Iron Man: Armored Adventures (2008) s02e14 Episode Script

Mandarin's Quest

2x14 - Mandarin's Quest He's a man on a mission in armor of high tech ammunition trapped on the edge of an endless game his teenage life will never be the same in a dangerous world, he does all he can he's Iron Man Iron Man transcript: f1nc0 timing: deska Yo, Tony! Hey, big shot! Why so down? You beat Stane.
In a few months Stark International will be yours.
Which means free donuts from the company commissary for like ever! Donuts I know you, you're still upset about Stane being in a coma.
You're not? I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone.
Not even Stane.
And other things could be better.
Well no big lost there.
Come on, Tony, Iron Monger is history.
That's a positive! Think about Stark International.
All the good you can do with it.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe things are getting better.
Okay, class.
Pop quiz.
No complains, when you'll finish, you can go.
Physics? Why is it have to be physics? Definitely back to his old self.
And that's helping me how? Tony, wait up.
Honestly? I think I did pretty good this time out.
At least B plus? Tony.
Hello? Who's there? I'm right here, Tony.
Greetings, my old friend.
- Gene! - Mandarin! Pepper Potts.
Tony Stark.
Or should I just call you Iron Man.
You can both relax.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Gene, I can't believe it.
This better be an apology, like the biggest most massive apology in a history of Not likely.
Should've expect him to sneak up behind us! He's great at stabbing people in the back! I'm not here to fight.
I promise you that.
In fact, I need your help.
Our help? After everything you did? Lied to me about my father, been alive! Betraying all of us! Betrayal is two sided, Stark.
You lied to me about beeing Iron Man.
What are you doing here, Gene? I've located another Makluan ring.
But I've been unable to Wait! Another ring? There's only five rings, you have them all! You're wrong.
After we defeated Fing Fang Fum, I've discovered there are ten rings in all.
- Ten? - Ten? I have seven and I've located the eighth.
But I can't solve it's riddle.
That's why, I need your help.
With those ten rings I can bring order to this chaotic world.
You can forget it.
I'll never help you! You're the worst kind of evil.
Thinkin' you can hurt people for your just cause! I'll give you something but I promise you, it won't be help! I hoped that wouldn't come.
That's one way to stop your lying.
But I've got a couple of new tricks to You're not the only one who has upgraded.
Each ring I acquire enhances the others.
And greater their power.
The greater my power! Oh-oh.
Have enough? I had more than enough.
A C plus? I deserved at least the B.
- Gene is back.
- Gene? Gene is in Gene Khan? Do you know another Gene? When? Why? Where are you? In an alley, downtown.
He and Tony having a nice little chat.
Sounds like repulsors.
Least Tony is getting too sensitive.
Well, Gene is doing most of the talking.
Tell Tony to hang in untill I get there.
You care for look at my new rings? How about number six? Warning! Armor integrity compromised.
The sixth ring is acid cloud, capable of goin' into any material.
Even your wanted armor.
Whole breach imminent.
Gotta get this stuff off me! Full power to shields! Sorry Mandarin, no rain cloud is gonna stop me.
That's the spirit, Iron Man.
That's new.
Pepper, what's all that wreckage? - You gonna wanna - Hurry.
I know, I know.
That all you got? Such persistence.
That's why I need you to help me recover the eighth ring.
And I can help you.
Observe the seventh ring.
Tony! What are you doing? Improves mental power.
All your knowledge can be accessed.
Would you like to know exactly what happened to your father? He's gone.
You did it.
- Didn't you? - No, Stark.
Attaining the eighth ring make the seventh powerful enought to uncover the truth.
Help me to Tony, so I can help you.
- I'll help you.
- Tony! I know what I'm doing.
No, you don't, man! Are you insane? I need precision fire.
Now! Target locked.
It will be just like old times.
- Tony! - Pepper! Oh, man! Not good.
Follow me.
You'll be safe right here, Pepper.
- Don't you think, Tony? - He's right, the temple guardians.
I have no problem hangin' out here.
Heh all by myself.
With the snakes, and desert spiders and rabid camels.
Let's go satellite mode.
Daddy's totally gonna kill me, when he gets my cellphone bill.
Tony! Do you read me? Pepper, are you there? Rhodey, I read you.
Sort of Where are you? I'm not pickin' up a tracker in Tony's armor.
I'm outside the temple, in the desert somewhere.
And it's night time.
Night? You must be half around the world.
But this whole thing makes no sense.
Tony gets beat down by Gene.
And suddenly they're acting like the best friends and go to the magic bubbleride with him? I know, something is not right.
He seems normal, but I think there's something up.
Big time! I've got your location.
Oh, that is so cool! I always wanted to go Man! And now I'm here No pyramids, no Sphinx, no Cairo, just the whole lot of sand.
Computer, calculate an orbital reentry trajectory with the fastest travel time.
Wait! Didn't War Machine lose power last time you left the atmosphere? You think Tony didn't upgrade this suit? Come on, now.
Of course, he did.
Better have Look out! I thank you.
But I'm not even sure what I'm doing here.
Where is Pepper? Rhodey? Already translated the puzzle.
" Who would master the future must endure the pain of the past.
" The ring is inside the Grim Reaper's statue.
Get it for me.
Something is wrong.
Tony! Get me the ring! It burns Don't give up! Use your will! I knew you'll come through.
Show it to me.
Help me, Tony.
So I could help you.
I command you, give me the ring! Your seventh ring.
It has mental powers, allright? To influence the minds of others! But not me! Not anymore.
So be it! Pepper to Rhodey! What's your status? Did Tony upgrade your armor? Or are you floating around the orbit.
About that I'm good to go.
You were saying? Tony is back.
Mandarin must have been messing with his head.
Hurry, he needs your help! I'll be there as fast as I can.
You must endure! Oh-oh.
Guess the test is not over.
You must endure! You must endure! Impossible! Gene! You must endure! Let's see you endure a live! Pepper, get out of here! And that's that.
So such a sure.
Tony! Tony, can you hear me? Can you hear me? Tony, wake up! Dad? You're alive! Last time I checked.
That must have been some dream! My heart monitor.
Everything is normal again! Oh, it wasn't a dream.
More like a nightmare.
Well, it's over now.
No! We are on a plane! The plane! Dad, our lives are in danger! No! Tony! Tony! Can you hear me? Tony! Rhodey! It is a Tony and Gene, the guardian oh, it got them! I'm closing at your coordinates.
We've got a problem.
A big problem.
The temple is about to be swallowed by a mega-giant dust storm.
We all must be buried alive! The prodigal son returns.
To take revenge for what you did to my mother! And how will pityful motherless Gene ever hope to achieve that? Looking for these? Now, you will beg for your life! I will never bow to you! And that is only the beginning.
Stabilize the turbulence.
Full power to the thrusters.
Gotta be a way through that storm.
Further more Our immemse success has been generated solely by my new invention.
Wait, invention? Last I saw, you were in a coma.
Only in your dreams, Tony.
Now, back to business.
Profits are up 2000 percent, since the Stane armor debut to the public.
The "Stane armor"? I know the transition has been difficult for you, but you must admit, my new armor is our most popular product.
As you can see, the military's once again become our biggest customer.
No, no, it's not possible! We did even outfit the police with our new law enforcement armor.
Of course, some suits may fall into wrong hands, just like any powerful weapon.
Peacekeeping applications for the armor are only the beginning.
Stane armor can by used anywhere by anyone.
This this is my worst fear comes to life! How did this happen? Stane International has became the most powerful weapon's manufacturer in the world.
Stane Inter? It's Stark International! You are the least powerful member of this board.
The time has come for you to just give up.
I'll never give up to you! Then I have no choice.
Tony Stark, you're fired! You can't fire me! This is my company, Stane, I'm takin' back my armor, right now! Oh, well, well.
I do believe, we have a mutiny.
I've been looking for it, putting you out of your misery, for a long time.
Warning! Armor compromised.
All systems at 20 percent and falling.
Surrender, Stark! Keep fighting! Don't give up, Tony! System failure.
Stane, you will never make me give up! Destroy him! Fire everything! I beat you, Stane.
My armor can't hurt me.
Because I created it.
I control it! This is just a dream.
And I have enough! You have endured! Do something! Before we're buried in here.
No doubt! The temple's been torn to pieces.
If I can't beat this thing, I'm just gonna have to join it! What are you talking about? Physics.
But you're terrible in physics! Yes! Totally deserve the A on that quiz! Tony, you're back! You made it.
Thanks to you.
Look out! No more bad dreams.
The Reaper's playing for keeps now.
What are you doing? Trying to wake him up.
Like it or not, we need him! Gene! Have you gone crazy? There is good in him.
I know it.
Besides, we don't have a choice! Time to wake up! Your fears are only as real as you make them.
Gene, we have to work together.
This thing is too tough for either of us to defeat alone! No! A temporary truce then.
But the eighth ring will be mine.
Yeah, we'll see.
But first things first.
Face it, you guys make a great team.
- Don't get used to it.
- Walk away, Stark.
Spare yourself the humiliation of another defeat.
My odds are improving.
Glad you could make it.
Hope you left something for me to bust on.
I got the ring, you take Mandarin.
Missed me? I never miss, Rhodes! Nice work, Rhodey! Little mettle had to come in.
And there's a whole lot more.
Gene, this isn't you.
And I will not give up on the real you.
I I'm doing this for a greater good.
Believe me.
Now you will learn the true power of the Makluan rings.
I have superspeed and the vortex at my command.
He could have left us to that tornado, buried in sand.
He's still a criminal! And next time, I'm taking him down! We're taking him down! But what if what Gene said is true? Yeah.
That he could use the ring to find out what happened to your dad.
Only thing I know for sure is that Gene Khan is a liar.
Who will do or say anything to get what he wants! Home sweet home.
Good evening, Howard.
You recovered the eighth ring? Your son and I succeeded, where you and I failed.
I'd expect no less from Tony, but I swear, if you ever try and use him again, I'll! You'll do nothing, Stark! But rot in that cage! Until all ten rings are mine.
transcript: f1nc0 timing: deska
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