Iron Man: Armored Adventures (2008) s02e13 Episode Script

Heavy Mettle

The tank changed the face of 20th century combat.
And now for the 21st century, we change that face again with Iron Monger.
Testing the new adamantium/vibranium armor, sir.
Iron Monger's true purpose was never street demolitions.
It was always conceived as a weapon.
Observe, General Ross.
A successful test, Mr.
Not even a scratch.
Should I run a Wait.
Radar's picking up something fast.
It's heading straight for us.
What is it? Iron Man, I'm so happy to see you.
I owe you everything.
Without you, there would be no Iron Monger.
And without Iron Monger, I wouldn't sign the biggest military contract ever.
Without me? You stole my armor specs, Stane! Turn it into a weapon of war.
Thanks to you, we can win any war with an army of Iron Mongers.
Can you picture it? An Iron Monger in every nation on the planet What are you doing? I have had enough! I've had enough of your greed, your blind ambition, your manufactured evil! It's finished.
Done! I'm putting an end to this war, Stane.
Oh, you're wrong, Iron Man.
The war has only just begun.
Why!? Why is it every time I try and do the right thing, it all turns into You done taking out your frustrations on whatever that was? It was a new weapons targeting upgrade for the armor.
So why are you beating it up like it kicked your grandma? The Ghost stole my armor specs! I'm not gonna let anyone steal anything else! So what does that mean? You're gonna destroy all armor? Even the Mark II? Exactly.
Um, what? I quit being Iron Man.
Wait, wait, wait.
Say that again slower.
I quit being Iron Man.
It's over.
If I hadn't built that armor, Stane wouldn't have a giant, mass destroying, invincible killbot.
It's not your fault, man.
You can't control what other people do.
Stop being yourself up over this.
I have stopped.
I'm through.
Obadiah Stane has just landed the biggest weapons contract ever signed in the U.
Eclipsing Justin Hammer mandroid contract with S.
This makes Stark International the new number-one weapons manufacturer in the world.
Sasha, gun.
After everything I tried, every trick, every underhanded scheme, and Obadiah Stane wins? It's not fair! It's not fair.
It's not fair.
It's not fair! Excuse me.
As I was saying, it's time to put Hammer Multinational back in the spot light.
Sasha, find out if Fix 2.
0 has finished our new little gadget.
Just wait till old Obadiah sees what I have in store.
Tony, Rhodey has, like, the best idea ever.
You are so gonna love this! Okay, I have a plan to bring down Stane once and for all.
Remember when you worked for the old buzzard a few weeks back? - I only did it to spy on him.
- Yeah, I know.
But you downloaded Stane's hard drive, right? - The Iron Monger specs and all? - What about it? We, I've been combing it for weeks.
And I found a lot of stuff on that drive including security footage.
Evidence Stane was trying to hide.
Rhodey, you rule.
Now you're talking sense again.
The board is unanimous, Tony Stark will no longer inherit the company when he turns 18.
You are the permanent CEO of Stark International.
This is an honor, my friends.
I want you to know nothing will stop this company from becoming the Stop everything.
We're glad you're all here.
Tony found something you definitely need to see.
Here it is, Ghost one million in cash up front, the rest when you get me Iron Man's armor.
Obadiah, that's the Ghost, a wanted criminal.
You hired him? It's It's a trick.
Stark created that footage.
It's CGI.
CGI my Harvard law degree.
This is outrageous! We can't be associated with super villains.
Stane, you're fired! Fired, me? After all I've done for this company.
The biggest multi-billion contract ever.
You'll all pay for this! Especially you, you little, meddling brat.
We've paid enough, Stane.
You and your manufactured evil are over.
Your manufactured evil! This this can't be! Can't be! No! Dad, I just heard.
You were fired? Tony Stark ruined me, Whitney.
We have nothing left.
No money.
I put everything into Iron Monger.
It'll be okay, Dad.
We'll get through this.
Yes, we'll get through.
Woo-hoo! Yes! Finally! Well, someone's a little happy.
Look at him go.
I thought you gave up being Iron Man? I was I mean, I am.
I'm celebrating, you know? Finally things are awesome again! Nothing could go wrong.
You and your manufactured evil are over.
Your manufactured evil! How? How did I not see it? How could I've been so blind? It's obvious.
It makes perfect sense.
Tony Stark is Iron Man.
One last time in the armor before I retire.
I'll say one thing, I'll miss being Iron Man.
You can't retire.
What about War Machine? What about my armor? You keep promising me you'll build it.
I'm sorry, guys.
I'm melting down all of the suits.
I have to, including War Machine.
Whoa, now! No way.
No way I'm giving up War Machine.
And what about all the super villains still out there? There's other heroes in the world.
And like Rhodey said I can't be held responsible.
So you're just gonna melt the armor down, and we have no say? Fine, you want to treat us like sidekicks, I quit, too.
Now, Rhodey, wait.
Oh, let's talk about this.
Rhodey! Come in, Rhodey.
Pepper? You guys there? Aww, man.
I'm only doing this for the greater good.
Armor power at 20%.
Recommend recharge.
Guys, if you're still there, I'm heading back to Titanium Man? Give it up, Iron Man.
I've been upgraded.
You won't melt my armor again or even scratch it.
Targeting rockets.
I'm not here to fight you.
I'm calling a cease-fire.
So what's the scam? What do you want? What we both want, the destruction of Iron Monger and Stark International.
I'm not a corporate raider.
I just want to bring down Stane.
And we can do it together, Iron Man.
You, me, War Machine.
Imagine it, no more Iron Monger to contend with.
You just want Stane out of the way so your boss Hammer can take over.
Forget it.
I'll never help you.
Don't turn your back on me.
Back stabbing.
Dirty fighting.
Whatever you call it.
I win.
I think I felt something pop under your armor.
Justin, come in.
Are intel says Stane just snuck inside the Monger facility.
Repeat, Stane is inside.
But I'm in the middle of destroying Iron Man.
Justin! I'll be there as fast as I can.
You're lucky, Iron Man.
Next time, I won't be so kind.
Iron Monger, armed and ready.
Time to suit up.
Stane, you're barred from this facility.
How did you get in? I was just picking up some personal belongings.
Want to see? It's the latest in Stark's personal self defense.
Now it's time.
Just wait, Tony.
Everything you hold dear is gonna be squashed under my feet.
Who just pushed by me? Iron Man? No, no.
I'm getting paranoid.
I have to end this right now.
Looks like Obadiah has a score to settle.
Let him.
Let's see if the military still wants Iron Monger when it goes haywire and wipes out half the city.
Perhaps I'll let you destroy Tony Stark first.
Either way, it's a win-win situation.
Computer, activate backup reserves.
Password: Howard 1109.
Passcode accepted.
Power reserves at less than 1%.
Get me to the armory.
Iron Monger? He's heading for Oh, no.
No! You guys have barely touched your food.
Why so down? You had a huge victory today.
It's a long story, Mom.
I don't really want to talk about it.
Is that why Tony's not here? You two mad at each other? Um, why is my silverware moving? Do you guys feel that? Earthquake? Come out, come out, where ever you are.
Is that who I think it is? I know Tony's in there.
Send him out and I'll spare the rest of you.
Are you out of your mind, Stane? Give me Stark or I'll turn your house into a tomb.
I know all about his little secret.
You have 10 seconds.
Tony's secret? What is Stane talking about? Stane's lost it, Mom.
He's gone over the - Wait, where's Pepper? - Three.
Hold your fire.
Tony's not here.
Because if he was, he'd face you.
You old, skinny, creepy, bald Where is Stark? He left the city.
I'm a businessman.
I know lies when I hear them.
Pepper! You are his little girlfriend, eh? The perfect bait to draw out Stark.
- Let me go! - Pepper! No, James! You'll get killed.
James, where do you think you're going? To get help.
Put me down! I swear when Iron Man gets here You'll do nothing, Ms.
I'm in total control of the situation.
Look at that.
Stane has gone completely loopy.
Who needs remote control? I can just sit back and watch the fireworks.
Yes, but if you save that little girl, imagine the press.
You'll be a hero, and they'll give you military contract.
Forget mandroids.
Think about an entire army of Titanium Men.
And then I could buy out Stark International.
Sasha, do you know who the real brains behind this operation is? Me.
What an ingenious plan I just came up with.
Sasha, you could learn a thing or two from me.
Iron Monger! Stane! Give up the girl or you'll have to answer to me.
Titanium Man? Oh, great.
I might as well be saved by Unicorn.
You work for Justin Hammer, right? Tell your boss to build better armor.
My turn.
Dad, what are you doing? Put me down! I swear If I get my own armor, you'd be toast! I would repulsor blast you Will you keep quiet for more than two seconds? Oh, real original.
What are you gonna do? Make ape sounds and knock planes out of the sky? Not planes.
Tony! Pepper! Iron Man! - Will I do? - Rhodey! See? This never would have happened if Tony built my armor.
This whole "damsel in distress" thing is the lamest.
Hulk Buster armor, eh? I used a lot of that tech in Iron Monger.
No! Iron Man Or should I call you Tony Stark? He He knows? You ruined me, Stark! Ruined me! Stane, you ruined yourself.
Stop! Whitney? Dad, what are you doing? I'm doing what needs to be done.
Get out of here right now.
Dad, don't hurt him! They'll lock you up.
They'll put you away forever.
Please, you're all I have left.
I I don't want to be away from you.
But I I have to.
No, Dad.
Stop for me.
Whitney, I I I never wanted it to come to this.
What is this? Some kind of emotional tear-jerker? I want wanton destruction! Sasha, take over Stane's controls.
Send Iron Monger on a rampage.
I get to have some fun.
Oh, no.
What's going on? Whitney! Careful, Stane's crazy.
I don't think that's Dad doing it.
You're going down, Stane.
Be careful, Stane's gone completely insane.
Decided to come out of retirement? Let's just say I'm glad I didn't melt down the armor.
You and me both.
Aim for his legs.
This is too much fun.
Oh, Sasha, now make Stane's armor go haywire.
I'll fly in and save the day.
Oh, that military contract will be all mine! I already called the news copters.
They'll be arriving any second.
Oh, excellent.
They can capture every moment of my glorious ascent.
No! This isn't me! I'm not doing this.
Something's wrong with Iron Monger.
Computer, analyze the problem.
Monger Mecca's motor systems are being accessed through Someone's remote controlling it.
Out of my way, Iron Man.
Ha! I'm here to put an end to this.
Titanium Man.
He's got to be behind this craziness.
I get it.
Make Iron Monger go bonkers, play the hero And win the contract for Hammer.
You're quick, Iron Man.
But not quick enough.
The Hulk Buster's got the best shields of all of my armor! Easy, Stane.
I'm trying to take out Monger's legs.
Hit the eject button.
It's jammed! Nothing's working! Sasha! Need a little help.
Oh, look.
It's his daughter.
Let's bring her in on the fun.
No! Stop! Stop! Don't hurt her.
Run, Whitney, run! No.
Get away from me! No! Please! Stop! Stop! Leave her alone! Whitney! Dad! Stane! No! No! No! Oh, so much for Obadiah Stane.
Alas, now he's as one dimensional as his personality.
War Machine, let's do this together.
Lock your bunker buster.
Now! One Two Three.
Nail him! Sasha, armor's locked up.
Help! I can't stop! I can't Life readings say he's alive but just barely.
Will he ever come out of that comma? It's hard to say.
Yingsen said, "He's lucky to be alive at all.
" After everything he put us through, I actually feel bad for Stane.
He did try to do the right thing in the end.
Tony, I would appreciate it if you and your friends would leave.
Whitney, I I We just came to see how Obadiah was Save it, Stark.
None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you.
None of this.
Whitney, I'm so sorry.
No, Tony.
You don't know what sorry is.
But you will.
Don't let it get to you, man.
You did the right thing.
And if Whitney knew you were Iron Man, she'd know you tried to help.
I just hope some day she understands.
Since the government dropped the Monger contract, what's gonna happen to Stark International? The board controls the company till I turn 18.
I just hope after this fiasco they stop building weapons.
And what about Titanium Man? Let's see explosion assisted acceleration, factoring elevation and velocity, I'd say he's somewhere in Pennsylvania.
Can anyone hear me? Hello? I can't move! Sasha! Sasha!
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