The Secret Life of the American Teenager s02e15 Episode Script

Loved & Lost

Bonito, you found me.
Maria, I did.
All right, let's just do it.
I'm afraid that if I do, then we'll lose all the progress we've made so far.
Anne still gone? Yep.
You asked her if the baby is yours? I don't know why she got upset, unless it's not my baby.
Where's your mom? Where's Robbie? They're still at Mimsy's.
I still think it's in your best interest to make friends with Amy, and if you keep spying on her, you're not going to make friends with Amy.
I know.
She's cheating on me, isn't she? She's having sex with herself, by herself.
I love you.
I met someone, someone named Jimmy.
Jimmy, huh? He's Mom's high school boyfriend's son.
Dad, if you want Mom back, you better get on the phone.
She's seeing her old high school boyfriend.
I want my son, and I'm going to court to make sure you don't just take off with him ever again.
I'm going to get some kind of legal agreement so that John doesn't just disappear any time you feel like taking off.
I slept with Ricky last night.
We had sex.
What happened? I don't know.
Someone threw something through the window.
That's what the security company said, anyway.
It looks like it was a rock or something.
We have security cameras.
They know what was thrown and who threw it.
They got the guy? The guy? What kind of car does Adrian drive? Oh, no.
Adrian has a bad temper, but she wouldn't do something like this.
A red convertible.
It was Adrian.
Adrian threw a rock through the window? A cell phone, as she shouted "Chupacabra.
" What? It's a devil dog.
Goat sucker.
You been sucking goats? What? By sucking goats, I mean entertaining other girls up in your apartment, girls other than Adrian.
And Adrian found out, huh? Sorry, chupacabra, but you have to pay for the window.
I told our security guys not to call the cops, so that means I can't report it to the insurance company.
How much is it? Then Adrian's paying for the window.
I don't have this kind of money.
You or Adrian, I don't care.
But the window's getting replaced today before the boss man shows up.
So I want the money pronto, chupacabra.
Adrian's number.
No longer in service.
Good morning.
There's nothing good about it.
I'm trying to call Adrian, and her cell phone isn't working.
And I need her house number.
You have her house number? No.
Why would I have her house number? I hardly ever talk to her.
Oh, please.
You do, too.
Not on the house phone.
Is there a problem? Forget it.
I'll see you at school, and Adrian.
I'm taking the day off.
Oh, because Amy's back in town.
You can't avoid her forever, you know.
Ames, he's not going to break up with you.
You know Ben.
He loves you.
Still, he's going to break up with me.
Does he know about the other guy? I don't know.
Does it matter? Ashley.
I just want to get this over with.
Why's she in such a hurry? Ben is breaking up with her again.
And if he does, you be there for her.
Because she'll just fall apart without Ben in her life? Yes.
Maybe she wants Ben to break up with her.
No, she doesn't.
You sure about that? She and Mom are pretty fickle.
Fickle and crazy.
So you better call Mom today before she makes you break up with her permanently.
* Falling in love * * Is such an easy thing to do * * Birds can do it We can do it * * Let's stop talking Let's get to it * * Let's fall in love * You're paying for that window.
Zoe called me and told me she had sex with you.
She wanted me to know.
Why's that? Why would she want you to know? I don't know, but I know you did, didn't you? You slept with her boyfriend before I slept with her.
I slept with her to get back at you for sleeping with her boyfriend.
I slept with her boyfriend a while back, and I slept with him to get back at you for sleeping with all those other girls.
I slept with all those other girls to get back at you for sleeping with all those other guys.
No, you didn't.
You slept with all those other girls just because you could.
You slept with all those other guys just because you could.
That was before.
Before, after, who cares? I care.
I told you I care.
I've done nothing but try to be nice to you, and this is how you treat me? How have you tried to be nice to me? I had sex with you.
Then you're nice to everyone, aren't you? You're paying for that window.
What window? The one that you threw your cell phone through at the butcher shop.
There's no proof.
Maybe I just left my cell phone over there when I was over at your place.
There are security cameras there, Adrian.
Really? Really.
Did they call the police? No, they didn't, but someone has to pay for that window, and it's not going to be me.
Well, it should be you.
I was aiming for your window.
Well, you missed.
What? Yeah.
Don't they have insurance? They have insurance, but if they want to make a claim, they'll have to make a police report.
For what? It was an accident.
It was not an accident.
Yes, it was.
I meant to hit your window.
You know, the little cheap one upstairs.
Whether you meant to hit my window or the window in the butcher shop, it wasn't an accident.
You threw the phone with the intention of breaking a window, and you broke one.
You committed a crime.
I don't have any money.
Then I guess you're going to jail, because I don't have any money, either.
That's where I work, Adrian.
That's where I live.
Bunny and Mr.
Boykevich have done everything for me.
If not for that job and that apartment, I'd have no chance at all trying to get rights to see John.
Oh, that was it, wasn't it? You wanted me fired and kicked out of there.
No, I didn't.
I need the money right away.
They're fixing the window today.
I don't have it.
Get it.
Ask your dad for it.
I can't ask my dad for the money to replace a window I broke because my boyfriend cheated on me because I didn't want to have sex.
Then I'll ask him.
No, you won't.
I will.
You ask him, or I will.
Hey, Ashley.
How are you? I'm okay.
How are you? How's the custody battle going? I just want some guarantee that Amy's not going to take off with John again.
There's no guarantee.
You know that.
Yeah, I know, but I don't want her to be able to just take off with him any time she wants.
She can't do that.
I think she can do that.
She just did do that.
Is your mom back? Still not back? He is your dad's baby, isn't he? Robbie? I have no idea.
You think he is, or he isn't? I don't know, but I know that John's your baby.
Yours and Amy's.
Yeah, well, like you said, it doesn't seem to make any difference that he's my son, too.
That's not what I said.
Are you really going to court? I don't want to, but if I don't, and then Amy moves or takes him away, when he gets older he's going to ask where I was and why I didn't fight for him.
So I think I have to.
I don't have to? Court? You and Amy fighting over my nephew in court? It's just so common.
I think John deserves better than that.
What else can I do? What choice do I have? Gee, Ricky, let me see-- You could just try talking to Amy again.
Adrian doesn't think that will work.
You think she's wrong? I think that you and Ben better make your own decisions when it comes to Amy, and leave Adrian out of it.
That's just my opinion.
Do you mind? This is a private conversation.
Oh, sorry.
Maria? What kind of a name is that? Italian.
Does she look Italian? I heard she's pretty, if that's what you mean.
No, that's not what I mean.
Who told you that? Did Ben tell you that, that she's pretty? No.
Jack told us.
Well, he told me.
When did you start talking to Jack again? Oh, it just happened, when Grace wouldn't have oral sex with him.
And why would he talk to you about that? Yeah, Madison.
Why? I'm a good listener.
I'm a good talker and I'm a good listener.
Why wouldn't he talk to me? What don't I know? According to Jack, this Maria girl just came out of nowhere and jumped Ben on the beach.
And they kind of rolled around together with her hanging on to him.
Yeah, and then they went and talked, over by themselves.
I was talking about you.
You and Jack? Why didn't I know about that? Never mind.
I don't want to know.
I'm not even sure I want to know about Ben.
We figured that Ashley had already told you everything anyway.
I mean, she did, right? How would Ashley know? Ashley was there.
Ashley was where? Wow.
She and Dad still have their little secrets.
Not that I care, because I have a secret of my own.
We heard.
Jimmy? Yeah.
Grocery store? And how did you hear about that? From Griffin.
From Griffin.
I really thought that Ashley would have told her.
Guess not.
So you're back.
I guess I am.
Guess? Yeah.
I guess I'm back.
You're not moving or anything like that, are you? Does it matter to you if I move or anything like that? Ashley told you? Ashley didn't tell me anything.
Why don't you tell me, Ben? Madison or Lauren, did they say anything? About what? Did Ricky say anything? No.
Let's just get this over with.
Break up with me for your friend from Bologna.
Break up with me for all the other reasons you should break up with me.
Can we talk about this later? Let's go someplace after school and let's talk.
No, I want to talk now.
And stop being so kind and considerate because it's not helping.
And just so you know, I have a new boyfriend, and his name is Jimmy.
Hm? So break up with me.
Break up with me and run away with Ms.
Spaghetti Maria Bologna, because I have someone else, too.
I'll call you when you get home.
No, Ben.
Come on.
We both know it's over.
Break up with me.
Right now, Ben.
Right now.
All right, well, I guess we both know it's over, so we'll make it official.
Say it.
Amy, I'm breaking up with you.
Hi, Amy.
Would this be a good time to talk to you? No.
Were you in the hallway when Ben and Amy broke up? No, I wasn't.
I'm glad I wasn't.
I don't want to see anyone hurt.
You want to talk? If you want to talk.
I'm going out with Madison.
What? I know you're not really cheating on me, and I don't want to cheat on you.
I want you to know I'm going to date Madison.
I really like her.
She's a nice girl.
And she likes oral sex.
Okay? If that's what you want to do, then okay.
That's all you're going to say? I like Madison.
I hope you two are very happy together.
What happened? We had sex, and it was great.
We tried something new, and it wasn't so great.
And now you don't care if I go out with another girl? Grace, you just can't hide in your room, doing what I know you're doing, forever.
Maybe I can.
Why would you want to? Why wouldn't I want to? Madison, hi.
I was just talking to Jack, and he told me you two are going out.
and I just wanted to tell you that I'm fine with that.
Not that you need my permission or anything.
I just don't want to lose you or Jack as a friend.
See you.
And I hope we can continue with our dead parents' club.
I really enjoy it.
What was that about? I guess she's okay with us going out.
No, no, she's not.
She couldn't be.
She is.
Why is that? I don't know, Madison, but I'm okay with us going out.
Are you? Sure.
Then let's do it.
I'll call you tonight.
All right.
Hey, I was looking for you.
I don't have majorette practice, so you want to go somewhere and hang out? I can't.
I have a huge test tomorrow.
You want to study at my house? It's my English lit test.
It's a take-home.
I turn it in tomorrow.
Just that? Well, I wanted to ask you about something.
I already know about Jack and Madison.
They're going out.
They're going out? Like, out out? Dating? Yeah.
But we're all still going to be friends.
Why? Why not? He's your boyfriend.
Not anymore.
Yeah, well, I wish I could be like you.
I wish Ricky could see other women and I could just accept that, but I can't.
Ricky's seeing someone? He slept with someone.
You know that girl named Zoe? Sorry.
Who'd you sleep with? Her boyfriend? That was a long time ago.
That was months ago.
Ricky and I aren't what we were months ago.
That's why when Zoe called me and told me she slept with him, I got really upset, and I drove over to the butcher shop, and I threw my phone at his window.
Only I missed, and I hit the bigger window at the butcher shop, so now I owe Wow.
Where am I going to get that kind of money? I don't know.
It costs this much for a window? Yeah, and the thing is Ricky gives all his money to Amy and that stupid baby, so I have to come up with this today, or he's going to go to my dad and ask him for it.
Then you should go to your father first.
Or Maybe you could loan it to me? I mean, if you don't want to, or if it puts you in an awkward position-- I mean, if I had the money and you came to me and asked me for the loan, of course I would, but-- I can't.
I'm sorry.
Good luck.
Got some money for me? No, I don't.
Bunny, here's the thing-- Adrian doesn't have any money, and I could probably get the money if I went to Adrian's dad and told him what happened.
But when I started thinking about it, it's not entirely her fault.
I did the wrong thing, and now I'd like to do the right thing and pay for that window.
I shouldn't have cheated on Adrian, and I pushed her to the limit.
She's been trying really hard, and I haven't.
I want to figure out some way to pay you.
Look, chupacabra, there's no excuse for Adrian breaking a window, so don't try to make excuses for her.
But if you want to pay for the window-- And I don't think you're doing her any favor by doing that, then you go to Mr.
Boykevich, tell him what happened, and work something out with him.
And when you do, just keep in mind that he has a right to call the police and press charges.
I tried to find you after school.
I told you I had to be here on time.
I'm sorry about that.
I didn't know if I was coming to work.
I really need to go over and talk to Amy.
I thought that was over.
Maybe it is, but I don't like the way it ended.
Maybe I didn't do the right thing.
Maybe I should have broken up with Amy before now, before Maria ever came here.
Before I met Maria, even.
But I don't think that was right.
I don't deserve that after all we've been through.
Why don't you just leave it alone? Don't go talking to Amy again right now.
You'll just humiliate yourself.
You have a girlfriend.
She has a boyfriend.
That's it.
It's over.
Just accept it for now.
I don't want it to be over for you, believe me, but when it's over, it's over.
You and Adrian, you guys working things out? She threw her cell phone through that window last night, trying to break my window.
And now she should pay for it, but she can't, so I'm going to have to.
So I'm going to see your father and tell him what happened, and ask him if I can pay for it over time.
But Adrian broke the window.
It's my fault.
It's my responsibility.
I just hate disappointing your dad.
I know how that is.
How much was the window? You have that much money on you? I wasn't asking you for money.
I can't take this.
I want to take it, but I can't.
Go ahead.
It's not a loan.
You can have it.
I don't want your money.
I mean, I want it, but there's n.
And this is about Adrian and me.
This isn't about you and me.
It is about you and me.
My dad wanted you and me to work together because he wanted us to be friends.
So, from one friend to another, take it.
Otherwise, you're going to be earning money that could have been money John could have, and as a friend, I want to confess something-- The thing that's kept me from breaking up with Amy, the real thing, is even though I don't know if I love Amy or if I love Maria, I do know that I love your son.
You love my son? Yup.
It kills me to think I'm not going to see him every day if I break up with Amy.
You sure about breaking up with Amy? I was sure, but Adrian keeps trying to talk me out of it.
You're not staying in the relationship just for John.
Well, maybe.
Maybe we both need legal agreements to be able to see John.
Although I don't think I have a chance in hell of getting that one.
Me, neither.
I'm just doing it because Adrian says to do it.
If neither of us were listening to Adrian's advice about things, what would we do? Who is it? It's me, Tom.
It's Adrian.
Hi, Adrian.
Come in.
Is Grace home? No.
Um, maybe I'll wait.
Yes, wait.
You can wait as long as you want.
You want a soda or something? Yeah.
Come on.
What can I get you? Your wish is my command.
Anything you have will be fine.
Everything I have is yours.
Anything? Anything.
Actually, I came over to ask Grace to reconsider giving me a loan.
I really need a loan.
How much you need? I'll give you some money.
Large bills or small bills? You have that kind of money? Yes, I do.
You know I would never take advantage of you.
I know.
But, if I don't get the money to pay Ricky for something I did, then he's going to tell my dad, and I could be in a lot of trouble.
And besides that, I don't want my dad to know how stupid I am.
You don't have to explain anything.
You want the money, I'll give you the money.
It's just between you and me.
No one else will ever know.
Really? Really.
I love you.
You know I love you.
I've always loved you.
Aw, Tom.
I love you, too.
And I'll pay you back.
I don't know when, but I will.
That doesn't matter.
I want to give you the money.
It's none of my business, that's why.
It's none of your business if Ben's girlfriend shows up from Italy? I had to find out from my best friends.
Yes, you had to find out from someone else, because whatever happens to you and Ben should be between you and Ben, not you and Ben and me or the whole school.
I couldn't wait any longer.
I knew it was going to happen.
I knew he was going to break up with me.
He knew he was going to break up with me.
I just wanted him to say it, and he said it.
We broke up, and it is for real this time.
And I am fine with that.
Why are you fine with that? Because I have no choice but to be fine with that.
Because that is what it is.
Ben Boykevich went to Italy last summer and got himself a girlfriend.
He met a girl.
Of course he met a girl.
He probably met lots of girls.
He didn't go to a monastery in Italy.
Well, he should have.
But he didn't.
He made a friend, a friend who really likes him, but she lives halfway around the world, so it's not a geographically appropriate relationship.
Neither is your relationship with this Jimmy guy.
He may as well be halfway around the world, so neither of you should break up with each other just because you met other people who don't live anywhere near here.
You're not moving for this guy, are you? You and Mom aren't moving because of her old boyfriend and your new one.
I doubt it.
Jimmy is just a guy that I flirted with in the market late at night.
He's a good-looking guy, but I may have slightly exaggerated our involvement.
He asked me out for a pizza, and Mom said I couldn't go, so he gave me his number.
I never called him, and that's about it.
Afraid so.
So you're not even thinking about moving or taking John away? No.
I don't want to move because of a guy.
I would never move John just to be with a guy, and I want Mom to come home.
Any word on that? I've said everything I can say to her.
I told her I'm sorry.
I told her I love her.
I told her how much I want to keep this family together.
I've said everything I can think of to say to her.
I don't know what else to do.
It's two hours away.
Why don't you drive and see Robbie and talk to her? Because I don't feel like driving two hours just to be rejected.
She has to want me.
She has to want to fix this.
She has to say what I said, that she's sorry and loves me and she wants to keep the family together.
Until then, I don't know.
Maybe she would say that to you if she say you.
I doubt it.
I'll just take Moose for a ride instead.
I feel like getting out of here for a while.
I'll be back.
You're right.
He really should go up there.
Of course he's going up there.
You don't think he's just taking Moose for a ride, do you? I kind of feel like going for a ride myself.
Would you watch John? I don't think he'll wake up for a few hours.
Just listen out for him.
I'll do that.
Where you going? To break up with Ben again? Maybe.
I don't know.
I just don't like the way we ended it.
We should have had a conversation in private, like Ben wanted.
Maybe you should go talk to Ricky instead.
What are you going to do about Ricky and his demand for a custody agreement? Obviously, he wants that because he doesn't trust me, and if he doesn't trust me, then I don't trust him.
I'm not giving him anything he wants, especially while he's with Adrian.
His girlfriend hates me, so he can demand all he wants, but I'm not giving him or her anything.
I have the money.
Let me in.
Where'd you get it? I got it.
That's all you need to know.
From a guy? Like I had sex with someone for money? Is that what you're implying? Where'd you get the money? That doesn't matter, does it? I thought you'd be happy that I have it.
I'm not.
And why not? Because I've taken care of it.
I got the money.
Where'd you get the money? From a friend.
That's where I got it.
From a friend.
Well, give it back.
All right.
I'll give it back.
Where'd you get the money? I talked to Ben's dad.
He's going to let me pay it back over time.
Where'd you get the money? I told my dad what had happened, and I told him I was sorry, and I told him I'd work around the house and do whatever I could to pay him back.
Are you lying? Are you? I'm sorry I cheated on you.
I don't want to cheat on you, Adrian.
Good, because I can't take it if you cheat on me again.
I can't.
It's just that Tammy's very much in love with Tom.
We had hoped that maybe, in a few years, they could possibly even get married.
I mean, he proposed to her.
At one time, he wanted to marry her.
I don't know what happened.
I didn't even know they broke up.
Tammy must be heartbroken.
Do you think that it could be a misunderstanding? It must just be a misunderstanding.
She thinks it's because she wouldn't have sex with him.
Oh, hi.
Didn't realize you were in here.
How are you? Grace, Donnie and Adele are here, and they said that Tom broke up with Tammy.
Do you have any idea why he broke up with Tammy? It's not because, uh Tammy wouldn't Oh.
I don't think it would be because of that.
They have phone sex.
Oh, I thought everybody knew that.
They don't actually do anything, though.
They just talk.
What else do you know, Grace, that we might not know? I know Tom really wants to have sex with Tammy, but I don't think he would pressure her to do anything she doesn't want to do.
Tom loves Tammy.
He really does.
He says that he loves her, but that he loves some girl named Adrian more, and he thinks Adrian will have sex with him, so he broke up with Tammy.
Why would he think that, Grace? Why would he think that Adrian would have sex with him? No-- Tom.
You have some explaining to do.
All right.
Let me explain.
I am going to marry Adrian.
I love her, and she loves me.
Adrian loves Ricky, and you love Tammy.
That was before.
Before what? That's for you to know, and me to find out.
Did you give Adrian money? That has nothing to do with it.
Adrian needs a man.
I am her man.
She came to me, and Tammy has never come to me for anything.
So sorry.
I am with Adrian.
The end.
I am going to fix this.
That is, if you want her to fix this.
I'm really happy you didn't go home.
Our fathers are getting along very well.
They are.
I'm starving, aren't you? I'm a little hungry, yes, but I forgot because I was having such a good time.
Betty is a very funny woman.
I love Betty.
Yeah, me too.
I've been wanting to kiss you for hours.
Me too, but I don't want to get into any trouble with your dad.
You're not going to get in any trouble.
He knows I kiss you.
It's okay.
I'm Amy.
You must be Maria.
Is nice to meet you, Amy.
I've heard a lot about you.
I wasn't expecting you.
I just wanted to apologize for today.
I didn't want to leave things like that-- Not after everything you've done for me.
I just wanted to say thank you, and good luck, and I hope we can still be friends because I know John will miss you.
I hope you'll still come over to see him.
That's all I wanted to say.
Good night.
It was nice meeting you, Maria.
I look forward to meeting the new guy in your life, too, Amy.
I'm sure Jimmy's a really nice guy.
Good night.
You didn't tell me you broke up with her.
I do have to go back.
I go back tomorrow.
I know, but it was time, I guess.
And you will go and visit John, like she said? I might.
I see.
So she uses the baby not only to keep Ricky around, but you, too? Maybe I should have a baby.
Maybe you should have my babies.
Oh, some day.
Until then, you will be visiting Amy and her baby.
I don't know, Maria.
I don't know anything.
All I know is it's really not easy having a relationship with a woman who has a baby with another man, and I don't think I can do it anymore.
You don't need to do it anymore.
You need to move to Italy.
I can't move to Italy.
That is why I asked to come out here, away from our parents, so my father can talk to your father and Betty about you.
We want you to return with us to Bologna, where we can get engaged and have beautiful sex, and in a few years, get married and own our own sausage factory.
I don't think I could run a sausage factory, and I don' t- I can't move to Bologna because I'm still in high school.
Then my father will not do business with your father.
I'm kidding, I'm kidding, my bonito.
But when you can, you come to me in Bologna.
You come and see me as soon as you can, because I will miss you.
* She just wants to dance, dance, dance, dance, dance * * She don't want a man * Oh, I didn't know I had company.
Your mom let me in.
I tried to call you, but you didn't pick up your phone.
I brought the movie listings, so we can plan our date.
What night did you want to go out? Any night.
I don't care.
But we're still going out, right? Of course.
I just wanted to make sure.
I mean, you've never really taken me on a date before.
Well, no, but we've kind of dated.
Well, not really.
I mean, we've kind of had sex, but we haven't kind of dated.
What's going on? I feel as if you're dating me because Grace won't have sex with you, and I will have sex with you.
True, but I do like you.
I really do, Madison.
I like you a lot.
All right.
I just-- I don't really think I want to go out.
It makes me feel too pressured to have sex.
But we were having sex before.
Yeah, but I don't really want to have sex as much as I want to have a boyfriend, and I don't think you're going to be my boyfriend.
If we're not having sex, no.
Then I'd be having the same problem I was having with Grace.
I thought you liked what we were doing.
Not that much.
I mean, the sneaking around added a lot to it, but we're not sneaking around anymore.
So you don't want to go out? No.
All right, well, thanks for the personal rejection.
You're welcome.
You want to dance? Dance dance, or is that a code for oral sex? Dance dance.
Okay, I may as well.
* She don't want a man * * She just wants to dance * * On the dance floor * * Grace, what are you doing here? Your dad let me in.
I would have called, of course, but you threw your phone through the butcher shop window, so now you don't have it, or it's not working, or maybe you're just not answering your phone because you got what you wanted so you don't need to talk to anyone.
Would you be quiet? My dad's home.
And I wasn't answering my phone because I was with Ricky.
Oh, well, I wouldn't want to involve your dad in your problems.
I wouldn't want to involve any of your family members in your problems, or my family members.
Go on.
Did you borrow money from Tom? No, I didn't.
I didn't borrow money from Tom.
I took money from Tom.
He gave it to me.
That is so low.
I know.
It was wrong, and that's why I'm giving it back.
Look, here.
I shouldn't have taken it, but I was desperate.
I came over to see you-- You, my best friend-- And your brother offered to help me out.
And I shouldn't have taken advantage of him.
No, you shouldn't have because now you have to marry him.
Marry him? Yeah, he thinks you're going to marry him, so he broke up with Tammy.
I told him I love Ricky.
I didn't tell him to break up with Tammy.
He did it anyway.
That was his decision because I didn't promise him anything, and I'm giving him back the money, so I don't owe him or anyone else anything.
No, I think you do.
I think you owe me an explanation, and I think you owe Tom an apology.
Good night.
I'll call you.
Well, how? How are you going to call her? Do you have a cell phone? Yeah, I have a cell phone.
It's just not working at the moment.
What happened? Um, I, um dropped it.
Where? In the butcher store.
Dropped it, or threw it through the window? Okay, I threw it through the window, but Dad, I was just angry, okay? I wasn't thinking.
I went over there to yell at Ricky, but he wouldn't answer his phone, so I figured he was probably with someone, so I made a mistake, and I shouldn't have thrown my phone.
Yeah, you did make a mistake.
I was just jealous, but he's the one who's making me jealous.
He's sleeping with other girls, and this time, he did it because I wouldn't have sex with him.
Because? Because I want a commitment.
I want to get serious.
I want a future with Ricky.
Do you? I do.
You want to marry him? Yes, I want to marry him.
How are you going to do that when you're not allowed to be around his son? How are you going to do that when you're not on speaking terms with his son's mother? If you really love this guy and want a future with him, go over to Amy's and make up with her.
Not that again.
Okay, why? Why would I do that? I hate her.
It doesn't matter.
If you love Ricky, you're stuck with Amy, so you have to learn to get along with her.
She has to feel comfortable with the idea of you being around the baby.
She has to accept you into their family.
Yes, Adrian.
They're a family.
Her and Ricky and John, they're a family.
Ew, no, they're not a family.
They are, and you're not going to be a part of it until you make her comfortable with the idea of you and Ricky being around John together.
How did we turn Ricky cheating into my having to be nice to Amy? Maybe Ricky keeps cheating on you because he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you, because being in a relationship with you jeopardizes his relationship with his son and with his son's mother.
I think he loves you.
I really think he loves you.
But I don't think he'll ever commit and stop seeing other girls until you make peace with Amy.
Am I getting through to you at all? All I did was break a window.
Oh, yeah.
That's right.
I forgot.
You did break a window.
What are you doing with my keys? I'm taking them.
You're not driving.
I have to go to school.
Okay, so I'll drop you off, if you go talk to Amy.
Okay, so if I don't, I don't have to go to school? Adrian.
What? If you don't, you can walk or you can take the bus.
Why do I have to make you do the right thing? Do the right thing.
Well, I enjoyed the dancing and the other stuff.
Me, too.
So we still going out? Mm, I don't know.
I'll have to think about it.
You know, if you're just going out with me so we can do this-- Not just this.
We can go out to dinner and the movies, and anything you want.
And this.
I'll think about it.
What? Come on, let's go out.
Good night.
Madison, come on.
Let's make some plans.
We just did what we did.
We can go out.
Yeah, but if I'm going to do this, I can probably go out with other guys, so I'm going to have to think about it.
Good night.
Keep dancing.
Hi, Jack.
I can't talk right now.
I have a family emergency.
What's wrong? Is it Tom? Tom and Adrian.
I have to go.
Way to go, Tom.
* Dance, dance, dance * * She don't want a man * * She just wants to dance on the dance floor * Tom, you have to call Tammy.
Call her? She's not going to have phone sex now.
Call her and apologize and tell her you love her.
But I don't.
What? You were going to marry Tammy.
You were going to stay a virgin.
I wish I had.
Too late.
But I still got something with Adrian.
It's great seeing Robbie.
What about me? It was great seeing you, too.
I'm really happy that you drove up here.
Me, too.
But I guess I better get going.
Do you want to go back with me? I can give you a ride back to the house.
We haven't resolved anything.
We can't resolve anything with you living in assisted care with Mimsy.
I like living in assisted care.
I'm the youngest woman here, and there's lots of assistance.
Why don't you allow me to assist you, my lady? Do you remember we came home from our first date when you were pregnant with Robbie and I called you that? My lady? Yeah, I remember.
Okay, well, let's go, Moose.
Thanks for coming.
Hey, you got any idea if Ricky's going home soon? No.
I need to talk to Amy alone.
Want me to ask Ricky to leave? No, don't do that.
I'll wait.
But the brownies are getting cold.
I'll take those.
They're for Amy.
I'll save her a couple.
Maybe she could come out here.
You want me to tell her, in front of Ricky, that you want her to come out here? No, forget it.
Why do you need to talk to Amy? I want to tell her I'm sorry about her and Ben, and I think that maybe we should be friends.
I want to be her friend.
Oh, really? Really.
I want to be Amy's friend.
You really are in love with Ricky.
Yeah, I really am.
You know what else I think? Maybe, for the first time, I really understand that in a single moment, a person can make one wrong decision and it can affect the rest of their life.
Amy and Ricky had sex, and I broke a window.
Yeah, well, I bet you got more satisfaction out of your bad decision than they did.
Let me get that.
I was going to get that.
He just got all fussy.
I got it.
I'll help you.
You don't need to stick around and pretend like you want to help clean up.
I know you want to talk.
I know you want some kind of agreement, and I've been thinking about that, about what you said.
Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too, and I'm soy.
I'm sorry I even brought it up.
It's just that when you left town without telling me, I got scared I was never going to see John again.
I get scared that you'll take off and you'll never see John again.
You're interested in seeing him now, but maybe some day, you'll change your mind.
Maybe you'll want to move around and you won't be here to take care of him.
No, I'm not going to do that.
What if you got the chance to go to Alaska and make a million dollars, driving on the ice roads, but you'd have to be gone for six months? I don't like the cold.
But what if you get a scholarship to Julliard, and you take off for New York, and you take John with you? If anything like that ever happens, then we'll sit down and we'll talk about it and figure out what's best for John.
And us.
So you're acknowledging that there is an us? Yeah.
I guess it's time we both realized that we are a family, even though you and I are not a couple.
So when you broke up with Ben I broke up with him, or he broke up with me.
We broke up with each other.
It's been coming for a while.
I still like him, and he's been in John's life all this time.
I still want him to see John if he still wants to see John.
So do I.
He's my friend, Ben.
He's a good guy.
He is a good guy.

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