Being Human (US) s02e13 Episode Script

It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To

Previously, on Being Human.
No one in our world is gonna have anything to do with ***.
I am banished from all vampires under penalty of death.
I have to go back, as long as we keep running your life is in danger.
Ghosts have started appearing.
I'm trapped, forever.
Because some ghost just took the wrong door, Limbo, that's what we're calling it.
Josh, I know how to leave this curse it's about finding the man who turned you.
If you find him, and kill him, you're free.
I will protect you.
It's too late.
I loved you enough Josh.
You just never believed it.
(Sally): I was a good child.
I did my homework, ate my vegetables Josh! kissed my mother goodnight.
(Sighing) I heard every word.
Let's not go in there.
You whispered miles away.
l'm here now.
Can't just leave.
How would that look? It will look smart, Josh.
Some were obscured The easiest person for them to hate right now is you.
But others struck my good ear plain as day (Crying) (Sally): I was patient.
I was kind.
But I'm starting to think that good things don't actually come to those who wait.
The cardiograph We behaved as well as we could for as long as we could.
And now it's time to try something else.
Can I help you? Beat down the door.
I'm sorry.
'Cause I don't owe you anything any more .
You would've been content to never see me again.
Hey, if this is gonna be the last time we talk, can we at least have some satisfying answers? Come one, please, just give me something to make sense of this.
Sense? Logic? None of that matters.
You know that.
Never forget how old Mother and I are.
Matters like this are primal with her! Yeah, like love is primal? Like survival is primal.
I'm sorry.
I was weak.
See, she's made you believe that you are, but I know that we could've been strong.
If you had just held on just a little while longer, you would've known that I did it.
I I secured asylum with the Dutch.
I didn't doubt you would.
Well, then why? Why would you give up? (Siren wailing in distance) Just just tell me the truth.
Because you would've paid for my indiscretions with your life.
(Sighing) I told you.
I tried to warn you.
Mother wouldn't let me run.
She wouldn't rest until I came back to her, until you were dead.
You're safe now, Aidan.
That's why I came back.
You're free.
After all this after decades, do you really think that freedom, freedom won like this, do you think it really means anything to me without you? The cardiograph.
Huh? No, I don't accept your conditions.
Beeped a rhythm I could shuffle to .
I told you I was weak.
Beat down the door.
You're my weakness.
But I don't owe you anything any more .
You can't ask me to watch you die.
I'm shutting your office door You won the battle but lost the war No one's lording Over me now Ooh, ooh (Sally):We came screaming into this world.
Ain't got no power over me.
How can we possibly leave it without a fight? Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh .
You know what I was thinking on the drive down here? Hmm? For most people, going home is a safety net, a place to hide until the worst passes.
And there's no hiding here for me any more.
I'm the monster they wanna keep out.
People are in shock.
They're grieving.
Which is not to say that you're not No, you are right.
I shouldn't have come.
It was selfish.
I thought I could redeem myself to them.
I was so close to redeeming myself to her.
But you did.
(Scoffs) I saw you two together.
What you saw was me holding on to something that was never gonna happen.
I can't imagine how horrible it must've been for you being there.
But you didn't do this.
You don't understand.
This would never have happened if I wasn't how I am.
You had no control over the situation.
Don't let something random clog the truth.
(Cell phone vibrating) What is it? I don't know.
(Siren wailing) Josh.
I would've come sooner.
I just got the messages.
What? Oh God.
You're still my emergency contact.
(Sighing) I'm sorry.
I never changed it.
No, don't be sorry.
Was it the, uh eclipse? Yeah.
I was here, working.
Kaufman let me back.
It's a concussion? They're worried about swelling? That's why I'm in observation.
(Sighing) I tried to make it down to the isolation room, but on that last flight of stairs Yeah.
Josh, I'm sorry.
I heard what happened.
I was I was gonna tell her the truth.
And then she saw me.
You can't blame yourself.
Who do you want me to blame? Ray? (Sighing) I've thought about it.
If there were ever a time grab the gun, go to his house and then what? Kill him, free myself and leave you where? Cursed.
And I promised you I would find a way to fix this.
I can't do this to you.
You haven't.
I've made my decision.
But you don't know everything you need to know.
What do you mean? The curse, it's in the bloodline.
If you kill your maker, you don't just cure yourself.
You cure whoever you made.
I wanted you to choose for you, not for me.
And when you decided not to kill Ray, I was relieved, Josh.
(Sighing) I was.
I wouldn't want you to become a man who could kill another man.
I know what that would do to you.
Please, Josh.
You can't.
Promise me.
I promise.
(Birds chirping) Danny called it "limbo".
No, what? Danny? Yeah.
That happened.
About limbo, he told me a way in.
I take another ghost's door.
(Sighing) Just so you're clear, that ghost goes crazy.
I mean, that's what happens, right? Did Danny happen to mention how to get out? So I give up? The way Suren gave up? I just I need to make it right.
She thinks that she's done me a favour.
Maybe it's better you two were only together for a few months.
It was a little longer than that.
I'm here.
I didn't forget.
(Bird trilling) (Sighing) Suren.
(Mother): Useless and sentimental.
(Sighing) Forgive me.
I thought that you were away.
So you intrude on my estate? Only once a year, on the day of her burial.
My daughter can't see you or hear you.
You think she can sense you, standing above her grave, that she takes comfort from that? Respectfully, but it's been 5 years.
The longer she stays underground No one's mind can handle that.
If you dig her up now, she'd be grateful.
You think I'm doing this to hurt her? (Door closing) (Birds chirping) I'm sorry about Julia.
I'm guessing it's not a good thing that you're back here.
I'm gonna kill Ray.
With a gun, with Hegeman's gun.
For Nora.
I can cure her if I kill him.
And don't even try to stop me.
I've made up my mind.
If you could get Ray into that shed where the twins were, can you do that? I think so, yeah.
Can you do it tonight? Good.
I'll meet you there, just as soon as I kill Mother.
Too many people have suffered.
She's gotta go.
So you're helping me.
You want me to help you or Mmmmm.
I got it.
You two are totally about to go on 2 separate killing sprees for women.
(Whispering): That is so hot.
I'm gonna kill a man.
Kill Mother? Are you insane? Have you even thought this through? There's nothing to think.
She's ruined enough lives.
That's not what it's about.
It's about her ruining your life! And Suren's and forcing her to live a life that she hates.
She walked right back into that life and that's because of me, Henry.
This is suicide! Not with your help, it isn't.
My help? (Scoffing) Of course.
It's too late.
Now that Boston's under control, Mother's leaving the state, maybe for years.
OK, then we'll think about today.
I don't see how.
Mother's called the council to her lake house tonight before she leaves.
Part going-away party, part recognizing Suren as the new leader of Boston.
(Chuckling) That's great! Yeah, that's just like Mother, congratulate Suren in the same place that you've imprisoned her for 80 years! (Exhales sharply) Are you gonna be there? I've been put on guard detail.
Good, then we'll do it there.
Kill Mother at her own house, surrounded by the entire council? Pretty much.
You'd be dead before you got within spitting distance of her.
Not if she never sees us coming.
Oh the faithful one.
You're early this year.
Or is it late? and still you cling to your humanity.
I can feel it! It's disgusting! Uh, Mother, you just fed.
Let me walk you back to the house.
My daughter fell to pieces over a love affair! She slaughtered a human in front of humans.
Yes, she did.
And you've made her pay dearly for it.
The punishment is only enough when she realizes it isn't punishment at all.
But Suren's mastering her emotions.
She's getting stronger.
DO YOU HEAR ME? (Sobs) (Birds chirping) No.
Not the house.
Did you ever really Love me? Did you ever really care Root cellar.
(Chuckling) This is where you sleep? I prefer it here.
The dark, the quiet, the sweetness of blood.
This is how I spend Suren's anniversary.
Doesn't have to be an anniversary.
If you wanted to, you could be with her today.
Did you have a child, Aidan, as a human? Yeah.
Yeah, I did.
Then you know what that love is.
So strong, it weakens you.
When I gave birth to Suren, for a moment, I couldn't breathe for looking at her.
Human mother, human child.
And then I gave her eternity.
Something that my son taught me is that when I punished him (Chuckles) he only rebelled more.
But I learned that he would do anything for me out of love.
You know what savaging is? Amongst animals? A tiger licks the afterbirth from her newborn litter, rousing them to life.
And if one cub doesn't rouse she may kill it and eat it the weak one who won't survive.
If you're so concerned that Suren is weak, why are you trying so hard to break her? Problem is I only have one.
Aidan Don't come back here ever again.
Did you ever really love me? Or did you Tell a lie? The only time that Mother is weak enough to attack is when she's sleeping in that cellar.
What about the guards? Well, you're gonna have to take them out before I get there.
And then you're gonna have to leave me a signal.
Here's what you're gonna do.
You tie this rag to a tree branch near mother's cellar door.
And then, Henry, you just get the hell out of there.
Hey, everyone wins.
We take care of Mother, we all get what we want.
You get what you want.
I'm beginning to wonder if you even know what I want.
I gave you my blood.
Now you have to give this to me.
Sticking with this plan, it's the only help that I need.
Now, can you do that for me? What if you lose? Well, then I want you to know that I am very proud of the man that you've become.
Does it have to be the gun? No, he just has to die at my hands.
Because I was thinking, what's he got going on in that landscaping truck? What, you think I should mow Ray down? I'm just saying if you're bad with the gun I'm not bad with the gun, OK? Do you have any idea how many gang members are kids who've never even touched a gun and they kill people all the time? No, that's fantastic logic.
Are you gonna wear that shirt? Why? Because it's my favourite shirt.
And if you shoot him, you're gonna have to burn it because of the gunpowder! Evidence or something.
Which is why I'm saying you should just hack him up with some of those professional garden shears.
Yeah, no, that's a great idea, wildly attacking him with some rusty shears is way less messy than shooting him.
What the hell am I doing? I don't know what the hell I'm doing! I mean, how how am I supposed to get Ray to meet me in the middle of the friggin' woods? I know how.
We have to hurry.
It's just a flat, Ray.
I could call a tow.
No, no.
I don't like you sitting out there like that.
Let me come out.
I'm on the bend, Bassett Creek Road.
OK, got it.
(Whispering): OK.
I'm fine.
It's fine.
We're fine.
(Grunts) (Crow cawing) He'll be here soon.
I better go.
This has to work, for everyone's sake.
But if it does You'll be human.
You won't be able to see me any more.
And it might be in harm's way As long as I'm with you At the end of a long I can't help thinking that for our one and only hug, it would be better if you weren't possessing the wife of the man I'm about to I know.
I'm so glad I met you.
And I mean this in the best way possible when I say that I hope I don't see you again till you're really old and dead.
We may feel like folding.
(Inhaling deeply) But as long as love is holding The hands of me and you.
I knew you'd slip, Sally.
Henry? Aidan.
I'm sorry.
(Groaning) (Crows cawing) ( Beethoven's FĂĽr Elise ) (Guests chattering) Suren, darling.
What is it? Why dig me up, Mother? It was time.
I missed you what you could be.
So many years I laid there, wondering what it was you saw in me or didn't.
If you could only see what I see.
You will, sooner than you know.
(Woman on PA): Anne Winters to E.
Anne Winters to E.
At least the joint I haunt has basic cable.
What are you doing here? Mom, do you love me? What kind of question is that? 'Cause I need you to do something for me.
I need you to shred me.
I'll show you how to do it.
It's basically It's ending me.
Sally It's not forever, I hope.
I need to go to limbo.
And I think that there's a way out, and I You think? Sally, no.
No! You're being silly.
I ruin lives.
Dozens of them.
You stood in front of me and you wondered what you could do to help me? This is what you can do.
By ripping you up? Honey you need to find peace with This is the only way, Mom! This or I steal some innocent ghost's door, which is exactly the kind of messed up behaviour that I'm trying to avoid.
You're my family.
You're supposed to want to do this for me.
I am your mother.
My job was to keep you alive.
I'm sorry for whatever it is you think you've done, but you need to accept it and move on.
You never wanted to help me.
You just wanted to make yourself feel better.
Sally? (Whooshing) Nora.
Oh my God! Are you OK? Yeah, yeah.
I will be.
Are you OK? Anthony Mercer, extension 5432.
Anthony Mercer No.
Everybody I try to help, Janet, Josh, or what I do it doesn't matter.
What do you mean Josh? Mark Sanford to radiology.
Mark Sanford How did you help Josh? What did you do? (Birds chirping) Val? Babe? (Click) Turn around and start walking.
- Where's my wife, Josh? - She's fine! Move now.
I would like to thank you all for being here tonight.
It is a celebration of my leave of New England, but most of all of my daughter.
I could not be more proud of her efforts to bring Boston to bear, which is why I have chosen tonight to announce Suren as my successor.
(Murmurings) Nothing is permanent in this world, not even us.
It's high time a succession plan stood in place.
Mother, I don't know what to say.
Bring him.
(Suren): Aidan! (Groaning) What is this? Your finest moment, dear.
Kill him, Suren (Groans) and your birthright will be earned.
Over there.
Aidan? Come on, come on.
Were you expecting somebody? (Breathing heavily) (Whispering): OK - If I can just talk to you - Shut up! Get down on the ground.
- Josh.
- GET DOWN NOW! Down! (Breathing unevenly) You told me to leave you be, Josh.
I did that! You found me.
Shut up! Shut up! Look, I never told you.
Meeting you, your friends, it made me a different man.
You saw them.
My wife, my kid.
You made me want a better life.
- It's all lies, Ray.
- No, Josh! Damn you for pretending like it could be any different! The eclipse.
It knocked you for a loop too.
The eclipse, you, my fiancée.
Nothing changes, Ray.
No matter what we try to do, no matter how we try to spin it, one way or another, the wolf destroys it all.
And I've been there, Josh.
We can help each other.
There's only one way you can help me.
All I have to do is kill you and everyone I've cursed and they've cursed, they're free.
- What are you talking about? - The bloodline, Ray.
The what? You think killing me is gonna free you of something, make you some sort of hero? You pull that trigger and you are the monster, Josh, not the wolf, not me! All this time, I've been beating myself up living half a life.
(Roaring) I tried to find a cure.
(Groaning) I tried to find a way to make this right.
And all this time (Gunshot) it was you.
(Click) (Nora): Josh! Josh! (Car honking) Mom? You're right.
I should've been here.
It's fine.
It's in the past.
I know you're in pain.
I just wanna make it right, and I don't know how.
(Birds chirping) Hey, I'm proud of you.
Seriously? You are so much stronger and more selfless now than you were when you were alive.
See? Everyone agrees, Sally.
You're better with me.
I did terrible things to get here.
So we make mistakes, and how we got here was tragic, but it still isn't wrong to say that I'm looking forward to the time we have together now.
Your door.
(Whispering): Oh my God! Mother, this isn't necessary.
I've made my choice.
You have my complete devotion.
You know that.
Why waste our time with this heretic? Because you will never lay claim to your birthright as long as you allow yourself to be held captive by distractions such as him! Suren.
It's OK.
I can't.
(Gulps) Do it.
(Sighing) Kill him, Suren.
(Aidan grunts) Kill him! You didn't call the council here to watch me succeed, did you? You wanted them here to witness my failure.
Then prove me wrong.
Prove that you're worthy.
Prove that I did not put you into the ground in vain.
Show them all that a leader, a true leader, is stronger than her emotions.
Kill him! (Crying) I'm sorry.
(Sobs) I'm sorry, Mother.
I can't.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
I understand.
It's over.
(Sighing) Shhh I love him, Mother.
(Crying) I know.
And I love you.
(Gasps) (Whimpers) (Whimpers) (Fangs click) (Roaring) - Grab him! - Ah! (Panting) (Grunting) Oh, no! No! She was never going to be you.
Why couldn't you just see that? Why couldn't you just leave her be? Now you have to live with what you did! (Bird screeching) (Branch cracking) (Groans) Full moon's still a week out! (Grunting) But I don't need the wolf to end you, boy.
(Groaning) But I can't go now.
You have to.
I am not leaving you like this.
I'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
Didn't you say if you took someone else's door No, Mom.
You're not doing that for me.
Take it.
Sure, Sally.
Take it.
Leave your mother to go mad.
That's so selfish.
You just don't want me to save them! They don't deserve it! - Sally? - You don't understand.
I don't know if you're gonna get another one.
You could go crazy like me! So you'll help me when you get back.
(Groaning) Oh! Please don't worry.
We'll find each other.
I'll be OK.
But I can't leave this up to chance.
- No! - Aaah! (Screaming) (Whimpers) (Gasping) (Both grunting) You thought you could win, huh? I made you, Josh, and your weakness is my biggest disappointment! (Groaning) Come on! Huh? Let's do this your way, huh? (Gun clicks) Put it down! Put it down! Nora? The famished ache you will soon come to feel is something very few can understand, and the eternal madness that results is a fate worse than no other.
I can think of a worse fate.
Living in eternity, knowing that you killed the only one that ever loved you.
Close it.
(Earth pattering) (Breathing rapidly) A bullet in me is the same as a bullet in him, sweetheart.
Nora, he's he's right! Shoot me, save yourself.
Shoot me! Nora.
Do it! Do it! Shoot me! Do it! (Gunshots) (Siren wailing in distance, car honking) (Man):the winds out of the east at 14 miles (Radio tuning) (Sally):Aidan? Josh? Can you hear me? I made it! I need your help! Please.
I think I made a big mistake! We are on our way
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