Friday Night Lights s02e14 Episode Script

Leave No One Behind

I don't think we should be together anymore.
This is over.
We want you to play football for us at TMU.
Hey, y'all, the Smash is gonna play for the U, baby! You leave my sister alone.
You got one of ours.
Why shouldn't we get one of yours, you know what I mean? They've decided to suspend you for three games.
That's the rest of the regular season.
Where are you going? Guatemala.
I love you, and you love me.
Matt I know that, so I don't understand why you'd be leaving.
It doesn't make any sense.
She had to leave a day early.
She really wanted to tell you goodbye.
Don't burn my sausages, Matthew.
You know I like those Jimmy Dean's tender.
I'm not making sausage, Grandma.
I'm making eggs.
I want French toast.
Carlotta says, "Tuesdays are French toast Tuesdays.
" All right, well, Carlotta's not here, so we're not gonna be having Oh, my Lord.
Oh, me Oh! You cut my toast in those little triangles I like.
Yep, just for you.
Oh, that looks so good, boy.
There you go.
Now, you just wait till she comes back though.
She's not gonna come back, Grandma.
Well, we'll see.
Yeah, we will.
Mmm, you do a good job.
Thank you.
Matthew? Yes.
Why did she leave? I don't know.
Well, we are just fine.
We're all right.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Have a good day.
Be good.
I'll try.
And what time are your hands on the wheel? We already went over this.
Don't roll your eyes at me.
You're gonna need your eyes for the road.
And as soon as you start disrespecting the vehicle, that's when accidents happen, understood? Okay.
So when I start driving, can you not be in my car? What's the speed limit in a residential area? I don't know.
It depends on how many people I hit.
Oh, that's real funny.
You know what I think is funny? You waving from a little window of a big yellow bus going, "Bye, Daddy.
" TAMl: Have y'all seen my volleyball shoes? They're wherever you left them, honey.
That's what's funny.
TAMl: Thank you, sweetie.
You're incredibly helpful.
Thirty miles an hour in a residential area unless otherwise marked.
And what's this state's legal alcohol limit? .
08, Dad.
Yeah, for those over 21, but for you, it's zero.
I catch any alcohol and you together in a vehicle and I promise you will never drive again.
Honey, I think you need to back off her.
In fact, I'm gonna take her for her test.
Fine, you wanna fire me? Good.
I'll be in the bathroom.
TMI, Dad.
Maybe my volleyball shoes are in the car.
Call it D-day in Dillon.
The news is out.
The district board has suspended Smash Williams for the remainder of the season.
The board will not comment on their decision, and with Smash suspended, it's hard to envision how these Panthers could make it through the next three games to make the playoffs.
In the history of Texas high-school football, no team has won State and not made the playoffs the following year, but it looks like that is a real possibility for these Panthers.
Now, this season has been a real roller coaster, and you have to wonder Man, this blows.
Offense can't get it done without Smash.
We might as well kiss playoffs goodbye.
You know what? You know what's gonna help, probably get us to State, is you keep whining like that.
Oh, you gonna get us there solo? Don't think so, man.
Hey, Smash, nice play, man.
You know what? I did what I did.
You weren't there.
I don't have to explain myself Shut up! It's done.
That's what I'm saying.
No, Smash, you shut up, too.
You don't have to talk always.
McGILL: You all sit down.
Take your seat.
Riggs, get a seat.
Listen up, guys.
Smash is suspended for three games.
This is about more than just football, gentlemen.
It's about adversity and how we stand up to it.
No one said they were gonna hand us the playoffs.
What we are gonna do is we are gonna work, we're gonna adjust, and we are gonna work some more.
We're gonna take adversity, turn it into an asset, and we're gonna ride that asset all the way to the damn playoffs.
And that's gonna start with the team captains.
What the hell happened to you? You look like hell, son.
All right.
Here we go.
Coach Crowley, you wanna take us through it? All right, this is their red zone offense.
They motion to Tripps Let's talk about these still lifes.
Matt? Why don't you start? You can talk about your own drawing or you can critique someone else's.
They're okay.
Can you elaborate on that? Talk about the composition, value, accuracy.
I mean They're all okay.
Art is more than just drawing.
We need to analyze the work, talk about why a drawing is successful or not.
Do you think you succeeded? In drawing a vase of flowers? Yes, I think I did.
Okay, why? Because I can tell that it's a vase and I can tell that there's flowers in it.
I'd like to push you to work a little harder at your critique in the future.
Kristin Bitch.
Excuse me? What did you say? My critique is that we're drawing a bunch of sad, stupid pictures of sad and stupid flowers.
Oh, and I said "bitch.
" Hey, Matt! Matt! Oh, where are you going? Matt, we have Spanish class in diez minutos.
Screw it.
Do you at least want me to tell them that you got sick? I don't care.
You and Landry did that physics thing together, right? Yeah.
Look, I don't want this to be weird.
You don't want what to be weird? Are you a friend or are you competition? Competition? Oh, my God, are you talking about Landry? Yeah.
'Cause I like him.
I think he's great and I'm not blind.
I see the way he looks at you, so I just wanted to make sure there's nothing happening there.
We're just friends, so Great, 'cause I'm telling you I like him.
Good for you.
That's great.
I say go for it.
He's a great guy.
I got to get to practice.
See you later.
Hang them! One thousand! One! One thousand! Two! One thousand! Three! Where the hell is Saracen? I don't see him.
Well, get him down here.
McGILL: All right.
How's Lance doing with that knee? He's out for a while.
How'd he do that? McGILL: He tripped over a curb.
Tripped over a curb.
Right over left! Riggins, take over.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Coach, I know I'm suspended, but I really wanna be out here.
I appreciate you suiting up.
You are a good captain.
You are a good team leader.
But right now I need to work this team out here today without you.
You understand what I'm saying? Yeah.
I'm gonna go do weights.
Let's go.
Stretch them out good.
Get on the ground! Hey, Saracen's not here.
What the hell you mean? I know he's not here.
Where the hell is he? Landry said he's home and he's sick.
Landry, Saracen, Smash.
All right, listen up! Listen up! Here's what we're gonna do.
First string, I want Brooks and Weston in for Smash and Saracen! Coaches, get them together.
Let's go.
Gentlemen, let's go! We got a lot of work to do! Good Lord, Eric.
What are you talking about? Brooks for Smash? Brooks for Smash? All right.
All right.
All right, let's go, gentlemen.
, get them together.
Landry, hey.
Hey, what are you doing? I have a surprise for you.
What? I found the mother lode.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 short films on YouTube.
No, you didn't.
There's, like, at least 50 of them.
Are you serious? Yes.
So are you excited? Don't mess with me, 'cause that wouldn't be funny if I wouldn't lie to you.
That pretty much takes care of the entire weekend.
Should we at least try to stretch this out or just, like No, we have to watch them in order.
Like, alphabetical order or some other crazy kind of order.
Like by shortest to longest.
I don't know.
Okay, we'll come up with something.
We'll figure it out.
Well, okay.
It'll be fun.
No boundaries.
I'm gonna have to prop my leg up.
You know, it really takes a good technique to, um, to sit on the bench.
Do you think that you could possibly, like, maybe bring some ice? Yeah.
Doctor said I'm supposed to ice it.
That sounds like a great weekend.
Yeah, it's fun.
You know, I keep telling her to run a back slide, and every single time she's gonna set it up high and outside.
Every single time without fail.
All right, you didn't hear this from me, okay? What? But Kathryn's not gonna set to Megan anymore.
Why? Well, 'cause Megan started seeing Kathryn's ex, Jimbo.
Oh, good grief.
Yeah, I know.
That is ridiculous.
Well, dinner was really good.
Thank you, sweetie.
Hey, those mashed potatoes were unbelievable.
Mmm-hmm, enough butter.
I know, I know.
Hey, Mrs.
T, you mind if I ask you a question? Uh-uh.
Is it insane if I feel a little jealous if some girl likes Landry Clarke? Landry "Lance" Landry Clarke? I don't know.
I mean, do you like Landry Clarke? No, no.
It's nothing like that.
It's just that this girl, Jean.
You know, she asked my permission to start seeing him and TAMl: Mmm-hmm.
And I said yes.
Not that she needs my permission or anything.
I don't know why it's affecting me so much.
I feel like I'm going crazy or something.
Oh, honey.
You know what? I had a boy like that in high school, Scott Hunter, and he was real nerdy Mom, she doesn't need to Well, honey, she asked.
And you know what? I thought he was so sweet, and he had the biggest crush on me, and it felt good and I liked that.
So I kind of let it go on a little while, but, finally, I realized, you know what? It's not fair.
And the fair thing to do, the kind thing to do, was to let him go.
"Good guys always finish last.
" That's what she's trying to say.
That's not what I'm trying to say, sweetie.
'Cause look at you, you finished first, didn't you? I don't know about that.
TAMl: Oh, I do.
Look deep in your soul Tyra, do you wanna go do our pre-cal? We can finish it up.
Um, you know what? I actually have to get going.
But, um But I'll see you at school tomorrow? Yeah.
And thank you for dinner.
That was amazing.
TAMl: Oh, of course, honey.
And you know what? Let me tell you, you are doing a great job.
I'm so proud of you.
I'll see you tomorrow at practice.
Thank you, Mrs.
Keep it up.
TAMl: Bye.
Bye, guys.
Bye, hon.
Get home safely.
Bye, Coach.
TAMl: Honey, we should go on vacation, just the two of us.
You know what I mean? Now that Now that Gracie Belle's getting a little older, you know, I think we could leave her with my sister.
Sorry, but, honey, haven't we been planning that same vacation for 16 years now.
I'm just saying.
You gonna come to my volleyball game? I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.
I have to say I am having such a good time with this coaching.
I mean, it's so satisfying.
I think it's because it's nice to have some teenaged girls actually listen to me for a change.
That's probably what it is.
You realize that Julie's a bit envious, don't you? What? You mean of the volleyball thing? Yes, I do.
Julie hates volleyball, sweetie.
Well, I understand that, but you got to understand how sensitive she is, too.
Who knows how sensitive our dear daughter is more than me? You don't have to get bent out of shape about it.
I'm just saying.
I just think you're barking up the wrong tree.
I may be barking up the wrong tree.
I just thought I'd say something.
You might just want to keep it in mind.
If you're thinking of grabbing the world by the berries and lighting it on fire, that's what you need.
Yeah, no.
It's cool.
I just Sit on it.
It's a little out of my price range.
That's the old you talking.
Get on it.
Give it a burn.
You feed that baby right, you'll never get off.
Yeah, I know, it's Looks good.
I'm gonna go get the key.
I'll be right back.
Hang tight.
QB One.
Skipping school again.
Yeah, well, yesterday just kind of turned into today, so What about you? I always skip Wednesdays.
Seriously, what's the deal with the bike though? Nothing.
What are you gonna do? I was thinking, you know, hit the museum, yoga, library for a bit.
Then again, I might just do the ushe.
I mean You wanna go for a beer? All right.
How did you know that we weren't gonna get carded here? Who, Charlie? He'll never card, man.
He's old-school.
It's good stuff.
So, Coach was pretty rattled at you yesterday, not showing up.
You gonna show up today or what? No.
No, I'm not.
No, I'm not done being dumped.
You know what was good about the way I got dumped, though, was that Carlotta, she just She just dumped me.
She just left a note on the pillow and left the country.
Like the breakup fairy.
How you guys doing? We're good, thanks.
You want a funnel or, you know No, I just I wanna be more like you.
You know, it doesn't matter if Smash is off the team.
The season's done.
You're fine.
That's fine.
You get any girl you want.
You get all the girls, whatever.
Nothing matters.
You're just always the same, even keel.
That's what I wanna be able to do.
I wanna be able to be even keel always.
Hey, look at these two Bible-thumpers.
They come here every day for lunch.
Isn't that sad? Sad, if you ask me.
Stalking's sad, if you ask me.
All right.
Stay here, and I'll be right back.
Burger With the big fat bun burger.
The big fat bun? Yeah.
This one What's going on? How you guys doing? Can I help you? Tim Riggins.
It is a pleasure.
Nice to meet you.
It really is.
You have great hair.
The other night, I just You were brilliant.
That sermon you did Tim.
Tim, please.
I appreciate that.
I'm glad you were there.
You should come back.
Any time.
Might just have to.
You look great.
Yes, she does.
You both look great.
Thank you.
We got a pitcher if you guys are interested.
See you, Garrity.
Let's go.
Where are we going? Let's go.
We're going to practice.
No, no.
I can't go to practice.
Yeah, you can.
Chug some water.
Oh, no.
Corn Nuts for the breath.
Let's go.
Eat it! Corn Okay.
Careful now.
Careful now, watch Watch both ways very clearly, around that corner.
Hey, you know, hon, you know what I've been wanting to ask you? You don't wanna play on the volleyball team or anything, do you? What? No, I don't.
All right, careful.
See? He's pulling out right up there.
You got to Eyes all around.
I just wanted to check in with you about that.
With the volleyball.
I mean, for one thing, have you seen their uniforms? Well, yes, I have.
I mean, volleyball's just not my thing, you know? You're not gonna make me play or something, are you? Oh, no.
Of course I'm not gonna make you play.
Of course I wouldn't do that.
I There's a red light, there's a red light.
Watch Ease into your stop, ease into your Well, okay, all right.
We're gonna practice that.
We'll practice that.
Hey, let's go, boys! We're gonna run a series Come on, let's go out there! We're gonna run, you know Let's go! All right, on one.
Ready? Break! You good, man? Hey, stop smiling.
Serious game.
You good? All right! Set! Blue, eight Whoa! What? Whoa, man, I'm not your center.
Come on, man.
It's cool.
It's cool Let's go! Quit screwing around out there! Let's go now! We're good.
We're good.
On your marks! Get set! Whoa! Hey, Omaha it! Do the Omaha.
Red! The red thing! You're good! Line up.
Red! I don't know what you're talking about! Red Omaha, you got that? Got it? All right.
Green, 20! Green, 20! Hut! Saracen, get your ass over here right now! Good effort.
Good Good effort.
What's going on? What the hell are you doing? Nothing What the hell are you smiling at? Nothing.
It's just been a really bad day, so I was trying to, you know, have some fun out there.
You get your ass out there and you get it together right now.
Yes, sir.
You smell that? No, I don't.
And Jean's just such a cool girl.
You know, she really She really appreciates all different types of films and she's really like a film scholar.
I don't know, I just need I need to decide which movie is gonna be more conducive to romance.
Is it gonna be Wrath of Khan or is it gonna be Jaws? Does it really matter? Yeah, it does matter.
'Cause, I mean, this is kind of big for me.
This is gonna decide whether or not Jean Binnel's gonna pass through those velvet ropes to becoming my girl.
You know? You look like you're about to throw up.
I'm okay.
Are you gonna eat that? You're very dehydrated.
That's what happens whenever you get drunk.
Okay, so I went drinking.
It's called a side effect.
Hey, Matty.
Landry, what's going on? What's going on is we're gonna be the first team in Texas football history to win the state championship and then not make the playoffs the next year, courtesy of one Brian "Smash" Williams.
Good to have you here.
He's hung over, in case you were wondering.
Hey, Matty, I'm not happy about this.
I'm just trying to keep my head down and move through it.
It's on you and the team to get to the playoffs, and I can get back on the field.
You know what he did? This guy also ditched school with Tim Riggins.
Shut up.
Who are you? That's your new role model? I just don't want to see you become, you know, an at-risk youth.
Yeah, or a statistic.
So we need to discuss what's going on in Matt Saracen's life.
That's it.
You know? I'm trying to reach out to you, and you're just walking away from me, just like that.
Keep walking, Matt.
Walk away.
Oh, my God, stop talking.
Walk away.
What do you think? Do you think The Wrath of Khan or Jaws for, like, a date? What? Jaws? Let's go, y'all.
Let's do it.
Okay! Hey! Work together, now.
Come on now, y'all.
Call the ball! Call the ball! Beautiful, y'all.
TAMl: Okay, let's finish it.
Tyra, watch their center.
Close the block.
All right.
Let's do it now, y'all! You can do it.
Team work! Let's go! That was a victory! I knew you all could do it! I'm so proud of you! Let's go! One, two, three Panthers! Let's go to my house! Yeah! TAMl: All right, who wants hot fudge sundae? Mrs.
T? What? You had a mullet.
That was a good look, I'll tell you right now.
TAMl: You don't like the perm? TAMl: "Mama, I like you in a perm.
I like the way that looks.
" TAMl: And you like to dance, don't you? Don't you? Yeah, you do.
Thanks! What? Hey! Uh Hey! Julie.
Excuse me.
What? What's going on? Is this what your dad was talking about? I have no idea.
Well, he said that you were feeling a little sensitive about me coaching the volleyball team.
It does seem to me that you have not been a big fan of this whole volleyball situation, and I know it must be eating up some time that we have together, but, honestly, we are gonna have to learn to deal with this situation without you coming in and slamming around.
Sorry, maybe I'm being rude.
I guess I just believe a mom when she says, "I'll see you at the DMV.
" Oh, hon.
I waited there an hour.
Oh, honey.
I tried calling your cell phone, I tried calling the house.
You're right.
I guess I should just work on my jealousy issues.
Sweetie, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
We're closed, ma'am.
Oh, you work here? Yeah.
Let me ask you something.
It seems like you're not supposed to close for another 10 minutes to me.
No, I shut everything down.
My last appointment left about Well, my problem is my daughter had an appointment today and she missed it and it was because of me that she missed it.
It was not her fault at all.
She can come back tomorrow.
Let me just tell you something.
This is my fault and I just It's just important.
It's just important.
I can understand that I let her down and if I don't redeem myself here, I may not get her to trust me again for a while and that's just gonna be a problem.
Do you have kids? There are 10 minutes All right.
All right, ma'am.
She can take the road test today.
That is so kind.
But I can't do any of the paperwork until tomorrow.
All right, great.
Hey, are you a Panthers fan? No, I hate football.
Come here, sweetie.
Here you go.
All right.
Go get 'em.
You know what you're doing.
That's my daughter Julie.
And what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a right over here.
Just take it easy.
There she goes, Gracie Belle.
Taking her driver's test.
I can't believe it.
Oh, my God! Honey, can you come over here? I got to ask you a serious question.
Do you see these things on me? They're like whiskers.
Can you see that? Just pay to get a wax.
It's easier.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Mama, did you ever compete with a girl over a guy? Oh, honey Well, the question is really did I ever not compete with a girl over a guy? Come on, seriously.
I am serious.
I I like the chase.
I like the challenge.
Those poor girls.
Did you like the guy? I like to win.
Okay, see, that's just sick.
I know.
But I'll tell you something, this whole family, that kind of competition, it runs in your blood.
Well, see, I just think it's stupid to compete over something like that.
Well, you're right.
It is stupid.
Ah, but you're so much more evolved than your poor mother, thank God.
Would you like a Diet Coke, my daughter? That's okay.
Two more lemon drops! Lemon drops! You like those, right? You're not gonna puke yet, are you? I don't know why we didn't ever do this before! Me neither! I don't either.
This is good times.
It is good.
You know what? Keep drinking.
I got a surprise for you.
You getting another round? Hey.
See See that rookie right there? Yeah.
Can you take him? Take him? Yeah.
Hey, Chastity! Hey! Hey! My treat.
My treat.
Take it easy on him.
He's still in high school.
He's a Only, not for long.
Yeah, you like him? Hey.
Why are those guys getting all the action? Because they're younger and don't need Viagra.
Don't touch me.
Actually, I'm almost done with high school.
Cheers! Drink up! Drink up.
Oh, shoot, I'm vibrating.
Yeah, you are.
Can you make Whoa No, I got to Seven, where are you going? You know, I'm gonna be back.
Seven, where are you You're gonna hurt her feelings, Matty.
Seven! You talk to Crowley about the basic defense? I did.
If we do any I need to talk to you, Coach.
I'll see you in a few.
They're revoking my scholarship.
It's off the board's decision.
They say I've got "questionable character.
" That's the mark of death, Coach.
That's my future.
No! Look, her name is Lorraine Saracen.
Yes, your hospital left me many voicemails about Lorraine Saracen.
I'm her grandson! Yes, I'm on my way.
I guess she hit her head getting out of bed.
Well, look, I am just so sorry, pulling you away from your customers.
But I do thank you so much.
No, no, no.
Don't worry about it, Matt.
It's cool.
Actually, I suffer from an illness which is called "slackerphobia.
" Which is the fear of sharks.
And I'd appreciate if you would, instead of ridiculing me, maybe support me a little bit.
So, don't be like, "One summer, Hey, Landry.
Don't do that voice.
That's not funny.
Hey, Jean.
Hey, Tyra.
How are you doing? Good.
Did you Did you see Jaws, too? Oh, yeah.
Great, great movie.
Can I talk to you for a minute? Sure.
That okay? Yeah.
Y'all go ahead.
Everything okay? Yeah, this is hard to say.
I'm just gonna I'm just gonna say it.
Look I like you.
You were right, okay? I do like you.
I want to give this a shot.
That's what you came here to say was Yeah.
I mean, I'm on a I'm on a date right now, Tyra.
And she's not She's not embarrassed of me.
She's not embarrassed to be seen with me.
She actually likes me.
And the last time I checked you were kind of somewhere in between.
You weren't sure if you did That's not fair, Landry.
I mean If you Wait, that's not fair.
We both know how we got together, and it wasn't exactly under normal circumstances.
I mean, it was It was messed up and scary and, yeah, I was I was confused.
But I'm not now.
Well I mean, I'm on a date.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what else to say.
No, no, I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
You know what? You have a great night, and I'll just I'll see you around.
Ready to get out of here? Yeah.
Let's go.
Okay, good.
Brian? Baby? What you doing? You been in here all night.
This is all my TMU stuff.
All the pamphlets, the posters, the gear.
I'm getting rid of it, 'cause it's over, Mama.
It's over.
You wanna tell me, "I told you so"? No.
I just want to let you know I love you.
Oh, I love you.
And I believe in you.
I believe in you.
Sorry for calling you.
No, that's all right.
Appreciate it.
What's going on? We didn't know what else to do.
Oh, I understand.
All right.
Hey, Mrs.
Coach Taylor! Hey.
Matthew! How you doing? Matthew! How are you doing? I'm doing much better now that I know you're all right.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
How's your wife and little Gracie? They're doing just fine.
I'm here to I'm here to take y'all home, if that's all right.
Well, yes, it is.
All right.
I'm ready to go home.
Give me a hand here real quick.
Why don't we walk with this gentleman? I'll be just a second.
All right.
I'll be right with you.
How are you? I'm good, I'm good.
I'm Lorraine.
It's nice to meet you, ma'am.
What the hell are you thinking? I wasn't.
You know, you smell like a damn drunk right now, don't you? Yeah, I do.
Thank you.
Come on, Mrs.
Keep up the good work.
Take care.
Thank you again.
Thank you so much.
Yes, ma'am.
Here's your water.
There you go.
Are you sure you don't want me to fix you a sandwich? No, I don't need a sandwich.
You're sure? No, I've already eaten.
Thank you very much.
Well, we got a game tomorrow night.
Yes, ma'am.
Sure glad you came by, 'cause I think Matthew needs your help.
All righty.
Good night.
Good night.
Thank you again.
You're welcome.
I don't need any of your Dad-Coach talk, so you feel free to just go home.
Don't touch me.
Get off! Get off me! What are you doing? You know how many people depend on you to make good decisions? Huh? Do you have any idea? Your grandmother, your friends, your teammates! You better start making them! You better stop being so damn selfish and stop feeling sorry for yourself! Shut up! Do you hear me? Just shut up! You don't care about me! You left me for a better job! Your daughter left me for a better guy! Carlotta left me for Guatemala! My dad left me for a damn war! Everybody leaves me! What is wrong with me? There's nothing wrong with you.
There's nothing wrong with you at all.
Shouldn't you be getting ready for a football game right now? Yeah, I'm gonna run over in just a minute.
That's a pretty snazzy sweater you have on there.
Did you come all the way over here to tell me that? Hi.
I don't know how to say this, but Then don't.
Look, will you please just try and listen to me? Landry Now, that's Landry, I don't want to listen.
Please don't do this.
All right.
This isn't This isn't fair to you for me to just ignore this and pretend like it's not there.
I can't just keep doing that to you, okay? You're making a mistake.
Um All right.
I've actually got to go.
There's this kind of spot with my name on it on the bench.
I can't miss that, so But I'll see you after the game.
Panthers! Panthers! Come on back.
Okay, good, now.
No, you're cutting too soon.
Honey! Honey! Honey! Just No! Stop! Stop! Honey, hold on! Hold on! Don't cut it yet.
Mom, I got it, okay? I only missed two on my driving test.
Hey, how are y'all? Hey, y'all.
Just came by to wish my team luck.
Saracen, I wanted to stop by and tell you to kick some ass tonight.
All you boys got to do it tonight.
This might end up being the last place I ever play.
Coach, I don't care what the district board says.
I don't care if we forfeit the rest of the games this season.
Smash is a part of this team.
That's right, that's right.
Let him play.
It ain't gonna happen.
He can't play, and y'all are very well aware of that.
Coach, he didn't do nothing wrong.
Look, look, hey, look! Look, y'all know I can't play.
All right? The best thing you can do for me right now is win.
Get to the playoffs, I'll be right back with y'all doing my thing.
For now, I'll be watching.
But y'all can still do this.
I mean, look, you got Saracen, Riggins.
Bradley can barely catch a cold, much less a football.
Brooks is probably the slowest brother in Texas.
But, look, everybody plays hard.
And no matter what happens out there, y'all remember this.
You're the Dillon Panthers, baby.
That's right! Yeah! Y'all are state champs.
Yeah! Take them out.
All right, y'all ready for this? All right! Let's do this! Come on! Hey! Bring it in! Bring it in! All right.
Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Go get 'em, baby! Let's go get 'em, fellows! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
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