
Which means he represented the scum of the earth.
The rich scum.
Yeah, Faber became the chief rainmaker at Stark, Bell after Sebastian left the firm.
And why does Stark still keep his name on the door? Something about getting a piece of every dollar that comes in.
He's actually over there right now meeting with his old partners to see what they know.
Yeah, we still don't know that they were after Faber.
This could've been a random drive-by.
No way.
The shooter used high-caliber ammo.
Car was found a couple miles away, wiped clean, no prints, no evidence.
Guy was a pro.
Faber defended mob bosses and drug lords, so where do we start? We run his cases.
We also need to get into his personal life, talk to the wife.
So what do we do about Stark? He was right in the middle of this shooting.
The victim was one of his closest friends.
If he's running point on the prosecution, what happens when we need him to testify? He's right.
But who's gonna tell him to back off? Just get to work I'll deal with Stark when the time comes.
Bell will be right out.
Why the hell are you waiting out here? Turned in my key, remember? Are you okay? Hell of a lot better than Paul.
Changed the carpet, huh? Oh, the red stuff gave me a headache.
-Who picked that anyway? -I did.
So the cops think it may have been a hit.
Paul piss anyone off more than usual lately? You know Paul.
Heliked to throw elbows;he learned that from you.
-I'll need his files, Frank.
-Well, that could be a problem.
You're a prosecutor now, Sebastian.
My clients have a right to expect confidentiality.
I'm not after your clients, 80% of whom I brought in.
I'm after the guy who killed Paul.
Hey, he was my friend, too.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
You and I both know there are other possibilities here.
Vegas? Yeah.
He was going three, four times a month-- big money.
-He said he had it under control.
-He always said that.
Carol threatened to leave him.
I'll look into it, but I'm gonna need those files.
I will bury you in so much paper you will need to open a branch office.
End of business.
Jennifer Randolph, meet Sebastian Stark.
The legend returns.
Jennifer came aboard right after you left.
Yeah,I definitely would have remembered you.
She was the lead associate on Paul's team.
He was a hell of a lawyer.
Frank tells me he was gambling pretty heavily.
That affect his work? Well, he was a little distracted sometimes.
He missed some meetings.
Any pissed-off clients? There was one guy, a high-level drug dealer named Duncan Mercer.
I remember him.
Thought we dropped that psychopath.
The Feds got him on tape moving 20 keys of coke.
We got them down to seven years.
Mercer was expecting an acquittal.
He wrote Paul a letter from prison saying he'd kill him he minute he got out.
Mercer was released two months ago.
That's quite an impressive rap sheet, Mr.
Let me save you some time here.
I sell drugs.
I don't shoot people.
But if I did, that bastard Faber would be at the top of my list.
You got an alibi for the night he was killed? Are you kidding me? I've been under house arrest for the last two months.
When I take a leak, the FBI jiggles a handle.
The only reason I'm here is because you guys got me a hall pass.
So who shot Paul Faber? You ever wear one of these? The thing is,is I got a blister, and I think it's getting infected, so if you could convince the Feds that I've done my time, well, maybe I can help you kids out.
We talked to your landlord this morning.
Apparently, you've had a few parties since you got out.
What can I say? I'm a people person.
The things is, there's a security camera in the parking lot,so we can ID all of your guests.
And I'm willing to bet there's at least one felon in your posse, which would violate your parole and send you back inside.
I suggest you start talking.
There's a heavy hitter in town from Montreal.
Takes people out from a moving car.
We need a name.
These guys don't exactly give out business cards.
They're ghosts.
Big money contracts.
Looks like Faber finally pissed off the wrong guy.
We meet again.
I hate funerals.
I don't think they make anybody's top ten.
You seemed kind of uncomfortable at the office.
My boss just got killed.
Pardon me if I seem distracted.
Distracted's one thing.
Lying through your teeth is another.
I'm a poker player.
I'm guessing that story about the pissed-off client was a bluff.
And the nonsense about his gambling-- Paul deserved better.
I don't know what you're talking about.
If you weren't a damn good lawyer, Paul would've thrown you out on that lovely little ass of yours, but trust me, there's a reason my name is on that building you work in.
I always get what I want, and I don't take prisoners.
So if you have something to tell me, I suggest you give it up, and soon.
Because if I have to take it from you, the next funeral you attend will be for your career.
All right, where are we? We keep hearing about Paul Faber's gambling problem, but this guy's financials are rock solid.
Yeah,there's no big withdrawals and no record of him in Vegas in the last six months.
:Which leaves us with our nameless Canadian hit man.
Cops in Montreal are aware of three guys who do high-level hits.
Two of them alibi out for Faber, and the third's a guy named Anton Robitaille.
Did you check with border authorities? Yeah, there's not sign of him.
LAPD's got a confidential informant that works the desk at the Tremont Motel.
They say a guy in room 317 fits Robitaille's description.
Yeah, a lot of people do.
Yeah, but this guy was trying to change Canadian currency.
Well, let's get over there.
We need a warrant.
When exigent circumstances threaten public safety, no warrant is needed to enter private property.
What exigent circumstances? You got to be kidding me.
You want to pull the fire alarm? You want to risk this guy disappearing on us? She's right, Danny: issuing a false alarm's a crime.
Thank you.
Can I borrow this for a second? Unreadable That was Robitaille.
Take him.
There's someone I want you to meet.
Who hired you? You must have me confused with somebody else.
You're the one who's confused.
Answer the man.
Where did the blood money come from? You need to see this.
I found this in his hotel room.
His file on the hit.
Addresses, license plate numbers, daily schedule.
These guys learn everything about their target.
They leave nothing to chance.
The thing is everything in here is about you.
You giving group discounts on lawyers, Anton? First you kill Faber then you come after me? Actually, your friend was a mistake.
Come on, Anton.
Hit men never take the bullet.
You'll be drummed out of the union.
This meeting's over.
Listen, you walk out that door, Anton, and you're going to be the one with the bull's-eye on your forehead.
-Let's go.
-Shut up.
I never meet the individuals who hire me.
I'm approached by surrogates.
That way,everyone is protected.
Who did you meet with? Don't answer that question.
Don't interrupt me again.
White guy from L.
Diamond pinkie ring.
Not a scholar.
Well, you're going to have to do better than that.
He took a call during our meeting.
Loud voice at the other end kept on using the name "Buzz.
" That's it? In my business, if you have the cash, that's all it takes.
What's your hurry? What the hell are you doing here? I missed you.
Is this your idea of being off the case? Robitaille give up a name? More like a nickname.
Go-between was some guy named Buzz.
50s, white, pinkie ring? Yeah.
How'd you know that? Hank Busby's been a fixer in this town for years.
Play this game long enough, you don't need a scorecard.
-Is he mobbed up? -Independent contractor.
Makes Pellicano look like Gandhi.
Busby works for some of the deepest pockets in L.
Any idea where Buzz hangs out these days? I'll show you.
No, no way.
I promised Cutler I'd keep you off this case.
And how exactly are you going to do that? Just tell me where to find this guy.
Sonny Gore? Sorry, Officer, can't help you.
I'm not a cop.
I'm Danny Reyes, DA's office.
Same difference.
Sebastian Stark sent me.
Shark lives.
I'm looking for Hank Busby.
Never heard of him.
Sebastian said you'd play dumb.
He also said that unless you want me to grab the bookmaking ledger you keep behind the pickled eggs and hand it over to the cops Oh, Hank Busby.
Thing is, you looking for Buzz, you gonna need a shovel.
Come again? I got to translate? He's dead.
Toes up.
Drinking with Sinatra.
When? About four days ago.
Found his body in Reseda.
Buzz hated Reseda.
Was there anything unusual about his behavior the last week or so? A couple of days before he disappeared homicide badge questioned him about some stiff they dug up.
Don't know what that cop said to him but it scared the hell out of Buzz.
You tell him if he can't do it, I'll get somebody who can.
Look, it's your problem.
I remember being on the other end of that call.
Glad you could make it.
Of course.
Normandy, ou have a beautiful place here.
Well, be it ever so humble.
Please, meet my assistant, Sarah Belkin.
And this is Hank Busby.
Buzz is my troubleshooter.
I hear you, Buzz.
Who needs the germs, right? So here's the deal, gentlemen.
I'm extending my oil interest throughout the Southwest.
May get a little ugly.
And I need lawyers who are willing to get their hands dirty.
Do a good job, you can write your own ticket.
What do you say? Well,aren't you looking well.
Nothing like a near-death experience to keep you young.
Yeah, I heard about that.
Nasty business.
Almost as bad as being strangled.
Oh,poor Buzz.
You know, I suppose it was just a matter of time.
Yeah,time's a funny thing, isn't it, Jason? Just when you think you've got something buried in the past, it digs its way out and bites you in the ass.
So what can I do for you, Sebastian? Or should I refer you to my attorneys at Stark, Bell? I believe you've heard of them.
Yeah, you know, before his untimely demise, Buzz was being talked to by the LAPD about a body they found in Ladera Heights.
Out there in the oil fields.
Well you know Buzz.
Always into something.
The bullet that killed Paul Faber was meant for me.
Well, you kidding? Now who would want to kill you, Sebastian? Somebody with something to hid Well,we all have something to hide.
Yeah, but someone died for my sins.
And no matter what it takes, the guy who bought that bullet is going down.
Anything on the cause of death? Not yet.
We called in forensic anthropologists, but there's not much to work with.
Can I get a copy of that missing persons report? Sure.
Mother reported her missing seven hours after Sarah was picked up for a party.
Who picked her up? Some guy named Busby.
Hank Busby? Yeah, you know him? I'm starting to.
Where were they headed? A cocktail party at some big shot's mansion.
Jason Normandy.
Maybe I should be asking you questions.
I don't have any answers.
But I'm sure as hell going to get some.
Trust me, you don't want to know.
Come on, Sebastian.
You got me running around behind Jessica's back.
The least you could do is tell me what the hell I'm looking for.
It's complicated, Danny.
Yeah, well so is obstruction of justice.
Look, I want to know what a dead girl in an oil field has to do with a Canadian hit man trying to take you out.
I'm curious about that myself.
Just got a call from Ladera Heights Homicide.
They're interested to know why one of my deputy DAs is asking questions about a 12-year-old murder case.
It's not Danny's fault, Jess.
I sent him out there.
This is my case, Sebastian.
I need you to tell me everything you know right now.
My old firm's trying to say Paul Faber was killed over gambling debts or by an angry client.
He wasn't.
So what did happen? Or maybe I should ask Jason Normandy.
His lawyer's seeking a restraining order against you.
You went to his house? He's an old client.
We had some business to discuss.
Which is covered by attorney-client privilege.
Look, I need you to trust me, guys.
I have to do this my way.
FYI I saw Million Dollar Baby.
It didn't end so well.
This is a private gym.
Stark,Bell employees only.
I know.
I built it.
Actually,it was Paul's idea.
He genuinely cared about the people who worked here.
I can't help you.
Can't or won't? Jennifer Anne Randolph-- daughter of a waitress and phone company repairman from Riverside.
First in her family to go to college, let alone law school.
Finishes third in her class at UCLA.
Worked hard to get here, right? So? So we have that in common.
When you come from nothing, you will lie, cheat or steal to make sure you never go back.
I did.
And I paid the price.
Okay, so you're my guardian angel now? More like the Ghost of Christmas Future.
Paul Faber was a good man.
He believed in you.
And now this firm wants to smear his good name to protect itself.
That's dead wrong.
I think Normandy paid for the hit that killed Paul Faber.
I need access to his financial records.
You're asking me to throw away my career.
Crawling your way up over the bodies of people who helped you-- is that the career you really want? Normandy is smart.
He copied the firm on every transaction.
-So he's covered by privilege.
Last week Normandy transferred half a million dollars into a Swiss account.
-Registered to -Anton Robitaille.
Our friendly Canadian hit man.
Hey You did the right thing.
That's easy for you to say.
We can't prosecute one of the richest guys in L.
for murder based on privileged documents.
I know the Swiss bank Normandy uses.
I'm working on getting copies from them.
And we have the testimony of Jennifer Randolph,his former attorney.
How'd you get her to turn on Normandy? She didn't do it for me.
She's doing it for Paul.
You're playing a dangerous game.
You took your shot.
Jason Normandy transferred half a million dollars to professional assassin Anton Robitaille.
Except Robitaille screwed up and killed Paul Faber instead.
Do you get a refund on that? According to Robitaille,he was planning to hit Sebastian at his house the night we picked him up.
That fire alarm scam turned out to be a pretty good idea after all.
Fire alarm scam? You don't want to know.
So Leslie was murdered;Stark was the next target.
The only thing we don't have is motive.
Why did Jason Normandy want them dead? Stark was Normandy's lawyer.
And,as we all know,he's an expert at pissing people off.
Why don't we just ask Sebastian? I tried that.
Whatever went down between him and Normandy, he's not talking.
Cops ran Busby's phone records for the week before he was killed.
Anything we can use? Yeah.
He called Normandy 11 times.
No help there.
He worked for the guy.
Yeah, but there was one other repeat number.
Three one-minute calls to a private residence in Bel Air.
It's Stark.
Hey,shouldn't you be at work? Mental health day.
I was just over at the Fabers'.
How's Natalie? Horrible.
She and her dad were really close.
Listen,I know this is selfish, but I keep thinking it could have been you who died.
I'm not going anywhere.
Okay? The truth, Sebastian.
You want Normandy, and I handed him to you on a silver platter.
Oh, you're in this up to your ass! Now, you need to come clean.
Why did Hank Busby call here the week before Robitaille tried to kill you? Buzz was a hard case.
Drank too much, couldn't handle his dough.
He called for favors sometimes.
PI work.
Bail money.
Over this last year, he started calling more often.
I'd delete his messages without listening to them.
I wish to hell I hadn't deleted that last one.
You haven't been straight with me yet.
Why should I believe you now? Let's take a ride.
14,000 barrels of crude out of these fields every day, right in the heart of Los Angeles.
It's Fascinating.
But what are we doing here? 12 years ago, that firm was taking off.
Finally tapped into the serious money in L.
All the biggest cases.
Trouble is, you always pay a price.
You find out fast that, the bigger the client, the uglier the secrets.
Normandy killed Sarah Belkin.
He was sleeping with her.
Thought she was going to tell his wife.
So your client committed murder and covered it up.
It's a lot worse than that.
You were there.
Did you know what they were up to? No.
Normandy was about to break ground on a new oil field.
We were out here all the time.
Why didn't you report it? Because I was greedy, and I was callous, and I wasn't about to give up everything I had worked for.
You just let him bury that poor girl in the middle of nowhere.
How could you do that? Because all those things you said about me back then-- they were all true.
I never forgot about Sarah though.
So, when her body was discovered, Normandy started cutting all his ties to the murder.
First, he got Busby.
Then he came after me.
This one's bad, Sebastian.
I know.
You need to get Normandy.
That could mean putting you on the stand, making you talk about that night.
You'll lose your license, maybe more.
Do what you need to do.
The defendant, Jason Normandy, is a powerful man.
He started out as an itinerant oil field worker, and built a billion-dollar empire.
The American dream.
But,like so many empires, Mr.
Normandy built his through greed, deceit and violence.
And, whenever the law tried to hold him accountable for his actions, Mr.
Normandy relied on the services of the best lawyers money can buy.
But, to a man like Jason Normandy, eventually even lawyers become expendable.
We will provide proof that Mr.
Normandy hired a professional assassin to kill one of his former attorneys: Mr.
Sebastian Stark.
But things didn't go as Mr.
Normandy planned, and instead another man-- Paul Faber, a beloved husband hud father-- was brutally murdered.
We will provide you with a statement from the contract killer hired by the defendant as well as testimony from one of Mr.
Normandy's current attorneys that will confirm the financial link between this killer and the accused.
Jason Normandy is a powerful man.
He's also a murderer.
Make him pay for his crime.
That was an impressive speech, but the prosecution has failed to provide the most critical element of its burden: motive.
Why would a successful, respected businessman hire someone to kill a man he hadn't even spoken to in five years? Why would Jason Normandy risk everything to kill Sebastian Stark, his former trusted attorney, now a respected prosecutor? Ms.
Devlin must answer those questions.
She must provide a motive for this crime or you must confirm this simple truth: Jason Normandy is innocent.
Jennifer Randolph can tie Normandy to the guy who killed Faber.
Yeah? And I hear it was windy today in Chicago.
Without motive, we're done.
Stark's still not talking? He says his relationship with Normandy is covered by privilege.
Oh, and we both know what a stickler Sebastian is for legal ethics.
Has he told you anything? No.
We've got a major citizen up for murder one.
If Stark's got something to hide, it's going to come out, and I won't let you or Jessica or anyone else protect him.
Randolph, as an attorney at Stark, Bell, you worked with the victim Paul Faber? Yes.
And the defendant Jason Normandy was a client? You performed legal services for him? That's right.
The People's Exhibit A: a wire transfer in the amount of $500,000 from the defendant's account into that of Anton Robitaille, who has admitted to killing Paul Faber.
Do you recognize this document? Ms.
Randolph? The witness will answer.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
As Mr.
Normandy's attorney, my knowledge of that document is privileged.
Randolph, did you not tell my office that you had direct knowledge of the defendant's complicity in the death of Paul Faber? Anything I told your office was under direct threat from prosecutor Sebastian Stark.
Permission to treat the witness as hostile.
The prosecution has obviously had ample opportunity to abuse this witness.
The People have failed to authenticate this document.
It should be excluded from evidence.
-Your Honor -Ms.
Troy, outside of this witness' testimony, do you have any means of authenticating these records? Not at this time.
The defense motion is granted.
The evidence is out, and in light of Ms.
Randolph's testimony, the court will require offer of proof or this case will be dismissed.
Don't tell him you work for me.
Use a blocked line and just get him talking.
Can you excuse us for a minute? What'd you bribe Jennifer with, Frank? Partnership or just straight cash? Jennifer Randolph was protecting her client, plain and simple.
There's nothing plain and simple about protecting a murderer.
Oh, listen to yourself.
You and I built this place doing exactly that and worse.
But at the end of the day, we were loyal to each other.
Paul Faber was the first associate we ever hired.
He gave everything to this firm and it cost him his life.
That bullet wasn't meant for Paul.
You knew about it, didn't you? Normandy never would have made a move on me without talking it over with you first.
Don't make this about me, Sebastian.
This is about original sin.
This is about a night in an oil field 12 years ago when you sold your soul to Jason Normandy.
And what about you, Frank? We sat in this same room that very night and you begged me, you begged me not to turn Normandy in.
I didn't exactly have to twist your arm.
-We were in this together! -Yes, we were! Then you had a dark night of the soul and you left me high and dry.
I left you? You okayed a hit on me as revenge for leaving the firm? Well, that's a serious allegation and awfully hard to prove.
I was serving my client at all costs just like we used to do in the old days.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go draft a motion to dismiss.
I can't let you do this.
Trust me, it's the best thing that ever happened to you.
Why the hell did you bring me here? Well, haven't you heard? Lawyers are a great alibi.
You think I'm going to help you get away with murder? I can give you everything you ever wanted, but I need to know that I can trust you.
Can I trust you, Sebastian? Relax.
Nobody's gonna miss her.
You just let them bury her out there? I'm not proud of it.
It's the biggest mistake of my life.
It was accessory to murder.
I'm not making any excuses.
I screwed up.
This girl had a family.
They never found out what happened to her.
And I live with that every day of my life.
Listen, I can't defend what you did, but without Jennifer Randolph's testimony, the judge is just gonna dismiss the case anyway Actually, the judge denied the motion to dismiss.
based on the addition of a new witness.
What witness? You're looking at him.
I had Danny submit my name.
What? It's the only way to put Normandy away.
You do that, you'll be disbarred for sure.
Not to mention facing cricinal charges.
It's the right thing to do.
We need to at least discuss this.
There's nothing to discuss.
I can't change what I did.
But at least I can tell the truth.
What's up? I need to tell you something.
It's gonna be hard for you to hear, but you need to hear it.
I've done a lot of bad things.
Things I'm not proud of.
-I know that, Dad.
Just listen.
12 years ago I worked for a man named Jason Normandy.
I thought it was gonna be my big break.
But I ended up selling my soul to the devil.
There was a young Mr.
Stark, you used to be the defendant's attorney,correct? Yes.
And how would you characterize thaT relationship? I'd say it was mutually beneficial.
In fact,during those years, Mr.
Normandy's company doubled in size, while your firm became the highest-grossing litigation practice in Los Angeles.
That's right.
And once you stopped directly representing Mr.
Normandy, did you part on good terms? Quite good.
Then, why would he hire a hit man to kill you? Objection! I think Paul Faber's family deserves an answer, Your Honor.
The question calls for speculation.
Actually, it doesn't.
I know exactly why the defendant wanted me dead.
Your Honor, the witness is still bound by attorney-client privilege for all events that transpired during his employment by Mr.
Normandy is a cold-blooded killer.
Objection! -We would request some latitude, Your Honor.
The issue of privilege must be resolved before Mr.
Stark's testimony continues.
-Your Honor.
This man was a -One more word and I will have you forcibly removed from the stand.
We are in recess.
You always did love the theatrics,Sebastian.
Your client is responsible for the deaths of Sarah Belkin and Paul Faber, so how about you wipe that damn smile off your face? Can we get this over with? I've got a business to run.
You're not walking away from this.
He already has.
Privilege prevents you from testifying about the alleged events of Sarah Belkin's death.
Without that testimony, you have no case.
I taught you better than that, Frank.
Privilege only applies when there's an expectation of privacy.
Hank Busby was with us in that oil field that night, and unless he had a secret life, he was no lawyer.
Busby's presence violates the expectation of privacy.
And hence eliminates privilege.
Hey, you should have brought Frank along to dig the hole instead.
Very impressive, Sebastian, just one small problem.
Hank Busby is no longer with us, so it might be kinda tough to get him to verify his part in this.
You kown what's this Let me just -I can being.
-You are so good, but unless you've learned how to raise the dead, this case is over.
You mind telling me what the hell we're doing out here? We're meeting someone.
After the day I've had, this place doesn't seem so bad.
What you tried to do today, it took a lot of balls.
Well, that doesn't make upfor not having any for the past 12 years.
You did a stupid thing.
You tried to make up for it.
Maybe you should let it go.
Tell that to Sarah Belkin.
Actually, that's why we're here.
The coroner released her body.
They buried her this afternoon.
What are you trying to prove, Danny? That I got blood on my hands? Believe me, I know it.
Normandy killed Sarah Belkin 12 years ago, not you.
And I watched him bury her and I didn't do a damn thing Well, you tried to do something about that today and guess what, Stark? Sarah Belkin is still dead,and nothing is gonna change that.
You don't get it, do you? I broke a lot of rules coming up.
Did my share of damage.
But we were in the big leagues, playing for blood, and everybody knew the rules.
But this, this was an innocent girl, and she never had a chance.
You really want to take Normandy down? I have to.
No matter what it costs? Letting him walk would cost a whole hell of a lot more.
What's this? Hank Busby called your house a week before he died.
And I deleted those messages.
Working mob cases, you get to be kind of an expert in this stuff.
The phone messages are never truly deleted.
They're saved on the phone company server.
As a .
wav file, I know, but they even delete those calls after ten days.
Got a guy inside the server company.
He can dig out anything.
Did you listen to it? Puts Busby at the scene 12 years ago.
Which means, you can testify against Normandy and put him away.
Look, Stark.
You and I have had our share of problems.
You're arrogant, condescending,abusive Thank you.
But you're also the best damn lawyer I've ever seen.
And you're doing a lot of good.
So, before you use that, ask yourself Is it really worth it? They found Sarah Belkin's body.
The cops are asking questions about that night.
When Normandy finds out, he's gonna come after us both.
Stark, call me.
Your Honor, forensic analysis confirms that was the voice of Hank Busby.
Based on this evidence privilege is waived.
Stark may testify to the events surrounding the death of Sarah Belkin as they relate to the murder of Paul Faber.
Your Honor, we request an opportunity to discuss a plea with the prosecution.
The people will not pursue a plea in this matter,Your Honor.
Stark, did u witness the defendant dispose of the body of Sarah Belkin in 1995? Yes.
That might be the bravest thing I've ever seen anyone do.
You need to get out more.
Normandy's gonna spend the rest of his life in jail.
We may be sharing a cell.
Save your breath, Leo.
My resignation'll be on your desk in the morning.
I'm not gonna fire you.
-Why not? -You win.
I like that.
I'm also not gonna file charges against you for covering up Sarah Belkin's death.
Why do I sense a massive "but" coming? I got a call from the California State Bar.
They're opening up an investigation.
There's a good chance you'll be disbarred.

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