Freakshow (2013) s02e14 Episode Script

Control Freaks

Right now on "Freakshow".
What if we had a whole 'nother location? That's why I want everybody to really focus on how we can up our game.
A ladder of machetes.
I'm not panicked.
You're putting me in a pissed off mood.
I don't have to be out there.
Like, I'm not gonna be enthusiastic.
'Cause I'm pissed off right now.
I'm trying to work on a device to enhance the water regurgitation act.
Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to "The Freakshow.
" Freakshow mama's made another dish for us.
- It's so nice to see everybody here at the house.
I- I decided to get us all together, mainly 'cause of what happened in Hollywood, when we just did that spontaneous show.
- Yeah.
- You know, and it worked.
- Yeah, it did.
- It did.
- And we're packing 'em in at "The Freakshow.
" We can't get more people in.
So, I've kind of had a realization.
What if we had a whole 'nother location, you know? - Ooh, what? - Yeah yeah.
My mission, from day one, has been to bring this sense of wonder to people around the world, but it's a big task.
I can't do everything on my own.
If we had two places, there's gotta be somebody at each place.
So, I've just been trying to figure it out.
I mean, Phoenix is taking on a challenge for himself.
He has decided that he wants to learn to talk.
- What? - Wow! I really do wanna step up my game.
I wanna show my dad that I'm here to help, like, take "The Freakshow" to a place that it's never been.
So, I thought it would be a good idea if I learned how to do the talking in the front.
You know how to sell that ticket.
Him learning from you, it's gonna be-it's gonna be the best thing ever.
If we expand, the only thing I don't wanna do is give up quality.
So, that's why I want everybody to really focus on how we can up our game.
So, Morgue, you always do.
- But - Want something new? - I do want something new.
- I'll get ya something.
I have something, actually, that I've been working on.
Yeah? It involves machetes.
What? I love the sound of that.
If we want to expand, everybody in "The Freakshow" family's gotta pitch in.
Until they make clones, I need some help.
So, are y'all with me on this dream? Let's eat! Y'all wanna get some food in your bellies? I really like your ladder of machetes.
It's a ladder, and I just feel like it's a metaphor for life, 'cause in order to reach the top, you have to go through pain and an extreme level of focus on that higher place, in order to get there.
I like that.
I'm trying to work on a device to enhance the water regurgitation act.
This is gonna go in my mouth, like that.
And then, inside of it, I'll have a a nozzle.
And then, behind that nozzle, I'll have tubing.
- Right.
- This tubing here.
That's gonna go in my mouth, all the way down, into my stomach, like that.
And then, you know, I'll do what I usually do to regurgitate, by, manipulating stomach muscles, and that will, shoot out in an arc.
That's cool.
This is something that I've been working on for a long time water regurgitation.
Really, one word to describe this act, is grotesque.
I have to drink such a large amount of water.
If I vomit, instead of doing the controlled regurgitation, that's bad because then, it'll go in my lungs.
That's really dangerous.
It is actually really dangerous.
Ready, son come on.
So, your first lesson Is that you never call yourself a barker.
Okay, dog's bark.
People talk.
That's why you're a talker.
I'm a little nervous about talking.
I mean, to fill my dad's place at "The Freakshow," it's gonna be pretty difficult.
Those are some big shoes to fit in.
This is how you're gonna start it.
Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow.
" Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow.
" The strangest show on earth.
Alive, alive, alive! Alive, alive, alive.
Your body language is still telling me to I'm standing on a staircase.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying bounce.
- Like, if I if I - Bounce! Like, if I bounce, I fall.
I'm a little concerned that he may not have the drive.
I know he's got the potential, and I hope he can get it.
Because, right now, we're talking about expanding to a new location, and there's no way to do it without another talker.
Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow," the strangest show on earth.
No, project, son project.
I need to hear volume push it.
Here we go.
Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous Venice Beach Freakshow.
Known around the globe as the strangest show on earth.
That's good that's good.
All right, come down here, son.
Phoenix doesn't realize how difficult talking can be, and I hope he's up for a challenge, 'cause he's got one.
It's gonna be on you to carry the show, 'cause you know, like I know, if the talker doesn't bring 'em in, they don't come in.
Doesn't matter how great the show is.
If you don't talk it right, the money won't show up.
Right or wrong.
- Right.
- Right? Right.
You gotta be really careful.
That's no joke.
Okay, what are y'all talking about over here? I'm seeing a machete.
You guys should be nervous.
I'm gonna be, um, walking up a ladder of machetes.
- That's a classic.
- Yeah.
But you can get hurt on that, you know? And just last week, I heard about a performer that got seriously injured performing this act.
I'm very proud of Asia.
She has taken on the ladder of swords.
It's a classic of sideshow.
Everyone loves to see a beautiful woman walk on the edge of death.
Let me feel this thing.
That's a very sharp, thin line of metal.
- That's a very thin line, Asia.
- Really thin.
Like, yeah, I think the pain from the pressure of my foot on it - is worse than a cut.
- Yeah, because real I mean, that putting your entire body weight on that - on that little thing.
- That small of a, surface area is gonna be very, very painful.
If you fall on that ladder, you're gonna get hurt.
- God forbid.
- And, Morgue, what are you thinking about doing? You know, I've been doing the regurgitation with the objects, solid objects.
Um, I can do it with liquid.
I'm gonna be full of liquid, and then I'm gonna have a tube going all the way down-down into my stomach, farther than a sword goes.
So that, now when I regurgitate the water, I'll have a nozzle, so it'll be in a, you know, like, a nice, long, steady stream, in an arc.
My gosh! This kinda, like, makes me think of that as "the human fountain.
" "The human fountain" is one of the most incredible stunts of all time, and it's one of the most rare.
It's only been done a handful of times in history, and it's gonna blow everyone's mind.
I like both these stunts.
I- I think y'all have really upped the ante.
This is exactly what we need.
You see, if we're gonna try to build "The Freakshow," and expand it further, and take it out into the world, we have to be able to compete with the best in the world.
I'm working on other stuff, too.
What the hell is wrong with you? We're gonna expand and have our daughter step on machetes? Like, th it's not worth that to me.
Even if we don't expand, I'm still gonna be walking on machetes.
- 'Cause this one's fun.
- Why? Did you guys see the two-headed turtle? Come look two heads, one body, and they are alive.
Five-legged dogs, sword-swallower, fire - you practicing? - Yeah why? - How's it going? - Fine.
Good I'm glad to see ya doing it.
- Let me check it out.
- All right.
All right, folks, step right up and see the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow.
" You'll see two-headed turtles you don't want your hand in your pocket.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Remember, your hands are part of the whole thing.
Tomorrow is his big debut, and he's doing good, but this kid's got a long way to go.
We have over ten two-headed animals, alive.
- That are all alive.
- That are all alive.
That are all alive.
Talking in front of my dad is a little more difficult 'cause, I mean, I want him to think I'm good, and, like, I want him to be proud of me.
So, I don't wanna mess up when he's looking.
So, it makes me a little more-more nervous, and it makes me more at a loss of words.
Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow," known around the globe as the strangest show on - see? - I can't.
- It's-it's just natural.
- And remember, and your eyes also speaks confidence, okay? Watch my eyes look.
Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow," known around the globe look at my hands.
Known around look at that.
It's like.
Known around the globe as the strange look at that.
The strangest show on earth.
Don't miss it! You know, not, not Welcome to the show.
Tomorrow is show day.
I may be pushing him hard, but the real crowd out there is 20 times as hard.
If he can't handle it with me, he can't handle it out there.
You're doing good keep working at it.
- Thank you.
- You got it.
All right.
There's a lot to remember.
Yeah! That's how you do it keep that up! Okay, Matt.
Now, y'all give me a hand with this, would ya? That is huge! Matt and Ali are coming over to try to help with the animals.
They do not know how big a job this is.
Hold her-hold her right here, though, - with your hand.
- Okay.
- Okay ! - I have the front, right? - She's tightening around me.
- Be careful.
I haven't fed her yet.
You're a little chicken mcnugget, baby.
Whoa hold on.
I'm wrapped around, dude.
Just help Uncle Matt out, dude.
Wait, you guys are chained wait-wait-wait.
Dude, we were going all over.
I was twisted.
Freakin' leashes all over me, dude.
One went right between my legs.
You gotta clean all that up.
Got it? Yeah, that's a big ol' poop.
- That looks great.
- Does it look cool? - Excellent.
- Thanks.
When I do the talking for it, the main things you want me to emphasize? These are real machetes.
That I'm gonna be walking on them, so I could cut myself.
And then, also, all of my weight, all that pressure, is on one line of my body.
My entire body weight is all on one edge of the blade, and it's very, very painful.
You just be careful, okay? The only thing I'm nervous about is falling.
Not only do I have to not get cut by these machetes, but I also have to be very careful in how I place my foot because one little, you know, wrong move, and I fall into an entire ladder of machetes.
I could get chopped up a little bit in this act.
You own your act you do your thing, okay? The way you see it.
Push it to the limit the way you feel comfortable.
- Uncomfortable.
- Or uncomfortable, yes.
We have the two-headed turtle, two-headed snakes, the two-headed lizards, and they are all alive.
- You can even pet rocky.
- I was about to say that.
Okay, sorry.
It's Saturday, the biggest day of the week, and it's Phoenix's debut as "The Freakshow" talker, and Phoenix is panicking.
I had a whole thing for rocky.
I don't know now I don't remember what I was saying.
Something about he's running around and you can pet him inside.
I'm a little frustrated 'cause my dad's making me nervous, where I wasn't nervous.
I mean, I just got that tug in my stomach, like, .
Jessa, the bearded lady, Larry, the wolf boy.
You read about him in "the guinness book of world records.
" Pull your pants up, son pull your pants up.
- Okay, you ready? - I guess I don't know.
I was trying to practice, and you interrupted me.
I didn't mean to.
Don't get nervous about it, though.
I don't know what I'm saying.
Do you wanna run through it one last time? You'll meet Creature, the most famous body modified person - man in the world.
- Man in the world.
You'll meet Morgue, the most dangerous man in sideshow.
Look, there's amazing Ali and her husband, wee Matt, the littlest coup married couple in L.
Guess what, folks, the show is about to begin.
I don't want you to miss it.
It is show time is that it? Yes.
Okay, all right.
So, come in now, 'cause you wanna bring 'em in now.
- Yeah.
- So, come in now.
It is show time! It can be very hard, but it is not impossible, and you are fully capable.
I'm not saying it's impossible.
You just, like, f up my mojo.
No, don't worry, don't get panicked, - because, listen this is key.
- I'm not.
You don't have to feel the pressure.
The pressure is only in your mind, so just The only person pressuring me is you, so I'm not putting no pressure on you at all.
I say two words, and you stop me and correct me.
Todd, let him do his thing.
- And I'll stay out here.
- You stay in here.
- Phoenix, look at mommy.
- No, like, it's - you got it, baby.
- You-you do.
- Do you want daddy out there? - Sure I don't care.
- Okay.
- Okay, let's do it.
But, Todd, you keep your mouth quiet - unless he asks you.
- I honey, it's just natural nerves.
This is the same thing I felt.
- Stop.
- The thing is, this is totally how I felt the same way.
So don't-just.
No, it's just son, trust me.
Look at me look at my eyes.
Look at my eyes.
You're my son you can do it.
I know this feeling I know this feeling.
I'm not like, shut the hell up right now.
- Okay.
- I'm not panicked.
You're putting me in a pissed off mood.
All right, I don't have to be out there.
Like, I'm not gonna be enthusiastic 'cause I'm pissed off right now.
I don't have to be out there, if you don't want me to.
All right, Phoenix, you got it, kiddo.
I can't say two words without you talking in front of me.
- Here, take it.
- Am I going downstairs, or No, you're gonna stand towards the bottom of the stairs.
I don't know what you're saying.
Well, there's only one way to do it.
Why, you forgot what you said? Phoenix is acting a little nervous, so he's gotta get his confidence up.
If he goes out there and fails, he won't wanna keep trying, and if we don't have him, we can't do a new location.
Folks, gather around, the show is about to begin, and I don't want you guys to miss it.
Hey, guys, the show is about to begin.
Come on! Come closer come closer.
Folks, you are standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow," known around the globe as the strangest show on earth.
We have two-headed turtles, two-headed snakes, two-headed damn! All right, that's okay.
You had it, you had it, you had it.
I'm a little nervous.
But, I mean, if my dad can do it, I can do it, right? - I am his son.
- From the top.
I'm gonna start over I'm gonna start over.
Are you guys ready? Are you guys really ready? I think I'll get them going I think I got my sweet spot.
Are you really ready? Folks, you're standing in front of the world famous "Venice Beach Freakshow," known around the globe as the strangest show on earth.
We have Jessa, the bearded lady.
You'll meet Creature, the most famous body modified man in the world.
And, look, there's amazing Ali, with her husband, wee Matt.
Folks, the show is about to begin.
I don't want you guys to miss it.
It is show time! Come on in come on in.
Give me five.
You did great.
Now, folks, what you see before you is a very unusual ladder.
A ladder of machetes.
The next person I'm gonna bring up is going to walk up these machetes Barefoot.
Give it up for my daughter, the beautiful and dangerous, miss Asia Ray! This is actually the most dangerous part.
All right! This next performer is about to demonstrate something so rare, that I know of less than five people in the history of man that have ever even attempted this.
The most dangerous man in sideshow, give it up for Morgue! This act is the act of regurgitation.
Regurgitation is swallowing objects all the way down into the stomach, and then bringing them back up.
- Hell yeah! - Okay, I need a shot.
Watch this.
Give it up one more time for Morgue! Today was a monumental day.
"The Freakshow" family came together.
Morgue did a regurgitation act that is so rare, it's only been seen three or four times in history.
Asia walked up that ladder of machetes like it was nothin'.
And then my son, to see him pick up the mic, to fight through his own fears It was one of the most proud moments of my life.
When he gathered that crowd, and hypnotized them, and pulled 'em inside, he let me know that we're ready to expand to a new location.
Tell him how much you loved it.
Give him a big round of applause.
And just like the old traditions, I've passed it on to my son.
Now, he can pass it on to his.
And together, we'll ensure that "The Freakshow" lives forever.
It is show time! Todd Ray, get in here right now! What what's going on? There's a dead rat and its tail dangling on my counter.
- The snake's gotta eat.
- Todd, seriously.
It's actually not touching it.
Well, a little bit.
People are coming to our house to eat dinner.
- Okay, calm down.
- Would you wanna eat? I got it.
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