Friday Night Lights s02e13 Episode Script

Humble Pie

Black on white actually run in the family? You leave my sister alone.
You got one of ours.
Why shouldn't we get one of yours, you know what I mean? Chris Kennedy.
Lyla Garrity.
You are an interesting girl.
You make me feel too much, Landry.
is just a little time to think about things.
I can't just keep waiting around until you finally realize it.
I can't.
I don't know what else to do.
Good night.
What are we gonna do about the house, Billy? We got to come up with $2,000 in two weeks.
Get your crap and let's get out of here.
What are you doing? Come on.
It's our mortgage.
We just stole $3,000 from one of the biggest drug dealers in Dillon.
I do not need a new transmission.
Hold on, just let the man talk.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, gentlemen.
The transmission's shot.
I'm gonna have to pull the housing off, reset the flywheel, and while I'm in there, I might as well drop in a new throw out bearing.
Oh, why not? Why not? You're throwing the rest of the damn car away.
How much is this gonna cost? Four or five grand.
Dear God Almighty, does that at least come with an orgasm or what? We'll know better once we get in there and see what all's wrong with it Four grand? This car's not even worth four grand.
You're talking about old Bessy.
I think she might You told me she was in tip-top shape when you sold it to me.
Well, I know her 'cause I told you years ago that if you didn't take better care of old Bessy and rebuild old Bessy's transmission, that this was gonna happen.
What? Years ago? Years ago? You knew about this? What? I don't think we should be talking You looked me in the eyes and said Buddy! Buddy, can you get in here! Hey, hey! Jason! Hey, Herc! Hey, guys, come on.
God dang, Jason, I have never seen you act like that.
What's wrong with you, son? I'm sorry, Mr.
Garrity, it's just that That guy, he sold me a bad truck.
He sold me a bad truck and now it's gonna cost me $4,000 to get it fixed.
You know how much money I have to my name? No, I do not.
Well, Jason, maybe you're just gonna You're just gonna have to do without a car for a while.
Garrity, you Listen, you don't understand what it's like to have to rely on people to get you around all over town, to have rides everywhere.
I don't even fit in most of my friends' cars, you know? It's just At the end of the day, I'm just gonna have to pay for this truck and hopefully I won't run out of money anytime after that and then have to move back in with my parents.
Jason, you ever thought about selling cars? Well, lookie here.
Timmy Boy Riggins.
What's going on, man? What's going down? Not much, you know, just doing my thing, I guess.
You don't come around very often anymore.
Ferrets miss you.
They're depressed.
Anyways, the boys and I are fixing to go hunting.
Grab some beer and come with us? Actually, I got to take care of some stuff, so Yeah.
Got to do what you got to do, huh? All right, man.
All right, you guys have a good day, all right? Listen, Tim.
Hold on, man.
I miss you, you know? I'm worried about you.
Worried you might get in with the wrong people.
Do something stupid.
That's alcohol abuse.
Now, why don't you tell me where the hell my money is? How'd that taste? You've got till the end of the week, pretty boy.
Or I'll shoot your knees off.
Let's go.
Good luck at the game on Friday.
Yes? Ma'am, is Brian Williams your son? Yes, he is.
Can I help you? We have a warrant for his arrest, ma'am.
An arrest warrant? For what? On assault charges.
Brian! I need you to step out.
What? Wait a minute.
Brian Williams? Sorry, Mama.
Step on out.
What's going on here? An arrest warrant for what? Come on out.
Something happened last week.
Look, I can't tell you now, but it's gonna be okay.
Did he just say assault? I can't tell you.
Well, you don't have to put no handcuffs on him! Wait, you all didn't serve no papers or nothing! You all just gonna take him away? What's going on here? Watch your head.
I don't understand! Brian! I need someone else to come out there and coach that damn volleyball team.
TAMl: Sure.
Coach Peema up and leaves right in the middle.
Right in the middle of the season.
She up and leaves.
Can't be you though, that's for sure.
Even if you are athletic director.
TAMl: Can you butter some toast there for me, babe? Thank you.
I'd love to butter you some toast.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Well, why Honey, why are you looking at me like that? You know I can't do it.
I don't have time.
Listen to me.
You used to play varsity volleyball.
You know the sport.
Well, sweetheart, that is irrelevant.
Did you not just say to me that you want more exercise? But, sweetie, I'm overextended.
I've got Gracie Belle Yes.
Well, there you go.
You'd get to work with the girls, you'd get the exercise.
Let me tell you something about these girls, they've got lots of spunk.
Dad, they're zero and seven this year.
They're failing miserably.
They're rebuilding.
You be quiet and eat your breakfast.
Yeah, TAMl: Challenge at best.
Listen, it is three weeks.
Four at most.
Hello? When? Yeah, I'll be down there.
All right, thanks, Bill.
All right.
All right.
What's up? What's going on? I got to go to the police station.
Smash is down there.
What? I don't know any more.
I'll see you in a little.
Hey, and thank you.
You're a good woman.
You'll all know this is one of the finest quarterbacks we've ever had here in Dillon.
And he's gonna be a fine sales associate.
Welcome him to our team.
I want you all to treat him like family, teach him the ropes.
Have a good day, Jason.
It'll be good.
Thank you, Mr.
All right.
First off, I just Can you believe this? We're not selling any cars as it is.
Now we got competition in a wheelchair.
That's just great.
That's great for my mortgage.
He couldn't have done this.
Tell me you did not do this.
Mama, I told you, he was talking smack to Noannie.
What? I'm supposed to let it happen? You're supposed to walk away.
I done told you a million times you got to be better than other people.
Let me lay out your options.
If we make a case that Brian felt threatened and was defending himself, could lead to a messy trial.
If he is found guilty, it's likely a judge will throw the book at him.
On the other hand, given that the injuries weren't too severe and Smash is a respected athlete, I'm pretty sure I can get the ADA to cut a deal.
A deal? What kind of deal? Well, he pleads guilty to a misdemeanor, then we'll go No.
No, hell no.
Listen to this man now.
I don't need to listen to Listen to your mother.
Would you, please? Now look here, I'm not gonna sit up here and let you throw away everything because of your big, ignorant ego.
Do you hear me? And if making a deal makes this thing go away, we're gonna listen to what this man has to say.
Now please, go on.
Good afternoon.
I appreciate you taking the time to allow me to speak on the altercation I had last week involving two white teenagers.
I struck someone, which I shouldn't have done.
And I want to apologize to him and everyone for doing so.
I also want to make it clear that I've learned from my mistakes and assure you all that it will not happen again.
One witness said he insulted the girl you were with.
Is that true, Smash? Coach, how's your team feel about this? Just a couple more questions here, please.
With a container of one liter, S is three squared centimeters, L is five.
That gives us The frequency would be 130 hertz.
Hundred thirty.
Landry Clarke.
Just the man I need to see.
Hey, Tyra.
Long time no see.
Um Hi, I'm Jean.
This is Jean.
I'm sorry, this is Jean.
This is Tyra.
Tyra, this is Jean.
Old buddy of mine.
So, biology quiz.
So I'm supposed to know about, like, this rat experiment that says fewer calories lead to a longer life or something like that.
It's actually a trick question.
The rats that died sooner were fed more sugar and yeast.
So it's sort of a question of dietary restriction more than anything else.
Yeah, it Dietary restriction.
Thanks, Landry.
Appreciate that.
I'm gonna get a Coke.
You want anything? Yeah, I'm okay.
It was nice meeting you.
She's got cool hair, huh? So, using your tutoring skills to seduce freshman now? Is that it? That's funny.
It's not, actually We actually we got paired up for a physics project, so this is kind of mandatory Wait, she's in your physics class? She looks like she's twelve.
She's not twelve.
She may have skipped a grade or two, but she's not Oh, well, good luck with that.
Thank you.
Hallelujah, praise thy name For falling down on me Hallelujah, all my days Just the drums and the voices sing.
Hallelujah Hallelujah, praise thy name The only way to really heal the ravages of sin is to put our trust in the Lord.
Give our hearts over to him.
And if we do, miracles will come into our lives.
Yeah! Do you feel the Lord in your hearts? Do you feel him? Do you feel it? Do you feel the Lord in your hearts? Do you feel alive? Do you feel that a friend has come here tonight? I am a friend of God! Hey.
I am a friend of yours.
I got to talk to you, Lyla.
Tim, what are you doing here? I got to talk to you, that's why I'm here.
This is not the place.
What happened to your face? I got beat up by three meth addicts yesterday.
That's what happened to my face.
What? Why did you get beat up by three meth addicts? Because I stole $3,000, that's why.
Why would you steal $3,000 from meth addicts? It's not important right now.
What's important is I want to talk you.
Tim, I think you should leave.
Come to my place tomorrow night so we can talk.
Come? I'm not coming to your place.
is to put our trust in the Lord.
I have something important to tell you.
Stop it.
Tim, I'm not coming to your place.
Please go.
Hallelujah! Say yes and I'll leave.
Fine, I'll come to your place.
For sure? Tell me you're coming and I'm gone.
I'm coming.
It's amazing Who am I? Who am I that you are mine who will love me That you keep me That you hear me When I call TAMl: Not bad.
Watch out! Okay.
Good start.
Heads up! Over the net! TAMl: Tim! Thanks, just pick up the balls.
You're here to help not to coach.
Oh, sweetie.
Now let's try to see if we can get one back this time, y'all.
Talk to each other.
Talk to each other.
Not mine, not mine! Well, I didn't hear a thing that time! Talk to each other! Focus and I want to hear you! So, the engine has 217 horsepower and 217 pound-foot of torque.
The interior's pretty, pretty roomy.
Plus the UltraLux seating will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summertime.
We're sold, man.
You have the dual front stage air bags.
You have the head-curtain I don't think you understand.
We actually want to buy the car right now.
We've made up our mind.
All right.
Jason Street, please report to the sales lounge.
Jason to the lounge.
That's me.
Make sure you Make sure you are in love with the car, then we'll start the paperwork, okay? Hi.
Thank you.
What do you need? What do you think you're doing? Oh, I'm selling a car.
They wanna buy that car.
That's great.
That's great.
We have rules around here that we all follow, starting with the point.
The point system? Point? The point system, okay.
The point system says, the higher your sales figures the higher you are in rotation.
If you're number one, as I am, it means you get the first customer through the door at the top of every hour.
Second on the list get the next and so on.
Got it? Yeah.
Nobody told me yesterday.
That's okay.
You're new, you're forgiven.
Well, thank you.
Just check with me next time, okay? Okay.
Sure thing.
Will do.
How do I look? Great.
You know it.
Hear we got a new Malibu owner.
So, have you heard of this girl Jane? She's in Landry's physics class.
She has blonde dreads, glasses, short.
There's a girl Jean.
She's in my geometry class with the pink hair.
She's She's interesting, to say the least.
She's I mean, she's a brainiac.
Into like cult movies and music and stuff like that.
How was coaching today, honey? Oh, it was so great, honey.
Those girls are so spunky, some of them don't even know the rules of the game.
First day of coaching, it's always a reality check, sweetheart.
You did not give full disclosure on that one and that is for sure.
Hey, can you girls put those chips away, please? We're having dinner right now.
Where do they go? Above the fridge.
Can you put that on the table, sweetie? This casserole is something else.
Thank you, sweetie.
You know, I never realized you were so tall.
TAMl: How about that? You're a tall drink of water.
You know what that'd be great for? Volleyball.
Mom, drop it.
TAMl: Have you ever thought about that? I mean, it'd be great for your college apps, sweetie.
Oh, no.
Really? I'm gonna watch this game.
Oh, okay, sweetie.
You bet.
Enjoy that.
You know, and the colleges, when they look at the applications, they look at, sort of, the big picture, which is why the sports would be a great addition to that for you.
She came over for dinner, Mom, not to get lectured about volleyball.
The thing that I love about athletics, it's mind-body-spirit, you know? And I look at you and I see that that would be something real good for you.
You look at me and you see a spiker.
Well, I do look at you and I see a spiker.
Do you know what I see? I see a kick-ass spiker.
Nothing wrong with that.
, why can't you just be honest and just ask me for a favor? Which is what you're getting at right now.
Well, you know what? It would be a favor to me.
It would be a favor to me.
And certainly not that you owe me anything, Tyra, but, you know, I think it would also be very good for you.
So what are you doing? You want to get together later? Grab a movie? Dinner? Something? Yeah, I Hang out? I'd love to, but I told my mom I'd babysit Buddy, Jr.
Everything okay? Yeah, yeah, everything's fine.
I'll call you later.
How you doing? I'm okay, how are you? I'm all right.
Come on in.
I Oh, sit down.
I made some chicken.
You what? I made some chicken.
Like really good.
Oh, no, no, no, Tim.
No, seriously.
Just, no, just No.
Just sit down, please.
This isn't me, I'm sorry.
These candles, I don't even I don't even know what that was.
I just got to get something off my chest, Garrity.
No, I don't think that's a good idea.
I need to go home.
What? Don't Garrity, I love you.
What? I love you.
How am I supposed to react to that? Brutal honesty.
It's never gonna happen.
What is this? Because of I feel like I have to go.
The Christiansen guy? No.
Or what? You can't tell me that you share whatever we had with this guy.
You can't tell me that he knows everything I know about you.
You can't tell me that.
I don't believe you.
Be honest with yourself for two seconds, and look me in the eye and tell me that you don't feel the way I feel about you, and then I'll move on.
I don't feel the way you feel about me.
Move on.
Beautiful! That's what I'm talking about.
See? Told you, you could do this, Tyra.
There you go! Let's get a smile on that face.
You having fun? No.
Start having Uh-huh, that's fun! You are getting this.
Now, I want you to put some power behind it.
I was I'm trying to put power behind it.
Well, put some Put some of that Tyra power behind it.
There you go.
There you go.
Ball in.
Let me talk to you for a second.
You can do this.
You have got the skill.
You've got the You've got the height, just like I knew.
So, I'm so proud of you.
Now what we need to do is we need to get you We need to get that Tyra power behind it.
Tim, if you hit me with that ball Now what I want is I want you to find a way to get that That energy into it.
Well, I'm trying that.
Put something in your head that just drives you crazy, that just bugs you and then make that be the ball, and you just slam on it, you know what I mean? Can you get something like that in your brain? Yeah.
I think I think I can think of something.
That's my girl.
All right.
Come on now.
Let's see it.
Come on, Tyra.
TAMl: Uh-huh, I knew it.
TAMl: Now we're going! TAMl: Hit it.
Hit it right at him.
This bad boy has all the advantages of a hybrid.
Hey, but if you need to, you can lock the electric motors out of the drive train when extreme engine power is needed to haul a huge load, okay? This thing can tow about, I don't know, it's about 6,000 pounds.
Yeah, I don't know.
Well, did you like the way it drove? Oh, yeah.
Okay, well, look, if it's a matter of price, or cost, we could probably talk to my supervisor No, it's just, I'm I'm just gonna look around a little more.
All right? But thanks.
No problem.
Come back if you make up your mind.
Hey, J.
Figure it out.
How's it going, babe? Get him? Get him? No.
It's How's it going? It's going horribly.
That's how it's going.
I just I'm not cut out for this.
I'm terrible at this job.
You know Mr.
Garrity, I just spent two-and-a-half hours with a customer who just walked out on me for no reason right when I thought I was gonna get him.
Right then and there.
On top of everything else, the whole crew here hates me 'cause I messed up the point system.
So that's how everything's going, sir.
The what? The what? The point system.
The where the top seller has the They told you there was a point system? Yes, sir.
God! Did Annabel tell you that? Wait, there's no point system? No, there's no point system.
They lied to you.
I can't believe that little filly.
Wait a minute, she lied to me? Yeah, she did.
Just don't worry about it.
Hey, you keep your head up.
And Gerald, the guy that just came in here, he's a tire kicker.
He's a Looky Loo, is what I call him.
He comes in here every week, twice a week, he looks, he never buys.
Now you just refocus.
Next person that comes in, you find out what they want to hear, you tell it to them.
It's just a job, Jason.
That's all it is.
It's nothing more, it's nothing less.
Yes, sir.
Some days are not good.
It's just like two-a-days.
You don't know why you're doing it, and then later on in the season, it pays off.
Yes, sir.
It's the same thing here.
Yes, sir.
That's all you think.
You just keep focused.
You can do it.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
Knock one down.
Annabel! Have you ever had the sizzling apple pie? No, I haven't.
Is it good? Yeah, it's really good.
It's like It comes out sizzling.
Sizzling? Yeah, it'II It'll save your life.
It's amazing.
It'll definitely help with physics.
What are you gonna get? Hi.
I didn't know you were Didn't know you were working today.
This is a surprise.
Yeah, shift change.
So, can I start you all, you know, with some water before I come and take your order? It sounds great to me.
Just water.
All right.
Just working on some physics here.
So, we need some That's your friend from school.
So, you're wearing a Mayhem shirt.
I am.
Isn't the singer, like, a cannibal? 'Cause you're in, like, a Christian power metal band.
Seems kind of weird.
I don't know.
No, actually that was just a rumor.
But he didn't actually eat anyone.
And Crucifictorious is actually It's not power metal.
We're more of extreme grindcore with like, heavy thrash influences.
Like what thrash bands do you like? Like Napalm Death? Like the Keep? Like Cannibal Corpse? Carcass, I mean, I really only have two sections for vinyl.
Like metal, non-metal.
So Right.
Well, mainly You all ready to order? Yeah.
I want the sizzling apple pie.
And I think also chips and Oh, my That's pathetic.
I'm back at the start.
What's up? Um What's the matter? Sorry.
I That's haven't been honest with you about a couple things.
I lied to you about babysitting my brother the other night.
That guy at church was Tim Riggins.
We have kind of a history together.
Okay, what kind of history? Get the door, Brian.
Hey, I just came by to say that I'm sorry.
Come in.
Hey, Noannie.
Didn't Mom ban her? Noannie, please.
Just watch your show and be easy, all right? I just feel so bad about everything.
I really cannot believe you had to apologize like that.
I wish we could erase that whole day.
It's gonna be okay.
This whole thing gonna blow over.
I was really worried about you.
Smash always lands on his feet.
Hello? Who is that? No.
No, I don't.
Who is this? Noannie, give me the phone.
You guys are jerks.
Stop calling here or I'm calling the police.
Oh, my God.
Who was that? No one.
It's just some idiots calling saying stupid things, okay? Like what? Brian, it's stupid.
Like what, Noannie? He says he hears I put out to white boys.
He calls here again, you give the phone to me.
Do you hear me? Do you hear me? Yeah.
This is all my fault, isn't it? No.
No, don't you ever say that.
Noannie, look.
Look, this has nothing to do with you.
Come here.
Come here.
I know, I know, I slept with my paralyzed boyfriend's best friend.
It's the worst thing I've ever done.
It would be great if you said something.
Sorry, I'm just thinking how hard that must have been for you to tell me.
And I'm really glad that you did.
I just want us to be honest with each other.
Do you still have feelings for him? Nope.
Now let's go get some ice cream.
Well Just in a minute.
Hey, Street, here comes your best friend.
Oh, that's funny.
Somebody's got to talk to him.
Low man on the totem pole, that would be you.
Hi there.
Interested in a Malibu.
Afternoon, Gerald.
Oh, hey.
How you doing today? All right.
Just came to have a second look.
Can I ask you something, Gerald? Yeah.
What's the problem exactly? Sorry? Why won't you let yourself have this car? What do you mean? What is it really? Is it that you think if you buy this car you're gonna find another car you like better elsewhere immediately after buying it? Or is it that you just think you don't deserve the car? Man, you don't know me.
No, Gerald.
Please, I'm not insulting you, so please don't take it like that, okay? I'm just trying to understand you.
Because all these salespeople around here, take a look at them.
They sent me over here because they've given up on you.
All right? They sent me, wheelchair guy, rookie, low man on the totem pole to talk to you because none of them believe that you can pull the trigger on actually purchasing a vehicle.
But let me tell you something, I know you love this car.
You love this car so much that you come in two days a week.
Two days a week to just look at it and then you walk out.
Gerald, life's too short, man.
Life is too short.
Okay? Things change in an instant.
Take it from me.
So be a man.
Take control of your life.
Be a man.
Buy this car.
Show all these people that they're wrong.
That you can make a decision.
I'm gonna really think about it.
No more thinking, Gerald.
No more thinking.
No more dithering.
No more wasting everybody's time, especially your own.
'Cause that's what you're doing.
You're wasting your time every time you come in here.
Buy this car because you love it and because you want this car and you want to drive off this lot in this car today.
Buy it.
Garrity! Yes, sir.
All right, Gerald over here would like to go ahead and start paperwork on purchasing this hybrid here.
Yes, I would.
Congratulations, Gerald.
Well, thank you.
So we made an A.
Did we really? Yeah.
It's cool, right? Congratulations.
It was the best grade in the class.
Thank you.
Also, I made you something.
I sensed a bit of reluctance on your part to embrace the cheese that is power metal, so it's your very own power metal mix.
It's actually You said, "Parking lot mix" on here.
It's like heavy metal parking lot, you know? Do I have to listen to it in a parking lot? No, cars, bedrooms, whatever.
Wow! Sweet.
But it was nice seeing you.
I'll see you around.
Well, I appreciate it.
Bye, guys.
Thank you.
No problem there.
Soul mate, right there.
God's little gift to Landry, that's what that is.
Why can't you just be happy Hey, Smash, you're on TV, homes.
And I want to apologize to him and everyone for doing so.
Anyone can say, "I'm sorry.
" Doesn't mean they are.
Smash Williams is an arrogant, violent thug who attacked us just because we're white and have money.
And everyone's defending him.
He's lucky me and my friends acted civilized.
And from the Smash Williams controversy, we go now to Kevin with the rest of today's sports headlines.
Smash? Hey, what the hell are you doing here? Looking for you, man.
Did you see Adam Hughes on TV? Do you want to respond No, you're trying to get me in trouble! I'm just trying to get the truth.
Hey, hey! Tell him the truth, Smash.
Just shut the hell up! Just shut the hell up! Smash, what happened that night? Was your sister hitting on him? Is what he said true? Hell, no, that's not true! That's not true.
All right, look, I'll tell you like this.
He was saying some foul things to my sister and I.
Racial, sexual and threatening.
That's right.
Now, if somebody comes around your little sister and starts talking like that, you just gonna stand there and smile? No.
You're gonna ask him to stop, which I did.
And if they don't stop, what? You're not gonna do anything? So are you saying you should not have apologized? Not the way he's talking.
So that's a yes? He didn't deserve an apology.
He deserved worse than what I gave him.
I should've messed him up worse.
And with that latest salvo from Smash Williams, it appears the Dillon Panthers problems are far from over.
Turn it off, will you, Crowley? Hey, hey, hey! Hubby's home.
How was your day, darling? It was It was good.
It was good.
I sold a car, so What? You did? Out-freaking-standing! Oh, man! You did! Whoa.
So, what? You're like, you're like a car salesman now.
You're like Willy Loman! Yeah, you a salesman, huh? Yeah.
I guess I am.
Hey, man.
It's all good, right? Look, you get a little money in your pocket.
Nothing wrong with that.
Just for now, right? Plus it's always good to have a roommate that can pay his half of the rent.
Hey, what do you say you and me head down to the rec center? Got a pick-up rugby game going on.
Then afterwards, maybe go get me some ribs, some corn.
Some hot chicks.
Maybe she got a friend for you.
But one of them ugly ones.
Buck-toothed and, you know, just got the fangs.
Got the fangs happening, huh? Know what? Yeah.
Huh? Yeah.
Yeah? Yeah? Just give me a couple minutes to change and then we'll head on out.
Oh, dinner's on you tonight.
You still owe me I think, what is it, $19.
40? Oh, you're serious about that? So Yeah.
Dinner and girls.
Both on you tonight.
No, the girls will be on me.
I Brucey, Moreno, Lung-Dog I mean, all those guys started investing a couple months back.
They're doing well.
I mean, so Like, if those idiots can do stuff in the stock market, why can't I? Oh, my God, what are you gonna You're gonna apply your grade nine education to the stock market? I'm not That's Shh.
Be quiet.
You okay? Yeah.
So, what's up? Tim here? Billy.
Came to bring you this.
What's this? It's the money you owe those guys.
I don't want you to get beat up again.
I'm not bringing you into this.
You're not bringing me into anything, Tim.
Is this why you came over? Yeah.
And I'm not I'm not coming back here anymore.
Chris makes me happy.
That's it.
I'm not taking it.
All right.
Nice, y'all! That's the way! That's the way! Good teamwork! You all need to call it! Watch that hole in the center, okay? You all need to pick that up.
Hey, time out! Time out.
It's looking great, girls.
They're double blocking me every time.
That's okay.
No, they've figured out our move.
No, they did not.
Now, don't you act like this is luck.
This is not luck.
You all are doing a great job.
We are kind of lucky 'cause their star hitter's out sick.
TAMl: No, you all are playing a great game.
You're playing a great game.
I want you to keep it up.
I want you to keep it simple and remember, you are playing this game and you are winning this game because of your teamwork.
You are a team.
You work together.
And you, you just focus on that Riggins.
You slam it down his throat.
You all got it? Get out there.
You know you can do this.
Let's go, girls.
One-two-three Panthers! TAMl: That's you.
All right, girls! That's what I'm talking about! All right, keep it together! Keep it together! You had fun, right? Good job! Good job! How about that? So what? They're like, what? One and seven now? Why you got to be like that for? Mom is one and one! The team is one and seven.
It's one and 0! One for one! Ready? Hey.
What's up, boys? Let's just get this over with, all right? Here's your money.
How you doing, Billy? It's good to see you.
All right, it's all there.
I'll see you around.
Now, just come on in.
Let's count it first.
Make sure it's all here.
If you got the money, we're good.
It's all there.
Just bring it in, man.
Okay? I wanna make sure I got my money, so come on in and count it.
One hundred, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight, nine, we're up to a thousand? Yeah.
There's one.
Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, two thousand.
Getting closer.
What's wrong, Tim? You look a little depressed.
Okay, can we just get this over with, man? Just count the money and let us get out of here.
Hey! You wanna calm down, man? You would think I wasn't the one that got ripped off here.
Yeah, why don't you call the cops then, Guy? Ooh, good one, Billy.
Three Six Twenty-nine.
What do you know? It's all there.
All right.
It's taken care of and it's all paid up and he don't owe you a dime extra, all right? Billy, let's go.
It's over with now.
I don't want a dime extra.
And you're not gonna touch him again.
You hear me? I hope he doesn't give me a reason to touch him again and I hope you don't I don't give a crap if he gives you a reason.
You're not gonna touch him again, just say it.
Billy, let's go.
You need to calm You need to tell your little brother Listen to me, you fat son of a bitch! You're not gonna touch him again, you understand me? How's Jackie? You don't touch Billy! Billy! You're barking up the wrong tree! Hey! Get out! You are barking down the wrong tree! Billy! Go! Jesus Christ, Billy! What are you thinking, man? Get in the truck! Barking up the wrong tree, Billy! He's got a gun.
He's got a gun.
Just get in the truck.
Keep your little brother away from me.
Start the truck.
Start the truck.
I'm trying! Gun, man, he's got the gun! I know, Billy, I'm trying.
Just go! What were you thinking? Come on in.
Coach got something he wanna tell you.
The board called.
They've decided to suspend you for three games.
Suspend me? But they can't do that, can they? They can and they have.
Is this 'cause I told that reporter the truth? Baby, that didn't help.
That's the rest of the regular season.
How the hell we gonna get to the playoffs? How we gonna make it to State?
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