Roswell s02e14 Episode Script

How the Other Half Lives

ÍùÆÚ»Ø¹Ë Hey, we're here to keep an eye on Laurie.
Would you stop making phone calls? It's official business.
Liz! Hey, it's me again.
Listen, um, how do you get tree sap out of fabric? I think I've ruined my top You¡¯re wasting the battery.
No, no.
The black turtleneckThe cashmere one I borrowed it from my mum, you know? I knowI know, right? It's tragic¡­ It is I's still in the middle of nowhere with he who shall remain nameless Hey! Ow!! Let's go! You got any cool powers to take care of him? Step out of the car please.
What the hell is this about? Brought you something you're wanted for a long time.
Search warrant.
Can I ask you a few questions, Mr.
Sorenson? Sure.
These are car rental receipts that you signed.
Newcastle, Wyoming last July; Fort Collins, Colorado in August; and Las Cruces, New Mexico in September.
Are these your signatures? Yeah, they might be.
What the hell's this all about? Just questions for now.
Why were you in those cities? Research.
I've got records I'm appreciate looking at those.
These your gloves? No.
They were in your bag I've never seen those gloves before in my life.
Agent Duff, I have no idea what this man has told you or what he has against me, but he has been persecuting me practically since the day I set foot in Roswell.
And now he's planting things in my truck.
How did you get those scratches on your neck? I, uhI've no idea.
Just wanted to make sure you were okay.
We're gonna help you.
My aunt and uncle need me to be crazy.
What are you talking about? Mr.
Guerin! That money we gave you was intended as a going-away present as in, "take the money and GO AWAY.
" Got it? Yeah.
James, please escort them to their car and this time be SURE they drive away.
:: .]
[ µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ .]
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman Roswell [2x14.]
How The Other Half Lives His final words were to get off the planet.
Which isn't currently an option.
Which is why we called this meeting, to figure out what our options are.
And just so I'm clear, when Larek said that Earth was infected, wh-what exactly are we talking here? You know, a couple of acres? Couple of miles? Um, I think he was speaking a little more globally.
Hey Brody, how you feeling? It's Larekand although I've had a little more time to prepare this body for communication, I'm still having trouble keeping its heart beating, so I'll get right to it.
The Gandarium are a genetically engineered life form, designed to bridge the DNA and RNA sequencing during third-stage amino synthesis.
No, uh, I'm lost too.
Uh, it's way over our heads.
Do you mind explaining it to us in simpler terms? Alright.
let's say you want to create an alien-human hybrid.
First, you get some alien cells, then you get some human cells.
Normally they don't mix very well.
You need something to help bridge the differences.
That's where the Gandarium come in.
In a controlled environment like on your ship, they're harmless, but released into an eco-system, the Gandarium will perform the only role they know: infect human cells.
But they're not infecting just any human cells They seem to be focusing on one particular girl.
Not every human is a candidate for hybridization.
The genetic structure has to have well, you would call it a flaw.
It's very rare on Earth, fewer than one in 50 million people have it.
That's why they're going after Laurie.
She must have the defect.
What happens if they succeed in infecting Laurie? Once they're infected her, the Gandarium will mutate into a universal virus.
She'll infect anyone she comes into contact with, human or otherwise.
They in turn, will infect everyone they come into contact with.
Eventually, she and every infected person on the planet will die.
How do we destroy them? Once they're infected the host, it's all over.
They didn't finish.
The Gandarium didn't finish infecting Laurie.
She was buried right out there with the crystals.
No, I think that Tess is right.
That's why they're still coming after her.
To complete the process.
If that's true, then you may still have a chance.
The Gandarium are hive-like, with workers, droneseven a Queen The Queen is the only one that can infect the host.
Find her, kill her, and the rest of the hive will die.
So the Queen will be in the hive? Not necessarily.
I'll have to return this body to its home or it won'i survive.
Good luckto you all.
The first thing we have to do is go back to Frazier Woods and find out how many more of these crystals are out there.
Or rather, down there.
And then we have to find a way to destroy them.
Collect whatever digging equipment you can and meet outside in an hour.
I'm going to call Kyle and Alex for more help.
This is a STUPID idea.
Think about it, Guerin.
What do you think Laurie meant when she said that her aunt and uncle - needed her to be crazy? - Who knows? Well, I do.
At least I have a hunch.
Deed of record for11, Osborne Road? Thank you.
Sign here please.
Here you go.
Just start applauding right now.
The Dupree estate is in Laurie's name, left to her by her grandfather.
So what does that give us? Hmmma little thing called leverage.
It's the team of Guerin and DeLuca again.
Wait right where you are.
The police should be by to scoop you up in approximately ten minutes.
Right, of course.
Um, are Bobby and Meredith around? If they are, could you just have them come outside so that they could take a look at this? One moment.
/Charmed, I'm sure.
If it was me, I'd tell us to get screwed and call the cops anyways.
That's'cause you don’t have any money Michael.
People who do tend to get a little nervous when it's threatened.
So is this the sixth or seventh hole we're dug today? Hey, hey.
I was kinda wondering what the hell you people were doing sophomore year.
Ah, well, a lot of secret meetings, a lot of lying to authorities.
Sometimes narrowly escaping gunfire although generally that was pretty rare.
So what do we lowly human folk get out of all this? I'm not sure.
See, I guess what I have a problem with is that suddenly I'm a member of this club I never wanted to join.
And it turns out this club bears a striking resemblance to a chain gang.
What the Look at this.
What the hell man? It's some sort of cave.
JACKPOT, BABY!! Whooh!! Yeah!! Alex Whitman, ladies and gentlemen! Uh-huh! Yeah! Thank you! Thank you! Okay, well, time to put the shovel away, and uh, go find the others and tell Max.
You comin? Sure.
You first.
What do you suppose alien crystals are going for on eBay? Alright, Columbus.
You claimed the land for the Queen of Spain.
What do you say we go tell the others? I don't know why I'm looking around.
I suppose stuff like this happens all the time? Right? Yeah, sure.
Find anything? Just a lot of rock.
There's nothing in grid point 23-27.
Okay, then uh, you should move on to Where are those guys? The crystals.
- Hello? - Liz? - It's me, Kyle! - Yeah, Kyle.
Where are you? In the freaking nest!! You guys, they're IN there.
- Do you see the crystals? -Yeah, yeah, we see the crystals.
They blocked us in here.
Okay, um, you guysyou guys think that you can make an opening? We can try.
Tell them to step as far away from the entrance as possible.
Okay, uh, try to step as far away from the hole.
Come on, come on.
Get a move, get a move.
Our powers don't work on these! Are you sure? You're welcome to try! Okay, what now? What are you doing? Um, they're just uh, you knowthey're uh, they're taking a break! Break?! You know there's not that much air down here.
Okay, um, we're we're just gonna have to get back to you.
Get back to us?! Breath shallow.
Breath shallow?! What now?! Uh, Brody has some weird equipment in the back of the UFO Center.
I think there there's even a diamond saw in the storage locker.
Okay, yeah.
That could work, that could work.
I'll get it Maybe we should dig another hole.
Parallel to where they're digging.
See if we can tunnel in from the side.
- Where? Where? - Here.
Let's go, let's go.
So Shall I have Carmen prepare for your departure tomorrow? You know, I think we're gonna stick around a little longer than that? So um, you can just tell Carmen not to knock herself out.
You do know that we have power of attorney over Laurie? I love that girl like a daughter.
But, the girl is certifiable.
And the doctors agree.
So we could have you and the beatnik kicked out of here anytime we like.
Then why haven't you? Maybe it'suh, I don't know, because of the to get them to say that Laurie was crazy? Where did you get that? Oh, Laurie told me that I could go anywhere in the house that I pleased.
So I looked at your desk.
So I realized I had to find some kind of leverage.
I went to the courthouse had them look up files on this place andbang, there it was.
The deed with your name on it So I threatened to call the police on Bobby and Meredith and have them arrested for trespassing WE threatened to call the police cos Maria kinda helped.
That's really smart.
You know, well people with money.
They tend to get nervous when it's threatened you know? You look just like him when you did that.
Who? Grandpa.
He used to scratch his eyebrow just like you did.
He even wore a ring on the same finger you do.
What was he like? A lot like you.
Hard to read, lived in his own head.
But kind.
He's the only one in the family I ever felt safe with.
Would you like to meet him? You can still smell him.
Indian River Pipe Tobacco.
He had an interest in aliens.
Grandpa said they took him.
He wouldn't talk about it.
He's just come down here to the bomb shelter and read for hours.
It was his sanctuary.
The older he got, the more he wanted know what really happened to him.
So he started talking.
Aunt Meredith and Uncle Bobby used it to put him away.
It drove him crazy.
That's what I got from Grandpa that and some bad blood.
Bad blood? Uh, a bad chromosome actually.
It's what they call a recessive genetic defect.
That's why they want you.
What? Nothing.
This is Grandma's.
I never met her.
What was her name? Ada-Jane.
She's dead too.
Can't fight who we are Michael.
You're Grandpa's legacy, and I'm crazy.
You are NOT crazy.
What happened to you was REAL.
I mean, you have a right to live your life.
Bobby and Meredith have tried to take that away from you, but it's yours.
Just like this house is yours.
Now look, I'm not what you would call an optimist.
Life sucks.
People suck.
That's reality.
But you're special.
You're a good person and you deserve better than to be locked up in an institution because it's more convenient for your aunt and uncle.
This is YOUR life, and this is YOUR house.
Things I know.
Two times two is four.
Gato is Spanish for cat.
My middle name is Ellis.
A mineral with a high Mohs number will scratch a mineral with a low number.
The scale is not linear.
Grant I'm not doing so good Isabel That Agentfrom the FBI Agent Duff? YI know her name! Okay?! I know things!! She said I went to Wyoming.
She asked if I stole a gun there.
I DON't REMEMBER! When I try to remember, it just gets worse.
You're the only one I trust Isabel.
You have to help me.
Okay, I will.
Just pull the car over and we'll get you some fresh air.
Did I get shot? Huh? That WAS you.
When'd I get these scratches on my neck? I don't know.
Here's another one: Why am I driving to Tucson? I DON't KNOW! Help me IsabelPLEASE.
Things I know.
My birthday is December seventh.
Sedimentary rocks cover 75 percent of the earth's land surface When did this all start happening? Hard to say.
Uh, I uh, have gaps in time.
I think it was when I started digging out near Pohlman Ranch some time last summer.
Found these weird crystals Oh my God.
Oh God, Larek said there was a Queen.
What? Oh GodLook, Grant.
You're going to be alright.
Your body has been has been taken over by something.
What kind ofthing? It's hard to explain, but it must have happened when you were digging.
God, it was the Gandarium.
They must have been in the water tab I don't know what that means, okay?! I'm losing it here!.
Grant Why is this happening to me? I'm a good person I know Do you? Yes.
I have to kill you, but I don't wanna.
There's a cell phone in my coat pocket.
Grab the phone Isabel.
Grant GET OUT OF THE CAR!! I can't help you if you don't Pleaseget out of the car.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry! Oh, Sheriff Valenti, thank God.
Thank God.
Grant is definitely the kidnapper, but it's not his fault.
The Queenand it possessed him somehow.
Possessed by the what?! The crystals.
Thethe aliens.
The important thing is he's after Laurie and he'll be in Tucson in a few hours.
You have to stop him.
Wait a minute, where are you? He left me by the side off the road somewhere.
But don't worry.
I'llI'll find a ride.
What do you mean you'll get a ride? You can't get into a car with just anybody Sheriff, I am the last person on Earth who has to worry about getting into a car with strangers.
Trust me.
Just get to Laurie before he does.
Man, look at that! Woah! Oh my God! What? Look at you're doing WaiOkay, wait, wait, let me get this straight.
You said uh, that you used a bottle? Was the cap ON or OFF? Well, I put it on, then it tried to escape.
'kay, but you were heating it the whole time.
And the crystals died once you put the cap on.
Yeah, just after, yeah.
'kay, well.
That's it.
You burned all of the oxygen in the bottle and suffocated it.
Thenthen all we need to do is get the oxygen out of there.
And then THEY die too.
I can't believe she's actually smiling.
What did you say to her? I just listened to her.
What do you think I should call her? Grand-daughter? DNA clone? I'd go with sister.
The whole grand-daughter thing really creeps me out.
I have a sister.
That is so weird.
By the way, Meredith and Bobby are EVIL.
They're EE-VIL!! They PAID Pinecrest to keep Laurie out of their hair.
Can you believe they would ruin her life so that they could live here like rich bastards? Shallow, shallow people.
I think it's kind of a Braveheart night, and tell the kitchen we'll be ready to dine at about 7.
Yes sir.
This phone is for you sir.
Thank you Michael, it's Max.
The crystals can't live without oxygen.
That's how we can stop it.
Well, I got a newsflash for you Maxwell.
There are no crystals around here.
So Laurie's safe? She's under my constant watch.
I'm not even sleeping.
- How are things with you? - Tired.
It's been a long couple of days.
Yeah, tell me about it It's been raining pretty hard here.
Thank you Morale's a little low.
Max, I gotta take another patrol round the perimeter Talk later.
Oh, Carmen.
Can I get some iced tea please? For the both of us? We need a plane.
Pardon me? Sorenson is halfway to Tucson.
We gotta get there before he does.
How do you know this? Listen, we work together or we don't.
You gotta trust me.
We HAVE to get to Tucson now.
I'll call the Arizona Field Office and tell them we need back up.
Agent Duff, there's something you that need to know.
Before this is over, you may see some things you won't be able to explain.
As a matter of fact, you won't WANT to.
You told me once, you appreciated honesty.
Well, here it is.
If you tell the Bureau what we're about to do, you KILL your career.
What are you talking about? You gotta trust me.
You'll follow my lead and be VERY selective with what you put in your final report.
Now get us a plane This fish is delightful.
Michael, isn't this food delightful? It's delightful.
Yeah, this is the first time I've felt at home at this dinner table since my grandfather died.
Chicken's tasty but it's kinda puny.
It's not chicken.
It's squab stuffed with foie gras and black truffles with a pinot noir glaze.
Oh my God, they're using the good crystal.
We have a charity event at the Governor's Residence and it's the staff's night off.
But I've asked them to prepare a full seven-course extravaganza in hopes it will keep you two from snooping around in anymore of our personal effects.
thank you, Mer.
And please keep in mind that you're having your soda pop out of nineteenth century Bavarian Crystal.
I'll keep that in mind Bobby.
Please, God.
Let at least one of them choke on a pigeon bone.
I think she's right.
I'm gonna need another root beer.
Carmen! I think the um, the pint noir glaze is getting me a little dry.
Could you haul over another root beer please? Haul it over.
CARMEN! Michael Could you be a dear and see about the beverage situation? I'm eating.
Hey, I thought you were gonna go get the um Get up What's going on? Take her some place safe right now.
Oh my God.
They're here Laurie, Laurie.
It's alright, I's gonna take care of it.
Take her now.
Okay, what are you gonna do? Just go! Hi, can I just get a ride to Tucson? Help me Laurie! It's stuck! Michael They're back there Back there! GO! Grant! Grant! Hey it's me, Maria DeLuca.
I'm Isabel's friend.
Really, really good friend.
No wait Sorenson! You don't wanna do this Put the gun down and step away from the girl.
Don't let him put me back in the ground No one's going anywhere.
Put the gun down NOW.
I wanna but I can't! You have to stop me! Listen to meWe're gonna help you, I promise.
Just put the gun down.
Good, good.
Now just drop the gun.
Everything will be alright.
No! NO! You have to kill me.
Grant, I'm gonna help you.
I promise, you can trust me.
Look, I'm gonna walk over there.
See? IT's GOT TO STOP! Everybody out! NOW! NOW! Okay, whatever you're gonna do, do it quick! That thing looks pissed! What did you do? Max said they need oxygen to live.
So I just sucked all the air out.
it's over? Guess that depends on what happens to the rest of the crystals.
So this is how it ends Somehow this is NOT how I pictured it.
It was hell of a ride though.
I guess.
I mean, think about it.
We not only MET aliens, but they killed us.
How many people can say that? You're getting delirious, is that it? taketake a step away from your life, Kyle.
You know, I mean, you're part of thisthis amazing thing.
Thisamazing knowledge that you HAVE that 6 BILLION people on this planet don't.
You really want to step out of this cave if it meant that you were gonna be another dumb jock? You know what, I wouldn't.
They're attacking! Oh no!! Theythey'rethey're they're dying.
Dying? They're dying! I mean I'm back! I love you man! I'll tell you what must have happened.
Since Alex and I figured out how to kill the queen, and Max told Michael, Michael must have killed the queen.
So all the crystals died.
And they fell on us cos they're dead.
Which means we must have saved the world! I think our job here is done and I need to take a shower.
Let’s go home!! Come on! Come on! Grab the shovel! Oh God, I'm sorry.
I'm just gonna sit for a while, okay? Just sit here so you're notalone.
So looks like I have two options.
Tell the truth about everything I've seen, or write a false report and commit a felony.
Not very attractive options.
I always took a very legal approach to my job.
If I couldn't put it in a report, or swear to it in a court of law, in MY mind it never happened.
Just walk away? That would be my advice.
Sometimes it's better just to walk away with your victories.
Brave Handsome hero Wounded hero.
I gotta get back to Roswell let Maxwell work on that shoulder.
Alright, whenever you're ready, Spaceboy.
Maria, let me ask you something.
What would you think if Laurie moved in with me? I mean, like we said, she's kind of my sister.
She is.
Yeahbut after all she's been through, she probably needs some peace and quiet.
And a chance to get away from all the alien stuff andif she lived with mewell I'm kinda a magnet for the intergalactic trouble.
What's gonna happen to her? We can't leave her here with these freaks.
Well, that's something we can handle.
All we need is a lawyer.
Ó¢ÎÄ×ÖÄ»ÖÆ×÷£ºmarksman µç¿ÏÂÔØ»ùµØ µÚ14¼¯Íê
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