Shark s02e13 Episode Script

Bar Fight

Previously on Shark: 12 years ago I worked for a man named Jason Normandy.
Your place is beautiful.
Meet my assistant Sarah Belkin.
Jason Normandy killed her Nobody's gonna miss her.
and I did nothing about it.
You need to get Normandy.
That could mean putting you on the stand.
You do that, you'll be disbarred.
Yeah, not to mention facing criminal charges.
Did you witness the defendant dispose of the body of Sarah Belkin in 1995? Yes.
There's a good chance you'll be disbarred.
Sebastian Stark, you stand accused of blatant and sordid misconduct as a member of the California State Bar.
Highlighted by your admitted complicity in a conspiracy to cover up the brutal murder of Sarah Belkin in 1996.
Before this panel rules as to whether to recommend a formal disbarment hearing, do you have anything you wish to say in your defense? Do I at least get a cigarette and a blindfold? Do you find this funny, Mr.
Stark? No, sir.
Nor will I make any excuses for what I've done.
I allowed greed and ambition to cloud my judgment.
I allowed Sarah Belkin's killers to get away with their crime for 12 years.
And I denied her family any knowledge of her fate.
As for the other incidents in my past-- right, wrong, guilt, innocence-- for me, that was completely irrelevant.
I was in it to win.
Nothing else mattered.
Least of all the truth.
And then two years ago, all that completely changed.
And for the first time in my life, I feel I may be doing some good.
So I guess the question is, can the good that I do now outweigh the bad that I've done in the past? It's something I ask myself every day.
And I still don't have the answer.
I don't know if it's possible to change, but I sure as hell am trying.
If you will give me a second chance, I'd like to keep trying.
The panel appreciates your candor, Mr.
It isn't easy to admit one's mistakes and to try to correct them.
However, the State Bar doesn't deal in absolution.
You are hereby suspended pending a full disbarment hearing.
If convicted, you will lose your license to practice law in this state.
We're adjourned.
You should have let us testify.
I'm in enough trouble already.
This isn't over yet.
We've still got the disbarment hearing.
And I appreciate the optimism but the thermometer in my butt popped the second I walked into that hearing room-- I'm done.
Thanks for the image.
So, you're just gonna give up? Those guys have been after me for 25 years.
I finally handed them my head on a silver platter.
Jessica called.
She's reaching out to the president of the Bar Association.
How's her dad doing? Well, his stroke was pretty bad.
She's gonna be in Chicago for a while.
Well, she'll be taking over the unit when she gets back.
I expect you guys to step up.
How about you? What are you going to do now? You know, I always wanted to rent an RV and drive across country.
Meet ordinary people.
Maybe do some, I don't know, legal aid work.
Okay, fine.
I'll probably start in Tuscany and drink my way across Europe.
Rent a villa in Lake Como.
Ciao, bella.
Do you like to water ski? Sounds more like it.
At the end of the day, I had this coming, all right? When the blade finally fell in there, do you know that I actually felt relieved? So what? I lose my license.
Hey, life goes on.
At least we know things can't get any worse.
Jordan Westlake, State Attorney General's office.
I stand corrected.
I have a warrant for your arrest.
Oh On what charge? Accessory to murder in the death of Sarah Belkin.
Okay, call my travel agent.
Tell him to get the deposit on the villa back.
No, you gotta tell your public defender to challenge the search! The gun was laying right on the floor, man.
I'm just saying that everything they found in your crib was inadmissible.
Straight up? The 4th Amendment.
I mean, thank God James Madison isn't around to you know, watch you abuse it.
Okay, so, Diablo? There's a fine line between murder and self-defense.
Stark! Yes? Good! Yes? You made bail.
Oh, good.
Hey, listen, these things are going to go for a fortune on eBay when my trial comes on Court TV so Thought you'd bring your attorney.
I can defend myself.
But you need me to bail you out and you're doing a bang-up job so far.
I particularly like that part about all your soul searching.
Don't you need an actual soul for that? What do you want? Hmm.
Well, I've already got your scalp.
Hey, how about one of those new iPhones? Pretty sure of yourself, huh? Well, "Approach victory as a certainty.
" You were a guest lecturer at my criminal defense seminar at S.
You clearly didn't learn very much if you ended up in the attorney general's office.
Maybe, but I'm smart enough not to insult someone who could toss me in prison until I'm gumming my food.
Look, you're medium-cute and under different circumstances I'd invite you back to the house for some Pinot and a foot rub.
Maybe when I'm dead.
Fine by me.
Pillow talk is overrated.
So, look, if you're done gloating, I'm gonna be taking my daughter out to dinner while I still can.
Look, I'm not here to gloat.
I'm here to offer you a way out.
You know this guy? Oscar Riddick? Among the bigger badasses on the West Coast.
You ever represent him? I wish.
I could have made a fortune.
My office has indicted him on everything from weapons smuggling to torture to multiple homicides.
We can't touch him.
Fascinating, but why do I care? You put Jason Normandy away for killing Sarah Belkin.
The night she died, Normandy met with Oscar Riddick.
I want to know why.
Go ask Jason Normandy.
He's got a time-share up in Corcoran.
Look, we have taken three very public swings at Riddick.
The attorney general can't afford another miss.
That's where you come in.
You lost me.
You represented Normandy-- you know his sleazy world.
If he and Riddick were in business together, it'd have to be dirty.
There's just one small problem: I'm no longer a practicing attorney.
I'm a criminal defendant, remember? Not much of a leap for you, is it, Stark? Look, here's the deal: You build me a slam-dunk case against Riddick underground by whatever means necessary, we drop all the criminal charges against you and you get your license back.
Lady, you don't have that kind of juice.
No, but my boss does.
Riddick's his ticket to the Justice Department.
Which clears the way for you to get his old job.
And the iPhone.
Riddick owns a racetrack in the high desert.
Start there.
You want your life back? Go get me Oscar Riddick.
You know, if it was so easy, I wouldn't be calling you, would I? I need Riddick's FBI files.
Whoa! Easy with that! It cost more than your house.
Hey, you got a minute? Thanks.
Okay, look, hey, I hate to bring up that Baltimore thing, Tommy I got to go.
Hey, guys.
So this is it, huh? Yeah, looks that way.
I'm gonna miss you around here.
Can you beat the criminal case? You know, I don't know, but honestly, I think sometimes it's just easier to throw in the towel.
Hey, I got the statistics from your contact at the Department of Energy.
You guys, really, you don't want to know.
You got your own cases.
Why don't you just get back to work? Let me just get on with my thing here.
The AG is looking to nail a badass named Oscar Riddick.
I deliver him, I'm Lazarus.
They're using a criminal defendant to pursue a case for them in exchange for exoneration? Of course, when you put it that way, it sounds bad.
What can we do? You know, honestly What am I thinking? You guys jump in here, I can't protect you.
Let's just forget we had this whole conversation.
It's a little late for that.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
I checked out the financial history of the oil field where Sarah Belkin was buried.
Jason Normandy had a silent partner.
Yeah, Eastwood Partners.
I reviewed the purchase.
Yeah, well, I did some digging.
Eastwood Partners is owned by Mitchum Industries.
Which is owned by Oscar Riddick.
Yeah, Riddick and Normandy were in business together and you missed it? You know what? In that world, you don't ask a lot of questions.
Being a partner in an oil company isn't illegal, you know.
Maybe not, but check this out.
Well, that can't be right.
What is it? According to this, there wasn't a single drop of oil produced from those fields since before Normandy took control.
So, why did he buy them? It's got to be a front.
Yeah, for what? All right, Isaac, I need a trap and trace on Riddick's phone and I need you guys to go over my old files on Normandy.
But those are privileged Forget I mentioned it.
And I need all you can find on Sarah Belkin.
Especially any link to Oscar Riddick.
This is black-op, kids, no fingerprints.
We're gonna be working out of my house.
No, please.
You are not gonna say something sincere and heartfelt, are you? Don't screw up.
She's running pretty good.
Pushing a little in the corners.
Got a little loose on that third turn.
Nice ride.
Great way to relax.
At 200 miles an hour? Yeah.
One screwup, you're dead.
You should give it a try sometime, Mr.
Oh, you know who I am.
I've been expecting you.
How's the attorney general doing? I never met the man.
And yet you're his errand boy.
I was Jason Normandy's lawyer.
I helped him buy those oil fields out at Ladera Heights.
Your name never came up.
Unlike you, I try to keep a low profile.
It's better for business.
Those wells were dry.
What were you guys doing up there? A lot of people have come after me, Mr.
It never ends well.
Hmm? Be smart.
Plead out your case, do your time, and get on with your life.
That sounds like a threat.
More like advice.
Now, it's one thing to run on an empty track.
But, when you're out there head-to-head against a guy going just as fast as you, willing to do whatever it takes to win that's when you find out what you got under the hood.
I always love a good racing metaphor.
Here's one for you: Prepare to crash and burn.
Belkin? How dare you come here? I'm sorry to disturb you.
In fact, I'm sorry for everything.
Yeah? It's a little late for that.
Look, your daughter's death was a tragedy, and you have every right to hate my guts.
So I have your permission.
Well, that is comforting.
My husband died three years ago.
The doctor said it was hypertension.
Stress that came from waiting for his little girl to come home.
He died waiting for her! There's no excuse for what I did.
I should have told the truth-- you deserved that.
And you still do.
Which is why I'm here.
We know Sarah was having a relationship with Jason Normandy, but that's not why she died.
What are you talking about? We don't know the truth about why Sarah was killed, and there's only one way to find out.
We need to run some tests.
Oh, my God.
I just got my daughter back, and you expect me to let you dig her up? It's the only way.
You go to hell.
I probably will, but it won't tell us why your daughter died.
She's at peace now.
But are you? Why should I trust you? Because I need to know the truth, too.
All right.
All right.
Thank you.
And, truly, I am so very sorry for your loss.
Blue is your color, Jason.
What I hear, you'll be wearing these yourself soon.
How the boys treating you? Compared to Hell's Kitchen, this place is a country club.
So I assume you're not here for a conjugal visit.
We exhumed Sarah Belkin's body.
Hope you sent her my best.
Turns out the first ME screwed up.
Head wound was postmortem.
What killed her, then? She actually died of a heroin overdose.
And then you buried her out in that field.
And I let you do it.
So? We both know that you moved heroin for a long time, Jason.
So Sarah gets hooked, OD's.
Tragic, but, hey accidents do happen.
You're clean.
Why would you try to cover that up? Why would you go to prison for it? Oh, you know, I bumped into your old friend Oscar Riddick.
Now, there's a real piece of work.
What were you guys up to at that phony oil field of yours? We're done.
I'm going after Riddick, and if you help me, Jason, I'll see to it that you get transferred to a minimum security facility.
Easy time.
You're a smart guy.
So be smart.
Forget you ever heard the name Oscar Riddick.
You know, according to Sarah Belkin's roommate, Sarah barely drank.
Yeah, I talked to her family, friends.
Nobody believes this girl was into hard drugs.
Sarah was Normandy's assistant.
The stuff was everywhere.
She wouldn't be the first straight kid to get in over her head.
Yeah, way over.
According to the coroner's report, Sarah Belkin had enough pure heroin in her body to kill 20 people.
There's no way she took all that on purpose.
So we're back to murder? Prison is starting to look better and better.
Can somebody please give me something I can use? Well, I ran a trace on Riddick's cell phone.
After you rattled his cage at the racetrack, he spent an hour on the phone with a guy named Kirk.
Arthur Kirk? That guy's a serious defense attorney who represents major drug dealers.
The attorney general tried Riddick on heroin trafficking in 1998; Kirk got him off.
So when is an oil field not an oil field? Come on, using ten percent of your brain is a baseline, kids, it's not a goal, all right? Think! When it's a front for a heroin-smuggling operation.
Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.
The week before she died, Sarah Belkin visited the Department of Conservation three times.
Indicating? She knew there was no oil in that field.
So Sarah finds herself in the middle of a drug operation.
She threatens to blow the whistle, they kill her.
Track every oil drum that went in and out of that field.
If we can link Riddick to the heroin that killed Sarah Belkin, we can nail this son of a bitch.
You slept with him? Are you really so shocked? No, no, of course not.
Okay, fine I'm shocked.
When did this happen? A few days before Trevor left for Boston.
Say something, Mom.
I've been practicing this moment for 17 years and I can't remember how my speech starts.
You're probably wondering if we were careful? We were.
And if I regret it? I don't.
And if he was a gentleman? Totally.
Anything else before we never discuss this again? Was it lovely? Yes.
Sweet Pea.
But if you tell Dad, I will kill you.
I'm coming for you, pal.
I'm coming for you.
Dad, are you okay? Jules, stay upstairs! Call 911! What the hell did you get me into? I offered you a way out.
I never said it was going to be easy.
My daughter was in the house.
I heard; I'm sorry.
I need more resources to take this guy down.
Technical support, the FBI It's not possible.
I looked into this guy's eyes.
There's no one home.
Tonight it was me.
Next time, he could come after you.
Four years ago, Riddick's thugs ran me off the road.
My arm went through the windshield, I almost bled to death.
Okay, then give me what I need to take him down.
Trust me, I would like to.
It's not my call.
Our deal is off the books.
My boss isn't going to allocate any resources.
Look, if Riddick is too much for you, you're free to walk away.
And then you'll see me in court, right? This guy tried to kill both of us.
If you want him, I need your help.
Under the radar.
Just you.
Oh, God, I could lose my job for this.
I already lost mine.
Yeah, for pulling stunts exactly like this.
Oh, trust me, this is nothing.
You probably don't want to brag about that to the woman prosecuting you for accessory to murder.
Fair point.
I should have known you were behind this, Sebastian.
Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep, but we have some business to discuss.
This is Deputy Attorney General Westlake.
Brought in the big guns.
Won't make any difference.
especially the memos on your oil production.
So? So we both know that there was no oil.
There were barrels moving back and forth from your field, Mr.
What was in them? I plead the Fifth.
You and Riddick were moving heroin in those oil drums.
If you say so.
No, you are going to say so in open court with Oscar Riddick sitting at the defense table.
You're dreaming.
Deputy Westlake is already negotiating with Riddick's lawyer.
No, Oscar Riddick doesn't negotiate.
Times change.
Either you cooperate or I make sure Mr.
Riddick thinks you did.
You can't do that.
Trust me, she can do it.
Now, you don't understand.
It's not about me; I've got three kids.
Yeah, and I've got one.
She could have been killed tonight.
Is that why you took the fall for Sarah Belkin without implicating Riddick? To protect your family? Look, this guy is an animal.
It's not about business for him.
He likes hurting people.
Okay, well, help us get him off the street.
I promise you, I will protect your family.
You can't hide from Oscar Riddick.
The only reason I'm alive is because I kept my mouth shut.
Did you kill Sarah Belkin? Oh, man.
I put the needle in her arm.
Riddick gave me the order.
Why? Sarah stumbled onto the operation.
She was threatening to go to the cops.
Riddick wanted her gone.
So you murdered her in cold blood? Trust me she got off easy.
If Riddick had done her, she would have suffered.
You're a true humanitarian.
I understand you got what you needed.
Yes, ma'am.
The man who ordered your daughter's death is going to pay for what he did.
Even if you told us what happened to Sarah, it wouldn't have brought her back.
Doesn't make it right.
You didn't kill my daughter, Mr.
You put Jason Normandy in prison.
And now, you are going to finish the job.
Yeah, Danny? Have you lost your mind? Would you excuse me? You should not be here.
You cut a deal to let Jason Normandy walk? I need his testimony to convict Oscar Riddick.
I got you Normandy's sworn statement! All you had to do was protect his kids to get him on the stand.
Not according to his lawyer.
Upon Oscar Riddick's conviction, Jason Normandy will be released with credit for time served.
That is a bad joke! He served two months! Okay, you know what? For killing a 25-year-old girl! Riddick was deemed the greater public threat here.
You know, you're playing God, and I won't let you get away with it! You know what? You are not running this operation.
Maybe not, but Normandy is an indicted co-conspirator in Sarah Belkin's death.
In order to convict Riddick, you need another witness.
I'm looking at him.
Your legal files link Riddick and Normandy to that phony oil field where Sarah Belkin's body was found.
Exactly, and if you release Jason Normandy from prison, I will not testify against Riddick.
Okay, let's just be clear.
Once your testimony puts Riddick away, you are home free.
You get clear on this.
Sarah Belkin's family has suffered enough.
Jason Normandy will never walk away from what he did.
Never! You don't testify, prison is going to be the least of your problems.
I abandoned Sarah Belkin 12 years ago.
I won't do it again.
We can't stop now.
Look, I never should have dragged you guys into this.
It's time to pull the plug.
Oscar Riddick is a sociopath! He tried to blow your head off.
There's got to be a way to nail Riddick without letting Normandy walk.
Well, maybe, but I'm going to be doing We still got time.
What portion of, "the party is over" don't you understand? You guys have done enough.
You put yourselves on the line for me.
Hey! I hate to break this to you, but it isn't about you.
In the words of a once-great lawyer, "In any case, only 12 opinions matter.
" And yours isn't one of them.
I'm never going to live that one down, am I? We ran Sarah Belkin's business line for the six months before her death.
Stop! Everything's been accounted for except for three calls to a guy named Peter Mirsky.
He's a personal injury lawyer in Hidden Canyon, which is a little town 40 miles north of LA.
Oh, good, a PI hack from Podunk! Now we're getting somewhere.
According to shipping records, Normandy and Riddick were delivering 500 barrels of oil a week there in the early '90s.
Look, for the last time: there was no oil! Exactly, and these guys are big-time drug dealers.
The biggest drug dealers in the world can't move that much heroin in their entire careers.
So, if they weren't transporting oil or heroin, what the hell was in those barrels? Can I help you guys? Sebastian Stark? That depends.
We have a court order to seize the property, sir.
Yeah, this is really cute.
So, who put you up to this? Was it Manny? Cutler? Actually, it was me.
You've got to be kidding.
On what basis? Property purchased as a result of criminal conduct is subject to forfeiture.
You don't have a chance in hell of making this stick.
Well, obviously, the court disagrees.
Dad, are we going to lose our house? Of course not.
You earned nearly $2 million in legal fees from Normandy the year before you bought this place.
That doesn't prove anything.
Well, you can certainly fight the seizure, unless, of course, Mr.
Stark here winds up in jail.
Man, she's as bad as you are.
We also had to freeze all your assets.
Maybe worse.
You have the power to make this all go away.
Dad, what's she talking about? You think you can squeeze me? I made my bones when you were in kneesocks.
You have 30 minutes to vacate the premises.
Let's go.
Call came out of the blue.
Said her name was Sarah Belkin and that she had to talk to me.
In person.
Did you two ever meet? We set up a time.
She never showed.
Any idea what she wanted to talk about? She said had some documents for me.
I was up to my neck in a major class action.
Multiple victims.
Really? It seems so quiet around here.
Usually is.
But back in the late '80s, folks started getting sick.
Our cancer rate was ten times the national average.
Did you ever get to the bottom of it? We got the EPA out here.
Ground water was contaminated.
Massive levels of dioxin.
Where did it come from? Never did find out.
The Feds disappeared.
And the victims were using their money to to stay alive.
How many deaths? Thirty-four.
That we know of.
And a whole generation of kids exposed.
Did Sarah ever Only that they could help the case.
And believe me, this town could have used the help.
Promise I'll be out of here in a couple of days.
It's fine.
I feel like I'm in the way.
Maybe I should bunk down with you.
Easy, cowboy.
You're in enough trouble already.
Ah, you're no fun.
Oh, and I may need to borrow a couple of bucks.
They froze my accounts.
Oh, I prayed this day would come.
What's that supposed to mean? I was just recalling a couple of years after we got married, you put me on an allowance.
You had your own wing at Barney's.
Yeah, right.
You know, Sebastian, how do I know I can trust you to be responsible with this money? You're loving this, aren't you? You have no idea.
I can sleep down here, Dad.
That's okay, sweetie.
Me stuck on the couch, you and your mom upstairs.
Feels like old times.
Must be more comfortable than prison, I'd guess.
It's okay.
It's only going to be for a couple of years.
Is that supposed to make me feel better? I made a mistake, a bad one and I've got to pay for it.
That woman said you have a choice.
I can make a choice, but I have to sell out Sarah Belkin's family.
Your dad's just doing what he thinks is right.
That's great, but what about ourfamily? Do you realize that by the time you get out of prison, I will be out of college? I know that.
And that's okay with you, that we lose the rest of our time together? Of course not! Then do something about it! I love you more than anything in this whole, wide world.
And you know that.
I know that you're leaving me.
Hey She's just upset.
And she's right.
Hey, what are you doing? Hanging out with all your friends? Let me guess: you stopped by my house for a little target practice, and I wasn't home.
Go on, get in.
We need to talk.
Just when I thought my night couldn't get any worse.
Want a drink? What do you want? Coming after me was a big loser for you, Stark.
I mean, even if you built a case against me, you never would have testified.
Is that so? Yeah.
That's so.
You got a beautiful daughter.
Still chummy with the ex? Last thing you want to do is come home one day and find pieces of them scattered around the living room.
Better you do a few years and walk away.
With no house? No way to make a living? But breathing.
Now, there's something to be said for that.
I almost forgot.
What's this, about 40, 50 grand? Walking around money.
More when you get out until you're back on your feet.
Pretty sure I'm going to change my mind about testifying, huh? And telling your little team to, uh, stop poking their noses where they don't belong.
No offense, but 50 grand doesn't even cover my dry cleaning.
Name your price.
I used to be like you.
Real hard case.
Master of the universe.
At the end of the day, I was running scared.
Pull it over.
Hey, take it from me.
You can't run forever.
So now you're all fired up to nail Riddick? Just tell me what you know.
That lawyer Sarah Belkin was talking to in Hidden Canyon was representing dioxin victims.
Dioxin? Dioxin's a by-product of plastic manufacturing.
There's no manufacturing plants out there.
Which suggests that somebody brought the stuff in and dumped it.
Wait, hang on now.
Riddick and Normandy were shipping hundreds of barrels of something to Hidden Canyon, so, there's no oil, there's no heroin.
Toxic waste.
Yeah, but where did it come from? Give me that, uh, that map of the oil delivery routes.
Here, come on.
So they were shipping empty barrels from Ladera Heights to this location in Rosemead where they pick up the toxic waste, and then they dump it up in Hidden Canyon.
What's at the Rosemead location? A shopping center built in 1996.
Who built it? Mitchum Development Corporation.
That's the same company Riddick used to hide his stake in Normandy's oil field.
So let's see what was on that site before Riddick built that shopping center.
One word, Benjamin-- plastics.
Dover Plastics, to be precise.
Churning out PVC pipe for 26 years.
It would take ten years to clean up a site like that.
Millions to dispose of the waste.
Unless you just ship the waste to some remote town.
Where people started to die.
Well, now all we have to do is prove it.
How many deaths? Thirty-four.
We should be able to link the dioxin in Hidden Canyon to Riddick's construction site in Rosemead.
Not enough.
We need to be able to tie Riddick directly to the dumping operation if we're going to take him down.
You going to eat that fruit? Go for it.
Did the EPA identify the area where the dioxin entered the groundwater? They traced it to a private ranch outside town, but the lawyer down there couldn't secure a warrant to search it.
Who owns it? What? The ranch, who owns it? McQueen Properties.
Look at this.
"McQueen Properties is a fully owned subsidiary of Mitchum Development.
" Owned and operated by Oscar Riddick.
We need a warrant to search that property.
If Mirsky couldn't get one, how can we? Mirsky didn't have a friend in the attorney general's office.
Look, I can't help you.
You're a deputy attorney general.
I'm asking for a stupid search warrant.
Yeah, for property owned by an individual who sued this office for harassment.
You don't have enough to justify a warrant.
I don't Let me paint a word picture for you, Jordan.
You hand me the search warrant, I cha-cha up to Hidden Canyon where I unearth evidence linking Riddick to 34 dead dioxin victims.
Stark No, you put Riddick away for life.
Jason Normandy stays away for the rest of his life, and, after you and I share a wild night of passion, I go on with my life.
Everybody wins.
What? I'm just trying to get that "wild night of passion" thing out of my head.
Get me the warrant.
I'm sorry.
There is no guarantee you will find anything out there.
Guarantee? No wonder you're still chasing this guy.
Sociopaths like Riddick very rarely make mistakes.
When they do, you got to make them pay.
I can't.
No, your boss is a moron and a coward.
I let Sarah Belkin rot in an unmarked grave.
I have to live with that.
The next life Oscar Riddick takes, that one's on you.
Gentlemen, start your engines.
I hear your team's still looking into my business interests.
Yeah, they have this thing about prosecuting mass murderers.
I made you a fair offer, Stark.
Yeah, 50 grand.
That the going rate these days for destroying an entire town? Well, I don't know, but it sure as hell beats getting your throat cut, doesn't it? I came here to tell you that it's over, Riddick.
I know all about your ranch in Hidden Canyon.
I know that's where you dumped the poison that killed all those people.
You'll need a warrant to search that place.
You won't get it.
Whoa, compliments of the attorney general.
See you in court.
Come on, Oscar, you can't kill me.
I'm a famous lawyer! Not anymore.
These days you're just another lowlife.
No house, no money, on trial for covering up a murder.
If you ask me, people are going to say you deserve what you get.
Anything I can do to change your mind? Eh, sorry, pal.
Could you speak up just a little louder? The police can't hear you.
You funny guy.
Drop the guns! Now! Drop them! Let me guess: unregistered weapons? It's all right, I can afford the fine.
Put them down.
Good for you.
But, see, what I'm afraid of is you may have a bunch more of those hidden somewhere else.
Isaac, what do they call that? Probable cause? Probable cause, that's it! Now, you see, I can get a warrant for any property you own.
You said you already had a warrant.
Yeah, but I didn't say it was signed.
You just hit the wall, you evil son of a bitch.
Label that one "Riddick Ranch, Barrel 12.
" We got something.
There's about a dozen more of those down ther Anything we can use? Evidence of toxic erosion.
Definitely wasn't oil in those.
We got him.
Yes, we do.
Barrels on Riddick's property came from the oil field he owned with Normandy.
What about the toxic waste? Matched Riddick's Rosemead property and the dioxin that killed those people.
So I guess that would mean I was? Right.
About? Everything.
See, that wasn't so hard, was it? All right, look the charges against you have been dropped.
You are free to return to your home.
The hold on your accounts have been lifted.
And my license? I will testify on your behalf at your disbarment hearing.
You will be free and clear.
Are you sure you can nail Riddick? Do you want to sit second chair and show me how it's done? Something tells me you can handle it.
Besides, I've got somebody to see.
Hey! Remind me never to piss you off.
Right back at you.
While your daughter was working for Jason Normandy, she found out that he was dumping thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals in the town of Hidden Canyon.
She could have looked the other way.
That would have been the safe thing to do.
But she didn't do that.
She began gathering evidence, knowing the kind of men that she was working for.
She took the risk to help those people.
She always tried to do the right thing.
Your daughter was a hero, Mrs.
Oh, thank you.
Stark, do you wish to make any further submissions or comments before this panel rules? No, sir.
Very well.
We have reviewed the facts in this matter and given careful thought to your outstanding work in district attorney's office over the past two years, service for which you should be commended.
Thank you.
However, your criminal conduct in the matter of Sarah Belkin cannot be ignored.
I'm Deputy Attorney General Jordan Westlake.
May I be heard, please? Of course.
It was my office that brought criminal charges against Mr.
Stark, and regardless of his confession, we found insufficient evidence to proceed against him.
In addition, he offered critical assistance in our indictment of a notorious felon.
The attorney general supports the reinstatement of Mr.
Really? That's odd.
Because I have a letter from the attorney general in support of Mr.
Stark's disbarment.
Um, that is not possible.
Well, I suggest you give your boss a call.
Sebastian Stark, it is the opinion of this panel that your conduct demands your immediate and permanent removal from the California State Bar.
I swear to you, I had no idea.
I believe you.
My boss said he couldn't risk advocating for your reinstatement.
Despite promising that he would.
Oh, he's a bastard.
He's a politician.
Same difference.
Well, let's face it.
I was lucky to walk away from the criminal charges.
I should have to pay something for what I did, don't you think? I gave you my word.
And you kept it.
Keep trying to do that when you're attorney general.
Oh, yeah, that's, uh, going to be kind of tough.
I just quit.
You sure you want to do that? I went to law school to be an attorney.
I think it's time to get back to that.
Well, let me know where you land.
Who knows when I'll need a good lawyer.
I'm really sorry, Dad.
It's okay.
You all right? You know, actually, I am.
Well, at least we're not broke and homeless anymore.
Not to mention the minor fact that I don't have to go to prison.
Oh, yeah, that's good, too.
And you always wanted to spend more time with your old man.
Within reason.
And now I'll be there to sign your report cards, enforce your curfews, really get to know your boyfriends.
Is it too late to go live with Mom? You had your chance.

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